Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 18, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    JL T
l 9
i lK - - ' " " fcT? n.t r'f. ..
1 W jQl 'a
! 'iff "W ; -
rNEw ! 45 fiftiits a lard.
Tho Beason'o daintiest fabrics arc
Sw T our counters although a
few Btragglers are Btill to come.
&e'8 arfection of color combi
aHrvn and beauty of weave in tho
bew thK that will bo a treat for
Sou We will try to make your visit
- IF -
You nr goln-to build or makfwy Und of
,a nveraeit. Oill on the un endued lor
material. We have a oimpletf I'toof ,'n' d e
reidy t" uPPy ay P'oparad contract, sewer
work, uradlosr, etc
Salem Improvement Ho
Nominations By tho People of Both
First: H. A. Johnson, Squire Farrar,
H.W.Cottle, Lot Pearreaud R.B.Dun
can are named. M. W. Hunt Ib tli
preaeut incumbent. Democrats men
tion John Gray.
8ecend: J. J. Murphy, Ed. Park
hurat, Johu G. Wright, and Win. Eng
land are uamed. Mauy will ask Mr.
Lafore to continue in the otllce. No
one Is named In tho second on the
Democratio ticket.
Third: On the llepubiicah side Col.
Oltnstead, Gus, Strang Harry Keller,
and Tbos. Kay are named. Democrats
talk of G. Stelner.
In the fourth ward no one Is named
on the Democratic ticket but the pres
ent alderman, John H. Albert. Geo
P. Hughes and Frank Meredith are
AT tub Asylum. Thero died at
tho Insane asvlum. Saleui, November
10. Henrv Moore, aired 70 years, who
was o mmltted from the poor lurra oi
Douglas county about six weeks ago.
Upon complaint of C. M. Parnieuter
his brother-in-law, Norman O. Parish
was Friday afternoon examined for bin
sanity. Drs. It. 8. Jesaup and L. Hen
dorsQD, and Deputy Prosecuting attor
ney A. O. Coudlt were preseut.
"Norm" as ho Is known In Salem and
Marlon county has been troubled with
epilepsy for several years and also
slightly addlotod to drluk. Ho has be
come violent of late and his family feel
In It unsafe for him to bo at lare he
was committed to tho asylum. Ho Is u
sou o Rev. J. L. Parrlsh of this city, is
68 years old, and Ih a native of Now
York. At one time he was a prospe r
ous cltlzau of Salem. For several years
he was a part owner In tho Salem
truck und dray business and for Borne
years was an expressman.
Directors Chosen. At the annual
meotln of tho Salem Building and
Loan association the following direc
tors were elected: G. W. Johnson O.
E. Kruusce, I. L. Patterson, J. H,
All ert. T. Ho'.verson, F. A. Turner and
O. B. Moores. The following auditor
wire e'ected. T. O lLirkur, G M.
Beelor and A. E. Crosby. Tho a .ela
tion has flvt days In which to cleot the
officers bo that tho election was defei red
until some duto within the tltuu al
lowed. A summary of the reports
Bhow the total of mortiruues renresenls
Bomethlng less than f 104,000; tho num
ber of mortgages made during the four
years Is eighty; the total ntuouut loaned
is $22,800.
The Fair beats all ou low prices.
The only stock of Jnpnnoso
goods in Salem nro now beinfj
shown at
This lino consists of assorted
CWnAwaro, such as cups nnd
ftueew, tea sets completo, ox
tra butter dishes, bowls, crenm
e, mush eots, chocolato pots,
cracker jars and flower vases,
lacquer cabinots, screens, wall
brackets; Japanese napkins 35o
par ftu&dreu.
2G3 Commercial Street.
Biggest b irgains ever'known.
Call early afid get the best se
lections. THE PALACE.
Tho fi .eolearuutumn days continue.
Give thanks Rosedale people would
like a dally mail John Dowman,
he man ai rested at Albina for forgery
was taken to Silverton today to be
tried before Justice Webb Cav-
unaugh is hnaio from a short visit at
Portland County Assessor D. D.
Coll y has returned from a snori vihu
to theSanllutu country Mrs. Z. B.
Barnes and Ml-s Anut Barues, of Ger-val-,
are the guests of Mrs. Jm. Martin
on Trade street Prof. L Bjrzee, of
Jefleisott institute, was a Sal in visitor
today. Several ruore carloads of rock-
nnve anivtd for the new city hall.
