Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 17, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 ft Year.
-Seta. eth by Mult
Prepaid la Advance
Ke Papers Seat WImm
Tiate a Oat.
VOL. 6.
NO. 27S.
f A good assrtment from cheap to best grades. We buy
or CASH and sell for CASH, and
Fro 15 to 25 percent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hat, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Kctail
Denier in Fresh, Salt and
Smokcd!Heats;of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
E. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, oalem.
W. A. TEMPLETOF Gen'l J gent.
SG 103
RIIRRMIGHS State Street.
The Queen Will Not Be
Prepared to Resist its Over
Cleveland Will Eesort to Force it
him, signed by tbo president, directing
the commanding officers to obey any
orders coming from Willis, regardless
of bis official relations to tbo Hawaiian
Wabhin iton, Nov. 17. It Is learned
that the forces of the provisional gov
ernment of Hawaii, though small, are
well organized and disciplined and
most of them are sharpshooters. It Is
said 2000 picked men are provided with
arms in Honolulu and enrolled in
drilled companies. They have been
trained for two months past as a safe"
guard against any royalist uprising In
the islands. These companies are made
up of white men largely. Eighteen
rapid firing guns are Included In the
militia equipment the arms being Win
nhester rifles. This force would be su
perior to what the men-of-war at Hono
lulu could put ashore. But no one
seems to bellevo any resistance will be
made should the marines actually bo
Planning to- Bag the
Next Presidency
Will Wait to See Which Way
the Hare Will Jnmp.
Prepared to Resist.
Washington, D. 0., Nov. 17. The
contents of a cipher dispatch from Min
ister Willis at Hawaii to Secretary of
State Gresbam is now known. The
dispatch informed the department that
the provisional government is prepared
to relst overthrow, and restoration of
the queen. The dispatch contained
the statement that the provisional gov
ernment has on hand 1600 rifles, two
irntlinir euus and four maxim guns, be
sides p'enty of ammunition available.
The force of police officers and guards
on hourly duly, in Honolulu la asc,
while there Is a reserve militia of 600,
and further reserves which swell the
total enrolled number to 1100. It Is
supposed that 500 more could be hod
from the other island?.
This collection of arms puts a differ
ent phase on the mat' or. it leaves
Minister Willis in rather an embarrass
ing position, for it now transpires his
lustructlonB did not admit of his going
in the. limit of usloir marines for accom-
nti.hinu ihe Queen's transfer to the
n.mne without first Informing the state
.lur.nriniont.nrnuoh necessity. His dis
patch indicates a resort to arms neces
ry. That the minister win gei buuu
-mictions there can hardly be any
rea ou to doubt, In view of thi positiou
fcAKen by the president.
Southern Manufacturers Opposo
Applying the FrceTrado
la experienced when you 3&Tl8.
DE. &ONTBIS .-I""- ,nSkta Bridge
celain crown inserted. All mnas I"
Uvet uray .diuo.
hooting Season
' tt TIT A XT W
AND mu vvAnx
- AND-
. . . i ..j l nw Prinea.
We lead on Hioh btocK auu ;
mil! NEW
hi. no' v -.- .. boeD the nnwi ";" Jlx An -"
n " sa'SrdfflisUh of
Oresham Not Oommmunlcative.
Washington, Nov. 17.-Secretary
Gr.stium today said to an associated
press reporter, with some empnaeis,
that nothing further would be given
.. nn ilia HiiMeot or iiawan. xic
went on to say it was not true mat
anything lurther had been dispatched
to Minister Willis. This seems to inti
mate that Willis Is Instructed to act in
all contingencies. Inquiry falls to de
velop at the capltol, any response to
suggestions fiom some parts of the
cauntry, most especially from the Pa
cific cost, that the president be Im
peached for his courte in uio nawi.u
Uiatter. L I A i
Senator and members when asked to
express themselves upon this phase of
the question reruse cousiuci iv .."v
TuemoHtthat anyoftbom will say
Is no question of that kind can be prop,
o ly raised at this time, when so little
is positively Known oi iu H'-" - -.ii.tlon
With reference to
Hawaiian News.
New York, Nov. 17.-A Washing
he condition of affairs which would
arise should the provWon --
ment cive Wl 18 U passion- -
rition has -"""SJXu
rtlnarv course of providing him wltu
the naval forces w
Will Tax the Roofs on All tho Houses
in Two States.
