'ijfi , JiVJUKUM ualfttUr X994 WQAY, iroVBMBISR S8,-1SUB. j ' iM L0ST N TEXAS SWAMPS. HER MISTAKE. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl dent to a billons itate o( th system, iuch ai Dizziness, Nam ta. Drowslnsis, Distress after eating, Pain In the Side, Ac. While their most remarkable success baa been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Caimm'i Little Liri Pitxs are equally valuable In Constipation, coring and prarentlnp; this annoying-complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the llrer and regulate ths bowels. Even U they only cured HEAD che they would be almost priceless to those who suffor from this dlitrsisinr cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so manr.ways that they will not be willing to do without thsra. Hut after all sick hood ACHE Is the bane of so manyUres that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cumin's LrrnjE Liter Fills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five f or $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mall. CASTZZ MEE1CIHS CO., l Tort THE CULTIVATOR AND l; Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and ProcPRaes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Llve-Stock and Dairying, While il also Includes nil minor depigments of It u nil Interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeplng, Greenhouse nd Grapery, veterinary Itepliu. Farm Questions nnd. Answer, Flrelde headings, juomestic Kconoiny, nndasumma'y of the News of the Woelr. Its Market Bkports are unusually complete, and much attention Is p Id to the Prospects of the i rop, as throwing light upon one of the tnoat important of all questions. When to Buy and When to Bell. It Is liber ally 111 unrated, and by IlEOKNT KNL.AKQK MENT. contains more reading ma'te'tnan ever before- The subscription Prion is M ISO per year, but we offer a HPISiUAli BEDUoTIO.S In our CLUB BATSS FOB 1894. Two Subscriptions. In one remittance, $4 Six Subscript'ons, do do 10 Ten Subscriptions, do do 15 miYn1l now snhanrlbers tor 1804. paying in idvanronow, we will send the paper Week-. ly, from our receipt 01 insnuiiwun, i o" uary 1st, 1KBI, without charge Specimen copies free, address LUTHER TUOKKR & SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. The Experience of a Battled Hunter TTlio Was Loaded Dn;n tyith Game. Fully 40 men started, out from this place Saturday afternoon to uhoot ducks, and in one party was Qharley Ains worth, a married man, who has resided here for a year and a half. Ainsworth Kot scparated.from the rest of tho party, but tho Karae was so plentiful that by 4 o'clockho had bagged twelve ducks and one brant, and thinking he had as many birds as .he needed, concluded he would return hqme. He was probably less than three miles from home at that thno, bnt tho rushes were bo high that ho could not see the tall smokestacks at the mills, and before the sun went down he lost his reckoning. Not returning home at night, his wife became alarmed, and at daylight Sunday morning a party of 12 took a boat and pulled down the river and up Conway's bayou, where they found Ainsworth's boat pulled up on tho snore. Twelve men started into the marshes to find the lost man, but met with no success. Between 4 and 5 o'clock Sunday ufter noon Ainsworth walked into town quite exhausted, having wandered all Satur day afternoon, all that night and the whole of Sunday in water from 0 inches to 2 feet deep, where tho rushes were 10 feet high and so thick ho could not see three feet before him, with the rattle of count less flocks of ducks passing overhead, the doleful music of the lonely bullfrogs and the hoarse, dull, deep bass roar of the hundreds of alligators that abound in the dark and muddy wallows. All