Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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jump1 'W'V'iit'niwaPiyiwi
.baiiiiii. iri.niteiuiiirw
jayjQioira GAJPitfAi. ' jotoj&x., TtrMPA.'lfOTaattiiB'iiy .
j .1 . 1 i
i. ji?m n
The season's daintiest fabrics are
bow on our counters, although a
few stragglers are still to come.
Eere's a perfection of color combi
. "on ank beautjr of weave in the
ou. Wo will try to mnko your visit
-IF -
' Yon are rolnjlto build or mikeany Undo
! Im iroveme it. call 01 the uurenlgned lor
material. W hve a complostook,nd are
'. ready t: supply any prepared contract, sewer
! work, m-adlng, etc.
Sa' m Improvement Co
A Sheriff At Bay. Last week
Sheriff Wells of Polk cou o ty , wua boldly
bluffed by one of bis constituents. He
had an execution on soma oats belong
ing to old man Heine, who lives a mile
north of Dixie, and ou Fiiday attempt
ed to serve it anil take the property.
He proceeded to read his document to
the man. when after a side remark In
German by Heine, another member of
the family confronted M. Sheriff with
a shotgun, and told blrn bis presence
would be more desirable at the county
seat, or same other place of a warmer
climate. Mr. Wells was easily pur
suaded to withdraw. But on Saturday
be appeared with a deputy and pro
ceeded to load tho oats into a wagon,
when an older son persuaded them to
unload the produce and once more de
part On Sunday, however, six men
appeared and Anally took the wbole
family, consisting of father, mother,
two sons and a daughter, ou the In
stallment plan. Tbey bad a prelimin
ary examination yesterday, and were
all discharged oxcept one.
A 'Mum Show. Mrs. Taylors green
house on Asylum avenue is the resort
of many flower lovers at present. Sbe
has a rare collection of cliryeautbe
mums, many of tho blooms measuring
6 to 7 Inohes across. The reporter weurs
a Marchuel Nell rose from the Taylor
hothouses, bouco this cotnpllmeut to
the proprietor.
Real Estatb. There Is greater uo-
tivlty at the Recorder's ofllco tbuu for
sometime past, and John McNury and
bis doputies are kept busy. Today
transfers were filed of lot 3, bl 2, Wood
burn, J. M. Powman aud L, YV. Gulss
to J. H. Sottlemelr, (10,000; Lafayette
A. Walker to Mrs. Anna G. Kluto, 170
acres, $4500.
TiieJuounda Stbawiieiuiy. One
who baa grown some years says: This
Is a splendid berry in all respects; large,
bright scarlet, making It very suleablo
In market; it stauds up from the
ground on a stout stem, and bears Im
mense crops. Fred J. Bllsbee, of this
city, has plants to sell in largo or small
Organized. Tho Keeley Institute
Bl'n met lust evening in tho council
chamber for tho purposo of electing of
ficers and adopting a constitution. The
officers are as follews: President, Caleb
Ghapmau; vice president, H. N. Ely;
secretary, Goo. Armstrong; treasurer,
W. H. Roach.
Not Found. G. A, Knight com
plaiuod of John Yakel who has been
stopping at Mrs, Wilson's lodging
house at tho big bridge. Ho reads tho
bible, prays, cries and will not eat.
When Sheriff Knight called for him
be was out but will return from his
wanderings and then be tried.
Big reductions in shoes for cash at
Xrauase Bros.
Tho only stook of Jnpnneso
goods in Salem are now being
Shown at
This Hue consists of assortod
Chinawaro, such as cups and
aucerf, toa sots complete, ox
tra butter dishes, bowls, croam-
ers. mush sots, chocolato pots,
t i tv i innn
cracker jars and flower vases,
lacquer cabinets, screens, wall
brackets: Japanese napkins 35o
v i j
per Aiiuareu.
63 Coiuieroial Street.
a Yard.
Biggest bargains ever known.
Call early and get the best se
lections. THE PALACE.
Beautiful Oregon weather. A
chimney Are in the Exchange block
drew out the Are department yesterday
evening "Geo. Wright, a brick-
maker of East Salem; W. H. Simpson,
farmer, South Salem; J. J. Dalrymple,
merchant, Salem," is the way a portion
.f the list of U. B. trlul jurors reads in
n Portland paper City council meets
tonight to discuss the bond question.
