Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 27, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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T'? "mn 3lW"TTTf'1K',rf"''"-TJr"r;7SSpp(-3P- iit'
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I 111 Kif I . Mtt,Yft&l
nil wfrf)
r m ' ;
new . ;:
Tho season's daintiest fabrics are
how on our counters, although a
few stragglers are still to come.
Kiore's a perfection of color combi
ation and beauty of "wreave in tho
new things that will bo a treat for
jrou. We will try to make your visit
- IF -
You are golng'. build or makelanyHnd of
lm roveme it, all oa tin underlgued lor
material. We have a!completoistock,nd aro
ready to supply any prepared contract, newer
work, eroding, etc.
Salem Improvement Co,
Local Dates.
Nov. 27. Alvlc .Toslyn comedy.
Noy. 28. City council meeting.
Nov, 30. Thanksgiving day. No
Nov. 30. Chrlatian church -charity
Nov. 30. W. O. T. U. dinner 12 to
4 p. m.
rw t M'nrlallno Mprll drama.
Dee! 0. Keeley Institute entertain
ment. , . . .
Dec 9. First Presbyterian church
Jan. 20, By Perkins comedy.
Safety Switch. Aa a result of the
recent car accident on the Portland
drawbridge automatic working derail
ing switches, have been placed on the
steel bridge and tho Morrison-street
bridge by the City &. Suburban Rail
way Company. They work to perfec
tion, and come about as near as can be
to being sure prevention of such accl
dents as that at the Madison-street
bridge. The switches are placed 150
feet from the gates, and are operated by
a wire rope running from the gate to
the switches. The gates are always
closed before any attempt is made to
open the draw. As tho gate is closed
the switch is opened, and if the motor
man cannot see tho gato for fog or any
other cause, and falls to stop before
reaching tho switch, his car is run oft
the track and stops of itself. Should
the car pass the switch under any
headway before It is opened, it will
reach the draw before It can be opened
As long aa the switches are in order, it
scorns impossible that a car can ever go
through the draw Into the river.
i o
Fob the Midwinteb. Tho Mid
winter Fair association of Oregon has
been incorporated by R. L-. Durham,
Cbas. H. Dodd, L. D. Cole, Geo. T.
Myers, and O. F, Patterson. The cap
ital stock is $20,000. The business of
the corporation Is to finance, promote,
and assist in the exhibition of the
products, manufactures and resources
of Oregon at the midwluter fair to be
held at San Francisco during the com
Ing winter. The directors are to be
vested with tho power to eflect the
funds derived from tho sale of stock in
this corporation to the midwinter fair
committee of tho chamber of commerce
of Portland. Bald loan or loaus to be
repaid only and as far as possible from
any appropriation made by the legists
tlvo assembly for tho relief of said com
xnltteo or from any amount derived
from the balance unexpeuded by the
Oregon world's fair commission.
Bewitched. A. Anderson, a Dane
who lived in a cabin near Fairflold,
and has once before been at tho asylum,
was on Saturday night brought to Sa
lem and committed to. the asylum, by
Judge Hubbard. He has for somo time
been writing letters to people, claiming
that he was bewitched, that tho Masons
were persecuting him, aud that ho had
been robbed of his property aud could
got uo lawyer to defend him.
The only stock of Japanese
goods in Salem are now being
shown nt
This lino consist's of assorted
Chinawaro, suoh aa cups and
jMUicers, tea sets complete, ex
tra butter dishes, bowls, cream
ers, mush sets, chocolato pots.
eraokerjars and flower vases,
lacquer cabinets, screens, wall
brackets; Japanese napkins 35c
per hundred.
Wt Uommercifu strict.
A.LIv ;wool,
a lari.
Biggest bargains ever known.
Call early and get the best se
lections. THE PALACE.
Alfred Bardsley, a former book-keep
tr In the Ludd & Bush bank has re
lumed from a visit to his old home at
Taloot, South Wales.
Ltrkln Bilyeu, the Eugene lawyer,
is in the city, attending supreme court.
Silas Howard is in the city, after
completing a contract of houBemovIng,
ut Aurora.
Geo. O. Sanborn, manager of the
Honoma Preserve Co., Petaluma, Cat
was Id tho city over Sunday.