through these low marshes he wandered, knowing that he had a sick wife at home, whose anxiety would increase with ev ery hour that he was delayed, and with the weight of the game he had killed added to his gun and cartridges. He had nothing to eat since Saturday at dinner. He had no idea of the course he was go ing or what direction he was from home. He wandered, by the merest accident, to the river bank, which he followed for several hours, and finally crossed over on tho timber and booms to the Texas side, nine miles above town, and camo down home without knowing positively whether he was going to or from Orange. As soon as he got to the bank of the river he threw his ducks away, thus re lieving himself of CO pounds of burden that he had forgotten ho was incumber ed with. Those who went in search of the lost hunter returned Sunday in response to n signal announcing AinBWorth'a return. Orange (Tex.) Letter. i8Q4 Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. Ti-......)a MnvruTinn rnr iRui will maintain the character that has mtde It the favorite lllus trated 'periodical for the home. Among th-j resit taof enterprises undertaken by the pub llVhers there will appear during the year sup erbly illustrated papers on India by bawin Lord Weeks, on the Japanese Heat'ons b Al fteJ l r-ftiSonV, an Oermny J'ou tney Blelow. on Paris bv Richard Hardlag Davis, and on Alexloo by Frederic Kemlugton. Among the other notable tortures or the yearwllfbVnovels by George du Maurler and Charles DudlV Wirner. tue iieri "" "V" ceneeB of W.D. "walls, and elent short sUr ieVof Western IronUr life by Owm Wlster, Hhort stories will also be nM0"' ?J Iiranrter Matthews, Rlobard Hardl g Davis, Mary" E W.lkens. Buth MoKnery "tuar- Mis. Laurence Alma Tadema, George A, ttlbbard. Quesnay d Beaurepalre, Tomas NeWon ire. and others Articles on current loteres. will be contributed by aistinguisneu nyecm. lsU. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Yeari -Jt ru . i" HARPER'S MAGAZINE tr vllPKR'B WKKKLiY IIAKPKR'S BAZ VR.. . 4 m .. a oo TriuDVRn v.ilINfl ViZJVbtl --. Postage tree to all subscribers In the United States, Canada, and Mexico The. Volumes of the MsbmIm i begin fwHb the Numbers for June sn(f Decern or vear. When no time is montloned, substrip tlonV wll. begin with the Number curren at t he time or receipt oi uoor uu""" 'h,,k in of Harper's Magasine for three ywMkjin neat cloth binding, will he sent by mall. pot paid o.i receipt of 13 00 per vo'ume Uotn Cases, for binding, cents each by mall, post paid, Kemttttance should be made 7 Mtofflce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspnpers are not to copy advertise ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. . Addressi Harper a Bbothkrs, New Yf r Hard Work Getting Into Prison. Most men who are nenitentiarv endeavor to escape their punishment, and the officers of the law are vigilant to defeat this purpose. In the case of John A. Denton, who was re ceived at the Maryland penitentiary the other day to serve a term of three years for embezzlement from tho county com missioners of Howard county, the usual order of things was reversed. It is stated that on Wednesday night a firm lookintr vounir man inquired at tho penitentiary for Warden Weyler. Tho warden happened to be out, and the man explained to the doorkeeper that he was John A. Denton of Howard county, and that he had been sentenced to serve a term in the penitentiary. The doorkeep er detained his visitor until Warden wQw TPtnrned. Denton told the same etorv to the warden. Mr. Weyler, it is stated, declined to receive his visitor, not having tho right to Imprison him without a commitment or other identifi cation. The man seemed crestfallen and disappointed and walked slowly away. The next atternoon no remiucu " sheriff of Howard county and tho proper commitment. Denton will probably be riven clerical duties to perform during his imprisonment. He was at large on bond for some time pending the bearing of tho appea,Un his case before .tho court of appeals at AnnapolIa.