Seattle, Nov, 17. The shingle
manufacturers of Oregon and Washing
ton have organized a trust, according
to the plan proposed by H. R Duulway
of Portland. It provides for the organ
ization of two associations, one of the
manufacturers and one of the dealers,
and allows manufacturers who are also
dealors, tojojo both. Each manufac
turer is to deposit with the Joint treas
urer 6 cents for every thousaud sniugio
be sells, which he forfeits if he cuts
nrlwH. Dealers are also to nut up a for
feit on a similar condition, the amount
f which is to be determined at the
meeting tomorrow. The expenses of
tho ussocltttiou are to b paid out ol
this fund and tho balance divided per
iodically In proportion t the sales.
A Joint executive commltteo Is to fix
prices, investigate charges of cutting,
and have access to books and corres
pondence, and an agent Is to be em
ployed for these purposes also. Eaoh
nwmoinili.n Is to have an executive com
mittee of five, which, together, are to
coiiBtitute au arbitration committee to
settle disputes between tho association.
The members present signed a pledge
i.. niffn I his sure ment no soon as print
ed, uud pledged themselves to put up
$100 In cash, shingles or coi.aterui, as u
forfeit until they begin paying In the 6
rents a 1000 foifelt. Dunlway starts
next w et-k to canvass the manufacturers
i ud de tiers for signatures. It was de
cided that so soon as agreement takes
effect, which will be when all Interested
have slgued, the prices will ue aa vanceu
somewhat for 1894. No more (ales are
to be made for delivery, after Jan. 1st,
until the organization Is completed, but
contracts and ordors now on hand are
to be filled.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
.asss? lUmlvl
The Emperor's Address to tho
The National Party.
Washington, Nov. 17, There Is a
movement on fooUif Populists and froo
slU'ormon, to Join their forces for tho
next presidential campaign. To this
end It Is proposed that the Populists
shall hold their organization In abey
ance together with tbelr doqlrinesas to
government ownership or raiiroaus,
bond loan polloy, and Issuing paper
money, which the sliver men as body
have never embraced, and under some
such name aa "untional party" rahko
united pull for the presidency and free
silver In 1800.
Senator Peffor, when seen by an As
sociated Press reporter admitted the re
nnri na niitilnpd above. Ho said he
was not In favor or making lue align
ment until the congressional elections
next year whon the new party would
get ready for tho presidential election
of 1800, and expressed the utmost con
fidence In Its ability to carry the coun
try. In a new party tho paramount
question would be one of money.
Southern Manufacturers.
Washington, Nov. 17. Southern
manufacturers who nro protesting
mmlnst tup ubolltlon of the duty on Iron
ore and coal have issued a public state
ment to the Democratic patty, appeal
ing Tor consideration In view of tb Ir
well known fidelity to thit raity, and
saying among other things:' "South
ern Iron men have resolved to resist re
peal, forgetting for a momont all differ
ences of political beliefs, and mindful
only of the stable and better things, to
wit: Domoitlo prosperity."
People of Ecuador Aro Ready
for War With Peru.
Berlin. Nov. 17. Emperor William
formally opened the Reichstag, In his
npeulng address tho Emperor tuausen
tho body for qomplylug wltu ins uo
maud at assembling In July fur the pas
sage of bills for the Increaso of the
armv etleotlvo. aud declared the evt
denco of warm sympathy ho had lately
received in various parts of the empire
gave evldenco of tho great satisfaction
of the nation that the army had obtain
ed an organization which guarantees
the protection of the fatherland, and
tor the nresorvatlon of peace. It would
be the chief duty of tho preseut IWeh
stag to provide the Increased means
made necessary by the Increase of the
army, Bud to fix definitely tho propor
tlons of rovonuo to bo ooutriouieu uy
the various states of the empire. BUI
to tills eud would be submitted, also
bills relative to the taxation of tobacco
and winp. and the lovvlnir of imperial
stamps. He said commercial treaties
hud been conoluded wltu opain, uou
mnnift and Horvla. It had been found
necessary to ralso the Russian Import
duties to an unusual degree, but It was
hnnnri neiidluii negotiations with llus-
sla would lead to tho abrogation of
theso measures. He said thorn had
boennoobange In tho relations with
foreign governments, and closed with
thnhnne that tho blessings of peace
urnnlfi nnntlnua to abide with tho na
tion. His speooh was warmly ohoered,
No American Cardinal.
