PHH5 'Vrf, rr -. lM UllJfi JKSSOJB' 'JUiUiSiLJBLl (aJjbbkgii'kj,0?60DTByXli;) MONDAY ICdfOBafiBBIad, 183- REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES FROM A TEXT NEVER BEFORE USED. Tho Eloquent Frcnclier Defines and Ana lyze a Orent Vurloty of Ifs Only Four Steps From n Stout Truth to a lllntant yuliollef AOninil rrnyer, i Brooklyn, Nov. 10. In tho Tnbenm clo this morning Rov. Dr. Talmago de livered one of his inofltunlquo and useful sermons from a text nevor before preach ed from. Subject, "Tho 'Ifs' of tho Bi ble" Thetoxtswas" Exodus xxxii, 32, "If thou wilt forgive their sin and if not, blofine, I pray thoe, out of thy book.; There is in our English language a small conjunction, which I propose by God'd help to haul out of its present int significancy and set upon the throne whero it belongs, and that is the conjunc tion "if." Though mado of only two let ters, it ia the pivot on which everything turns. All timo and all eternity are at its disposal. Wo slur it in our utterance, we ignore it in our appreciation, and none of us recognizes it as the most tre mendous word in all th'e vocabulary "out sido of those words which describe deity. "If I" Why, that word wo take as a tramp among other words, now appear ing hero, now appearing there, but hav ing no valuo of its own, when it really has a mlliionairedoni of worlds, and in its train walk all planetary, stellar, lunar, solar destinies. If tho boat of leaves made watertight, in which the infant Moses sailod the Nile, had sunk, who would havo led Israel out of Egypt? If tho Bed sea had not parted for the escape of one host and then como together for the sub inergenco of another host, would tho book of Exodus ever havo been written? If tho ship on which Columbus sailed for America hadgono down in an Atlan tic cyclone, how much longer would it have taken for tho discovery of this con- tinent? If Grouchy had como up with re-enforcements in timo to give the French tho victory at Waterloo, what would have been the fate of Europe? If tho Spanish armada had not been wrecked off tho coast, how different would have been many chapters in Eng lish history! If tho battle of Hastings, or tho battle of Pultowa, or the battle of Valma, or the battle or Mataurus, or the tion to tho rule that a man will sink to tAAi i.-i .11... i Ai.i nu- .. .. i i .- a t e niljiic uoes not' choko'his laughter or hasten his step forward. She has tried coaxing and kindness and sou sacrificing arid all tho ordinary pray ers that mothers mako for their children and all havo failed. Sho Is coming t ward the vivid and venturesome and ter rific prayer of my text. Sho is going to lift hur f wn eternity and set it upon that oiio "if," by which sho expects to decide whether yon will go np with her or sho down with you. She may bo this mo ment looking heavenward and saying, "O Lord, reclaim him by thy grace," and then adding that heart rending "if of my text. "If not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book." After thrco' years of absence a son wrotd his mother in oho of tho Now Eng land whaling villages that he was com ing homo in a certain shin. Motherliko. sho stood watching, and the ship was in tho offing, but a fearful storm struck it and dashed the ship on the rocks that night. All that night tho mother prayod for tho safety of tho son, and just at dawn there was a knock at the cottage door, and tho son entered, crying out, "Mother, I knew you would pray mo homel" If I would ask all those in this assemblage who have been prayed home to Uod by pious mothers to stand up, thero would be scores that would stand, and if I should ask them to givo testi mony it would bo the testimony of that New England son coming ashore from tho split timbers of the whaling ship "My mother prayed mo homel" THE "IFS" OP INCREDULITY. Another Bible "if is tho "if ' of in credulity. Satan used it when Christ, vitality wa3 depresbed by 40 days' absti nence from food and the tempter point ed to some stones, in color and shape like loaves of bread, and said, "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread." That was ap propriate, for ' Satan is tlie father of that "if ' of incredulity. Peter used that same "if" when, standing on tho wet and slippery deck of