I'he Electric (Capital City) car track
curve ou Bush's bank corner is being
rjlsHil S. W. Bird, F. L.Butler and
Mr. Winslow of Aunnville, were 8a
em visitor today Hon. G. P. Ter
rell, of M-Immm, was in the city today.
G i and hear the B ly Preacher at
the. Evangelical Tabernacle in East Sa-
em tomorrow, at 10:30 o'clock,
Hop Buyer Whitman is at Portland.
Mrs, McCIane, who has been the
uueBt of State Treasurer Metschan, re
t irned to Portland today James
McCIane has the Journal's thauhs
for the lomreBt "spud"' yet brought in,
weighing 65 ounces. Messrs. E. P.
McCoruack, B. F. Giltuer, W. A.
Munly and F. R. Anderson were
among the dignitaries going to Port
laud this afternoon.
Hon. E. B. McElroy Is In 8outhern
Oregon for a few duys.
Try compressed yeast,
at Clark &
blx dozen pairs of $4 00 pants reduced
to $3.00. Now Is the time. Woolen
Mill Store. ll-10-3t
Cork soled euameled calf stock,
strictly wuterproof, at Krausse Bros.
The steamer Altona comes up from
Portland this eveuing and goes to In.
$1.00. Ladles' pretty trimmed bats
cheap for $2.60 now $1.00. Mrs. 8. C.
R -ml.
Mens' working shoes one dollar a
pUr, at Krau-se Bros.
Sliarpe's dairy Is furnishing the
choicest milk and cream from a Hue
held of JeTbejs.
One or more Surueons of Natlnual
Siiiirlcul Institu e, No. 310 Bush St.,
S F will i eat the Willumetle hotel,
Suit in, Monday Nov. 20th.
This I.itiiltuiH is Hpecinlly devoted to
the tre.ttiiu'iit of curvature of the spine,
dlt-exBft of I he hip anil knee joint,
crooked limbs, club feel and all bodily
delonnlllcs Their success In treating
Ihe-o tinutilcH hs wel as nasal catarrh
and all chronic dim-uses has made for
I he I nut I tu tea national reputation.
All iwrsons who are sutlerlng from
im ot thenc complalutH should not fail
to take advantage of this opportunity
for relit f.
Reference' may bo had to the follow fellow follew
ing: Judge TIioh. L. Davidson, Salem, Or.
Governor E. P. Ferry, Olympia,
Rev. E M. Condlt. Albany, Or.
Supremo Judge J. P. Hoyt, Oimpia,
Wash. w 16 23.
Trv com.iUsted
Epple. 's.
yeast, at Clark &
The New York Racket has received
this wiek.a largo lot of all kinds of
b xit and shoes, line wool, aud other
neg'lg nhlrt", hats, (a Hue fedora for
(101), underwear nf all kinds, linen
damask, inwe's, FUpenders, wool and
cotton hosiery of ull kinds, mackin
toshes, gossamers, oil coats, aud many
other urtlcles curried iu our Hue. Call
and see, and convince yourself that
you cuu save 10 to 25 per cent for cash,
v 2d-lw
Only Movino Yesterday afternoon
Chuuiiccy. Lock wood was seen In
charge of the Electric motor cars, fairly
Hying out State street, Many thought
ho had adopted this means of Increas
ing his messenger service, but it proved
that lie was ouly moving household
goods out to Mornlugslde.
A Hkavv Company. Tho great
Aetna (Ire Insurance company, the
obits- and Isriwt In America, has just
appointed Mitchell, AVright & C.
ftiieutB for Bulem aud vicinity,
&Y&mm s'SAhAL tOTteXXL, HAOJtmDAY, frOVaM&Ba 1,
The Keeley league meeta next Mon
day evening In the city council
chamber, to further organize ana elect
officers. This Is not the city council
proper, but graduates of the Keeley
Institute, who have entirely rid them
selves of tho appetite for liquor,
Nov. 30th will be universally ob
served at Salem as Thanksgiving day.
The African M. E. church of .North
Salem will serve turkey, chicken, sweet
potato, 'possum and coon. The Jour
nal will send a representative to show
that Eastern men are not built with
out a stomach.
