r?u "wKW EVJftftNG- C3AJ?ITAXi rOtrB2SrJUj,rBPNESI)AY, tfOVBMKBB 29, !. jowita. THE 5 riJBUSKKU DAILY, BXCKPT BtWDAY. jit tub - Capital Journal Publishing Company lwlr Hoc H'osk. CommerolM Street. H )FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. lnlly, by ca-r)er, per month, Dtlly.bv moll, per year, Weekly, H paee. per year,. -JO SO 3.00 - 1.60 THANKSGIVING DAY. ByMW.sitX.'itfader.j ' - Wftke ap! Wlt at! VoiiUtlepnea, Yeiadaaudlaesh'ir"1 .'. Ob, hearyou not thstlrrlng sounds. In kitchen, sued anil lull ? The busy feeCthe VolceTISoot; ";. OntuUThanksjflvlns- inorn. The open Ores were efiU f?Z Th) crackling wool burns'weur., Bat what Ugoluiju bslow, I've promisid not to toll. "I knowl 1 kuw! 'cries little Ben, "If something .iwf it' u:c; Wiy ulebg your heart, mince plean-l tart, WUU sugar In, atd spied" Hut. Ilonny ttea, Just hurry up; And dress quite In you? bel; Then M iy and Bessie do the same, A id como down when you're dressed. Dear grand t a, In her b?st black silk And cap of la -a l.iok's' gay; While grandpa walk around and talks About That k glvlug Day. Just one o'clooicl Thguet have come; The teeming board Is spread W th dainty viands of the best, W th grandma at the beidj While aunts an i uncles, drawing nigh, Fill up eica vacant cha r, With coiula bin ill a idcjuslns tall And cousins dark and lair. Wbatchatterlug tongues, what nparkllng eyes, Above the loyal cheer! This la no time (or aught 'ml 1 vo; No time forslgh or tar; The household king of birds" lies prone (No eagle flerce and gray) A noble turkey, big and brown, Fit lor Thanksgiving Day. A steaming pudding crowns the least, Wellstufldd with luscious plums, Ho large they would have quite defied JaofcUorner'B buy tbumn; What conojrd swot, what cheerful talk Filled up the pleasant hour A golden chord bound heart to heart In that sweet bomo-llke bower. Just after tea the apples red, And welcome nuti appear; Ob, how the Utile children laugh, And olap their hauds and cheer! " ' Then merry games and romping sports In turn have right ot -way And thus. In ivipplness and Joy, KndionoThtaksglvIng Dy. TUB SPlUir'oK TilANKSUiviNG. Governor Bhortrldgo, of Nortb Da kota Issued a model Tliankiigivlug proclamation. Here it is: la observance of the time honored custom) and In conformity with tbe proclamation of tbe president of tbe United States, I do hereby designate and sot apart Thuraddy, tbe 30ib day of November, as a day of ThaukBslv inj, and do most earnestly request, that on that day our people lay aside all secular occupations, aud assemble In their, usu.il places of worship, and with grateful hoarts, thank Him, "The Author of every good and porfeot gift," for the many iblesslngs bestowed upon us as' a people, during the past year, humbly1 lraDlorluK a coutluuanco of rtlvlno favors in years to como. At our homes aud flrsldes, lot us remember the absent ' loved oues, the widow, the orphan, the poor and necdy,tho unfort unates of our state Institutions "in bonds and ailllotions." that of our abundaioa all may have occasion to re joice, that the spirit of Christianity, love, charity and benevolence may con tlnue to abide with the people of our beloved state. TUB GREAT CHANGE. Wisconsin has until within a few years been a great manufacturing state. It was also Republican, But last year It went Demnoratlo and elected Cleve land president and Peck governor. Ten month agoithe great Iron mines in the famous Qpgoblo range were em- ploying 5000 molt at wages that made monoy plenty. Now thesa are all olosed, thetnon Idle and at least 10,000 people in" "Hurley, Bessemer, Ashland, Dogwood