-Baltimore Sun. Sentiment Will Rometlmrs Rattle Even a Chicago Girl. As she stepped into a Clark street car every man turned to look at her. She greeted another girl effusively and feat down besi'le her. "Oh, Dora, I've had such an expe rience!" she panted as she cast a ico quettish glanco at tho young man oppo site. "You always are, having experiences,'' grumbled her friend, "and nothing, ever happens to me. It all comes, of 'having thoso big, appealing eyes and that timid air, when you'ro not even afraid of a mouse." "Oh, but this was really an awful ex perience, and I've a mind not to tell you a word about it." "If you don't, I'll think it is because it is too bad to tell." "Oh, you mean thing! But I must tell somebody, and I know all your secrets, so you won't dare to tell." "Go on, then, but don't expect me to sympathize." "Well, you know, I went with mam ma to the dentist's today and" "Oh, it waa the dentist, was iM" "Not at all. I had my lovely now sil ver handled umbrella with me, and I leaned it against a chair in the waiting room, determined not to lose sight of It. A few minutes later in came a splendid looking fellow with such a mustaoho that I couldn't help smUing just a little at him." "Of course." "Well, he leaned his cane against the same chair, and it knocked my umbrella down. We both stooped to pick it up, and our hands met, and he said, 'Pardon me,' and I blushed and said, 'Thank you."' "I hope you had the grace not to look at him again." "Well er, only once or twice, ana each time ho was looking at mo in such an admiring wayt At last mamma came. As wo went out I forgot my um brella and had to go back for it, and oh, Dora, he started up and seemed about to monV nnd I iust flew out to where mamma was waiting. I knew I'd never hear tho last of it if she caught me.' "And servo you" "Oh, and, Dora, when we got out I looked back, and he was actually follow ing me." "I h6pe you" "I did until mamma told me,Bno was not walking for a wager, and at laa,t he caught up to us and lifted his hat. "What impudence!" .itto .n imldintr out something to mo nnd saying, 'I beg your pardon, mica, but A Poker Matinee. "My wife," said'-itho tall, light haired man, "ran across a new idea this morn ing. It's rather ,good.too." Then ho produced m swell looking card on which was this:"Mrs. John Blank re quests your company at a poker mati nee in room 123,458, tho Flexington, Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 3 o'clock. Limit, 85 cents." "My wife," added the man, "got this itoilay by mail, ahd came to me at once for a 'stake.' She didn't get it. I read her a lecturo on tho ovils of gambling which itnulo her cry. I pictured to her tliat a 23 cent limit game in which a lot of inexperienced women aro mixed up is likely to involve a heavy financial crash before tho garao is over. Then I scowled and asked her how it happened the in vitation came to her. She said a friend had played in a jnatineo held last week and didn't loso more than $3 or $4. The friend had insisted that Mrs. Blank didn't playoight, andjt was a cut, and dried schemo to havo all tho women in the 'matinee set' get some pointers, goto the next performance, and if necessary expose the methods of Mrs. Blank. "The matinees," concluded tho .man, "I have found out, have been going on for some time. Mrs. Blank, it seems, is a New Yorker and is not' young., Bho has formed an extensive acquaintance in south side swell seta, and tho 'poker mattneo is her invention. Shehaaono d week, but I know ono little woman who will not go into her 23 cent limit game,'" Chicago Tribune. jAVAvyUsWWWtfWftww BALD HEADS'! What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, S; liarsh, brlttlo? Docs it spilt at the ends? lias it a i lifeless appearances? Docs It fall out when combed or .