Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 02, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    r"iOLK'' -
.'i i
ssocfated Press Dally News
85 ct. a moath. by Mall
Prepaid In Advance
No P&pora Sent Whea
TIrao Is Oat.
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 284.
m sboes m
A goocl assortment from
for CASH and sell for CASH, and
Prom 15 to 25 percent,
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Eubber
Hatn, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com! St.
Ed. C.
K. Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OiFFJCE, Obexneim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETOF, Gen'l J gent.
CHU RCH I LL1 Piimps, Piiraps.Piimp
SB 103
BURROUGHS) State Street.
Is experienced when you get your teeth J," fiJL
DR. CONTRIS, as he uses the Hale method. Gold or por
celain crown inserted. All kinds of plate work done. Bndge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
, ' Over Gray Bros.
Now Here
Holiday Goods
Tfie Neu)?si, Most Attractive,
Bee our Mammoth Stock before you buy a penny', worth, as we can plea,
you beat of all, and cau surely Bavemm & SaLISBURY.
Completed and reody'to wait on customew. HgBnW'piwSto
.LLhiinri. We keep a full line 01 . i rui , ' , for service.
mertrtl deSaMST Also km .the 'WiK AN A CO.
Horn nnH rnldence 2 block BOUtlJ Of pOSlOnice. -
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
Tbe very best of meats at all ltn&,
nd the best of Bervlce.
i-Oppoaite Wade'a Btor.
Steamer flltona
Leaves BoUt'. doe MWAJKSE&K
d frldaya 7:29 a. m., arrtvlo roro.
'ItETURNlNO, leaves PortUnd TuU7,
Famine for paweiyrer eexvlee; no war
brtlng freight handled. .t
Ground tmp (onUmiiwi) tun n w.
' -MBAW as OENTa-
iror rr.tbt rates and V lUm
U,Wrlf4Oo.,UoUnabloc. "
MR !
cheap to best trades. Wo hnv
on all your purchases.
Wholesale and Retail
Denier in Fresh, fealt and
Smokcd9Icats;of a IKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
More Coming.
J.H. AX."?'
WA.VWW-. .
a nnatrv
Capilal National Baok
made. K-cbiDfe bought a
pnnapi ... j M MARTI".
I, vAnwt W. A
nr a PrilCf.
r. m. v rri rf
" w i
XlV, Matthews,
Legal JJlanJc Publishers.
Men Earned to Death on Do
railed Cars,
A llailroad President's Private
Car Demolished.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 2. A bad
wreck oeurred on the Lehigh Valley
roid at White Haven this morning.
Thirty care were piled up against a
bouse which was built close to the
track. Several buillings took fire, but
were extinguished. It 1j thought at
least three men are burned to death in
the wreck.
Miles of Wreckage.
Greenbridqk, N. J., Dee. 2. An
engine on the Lehigh road going east
this morning overtook a coal train.
The engineer reversed the lever and he
and the fireman jumped. The engine
started back at a terriflo speed. At
Phillipsburg it crashed Into president
Wilburs private car and pushed it back
two miles to South Eiston, Penna.,
where it collided with the engine draw
ing the loaded coal train. Wreckage
was strewn all along the traok for
miles. The crew of the runaway en
gine has not been found.
An Emissary In Trouble.
Denver, Dec. 2. Von Qratta, sup
posed to be a secret emissary, of Presi
dent Dole, of Hawaii, to President
Cleveland, Is In the city still.
The Bait Lake officers, who want to
take Von Gratta back to that city to an
swer to the serious chance of fraud,
presented the papers to Governor Walte
today, but that executive -refused to
grant aquisition, on technical grounds.
Nicaragua Canal.
Nicaragua, Dec. 2. President Zel
era denies ttoat be has given instructions
to abrogate the canal treaty. This
power rests with congress, and becould
not abrogate the treaty if be wished to.
He has simply telegraphed the repre
sentative of bis government at Wash
ington to know what arrangement
can be made for the early persecution
of the work. The president says he
has heara that British and German
syndicates will make propositions to
hlr government, but he knows nothing
of them officially.
Anarchist Arrested.
