Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 01, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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MtWlIUm1'Hir inn
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Associated' Press Daily News
papor Published on the .
. Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
' - .- n
8Sct. a mentn ky
PrayaJd la Advane.
Ke Papers Sent IVWmI
Time Js Oat.
NO. 283.
V- -
-'ifyiL-rT'TS'rBBHB mh
"'" ' I
r A ds1sort1IJ1?nt from cheap to best grades. Wo buy
, for .CASH and sell for CAS&, and
s 5 ? c
JJjoni 1.'5. to 25 percent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
"icM Want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
H'atfyjwobl arid.iurhats,:hoaiery. and' notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
'. Ed. C. i
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
7F. iL TEMPLETOJSF, Gen'l Agent.
SB 103
BURROUGHS State. Street.
la experienced when you get your teeth extracted or filled by
DB. CONTRIS,. as he uses, the Hale method. Gold or Por
celain crown inserted. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
eod Over Gray Bros.
Now Here
Holiday Goods
The NevJ?si, Most flflratfive,
1 AND . .
Bee our Mammoth Stock before you buy . pony's worth, a, we can please
you t of.aU, and can Bure.y save yo,, & SAUSBURYi
Completed and ready to .wait on customers HjSgAWpiSo
"""-""-.-- ,,,-,. .,!, of
iaru buu iwmcui i
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very best of meats al all times,
tnd the best of service.
lO-Opposlte Wade's Store.
Steamer flllona
Leaves DoltCs dock Montoya, Wdnajs
una Fridays 78 a. m., arrlvtaS In roruwio v
RETUUNINO, leaves L''''
Thursdays and HtunUy at Sa, tu.
' Fmt tim for pjueiier serrK; P W,T
Ending freight lundifd.
BOUND HUP (unUmlied) I4M. On iray,
For frtkbt rates ind .lU apply "l
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, halt and
SmokcdlSI eatsf a lHinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
More Coming.
Doetorllcc. " "
" '"V-ji.-
Capilal National Bank
legal Blank Publtehere.
& N.w Brtck,0T tka Uak.Qo1tr.
Phenomenally Cold Weather in
the East.
Hirer Bigfng Again At Points
South of Here.
Intanaa Gold.
St. Paul, Dec. l.-The weather In
the northwest ia phenomenally cold for
this time or t be year, Mercury touched
20 below zero here early ,thls morning
at the slgual service station, While
thermometers Inexpoaod places marked
as low as &i to 40 below.
St. paul. The coldest1 places ac
cording to weather bureau this morn
ing, were Prince Albert Canada, 42 de
grees below, and Blsmark, N. D., 22
degrees below.
The Iowa Snow Storm.
Cedar Rapids, Dee. 1. Last night
was the coldest of. the season. Tbo
thermometer marked 12 below. Re
ports from the north and northwest
show a like condition. At Eithervllle
13 degrees below, Watertown 24 degrees
helow, Albert Leo 18 degrets below.
Yesterday's storm did not result la
blockading railroads. Clear and cold
Oarlin Party Arrives.
Kendrick, Ida., Dee. 1. The Car
lin party, which was supposed to be
lost lb the Bitter Root mountains, ar
rived here safely with the exception of
George Colgate, the cook, who fell sick
and was left to die in the mountains.
The party consisted of V. E. Curlln, a
son of Brigadier-General Carlln, J. H.
Pierce, brother-in-law of Carlln, A. L.
Hlmmellwright of New York, and
Martin Spencer, the guide. The party
started to return home October.10, but
as lie snow reached considerable depth
the horses were abandoned, and the
party started dowu the river on rafts
which they flually were compelled to
abandon also. They continued on foot
until November 22 when they met
Lieutenant Elliott with a relief party
from Vancouver barracks. The party
was almost without food when rescued.
Tho River at Eugene.
Eiiqeiie. Dee. 1. (Special.) The
river fell three feet yesterday, but rose
aealn last nlebt. It Is now seventeen
feet, three inches, and ia slowly rising.
opium; suoKEiia
James Fennoll nud Ed. Abbey were
flued twenty and ten dollars here, this
moruiug, for smoking opium.
