Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 28, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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2&$m IP
Tho season's daintiest fabrics are
now oVonr counters, although a
few Btragglere are still to come.
&e's a Perfection of color combi
iation ana beauty of weave in toe
Ew tilings that will be a treat for
&ou. We will try to make your visit
- IF -
Yon are golngl'i build or mikejany Hndof
lsa.rrvemeit, .all on t u- er Igned for
materia . hTe" mpltctoo V.nd are
ready to supply any p:epared contract, sewer
work, eroding, etc
Sal m Improvement Co.
Local Dates.
City council meeting.
Thanksgiving day.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
service 7:30,
Nov. 30.
Christian church charity
W. C. T. U. dinner 12 to
4 p. m.
Dec 4. Katie
Putnam in "Loye
Don i. MndnHne Merll drama.
Dec. 9.
Keeley institute entertain
Jan. 20,
First Presbyterian church
By Perkins comedy.
A Business Cuanoe. The success
ful insurance and ticket agency ot
Mitchell, Wright & Co. has this da
undergone a change in Its personnel,
which mattes the style of the urm read
Mitchell & Ferguson. Mr. E. C.
Wright ba3 sold his interest to Mr. J.
N. Ferguson, who has been special
agent of the Northwest Fire Insurance
Co. The business of the Arm will be
conducted as in the past, pushing both
the insurance and ticket business to
the best interests of their many patronp.
Runaway. Mr. Andrews, a farmer
near Jeflorson, drove up to Stelner'n
market with twenty turkeys this morn
ing. The horses hied at something
and Btartfd up State street, turned
south on Church, and wbeu last seen
were slowing up on the Bush bridee.
The Thanksgiving birds enjoyed quite
a spirited ride.
A Meury Trial. Ono Merryfield
was tried before Judge Butchelor yes
terday for larceny of a ring from the
finger of a married lady. He regarded
it as a kind of engagement ring, Mr.
Husband objected, but could not prove
a robbery. The case was dismissed.
A. O, Condlt and Chas. E. Robltn were
the attorneys in the case.
Mabried. In the parlors of the
KanBOS house In Salem, November 27,
1803, Miss L-n'i Peterson of Portlaud
and Abratn Eillsof Gates.Judge Ed. N.
Edes ofiluiatlng. Tbo ceremony was
performed In the presonceof a few close
friends, and was very impressive and
Thanksgiving Dinner. The ladles
of Uuity churoh will be ready on
T lanksglviug day to serve dinner, to
all who may come, by 5 o'clock In the
evening. From 88:30, a literary and
I musical program, aud the usual amuse-
I" " . ii ii rn. ......... ....., ...,.
lOODl uuui Hi ivruvjuiotcuw uu-
cures a fine dinner.
Give Thanks For good fresh, rloh
Thanksgiving luxuries. Damon Bros,
havo just rscelved a fluo lot of mine
meat, dates, raisins, oranges, leuious,
bananas, sorghum, and everything
that your palate can desire.
Turkey Talk, Why havo your
whole family fret all day over n Thanks
giving dlnuor wheu you cin get a
choice turkey dinner at Strong's for 25
cents? 3t
The- only stock of Japanese
goods in Salem are iuv being
shown nt
This lino consists of -assorted
Chinawaro, suoh as cups and
Mtucors, tea sots comploto, ox
tra butter dishes, bowls, cream
era, mush sets, chocolato pots,
craokorjars and flower vases,
lacquer cabinets, swoons, wall
brackets; Japanese napkins 35o
jor hundred.
ZQV commercial ocreoc,
:45 tats a Yard.
Bierrest b .rgains everlnowr.
Call earlyand get the best se
Miss Edith Krauese; of Salem, a sis
ter of Mrs. William Wright, of this city
retu-ned to the former place yesterday
a ft Tii plea?aut visit of a few days in
Corvalli8. Miss Krausse not long since
came from the East, but will make Ore
gon her future home. Corvalhs Times.
Dr. Aurthur Brown, of Port nd,
who lectures at the M. E. church this
eve ilng, Is in the city.
Ju Ige Geo. H. Williams of Portland,
was In the city today.