Va&ladoud, Dec 2 The police
have arrested the noted anarchist lead
er Alousa and a woman, JosefaGreu
arde. They found in their rooms Im
portant documents and llsta of the
names or anarchists conneoted with or
the actual accomplices of persons en
gaged iu the Barcelona outrages, tp
gether with much anarchist literature
and a quantity of explosives. The po
lice are searching for tne persons men
tioned in the lists.
Pa mi Dee. 2. A dnjl was fought
y sterday between Etieune, member of
the chamber of deputies, aua Miiieraua,
socialist deputy, the result of news-
paper attacks by the latter on inerorm
er. Milleraud was slightly wounded
in the chesty
Three Men Killed.
ALM2NT0W.V, Pa, Dec. 2 -Frank
Mem, Charles Schlelsler, and an un
t,nn7n Huuorarian. were precipitated
sixty feet, to the bottom of a pit, at a
slate quarry tms morning, uj
breaking of a rope and was Instantly
Factories Besoming
Philadelphia, Dec. 2.-Tbe exten-
Blve carpet mills at Kensington
ore resuming operations on full time
and claim tbat prospects for the future
are good.
Bank Risumes.
Tacoha, Dec. 2,-Tbe Tacoma Na
tional bank, which suspended four
months ro, will resume Monday.
How is Your Blood?
HI!.!. ;-
r W i 3!r bn out on B7
tJLK S - r
w do m m i- wnx litE '. c.
r utuww I i,ifmiMUy
.up-" jsLsa:LT.
Testimony Taken in the Richard Mc
Qoe Case.
Judge Edes sitting as corouor con
cluded the Inquest on Friday evening
over the remains of Richard McGee,
found dead in the kitchen of the An
derson saloon Friday morning. Noth
ing new was discovered, and following
Is substance of the testimony as taken
in writing:
Win. Andersen: Saloon keeper;
knew nothing of McGee's death; made
egg-nog of milk, egg, sugar and liquor.
Liquor was whisky; set on the counter
and it was free; he drank twice; was
not there all the time; baw McGpo be
tween 11 aud 11:30 at night; was sitting
at one of the tables asleep; seemed to be
drunk; he was very quiet,
Newt Ferrell: Bartender; came Iu at
4:30 p. m.; had been drinking; I told
him It was stronger than ho thought It
was; he drank freely of it; he presently
gt too much and Btaggered ofl into the
other room and sat down; it was about
0; he stayed until 12 o'ylock when two
men, Dice and Lyons packed blm off
Into the kltohen; be was not able to
walk; I tried to make him get up; ho
would ouiy groan and grunt; I laid
him on bis side; Stuttering Tom went
in and eat down; DIco tried to get Tom
to go home. I then shut up and went
home. Wlttness stated that he mixed
the nog. There was a gallon and a
half of whisky. Whisky of regular
stock. The kitchen was not a comfort
able place. There was no Are in it.
"Stuttering Tom," or Thos. Lewry:
Wbeu MiGee came in the kitchen he
said: "Pardner, I am pretty full." He
breathed very hard and Ferrell came
and felt of bis band and said: "This
man Is very sick." Ferrell afterwards
came back and said bo Was
dead, and wanted mo to stay
with bim until tbe slier HI came.
Told fellows in Jail aud Marshal Mlnto
tbat MuGee wns In there. Got some
llquorat the "Banquet" saloon.
Ben Dice: Told how they were all
drunk aud bow he put two men into
the kitchen. Witness was sober.
Dr. J. N. Smith: Went to bos dead
min at 4:30 a. m.; was lying on his
ritit side with head and face on bis
right arm; back towards door; was not
cold yet; had not vomited; Lowery
said maybe "Newt." could tell me
atiout McGee.
Joa. Juyne-i, peliceman: McGee was
oue of several drunks Hitting in chairs
in Anderson's saloon between 0 and 7
o'clock; at 12 o'clock be was still in
olmlr; Ferrell said, "That's Bill's man;
I'ye got my man awake; Tom Is Ben's
man." About two o'clock with Gibson
saw two men In the "kitchen;" went
In and put a stick of wood under Mo
Gee's head; beseemed to breathe easier
and we went away; at 4:30 went again
and he was dead; Auderson was In
saloon after Ferrel left.