Tbe WHIamettee at 11 o'clock was
27 3 feet above low water, and almost
stationary, having risen only a little
during the forenoon. It fell 4 feet at
Eugene and 2 feet at Harrlsourg dur
ing the night, heuce a fall is looked for
here this evening. The U. P. wharf
h limn wrecked and tbe O. P. wharf
considerably damaged. Otherwlsono
damage has been done.
Opium Smuggling.
PnnTi.Aurj. Dec. 1. The principal
mitnpaa in the Dunbar smuggling case
was VV. B. Jackllng, who purchased
..mat nf the onlum In British Uoiuinoia,
The evidence wee corroborative of that
already adduced. ProaecuUou will
probably occupy the entire uay,
Hanged at Astoria.
.-.,... n rM.i 1 John Belter
ASluniap v... -
was banged today for the murder of
Victor Snellraan. Augu , io-. .
. . . Li. - ItAliaa
men passed tne mgiu i '11" -i
r. , -.t.lKliirl alinnt trcen-
liereoneiiujMii uw - ' -
; dollars In cash and ft silver watch.
The next moruiug both men left tbe
a a . A.m.. m ttk9
houso together, anu iiro uy
Snellman's body was found In tne
wo'Kls. The money, watch and Reltor
bad dissapeared. Kelior was iraocu w
Portland where, when arrested, be
made a compl-to coufexlon.
Uni tha&Utot woman. I tajj. U
sld by sll DnaMt. AnATi.OX
Jobs Indicted.
Couvallis, Or.. Nov.80. The grand
Jury of Lincoln county at Toledo, found
an ludlctment agaiDst M. M. Davis,
Zephin Job and 1. R Job, for larceny
of public funds. Davis was manager
of the Yaquina City bank, a branch
or the recently suspended bank of
Hamilton, Job & Co., and at tho time
of the suspension nf
coin county funds were deposited la
the branch" bank. Failure to return the
depositor! demand is the ground for
the indictment.
Hiaes to Resume.
PiTTSBUHO, Pean., Dee. 1. Every
thing la quiet at ttle Bnowden and Gas
tonvlllo mines. They did not start up
an was expected, but preparations are
being made to resume.
;A TieaUe Burns
Chicago, IlIfl.'j.Dec. 1. A Are in the
Haymarket theatre this morning,
caused a low of seventy-five thousand
dollars.. ', ,
K. A Company Default
New York", Dec l.Tho Erie Rail
way Company today defaulted on the
Interest on the second mortgage bonds.
It paid the Interest on the funded 5 per
cent. :
More Smuggling.
Portland, Dec 1. The United
States itrand ury today returned six
teen indictments for smugsllng opium.
The names of the Indicted are uot made
public. It Isolated all are Cblhamen.
Admitted to That Country By
Vote of Parliament.
of Desperate
in Urazil.
Josuitsnn crermany."'
Berlin, Dec. 1. The Riobstag, by
a vote of 103 to 180, adopted tho Cen
trist, motion to re-udmlt tbe Jesuits
into Germany.
Latest From Brazil.
London, Dee. 1. Advices from Rio
Janerio say there la no truth in the re
port that President Peixoto was assassi
nated. He is today engaged In repair
lug dangerous breaches-in the forts and
earthwork's ashore. The dispatch con
tains the report that Mello left Rio
with a portion of his fleet, to Intercept
vessels coming to Peixoto'a aid. There
was some desperate fighting between
the rebel ships and forts at tbe entrance
to the harbor, as Mello tried to go out.
Unfounded Rumor.
New York. Dec. 1. Leading bank
ers give no credence to the report of a
rumor ou the Berlin bourse that the
TT idled States Is trying to effect a $60,-
000,000 three and one-half percent
Ban Fbanciboo, Dee. 1. Wheat,
Dec $1.10.
Chioaoo, Dec 1. Cash, 02;May 68,
Portland, Dec. 1. Wheat fall.
.95; Walla Walla $.85.
Lorgnette chains are of sliver, sot with
turquoise at varying intervals.