Rainernber Dr. Brown and "Father
Timi" this evening.
Kenitor Matlock, of Umatilla county,
has been appointed a member of the
mld-wlnter fair commission for Oregon
in view of his valuable services as
world's fair commissioner.
Sum Karr of Fairfield, one of the best
posted politicians of tbe north end of
th county was in the city today.
Chc Cannon was in today with a
load of big fat Cleveland Thanksgiving
F. M. Shafer and J. A. Rldlnger, of
Brooks, were In tbe city today.
The acent of Katie Putnam is in the
city. 8be plays at Reeds Monday
night In a new play. When last in
Salem she presented "Waifs of New
York," taking a boy's part. Katie is a
great favorite with the ladies. Miss
Myrtle Low is recovered from her re
cent illness, If Chas. L. Davis has
made a million out of Alvin Joslin be
ought to quit. Salem ha' a lot ot
gallery gods that New York City might
envy. Willamette Social club meets
tomorrow night at Hotel Willamette
parlors. Yestorday afternoon taking
of testimony in Fraser vs. Bridges was
completed. The track of the South
ern Pacific alouir the Salem passenger
depot has been raised to let suowplows
pass In going to Southern Oregon.
A beautiful clear mild day succeeds a
ulght of storm. Commencing today
the cars on the Hue of the Salem Con
solidated Street Railway Co., will be
furnished with sand boxes to enable
them to pull on a slippery track.
rhoa. and H. L. Black went to Albany
today T. Bolton is at Turner on
insurance business. J. B. Mosleraud
wife of Nebraska are in tbe city look
ing up a home. J. M. Bridges, of
Union county, aged 40, was today com
mitted totheasylum. Geo. Williams
oo the Willlums & England banking
Co., went to Portland this afternoon
Overcoats at cost
at the Woolen Mill
i lie case 01 v raser vs. linages was
argued aud submitted to the county
court today aud taken under advise
Florida oranges, Ciclly lemons
just in at Clark & Employ's.
Overooata at cost rt the Woolen Mill
Oourso of High Grade Entertain
ments at the Salem First AR
E. Ohurch
III. Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
Pteshyterlan church of Portlaud,
'F.I her Time," Nov. 28.
IV. Dr. Chns.Edward Locke.Taylor
atreet ehtiruli I'ortlauu, "lSvery luou a
Mm n," Do. 0.
V, Grand coucort by Salem artists,
December 20th.
Course ticket Is 2.00, Blugle admls-
flon Is 50 cent. Tickets for Pale at
Dearborn's bookstore and
grocery store, Hate street.
11 3tf.
Sorghum, Just received from the east,
at the Blue Front.
New elder at Vau Eaton's overy day.
Overcoats at cost at the Woolen Mill
Store. 2d
Ghand DlNNKit Tho Ladies of tbo
Salem W. C'T. U. Invites their friends
to take a fine Turkey dluner with them
ou Thanksgiving day. Price 2J cts.
1 1 i in
Aktkk Blood, When you see oue
go past you would oonoJude he was af
ter blood, but it la only a Lockwood
messenger getting to his destination
with n mes-uge.
Headquarters for ull ully papers, at
J. L. lieunutt'o nodt otlL'O block news
stand, tf i
Salem, Nov. 28, '93.
M. M. Beach, app., vs. Multnomah
county, resp. Argued and submitted.
Emmlt Williams, atty. for app. John
H. Hall, atty. for resp.
Newton Williams, app., vs. Toledo
Coal Co., resp. Motion to dismiss ap
peal overruled.
G. W. Vedder, app., vs. Marion Co..
resp. Motion to dismiss appeal over
ruled. On motion of P. H. D'Arcy, A. F.
Groves was admitted upon certificate
from the supreme court of Colorado to
practice in all the courts of this state
The Ward Primaries.
The Republican ward primaries are
being held this afternoon. The tickets
being voted are as follews:
First: Squire Farrar and R. B. Dun
oin. Secend: Thos. Holman and Wm.
Third: Thos. Kay and Dr. Phil-
Fourth. Geo. P. Hughes.