a fishing smack on Lake Galilee, he saw Christ walking on the sea as though it were as solid as a pavement of basalt from the adjoining volcanic hills, and Peter cried out, "If it be thou, let me come to thee on the water." What a preposterous "iff" What hu man foot was over so constructed as to walk on water? In what part of tho earth did law of gravitation mako excep- battlo of Arbola. or the battle of Cha lons, each one of which turned tho world's destiny, had been decided the other way I If Shakcsneare had never been born for the drama, or Handel had never boon born for musio, or Titian had never been born for painting, or Thorwaldsen had nevor been born for sculpture, or Ed mund Burke had never been born for elo quence, or Socrates had never been born for philosophy, or Blackstono had never been born for the law, or Copernicus had never been born for astronomy, or Luther had never been born for the reformation! Oh, that conjunction "if I'1 How much has depended on it! The height of it, tho depth of it, the length of it, the breadth of it, the immensity of it, the infinity of it who can measure? It would swamp anything but omnipotence. But I must confine myself today to the "ifs" of tho Bible, and in doing so I shall apeak of the "if of overpowering ear nestness, tho "if of incredulity, tho "if of threat, the "if" of argumentation, tho "if of eternal significance, or bo many of these "ifs" as I can compass in the time that may be reasonably allotted to pulpit discourse. THE EAItNEST "IF. First, tho "if of overpowering ear nestness. My text gives it. Tho Israel ites havo been worshiping an idol, not withstanding aU that God had done for thenvand-nowIMosea offers the most vehement prayer of all history, and it turns upon an- "if." "If thou wilt for give thoir sins and if not, blot me, I pray thee,.out of thy book." Oh, what an overwhelming "if?" It was as much as to say: "If thou wilt not pardon them, do not pardon me. If thou wilt not bring them to the promised land, let me never boo the promised land. If they must perish, let me pensn wun mem. j.u that book where thou recordest their doom, record my doom. If they are shut out of heaven, let me bo shut out of heaven. If they go down into darkness, let mo go down into darkness." What vehemenco and holy reckless ness of prayer I Yet there are those here who, I have no doubt, have, in their all .I....M.I, ,ix.iv tn have others saved, UUDUl l--J vv.w.- v. - . risked the same prayer, for it is a flsK. You must not make it unless you are .TTnr, fn tininnpB vour eternal salvation on such an "if." Yet there have been cases where a mother has been so anxious fortha recovery of a wayward son that her prayer has swung and trembled and poised on an "if like thatof the text, If not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book. Write Ws name in the Lamb's Book of Life, or turn to the pages where my name was written 10 or 20 or 40 or 60 years ago, and with the black ink of everlasting midnight erase my first name, and my last name, and all my . it i tn m into shipwreck, let me bo tossed amid the same breakers. It he cannot be a partne in my bliss, let ., . oBr in Mb woo. I have for many years loved thee, O God, and it has been my axpectation to sit wun Christ and all the redeemed at the ban quet of the ukiea. but I .now give up my promised place at the feast, and my prom ised robe, and my promised crown, ana my promised throne unless John, unless George, unless Henry, unless mdarling son can share them with me. Heaven will be no heaven without him. O uoo. cave my boy or count me among uib lost!" the elbows when ho touches a wave of river or lake, and will sink still farther unless he can swim? But here Peter looks out upon the form in the shape of a man defying the mightiest law of tho uni verse tho law of gravitation and stand ing erect on the top of tho liquid. Yet the incredulous Peter cries out to tho Lord, "If it be thou." Alas, for that in credulous "if!" It is working as power fully m the latter part of this nineteenth Christian century as it did in the early part of the first Christian century. Though a small conjunction, it Is tho bluKest block today in the way of tho gospel chariot "If!" "If!" We have! theological seminaries