and Other towns must depend upon charity alone fur food, clothes and Are turouglvtho wlutor that is already upju tbena.' This 1b not oxaotly tho kind of change tho people expected when they voted for a ohstige a little more than a year jo, but It Is the kind of change that has como. It Is tho kind that Is likely to remalni unfortunately, uutll another eoagrew, aud, perhaps, another presi dent oau ba elected, says the Tacoma lodger. The Democratic governor U tmy ool ietlug food and clothes by the carload tw( eeudlng It to the destitute mluers. It 1 the climax of political revcuge that lb men win brought about the tMRge attould care for tht sUrvIn. ..tJ- Tfce Democratic tit. Liuls Ropubllo xprMMi tbd dllenim of Its pirty on the Hawaiian questien: Hawaii's au- MKfttlouUU are Vbunlau ou our hands Md IjIHwokalanl la ho credit- to her trUmda. Suppose we .look around for a Mttteater and sell oufcliaqcei to the Is ,wi (or what they win uriug. yrjU oyg-te, Davbou'a matket. 2t WAIT1X0 FOR TUB VERDICT. "i IT Tho'tlmo that has elapsed) Blnca, the, puwsngo of the repeal bilihaa becn.Btif-. llclent to show that the business dei prcssion was not, to say the least, en tlrely 5JU0 to the silver purchases under the Sherman law. It Is not to be doubted that repeal wub a good thlnjr, and that It has bad a beneficial general effect; but the fact remains that It has not fully restored public confidence and brought back tbe former degree of prosperity. Trade Is still dull,. Indus tries ure still drooping, uncertainty still prevails in all directions. This means, plainly enough, that the people are ap prehensive with regard to something that did not figure in tbe repeal contro versy and that was not settled bye the result of .that memorablo"lPgislatlv battle. It is not difficult to see what that something Is, and bowlt-operatta against tho revival of gocd time. Any intelligent' person cam. readily under stand that the menace of tariff reduc tion is tho controlling cause of the trouble. Tbe policy of protection en ters so largely into our commerclal;and Industrial affairs that any threat of dis turbance by legislation against It is, rer. garded with alarm, and business move ments are regulated accordingly. It is not reasonable to suppose that men will 40 on buying and selling with their usual energy and confidence, under suob circumstances; aud that is what Is the matter at tbe present times The people are anxiously waiting for CMngress to meet to know what It will do with-the tariff question. Oswego Ironwerker: This fool ad ministration Is now going to moukey with Hawaii by placing the big, fat, greasy negro queen on the throne. Every turn It makes Increases tbe pros pective minority for MoKlnley and Reed in 1806. Wo mean Tom Reed and not that fraud Wfrlreiaw.' . A paragraph from the South Bend. Journal Is in regard to smoking salmon for shipment East. Without doubt there Is money In this business' Nearly everywhere smoked salmon la regarded as a delicacy. Try a little for breakfast and see if you evor saw a better appeti zer. The Atlauta Constitution, Dem.r eulogizes tbo proposed income tax as the height of legislative wisdom. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Rep., .de nounces an income tax as tbe most in iquitous of all taxes. ' Salem people should be' thankful on Thanksgiving day their city is not dead. Greyling at Davison's market. 