Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 18, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    Ws Sk SlfcTTBBM ,M J
sociated Press Daily News
26 eta. aaetlt kjr Jfektl
Prepaid la Adv&ae.
Xe Papers Sestt Wfcwi
Tlsae ia Oat.
paper Published on the-
Pacific Uoast.
$3.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO.. 5i73.
A rrnod asartment from ehean to best crrftrlea. W hnv
tr CASH and sell for- CASH, and
From 15 to 25 per cent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
' when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hat, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'liSt.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
SmokediMcats of allKiuris
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
w.A.mMM0 Gen'1 Joent'
CHURCH! LLVPps, Pamps.PamP
. je - y 103
miRRnilGHS State Street.
New Treaty with Ha
waiian Islands.
Pending Negotiations for U. S.
That the Woman Called Qae
Will Bo Bcstorcd.
Hawaiian Affairs Unchanged.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 18. The
steamt-r Australian has arrived from
Honolulu. No change ha taken plaoe
iu Hawaiian affaire. Willis presented
bis credenenti ils with int saying any.
thing about instruction to reinstate
tbs Queen.
force agalmt the return to power of the
Q i pan und baa not received any large
invoice of arms.
Gresham Disappointed.
Washington, Nov. IS. News from
Hi wall la eagerly sought for by the
officials at Washington. The Associa
ted Press bulletins on the suhject con
talued the first news the president re
ceived. He read thom with muoh In
terest, but declined to say anything
touching the matter. Qresham seemed
greatly surprised, but absolutely re
fused to express auy opinion. His en
tire manner Indicated that be didn't
consider the news reliable, or that be
eutertalned the opinion that there will
ba extreme illaaDDaintme'nt if Willis'
dlsnatches don't convey information of
some positive step upon his part look
ing to fie restoration or tne queen.
Ar milni? to exolaln the annarent In
credulity of the secretary of state, it
should be stated tbat Willis Is not ex
pected by the department of state to
make his Instruction nubile or to dis
close the Intentionsbf ur government
irnm ine nouseiops.iy
Minister Thurston. would exnress no
opinion for publierilon. He said he
was muoh p eased? to bear that the
provisional governnpnt was in author.
ity. ;
This afternoon Qf Ibara received offi
cial advice, but regies to make them
publio at present; '
By the Tariff Ways and Means
Bonds to bo Redeemed and Notes
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
&mm lyifUvl .
DB. "OONTEIS , ,ta-. Mjg&SZ Bridge
celain crown inserted. All mnas oi Fv
work and Hue gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
Over Gray Bros.
Shooting Season Open
We lead onHh Stock and Low
BROOKS & baliddu"-
rrilK XBW
ai reasonauiu pru-. A -k;eD",be finest Htaniou- " RYAN & -'.
mept h!1 demands. AlsoKeepiuD. .
Barn and residence 2 blocK souw. u-
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very best of meats at all times,
and tbe beBt of service, .
t-Oppoelte waaeDOi".-
Capital National Bank
Tranw-U a xral "HfeuSTl-oaas
W! U. KOlSl J.M.AI
Minister Willis Talks
Han Fbancisco. Nov. 18. In speak
ing of his mission, Mr. Willis declared
to an associated press representative
tbat his instructions would not be
known until offlo a ly hauded to the
provisional government. "1 will say
this much." concluded the minister,
"that there Is absolutely no foundation
to various rumors afloat since my ar
rival, as to what I am empowered to
d' r not to do. There are but two or
three men, even in Washington, who
know what my instructions are. l
must positively decline at present, to
state whether I carry an ultimatum or
a new treaty or what."
The Provisional government claims
to be a much in the dirk as everbody
ia, thnuirh It has leaked out witbiu
the last few hours frpin a yery reliable
source, that tho new minister will neg
otiate a new treaty with the provis
ional government wliloh will pUo the
islands virtually uudor tua pr.itotlon
nttUa United State, it U uiddrHooJ
tbat when comp'eted this treaty will
be at once submit ted to the sjuate wim
r-irtveland'a raatre. In the tneau-
time the United Slates will aae that
matters remain In statu quJ, bitti in
ternally and oxtemally.
The royalists If they And their cause
hopeless, may try something deperate.
