Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 05, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Tear.
- 85 eta. BOBth by KtM
Prepaid In Advance.
( No Papers Seat W
Time is Oat.
VOIi. 6.
NO. 285.
A good assortment from cheap to best grades. We buv
for CASH and sell for CA.SH, and '
From 15 to 25 percent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
when you want OilTJlothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hats, wool and iur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'liSt.
Ed. C. Cross,
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Itctnil
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
SmokedlMcatsof a IKiiids
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OF.FIGE.OberhQim Block, up stairs,, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
CHURCHILL1 Piimps, Ptimps,Peimp
jj- r 103
BURROUGHS) State Street.
la experienced when you get your teeth extr act ed or filled by
DR CONTRIS, as he uses the Hale method. Gold or for
ceL crownlnseited. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
. Over Gray Bros,
KTz-vrxr T iTT.RT
&nd More Coming.
The Neu)?si, Most Attractive
Bee our Mammoth Block orryoubuyu penny's worth, as we can please
yoabe8tofaUlndCau8urely6aveoumo,.ey SAljISBURY.
.wt-t? STABLES
Completed aud ready to wait on customers. fiffiwlid'tovj '"
at reasonable prices. We keep a '"" "gtal inns i this county, for service.
m. .ii o..r.1H. AUo keen the finest otai"""" u . nYAN & CO.
at reasonable prices, we h Hiiinns
meet all demnds-. Also keen the finest Stains
Barn and residence a uiuc d.iu... . .-
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very best of meata at all times,
nd thn best of service.
-Oppo8ite Wade's Store.
Steamer flltona
.J" feH-,JBSffi?dS
1:30 p.m.
RRTiTnMiwn Portland TU6a7,
Thnndnys and Saturday at fl a. m-
Vsm tlraa for pmener service; n0 w '
r&ndlnB freight handled.
. ROUND TIUP (nnUmtted) ROO. One war,
vor freleht rate and Urk'U apply ".V
a Pntr
WiAiVv-A .
X ixaiuvw
xr llfRT.
j,. "i:;:l.
President Garfield's form at Mentor
has been divided up into building lots.
Take care of what you say before a
wall, as you cannot tell who is behind it.
The savings bank deposits in New
Hampshire have risen from $41,680,183
in 1884 to $77,034,883 in 1803.
In the year 760 A. D., Pope Paul I sent
the only clock in tho known world as a
present to Pepin, king of Franco.
There are few people who can pay a
just debt without acting as if they were
conferring a favor. Atchison Globe.
The name "Brazil" means "red wood"
or "land of the red wood." Tho original
discoverer called it "tho land of the holy
Breathing through the nose is tho only
proper way to sleep. If you awako in
the night and find your mouth open, get
up and shut it.
The family with tho longest known
pedigree is that of Confucius, which
forms tho aristocracy of China. Con
fucius lived 550 years B. C.
The earthen lamp used by Epictettis,
the philosopher, was sold for 3,000
drachmas soon after the death of that
worthy in the year 101 A. D.
Not less than 1,600 people wero tram
pled to death in the crowds which gath
ered at tho feto given in colebration of
the marriage of Louis XVI of Franco,
Juno 21, 1770.
Tho $15,000,000 in gold borrowed dur
ing the Baring crisis in 1600 from the
Bank of France was returned by the
Bank of England a few months later in
the very kegs in which it came.
J. H. Hart, curator of the royal bo
tanic gardens, Trinidad, has recently re
turned from a visit to Central America,
after having successfully transported
thither no less than 85,000 plants of
Trinidad cocoa.
An old law, which had been forgotten,
requires all ships leaving tho port of
Now York to carry a small cannon, two
projectiles and 500 yards of line, so that
in caso the snip should be beached the
crew would bo able to communicate
n-ith thn nhnrfi. Allfiailinpmastfirahnve
received notice to comply with tho law.
Survival of the Socially Fittest.
The benefits of co-operation in the de
velopment of man aje too well recog
nized to bo denied. Physically weakt-r
than many of the nnimals that surround
ed him, he could not long have survived
in a struggle for existenco against them
had he been forced to continue that
struggle alone. Nor could he havo at
tained the mental development upon
which so much of his success has de
pended without contact with his fellows.