Alvln Joslln at the opera house to
A new invoice of fresh condensed
mince meat arrived this morning ut
Clark & Eppley's, Court street.
Don't fail to hear Chas. L. Davis as
'Alvln Joslin" at the opera bouso to-
Sugar has gone down another half
cent, aud now if you want some ordei
at once. Clark & Eppley, Court street.
Mrs. E. C. White, who has been vie-
itlne her parents. Capt. L. P. Adams
and family, leaves tomorrow, for her
home ut Counorsville, Iud.
Ralph Moody, of Portland, visited
his parents over Sunday, returning
this afternoon.
Dr. George Wright of MoMInnvllIe,
is the. guest of his parents, Hon. and
Mrs. J.' G. Wright.
W. A. Templetou returned today
from Hulsey, where he spent Sunday.
Thos. Kay went to Portland this
Weather continues mild and showery
forecast for Tuesday light ruin and
slight change.
G. W. Vedder, of McKee, was in the
city today.
Mr. Davis, who is to appear as Alvln
Joslyn at the opera house this evening,
is in tho city with his company, and
registered at The Willamette.
Tubkev Talk. Why have your
wholu family fret all day over a Thanks
giving dinner when you can get u
choice turkey dinner at Strong's for 25
cents ? 3t
Give Thanks For good fresh, rich
Thanksgiving luxuries. -Damon Bros.
have Just recoivod a fino lot of inlncn
meat, dates, raisins, oranges, lemons,
bananas, sorghum, and everything
that your palate can desire.
Musical, etc. On Friday evening,
Dec. 8th, at the First Presbyterian
church a lino musical and elocutionary
entertaiument will bo given under tbe
auspices of the music committee.
Further particulars will be duly an
nounced. Meantime please remember
tho date.
Course of High Grade Entertain
ments at the Salem First M.
E. Church
III. Dr. Arthur Browu, of First
Presbyterian church of Portland,
"Father Time." Nov. 28.
IV. Dr. Chas.Edward Locke.Taylor
street on u run roruunu, "isvery men a
Man," Dee. 0.
V. Grand coucort by Salens artists,
December 20th.
rVnivit tlnluit. In " m Rlnrrln nrtmla.
nlon is 60 cents. Tickets for pule at
Dearborn's bookstore uuu Altkon's
grocery store, Stale street. 11 3tf.
Sorghum, just recoivod from the east,
at tho Blue Front.
TnK Cheaimst. Have tho Daily
JouiNAii left at yourofllco or resl-
di'Kce. Only 50 eta a mouth. By mall
25 cts a month.
Heidquartors for all dally papers, at
J, L. Ikiiuett'd post office block uews
stand, tf
Imitations have been put upon the
market so closely resembling Alloock's
Porous Piasters in general appearance
as to be well oalculttiOd to deceive.
It is. however, iu neutral appearance
only that they compare with Alloocli's, '
for they ure worse thau worthless, in
asmuch us they contain deleterious in
credit nta which aro upt to cause serious
inliiru l?ntkui,iltup flint. A Mfwuitr'a itra
the only Keuulne porous plasters tbo
best external remedy ever produced;
aud when purchasing plasters do not
only ask for but see that you set All-
cook's Porous Plasters,
A Score of Moro or Less Prominont
People Under Indictment.
Three more indictments for smug
gling were reported Saturday by the
federal grand jury, and before midnight
William Dunbar, C. J. Mulkey and
Captain L. 0. Sweeney bad been ar
rested and held in J 1000 apiece to an
swer when arraigned. There are nine
counts in the Dunbar indictment,
Mulkey has 18 against him and
Sweeney one. Each of them alleges
opium smuggling.
There aro now 20 persons under in
dictment far smuggling, 10 of whom
were indicted last ter.m. Against Nat
Blum there are six indictmeuts; W11--llam
Dunbar, five; C, J. Mulkey and
W. R. Jackllng, three each; C. B. Car-
dlnell, A. A. Porter, R. G. Paddock,
Thomas Llnville. M. . Kearney, M
Caro, U. Patterson, R. Gartborue,
John Res, Thomas Berg, James Lotan
and John Dee, two indictments each;
Ed. Spooner, L. C. Sweeney, E
Brighton and John Dee, one each.