Tne United State seems bent upon
keeping peace at all hazards, though If
lt'imHto trojble, It wouici pruuau.jr
be v nu il'y nettled before troips could
be Undert from the warships. The
government relies upon the citizen re
nerve guard in cate of trouble, mid are
coufldent they will not oe amppuw.
Ti.r u no doubt that the organiza
tion of the oltlzsns' guard now number
ing over 4'K) men has hid a very saiu-
oftaM on the unsettled states uf the
country. The royalists on the other
bind c aim there Is not, anu uev. u--been,
any danger except that worked
up in the lm?luatlons of annexation
WU Their leading men say they are
confident th ex-queen will lie restored,
became the United Htatei rau mv..
annex the islands or Hr
r. ........ oi nnrrence has disturbed
the course of affairs at the Hawaiian
Wands. Minister Wilis presented bl.
.. a.. r.irm. to the prorls-
lonal government, and w received a.
the accrdited represeuiv.u
United States.
Ha had not mle publh Wi In
ltr" tlon, from the Unl.el SUU. S
1 " . ... , n'. 1 ,tter has not been
olulu has heard anym.. - -
toration of the Viueen ' ---
Resident Cieveladd.
talk of bloodshed or resistance. re
ta,K. ., ...,n,nitlsnot making
Eipid rar4i; of News.
Chicago, Ills., JWov. 18. The hand
ling of the news Jfougbt bt the steam
er Australia froafHonolulu today Is
one of the monff.rewarkablo achieve
ments In new annals. The Australia
urrlved inside San SVpnclsco harbor at
0:20 a. m., Ban Fraucisoa time, or 11:20
central time. A copy right letter or
tho Associated Press or 2,000 was placed
on the Western Union wire at Ban
Franoisco at 11:35, ceutral time, and
was completed at Chicago at 12:00 p.m.
This letter and tho bulletins were
placed on the leased wire system of the
Associated Preas uud was delivered at
all points including a private copy to
Presldeut Cleveland an hour in advance
of any other Information, official or
An Income Tax.
Washington, Nov. 18. Lovylng
an income tax to increase revenues in
order to permit contemplated reduotlon
iu the tariff wl I be recommended oy
the sub committee or the ways and
means committee to tho full oommltteo.
It Is understood a majority of tbo full
committee is favorable to It. The pres
ent plan la not to tax inoomos of ess
than 1000 per annum, to m ke tne tax
two per cent; from that up to f 20,000,
5 per ceut; from the intter up to $50,000
and 10 per cent on all am unts over fif
ty thousand.
Tho Bub-committee also recommend
ed favorablo action on the bill of Bryan,
of Nebraska, for the redemption or all
United States two per cent, bonds,
amouuting to Borao twenty-two ran
lions, and the Issue of tho treasury
notes for general circulation.
Pants, Pants, Pants. Six dozen
pairs of $5 all wool pants at the Woolen
Mill store reduced to $3.60 a pair.
Artistic Designs. All the ladles of
Salem are enjoying that u w shlpmeut
if Bllver tablewear at John O. wrigtil's.
The degiBus arc the very best nud now-
rat, and the prices are cut bolow bod-rook.
Thereat in the World.
. St6rmsand Wrecks.
Liverpool, Nov. 18. Sivere weath
er N -ti teoorted from sevcnl points
on the con'. Tho Cynthia of Liver
pool, fouuderei with all luuda. Num
erous oiuer wreolw are reported, but no
ottier !oof lifjso far.
Pedro Proclaimed.
London, Nov. 18 A dispatch from
Madrid nays thh foreign office there
has received adv'ces th it Admiral
Mello has proclaimed Prince Pedro
emperor of Brazil. The Brazilian nilu
ister here has not received advlccH con
cerning the matter
Steamer flltona
Leaves Ilolw' flock Mondays. .JKSSSdlt
ni Fridays 7.W a. tn., arrlvtn la run
ia0p.w, ....-..,, Tnerdays,
Kt time for paer seruse;
UDdlDBfrelKlit bandied. oneway,
KOUNlllUnunlliald).00. OneWB7'
For frtlat rata and tUMMW& t0m
tU. Wrlb Oeu, MoUuia bux. "
J. U.AtnrBT.
w W. MAHTin.
U. V. MArmaJ .
LeUal Blank PubllBhcrs.
mggjg "1"TH ESY.
Uwltboui n i" MCI, Mltis,
THE MARKETS. Fhvscisoj, Ntv. 18. Wheat
Dee. H.00.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 18. Cash, 60; De
cember 60.