-I..l 1- It I..II .1 JiKmlf) rtnu vniin erath ltih f Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower; li what you need. lu prodoeUon Is not an celasnt,but the retolt ei 'scientific" research. Knowledge of the dhwawsot the hair and scalp led to thedlacoT. i err of how to treat them. "Skookum "contains neither minerals nor o! a. It , It not a Dye. hut a delightfully cooling and ret reililng Toolo. 11 tUmnlatlnc , the rolllolea, ( ttopt falling hair, cure dundi-wjr and 0row hair m bald , "nr Keep the scslp elsan. healthy, and tree from Irritating npUons. by J thews ot 5oomm iin Sooj It destroys roroitm instetntektcKitd on 111 IVflP iWI i Hi! S 'WflTff ' Ai I 1 V 1 I :i i and rteitroir the Mir. If your drugglit cannot suprlr Jro send dlreetSM. ana jew pirorwaw , nrenaia. on receiptor price. Orowsr, WX) per bottle for JMO. posp,Wo. THvnn MARK fffTWHTU. nar far 1 1 for E2.S0, THE SKOOKUri KUUI flAiK ukuvykk 07 Botith Fifth Avenue, fiew vork, . a . CO., VAVASW mvwvvwvwwiwwwwv Electric Lights On Meter System, TO CONSUMER8 i Thet?alm Liaht nnd Power Oomrnny at great expen bnvo equipped their Kltctno rrn sppnraius !Utilloa.bcttrr a rate loner Light plant with tue most modern apparatus ana aro now a nio to oner i light than any sytem nn than auy city on the coast. Arc and Incandescent Light' hig. Electric Motors tor all purpqscs whore power is r quired. IleoMenees can be wired for as many light" as desired and theioonsumers pay for only such lights, ss are vised. This belug reglttciert by arutleouio Meter. Office 179 Commercial Si, T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING,' PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 30th and Chemeketa Street. ;i.t.i.i..n. ig -r umbrella and- sentenced to the ' You don't mean to eay" "I do. t had leen carrying his cane down tho street, and ho bad been cnwing me to get it back." "Well, I never," Baid tho other girl. Chicago Tribune. He Inaured the Cat. a ..,.; wiv who wished to havo Bomo fun at tho expense of an agent whp had ofttimes solicited her to insure ner eelf and family asked him on one occa sion if ho would insure tho cat. Tho acent, to the astonishment and no small amusement of some friends, promptly offered to do so, provided she paid the first premium down. The lady, rt 1 thinking to hoax him, expressed her will ingness to do so and placed a shilling on .,." i..i.i. nmmt ouiokly produced a proposal, filled in particu ars and ob tained her signature, while those present, were on tho tiptoe of expectancy aa to what was to follow. Now, madam, with your permission, may I see the cat?" ho inquired. 'Certainly," she replied, at the same .:.., mnHn! to a class case which, con- umo l" o - L.-riUnw. Stulieu reuuuuo w " - One Woman's Experience. Mrs. S. A. Williams, says The Wom an's Tribune, makes her boast that she has voted in Wyoming, Washington, Utah, Oregon and Colorado and haa vot ed for every officer in state and flatioipu Although now n resident of .Colorado, sho loves Wyoming, for it was there sho cast her vote for president. Sho was last year a resident in Arizona, but took up her residonco in Wyoming, where sho had before lived and voted, and remained there six months to havo the privilege of votinc for president, Mrs. Williams haa had a unique and interesting experience years ago in fruit less prospecting in mining xeglons with her husband, until they had spent the last cent, eaten