wnicn spenumosi of their time and employ their learning and their genius in the manufacturing of "ifs." With that weaponry aro as sailed the Pentateuch, and tho miracles, and the divinity of Jesus Christ. Al most everybody is chewing on an "if." When many a man bows for prayer, ho puts his knee on an "if." The door through which people pass into infidelity and atheism and all immoralities has two doorposts, and tho ono is mado up of tho letter "I" and the other of tho let ter "f." There are only four steps between strong faith and complete unbelief: First, surrender the idea of the verbal inspira tion of the Scriptures and adopt the idea that they were all generally supervised by tho Lord. Second, surrender tho idea that they were all generally supervised by the Lord and adopt tho theory that they were not all, but partly, supervised by the Lord. Third, believe that thoy are the gradual evolution of the age, and men wrote according to the wisdom of i ftm in which thev lived. Fourth, i.i!n f nut the Bible is a bad book and not only unworthy or sreuence, uui, - nicious and deposing aim uruci. Only four steps from tho stout faith in which the martyrs died to the blatant caricature of Christianity as tho great est sham of the centuries. But tho door to all that precipitation and horror is made out of an "if." The mother of unrests in tho minds of Christian people and in those who regard bacred things is the "if or incrcuuiuy. - Scotland, I saw a letter which had been written many years ago by Thomas Car J! Thomas Chalmers. Curlyle, at ,jo ,., 4, lorrnr. was a the time Ol wnu i-v ;. voung man. The letter was not to bo Shed until after the death of Car- lyle His death having iuj i"-"" letter ought to be published. It waTa letter in which Thomas Car yl ISresses the tortures of to own 2nd while relaxing his faith in Chris Snlt? while at the Bame time be ex SSbfa admiration for Dr. Chalmers, Eta which Carlyle wishes that he had So same faith that the great Scotch mln er eridentlv exercised. Nothtogthjt Thomas Carlyle ever wj teg RX.r7XorU,to- 0 -4..1 RMflvs " had in it more won- eession " tbe person by whose So I took it bacK wit jxtaamu 1 P" J.KS Vanished, I wUb firm grip the oldoo.mVnn Ki .V-it and the unmooring, bestormingand tor'' taring "if of incrcdulitv on thn nfW I like tho positive faith of that sailor boy that Captain Judkins of tho steamship bcotia picked up in a hurricane. "Go aloft," said Captain Judkins to his mate, "and look out for wrecks." Before the mate had gono far np the ratlines he shouted:"A wreck! Awrockl" "Whcro away?" said Captain Jtidkins. "Off the port bow," was the answer. Lifeboats were lowered, and 40 men vol unteered to put out across tho angrj bea for tho wreck. They came back with a dozen shipwrecked, and among them a boy of 13 years. "Who aro your' said Captain Judkins. Tho answer was: "I am a Scotch boy. My father and inothor are dead, and I am on my way to America." 'What have you here?" said Captain Judkins as he opened the boy's jacket and took hold oi a ropo around the boy's" body. "It is a rope," said the boy. "But what is that tied by this rope under your arm?" "That, sir, is my mother's Bible. She told me never to lose that." "Could you not havo saved something else?" "Not and saved that." "Did you expect to go down?" "Yes, sir, but I meant to take my mother's Bible down with me." "Bravol" said Captain Judkins. "I will take care of you." That boy demonstrated a cortainty and a confidence that I like. Just in propor tion as you have few "ifs" of incredulity in your religion will you find itacom fortablo religion. My full and unques tioning faith in it is founded on the faot that it soothes and sustains in time of trouble. I do not believe that any man who ever lived had more blessings and prosperity than I have received from God and the world. But I havo had trouble enough to allow me opportunity for find ing out whether our religion is of any use in such an exigency. I havo had 14 great bereavements, to say nothing of lesser bereavements, for I was tho yonngest of a large family. I have had as much per secution as comes to most people. I have had all kinds of trial, except sovero and prolonged sickness, and I would havo been dead long ago but