2f, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Local Correspondence from in the Valley. Towns FROM City election .JEFFERSON. uext Monday Decem- ber4th. , , Prof. Barzee went to the Capitol city Saturday. The Jefferson Instltuto will observe tbo president's Thanksgiving day Nov. 30th. Leous Minstrel whow failed to appear ladt Friday night. Messrs. Curl and Parrlsh have opened a flrBt class meat shop In their new building near the postoffice, Mr. James Anderson and daughter Mrs. Tliurmau were visitors at the In stltute Moudoy. The social dance given at Smith and Jones Hall was well attended and an eujoyublo tlmo was reported. Tho Suutlam Literary Society on Friday last discussed tbe question "Re solved that iron is more beneficial than wood," aud was decided In favor of the aftlrmutlve. Mr. Herren Is painting bis new store building. Most of the farmers in this vlolnlty aro about through harvesting thalr po tato crops which bavo been very large this Beason, Messrs Parker and Pane from Port laud, have been In our olty for some tlmo buying up potatoes. Our school now numbers 135 which la quite au luoreuse over lost year. Ziph Job and family of Corvalll, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. D, H. Loon ey this week. The was n false Are alarm given at the Instltuto lat Wednesday ant) lu less than ono minute all the pupils and books were out of tho building, There will be no bquooI at the Insti tute on Friday following Thanksgiving Dee. 1. FOM llHOOKS, Mr. J. II. Brown left for Portland Thursday. John Fruit was In tub vicinity visit ing old frleiuh last week. Call on r-'b tiler & Shaw when you Wnf to sell your butohor stock and poultry, Ge Hower la oUvtbe elck list. Harrlsou Joucs Is ou the grippe list tbhweek. H. A. Jones hai moved Into his new resident. DUntou Bros, contemplate planting a bop yaid on their fathers place lu the spring. j J W. fcinatier r ana ueo.r aiussey at- tenuea the lodge at uervais vveunes day evening. Good night for ducks toys. Jos. Fruit is on the sick list lately. Several new pupils Blurted to school this week. ,., . .. ,., Shaffer and Shaw put Jn a new pump for Jan. L ouey Tuesday. "Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jones weut dowp to,F irtlapd Monday., , v E.i IC Shaw (Collided with a rapidly moving cow. Id tho slaughter yard Tuesday. The result was a very sore side for E.K. Several of tho Brooksltes visited tho capital city Saturday. , , Shaffer and Shaw supplied Portland with1 2 orates of fine' turkeys aud ono of Geesa Tuesday, ' Misa Royal left on the 2 o'clock train Monday to 0,1 an appointment at Ta coma and will bo absent two wesks. Htandln;,wlth reluctant feet. .Where womanhood and childhood meet. 'Tin a supreme moment! 'Tls a crltl cal period! No maiden should attempt bossing this boundary-Hue without tbo iald and assurance of. Dr. Pierce's Fav orite iTesoripuon.iis neipiuiness in tiding over tbe perils incident to young womanhood, is universally acknowl edged! No mother can put within the bands of her daughter, anything that wll prove more valuable In meeting ail her requirements! Dr. Pierce's Fav orite Prescription is made expressly for all diseases peculiar to women, aud is the only medicine of its kind, sold through druggists, and guaranteed to give satisfaction 'in every case, or money refunded. Dressed chickens cheap at Davison's marset, 94 Court street. 2t mm Grape Vines for Sale. I have prorogated several thousand good strong two-year old grape vines for setting out, assorted vurities, suit able for culture in Oregon. 