Good Selection. John W. Carr,
who managed tbe Clarke orchard tbe
past year, has been appointed foreman
of "The WHIowb" fkrru belonging to
the Wallace estate. A new cottage it
belng erected for htm for a home. Mr.
Oarr Is gaining a good reputation as an
orchard manager.
The gate keeper at the Forest Grove
end of the Wilson river toll road h
causing considerable trouble., Th ugh
be has been notified several times tc
throw open the gate and stop collecting
toll, he still persists In charging every
one who goes through the gate. Ti
lomook He-dlig it.
Wm. Mannaster toT. Sterling; part'
of Thos. Cox claim, $1.
F. M. Neal to Mi E. Neal; part o;
Calvin Neal claim, $1.
E. Suiter to Hattie Dayton, Capital
Park, $200.
M. J. Penter to E. W. Wilkins; lo!
in Comptou add to N. Salem, $2.
Charles D.Wilson to David Scotland;
part of A. F. Wilson claim, $4,000.
Oregon Land Co. to A. H. Leonard
20 a., Hunnyside No. 8, $2500.
Same to F. Warnich and F. M. Par
rish, lot Prospect Park, $150.
Harvey Massey to F. R. Kemp, 3 lots
North Salem, $450.
Greyllng at Davison's market. 2t
Overcoats at cost at the Woolen Mill
8tore. 2d
Hens cheap by the dozen at Davison's
market, 94 Court street, and fish pleu
tiful. 2t
Civil Suit. Mrs. Howard began a
civil before Justice Batchelor today to
reeover ti sum of money loaned to E. P.
Fresh oysters, Davison's market. 2t
Dressed chickens cheap at Davison's
market, 04 Court street. 2t
Schooner Foundered.
Bwampscott, Mass.. Nov. 29. An
unknown schooner foundered off here
this morning. It is supposed the crew
Is drowned.
fowls.-cbeap at
fowls cheap at
Buy your shoes while th-y are cheap
at Krausse Bros.
How quick tbe Populist senators and
members of congress catch on to the
loaves and fishes. Every beggar of
tbem at Washington city has put all
his relatives on the pay-roll by placing
them iu Borne subordinate filce. They
are great reformers, in a horn. Oswe
go Iron Worker. They probably are
no worse than the r st of the politi
cians, though they pretend lo be better
and as pretenders it makes their con
duct seem to be worse than it la.
The Advertising
Of Hood's Sarssparilla Is always within
the bonds of reason because It Is true;
it always appeals to tbe sobwr, commou
sense of thinking people because It is
true; and It Is always fully substantiat
ed by endorsement which, in tbe fi
uanclal world-would beuccepted w th
out a moment s hesitation.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, cou'tlpa.
lion, biliousness, J iu in! Ice, sick head
ache, Indigestion.
Mccormick, Mnndav.Nov. 27,i8),i
to.Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. B. McConul 'k,
at Hayesvllle, a sou.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Puro Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No AHua.
UJ In JiiiHioas of Uome3-io Years tho Standard
All the worthy people of
buy a turkey, are invited to come and get a nice fowl, as I
have an ample supply especially for the occa ion.
The above is my annual proclamation, so do not be
backward. To those who can afford to buy, I offer the finest
dressed turkeys at the low price of 15c a pound. I claim to
have the best dressed turkeys in the city. All other fowls as
low as the lowest. Sell hens by the dozen, cheap. Call and
be convinced. All fowls dressed under my personal supervi
sion by skilled white labor, for which I pay fair wages. Fresh
fish of all kinds received daily, also large, fine, fat Eastern
oysters. Leave your orders. Free delivery.
Yours for fine turkeys,
94 Court St. L. A. DAVISON.
A Prisoner Walks Out Quietly Past
the Guard.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 28. John
Dryden, alias Hawthorne, alias O'Neil,
under five year.' sentence for burglary,
and one of tbe most dangerous crim
inals in the Northwest, escaped from
the county jail. The street preachers
held services at the jail in the after
noon, uryaen joinea witn tnem in
singing and praying, and when they
went away walked out with tbem, past
tbe guard, who was a new man. He
had secured a white shirt aud collar
and black tie and carrieJ a bymnbook.