for tho consola tory power of our religion. Any religion will do in timo of pros perity. Buddhism will do. Confucian ism will do. Theosophy will do. No religion at all will do. But when tho world gets after you and defames your best deeds, when bankruptcy takes the place of largo dividends, whon you fold for the last sleep the still hands over the still heart of your old father who has been planning for your welfare nil these years, or you close tho oyes of your mother who has lived in your life, ever since beforo you wero born, removing her spectacles because she will have dear vision in tho homo to which sho has gone, or you givo tho last kiss to tho child reclining amid tho flowers that pile tho casket and looking as natural and lifelike as she over did reclining in the cradle, then the only religion worth anything is the old fashioned religion or tho gospel of Jesus Christ. I would give more in such a crisis for one of the promises oxpressed in half a verse of tho old book than for a whole library containing all the productions of all tho other religions of all tho ages. Tho other religions are a sort of cocaine to benumb and deaden tho Boulwhilobe reavement and misfortunodo their work, but our religion is inspiration, illumina tion, imparadisation. It is a mlxturo of sunlight and halleluiah. Do hot adul terate it with one drop of the tincturoof incredulity. A 6IONinOAKT "IF." Another Bible "if is tho "if of eter nal significance. Solomon gives ua that "if twice in ono sentence whon ho says, "If thou be wise, thou shalt bd wise for thyself, but if thou scornest, thou ulono shalt bear it." Christ gives us ithat "if when he Bays, "If thou tiadst Known in this thy day tho things which belong unto thy peace, but now thoy aro hidden from thine eyes." Paul gives us that "if when he says, "If they shall enter iuto my rest." All thoso "ifs" .and a ecore more that I might recall put the whole responsibility of our salvation; on our selves. tlirlSl S WllllUgUUBB Winuuuu no "if about that Christ's willingness to help no "if about that. Eealms of glory awaiting tho righteous-no "if mJoriy'irin all the case worth a moment's consideration is the'"if that attaches itself to the question as to whether we will accept, whether we will repent, whether wo will Wiere, whether ,i will risa forever. Is it not time that yu ...- ... we take our eternal tuiuro . gwivel? Is it not time that wo extirpate that "if ."that inUerablo "if,"'tbat haz ardous"if?" Wo would not allow this uncertain "if to stay long in.anythlng filse of importance. Let eomo ono say in reSrdT a railroad bridge, "I have S for asking if that bridge is safe Zi you would not cross it. Jfi one say, "I have reasons to ask if tha BtoLmer 1 trustworthy," and you would not take passage on it. Let BOine one subk-t" " a - property that you are about to purchase, F.ffie re to ak If they can give a trood title," and you would not pay a Lmlof von have allowed for years of W , Hfetime art V ' to stand towing up ffdSqneSoniof eternal destiny. Oh dStot Perhaps your arrival here Sav may decide. Stranger thing, than toaay uuj m-v iTf,tux the "if jjave pu w "' ' That la a terrific prayer, and yet wew f" rivaoy having va Is a young man sitting in the pew on tne ju. r uWuhed. -.y .a " . 4l.1.o-rrallerV. Orln It nil f ....--nl?NT. the top gallery, who ba already crushed , Knn011, finding iU .way auchanraver from hla mother"! heart. ..""LottUh home, may nggestM ... lfwlnl IULU " that nnfiirtainty. A few tsauDaiu nights agd church a man, passings nnlnif.aaidtome,"Iai In this at the foot of the dtn a miner irum ffi.M flii U Pushed backhU. jm". -. n,n yon k thai coat sieevo ---. ' ....yea. You .car on iJfta wound there 1TT1M LAU4V shaft, where I was lifted to tho top, and whon that newspaper was taken off my, wound I read on it something that saved my soul, and it was ono of your sermons. Good night," he said as ho passed on, leaving mo transfixed with grateful emotion. And who knows but tho words I now speak, blessed of God, may reach some wounded soul deep down in tho black mino of sin, and that these words may be- blessed to tho stanching of tha wound and tho ctrrnal life of the soul? Efttlo this matter instantly, positively and f oi over. Siay the last "if." Bury t'ccpthol.isfif." How to do it? Fling body, mind aud soul in a prayer as ear nest as that of Moses in the text. Can you doubt tho earnestness of this prayer of the text? It is so hoavy with emotion that it breaks down in tho middle. It was so earnest that the translators in the modern copies of tho Bible word obliged to put a mark, a straight line, n 'dash, for an omission that will never be filled up. Such an abrupt pause; such a sudden snapping off of the sentence. You cannot parso my text. It is on offense to grammatical construction. But that dash put in by tho typesetters la mightily suggesthe. "If thou wilt forgive their sin" (then comes tho dash) "and if not, blot me. I pray thee, out of thy book." Somo of the most 'earnest prayers ever uttered could not be parsed and wero poor specimens of language. They halted; they broke down; they passed into groans or sobs or silences. God cares nothing for tho syntax of prayers; nothing for tho rhetoric of pray ers. Oh, tho wordless prayorsl If thoy wero piled up, they would reach to the rainbow that arches the throne of God. A deep sigh may moan moro than a whole liturgy. Out of tho 110,000 words of the English language there may not bo n word enough expressive for tho soul. The mo3t effective prayers I havo ovor heard havo been prayers that broke down with emotion tho young man for tho first time rising in a prayer meeting and saying, "O Lord Jesus!" and then sitting down, burying the faco in tho handkerchief; the penitent in the in quiry room kneeling and saying, "God help me," and getting no further; tho broken prayer that started a great re vival in my church in Philadelphia, A prayer may have in Btyle tho graceful ness of an Addison, and tho sublimity of a Milton, and the epigrammatio forco of an Emerson, and yet bo a failuro, hav ing a horizontal power, but no perpen dicular power; horizontal power reach ing the ear of man, but no perpendicular power reaching the ear of God. USE OP "IP" IN PRAYER. Between tho first and tho last sen tence of my text there was a paroxysm of earnestness too mighty for w6rds. It will take half Of an eternity to tell of all the answers of earnest'and faithful pray er. In his last journal David Living stono, in Africa; records the prayer so soon to bo answered: "10 March Birth day. My Jesus, my God, my Life, my All, I again dedicato my wholo solf to thee. Accept mo and grant, O gracious Father, that ore this year is gono I may finish my task. In Jesus' name H ask it. Amen." When the dusky servant looked into Livingston's lent nnd found hiin dead on his knees, ho saw that tho prayer had been answered. But notwithstanding the earnestness of tho prayer of Moses in the text it was a defeated prayer and wa3 not answered. 1 think tho two "ifs" in tho prayer defeated it, and one "if is enough to defeat any prayer, whatever other good characteristics it may have. "If thou wilt forgivo their Bind and ii not, blot mo, I pray thee, out of thy book." God did neither. As the follow ing verses show, he punished their sins, but I am sure did not blot out ono lottoi of tho namo of Moses from the book oi life. There Is only ono kind of prayer in which you need to put tho "if," and that is tho prayer for temporal blessings. Pray for riches und they may engulf us, or for famo aud it may bewitch us, or for worldly success of any aort and it may destroy us. Better say, "If it bo best," "if I can mako proper uso of lt,""lf Thou seest I need it." A wife, praying for tho recovery of her husband from illness, stamped her foot and said with frightful emphasis: "I will not have him die. God shall not tako him." Her prayer was answered, but a few years after tho com munity was shocked by the fact that ho had in a moment of anger alain her. A mother, praying for a son's recov ery from illness, told the Lord ho had no right to take Uim, anu iuo ooy rvuurereu, lmt nlnnired into all abominations and died a renegade. Better in all such prayers and all pniyerapertaiuingtoour temporal welfare put an "if," saying, "If it be thy will!" uui praying ror spiritual good and the salvation of our soul wo need never insert an "if." Onr spiritual welfare is Bure to bo for the best, and away with the "Ifs." Abraham's prayer for the