M. C. Judson and W. H. May were
examined. Latter saw McUee drink
twice and barkeeper told blm It would
not hurt; tried to wake him up; be had
red or cayeuue pepper on bis noae, aud
on the sleeve; it seemed to make him
sneeze; there seemed to be thick dark
stutt at the bottom of tho bowl we all
drank out of.
Deceased was named Richard L Mo-
Gee, was about 45 years old; that he
came to his death on tho 1st day of De
cember, 1 893 by alcohollo or other poi
son to ui unknown and that bis re
mains were found In the old kltohen.
attached to William Anderson's saloon
In Salem, Marlon County Oregon.
This office la fl HKled with communi
cations about the traglo death of Rich
ard MoGee. Our crowded news col.
umns prevent publishing any of these
comments at present. If any one Is
responsible for the death of that unfor
tunate man the proper officers of the
law will probab'y ferret rut (lie facts
and bring the guilty nn to Justice.
At nrewnt there are reports of poison
In the liquor, of neglect and exposure
; . , in fi.r he was drunk. These
milters should be Investigated and If
n...,iinv foul mayor criminal re-
.nonHll.llltv the police, public prose-
;..npnl fiicleeo f the court snouiu
do their duty and shield uo one.
Dr. W A CJlo''swrlttU statement
Ja to 'effect tb it tba long were very
dark colore 1, sluwlu? evidently rawt
,ntme conKe'1"". tmtt much dilated,
.nd evUlTflied with black Clotted
t,lod: miienui membrane ofMomseli
overwhelming oongwied, ffmiloni
to almost b'aok, deilh resulted from
ex e li"K brain stimulation.
Dr W B. Morse's conrluln Is that
wmelrril.lIi.K HJ KJLrlS
Jiat the brain .wvrj-ly 1&di
i .i.- l.riM ilnm oi aiconni wuwuwin
j dues all tbe coudlti jns found.
Chicago Banker Dies Very
Strikers Wrecking tho Lckiglt
Valley Road.
Drops Dead.
Chicago, Ills., Doc. 2. Charlie Kas
mtnskl a well known private banker
dropped dead at tbo Republican city
convention this ufternoon shortly after
making a speech in favor of tbe nomi
nation of Bwft for mayor.
Another Fixed Juror.
Chicago, Dec. 2. Tho Cougblin
caBO came forward with tbo usual sen
sation today, when it was announced
that tho prosecution is preparing to ask
for the dismissal of another juror.
Latest From Rio.
Rio Jaherio, Dec. 2. The rebel fort
Vlllegalgnon, has been almost entirely
destroyed by the fire of the government
fort3. It is reported that tho insurgent
are gaining ground in
St. Paul.
tbe prpvlucoof
Republican Mayor.
Chicago, Dee. 2. Tbo Republicans
nominated George B. Rwlft mayor pro
tern as a candldatl for mayor, to fill the
unexpired term of the lato Mayor Har
rison. Democrats will nominate John
P. Hopkins.
Wrecking tits Road.
Wilkesbakre, Pa. Dee. 2. It la re
ported a number of stockholders of tbe
Leblgb Valley road will go to Bethlo
hem to confer with President Wilbur
with view of pressing on him tbe desir
ability of settling tbo strjke, fearing If
wrecks continue, the company will bo
forced in to bankruptcy. The strikers
show no signs of weakening.
Lond,QR, WJool Bales.
London, Dee. 2. At the wool sales
6000 bales were offered. Cross breeds
were In short supply. There was brisk
bidding. Bradford buyers purchased
largely, aud tbe French buyers took
liberal offerings. Capo of Good Hope
and Natal wools sold freely. Tbe fol
lowing are the sates and prices ob
taluod for greasies: New South Wales,
2500 bales, 5j09il; Qieenslaud, 1000
bales, 6371, South Australia, 600
bales, fi6Jil; New Zealand, 600 bales,
610d; Capo of Good Hope and Natal,
600 bales, 6(ljd.
The Sugar Duties.