Brighton committed suicide In jail,
and Dee's identity is as much a mystery
as it was when the indictment was re
turned against him. It has been said
that John was an East Sioer, who bad
passed away from earth before the
bench warrant for bis arrest was issued,
but the district attorney neither denies
nor affirms the report. Dee Is the only
one of the indicted who has not been
The first of the smuggling cases was
called today iu the United States dis
trict court, when Nut Blum will be
glyen opportunity to defend himself
agaiust a charge of smuggling 300
pounds of opium. As this case is ex
pected to reveal Nat's attitude toward
the other defendants, a large andatten
tlve audience may be confidently
looked for.
Among the witnesses who have come
from afar to testify against the alleged
practitioners of. customs dodgiug is
Speoial Treasury Agent Noyes, who
drat investigated the reports sent from
this coast to Washington regarding
their operations. Since he left Port
land last June Mr. Noyes has been
having lots of trouble in Qan Francisco,
where serious doubts of bis official in
tegrity have been expressed by a lead
ing newspaper, and a strong effort ws
made to get him arrested.
He Will Become a State Witness
Against the Gang.
Pobtland, Nov. 27. Nathan Blum
was arraigned in the United States dis
trict court this morning on charge of
smuggling three hundred pounds of
opium. He plead guilty and sentence
was reserved. It is stated that Blum
will also plead guilty to all the other
indictments against him, and become a
witness for the government in the trials
of other defendants.
This afternoon W. B. Jackllng, U,
Patterson, Thomas Berg, R. Gartborue
and L. C. Sweney entered plea of guil
ty. The sentence is suspended in each
GREETING: Whereas, It has become
an approved and general custom among
our people to set apart one day In the
year for tho express purpose of return
ing thanks for the multitude of mercies
and blessings that have been bestow d
upon us as a community and as indiv
iduals, NOW THEREFORE, I, G.
Stelner, managor of Steiner's market,
ut No. HO Stato street, in the city of
Salem, by virtue of the authority vested
in me as a frceborn citizen of this grand
republic, do hereby declare, designate
aud set apart, for that avowed purpose
aforesaid, THURSDAY, the 30th day
of November, A. D., 1893. And I do
further, iu my own behalf, return, uuto
the many aud constant patrons of my
establishment aforesaid, my grateful
and sincere thanks for all past favors,
and I do further Iu my own behalf
aforesaid, aud iu behalf of the general
public, cordially Invito EVERYBODY
to cull at my said estublishmeut afore
said, at any timo between this aud said
set date aforesaid, then aud there to
buy, purchase aud secure unto them
selves and families, the best of choicest
turkeys, at 15 cents per pound, and
ducks, geeao and chicken at various
aud reasonable prices, also oysters,
Bbimps, elf ms aud other shell fhh, and
food fishes of various and palatable sorts,
as tho same have been duly aud attract
ively prepared by Tong Chee, the sup
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The tmly pure Croam of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Uiwdin Millions of Homej. 40 Years tlic Stewlwi
erlntendent of my abbatolrs. Turn in
vitation is given because of the good it
will do onto tho people of this city
whose interests I do seek to conserve
Aud I do order the publication of this,
my proclamation, iu the Daily Jour
nal the other leading journals of our
sld city aforesaid.
Done at the office of said market, in
the city of Salem, on this, the 2Gth day
of November, in tho year of the christ
ian era, 1893, aud our national Inde
pendence, tho one hundred and eight
eenth. (Attest) G, Steineb,
Manager Steiner's Market.
Walteb A. Denton,
Joseph Jennlogs to S. W. Weaver lot
in Hubbard, $000.
I. I. O. Crawford to Joseph Jen
nings Interest in same, $102.50.
J. H. Masher to Hiram Worrel 1.18
acres, $700.
Wm. R Boone, San F.,Ci'I., to Laura
Wagner 2 lots, North Salem, $200.
J. H. Settlemeir to Catherine Ives
lot at Woodburn, $350.
J. L. Ash by to John Sutton lot in
Watt's add., Salem, $4000.
H. W. Hatch to Geo. J. Pearce, lot
Salem, $500.
J. H. Albert to Peter Gerlg.l 3 East
Side Fruit traots, $350.
Preparing for the Battle of the Pri
' maries.