Dr. A. B. Gills has performed an
operation upon the right eye of super
intendent of the lighting department
f the Salem Consolidated Co., W. H.
i'ape, for cataract. Monday evening
the steamer Modoc, in making a land
ing at tbe Salem Flouring rnJIIs shute,
collided with a cofferdam of the water
company'3, staving a hole in her star
board side. It was soon mended.
Lust chance to pay your Chemeketa
street warrants today. Prohl club
meeting tonight at 7:30, W. C. T. U.
rooms. Still some copies of The
Journal with tbe account of the Mo-
Klnley jubilee left at this offlce
Grandpa Bennett has a grand volume
of views which he gives as an Exam
iner premium Call and see it at tbe
postofflce news stand. Light snow,
fell last ulgbt but all melted before
morning Tho Democratic City com
mittee iBsue Its rail for ward primaries
In this Journal S. C. Van Duyn,
of Portland, is In the city.-'.J, H 8et
tlemlre, the Wuodburn nurseryman,
was In Salem today 8. C. Reed Is
in Portland ou u short trip. M.
.Suheydecker returned toduy from a
vlhlt at Corvallls. Es-8borIft Samp
son, of Clackumas, was a Salem visitor
toduy Rev. Fechter returned from
Turner this afternoon.
Frank J. Smith is tho new agent of
the Elwood steamier line.
Albert Herren, tbe popular steam
boat agent lias resigned the local agency
of the Elwood,
Gov. Sylvester Peunoyer returned to
Portland this afternoon, teellng indis
posed from a sovere cold.
J. M. Wallace, president of the Ealem
water company, is at Portland ou busi
ness. Past Master General It. P. Boise, has
our thanks for copies of tbe Syracuse,
N. Y. papers, containing proceedings
of the National Grange.
Miss Carrie Moores Is homo from a
visit to the world's fair.
D. P. Junk of Shelton, Neb., is at
Kalemnnn prospecting tour for home
aud business.
Rev. and Mrs. Win. Lund leave to
day for Aurora, Indiana, lu which city
be has a cull from tbe Episcopal ohurch.
Look at our new narrow, square toe,
tipped for (3,50 Ivilrds. Sold elsewhere
for $4 20, Kraussu Bros.
Will J. D'Aroy, onoofSalam's bright
young attorneys Is homo frbm a lour of
several months lu tho East. He visit
ed Washington and Chicago.
Department Commander J. C. Coop
er of MoMluuvillo has requested a
meeting ot all the soldiers of Polk
county at Dallas, Weduesday,Nov. 20th.
The object of tho meetlug Is to re
organise tho post for that couuty, All
Polk G. A. R. mon should attend.
The Fair boats all ou low prices.
Not a Pknnoykk Dance. The
boys of Turner announced udaucofor
Thanksgiving day.aud lest some might
get a confused idea of tbe date, ask tbe
Journal to sttto that It will boon
lluirsday night, Nov. 30th,
Sui'HKMB Court. The case of R R,
Coleman, respoudeut, vs. tbe Orogou
iuu JUIIroad Co., appellaut, appeal
from Multnomah couuty, was argued
aud submitted toduy. Judgo L. L,
MoArtbur, O M. Cuko aud W, I Mulr
of Portland appeared as attoruoys,
Indki'bndknt bonAL Rev. Bow-
ersox's trif lid held a successful social
at W, V, T. U, hall Monday evenlug.
Borne money was raised to add to quite
a rutin jurtwiy in naiui lowarus uuuu
lug a UOW bonne of worship.
PuiiHiiNll.. HUliiitlon bv mlddla.
need Germau lady as housekeeper, '
For a widower preferred. No, 123
State, street. "W-l j
The Aumsvtllo Miller Rallies tho
Populist Army.
Tiir JoobnaIi glvej place to the
following as a matter of news and
political histery:
Whereas, Tbe Marlon couuty peo
ples' party executive qommlttee will
meet at the Grange ball in Salem on
the 26th day of Nov., 1893, at 10 o'clock,
a. m., for the purpose of maturing a
plan of organizing peoples' party clubs
in tbe several voting preo oof tho coun
ty. Therefore all who have a heart throb
of sympathy for the oppressed laborers,
producers and business Interests of the
state and nation, are cordially lDvited
and urged to be present and take part
in tbe deliberation. A special invita
tion is extended to those who think
and feel that vicious laws, or something
elee Ib tbe cause of oppressing them
But come one, come all, and let us talk
matters over and see if we can And tbe
cause, why money is scarce and hard
to get, and why tbe debtor cannot pay
bis debts, and why strong, willing,
able men are tramping up and down
tbe length and breadth of our fruitful,
productive state and nation begging for
work and bread.