Rome. Nov. 17. The none will hold
a conslstorv In February, when several
cardinals will be created. The question
of conferring the purple on Archbishop
Ireland- bos been raised, but the pops
seems to have abandoned that Idea, be
ing afraid of offending the Jesuits,
are still very powerful, aud who it ts
known have opposed Arcumsuop ire
land. Couscnuoutlv no American car
dinal will bo designated at the next
Columbia's President.
Panama, Nov. 17. It. la said that
General Nunex,presldeut of the United
rftatea"of Columbia, recently swallowed
polsou. It Is alleged by his friends
that tho poison was taken by mistake,
but In other circles It Is thought that
tho president aoted with deliberation.
The assertion Is made that the act was
due to falling health and Increasing
political troubles.
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very best of. neau at all times,
and the ist of service.
my Opposite v u
. 'ftaTPT.
J- !--
. t f.HIKT.
J. l-w-Kiir
Charged With Using the Malls for
Fraudulent Purposes.
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 17.-In tho
case of Rv. Frederick Howard, on
trial in the federal court at Jackson,
Tenn , some very Interesting evidence
was brought out. The defendant Is
charged with using the malls for fraud
ulent purposes. His scheme was to
lead peoP,e In the various parts of the
United Slates to believe that they In
herlted a fortune lu England and pay
...... r i. urn the alletrcd luberlt-
nce The evidence adduced by the
government goes lo show tht William
Lord Moore.oi uouuuu, vbkv v-B
and tho Rev. FredencK iiowaru am
one and the same person, and, further
more, that considerable sum uvo
ually been collected under these aliases
for disbursement among bln. There
have been witnesses In attend mw on
.1.- fmm Londou and various parts
of the country, Ino'udlng piope w-o
The Provisional Army.
Washington, D. 0., Nov. 17. It Is
learned that the provisional govern
ment of Hawaii, though srnau, aro wen
organized and disciplined. Most of
tbem are sharpshooters, Jt is saiu
2000 picked men are proviueu wim
arms In Honolulu and enrolled In
drilled companies. They have been
trained for two montns post as euiu
guard against any royalist uprising In
tne Islands. Theso companies are made
up of white men largely. Eighteen
rapid-firing gum are Inoluded In the
militia equipment, the arms bslng
Winchester rifles. This force would be
superior to w lat the men-of-war at
Honolulu oould put shire. But no one
sennstobelUve any resistance would
be made should the rnirluea actually
beUnd-Nl. The posdblllty mai Min
ister Willis will not no au" i,nva
fully carry out bis program of the re
storatlon of the queen and the amalga
mation of the p'OVlSlonai govemmo.
with her adrali Istratlon, makes all lu
terested In the movement 111 at ease.
Consequently new from Hawaii Is
awaited with more earnestness by the
administration than the general public.
'"". ,.rv rules of interna- ave been duped by Howard and cerke
Uuoer "'""' , K. .inutr , ti... New York nctofllce. now-
.. .Ml...., VV Ilia WOUIU uui. "c " "- Iiuui.v-- .....--
Steamer MDa
National Bant
vcr SALEM.
1. VAB -. W '. "". JV
J. U, A. .,.
; .ii
forces of this couu, -- --. - -
whatever. Togo- " Dd,Dg
tlngency.oruc.- ,ven
. Ar inn nnvni -
nninura an k&w
ff. MXBTI9.
li; y.MAru" .
1:30 p. -o.n.nd Tue,-dy,
RCTURN1NO, e1,'0.
Thur.anAB"'''1.!! no war
Legal manl PubUrs.
word formerly had charge of a Baptist
church Id Jackson, but wa dep-sed
alter a long sensational trial, In which
,. nroved to be an Impostor, it
havlog been wtauiisneo uiuv m
.... ...r KofflUhman of bad re-
,,. living lu Georgia and ialllog
'himself Howell. He was arrested lu
Chicago a snort ime ki """ --,-from
custody. He afterward turned
" - . I.... I.n nrrulll1(rMl
IIUbM .-.".,. rfrfar tett-i up at JacKou, wu- "--""""--
n.ih Mtmia """',-- .it iief .. ..i , iho auiUorilieB. j n vv
SJWSWSSW probably consume a week's more
!..i.LiD molt UP.n ',, oo.tUMpol- .,
lUMnmjr-'--, time.