Brooches covered with diamonds to the
exclusion of subsidiary stones are worn
as frequently as their costliness will per
mit. A beautiful fern vase In bright fin
Uliod silver U in tbe form of a barbed
arrowhead, with enrved instead of rec
tilinear outline, with a handle in open
The porcelain bonbonniere, hand paint
ed, furnishes another setting for th
watch. Tne hair ornament and tbe shot
buckle appear to bo tbe only fields at
present unoccupied by that tiny con
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as they can-
not reacii inn r "-",:,
srrh Is a blood or constitutional disease,
and In order to pure It you must take
Internal retnldlw. '' Catarrh Cure
la taken loternsUv. and acts directly on
the blood and iu u surfaces, llair
Catarrh Cure it t a quaok medicine.
. . - . ..1..J..I tw. ..fin ..r Ilia ItA.L
It was prtwci"-' " - -nhyslcaiiHln
thUcuutry for veers, and
wl of the e-t .n!m known, combined
W III Hie W Ml'"" iuriiio.. .-
reeily on the iijkjoui surf4ow. The
in-1, -hrt nMujjjj waU wo,,der u
rrtuiis in curiHK -.. w
testimonial', fr
Toledo, O, Bold by diuggUU. Prfc 7o.
Mr, Pararaout Blsust ii ilio
Sont To Hawaii to Giro Harrison
a Black Eye.
AurjUBTA, Mo., Nov. 80. Ex-Mlnls-
ter Stevens' answer to Commissioner
Blount, regarding the Hawaiian affair,
was given out last night. Mr: Stevens
A deep sense of tbe obligation to
my country and a minister's duty to
defend an lnault threatened against a
struggling American colony, planted as
fjgbieously and firmly on the North
PaolMo Islea as our pilgrim fathers es
tablished themselves on Plymouth,
Rook, demand that I shall make an
swer to the astounding misrepresents
tlons and untruths of Commissioner,
Blount's report on Hawaiian affairs.
Not wishing to be severe on a noopbyto
in dlplomaoy, with, no knowledge of
the world's affairs, outside of his own
country, Benton a very peculiar errand
amid currents and quicksands entirely
unknown to him, I say he has been In
part the victim of circumstances, hav
ing been caught In meshes aqd snares
adroitly prepared for him by the cun
ning advisers of the fallen Llliuokalanl
and the shrewd, sharp and long expert
ericed British diplomatic agent, whose
alms and hopes Blount has served so
well, and without the least suspicion
that bo was aiding tup ultra-British In
terests even mora than be was helping
the Hawaiian monarchists.
"It was dear enough from Blount's
manner from tho day of his arrival at
Honolulu, as well as by bis lotter to
tbe department of stato, written soon
after, that he had designed, at what
overcoat, to repudiate tbo views and
actions of the recently terminated ad
ministration, and that in order to do so
lie must Impugn tbo action of the
American minister and thocommauder
of the United States steamer Boston.
A total stranger, It was Imposstblo for
Mr. Blount to know how unfitting It
was for him to take up his quarters
where he was certain to bo surrounded
by royalists, and where the supporters
of the provisional government would
be reluctant to go. As a precautionary
ssfeguard-agalnst shutting out Ameri
cana from ready access t6 Commission
er Blount, a wealthy and highly re
spectable widow of the American colony
was ready to grant the use of her bouse
to Mr. aud Mrs. Blount, tbe commis
sioner to pay the same amount It would
cost htm to live at tbe royalist hotel.
This polite offer of an American ro.1
dent to the American commissioner
did not originate with the provisional
government, nor did the provisional
government have anything whatever
to do with the proposed arraugoment.
A committee of three American citi
zens, born and educated In the United
States, men who had not taken part In
tbe revolutionary proceedings the pre
vious weeks, went on board tbe Rush,
when that vessel came Into the harbor.
At tbe request of tho three, an Ameri
can gentleman Introduced them to Mr.