Pokuand, Niv. 19,-Wheit fall,
f.05; Wal'a Walla t.85.
Jude Burnett today opened court at
9 a. m. and disposed of casea as follews:
F. J. Eldride vs E. A. Breyman, et.
!., partition, contiuued pending refer
Marx k Jorgenson v A. K. 1M
Uoaue, equity, findings and decree f.r
defHndmtA. E Li Rogue and M. II.
Ullbertson, dismissing suit aim lor cobw
an 1 dlsburiements.
Minnesota Threshing Maouine w. v
L. W. Brunson et. al., action for money,
. ' .i . i..u.hnnnv and defendant ri
o targe I from tho order to appear and
be examined as to ownersnip o vr
.rtu Huh to execution.
Court a IJourne I ine dl.
ti itm Aa'orted styles and colors rr
diSfroA..ioaudyfliiO,uow60cenU Mm. ri. f. R '
Course of High Qrade Entertain
ments at the Salem Pint M.
E Church
Next lecture In Hoiir (N'. ") Wrd
nelay evening. Nov. 22.1.
II Rev. O. W. ar-unlf, "Funny
Tb-ngs In Dixie aiBwn by a I'nrwb
er "
III Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
PesbyterUn church of Portland,
"F.lbrr Tlm," Nov. 28.
IV Dr. Cb.Kdwrd IxKike.Tayloi
iachiwh Portland, "Every Inch
Mn," D 0- . M , ...11..
V. UM"'. W"w, 'V - r
DJrn'r at
Senator Heury C. Nelson, of New
York, writes: On the 27lh of Feb
ruary, 1883, I was taken with a violent
palu In the region of the kidneys, i
Huliereo sucu ugouy imii x tuum .m.u-
ly BUind Up. A8 HOUU ua iuboiuic i -
..ii. ..i ...,n nf Aiiwirii'a PnrnuH Plaster.
one over each ttldoey, uud luld do-vn
In an hour, to my mrprise una uuugu,
the pain had vanished uud I was well.
I wore tho plasters for a day or two u
a precaution, unn then removed them.
I have oeeti using Allcock'a Porous
Plasters In my family for the last Ih.
years, aud havo always found them the
quickest and best remedy Tor colds
si rains aud rheumatic affections, b rom
wxporlence I believe they are the beat
plasters lu the world.
Assorted styles and colors very pret
ty trimmed reduced from $1.76 aud
2.00, uow f I 00, Mrs. 8. C. Reed.
Hoi'3-P. B. Whitney, travelling
friiht atreut of the Southern Pacific
yesterday brought 52 bales from Day
urn and 108 batoi from Guthrie, or 1C0
In all, to be forwarded by his line east.
The Southern -Pacific has handled 80,-
000 balesOregon hops this year. "I lie riv
er lines have takeu about swuiouuu
bales to Portland. These figures leave
ten to twelve thousand baltfl in the
state at present.
Tne Aatnte Ticket Wan.
Citizen (hurriodly) Ticket and a
half for Podunk.
Ticket Agont (siappishly) Do you
wont tho half ticket for that big girl
by your Bido?
Citizen Tho wholo ticket ia for
her, but sho insisted on paying faro
on her favorite doll,; so, to humor
linr T wnnt thn hnlf tioltot Also.
V., -. ... w .
Tickot Agent Umer how old ifl
tho doll I Good Nows.
Black and white effects still find favor
both here and abroad.
Lovely accordion plaited blouses of
black lls8o havo spreading brctolles and
revera of jotted net of tho most beauti
ful quality and device
. In mohair fabrics now offects are
shown in waved Burfaces, bourettc
knots, narrow camel's hair stripes and
rough dots or ncn coior.
All sorts of variations of tho mutton
leg sleevo still maintain, nnd the latest
styles aro cut long and full enough to
drape in drooping waves from shouldei
to elbow.
Sealskin and sable grow rarer and
more oxpensivo every yoar, and tho lik
ing for sealskin seoms to havo increased
in ratio with the dtmcuities nemming in
the fisheries.
nnr.flr.Kntf hut, flat crowns are eeon.
both high and low, but dome shaped
crowns, moro or less high, appeal to
favor. Tho latter have the recommen
dation of novelty.