25 cts each. $2.00 per dozen. E. Hofer, Salem, Or., Journal office. a w , Economize in Paper. .Clean newspapers, tied in buudles of 100, not cut, for sale at this oflico at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw Wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents u-pouna. JNext aoor to tuo postomue. ODDS AND ENDS. , Russian farmers hold an average of 27 acres to each family. On-an average there are 10,000 adver tisements' a week in the 11 London morn ing papers. Sierra means a saw, and its applica tion Jto- ,a .range of pointed mountain peaks is vqry apt and poetical. Aristotle defined law to be reason without passion, and despotism or arbi trary power to be passion without rea son. Somo insurance companies will allow tho uso of none but tho old fashioned sulphur matches in the houses thoy in sure. Pasteboard in shoo soles, chicory in coffee, aloes in tea, sticks of wood in baled hay, make trado lively and keep tho languago vigorous. Tho greatest fortress is Gibraltar. It is considered impregnable to military attack, It was besieged by the Span lard3 for three years without success. In every land between Spitzbergen and Patagonia thero is some species of tho common blood sucking mosquito. In British America and Alaska thoy nre very large and troublesome. Tho full bench of the Boston supreme court has decided that n man is justified hi preventing a Jog fight, and that if in doing such a thing he gets bitton the owner of tho dog must pay damages. Tho English sovereign's sons and grandsons,, when created peers, nro e:v titled to seats in tho house of lords at the leftof tho throne, but when, by the death of their father, they become only collaterally related to tho sovereign they sit among tho dukes. "People need not suffer from corns or oher pedal troubles if they will change their shoes threo times a day," asserts a man who has tried tho experiment, "Wheroone pair pinches anothor sets easily, and frequent changes of footgear keep the circulation in order and tho toes undisugnred." She I-cuked Like It. Considerable advantages attaoh to the custom adopted by the girls of wearing costumos practically undlstingulshable from those of their male relatives. Ono of thorn was mado apparent a day or two ago to a young lady, who, arrayed in an ulster coat reaching to hor heels, stand up collar, eyeglass and knowing little felt hat without any feathers or trim ruing, onsconced herself in a ladies' wait ing room at a railway station to await tho next train, She was warming hor tolf by tho fiio in tho most approved stylo, when au old, somewhat short sighted, but eminently respectablo lady came up to her and said: "I don't know if you aware of it, sir, but this is a ladles' waiting room!" Tablcau.l-Tit-lMts. VIGOR of ME Ettllr, Quickly, Ptrmtaentl; Rettortd, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tbe train of arils f rout early tiW or Utf r xoraaea. tlta naulta ot ovarnoifc. alokuass, worrr.cla FulUtrenjih. development aud tuna rlren looeryonanand tKutlnn. of lea bodr. flmpl.oararalipal! ImmedUlataiurovflntiit tooui. frnv, rxllurt UupomUiU. .lUi xtUnac. Dock, iwuiammipn 5, Fitllurv Uu eipUoadon and pruoia mailed (4ied) tree ERIE MEDICAL CO. purrAto, n. y. VJ'MMMsK' TODAY'S MABKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salkm, November 20, 4 p.m. Oflico Daily Capital Jouknal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press were as follews: SALtiU PRODUCE MAIIK.ET. FKUIT. Apples 30o to 60c. a bushel. DUTCH KU STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. Hogs dressed 0 to 7. 'Live cattle H to 2. Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00. Spring lambs $1.60 to $2.00. MILL PKICE3. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale lots $3.00. Itetail $3.40. Bran $16 bulk, $10 Backed. Shorts $17 $18. Chop feedjtfjund $18. W1IEAT. - ,46 cents per bushel. , HAY AND GRAIN. Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 25 to 80c. Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to $14. Wild in bulk, $6 to $8. Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1. 05 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts, farsi pitonucTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17 to I8J0. Eirgs Cash, 25 cents. Butter Best dairy, 20; fancy creamery, 25. Cheese lfi to 16 cts. Farm smosed meats Bacon 12; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 80o. to 40o. Onions H to 1 cents. Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c Anise seed, 26o. Ginseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 6 to 8 cts; ducks, 8c; tur keys, Blow sale, choice, 10c; geese 6 to 7c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Gruln, Feed, etc. Flour Staudurd, $2.90; Walla Walla, $3.15; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats New white,35c per bu ',grey,34i-; rolled. In hairs. $0 25(eG.50: barrels. $8 757.00; cases, $3 76. tluy Best, 1U(21H per ton. Wool valley, price nomiual. Millstufi's Bran, $15.00; shorts, $15; ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15 per ton; whole feed, barley, 70 cts. per ceutal; middling, $2328 per ton; brew ing barle., 0005o per ceutal: cblckeu wbeut. 8 ) SJ0 per cental. Hops Old, 10 to 6o., new 10 to 0. Hides greeu, salted, 60 lbs. 3o, un der 6U lbs., 23 ; sheep pelte, 1060c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30 82ii; fancy dairy, 2627c; fair to gooa, 2022o; common, 16 to 17c per lb. t'neese Oregon, 1012; Young AmerlcHO, 15c per pound; California 14c; Swiss imp., 3032; Dom., 1820. Eggs Oregon, 30o per dozen. Poultry .Nominal; chickens, mixed, $2 003 60 per dozen; ducks,$3 50 4.60 geese, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12c; drvsfed. 15o. Bref Top steers, 2Jo per pound; fair to good steers, 2c; Nol cows, 2c; fair covs, ljc; dressed beef, $3 605 00 per 100 pounds Mutton Best sheep, $2; choice mut ton, $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25. Hogs Choice, heavy, $5 005 60; medium, $4 6(l5 00; liuht and feeders, $4 fi05 00; dressed, 16 50. Veal $3 005 00- BAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10 12c; do inferior, 89c; do valley, 12 15c Hops 16 to 19o. Potatoes Erly Rose, 2535. Bur banks, .2540c Ohib Milling, $1.151.20. vSs; ai- ChUdron or Mr. and Mm. M. M. SoUcr AUoona, Fa. Both Had Eczema In Ito Worst Form After Phyaictana Failed, Hood'8 Sarsapartlla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sar saparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and re stores the diseased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read this: " To C. I. IIooil & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "We think Hood's Sarsapartlla Is the most valuable mcdl'lno on tho market lor blood end skin dhenscs. Our two children suffered terribly with the Worst Form of Eczema lor two years. Wo had three physicians, butucllherui tliem succeeded In curing Uiem or even In clvlns them n littlo relief. At last wo tried Hood's bmaparllla and In a month both children Aero perfectly cured. Xfo recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla as a suuulnra ftmilv m medicine, and would not bo v.Itl'.m t Slit, mid Mns. M. M. boLLLit, 141:; Jud Avenue, AUoona, l'a. HOOS'O Pl'-LG cnrcConitlpaUoubyrettor. ..