The city political pot is getting red
hot. A caucus of second ward Repub
licans was neld at Richardson's law
iffk-e Saturday night, und they agreed
to slate Wm.Eugland, of the Williams'
& England Banking Co., for alderman
tn the other wards seem to be confined
to the names of H. A. Johnson and
rfqulre Farrar iu the first ward, Thin-
Kay aud Dr. E. B. Philbrook in the
third ward, and Geo. P. Hughes has u
walk-over in the fourth ward. Demo
cratic slates are uot getting in shape
very fast. John H. Albert has no op
position iu his party la the fourth
Second ward Democrats are divided
between ex-Governor Chadwios and
Hon. "Billy" Holmes. No one is
oamed in the first or third wards today
The election is going to turn upon
the action of the city council Tuesday
night on the bonding ordinance which
comes up on (lnal passage. There are
the usual number ; of kickers on band
and the question of, who shall serye as
alderman is more a question of who
can staud the brunt of the kickers best.
There are kicks at the city hall; kicks
at city finances; kicks at issuing more
bonds; kicks vigorous and hard at
many things for which there is no help,
and whlcb are due more to hard timet
and general depression than any one
particular negleot or defect in the city
government. The Republican prima
rles are held tomorrow.
Latest About Hops.
San Francisco quotations aro 17 to
18. Some holding for 20 cts., with in
creasing exportatlons to Australia.
The London hop market is quoted
good at Arm values, and stocks woll
cleaned up.
Hawkins' N. Y., Times: Only mod
erate business this week, when it was
expected there would be a livelier mar
ket at better prices. 21,000 pounds sold
Friday at a little better than 20,
Growers appear to be firmer, and not
anxious to sell at present prices.
New York Repert: Exports tblr
week, 5774 bales; imports, 141 bales
N. Y. Stato crop of 1893, choice 212a
N. Y. State crop of 1892. prime 2"l21J
Pacific Const crop 1802, choice 21
Pacific Coast crop, 1891, prime 33
Bavarians 4750
New York, Nov. 23, '93: There Is a
quieter feeling, and Pacifies are quieted
at 18 to 24o.
E. W. Meeker, the Puyallup hop
man, has an option on COO acres of land
near Independence, and has gone t
London to endeavor to organ ze a stock
company to engage iu raising hops on
this ranch. Dallas Observer.
Puyallup Cemmerce: Pacific coast
hops aro doing a little better abroad
than York states, owing to better pick
ing. Foreign market is advancing. Ii
ooks as though the consumers will
have to yield, und pay at least what I
costs to produce the goods. The high
price ot land and the great expense ol
washing aud destroying vermin make
hop-raising in Engiaud a very costly
business. It is claimed If they don't
get better figures the bueluess will have
to be largely abandoned.
Mcssase to tie Peonle
Repeal of the Long
Credit System.
Hiving real a little and heard a
great deal of the REPEAL BILL, the
ACT, etc., etc, we have come to the
conclusion that we would take a hand
in It ourselves.
TEM In the grocery business. We will
hereiftar SELL FOR CA8H and we
do not care what kind of money, stand
ard sold, Bland silver, paper, or even
pennies will gi. Now is the time to
Improve the golden opportunity and
buy goods at prices that will astonish
Here are a few of our price?:
FLOUR, best per sack $ 75
SUGAR, granulated" 17 lbs 1 00
SUGAR, extra C 19 lbs 1 00
OY3TERS-5cans, worth $1 25 - 1 00
3 ARDINES,good,l can,10c,-3 cans 25
COFFEE, Big Four, package 25
COFFEE, Arbuckle, 2 packages 55
SYRUP, good maple, 1 seal I 0U
Crockery and Glassware at Actual
Postofflce grocery,
Balem, Or.
Weekly Oregonlan To Be Had With
Weekly Jjurnal at a Out Rate.