Yellow crepo de chine blouses are lav
ishly trimmed with wide black velvet
ribbon and jot gimps. A bluo corded
.(11, nn1nl frnm Part ft hoa VCrV ful
ivii and hlirh Stuart ruohe, with
shoulder cape of cream laco.
Roverslblo satin of tho stand alone
,,,,iirv ! n vnrv h.iTidsoino novelty
among evening dress fabrics. It oppean
In two toned eirects-greon biioi win
gold, vlolot with dark roso color, orangi
with "axurine," tho now lovely tint in
bluo; petunia with rcsoda, moss green
and damask red, silver bluo and mauve,
black and scarlet. New York Post.
A Now York firm is building 13 loco
motives for the Chilian govornmont.
Tho biggest railroad loop in the world
is probably one on a Missouri road. It
ia 70 miles around.
rrl. AtlontlnHnnst llnmmton tlirOUKri
palaco sleeping car trains from Now
York to Charleston and Columbia, 8. 0.
and to Jacksonville and Port Tampa.
n ursa Ueet l 12 00. 8lnle adrols-
i. M cenU. Tickets for wl- at
rborrV- &- J A'iVt?
?lr atore. BUta street H 3tr, '
' .U.,i'
grocery store, BUte
Millionaire Armour.
Philip D. Armour is n shortsot,
brood built, prosiiorous looking man,
with a ruddy ojMjn face and dark sido
whlflkore. Wo is severely nun. muu.
Six nnd forty years ago ho drove u
mulo team acro&s tho plains of Call
fornia nnd invested what little capi
tal ho had in tho grain business in
Milwaukee Then ho bought an in
terest in a pork packing establish
ment, nnd today his fortuno is esti-
.1 nt mnHilnir like 150.000.000.
Ho now porhniw is tho most conspic
uous of all Chicago's multimillion
aires nnd is as modest as tho prover
bial schoolboy ever was and is ono of
tho plainest and most quioi b"'"B "
men botli as to manner and modo of
Of late ill health has obliged him
to restrict his diet to bread and milk.
Tills would tH) a Bad affliction tosomo
rich men, but Mr. Armour has novor
cultivated his palato to an npprecift-
tt nt nrtnllinH find LTU1UCO. ilUU u
likes it bakod npplo for Drcowaw h
much as Boechor or Jay Qodld used
to. HU recent gift of $1,600,000 to
tho University of Chicago brought
him into prominenco as a practical
philanthropist. "Ho is tho hardest
man to go against in a grain or pro
vision deal that I know of,' eaid a
friend of his recently, "but in on
emergency where 'money talks ho
it ,.,..,i. im n i-atA million as indif-
ftt.ntlv as another man would order
a chop in a rctaunmt.M Withal ho
i.. - i.t i.-ui imlv. uummeraud win
tor alike, Iwfpro tho clock strikes 7,
and ho habitually wears urwl roso in
las uuttonbole.-WttterVfty'ii Jour-
mi.. itM.iann Tnrwkii and Santa F
Bystem has moro mileage than any othoi
railroad system in the country. Its ag-
nrmrata la 0.W1 miles. TllO Unloil Po-
ciflo, which is second, bus 7,081 miles.
The longest reach of railway without
a curvo is ,that of tho Now Argentine
Pacific railway, from Buenos Ayres to
tho foot of the Andes. For 211 miles it
U without a curve and has no cutting or
embankment deeper than two or wree
New York has elected BartletL by
30,700 plurality, aud Palmar has $5,000
or soareiary oi uuuu. una is hisuihjuii
ho flguni for the rest of the Rspttbll
an State ticket.
Tho State senate is Republican by 18
to 14, aud tho Assembly Btands 78 Be
publicans to 62 Democrats. j
Sohtoreu baa 80,000 plurality, In
Brooklyn, and the Damocratlo machine
nas gone all to smash,
Tammanv holds its erlo on the city
nd eloots all of its local candidates by
.luralltles averaging 05,000. Ten Dam
xjratlo olvll Justices, eight souators aud
i7 out of .10 assemblymen are also
ileo d.
New Jersoy has Btamped on the race
rack and coal combine Damocraoy and
ilected a legislature Republican In both
or nohea.
Pennsylvania stands for Ripublloaa
am and protection by a majority that
nay reach 1C6,000.
Ohio has also passed tho 100,000 mark
'r MoKiuley.