-, ... .,,- KiMhenhrflentarrciiu. MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN Uoanesttneand Primary classes open Holiday, Sept. 25tli, Oor. Court and Ubcrty streets, opposite opra nouie. r For Utcbera aud mothers will begin October Sd, at the kame place. For particular applv to Mrs. P. S. Kniqiit, Prtnelial. lpJfiWRW r tttfWSPfifw' 1 ejrw- "ivhx In spite of her sumptuous surround ings sorrow had entered her heart. She had wept uutil her eyes wero rod, and'sho was fain to breatho exclusively through her mouth. . "Papa," she' sobbed fitfully, "I don't believe I'm going to get a titled foreigner for a husband after all. I am told" Sho had grown calmer," but Itwas'tKS calmness of despair. "that noblemen can get brides with dowries twice as big as mino right in their own country." "My child," rejoined tho parent, "com poso yourself. I wouldn't bo scared by what is so palpably a bull report." Sho was comforted in a measure. Truth. An Apt Scholar. Miss Scarborough (fair English worn-nn-Were you born in America, Miss Ttrnwrn-TftTiftfi? Miss BrowWones (fair American1, per-' sonally conducted) Oh, yes. I'vo been in England only a fortnight today. Miss Scarborough Arid yet you speak our language like a native. How very clever you Americans are! Retailer and Jobber. The Cheapest. Have tbe(lDAiLY Journal .left at your .office , or resi dence. Only 60 cts a mouth. By mall 25 cts" a month. 8IK SPASHS A DAY. . mii-s ZTcdUal Co., rikhari, Xntt. .ikntlevex: I never loso nn opportunlly to jnr.neud Tr. WII1-4' l.'cstnratlve Nervine to any , , -,. onoclHIclrdnlthiicrvoiiucoraplalnH - '"'a ,,!'11 u as'iraiiec thnt it will not "e'li upivilnf ihfia. When our biy ve'tr--,to.-n mcniluolii I.o w us attacked with violent :r.i. Souelnr'ji Iw rould huo live or hi V.'ljlll&ElliglOt'l W TKIfD MJNYjPHYBI- .is without Dijicm; Anally our drumljl rativc Nor fit ImFO vine Wetrfec U- tt'.o, and " " " could bco tnm .uia Rrk,nT,n rnnu THr ri 'il tl.rco bottles, sml I om hariD7to Bay the dlil wus FNTIRELY CURED. We usedno uo u 3S THOUSANDS heultby. You are at liberty to uso my name In -TOUNOIHO THC PRAISE. Of THIS WONDinrUl lltUCDY. B. C. HEACOX, Agent Paclrlo Ezprcu Co. HasUngs, Kebrasta, AprU COi, 1892. Dr. Miles Nervine, MOST CERTAIN CUSE FOB HEADAOHE, IfEDEALQIA, NEEV0UB PE0S- TEATI0N, DIZZIHESS, BPABMB, BLEEPLE83- HESS, DULLNESS, BLUES, and OPIUM HABIT, GOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY OR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 0TS. Sold by D. J. Fry, druKRiat, Salem llotcl Monterey. Newport, - - Oregon. Located on the Beach, two miles noith of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully sheltered spot, wonderful scenery; sea batbinir, flue drives to Cape. Foul weath er lighthouse. House new, rooms large and airy. Finest resort for families or invalids. Open all winter. Termo moderate by day or week. Intending visitors can drop a postal card to New port and be met by back. John Fitzpatrick, d-2 m Proprietor. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERERS. XjeaveoAlers atOottle-Parkhuratblockoosa 6, Balera, Oregon. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company, CAUrOKNIA JUCJ'RESa TIIAIN 1UJN DAILY BK- TWE'N POKTJ.AND AND8. F. Hnulti. I I Norib. 6:15 p. m. I iiV, ftl p. m. I i.v. 10:15 a.m. I Ar. Portland Salem Han Frnn. Ar. j t.2 1 u. u liV. I 6:.S0 a. m l.v. I 7Km r. m Above trains stop at all Htntlonn inn lortlnnd to Albany lnelualvo;aUoatTaugeu Hbedd, llalsey, Ilarrlsbun;, Junction liity IrvlDe. Eueene ana all stations from ltoweburs to Asbiatid iBclUHlve, KOHBBUHO MAll. DAILY. (C30 a.m. 11:17 a. m :60 p. m. t.v. i.v Ar. Portlatid Balem Itotiebunc Ar. I i.t 11. iu Lv. f 1:40 p. m. Lv. 7.-00a, Dining Cars ou Ogden Route PDLLMAN BUFFET SLBBPEaS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Atlaohed to all through grains, yest Side 'Division, Between 'Portlan aDdGoryallisr ji IVAtLT' fllCXPX BDMDA.Y1. 