The most important, if not the necessary,
condition of man's success in the strug
gle for existence is Eociety. Social growth
hor.nmea nossible only through the sur
vival of the socially fit. In an advancing
society this process must ever tend to
ward tho production and preservation of
the "ethically best."
Recognition of the rights of others ha
been equally as important in the evolu
tion of man as self assertion. Indeed, it
may bo claimed that under the condi
inna nt Rnfiinl life it is a necessary con-
tminf o of self assertion. Men could
not live long together unless they recog
nized the right of each to hit own and
respected it. The survival of a society,
like tho survival of the individuals com
posing it, becomes possible only through
adaptation to the necessary condition
u n,i u will not be denied br Pro
fessor Huxley that morality is essential
to social well being. Popular Science
The Value of DrmwlDf-.
Mr. Thomas Woolner, It. A., tells how
Mr. Nasmyth of steam hammer fame
once gave him an illustration from per
sonal experience of the value of drawing.
Mr. Nasmyth waa traveling in Norway,
and one day in a wild, out of the way
place reached an inn, very hungry, but
unable to make the hostess understand
his wants by anythinghe could say. He
,. mtiBidcrublv perplexed till be hap
pily thought of his pencil. He then care
fully drew a dish in perspective, with
steam rising from it. Beside this he
drew a plate, with a knifo and fork, and
on the other side of the dish a bottle and
When he bad completed this diagram
of his wants, the face of the hostess
brightened, and she at once left him to
u'8 . . ' .... TT tl.-n urenl for a
execute ins aesigu. - "-".-stroll
and on returning found the pic
S complete. There was the bottle
with wineglass beside it; the plate.knife
and 5k, and tho dish covered. So a,
soon as he sat down mine hostess ifted
?he cover, displaying a fine hot fowl that
nt forth acloudof .team.-Londoa
I Tit-Bits.
Dolph of
Oregon Dis
. Hawaii.
Democratic Papers Denounce
the Jllessago.
J, lie ". V!r
n. V. MaTT""-'
r ni I t.iMiltla
Relieved me of "JgTwout
,t hai cXuenyKg out by the
?aL After S& W phjda?
handiuL Alter iryius a cure la
X X.nU.aUr.lT.e.ubUwdUr.
1 sSWsfffi
How the Union Pacific can be Turned
Over to Uncle Sam.
Boston, Dec 5.--Tho news bureau
suggests the following reorganization
plau for the Union Pacific: The Union
Pacific stockholders to surrender tbe
majority control of property to the
government, wuicb can bo represented
by seven directors out. of twelvo, one
director to be appointed each year or
bold life positions, subject to removal
tor cuse, to bavo a liberal salary and
uo other occupation.
The government to Issue $300,000,000
three per cent bonds at par, take up all
Union Pacifio.bonda at average market
valuation of three years, eudlng Janu
ary 1, '94, pay the government debt
which the United Btatea treasury
will soon bo called upon to pay In
full, and leave there from 150,000,000
to $100,000,000 of these bonds In tbe
treasury of tho Uulon Pacific, half of
which could be used for raising the
nrnnertv to a nroner standard for a
Kovermneut mad, and half remain in
tho treasury for future developmenti-,to
make these bonds' perpetual at 3 per;
cent, and permit them to be used at
par as a basis for national bank circu
lutlou. American Press Opinion.
Chicago Times (Dein.) severely con
demns the president position on the
Hawaiian question, and saya be Is to
be congratulated on tho astuteness with
which he has laid out the lines of re
treat from an unpopular and untenable
position. Tuegeueral tone of the com
ment is very unfavorable.
New York World (Dem.) The mes
sage an a whole, will not add greatly to
Mr. Cleveland's fame as a writer or
leader, Is a sensible, sincere, patriotic
Portland Oregonlan, Hap: To "re-
Htore the status existing at tbe lime of
our forcible Intervention" may mean
only to withdraw the recognition given
the provisional government, or it may
mean to replace and maintain the
queen upon her throne by force. The
first Is wholly within the right of tbe
president, the latter would exceed bis
constitutional power and give a severe
shock to our Republican sentiments
and national traditions. He would
bave relieved mucb public anxiety.