tho last slico of bacon and had come to the last charge of blast ing powder. Encouraging lier husoanu for one moro effort, she held tho drill while he struck tho blow for the inser tion qf the powder. Returning from thqir hiding to see thq effect of the explosion, they found tho good silver ore scattered all about. Sho helped her husband to gather and market the ore, and their fori tune was made. l Mr8( Williams is now a widow, but at tends to herrown business affaire and her mining interests., Sho owns among flth er stock one-fourth interest in tho cele brated Zunl mine. Her namo appears Jn corporation papers, but tho identity of her sex is covered up like so many others hv tho nse of initials only, Mrs. Wil- Goo. Fendrich, CASH MARKET Best meat and free delivery. 136 State Street. JE. HUltl'llY. -Brick and Ute- WOJtTH BALK5I. Take It! EVENING JOURNAL, Only 3 cents a day- delivered ot your door. Fresh- N-ews-n Paoefs- Fruits- nml, Candies., J. L BENNETT & SON. P. O. Bloolci i MEATS. MT Jhc 'North Si'eiBatihcr, Hiya he hns not so'd out hat simply mo v it h4hup to tho old stnud t Llbetty slrett bridge. David McKillo)), Leave' orders at l flalem Im provement Co., 66 Btate streeU Colonial Da'tnes Celebrate. The Colonial Dames of Maryland this year gavo a tea on Oct. 10 to commomo rato tho burning of the Peggy Stowart in tho harbor of Annapolis in 1774. Many poppjo still think that Peggy waa a Colonial Darao horself , instead of a brig of that name carrying a cargo of tea. Tea, in thnt evontful year, had soveral moro "drawings" in hot water than were represented by tho Boston tea party. Philadelphia Ledger. Saw u White Iluuard. It is stated that a whito buzzard was killed by a hunter several miles north of tho city last week. Tho only dlffercnco between it nnd an ordinary buzzard was its color. Tho bird was seen by Bevcral persons flying in this vicinity together with tho common black and brown buz zards before it waa killod. Tampa (Fla.) Times. The HOWARD, House Mover. 4S1 Harlot. Street. lias the best facilities lormovlne; and rals. Ins; houses. lave orders at uray Bros., or address Halem, Oregon. From Terminal or Interior i'oiots the M UWUUUuOUUwOvJUOUuUUUjUiJUlJUviU Hair Death. hnstantly removes and forever destroys on ilectlonablehnlr. whether upon the hands. liace. arniB or neck, without discoloration I ir Injury to the most delicate akin. swasior uuy iiamshasabrightson, a college graduate and a promising orator. And "Qldatber Time" Vept. Pnntnin Dassett. "Old Father Time," as be has come to be called from his gray Jocks and his custom of turning back it ho hands of the senate clock before, each inal adjournment or the senate, roceiveu i severo shock at the recent session Tho playful pastimo. of turning back ho hands of tho clock may bo abandoned jy tho vonerablo assistant doorkeeper in ho future. Senator Mills regards this kmstom as revolutionary, and ho so des ignated it when the senate was in ex ecutive session just prior to adjourn ment, Tho hands of tho clock were Swithtn a minute of tho hour of adjourn toient tvhen Captain Baasett moandered 3n, and with the stick which ho employs ifor this purpose turned tho hand back isix minutcn. ... He had hardly completed, tho perform ance, when Senator Mills aroso to his feet and iu a short eieech denounced Shis practice as being fraught with great 'danger to the legality of senate proceed ings. Ua said tho day might come when si; ennnt would bo humiliated before ithe whole country by having the validity It asfor nrty years the seoret 'ormuiam HrantntiB Wllium. nrknnwlodeed hv nhVSl :lans as the highest authority and l he nnn. AminAnt. ri.irnniii)lr?iBt and hair sne clallst that ever lived. Uurlnghls private practice ol a liru-tlme among tne noouuy nd aristocracy of kurope he prescribed Mitaruiinn. t'rina. si hv mill, securely . r ,. T ?j7 M...IU1 Unla lacKfa i.x)rresponuonruwu.ucuni. ww Mteni1 or zvnier.ua Auoreaa THZ SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER fO, lent. IL57Houlli Klllh Avenue.New VorK liwmnnooofioooono inonnnnnnnnni W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE hoTWp. , Do yon wear thotn7 When mxt In need try P"') Rest In tho world. 