Tbe middle aged and older people
can all call to mind a time when there
were no tramps In this country, and no
tramp laws on the statute books of any
state or territory of North America,
and now we have both. Fellow citl
zens, there is a cause for this, and in
vestigation will reveal It. Come and
let us reason together, and dud out tbe
cause aud remove it.
Let us ask ourselves why it is that
tbe laborers aud producers have but a
meager subsistence, while tbe money
gambler and usury taker fairly wallows
In luxuries and wealth be has bad no
band In producing? Why are we slaves
to a hoard of cormorants who devour
our substance without rendering an
Brethren If we would be free and
equal, as declared by our p-ttiiollc fatb
era in tbe declaration upon wb cb or
government and constitution was
founded, we must become thinking,
vigilant participants in tbe political af
fairs of tbe state and nation. So come
and let us reason together.
Hood's and Only Hood's.
Hood's Saraaparilla Is carefully pre
pared from Saraaparilla, Dandellou.
Mandrake, Dock, PIpsiBsewa, Junlpei
berries and other well known remedies,
by a peculiar combination proportion
and process, giving to Hood's Sarsa
parilla curative powers not possessed
by other medicines. It effects remark
able cures when other preparations fall.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness.
The State Anxious to Havi tho Oity
Join in a Needed Improve
ment. A Journal reporter finds In the gen
eral state appropriation bill au Item of
six thousand'dol ars for improving tbe
state bouse grounds, laying a diain to
the Willamette river, provided tbe city
shares half tbe expo use. Then some
of this money may be spent in improv
ment of Wilson avenue. Secretary of
State MoBrido was seen and said he
wus anxious on bebalt of the State
Board to do all in his power to have
this work proceeded with this winter
and at once.
If the council can do this without
any unusual expense It should act by
all means at its next session. The
drain Is to carry all surface drainage
from the state house square, Wilson
avenue, and tbe court house square to
tho river. It is not to be a sewer but
a tile drain, contemplating of course,
the tile drainage of thoao grounds.
This work should be done this wiuter
when laboring men are out of employ
ment, and when tiling cau be laid most
economically. If tbe work Is got well
under way this wiuter Wllleon avenue
can be graded, Improved aud shrubbery
planted in time to get a year's growth.
It will tend to beautify the Capital City
very much. Secretary McBrlde Is al
ready having tbe curbing aud grading
done at tbe west end of tbe state bouso
grounds. He his begun operations
aud the city should second bis efforts
by prompt aotion.
The 8alem Improvement has now on
hand a large stock of tbe Gllmore coal,
which Is the best on tbe market. tf
Ladles, you cau buy Lair, Schober it
Mitchell's 5 shoes at Krausso Bros, for
(4 cash.
$1.00. Ladles' pretty trimmed bats
cheap for f J.fi0 now $1.00. Mrs 8. C.
the oaly Pure Cream of TarUr Powdor. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Uftd la. Millioas of Homes 40 Years the Stftg&ynl
- OF
Last Saturday was a great success.- Every article went at
half price, just as advertized, and all buyers were more than
pleased. This will be continued for several days longer to
meet the demands of the trade. Call early.
MRSi Mark Skiff.
291 Commercial Street.
P. S. Store closes at 7 o'clock p. m.
Local Correspondence from Towns
in the Valley.
AumBvIlle Is continually Improving
and her people are very enterprising.
Mr. Cole, Moyor and Evert have
graded and graveled the avenue ad
joining their property. What an-ex-
ample for Salem people, who wheuever
a street Is Improved that tbey own
property upon they rush into court
tud make every effort to enable them
selves to enjoy good roads without pay
ing for them. But these noble gener
ous citizens of Aumsville, without being
taxed, or oven asked, improve tbe
street adjoining their property, and tbe
others, Meaner, Porter, Hlnes, Smith
and Gilbirt are only waiting for teams
to draw gravel.