Tuesday evening Miss Mabel Bean
entertalued a number of her friends at
her home, No. 77 South Commercial
Btreet. The eveuing was spent in whist
and "tafly pulling." Some excellent
music was also enjoyed. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Reese H. Leabo,
M s Mahel B.-an, Ml-s Lola Catterliu,
Miss Maud Cooper, M ss Fanuy Mann,
Misses Stella and Lottie Bhernnui.
Messrs. R. G. Brown, Charles L. Mc
Nary, W. J. Culver, Roy Reed, Ernest
Porter and Charles Savage.
A R. B. Fleming's Monday night
the following uit tubers of tho Old
Folks whist o ub, and iuviteU guests
were entertained at duplicate whist:
Mr. and Mrs. Gov. Chadwlck, Mr.
and Mra. J. G. Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Msjoi
Williams, Mr. aud Mfs. J. D. Snther
1 md, Mr. and Mr. A. I. Waguer, Mr.
aud Mrs. D. F. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Walte, Mr. aud Mrs. Judge
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hotversou.
Mr, aud Mrs. F. L. Willman, Mr. and
Mri. H. W. Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Cross.Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Breyman, Mrs. Greeu
and Miss Anna Metchan, Hon. Philip
This society meets tonight at 7:30
o' clock at their hall in the State Iu
surauce block and will offer a delight
ful programme to its friends and mem
bers. Miss Gladys Byrne will render
an Instrumental solo, Miss Maud Parr
will slug and Miss Sara M. Brown will
recite. A debute will ensue ou the
question, "Reselved: That the United
Stutes seuate; in prolonging the debate
ou the bill to repeal the purchasing
cluuse of the Sherman Act, has degrad-
a! Waalf In flick avua f tlin rumnln "
Led by Messers. Stewart and Al
exander as champions. A good time
is certain and the public is cordially in
Rev. Copelaud is pusblug the work
of this club. The literary section met
on Wednesday evening with about
thirty piesent. Each m mber gave the
names of Ave favorite novels aud the
reasous for selecting themthen Mif.
F. F. Victor road an interesting paptr
on the "Evolution of tho Novel."
This club has now a library of uearly
300 volumes most of the books of late
date and representing all departments
of literature, books free to ull members.
The Junior Uuity' club will have a
Longfellpw evening iu the church par
lors ou Wednesday evening Noy. 22d.
Tho Salem Kludergurt-u Training
school is sending Its workeia into the
several Sunday schools of the city to
take charge of the primary clat-ses
wherever they are wanted. Two Salem
churches have already adopted the new
method of interesting the little outs
Iu Sunday school work. Mrs. P. S.
Knight is iu charge of the little oues
at ttie First Cougiegatioiial church and
Miss O. Dallou hus takeu tho mfants'
class at Unity church.
The W. R. C. gave n successful social
Monday evening lust. The next regu
lur literary is ou uext Monday eveulug
at 8 p. m. when the trump question
will be the subject of a debate.
Sumpter camp Sous of Veterans has
changed its meeting ulght to Wednes
day of each week at Good Templars'
The regular party of this most popul
ar social club was held at the Hotel
Willamette receptlou rooms lust Wed
uesduy evening. They presented a gay
spectacle aud the Elite orchestra dis
coursed tetter muslo than ever. The
Willamette patties fiein to have ab
sorbed ull the sociul activity of the city
for the whiter, aud are affording a high
degree of enjoyment to the young aud
old Boclety people of Salem.
Ou the eveulug of Frlduy, November
2lth, au entertalument will be glveu at
The oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Amraoula; No Alius.
Um4 ifl Millions of Homes 40 Veaxs the Standard
Last Saturday was a great success. Every article went at
half price, ust as advertized, and all buyers wore more than
pleased. This will be continued for several days lo lger to
meet the demands of the trade. Call early.'
'Mrs.' Mark Skiff.
291 Commercial Street.
P. S. Store close at 7 o'clock p. m.
the Reed by loeal talent of Sa em, the
object being to raise funds for the bene
tit of the Salem board .f charities. The
general plrce of admission has been
Used at 25 cents with teserved seat at
50 cents. This entertalument is eotten
up for a most worthy cause aud th at
tendance should be larue. The .follow
ing is the program as arranged:
Overture, Second Regiment baud.