Oue of tbe preachers asked him if he
was a prisoner, and was told he had Just
received a pardon and was determined
to lead a better life. Dryden was not
missed uutil locking-up time, when a
dummy was found in bis cot by' the
night jailer. The sherifl's posse looked
ill night for him and today ofiered $100
reward. Dvden is said to have es
caped from the Oregon penitentiary
ind it was learned a few days ago that
oe had escaped from Walla Walla with
two years of an unexpired sentence not
long before be committed burglaries
here. About six weeks ago he was
taken to Walla Walla to serve a five
year Beuteuce, but was brought back to
await action on appeal to the supreme
court. Ou the way back he leaped
from tbo train at Palmer and was
knocked senseless. Before the train
could be stopped he recovered suffi
ciently to crawl into a hollow log,
where ha " nfterward found.
Russian farmers hold an average of 37
acres to each family.
On an average there nre 10,000 adver
tisements a week in the 11 London morn
ing papers.
Sierra means a -saw, and its applica
tion to a range of pointed mountain
peaks is very apt and poetical.
Aristotlo defined law to be reason
without passion, and despotism or arbi
trary power to be passion without rea
son. Some insurance companies will allow
the use of none but the old fashioned
sulphur matches in the houses they in
sure. Pasteboard in shoe soles, chicory in
coffee, aloes in tea, sticks of wood in
baled hay, mako trade lively and keep
the language vigorous.
The greatest fortress is Gibraltar. It
is considered impregnable to military
attack. It was besieged by the Span
iards for threo years without success.
In every land between Spitsbergen and
Patagonia there is some species of the
common blood sucking mosquito. In
British America and Alaska they are
very largo and troublesome.
Tho full bench of the Boston supreme
court has decided that a man is justified
in preventing a dog fight, and that if in
doing such a thing he gets bitten the
owner of tho dog must pay damages.
The English sovereign's Eons and
grandsons, when created peers, aro en
titled to Beats in tho house of lords at
the left of tho throno, but when, by the
death of their father, they become only
collaterally related to tho sovereign
they sit among tho dukes.
"Peoplo need not suffer from corns or
other pedal troubles if they will change
their shoes threo times a day," asserts a
man who has tried tho experiment.
"Where one pair pinches another sets
easily, and frequent changes of footgear
keep the circulation in order and the toes
Tho fashion of decorating tho dining
table is not a modern one, but is tbe re
vival of an nncient custom. Old French
tables of any pretensiou to elegance
wero adorned with permanent center
pieces called surtonts, mado of glass and
silver mounted. From these branched
silver and (pit candelabra.
Salem who cannot afford to
Local Correspondence from
in the Valley.
The population of this place went to
Salem Saturday to attend the Populist
The dedication of our new school
came ofl on time and no one would
have believed that those who took part
had had only two days notice. It
simply proves that we have some of the
smartest people on earth In Aumsville.
For the last six months no set of
men have been so badly abused as the
members of our school board. Any
thing they 8aidordid was criticised
and condemned, and the smaller tbe
man tbe more he was blamed. It ac
tually wa thoug it necessary to have a
phrenologist examine their "bump" to
find out if they were qualified to build
tbe school house. The result aston
ished many, but they thought the
phrenologist was a fraud, and their
minds wer- uncba ged as to the school
board. But in spite of all tbo building
was comp eted and tbe school board
are now the "lions of the day." At
tbe dedication an unanimous vote of
thanks, was given tum. It is inti
mated that for every hour tbe board
devoted to the school busiuesn, that it
took 24 hours to defeud that one hour's
work. But now all are unanimous,
and those who opposed tbe most are
the most prominent in calling it "our
school house."
Messrs. Reader and Marrifield have
made great improvement in the looks of
their addition to Aumsville, by build
ing a board fence the whole length of
tbe plat.
Dan. Smith has built a new sidewalk
tbe length ot bis block.
Mrs. S. Smith is building a new fence
around ber block of land.
Messrs. Reader, Ball .and Glbbs, are
building sidewalks In front of tbelr
A petition is being circulated, to raise
money to build a sidewalk from the
"church to tho Southern Pacific."
Henry Porter has moved to town for
the wider.