rescue of Bodom was a grand prayer in Home ro- Bpects, but there wero six -u" in k, or "peradveutures," which mean the eamo thing. "Peradventuro thero may bo 60 righteous in the city, peradventure 45, peradventure 40, peradventuro 80, per idventnre 20, peradventure 10." Those elx peradventures. those six ifs," killed the prayer, and Sodom went down and went under. Nearly all the prayer, that were answered bad no "ifs" in them the prayer of Elijah that changed dry weather to wet weather, tho prayer that changed Hezeklah from a aick man to a well man, the prayer that halted iran and moon without shaking the uni verso to piece. Oh. rally your soul for a prayer with no "ifs" in it. Bay in substance, ira, thou hast promUed pardon, and I take it. Here are my wounds; heal them. Here la my blindness; irradiate it. Here are my chains of bondage; by the goepel i.,np, strike them off. I am fleeing Jvywvwlrtwvftftfl BALD HBABSIi What Is tho condition of yours? Is your hair dry, liarsli, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a ft lifeless appearance? Docs it faH out when combed or S brushed? Is It full of dandruff? Does yotlr scalp itch? Is It drv np In a heated condition ? If thesn aro nnmn nf 3" your symptoms bo warned In timo or you will becomo bald, j! SkookumRootHair.Grower It whttrou need. IU production la but tn accident, but the rwult of ictent lilo ntearch. Knowledge ot tne dleueo( the hair nnd clp led to thedlicoT. err ot bow to treat them. -8kookam"oontlnDelthermlneraUnfroll. It U cot a Dtn but a delightfully ooollnc and retretnlng Tonic. Or stimulating tha folUclea, ttop$ atting hair, enret dundnyr and groxes hair en bald KtQdtt Of Keep tha icalo clean, healthy, and tree from Irritating eruption, by the us ot tatm & Boap. ltdeetrojajxmuttlo inttci; tcKUh JuJL on If your drotrsut cannot eurply yon fnd direct toot, and wo will forward J prepaid, on reoelptoX price, Grower, iUO pr botU i tortMQ.' 8oi;, Wo. perjarioiur43v. THE SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER CO. 8T Komfc Fifth Avonae. New York, N. "V. ' fxpi;iNNNfli ft iiBi ' TR APR MIRK J Knlitntd. a AAnAfiAfBnni'lnrtrV Electric Lights On Meter System.'. TO CON8UMEB8 J Thoitaiem Light and rower1 Company at Trent ripenia bave cqutppefl their Electna Lltttivplant with tbe niott modem Rpparntu -.ndftrenqwnble to oflcr the publlo a bottrr light ttiuu any yrm and at a rate lower tb.iw.any- city on the cevat. Arc aud Incandescent Lifthtj lug. Electric Meters f er nil purposes where power Is re quired. nonldetirei enn ba wired for ua many light aa dealrcd and the consumers pay for only auch light h are lined. TliU being rcgUteieel by an Kleotrla Mfcter. Omco 179 Commercial St. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING,' PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Oor, 30th and Chemokcta Etrect. Geo. Fondrich, to CASH MARKET Boat meat nnd free delivery. 136 Mate Street. J. E. MURPHY. - Brick .and Tile - NORTH BAliKU. Take It EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cent a day delivered at your door. Fresh- "News-Paoers- ! Fruits- and Candies. J. L. BENNETT & SON. P. Ol Bloolc MEATS. HUNT, tho Norlt S4lcm Bteher Buy he hns not Bold out but imply moved hla f hop to the old aland at Liberty ctreet bridge. DAM McKillop, Leave' order at Balets Im provement Co., OS Etato street. er's dash of tbo text, and with a word less silence implore pardon and comfort and lifo nnd heaven. For this assent blago, all of whom I shall meot in tho last judgment, I dare not offer the prayer of my text, nnd so I chaugo it and Bay, "Lord God, forgivo our sina and write our names in tho book of thy loving re membrance, from which they shall nevor bo blotted out." Robert Mnntell .intends to havo "Far rlmaius" reconstructed so as to mako a four act play. Tho piece, when com pleted, is to be produced with olaborato ecenio effects. A. W. Pinero has sold tho rights to perform a German version of "Tho Soc ond Mrs. Tanqueray" for ilvo years. The pioco is being translated and will short ly bo presentod in Bqrjin. .UOUUUOUOUOoO UUOUuUUUlIUU uuujo, Hair Deatti flnitantly remove nnd forevor destroy ob-E Jectlonable linlr, whether upon tbe bands, J race, artua or neck, without discoloration ! .or Injury to tbe