The New York Tribune Weekly and
Weekly Inter-Ocean, as well as some
S in Fr mcisco weeklies are offering the
press of Oregon clubbing arrangements
by whleh they put their papers in at
almost nothing or at merely nominal
rates, me eastern weeKiies are a
week or more behlud with news, and
like the California weeklies contain no
Oregon news or m.irkets. But for some
reason they want a circulation In Ore
iron, and heuce offer publishers their
paper so low as to club the two papers
at the price of one. Aud they are not
cheap at that. To meet this competi
tion we are authorized to ofler a club
rate on tho Weekly Oregonlan and
Weekly Joubnal, at $2.00 a year for
both papers. Tho price of The Joub
nal alone is $1.50. The price of the
Oregonlan alone Is $1.50. The Joub
nal has the excluiive right at Salem
to mike tills offer, and all who desire
to get this cut rate can do so by paying
for the Weekly Joubnal and Weekly
Oregonlan, at the rate of $2 00 for both
papers in advance. Neither paper will
be sent after time for which payment Is
made. It is needless to say that the
Weekly Oregonlan is worth more to
Oregon people than any four Eastern
or California weeklies, and is by all
odds the cheapest weekly newspaper
the Oregon' farmers can buy. Of course,
-it this special cut rate, no premium
can be given with either paper. Order
by mall or at The Joubnal office,
next door to the postofflce.
San Fbancisco, Nov. 25. Wheat,
Dee. $1.07.
Chicaqo.Nov. 25 Cash, 02;May 69.
Pobtland, Nov. 25. Wheat fall.
$.95; Walla Walla $.85.
Henry Villard will settle permanent
ly In his old home In Germany in the
village of Neustadt.
A Powerful
Flesh Maker.
A process that kills the
taste of cod-liver oil has
done good service but
the process that both kills
the taste and effects par
tial digestion has done
much more.
Scott's Emulsion
stands alone in the field
of fat-foods. It is easy of
assimilation because part
ly digested before taken.
Scott's Emulsion checks Con
sumption and all oUier
wasting diseases.
HawYatk. Bald b dranut. .f .r.h.t,.
Tho public ia herebv notified
that we propose to sell meat at
margins barely consistent with
fair profit.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all
.Corner of Center and 13th Street,
Lowest Prices Ever Heard Of
Tbe peer of aU Yankee Comedians
Charles L. Davis
In tbe funniest of all plays,
flLlIN - ,w"DaH8
A grand Company with nil tbe original
Bcenery, realistic etlect, etc.
Seats on Sale at Patton Bros.
This wild Thanksgiving: turkejawallowed
lAnddmvn Within him HmnmlatPAnvmnnil
u luiuuuuip
I The reason for this tragedy waa Brownle'6
... ..... au WTI M.V II1VUUU
I He would not rend our latest ads, nor take
m "ui uaigaiUB iu,
iThe moral Is clear. Head the follewing:
Patton Bros.,
IBiki - r 7u " .r "ibi"v"ik meir
Bibles Aloums, Juvenile Books. Call and
rhft Rt at Inn avo nw. . 4I..1..I il.i.
Hotel Monterey.
Newport, - - Oregon.
Located on tlipTtpnoh lunmiu nn.w
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully
7" jjh" wuuuonui scenery, sea
bathlntr, fine drives to Cape Foulweath
er liKbtbouse. House new, rooms largo
Invalids. Open all wintnr. TWm..
- - - ww. .u. luuiiiirn ill
muuenue oy aay or weeK. Intending
visitors can rtrnn a nnatal . v-P
port and be met by hack.
. John Fitzpatbick,
d-2 m Prnnrlntnt-
Undertakers and Embalraers.
Cabinet work and repairing.
Court Street. Opposite ODera lion.-
Balrm, - . Oregon.
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland and Ban
Francisoo. Klmt-clasa lu J1 It-. appotatment?.
IU tables are served with the "--.
Choicest JFruit8
Grown In tbe Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
TaSnTy Unlona, 2-pIy, fr,
SAVE 20 per cent
All kinds, crude and aizea In atonlr
glS&Si" SKsaawsK - -
Our dreaa ooda and jacketaadralt of no superiority.
OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - . . . rat.vw. nfl(
Try tY!!!!8.?1''0 An Bhoea, booU and rubber good. Low erioM for cmI
Long cloaka at any DrieiT Coo and ;JP XMW vti0tm w
We have just brought from the Mill
Worth of Odds and Ms Bl
100U ?M ST Ot
The republican legal -roters of ths ettj
Hnlem nre hen by notified that the elt 1
publican primary election will behelafn
a!?u?Z?a',tllri. BBd fon"h wards of
city or Salem on Tuesday, Novemtxr V
lor the purpose of putting In nom!ntnat
d I dates for city aldermen, ooeeach In thafl
second, third and fourth wards, tobero
for at tho coming city election tobsbew
Monday, the 4th dny of December. 1891,
polls of I he sa'd primary election to bt omi
at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. una&'OMi
o'clock p.m. on said day, ana the lollow
named Judges were appointed by thecomn
tee. and the primaries ntmed as lollovr
KIKST WAKU-ola engine houM-j'na,
H. A. Johnson, Jr., W. D. Uscget and Arc
SECOND WAItD.-Old court houe-Judi
CJeo. Collins. J. A. Baker and J. Q. WlUon?
THIRD WARD -Armory bulldllne-Jaflc
Alonzo Uesner, K. M. Wnite and J. W.Ba
KOUKTH WARD. Lamoureux's 11?
stables Judges, J. U Hockett, Owen Hut
and A. lb Buckingham.
The Judges of thur respective wardi il
appoint two competent persons to set
clerks of sxld primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under i
EroviHionsoftheactaf the leg slatlve au
ly of the state of Oregon. My order oi
committee. B.E.M ORE8.
Secretary Ultv Republican Central commit
IMS .d
The Democratic legal voters ot the elu
Balem are hereby notified that the city D
ocratlc frlmary election will bs held tn
first, second third and fourth wards oi Ha)
on Wednesday , November 2, 1S93, far tbe
pose of putting In nomination candidates
city aldermen; one each in the first, teco
third and fourtn wards to be voted for at
coming city flection to be held on Monc
the 4th day or December. 1893, the poll, ol
wild crlmary elt-ctlon to be opened atths b
of 1 o'clock p. m. and Hose at 6 o'clock p
on said day, and the following named JnC
were appointed by the onmmlttse. and
places of holding and conducting the pri
rles named as follews:
flftoT WaBD Old engine honte-Jnd,
D. K Wagner, Ii. A, Byrd, Pef r D'Aroy.
SECOND WARD.- &prague A Cronk's bl
smith shop. Judges: W.J. folley. W.F.
gan, Eugene Willis.
THIRD WARD. Armory bnlldlng-Jnd
Q. Q.,U.Q. Kelson, Geo. Bsrr.
FOURTH WARD. Lamoureux's livery
ales-Judges: G. A. Rockwell, W. U. Ultcl
O Van Patton.
The Judges oi their respective wardi i
appoint 3 competent persons toast as eU
oi said primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under
prov slous of the act of the legislative au
bly of tho state or Oregon. Br order ot
committee. W. J.D'AttOlf,
secretary City Democratlo Uommltti
ANTED Situation by mlddleaged
mnn lady to do general housework.
willing and ahle to carry on tbe largest ho
hold. No. 1V3 State tree t. 11-57-
A GEN IB make S&.C3 a dav. Gratel kite
utensil ever Invented. R. tails 3Scts. 2
wold In every house tample postage p
five cent. Forshkk A McKaiw, Clnolnnm
rRM TO LET. Aflne farm of S25 acrr
mile from R. R. Station. 14 mllnf
Salem. For particulars inquire at the Jc
wai, offloe. 1UM
WANTKD BOARD' R1, with or Wltl
lodging, 488 Commercial street.
31HIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. D
. Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Mercb
xchange.B&n Kranelsro, California, w
contraou for advertising can be made fo
CHRI8T1AN POIENCE Literature o
kinds on sale at 826 Liberty street. 4-
T W. HILHBEE SON, Balem, Orf
J. Tree-setting, Tree-pruning, Topgrsf
Sign painting. ,h.ges moderate sail'
tion gua- anteed. H-23
HOUSE Painting, Qecoratii
n Hard Wood Finishing
Can give good reference!. Estimates iron
ed. Address, Geo.lucbstrub. Salem,
dence on Salem Motor RUway, North
Letve orders at Stelner A Blossers. 1
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brlek,
Molded Brick in all Patterns for Kr
and supply the brick for the New Balem
Hall and nearly all the fine buildings en
in the Capital City,
Yards near Penitentiary. Balem, Or. &
SA.XIrf, ... OrB
Private work a specialty.
C. B. CLEMENT. Manag