Dr. Sterling has returned from bis
visit Eist. We have not needed the
doctor's services as yet, but we felt a
little lonesome while he was away, fear
ful that we might need him.
The agent for tbe "Evening Tele
gram" was in Aumsville last week.
Price of paper 65 cents' per month, 50
cents for the g neral agent, and 16
worth of beef to tbe local agent.
Mr. P. Miller notifies the people ot
Aumsville and vicinity that there will
ben shooting matob for turkey tbe da
before Thanhs iving. Mr. P.M. lea
ood nearted boy and does not want to
hurt "Sylvester's" nor "Grover's" feel
lugs, so doe not say whose Thanksgiv
ing it will be.
A meeting held at Mr. Baynards last
Thursday to make arrangements to
dedicate tbe new school house was a
success, and a rattling good committee
appointed on arrangement, James
Moyer, Lon Gregory.and Mr. Baynard,
no other three men could be found to
undertake so formidable a job. Three
days only allowed them to train speak
ers, singers and themselves, but then
those men dout know tbe word fail.
Tho dedication will be a success.
Our governor's Thanksgiving will be
observed by regular work and a general
attendance to business.
On Groyer's day the old Democratic
turkey will be eaten, but no thanks
will bo offered, for Graver's promises
or tbe future are bad. But I guess we
will render prats 3 that he killed free
silver, and offer up a prayer that the
free silver msn may kill free trade.
The protracted meetings held here
have olo-ed. Several have seen the
errors of their ways and have deolded
to lead a new life. The meetings were
very successful, and we truit that all
who said by rising, or going forward,
desired to lead a new life. May tbey
be faithful aud set a shining example
to the rest.
W. J. Hadley, returned from his trip
to tbe East lust Suuday.
Prof. Davis preached at tbe Presby
terian church last Suuday 'at 3 o'clock
p. m.
Rev. Whitman, tho new pastor of
the Presbyterian church will ho'd a
series of meetings at 7:30 p. m. every
evening this week.
L. A. Walker and family. Mrs. A.
Kluto and Miss Mary B. Rutherford
left hero Saturday for Santa Rosa, Cat.
They go yia Yaqulna to San Francisco.
Mr. Walker took R M. Rutherford's
hore with tbe long mane and tall, and
will exhibit blrn at the Midwinter fair
at Sau Francisco.
Forsythe & Hunter expeot to move
their saw mill onto the MoCully farm
near Marlon this week and saw tbe
oak timber tiiat Is ou that farm this
Rev. B. F. HInshaw and Jos. Cook
attended tho Friends quarterly meet
ing at Salem last Saturday and Sun
day. Conrse of High Grade Entertain
ments at the Salem First M.
E. Ohurch
Next lecture in course (No. II) Wed
nesday evening, Nov. 22d. ,
-ii. Rev. G. W. Grannls, "Funny
Things in Dixie as Sa n by a . Preach
er." III. Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
Pjesbyterlan church of Portland,
"Father Time," Nov. 28.
IV. Dr. Cbap.Edward Locke.Taylor
street church Portland, "Every Incn a
Man." JJpc. 0.
V. Grand concert by Salem artists,
December 20th.
Course ticket is S2 00. Single admis
sion is 60 cents. Tickets for pale at
Dearborn's bookstore and Altkeu'a
grocery store, State street. ll-3tf.
Six dozen pairs of $4.00 pants reduced
to J3.00. Now is the time. Woolen
Mill Store. ll-10-3t
Heppner's council has ordered the
arrest of Its boys and girls who use pro
fane language on tbe streets.
Albany Demecrat: Next spring our
taxes will all be paid in a lump, county,
city and school, aud hence tbe lump
will seem. big. At tbo last rates tbey
would foot up, 18 mills for county and
state, 8 for city and 4 for city schools,
an even 30 mills. This will probably
be reduced to 27 mills, or 23 without a
school tax.
Mrs. R. O. Grldley wrote tho execu
tlve committtee of the mid wiuter fair
from Modesto, California, that she has
In her possession tbe famous sanitary
sack of Hour which was sold in 1863 for
tbe benefit of the sanitary fund. It
was her husband, Mrs. Grldley says,
who raised several thousand dollars for
tbe sick, and wounded soldiers, and sbe
will let tbe midwinter fair have it with
a. history of the same. Tbe exact
amount realized for tbo flour, which
was sold a great many times, was $324,-
000, and this amount was presented to
tbe Union soldiers by R. C. Grldley,
whose monument now stands in tbe
Stockton cemetery.