Welcome, Wm. F. Dugan, Eq.
Recitation, Miss Saia N. Brown, pro
fessor of elocution at Willamette uni
versity. .Vocal solo, selected, Miss Maude Parr.
Duett, Beggar Boy, Johnny Foley
and Thomas Wlnesett.
Duet, mandollu and banjo, Mr. Nick
ells and Mr. Keller.
Waltz, Second Regiment band.
Part second will consist of the de
lightful and pleasing drama, entitled
"Little Toddlekins," under the direc
tion of Richard H. Riley, accompanied
oy other eminent artists.
ii - mm i i
Chase & -anbornM World's Fair cof
fee, at the Blue Front.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
Sunday school at 12. Rev. W. E.
Copeland, pastor. Subject of mnrnlnn
sermon "Christ and Liberty." Sub
ject of evening lecture "God's Word
brought by Heathen Priests to Chris
tian Preachers."
s s. M. E. CHURCH.
Quarterly conference in session in the
morning the pastor will preach. Iu
the evening the presiding elder, Rev.
John Parsons, will preach and admin
ister the Lord's Supper. J. M. Shulse,
Pre o ilng services tomonow, at W.
C. T. U hall at 10;S0 by F. J. Stranger,
and at 0:30 by E. 8. Bollinger. 8. S. at
12 m.
Ueual fervices tomorrow. Mr. Free-
land preaching morning and evening,
upon tho "The Olive Tree or the Brain
b'e?" and "The Conditions of a Re
spected Youth."
E ist 8 ilem, services tomorrow as fol fel fol
eows: Preaching at 10:30 a. m , and 7
p. in. by thi B y Preacher, Rev. Ezra
Mail re r. Sditmth sahool at 3 p. m.
Rev. W. Kelleway, Newburg, will
preach morning aud evening. All in
vited and made welcome.
Serv'ces at 10:30. The county Y. P
S.U.E. cuivemion. Sermon will Ix
nreiched. Subiect: "The Imitation
of Christ." In the evening Ht 7:30 the
Rev. E. M. Dill, of Parvsboro, Nova
Scotia, will preach. Junior Eudeavor
rally at 2 p. m. Union Y". P. 8. C. E
at 0:15.
A. O. U W. HALL.
Rev. C. L. Corwln will preaoh at 3
o'clock p. in.
First quarterly meeting tomorrow.
Services: Love feast at 0:S0 a. m., at
10:30, Rev. John Parsons, presiding
eldei , wilt preach. All members of the
church are expected at the love feast.
At 7:30 the pastor will continue his
practical talks to youug men Buhjeet:
"The Business Young Man." Quar
terly conference Monday, at 7:30 p. m
The Salem Ministerial association
will meet iu regular session Monday
morning, Noy. 20th at 10:30, at Y. M.
O. A. parlors,
Regular services morning and even
ing at the Cumberland Preabyteriau
church. J. E. Blair, pastor.
Judgo Burnett Dissolves the Injunc
tion Pialntlffs Will Ap-
In the suit of Chcmeketa street prop
erty owners vs. City of Salem, applica
tion of plalntltr for leaveto reply denied,
suit dismissed at cost of plaintiffs and
injuuetion dissolved. .Mr, Attorney
Ford says: " To this order of he court
the nlalutlfli have excepted and will
appeal again to the supreme court for
the purpose of settliug the legal ques
tions involved iu the cue under the
preseut status, iu consequence of Judge
Burnett refusing to allow plaintiffs to
file a replication, or answer to new
matter set up iu the answer."
Thesaloof property under execut' n
will uot be made. There 1b after th s
decision no further stay and the city
will go ahead aud co lect according to
law, Thete will be no further cosis
against the property than thoe already
iuccurred, to those who pay now, but
those who do not pay will have costs
for re-adyertisemeut of property and
marshal's Bale.
"Certain hard words, made Into pills,
Simply to swell the doctor bills;"
are not whut constitute Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are
tiny, sugar-coated, purely vegetable
pills, as pleasant as coufecttonery to the
tatc, aud acting upon the stomach aud
liver geutly but effectually, and as nat
urally as Nature herself. For sick
headache, Indigestion, biliousness, con
stipallou, and all the resulting diseases,
on laxative equal totuem uas ever oeeu
Again and Again. The good peo
p'e should remember that the Salem laundry does your work better
sud does not destroy them, as Is the
case at mauy China houses.