most delicate skin. It was for any years tbe secret formula oi Krasmus Wilson, acknowledged by Dhysl. clans as the blKbest authority and tho S most eminent dermatologist and hair spe- J olallst that ever lived. During his prlvato I practice ol a lire-tlmo among tho nobility B and aristocracy of Kuropo he prescribed t tbla recipe. Price, (1 by .mill, seourelyfj nnnvnn iyinMiviniianraiinnnnaniiai Hnfl Agents ior America. Aaareus THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER '0, lOepU II. 67Houth Klfth Avenue.New York looooooonoooono ooMorn ortoonnnn HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marlon Street. lias the best facilities lor moving and rais ing houses. .Leave order at Uruy llros., or addres Balsra, Oregon. From Terminal or JnUrior Wi the W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE NoTO Do you wear then? When next In need try ptlr.j BVBl III Ills nvriiu JIW. 4.00 3.50 2.50 2.25 2.00 .GO :.5ft 2.Q0 'roftuDiU' 42.00 41. 7S. ron BOYS 41.75 m If vouwinl aflns DRESS SHOE, mit IntheUtetl ity!e, dos't piy $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4,00 of ti Shoe, ml At equal to cuttom msde and look and wir wsll, If yon with to economlic In your footwttr, i to by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoet. Nam and prlc itamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy W. X DOTJaiJlB, Brockton, Mass. Sold by KllAUSSK BllOB. .aw 4 atH' "2 aiiw.... ,...,,.., ,m is aiiiiBlP" ?Wm arm uhrl BBjajaiv PWJLl PKOFEHSIONAI. AND 1IU8INE8S OAHDS. v. n. d'abot. oo. o. uiwan am. S'AIWY 4 IlINOllAM, Attorneys i at lAW. ltoomsl,2 and 8. ll'Arcy Jlulldlpg, Ml streeu Bpechu attuntlon given W husl nesa In the supreme and circuit court of the state. 3 11 rnlt.10N KOKD, Attorney at law, Balem, L Oregoa. umce up stairs In l'alton block HJ. HiaOKIl, Attorney at lwalem,Ore , gon. Office over Hush' bank. pneu " -' -. newppr from death, and he too a " ft show taon "vTrVTa cirahowmucb print ng. . - , taT? ?ver reaa lohoVeBheV Her tears .J- W bcWn ?;& X SS-S rqpreto uila than me raw " -r7 p,.nl m& the "1 w ,'.nn d tha around mj won, ""wwmd to tht frm i,.ra. nr . home on a dark Wn,t" ', aninmft.Clialraert, "". " ,t mllw raclrrgrouna to w tothe city of ref o ;e. ond I am wre thU U the right way. ThnuV, be to God. I ainfre." . . One, tr Uw, .! r aW. Botio. In CbrUm Ur. wain. With t Mosaic carneatueM of my UJd wllhout it. Moaaio "if-," M vm ontforOod. Aye. word, fall tu, tetoaw. . n "'-nsniynw T J.BIIAW.M.W.11UNT. HUAW4IIUNT .1 . Attorney nt law. Orare over utpitoi National bank, Balem, Oregon. TOHN A. OAIWON, Attorney at low, rooma tf nna , uuau iu, w.-.",w. (I hi tho line to take To all Points East and South. It la the dining cor route, it run a through vestibule trains; every day Inthelyearto ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO J(No ehange of oars.) Composed of dining car unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleeper Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. llsat that can b constructed and tn whloh occommodalUD are both tree and lur ntshed for holders of first and second-doss tlckel,and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnuor line connecting with all lines. aOordlng direct nnd uninterrupted service. l'ullman sliffvi frv' Ion scan be sc oured In ndvirji .viish any agent o tne roua. TheLondon Medicaland Through tloket to and from all point in America, Kngmna ana rcurope can ue purchased at any tlnket ofllco of this ocm- nanv. Kull Information oincertilOK, rates, time of trulns,rout and other details furnished on i:Dlloatlon to any uirent or A. D. OHAJILTON, Assistant General Iuini;or Agent, Mo. 121 First fltruol, cor. Wasblricrou; tort- lanu.OroKim Bkaw & Downing, Aseuts. ttHH (Hm TICKETS TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, STA0UIS Inotitufa Surgical tf"lul-' 719 MARKET- STREET San Francisco, Gal, IB A MUlill'Al AND HURUlOAli INBTI. TUTE, located permanently at719 Market nireei, Dan r ruucisoo, uai., tur vna uuro ui diseases, aflllctlnn and deformities. A staff of pbyslciansaad surgeons, having-diploma and the endorsement of tbo best college of America and Kurope, sklllo.1 speola'lsls who havo had long eiptirieuce In treutlng snecla). and chronic diseases, aro