Eugene Guard: George Smith, of
Coburg, this morning sold to Floyd
Howard, of Junction, 29 head of dressed
hogs that netted 5714 pounds. Hen.
Spores sold the same gentleman 14
bead that weighed 2500 pouuds. The
price paid, delivered here, was 6 cents
per pound. These hogs ayeraged elgb
teen months old. This Is tbe way to
make wheat bring $1 per bushel, or
A Buddy Glow
on cheek
and brow
is evidence "?
that t he
bodv is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong,
and health is letting down.
Scoffs Emulsion
taken immediately arrests
waste, regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
lhfpsf as palatable as milk,
Prpwd by Seott A Sown, N. V, All dninUU.
Tho rjublio is herebv notified
that Ave propose" to sell meat at
margins hardly consistent with
fair profit.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all
Corpsr of Center and 13th Street,
"We have just brought from the Mill
$500 Mi of Odds and Endu JJlankets
TO -
Lowest Pr i ces Ever Heard, Of !
The warrants for the collec
tion of the assessments for the
improvement of North Com
mercial, Ferry, State, Court
and Center streets, have been
issued, and will be placed in
the hands of the marshal for
execution Wednesday morning
Co-ts will then commence to
run. Parties desiring to save
additional expense, must pay
on Tuesday.
And book containing all tho Nasby
Letters for One Dollar.
In answer tt a general demand from
all parts of tbe Uulted Stales, tbe To-
leuaiiiudeuaa published In one volume
cloth bound, all of the ".Nasby .Letters"
ever written by the late D. R. Locke,
omitting perhaps afew unimportant let
ters ou local or forgotten topics, Only
a few of these letters were ever publish
ed in book form. Everybody has read
some of them, but who has read all of
them? The book contains over 500
large pages, aud nil tbe Nasby Letters
written during . period or twenty-nve
years; also a portrait of D R. Locke,
from bis last photograph. It would
sell at one dollar or more, but will nev
er be placed on sale. One hundred
thousand copies are now being printed
aud bound, and one copy will bo sent
postpaid by mull free to everv person
who this winter remits one dollar for
th e Weekly Blade one year. Every
body Invited to send lor -a specimen
copy of tbe Weekly Blade, which
will give a full description of tbe book
"TboNusby Letters."
Tub Toledo Weekly Blade is the
best and most popular uewspaper pub
lished iu this country. It has tbe
largest circulation of any weekly news
paper, and goes to every State Terri
tory and nearly every county of tbe
Union. Only one dollar a year, Includ
ing tbe above mentioned book free.
Send postal to The Blade, ToledOj
Ohio, for a free specimen copy of the
paper. Send tbe address of your
friends also,
One or more Surgeons of National
Surgical Institute, No- 319 Bush St.,
S. F., will be at the Willamette hotel,
Salem, Monday Nov. 20th.
This Institute Is specially devoted to
tbe treatment of curvature of tbe spine,
diseases of tbe hip and knee joint,
crooked limbs, club feet and all bodily
deformities. -Their success in treating
tllPHft trnllhlpH fin toaII na nnanl ratorrh
and all cbrouio diseases has made for
tne institute a national reputation.
All persons who are suffering from
any of these complaints should not fail
to take advantage of this opportunity
for relief.
Reference may be bad to tbe follow
ing: J 11 dee ThosL.Ti. Drtvlrlann Hnlem Op.
Governor E. P. Ferry, Olympla,
Rev. E. M. Condlt, Albany, Or.
8upreme Judge J. P. Hoyt, Olympla,
Wash. w 16 23.
Headquarters for all dailv Darters, at
J. L. Bennett's post offlce block newB
stauu, tf.
The Cheapest. Have the Daily
Jouhnal left at vour office or resi
dence. Only 60 eta a month. By mail
5 cts a month.
Cork soled enameled calf stock,
strictly waterproof, at Kraussa Bros,
Tuti's Pills banish biliousness.