Mr. Weaver is making "sauer kraut."
He says that b has joined the "hood
lums." Dried fruits, fresh f nits, cranberries,
raisins, currants, nuts, citron, and
everything that goes to make a good dinner at J. A. Van
A new Invoice of fresh condensed
mlnc9 meat arrived this morning at
Clark & Eppley's, Court street.
Easily Taken Up
Cod Liver Oil as it
appears in Scott's
Emulsion is easily
taken up by the
system. In no
other form can so
much fat-food be
assimilated with
out injury to the '
organs of digestion.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos
phites has come to be an article
of every day use, a prompt and
infallible cure for Colds, Coughs,
Throat troubles, and a positive
builder of flesh.
TTprd by Scott A Bofm. W. Y. All druniiU.
The public is hereby notified
that we propose to sell meat at
margins barely consistent with
fair profit.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all
Corner of Crilw and 13th Street.
rknLl 11
r T?rjK
bfer?d at Cost I
The Largest assortment ever brought to Salem.
They Must Go
in the next 30 days!
The Burns Herald has completed Us
sixth year.
The Salem Woolen Mills have a de
pot for sale of their products in Harney
It has been some time since a bushel
of wheat was worth as muoh as two
dozen eggs in Oregon.
Med ford Mall: Did anyone ever see
finer weather than we are having now?
No rain, very little frost, aud any
amount of sunshine.
Eugene Guard, Nov. 17: The tber
raoneter stood at 25 degrees above zero
this morning. This is unusually cold
for tbis time of year. It Is tbe opinion
of farmers that grass will be damaged
Tho Newport assessment roll for 1893
foots up at $124,580. Tbe property
could not bo bought for five times that
Prof. Horner of tho State Agricultur
al college, seems to have a syndicate
very assiduously working the country
press to promote him for some state of
fice. City election at Albany this year
will not have much politics in It. The
city is nearly $100,000 iu debt, warrants
are away below par, aud the citizens
say they want good, careful men in
municipal offices next year, irrespective
of politics.
The Corvallis Btreet railway, rolling
stock, etc., were sold by the sheriff, and
bid iu by tbe Security Saving &, Trust
Company of Portland for $350. This
property originally cost In the neigh
borhood of $20,000, and has been in
operation less than four years.
As tbo Oregon Pacific train came from
the front Friday when near Fox Valley
passengers were treated to a rare sight.
A fine deer with a beautiful set of horns
glistening in the November sun light
ran by bo near that Conductor Tway
tried to kill it with a coupling pltf. The
deer ran only a short distance when a
hunter shot it.
Overcoata at cost at the Woolen Mill
Storn. 2d
This wild Thanksgiving turkey swaUo wed
Ana down within htm Brownie was ground
, uninoiu WHO HEUID
into a pulp
rhe ?eaMu lor this tragedy was Brownle'a
prevlou sire
He would not read our latest ads, nor take
Mil hornolna In
The moral is clear. Read the following
Patton Bros.,
The Ptatlonpra. am nn illinl..i..k.iJ
HlblM Albnmi. JllVAnllA TtrviVa lo,t ...i
a-rm ' - v...uu
1 I i Ilttlll,
TSSlAMmlu'ta Unlone,2-ply, 3-ply,
TOUNKBDvliSg? per ceifet..
bliekk0! & ?ercoa,B' rFm& RDd for yourself. Try one of our f 7.00
Our dreea oods am) Jackets admit of no superiority.
Tbe Republican legal voteri of the dtr er
Salem ore hertby notlOed that the city Rt.
Subllcan primary elecjton will be held fn tm
nUie-ond, tnlrd Md fourth wrdi of the
city of Salem on Tuesday, November & lsw.
lor Iho purpose of putting In nomination ni!
dldates for city aldermen, oue each in the flrrt.
second, third and fourth wardi, to be voted
for at the coming cliy election tobebeMoa
Monday, the 4lh day or December, 18ft, ihe
polls of i he raid primary election to beopeW
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Kndo'OMttT
o'clock p. m. on said day, and the lollowlui
named judges were appointed by the commlw
tee, and tho primaries named as follew:
PIKT WARD. Old eaglne houie-Jotet
H. A. Johnson, Jr., W. D. Clagget and Aimi
rtECOND WARD. Old court home-Judgca.