Wabihnoton, Nov. 2. There are
Indications of a serious struggle In the
Senate over tbe sugar sohedulo of tbe
Wilson bill, If It Is not modified In the
House. Senators from Sugar produo
ing states are opposed to the plan of
graduated reductlou in bounty. They
were nover In favor of the bounty plau,
but preferred an Impart duty. They
would bo content with a revenue of say
1 cents per pound on raw sugar and 1
on sugars reflnod above number 10 du-
' tlea standard, .
That la What the Result Will Be in J
Salem Monday.
Chairman J. N. Smith of tbe Repub
lican City Central committee was seen
this afternoon and expressed himself
as confident of carrying every ward Iu
tbe city at the city election next Mon
day. The Republicans of Salem propone to
make a clean-up Mouday by elect lug
every alderman and carrying even the
"bloody" fourth ward which will be
tho most hotly contested In tbe city.
There will be a red-hot contest Iu the
first ward, where the Democrats haje
put up John Oray, tbe Democratic city
chairman, probably the next Demo
cratlo nominee for county udge, and
one of tbe most adroit wire-pullers In
tbe city. Tbe ward U Republican by a
good round majority, and a full vote
will be got out ror u. . uuueau, n
clean, straight Republican.
The Fourth Ward regular Republl
... .,i.iin4 la fieo. P. Huirhes. a eti-
tlfiinau well known In business circles
ri Ha n loval Republican
He Is In favor of Immediate arrange-mentsIU-Ing
made to place all warrants
at rr. Ou tbat platform he Is entitled
to aud will receive tbe hearty support
of every republic voter In that ward.
The Opium Oases.
Portland, Or., Da 1. Theargu-
tuHit was begun today In ib Dunbar
.fliiitffflluir trial case and wlli p-obably
pjTtach the Jury late Ibis afternoon.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Growing Army of Unemployed
Chicago, Nov, 23. Special corres
pondence. When the great exhibition
came to an end, tbe army of supernum
erary persons, swelled iuto many thou
The law which erected tbo noble ef
fort of all tho nations hanging round
tbe surface of tbo globe, aud ouabhd
them to congregate in pno place, uudtr
ono government, to show their own
religion, their different Idols, their own
progress, thnlr own Industries, tbelr
natural color, their faces, their own
bodies In national customs, this seme
rlaw dictated tho scattering and dls-
truotlou of the grandest achievement
tho united nations over brought forth.
Thoupands of Industrious hands, nimble
lingers, swift feet and thinking heads
which were employed In assisting to
keen the ereat show on a steadv tro.
found themselves1 enlisted ou the 1st of
November In tbe grand army of super
numeraries. Other fields of useful nets
bad to be looked for, and all of those
who bad good sense etiough to savo
their earnings during tho summer
months, could go baok to their homes,
whoro they evor will remember tbe
great show as tho most important
ovent Iu their Uvea. Others who spent
tholr wages as fast as thoy earned them
approached themselves with the im
portant question, "What shall I do
This class of peoule are Bt present a
standing embarrassment for tbe author
ities of Chicago. Evory night tbo po
lice stations are full of poor fellows win
are unable to pay for sleeping room In
ono of tbo cheap lodging houses. Crim
inal acts, such as burglary aud murder
began to lucrevso after tno closoofthe
fair In an abnormal rate, but as new
brooms are sweeping clean tho new
mayor, Mr. Swift, who was elected by
the city council, "after Harrison was
assassinated by ono of bis own party,"
steps down on tbe lawless mob with a
heavy foot, so that law and order aro
on tho ascendancy again. The rear
guard of tho army of supernumeraries
presents the most pitiful sight. It con
sists of several thousands of working
girls who wore dismissed on the 1st of
November, and ever since are unable to
find a sultablo sltuallou. They did not
suve their money during fair times and
now thoy are looking for work Iu vain
because the demand Is more than ex
hausted. The time of dancing, singing
and waiting on restaurant tables has
given place to the cool consideration of
approaching winter. Economy In tbo
study of many a housewife who In
former times bad girls employed, but
when tbe girls tunod their harps too
high, tbe lady of the houso prepared to
take a band In housework herself, and
a number of places where gills hud
found work and a good home, are now
clewed to hired fvmate assistants. Tbe
poor girls ought logo home or they
will be swallowed up by the slums of a
wicked city. A. F. Hukkii, Br.