Khared by many who wish him well,
by stating the exact nature and llmlta
of his Instructions to Willis. His fall
ure to do so leaves the publlo to dts
ex vet what he ordered done by the
event, and himself to endure severe
popular censure, If It shall transpire
that lie couitmindtd American trooj
m make war upon a popular govern
ment In a friendy nation and set up a
n-Jected monarchy. The reticence f
the nutsage Inspires belief that Mr,
Cleveland hliucelf has reason to awnll
news from Hono ulu with anxiety.
8t Luls G obe-Democrat. (Kep.)
fi Is on the whole a clear, well-wrlllen
....! i nintK Ike document, and, ex
cept on the Hawaiian and llver ques
tions, will prove n riy eaiuwciury i
he country. The Hawaiian matter 1
lestioed to make trouble for the ad
ministration, and Mr. Cleveland ap
Kara to have a f-rebodlng of this, but
he proposes to adhere to the policy
which he ha marked out. IIU view,
on the flnaneUhiufnllon aro wise.
"Washington News.
WabhinotoN, Dec. 6 -The Hlate
Depar ment to Inclined to queatlou the
ccuaoy of the purported Interview
with Mr. Willi, advice of which were
rrcelvtdywt rdy via Port Tow U4end.
The general drift of opinion among
rwnr.tlo members of the Hu e
"""" . . . . hi .. i.u
larui I'm wu ww
In Oongross.
Washington, Dee. 6. Tho eenato
opened with a light attendance In tbe
galleries and on the floor. Dolph pre
sented a petition of tho Oregon horti
cultural society favoring maintenance
of present duty on prunex. After
morning hour the senate took up Ha
waii, and Dolph of Oregon spoke
against the president's proposed action.
The house met with a light attend
ance. Twenty thousand copies of the
president's message were ordered
The joint resolution to confirm bora
fide entries of land in the Millo Lata
reservation passed. Tho antl-opClon
bill will bo pressed to tho House this
This atternoon the House wont into
committee of the whole on .the bank
ruptcy bill.
Tho sonate passed, with slight
amendments, house joint resolution
appropriating f 50,000 for tho employ
ment of additional deputy collectors of
Internal revenue, to aid In tho execu
tion of the Chlnso exclusion act.
Highest of nil In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Aftor Information.
Washington, Dee. 5. Senator Hoar
has offered a resolution requesting the
prf sldeut to commuulcato to tho senate
copies of Instructions relative eo Ha
waii, bo far as not Inconsistent with
publlo Interests. The resolutions went
Trust Dissolved.
Chicago, Dee. G. It has been de
cided todlssolve tbe window glass trust.
Great Strike Settled.
Bethi.khkm, Pu., Dec. 6. There Is
every reason to believe that the Lehigh
strike will bo settled this afternoon.
A Long Orulso.
New Yoiik, Dee. 6. Tho U. 8. rev
enue cutter Grant is oil today for a 14,
000 mile crulso. She has stores to last
six months and Is bound for Ban Fran-
cIbco, Her eventful destination Is to
patrol In the North Paclflo audtfuget
College Town Burned.
Ckdau IUi'iDS, Iowa, Dee. 5. It Ib
reported that tbe wholo town of Mount
Vernon Is destroyed by fire,
Want Delay.
BATvriuonn, Md., Dee. 6. -Many
merchants here aro rlgnlng a petiilon
asking that If the tanirblil Is passed It
bo not put into operation until July 1st.
John havage, Sr., Hurt.
Ae John Savage, Hr,, was going up
Htalrs or the Hush block this afternoon
be sustained a severe fall to the bottom
ol the stalrs,cuttltig his forehead badly.
He was picked up and cared for by
John Savage, Jr., of the Oregon Truck
& Dray Co. He was nearly uncon
scious from the fal) but is not seriously
The Administration Leader.
Washington, D;c. 6,-fl,,nttor Voor'
how. will Iihvo chargeof the tariff bill
In tbe senate.
"Malaria" did not succeed in Berlin.
Jessie Nordica, niece of Lillian, re
cently joined "Tho Algerian" company.
Reginald do Koven had to give up go
ing to concerts. Tho lights hurt his
Tho farce comedy called "Pcck'a Bad
Boy" U now perpetrated by two com
panies. "School of Acting, Children n Special
ty," is a sign exhibited on a building in
Will S. Rising, who did not commit
suicide, Is making a collection of obitu
ary notices of himself.