Oeo. Collins. J. A. BHkerand J. Q. Wilton.
THIRD WARD Armory bulldllng-Judpt,
Alonzo Oesner, E. M. Wall e and J. W. BattS
KOURTn 'WARD. Lamonrenz'a livery
etables-Jndges, J. L. Hockelt, Owenlluttoa
and A. U. Buckingham.
The Judges of thrir respective wsrOi shall
appoint two competent persons to act u
clerks of sld primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under thi
provisions of the act af the leg tlatlve autm
bly of the state of Oregon. Hy order o. the
committee. R.E.M ORK8,
Secretary City Republican Central committee.
IMS td
The Democratic legal voters ot the dtjof
Salem are hereby notified that the city Dem
ocratic primary election will be heM in tta
first, second third and fourth ward ol Htlem
on wedneeda, November 24, 1893, for the pat
pose of putting in nomination candidates lor
city alderman, one each In the first, second,
third and fourtn wards to be voted for at "h
coming city lection to be held oa Monday,
the 4th day or December. 1893, the polls ol ibe
snld primary election to be opened at the bear
of 1 o'clock p. m. and Hose at 6 o'clock p. m,
on said day, and the following named Judres
were appointed by the committee, and ins
places of holding and conducting the prima
ries named as fallews:
MfchT WARD -Old engine" honse-Judp:
u. tr wagner, jj. a. fiyra, rei-r uaicj.
Pprague ft Cronn's disci
W.J.oUey. W.F.Du-
smith shop. Judges:
gan. Eutsene u 11 Us.
THIRD V, ARD Armorrbnlldlnr-Judfes
U.u. vnnwagi-er.rj.u. Meiton, uo. oarr.
TrnrtRTFT I A nn Amnnreui'l livery
z '-i .r n -
FODRTH WARD. Lamonreux's livery tt
bles-Iudk-es: G. A. Rockwell. W.O. Mitchell,
O Van Patton.
The Judges ot their respective wards snail
appoint 2 competent persons toast as clerks
oi said primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under the
prov slons ot the act of the legislative assem
bly of the state of Oregon. Bv order ol tn
committee. W.J. D'ARCY,
secretary City Democratic Commute.
WANTED -Situation by mlddleaged Uer,
mn lady to do general housework. l
willing and able to carry on the largest hone
hold. No. l3HUte treet, U-57-lwd
AQKN'ni mk5.00 a day. Oreatet kiwben
utensil ever Invented. R tails ffict. Jtpf
sold In every bouse r-ample pottage
five cent. Fobsiixx A McKaiw, ClnoinnaU,U.
T7IARM TO LKT. A fine farm of 72i acre K
l? mile from R. R. Btatton. 14 '' '!
Balem. For particulars Inquire at the Jous
KAl. office. 1HMW
ANTF.D BOARD tits, with or withont
lodging, commercial lr"h. . t.
31HI8 PA1ER U kept on file at B. C. Mn
. Advertising A gency, 64 and 65 MrcbanU
xchange. Ban Francisco, California, where
contraota for advertising can be made for h.
NtmTQTiAW univvnir T.lteralnrfl
of an
j kinds on sale at S28lJberty street. 4-6-ly
T w. HILBEK BON, Balem, Oreron
t) . Tree-settlng.Tree-prunlng, Top-rrartlnj
Sign painting, na ges moderate ,"
tlon gua antled. 11-23 dlw
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
n Hard Wood Finishing,
Can give good references. Estimates IfurnlsB.
ed. Address, Geo. Juchstro'h. HaJeni. 5!!'
dence on xaiem Motor 1UU way. North Eaiem.
.Leive orders at Btelner ft Womtrs. I'-w
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Patterns for Fronts
and supply the brick lor the.New BnlemClty
Hall and nearly all the fine buildings erectta
In the Cupltal City.
Yards near Penitentiary . Balem. Or. M
SALBM, - - - Oregon
Private work a specialty.
O. B, CUE U ENT. Manager.