If you have a crippled child consult
Dr. lliukle of Nutioual Surgical lnsti
uteat Willamette 'hotel Monday Nov.
20. d 17-18
Parliament of Religion.
We take great pleasure iu announc
ing to our readers the early publication
to all. "The Parliament of Religions"
atthe Columbian Exp'ositlou. Will be
Usued complete in our large octavo
volume, and will be a cireful complla
lonofall nfthrt procee lions at once
i fascinating story and a In ok ofuoi
yeraa value. A uarrat veof the grand
est achievement in molern religious
history. The book contains oriuiu of
the Parliament of Religions; proceed
ings of every meetiug of the Parlia
ment; speeches delivered and papers
read at every esion of the noted gath
ering; the beliefs of the various relig
ious denominations; opinions of emi
nent divines in regard to tbePailhv
ment; influence of the Parliament upon
the religious thought of the wor d.
Published by F. T. Neely, Chicago.
800 pages. Price: Cloth, $2 53; full
sheep, 44.00.
The inside pages of the Wasco News
presents the huudsoraest appe irauce of
any of our Eastern Oregon exohauges.
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
an appetizer; these are
everything to those who
are losing flesh and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with Hypo
phosphites, provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Flesh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of flesh.
Ttpr4 hj Bolt Jk Bow. rtitmUts,
jtvw sec, oem vjr an snifsuu.
North Salem Thanksgiving.
On Thursday, November 80h, from
ICni In7n m lli. AMn... H Tfi l.1l,
aldnocletv wlil Rlve a Thunkeglvlng
I dinner at the church. Prloe 5 ota. dw
We have just brought from the Mill
8500 fcik of
Lowest Prices Ever Heard Of !
Ten new students were registered on
Monday. The outside rows are gradu
ally Ailing up to tho back part of tho
Pros. Hawley made a Hying trip to
Portland on Tuesday for the purpose of
ittvudlng the Epworth League conven
tion aud filling a number in the pro
The lecture by Rev. W. C. K-ntner,
of Corvalll-i, in the chapel on Wednes
day was excelleut. The entlemau is
both eloquent and humorous, and those
who re not "moving on" ith the
best possible facility, should have heard
lomeofhls very useful maxims una
Tbos performing rhetorlcalsin chap
el us the remainder of the list from last
term, were Messrs L. Reynolds, eesuy;
Bert Savage, declamation; Miss Cora
Winters, essay. Mr. Reynolds and
Mls-i Winters prepared their papers in
tho form of a discussion of the Geary
law, ' Mr. Reynolds on Wednesday
opening the question on the affirmative
dde with able argument; and Miss
Winters following on Thursday with a
scholarly treatment of the negative
hie, showing forth clearly that there
are two sides to this natioual question.
The week of prayer for young men
has been observed by the college Y. M.
C. A. A half hour prayer meeting be
ing held each day at 3 p. m. The in
terest has been good and work has
been done for eternity.
Receptions have been the order of
the week. On Monday the Y. M. O.
A. gave u reception to the young men
aud geutlemen professors of the school
at the house of Messrs. Bert and Mark
Savage, on High street,-aud on last
night the Y. M. C. A. entertained the
young ladies and lady professors of the
school at the home of Miss Helen Mat
thews, lu Eaglewood. The best of
times were bad at both places, and It is
reported that the boys surprised the
young ladies iu capacity of a seranade
aud were treated (uot according to
their capacity for these things) to cake
and chocolate at their bauds.
Yesterday was election of officers in
the Literary societies. At 3 p, m. the
Philodoslaus filled their chairs of honor
as follews: Pres., Cora Winters; vice
pres., Verua Leeman; aeo., Hetta Field;
treas., Mario Reckwell: ceuBor. Carrie
Bradshaw; sgt. at arms, Miss Black;
costodlan, MIna Heulut. The Philo
dorians at 7 o'clock elected the follow
ing efilcers: Pres., Floyd Field; vice,
C.J. At wood; sec,, R. W, Callisou;
asst., Wm. A. Morris; treas., Walter
Shepaid; censor, I. H Van Winkle;
lib., Ernest Wilson; sgt. at 'arms, Juo.