Iloslna Yokes' company, without Ro
dna Yokes, has been playlnjf in tho west
as the London Theater Comedy company.
Marie Sinrtott, who was a member of
Augustln Daly's company, announces
that she has J6ined that of tho New York
Julia Arthur has a sister, Nettle Mar
tin, In the "Prodigal Daughter" com
pany. where ahe is the understudy for
three people.
Minnie Maddern Fiske recently ap
peared In Boston in the play written for
ber by Ilarriaon Grey Fitke and called
Heater Crowe."
Tbe latest thing in theatrical advertis
ing U tho appending medallions to the
neckaof stray cat. The medallions bear
the name of a current comedy.
ms tot that ihB tariff bill rnu,
d, siMiHaHogtryw-rlble.
HendnuurMs for all daily par", al
j.WuneU'-lt ftfflw M i..w.
Opinions on tho Message.
Washington. D. O., Dee. 6. The
views of tho members of both houso,
concerning the president's message, are
freely expressed. Es-Speakor Heed
said: "It lsexceedingly disappointing,
both in matter aud manner. That part
of the message which relates to tariff,
awovoratta that house committee In
otmrge of that subject has formulate!
plans and devised methods for taxation
which as a member of thooimmUUe
I have not oven heard propwo.1. It I
rather an unusual sonsation to learn of
deeds done by a committee, not in the
committee room, but from tho proal
dent of tho Uultod Statoi. Ilis-that
committee ooaaed, in form, to be com
poswd of botb parties, and has It with
out even tho formality of saying a word
in open committee, Informed the presi
dent of Its determination In such a way
that tbo president can ofllolally com
municate It to the bouse? How long
has tt been a part of our system that a
committee of an Independent branoh
and abovo all tho ways and moans com
mittee, which controls tho national
purse, shall report to cougress through
the president? Is this a result of the
rumored blending of the appointive
with tho leglslatlvo power ? It Is bad
enough to have tho tariff bill niado up
by a llttlo colerlo, but to have it com
muulcatcd to the president boforo it
roaches even the committee, and still
less the bouse, shows a determination
to be moved by no facta and modified
by no arguments, which makes appar
ent the absurdity of appointing Repub
licans on tho committee of ways' and
meanB at all.
Mr, Bprlngor approved tho referonoo
to Hawaii, as the only conrao consist
ent with International honor and com
ity. Gear, of Iowa, says that tho presi
dent gives away tbe ways and means
committee on tbo Incomo tax, that ho
will restore Lllloukalanl, and that he
agrees with Hanoock that the tariff Is
a local Issue.
Boutello, of Maine, said that It waa
the first executive document which
charges a United States minister with
malfeasauce aud treason.
D.ilzell, of Pennsylvania, says that
portion touching on the tariff, shows
no facts that will have weight with
tariff reformers.
. Palmer, of Illinois, says tue presi
dent's Impression is very wide of the
mark regarding fraudulent pensions.
Merrill, of Vermont, says tho presi
dent's Indorsement of a tarlfl bill not
yet acted upon In committee Is unex
pected and remarkable.
Mitchell, of Oregon, waa surprised to
learn that the restoration of Queen LIU
uokalaul la really contemplated.
Dubois, of Iowa claims the message
Is laoklng In force, strength and Americanism.
Jone, of Nevada, sy.,hero U wo
hope for silver while tbe present admin
istration is In power.
Bhoup, of Idaho, was disappointed at
the marked absenco of any recommon-
datlon of the recognition of silver,
INDUNAI'OUS, Due, 4.-I3x.Presl-
dent H trrlaon declined to talk on the
message, "Tho Impropriety of an ex-
president dlscuulng publicly I he presi
dent's message " said he, Is very pal-
nable and I do not care to do so. I am
u Republican and President Cleveland
Is r Demorat, consequently we dlller
radically In views and opinions and his
suggestions and recommmidatlous are
not In accordance with my ideas, i
notice, however, he goes down tho lino
of the departments aud treats of them
fully. IU length too, Is greater than
the average message."
niHTISII OPINION. Dally News to
day says of Cleveland's message: it
wuwtl I worlhv of the national oriMs
u which It was delivered,
The Chronicle sayn, In reference to
JlraKll and the Iiehrlug sea, Micro U
nothing hut what might haveU-cu
fathered by I'resldeut Harrisoii. II I
Ions aro at present on his Bide.