43.0D 2.50 42.00 rcn uoieS' 2.00 ron BOYS H.73 i-l.l l.o ,. . - a -hnnw of derisive iUtugh- ae, "Tl ii nrent. but to tlieir, surprise and no little dismay tho agent, .0nts proceedings questioned for indulg tuS. and bowing politely to the lady, w inv6wh child'- play. It U pW that tunieu, b it,in. iinthe i!. i,in tlniutt went out into tho There are many forms of ... .toKlllttf av forms or nervuu. u"..... In men that yield lo t be u e oi iw - i'llls. Tho e who are troubled w""Yham weakness, nlebt sweats, etc., shou.d try them. Backaoh Is almost Immediately relieved by -wearlnir one of ia'tr'sHmart vveed and Uei ladonna Backache Plasters. Try one and be lrea from pain. 1'rlce 35 cents. For any case of nervousness, sieeplewne's, wean stomach, lndiee ion. WfPfP'' T'S, "arter'a Uttle Aervel'tlls. Ueliel r-1Ts?e only nerve medicine for the price In market. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Embalraers. Cabluet work and repairing. Court fctreet, Opposite Opera House, 8AI.KM, - - 0REG0N- hn same time coouy P''6 . shilling and placing it In his pocket, ex- C ..Whe'n that cat dies, madam.kindly call at our oflice anacia.u "" money. Good morning.''-Tit-Bita. Contentment. The dark eyes of tho Indian girl were ""Papa," she announced with trem- bimg &. ; j3Hn,h- "Never mind, dear, repnea u -,,.;: .ntl.lnMv. "In these hard m the hose wooWMI "' "hr 't0 be wtlsfiod with turned on him. ."OSlriSr of good bread .W. anuw"! "-: ..- - . ,t without any u m .-. NoTluie For Style. Galen R. Edson, a verifable repre sentative of Yankeedom. who is also one of thebestknown travelings, was one of the guests who narrowly escaped from ?he burning hotel in Toledo recently. Mr, Edson said that when aroused from rieenhe found his retreat cut off. He Bleep uu ,... iv,Br nnd was tied Beverai buucw wb"-- - , , atea "to lower himself from the third story window, when ttie firo chief told fV'V-Y i . nttomnted to come down mm "-" fir. hMe Would be in maw """"" -Llfo. over 200 ix)unds ';KX roast 'beef, without any . t?ftrrjhase. Firsthe SSS totomTa umbrella from the K .f his head. He wore no trou- . that garment being about his neck, eers, tnat b"" MVPr(.a bv red flan- nnd bis iw-";:- v nntflnd "s-r-dAWki nu B..V-- -.-;. 'rMt of the SeVhTLkerdown'the long ladder Tunes-Star, nel. woro Our Crasa For Wcneas. fnr "Uniess evidences lie Was Mistaken. LJI ..i Ui -MmSm rmrjiritA wiuww&a w dJir iaiVfiSl AffUrfll the venerable Uassett went ous inw iuo corridor anu wept. mw n-tw MatabrI Harrlaces, Mr. Lionel Decle, in an account of the marriage, customs of the Matabele, men tions one feature wuich is, wo iuo, nulto singular. Tito husband does not .buy hla wife and, although there Is ft suggestion of a memory pf marriage by capture in the details of courting and in thp avpldanco of the parento-ln-law, she would appear to remain her fatbera nrooerty. When children aro oorn, iuo father lias to ouy wcui w .. -law, or, falling this, they revert to the mother's ramily.-Knowledgo. The Victoria rullwiiy bridgo over , rl Lawrcnco at Montreal, con tain 3,000,000 cubic foot ol masonry work and 10.600 tona of iron. -.tO.UUBWJFn,-s 34.001' A 2.50 BTH 42.2SM I is the line to tab To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car rente. It runs through, vestibule trains, every day in the year to ST. PAOL AND CHICAGO ;tNo change of ears.