In constant at tend ance. A pnarmicy is attacnoa ana an pre scriptions tilled Iroo of charge, $1.0t Trial IfoiHo $5.00 Full t'otuxo Huflerer from Asthma. IUinoutuin, Con- xumptlon, Catarrh, Pystejisla,v Indigestion, horofuls, Kpllepsyi iftmajo w"s.i.aucr, Henri Disease, lliouchllls. Kruntlona. Halt llbeuin. llalsness.l'ftpeworiri, Ueafnesa, any Huxual Ulseato, JMt Manhood, Malaria, Uri nary Troubles, Vllea, llowcl Troubles, should consult at onco. Low charts, within the reach ol all. combined with tho best medical and surgical skill. Young, Middlo Aged and Old Men Who msy be sullerlnif from YOllTHKUIj KOl.i.ll'-.v or the excesses of matured III. should ro.isult t one, It is too late) thuseveturnu uractitirirMwiin'iiaveiiocquHi In the Uuited Mstes, as they can and. will re store to vnu perfect healiu vrheu ail oinrr bave failed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvenated and manly vigor restored vr their new and wonderful method of tret tin miuiious aruga en. can ror aavio - -- --r-. -... r .. ' C M.. power, or any aiseaso 01 tue nye, r-ar.iiiriw AMD ALL EASTERN CITIES 31 DAYS to CHICAGO H.K.WON1IAM. W. II. JIOLMKH. BON 1 1 AM A llOlMtOi, Aliorneja j iw. Offlce In llnsh block, between Bute nnd Court, , on Commercial street. OHW WAYNE. ATTQUNKV-AT-I-AW. " ? raa., wai''YU.TSmia slreeu.Halem, Oregon 9"- i WCKMUHTOW-Arcbltecl and superin tendent. Offlee, room t and ureyau niw B-lD-tt E. rOOUK, Htenograpber and Tjpe--,.,. nt nulnmid trrxwrltlag of. m tot oue In Oregon. Over liush' bank, rlalem, Oregon. D Tt A. OAV W. IMU. Ll'rt Graduate of K.w XOrk. gives special vufcw -- nr-mnen and children, nose, throat, lungs, kidneys, skin disease and surgery, omSatr-ldehee.loIlitaUi street. OoosulU. 7-1 4ta a llltOWNK. M. Dm I'hyswlanandHur. . gion; omci, fciorpny bioek, residence, , Commercial street. 1T O SMITH, JXntltl, nM sjreev mi 1. w7nn? VlnUhlld dIlUl OtXr. na of every dtMrtptwn. aine vyviw Uon a specialty. Oom tar U.i'Uaii, Areblteet, pUn. speelflca- VV lions and supertnteiiaenca lur ii ' . "rt" .7i.T 7i Mi flnmmarcloi rfnttm ol building. street, upstairs. )BLe W) Oommarcla Wo. ur. I.T vlted a llaowjs, CapU eBto?lai,"d BO-t Qu,tker i0JmWy. mi KM' Through Pullman and Tourist Sletptr Fre Reclining Chlr Can, Dining Can, or rale and general Information call on oraddn-s, W. . HOBt-BUItT, Asst, O. V. A M W-kingtoD tiu.VarM PiiTtUKr, on-rwa men I. business men Worn oct ou MONEY TO LOAN Onitrisrived IUal KsUU. in amotinlaff UmelosalU flodelay In oo14rlng(n FEAR l FORD, Boom 12. BbU Han. bloe. i M nnua nv vtrrHUANH Humpter Camp &'?'vHd''.Ao! Sr.,TW.7riVi.Viih.M ... MudiAllr In uait. .....-a-'.'-""-- tuatUnd. us.. rJuitdinr. w wr .v.. u j, a. ii.vyooP. vwf f . KIIRTN RROTMKitg Manulactur Rtandard Pressed llrlck, Molded Prick In all I'atUrn. Ibr front and upply tUebrlek tor 'the NiWHaleru City Uall and nearly all tk fine buUdlngs erected In tbe Oapiui City, Yard near fenlU-tlary, B4im. vr. fra w THE PACIFIC DETECTIVB AN. CflUJBCTING BDHBA0 iA.KM, - - Oregon l'rlrate work plly, C,m. ;utT,'KiiDr. .nMltlw l,. UUBlUeiMI IUBU. ftll IWf UMIIWi vYmmlj .. J are suffering from Nervous Debility or lallle; Pjwer, or any aiscaso 01 wnajn, w,.sn-ta unes, Heart, Htomach, Hkln, Kidneys, or Bladder, Blood Diseases Cared in tbe shortest time by vege table rtmedtei, ADC Vfil l Irong.heallhy and vlgoroua ftftt. TUU a you should lwT Are you frea from every trara of disease or ileknesat lo you look weilT Io yon feci wellT or 1 lhr aomaChrouloTroublsj which, like a ranker worm In the budding flower, U rapidly de stroying jour very vitals. LADX2E3 Who suffer from Nervou froatr-tlos, . len-s, xJespondsncy, bdtgetlo,Uostlp tloo, Lassitude, l"alDs in the M-ett or lsjs4 disease peculiar to their bet, etmmH lhM pnysiemns wun tn aiuiosv ihmvw. $1,00 TRIAL BOTTLE $5.W FULUCOURSt THE LONDON MEDICAL a. SURGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Mark Strct SatFrwK;ifC0, Cl. E.W.HADtKV, 14v. gHMRT LINK t GAUMKXU. OCEAN STEAMER SAlUMtt. h B. S. WILX-VM-TTK VAU-KY, f-Ave tan Vi-neUco. Nov.h. HtU 4 U-va YaoBlBA, K, , WHfc, Mh, JUTH ALWAYS MAI JsHTAOWRT, Vut If sight and b-s-8w rt r a.nt or VUMSfSfSP --.. a--- -, -. . " p H.K.U-UAi )l AW.T.iK.-. ,mwK,AH, OT, WAKDI AW, 'f ,Y, 1 r. A. u,t, ffl Til f M -tA n u.