Displaced by Italjans
Chicago, Dec 2. AUut 050 (Mei
ers of the exhibits at the World's fair
ground will be discharged toulght.
They understand that Italians aro to
be employed In tbelr p'aces at much
lower wages and declare they will not
permit them to work. Colonel Itloe,
commander of tbe Columbian guird, Is
preparing fur trouble Monday morning.
From Buenos Ayres.
NkwYohk, Dec 2 The Herald's
Buenos Ayres cable says;
General Emllo Mitre is dying.
Tbe steamer First of May has been
accepted by the goverumont for (305,.
Anarchist placards Inciting the work,
men to revolt have beeu found by the
police Iu various parts of the city, and
torn down. Three men have been r
rtstrd ou suspicion of having ixwted
them up.
In a eecrect session of the chaiulwr
held yeatenlay violent speech re
made against the Errasurl Qulrno,
) treat. It may be rejected.
Want Free Tiude.
PiOTOU, N, a, Dec 2. Sir John
Thompson and Charles H. Tupper ad
dressed a great political demonstration
hero. The premier said the Canadian
government was for gonulnu tarlfi re
form. Referring to tho tariff bill sub
mitted to congress by tho Democratic,
committee, the premlor dwelt on tbe
fact that, Instead of being 'in tho way
of free"trado, Democrats were clinging
with might and main to tho protective
policy, and that tho duties under their
proposed tarlfi reform were much
higher than duties now levied by Cat)
ida under its protective system. He
did not bellove thero would be any re
ciprocity between tho two countries.
"Still," continued tho premier, ''for
every step tho United States congress
takes In reducing or abolishing duties
on Canadian produots, wo will take a
corresponding step In roduolng or abol
ishing our tariff on American imports,
so far as tho requirements of revenue
will make It possible without sacrific
ing our commercial Independence or
ourattaohment to the mother country."
A Great Earthquake.
London, Deo.2. ATohoran corre
spondent of the Times, who has Just
visited Kuohan, where tboro was such
a great loss ofllfo by earthquake, re
ports the town a heap of rulus. There
Is not a houso standing. Bodies are
Hill being reoovorod. Tho stonoU from
the decaying corpses Is overpowering.
Shocks contlnuoln the hills to tho west
ward. Tbo adjacent villages escaped
with little damage. Tbeahooks were
proceded by loud reports. Thoro fa
talk of building a new town cast of
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
wlh Local Applications, as they can
uot reach the scat of tho dUeaso, Cat
irrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
aud In order to cure it you must take
Internal remldles. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally, aud acta directly on
the blood and mooous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medlolne.
It was prescribed by one of the best
physlcans Iu this country for yeers, and
Is a regular prescription. It Is compos
ed of the best tonics known, combined
with tho best blood purifier, acting di
rectly ou tho mocous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredl
euta is what produces such wonderful
results iu curing Catarrh. Bend for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, O. Bold by druggists. Price 7io,
Granted Six Months.
Rome, Dee. 2,Tho tribunal dl com
merlo bar grunted the CredltoMoblllare
six mouths' delay without requiring It
to call a meeting of creditors.
Duke of Loinster Dead.
London, Do. 2. Tbe Duke of Lelr
ster, who has beeu suffering from ty
phoid ferer, died yesterday.
Your Liver?
la tho Oriontal salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without
healthy Llvor. When tho
Liver la torpid tho Bow
els aro sluggish and con
etipated, tho food Ilea
in tho stomach undi
gested, poisoning tho
blood; freauont headacho
cnBuca; a reeling of lasfti
ludo, despondency and
nervousness indicate how
tho wliolo Byetom is da
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring mora
peoplo to health and
happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agency known on earth.
It acts with extraor
dinary power and offlcaoy.
As hb'! fm!'r tm4t for 6wl,
Iff pUUf i, Ifce.HU'sMeB. e I W vt
itmhlog alit. e4 bar arfc4M
Vt timo a perfect cut lur all oMmmm art ta