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers ruumnu 0f jatert equfpmeni TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and Inwhloh acoommodatUn are both Iree and Iu nlsbed for holders of first ad second-ehus tlokeU.andi ELEGANT DAY COACHES TheLondon Aoontlnuots line oonnnetlne with nil lines, anordlng direct and uninterrupted service, ., . Pullman sliepo wprvatlons can hese cured in advinto ti.rougk any agent of 1 Through tickets to and from all points In America, Kngland and Kurope can b purohasedat any ticket ofltce ol this aim- plKuli Information concerninswiw, tlin; of tralns.routcsandotherdeUIls furnished -on application nyenu. Assistant Oeneral Jusenwer Agent, o, 121 Klrat street, or. Washltxtontrort land.Ormton Bhaw & Downino, AgeutB. If ywfwant ! DRESS 8H0L mid In tj UUtl .k.1 J au . B ta t.B. tnr mv S3, $3.50, (4.00 or $ J Shoe, They lit equal to tuttom mad nod look mi u I .'..1.1... .f..l UA..rnAlu.ar. ITMWell, IV0liniOKOngmniji .v.-, it io by purehiifng W, L, Dwgl Shoss. Nimn v price tUmped on tho bottom, look (of It when you bs W X- DOOaUlfl, Brockton, Mass. Sold by KltAUBSlS llKOS. I'llOFKaSlONAh ANU HUSINESaOAIlDS. it. n'mor. OKO.O.JUMOIIAU. D 'Alloy A HINailAM. Attorneys at Law, lloninal.S and 5, IVArey Building. Ml I??". i-.-i.i ..lnllr,ti fflvsn UlT)Ul- nSiTjnthe supreme and circuit eourUof the lain T plcT0V TO T MIMOX FOBU. Attorney M .WW, e.n, iiregoa. um minu m -..-... r T J. IliaoKll, Attoi ney at uwalew, Ore- XA. g""' unica over Hush's bank T J.BIIAW. M. W. HUNT HII AW 4 HUNT J .Attorneys at law. Offlre over Capital Rational bank, Halem, Oregon. rOHN A. OAIlON. Attorney at law, rooms I 8 and 4, Bush bank building, Halem.Or. W. H.IUHM I'M. nONIIAM 4 HOI.MKH, Attorneys at law. 13 omce In Hush block, between UUUand oiirt, on Uotnmerclal street. SALT LAKE,". DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS EASTERN CITIES 3 DAYS to CHICAGO t . t Introdooe ff-iS tetarw yon vi "" " - VIBOR 0F MEN Steamer MM POR TORTLAND. teayes Boise's dock Mondays. Wdnesrtyn and Fridays 7;3 a. m , rrlvU In rortiano a W0p.vm. . UETURNINO, leaves mrtland Tueoays, Thursdays and Haturday t f , m. Kaat time for paaaenger service; no way landing frelbt handled. HOUND TniP(unllml'ed) tiOO. Oneway, 115a. MBAtS 88 OENT8. Vor frljtot rate teUnr t0,ffi: id Wrihiin ll,nmaii block. M-M SSJK A taMtaff Dff . WjBta?e!L -w in , hurry. Bern. JuJOlu.w-v -- . TbeUiani' .'on er i""'"L.r comin2auaub. ork u o, other day. luaps-" wr oi vUMnV ,.t an that beifiut feet tognj 3- wniitlr "y 6eemn.it U only "PaLmrfe c;0 . ... "tie juaouu." YTXTZ n;d Lai bo fewer leev " atnrien. There are r.ear to thin, hut ffifflftiS'SJ I shall M cnarw.M than 0 several that corne the Slanhattan Uie builoUng wm " said ft Pnnoh. ladyl . mllillao. "--fi-sfasnisrss - -- .j tinilllllllT ' ! - Assurance wmpany;" thongbltin ing very joou v w the highest w "-1"""-' leM tUan are beaded. - r,-"t,vW All right, r itonExchange. '. Easily, Quickly, PorstssisllyBiitoro. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY aod all Ihr If aloof tl tiou tarty tnott or lau tuuwUl reaull W (nosurk, aleknesi, worrr.cte. yuUtriik, tf(.i(Iupaial sod tua ttttn n S rf orssaaod limillNKV.AT.I AVV --lf. TflllM IUVNK. ,1 cnlleo.lnna roads ai.d promptly remiueo. ftuipby block, tor HUtte and" Oomii.erclal at reels, rialem, Oregon. WO.KNIOIITON-Arehltect and urvrln. tendent. Ontee, rooms J and 8 """ llrsynan block. v ltlCUt!. Ktnograplifr and rjp Jt..f.tU ii.riulS ooh tJPewrlllngqf. Mbut one In Oregon. Oyt Uush's bank, Malera, Oregon. . oavhTui- "V9.nf.U.0L!ieiW. Dlt A IJAVH. jat rsturaaww" -" ' yo'rk,glvsptcl.Il'otlon U the di.. cases of wo.n.a and children, poae, Ibroat, lunr kidneys, skin dtaraaes and