7uS0u. iu. 12:1ft p. in. I IiV," lortiaudr Ar. Lv. (VirvaltU IKOrsn At Albany and (rvalla connect tntlniofOrmcon pMAlOoKnllroad. KXfKtXrttHAI' l ,1 K"1(hTl . 4,-iOp.Tn. 7-Mlm. ? -Cv7 Portland McMlrmvllte Ar. 8:2ft a, (fcfOa Ar. THROUail TICHETH To alt point la tlj TjUrn tat. rnrt aud ICurope ran ba obtained at lowest rait from W. V. HKINNKK, Agent, Halen K.P. 1UX1KRR. AwLO. K,andiJasa,Av IJV r "" "' ARE YOU GOING A FISHING ? On the label of every can is THE .: PEOPLES: DAILY! Q ''Vh-if-.H. Only One Cent"DdilfiNeWspapei' . on the Pacific Coast, CBUTEST 1WSPAPEW' BIS Receiving all the AssociatedwPiiSSw'c C7 DAILY BY ME. PER It (( ( cv ?iSW r Theselow hard times rates enable every faiihf r to have his daily paper and knoVthe sta'te of -the nlarket and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is' fearless' rind independent.?' Edited by its publishers to secure good- government;' for Jth'e people; able to deal justly and fairly withralh '.' - o Complete Telegraphic, Sta'te, Capital, For eign, Market and GHop NeS. ' ' w WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R, Co., Lenu.) LATEST TIME CARD; Two Through Trains Daily. -; u ieop nil . M'nn a lpn . 15p 1; jtl,aul ftstiun. . i6p a I Dulutn a 8:40am, R.-0Oum 11.10am I 6;4pn ft.OOpm 7 85pm kijh ia. rM 1 . Asniana. 7.16am 0farn('hlcago, 8.05am I A.SOpm' W0pmll.pm . .iciki' V1? lx1.d hatrsago checked thronxb to all polms In the United BUtea and Canuda. Close connection made In Chicago with all rains going East and Bouth. .i.Jr.mu 'n'orwaUon apply to ynr nearest Hcket agent or r JASf c. PPNDT U.en Haiw.BndTkt.At..ChlclKo, hi KheumatlsrnJ . , Lumbago, Sctattot Kidney Comatntfl, bm BsK3K, Oa & .", lumii KLT Latest PatcBurilwt IasrnwITul NT! ear wiuwat nudldu .11 f S,.r?J. vrmcur OTr4MU(Ma o UUn 1 lUioot nedlda all 1"'im rmltlas srass ratloo, u bcttwu ilcbuttr. rgro fawinwium. kktunr. llri LJWK?raiJ wlUean allot tk SfeatfewwIpS oc WMT tU fco? ! dni S', JUi Jmfiwt Kuttk i4 Tkmu Moa lor must I AMMtM SSw'Xt bmSTSSH Mtk,rtmm i Hunting, Pic-nicing, Camping Mining, Lumbering, or on a general outing? If you are do not fail to lav in a supply of the uiL.nnni'iBLnuir Condensed Milk. It gives the most deli. cious flavor to tea, coffee, chocolate and many summer drinks.' It Will keep irf ' any climate.' ' You can use it 'in the place of milk for general cooking purposes. Your Grocer and Druggist sell It. the signature of Gail Borden. )' (JH) J &ir? ;! 0'; a r TO o - ' '.MM V S 1 f -it THE-WILiAMETTE, BAXjBUT, objb&of. Bates, $2.50 to $6.00 per Day Tho best hotel between Portland amd Ban lranolsgo.fFlrsticlasa id alUtt appointment Iti ubler sreraerred -with tho- Choicest Fruits arvwn la the Willamette Vallsr. A. I. WAGNER. Prop $3,000.00 A i YEAR FOR THE-IKR1.TW0US. IXyoowaatworktBtttfplwataad'praW"' Modus yoiuaddreMliuroedUtelr' .Wt,e?.'51!J X womeo how to earn from BS.VQ Pr " -l,oee ter jrearjwltaoat hsrlog bad Pf1? J.Uth theeBwlojfJi HOH, - "V.IT OOUBl. QIVFV I ',. .Jjli.- ft.,. -A mnmAalG d3T iwora i lug darUme orerBl, rUht In 7"f "n."JSw lty. wfUrtTr6tj'1l?l!,aKf reH tf " ."gJl4XffhVm surtlT bring them ricbes. Borne or tne ;'- (m Kiouj KT. wmum 'JWWWW...W. ------ ,& mea hi tatf coutrr m itrHnti '' ieif1mMlia'i" lavaswaiapwrj sa&m the start givM (WaWila-s4areployjrU ' .Yi?H"T. M! , ?pttpn( cauDoiiui. nocanitai with somttMnc that I W book WbI (ftvdrMi 1 adatttW,A 5Tiiitor en ey wrum lor tt to-4ayB0t to-morrw. i wusysare'eaf K. C; ALUUM-fc CO., Bx4M ' AUGUSTA, MAIflf - Dispatches $31 DffflMeww