W Rjyuolds. No debate was had in
unlit r society, for elections were close
und hotly couieiled.
Prevention is Better
Than cure, and those who are subject
to rheumatism can prevent attacks by
keeping the blood pure and free from
tbeacid which causes the disease. You
can rely upoti Hood's 8arsauarilla as a
remedy for rheumatism aud catarrah,
also for every form of scrofula salt
rhejum, bolls and other diseases caused
by Impure blood. It tones and vltillzea
the whole system.
Hood's Pi'B are
easy and gentle in
I i I i lliBl I j
A new stock jupt received. Men's, boya and children's suits.' Stylish durable
MILL RREEt'HESICklnt0ahe, Ud PDt8 ' towedt C"h pr,Ce"
K??i!)ic,,tB,,n"df pD,a tuade- Tfy Pa,r -"l w,th 1,uen th"d- CDt
be ripped. Rues to tit auy man.
Little Giant school shoes for children. A nice clean stock of reliable aboea at
low cash price.
Still golnir at popular prujea, 8ubatantlal,stylah goods tbatcBiotfaU topleasfii
I Olmsted'a Lraaa Reform
H6ra Wfttete.
and Ms Blankets
The Republican legal voters of the city of
alern are hertby notified that the city He
pubilcun primary election will on held In lbs
drat, Rft"ond, third and fourth wards or the
cltvofHn emon Tuesday, November 28, lm,
(or Ihe purpose of putting In nomination can
didates for city aldermen, one each In the first,
second, third and fourth Wbrds. to be voted
for at tho oomlng cny election Ho be held on
Monday, the 4th day or December. 1891, ihe
polls of i he said primary election to be opened
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m -ndooxpn'7
o'clock p. m. on (aid day, and the lollowlsg
turned Judges were appointed by the comiu...
tee. and the p'lmnrles mrnedas follews:
PIKST WARD Old eaglne house-Inrtge,
H. A. Johnson, Jr., W. D. Clagget and ArcuU
-ECOND'WAUD. O'd court home Judges,
Geo. (Tnlllno, J. A. B kor and J. Q Wilson.
THIRD WARD Armory bulldllng-Judgeg,
Alonzo Uesner, K.M. Walte and J. W. BaicL
elor. FOURTH W VRD. Lamoureux's llrery
stables ludges. J. L. Uockett, OwenHutUu
una a. u. DUGKiugnam.
The Judges of th lr respective wards shall
api o nt two competent persons to act ai
ciei ks of a tid primaries.
Tbq prlmarlei shall be conducted under the
provisions ofthe act of the leg slatlve assem
bly of the state of Oregon, ny order o. the
commute . R.B U 0R-C3.
Secret ir.v Utv Republican Central committee.
11-18 td
Try compressed
yeast, at Clark &
And I have started a "CUBTOM HOUBK" o!
my own, on State street, ne'tr Commercial,
Where I will bn pleased to meet my old custo
mnnt. and nlentv of tiew nn9 In wnnl 01
Kent or Shoes. Hood fits, good material and
good honet.1 work.
Undertakers and Erahlmcrs,
Cabinet work and repairing.
Court htrest, Opposite Opera House,
Salem, - Oregon.
ANTED-ROARD' R, with or without
lodglDg.488 Commercial street.
11-16 lwd
3 WIS PAPER Is kept on file at K. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchants
xebange, San Francis' o, California, where
contrac for advertising can be made for li.
CHRISTIAN HCIENOE Literature of all
kinds on sale at 828 Liberty street. 4-6-ly
This wild Thanksgiving turkey swallowed'
Hrownin wun a sum
And dowd within hint 11 rownlo was ground
rhe reason, for this tragedy was Brownie's
previous sire
He would not read our latest ads, nor take,
uur uHraiuM in.
rhe moral Is clear. Read the follewing:
Patton Bros.,
The HtAtloners. are now displaying their
Bible Albums. Juvenile Hooks. Call and
. i
Chatwin House.
Iut south of the Methodist Church, In Balem,
Everything new and rlean. Tables serred
with the best or tvrythlDg In the market.
Hpeclal attention to comn erclal travlles.
Meals IS cu, Board and lodging irom H0O a
week up. Free me of piano.