surgery. Offl& mH&eV 104 "tete street. Conauu. llou f rom to 1 J a. in ud a U i p tn. Vta IIouretote1tL?ltogo"d Hours l""cke, 'Tct mi K""' Through Pullman and Tourltt Simper, Free Reclining Chair Cart, Dining Can. y or rates an A general Information oall on or ad drew, W. H. HUIIUIUIIT, Ast, O. V, A Vi WasktngUin tiu. UorJd IMn-rutMn. (Iuu. Institute 719 MARKET STREET San Francisco, Cal. IB A MKDH'ATj ANU HUltdlOAL, INRTI Tf'TB, located permanently at 718 Ma'Ket f-tre",Ban Kranclioo, Cai., ft.r the cure or all ( Isms a, aftllctlnns and defonnltles. A etaff t-i physicians and surgeons, having dlploinaa ai.L .im endorstment of the brat college ot America nnd i.unipe nsiiie specm isw who havo bad louirekper enco In treating special and chrunlo dlaeases, nio In cotiktunnUUna- anoe. A pharmacy is atiaouea, ana nu pr- rlptlnns lllled (ree or cnarge, ifd.Offt TrlHl Bettlo $R.0 Full Course Hnflercrs from Asthma, minimalism, Con. sumitllon. Catarrh. Uyspepsla, lndlgestloo, Kcrofuls.Kpllepsy, Female Weakne.TiKr,, llesrt Oin-one, llioiichltls, Kru pilous, t-alc Ilbcum, Haldness.Tnceworro. iefnfis, yiijr sexual UlHeaie. Uist Manhood, Malaria, Url. nury Troubles, Vlles. Iliwel Troubleii vhvAtt toueult at onoo. Low charts, wilhl" ths rvnchol all, combined with tho best medical and surgical skill. Young, Middle Aged andOId Mea lm. .. 1,. .i.norlnir from YOUTIIKIIL KOLl.IIJM, or the excesses of tnaluied Ill should cousullatonce, before It is too laUj thcsevrurnn prnctlltnners whe liav no equstl ln,th UultedVttates, as they can and wl f re store to you perlect health when all other have failed, Broken Down Coflsl(fulions are rejuvenated and manly vigor restored r their new and wonderful melbbdB of treat inent, No lujuilous drugs used. Worn outr buslnesi ineuj call fot advice, JPJ"r Jl ire sutlerlng iiam Nervous llebfllly or lalllnk power of a5y disease of the Kye, fcar.ThrpaC rungs. Jleaft, Htoinach, Bkln, 'Kidneys, or llladder. Blood Diseases Cured In the shortest time by vte table reinedlts. inr n 1 1 strong healthy and vigorous ARt YUU as you should be T Are you free from every tra'e of dlawae or slckneasf So you look veilT IM you feel welrt or t there; aorno I hroulo Trouble; which, like '", worm lu tho buddinu flower, U rapidly d stroylns jour very vitals. IgflaDIES iesnes, ira juui;.vjr . . :":,""" "-r.-sviv d'suaam txTUllar 10 their sex, consult these $1,00 TRIAL BOTTLE AMnnp $5.00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Market Street San Francisco, Cl E4ika ci me v. np. aataral lbuJ. ImmdUtinpf'nI rwn. raUiuatoipuM'tU. ItU nfmamt t. csi4iaattfts a4 pniUt taiikxi ttouti ) ft- ERIE KEDICAL CO. Uff ALO. M. V. CIU)WNK. U X-i t'hyalcUo uud HUt a.llJr' f.a. Muroiiy biojki residence, ..irAlal tvlfsUlt. UUUM'lbHii - D iloc 1LT O HUITII, lntwt. HUUj strei 'Il.m.Ori(ou: yinlsbsd dtnUl opera. fcUlem. Oregon. lions spec ions of ttrr deacnption. riu v-.- wy nr 1 W lions and eiuM ol buildings. specific supenniennfuro u ", Uiuvm ww vwm"""' treet. op stairs. n-an Vines for Sale. -!.... ..iid several thousand 1 111VD imrv"- " .. ... 8ood .trohg two-year w P """ fi.rsUlnif'Ul, tiw.flwl varlllM, U e"Rf.S2.' df' fJUU'1 r-r- QONH OK VCTKKANH.-HampUr OamNo. MONEY TO LOAN On In pr ived IUal KalaU. lo amount and FEAR & FORD, Kooro 11. liostt tunk btoek. I lWw U44w-dAw bLulhlInx,.v.ry Wa--fftg t, A. IELWOOO, iworiwr, The Oregon Land Co., A ..IIIhsi 9mk Issntlsl AtUm, Isengsge latliUIallyofpi fruit U bow grow Stvl. wmimm&aM K.W,HADU2Y, BeelW. SHVKT 1INK t (3ALirU OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. ' H. (U WIIXAMKTTK YAl-WCr-- LoATts an Vrnaeueo, Nov.oth. Ulb 4 Mt UmvM YaqulM, Vor. Wt, JtS, , ItATJW ALWATtH HATWrAgTOHT. Yor Irelght and pasor ralM apply U ay I f.i i: ip r I, u tyi i V ''! n "" " -