Blount. His manner of receiving their
visit repelled them, and they asked me
to state tbe reasons why it could uot bo
pleasant to him and better for all con
cerned for hlin not to go to a royalist
hotel, but to take a residence on neutral
ground, where be would be master of
his own surroundings. As delicately s
I could, I stated the offer of the com
mittee of his countrymen, pointing oui
to him that by accepting their prppoaa)
be would be near the archives of the
legation, which ho could conveniently
use and which tbe owner would be
pleased to place at his disposal.
Brusquely he refused tbe courteous and
bones'ly Intended offer of hUoouo ry
men,and at puce placed himself am ng
royalist and oltra-BrUUiiaurroubdlogs.
"He says tbe response to tbe call of
the c mnjltteo of safety to Ian4 smb
from tbe Boston 'does not appear In tbe
filrs of tbo legation.' The weaning of
this Insinuation Is obvious. It Is
enough teaay there never was any such
document, I received the Jnvjtatlon of
the ooromlttre of safety for what It waf
worth, as I received other Information
on tbe a me subject, I should have re
quested Captain Wilt to have landed
his force, even bad uot the commlttea
requested It. Blount squarely aswru
that I promised to aid the committee
ofwafety by force This U emphatical
ly and patejcorlcally nntrtia. lorsply
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
to the rival parties at different times,
whether representatives of the queen
or her opponents, my answer was al
ways tho saEae-rthat the force should
not land, until danger should be plainly
Imminent, and tbon only to protect
American life and property, and to bo
one. did I ever hint that I could or
would recognize any but tho de facto
government, whether rnonarohlal or
republican, aa I said In my letter to
Secretary Gresbani. I here affirm that
tho Royalists and their opponents bad
equal access to the legation and to Its
official bead, The best answer to the
baseless charge that I promised to use
force agslnBt tho queen Is tho order of
Captain Wlltz to his officers and men
'To remain passive,' and that no force
was to be used, though the queen,
through ber ministers bad strongly re
quested It hours before the provisional
government, was recognizee; oy me ana
all other diplomatic representatives 1b
Honolulu." """'
Stevens states that he had no knowl
edge of tbo meeting of the committee of
safety at the residence of Henry Water-
& tuse, January 10, and that his first In
formation as to the persons at the weel
lug was obtained from Blount's report.
Regarding the expectlons and hopes
of tbe queen and her reprensatlyes, the
exulting days of January 14 and 17,
and the views and hopes of her op
ponents, Stevens quotes tbo queen's
letter to him, the report of Captain
Wlltz to the navy department, and tbe
order of Captain Wlltz to Commander
Swlnburno, to show that tbo landing
of tbe troops was to protoot tho legation
aud tbo Uvea and ptoperty of Amorl
oin citizens and to preserve order. Con
tinuing, the ex-minister says: "Tbe
copy ot tho call of tbe committee of
safety, which. Blount Insinuates I
wished to conceal from lilm, had been
promptly forwarded to Washington In
January, and was In tbe printed pam
phlets ot tho state department docu
ments, ordered published by the senate
a copy of wblcb I sopoee Blount iaut
have brought with him when ho came
to tho Islands,
"As Boon as this astute commission
er ascertained that Neumann was lu
full accord with Spreokelsand others
for Llliuokalsul's restoration to tbe
tbrono, Blount at once learned that
Neumann was a 'right down' good fel
low. So much for tbe conclusive evi
dence that Sprockets, Neumann and
Blonnt were then, as now, rowing In
the same boat and closely linked In a
oontplraoy to damage tbe action of
Harrison's administration and tbe sen-
ale ooiumlttee on foreign affairs on tbe
question of annexation,
Your Liver?
Is tho Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. "Whonthe
Liver la torpid tho Bow
els arc sluggish and con
stipated, tho food lies
in tho stomach ttndl-
Seated, poisoning tho
lood; frequent headache
ensues; a feeling of lacal
tudo, despondency and
nervousness indicate bow
the whole system k de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator ha boca the
means of restoring wore
people to healtH and
happiness by giving them
a healthy liver than any
agency "known on earth.
It acts with extraor
dinary power and efficacy.