The Tolcgraph says: That portion
of tho measago which displays Presi
dent Clevolrtnd at bis best Is lu his ref
oronco to Huwall. Such frank noss and
honesty of admission of mistake, and
tho declaration of his Intention tore
verse it refleoto tbe highest possible
credit uppn tho president aud Indirect
ly upou the nation also.
Tho Times cominutiu Buy: Thoso
portlnus of the message bearing upon
foreign affairs are conceived lu a high
ly credltablo spirit, and considering tho
chauvinism of our American kinsfolk?,
It Is moro credltablo that tho president
has frankly admitted tho wrong dons
to Hawaii. Air. Cleveland would
doubtless bo inclined to go a good deal
further than the WIIbou bill, but rec
ognized no obstaolo to progress caused
by and deficit In It. The Wilson bill
would benefit tho American worklng
mon and place manufacturers upon
something like a lovol with their for
elgn competitors. Whether these
'changes In the long run will benefit:
British Industry and trade Is doubtful.
Nebraska Fallsres.
Guand Island, Dec, 5, As a conse
quence of tho failure of tho Cltlaseca
National bank, the Grand Island Can
ning and Grand Island Cigar manufac
turing company, and the firm of Arch
er & Baker or signed this .morning. No
statement la made.
Olty Election.
Union, Or., Dec. 6. Tho city elec
tion yesterday resumed !n mayor, W.
T, Wright; councllmcn, F. E, Foster,
13 W. Dayla and A. Levy recorder, J,
M. Carroll; marshal, Wm. Porter; treas
urer, A. N, Gardner; coramlsklonerof
streets, Illuhard Blater,
Ban Fkanoisoo, Dee. 6. Wheat,
Di. $1,074
Chicago, Dee. 6. Cam, 02.
Poiitland, Dee. 8. Wheat valley
f.02; Walla Walla 1 .82.
Catarrh Cannot bs Cured
with Local Applications, as thoy can
not reach tho seat of the disease Cat
arrh Is a blood or constitutional disease,
aud In order to cure It you mutt take
Internal remldlcs. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken Internally, aud acts directly on
the blood and mocous surfacw, Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
it waa prescribed vy one or me oaai
physlcausln this country for y core, and
in a regular nrescrlntlon. It is com nos
ed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers. Ruling oi
reotly on the mocous surfaces. The
nnrfoot comblhstlon of the two incrcdl-
entslswhat produces such wonderful
results in curing uatarrn. oenu tor
testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.
Toledo, O. Bold by druggists. Prlco 75o.
ruw ttit Ifenrv Irving has been
idaylng. was to have been produced by otherwise with reference to Hawaii.
Lawrence Barrett, who bought tiie.Iq regard to rrforra tarliT the Chronicle
American rights to It lefore his death. JMVi, While President Cleveland will
Rkhard Strauss' new symphony la P bave the god wUhesof every bound
takes 60 mlnutw in the performance. It eoonomUt la the battle be has begun, U
U about as exasperating In that respect wo0d premature to regard It as !
u Rnblnstrin's "Dramatic" symphony. J feady woiJt j lU8 yt bUal.
Tou Know
that you can secure al
most imraodiato relief
from Indigestion, and
that uncomfortablo full
ness aftor meala, by Blm
ply taking a dose of Sim
mons Liver Regulator?
Borao peoplo think that
bocauao it is called Liver
Regulator it haa nothing
to do with Indigestion
and tho like. It is tho
inaction of tho Liver that
causes Indigestion, and
that fullncaa: also Con
stipation, and thaw Dil
ioua Headachca. Millions
havo been mado to under
stand this and havo been
curod from thsoo troubles
by Blmmona Livor Regu
lator a, medicino unfail
ing and purely vegetable
From Hv.)&B,Whrt4Mi.)i)tMar.lM
"It affords ms vl" w i Jr
Urtr Rsulter..IU 4,sFi2K!5
moor to ihs ns vtniMW ?
..n.d i. mm .nnvrmiL
tins ot ihs thBH- ft wtams
wltlitt, m oialdnUroJwaw.r2y
veara. ana rturira i m ihv
dww ualTswi wiaB.aUoi.