A new ntnnk Inat ravninni u.nt. ,,...-
J X - IW.I. utou g, wj suu vuimren's buiib.. Dtviuii anrsoie
ESll breeches Dd papU al ,oweat CMb pf,"'
berllCd0OROn,litO,ra,8,p8t,e' TtyP,rr g?WMiwUblJueQ(hreta.''i?nH
R, b. coRdEfa ' w "
Little Giant school shoes fot children. A nice clean stock of reliable shoes at
low cash prices.
Still KOlng at popular prices. BubstantlaLatyMsb goods tbatcannotfall to please.
OlwaUd'a Drew Rs-forw W1-
. The Republican legal voter of tbe eltr of
Halcmaro hereby notified that the city He.
publican primary election will be held in the
tint, iertnd, third and fourth warda of the
eity ofSa'em on Tuesday, November !8,18W.
lor the purpose ofpuitlng In nomination ran-
uiuaiea ior cuy alaermen, one eacn in the first.
second, third and fourth trardi, to be voted
for at the coming city election to be held on
Monday, the 4th day of December. 1893, the
polls of theutld primary election to be opened
at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p. m. "nd clone at 7
o'clock p. m, on laid day, and the JolloTrlng
natnod Judges were appointed by the commit
tee, andthe prlmarlei nimed as tollews:
FIRST WARD Old engine honie-Jurtges,
II. A. Johnson, Jr., W. D. Ulagget and Archie
SECOND WARD. Old court house Judges,
ueo. Collins, J. A. Uaier and J. (J. Wilson.
THIRD WARD Armory bulldllng-Judges,
Alonto Uesner, K. M. Walte and J. W. Batch,
FOURTH WARD. Larooureux's llTery
stables Judge. J. L. Hockett, OweaUuttoa
and A. L. Buckingham.
Thejudges of their respective wards shall
appoint two competent persons to act as
clerks of sld primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under the
provisions orthe act ef tbe leg slatlve assem
bly of tho slate of Oregon, ny order o. the
committee. R. JS. M iORKS,
Beoretiry Clti Republican Central committee.
1M8 td Afl
The Democratic legal voters ot thi oity of
Balom are hereby notified that the city Dem
ocratic primary election "will be held In the
first, second third and: fourth wards of Halem
on Wednesday, November 2 J, 1893, for tbe pu -pose
of putting In n mlnatlnn candidates lor
city aldermen, one each In the first, second,
third and fourtn wards to be voted for at the
coming city lectlotr to be held on Honda-,
the 4th day or December. 1893, tho polls ot tbe
said urlmary election to be opened attbe hour
of 1 o'clock p. m. and Hose at 6 o'clock p. m.
on said day, and the fo'iowlng named Judges
were appointed by the committee, and tbe
places of hoidlrjg and conducting the prima
ries named as fo.Iews:
FIftbT WARD Old engine house Judges:
D. K Wagner, U AV Byrd, Pet -r D'Arov.
SECOND WARD.- Hprague A Croi.k's black
smith shop.Judgf s: W. J. volley. W. K. Du
gan, Eugene U litis.
THIRD WARD. Armory building Judges:
Q. O. VnnWogner.a, O. Melton, Gfo. Barr.
FOURTH w AUD. Lamomeux's livery stables-Judges:
Q. A. Rockwell, V, O. Mitchell,
O Van fatten.
The Judges of their respective wards shall
appoint 2 competent persons to aat as clerks
ot said primaries.
The primaries shall be conducted under the
provslonsoi tho aot of the legislative assem
bly of tho state or Oregon. Iiy order ot the
committee. W.J. D'AROV,
secretary City Democratic Committee.
T7IARM TO LET. A fine farm of 22S acres K
P mllft fmm R Tt KlaHnn. M tnltca frm
Balrm. For particulars Inquire at the Jous
NAl. office. lMMw
WANTED BOARDS, with or without
lodging, 188 Commercial street.
31 HIS PAPER Is kept on file at E. C. DakVs
. Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
xehange. Ban Franclsro, California, where
contracts for advertising can be made for It.
0HRIBT1AN HC1ENCE Literature of all
kinds on sale at 828 Liberty street. 4-5-ly
This Wild Thanksgiving turkey swallowed
And down within him Brownie was ground
rbe reason for tbl tragedy wasBrownieV
Oe would not read our latest ads, nor take
The moral is clear. Read the follewing:
Patton Bros.,
him.. XTi.?"".! ?.'" "u.r. .i"JJ'?"5.""'i
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