KTiiuMisMrftct cms tut all tM et Us
ronUUr, OouUf4lI"tt, IkwV5
SM urllilil 1m. m4 krt MI Us dU
u.o.JjJ-J la Ik .iul Dfuliui: It mum la
Tho name bank: is derived fro banco,
a boyeb.
Forgery was first made pnnlshaW by
(with iu 1004.
Tbo first Italian bank was'estabHsbsd
by tho Jowa of Lombardy.
Co-oprntfvQ basks have jsroved a
marked success iu Germany,
In 1828 tho "safety fund system" was
tried In Now York, but was soon aban
doned for tbe free banking system.
Between 1626 and 1880 the Baalt of
England established branch banks in al
most every large city in the kingdom.
The establishment of Joint stock basin,
for some time in vogue, was Formally
permitted by act. of parliament in 186.
In 1786 Lord Chaacelk Thwlow re
fused a bankrupt a certiftoatebocausehe
bad lost ffi at gambling after lie became
Involved in financial difficulty.
The first fidelity bank, guaranteeing
employers against loss from the defalca
tions of dishonost clerks, was estabUabad
by English bank clerks in 1830,
The Bank of England manages the en
tire publio.dobt of Great Britain, audita
compensation for doing so has ia soma
years almost equaled 11,000,000.
The Bank of England was once com
pelled to suspond speclo payments. It
was oa Feb. 27, 173. It resumed in
1863 after tho financial "disaster follow
ing tbo French wars had passed away.
Iri 1708 tho Bank, of England acquired
a practical monopoly of the English
banking business by tbo passage of an
act prohibiting any company of more
than six pontons engaging in banking,
Germany has 5,000,000 depositors in
savings banks; Franco, 4,150,000s Great
Britain, 0,700,000 Italy, 1,870,000 Ave
tria, 1,850,000; Switzerland, 1,000,000;
Sweden and Norway, 1, 570,090. 8.
Louis .Globe-Democrat.
M. Rosslgnol, who died recently in
Paris, was the oldest member ot tie
French institute. Ho wM.nniorta
ly a raiser, but was a scientist of great
ability and tbe author of a number of
works on Greek and Roman literature.
Joseph Mcdlll and Mrs. Medlll of Chi
cago will spend tho winter In Los An
geles and havo already occupied thair
houso there. After the burning of Mr,
MedlH'a house at Aitadeaa two years
ago be put in a now foundation, bat did
not robujld, as he decided to occupy a
house in tho city of Los Angeles.
Beautifully shaded crepoaa asdfaustt
are shown for evening toilets.
RIaavm im oHormrms. bat coatin fa
droop from the shoulders in a huge bail
puff at tho elbow,
Ladles' cloth in o very weight and tfaade
I shown as a " leader" in all the JasUan-
able dry goods bouses.
Vrt ansrenzn ia the new bams of a
fashionable emerald grcon that appeal
among brocades, shot taffetas and fancy
evening silks.
Hriwri lilnrtr nml urlnn mlrtreil valvftfc
plateau bats for tho. theater we trimmed
Wth costly cream laces ami erect airy
egrets, held by glittering tricolorod, mock
jeweled buckles.
- Ww fancy trlmiiilnir bralilaaro adorn
ed with jot beads. Opaqno and peart
ucaus are aiso ntauo up wita 301 anu arw
nutil with tine effect laid over black Yh
ret ribbon On gowns of gray und Mack,
or black and white, striped or brocaded
satin and silk.
Hmw mink- canes of extra Isairili have
&at shoulders und aro finished with yokes
of soaJiktn. 'i neater cos ot utacaor
darkgreen velvet kure yokes, borders and
alinnllu. rviltit of rmlna. Boasaava in
tetollooM sackshaps f row tfesyato Aown,
front asa mcx,9w ora rasa,
A man wbo suspseta netting has no
Patient people are seamtlnw frigbs
felly wortnkws.
Advle is like wsdieine a wan wonlt
raUwr dY than talta U.
Try to escape from a daty, attd it witt
confront yon on every cower.
It U your daty to admire aUyewMie
Uves jnst the sawe; ko favorites.
, If yon don't tktek c any(Uaglnpa
tienkur to say, don't saf- ayWng.
4 1