Ureenhalge beats John E. Russell for
(overuor of Massachusetts by at least
Boles, after eervlnr two terms as the
Jetnocratlo governor of Iowa, la beaten
or re-eleotion by Frauk D. Jackson by
ibout 80,000 majority.
In New York, Ohio, Massachusetts,
'lew Jersey, Iowa aud Peunsylv nla
He returns Indicate a change of about
100,000 votes as compared with 1892.
In New York state tho only counties
hat really Htood the test or Daraocratlo
naobluo methods wore Albany, Cue
n ing aud Rousjuluer. a
In Albany the Horrlck nnd Hill
firces worked togotbor and Inoreased
the Democratic majority nearly flv0
thousand. Chemung, Hill's old home,
nturnedto tho Democratic fold, and
Rensselaer, under tho load of Murphy,
ran the majority up to 8000.
McLaughlin's maohtne loU 49.000,
broker's 43,000, aud Sbeohan'a 12,q00,aa
tomparcd with tho voto of 1832.
Croker Is tho only loader who Is not
Tiortally won ded, howover.
Sheehau and MoLaughtln aro burled
to far In the wreck that there will be
in effort to Inter the I o lie?,
"It was a triumph of the men and
prluolples of the Republican party, and
the vlutory Is greater because the cam
lalgn had been conducted almost solely
y divine I'rovldouce."
i rnttiTH nf carna railway
Btatlons In and about New York is a
smiling colored matron as attendant in
the ladles' room. These women are
nearly always popular, unfailingly cour-
teous and apparently nontrn w yvuuj.
m..... ....!. I. .nv nf their buslneaS tO
care for packages, and they accept the
smallest tips witu a smue mm vun.
TboOneck stable won $31, 018 during
the regular racing season this year.
J, A., A. H. and D. n. Morris ended
the season with winnings of at least $68,-
Pierre Lorillard's Rancocas stable took
into camp the sum of $81,1)80 during tho
Tho earnings of tho horses owned by
Marcus Daly, tho copper king, were
Brown & Rogers placed $03,710 to their
credit, the earnings or weir now ior
the season.
The thoroughbreds of tbe firm of Gid
eon & Daly succeeded in capturing the
am of $03,200.
Tbe thoroughbred that raced under
the colors of M. V. Dwyer earned $7,
633 for the noted turf plunger.
m-.i..,.i frnWr. the Tammany Hall
chief and racing wan, succeeded incap
turiug the substantial sum of fOT.m
James It. and Foxhall Keene were the
big winners of the season. Their stable
of cracks, Including Domino, Hornpipe,
Bt, Leouards and El Telegrafo, wea
actly $237,018.
)nkCknt Daily by mall. 25 centa i
uonth. No papers tent after time
A Pionio. Picnics are u trifle ont of
cason, but those small plonlo baiaa
ust Imported by Clark k Eppley a
.trlctly In It, Try them.
i O ' "
REI.KA8BD. Tho man Smith who
was examined today befora Recorder
Kile was dismissal. He wwnotpJ
.eased of the frulto of any of th Mo-
IClnley night r inhere.
itato of Ohio, City of To!edoM
Lucas County,
Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that lm
Is the seiilor partner of the Arm of K. J .
Cheney & Co., doing business In the
ilty of Toledo, county and state afore-
.aid, and that said llnu will nay tho
.urn of one hundred dollars for each
nd every caso of catarrh tbat cannot
e cured bythe use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. FhanicJ.Chbnky;
Sworn to beroro me ao sinwuwi
In my presence, this Oth day of Dtcew
1L21 ' A.W.GtBABOK
J 8KAr,
Notary Publk.
Hall's Catarrh Cure J Ukea nUMiy
aud acta directly on tlje bo ao4 .
cous surfaces to the aystesa. mf ft
testimonials, fre. '
F.J Oi(KNHYJcCo.,Tole4o,0io.
laWBold by drHgKl. 76 fU, -
FjkiTaTIkm.-Hoo. TWes.TMTfaon
late county jud wss oil4emf W
chair as lecturer of Sab w ' ai-gi fr
at 2 p, m., by a repoit that hU avi a
UnrniiiDttlda was o lire. AttfcvM
rocssige wad sent In for an ergiM kat
the way the roads a t oeiluio
be seut there. A view rrom
bouse dome showed tbe koew siU
standing aud no fire at 8 p. w.
- vl
) i
. in
a 't
4 4
Z r