War Ship Attached.
v,.u- Vi.v. 17. Tne u.o.
. 7 a i.inairuKvi r m-
ITWrnM-M "Z. .ndtubUTNW
ir well.
blHirucuu5bMf,S -..rTbalb- lied an attachment on
r&XZ22!"J!!22tti n ".I ii,iii.d warsblnNlclln.y,
SsarTI -TJM-JIS. S3 -W. .'5 "w ul. una. .etraking her from
KBsa?':.T: zzxzn' v
Sensation Promised.
r .., o Nov. 17 Ooe of the most
disastrous bank fallureee Ohio has ever
known was that of the trim '
baok of this city, which crippled tho
Columbus, Lima Milwaukee railway.
and stopped mUy private enn...-.
President Fauroi ciairouu u w -
sUnd the failure and yeslerday t was
announced that he liau uuearu. -
conspiracy to rob and wreck the bank,
.. :i... .i. onnd turv tomorrow will
. .... . ,.r the ieadkuK cltltens of
till city, and that the social and busl.
owe world of Ohio will be shocked by
the developments.
Knlihts of Labor.
PlIILAOBLfHU. Nov. 17.-Tb
fcolibuof labor continued In selo
wttM clod doors todsy, HI "
feratood there were lively times lu the
course of the forenoon.
Much Anxiety at Rio.
Montevideo, Nov. 17. All cublu.
communication with Rio Janeiro was
cut oil yesterday, owing, It Is reportod,
to tho fact that the cauie oiuce aim
plans there aro being romovod further
from the water, In anticipation of tho
promised furious bombardment of the
capital by Mello'a fleet. The situa
tion of the boleaguered citizens Is felt
in tiAHxtremulv crave, and much anx
iety as to tho outcome Is oxpressod hero
by those who aro aware ttiai oieuo pro
nnuul r.n make unon the capital today,
as cabled yesterday, the most deter
ralued onslaught he has yet conoucieu.
He fears the gathering ot the fleet of
Pelxoto, aud does not Intend to bo
caught by It If be can avoid It.
gome Russian Rumors.
London, Nov, 17.-A correspondent
n. TViilv 'relenraoh at ril. Peters
burg, says sensational rumors are id
circulation In that city, uno is may
Greece is willing to sell the Wend of
Mile or Island of Faros to itusita, tuai
Greece Is also willing to Join the Busso
French alliance. Auother is that Rus
sia hopes to detaoh Italy from the triple
alllauce by poseeeslon of a fleet In the
Medltereaneau, another Is th it, In fear
ii.. i Tiatv m cut takeeuou steps, uur-
m.nU -ml Austria mhtbt bo Induced to
Join Russia In a coalition against Eon-
laud on the polloy inaugurteu uy
maick. A further ruuur Is that Count
Kalnoky's vUU to Italy Is connected
with these changes.
Bank of England Stitamsnt.
London. Nov. 17. The statement of
thoBaultof England shows a reserve
Increase of 187,000; circulation, de
ureaso 277.000: other securities, de
crease, 1,255,000; government securi
ties, decrease 400,uuo; bunion, aeoreaie
Ecuador Ready for War.
Panama, Nov. 17.-Supeotli8 Ec
uador's sincerity In the matter of the
boundary treaty, Peru has refused' to
mtifvlt. nreferlnsr opan koitlUty to
treachery. There Is great excitement
In Ecuador. Mass meetings are being
hold, Incondlary Htorature Is being dis
tributed uud war committees appointed.
Th nrtMldent has been obliged to tseue
a pacifying manlfeito. Guayacfbll ts
A Four'Tima Murder.
Omaha, Nov. 17. Aepeolal to the
Ike from Doadwo H, 8. D., Bayrf: One
of the most horrible tragedies known
lu tho history of tho Blaok Hills, oc
curred, at noon todoy m Saw Pit gulob
tun miles west of here. Joeepti Tua, aa
. . t
Italian, was married a year ago to
cousin of JoBooo TaHiettu. A few
months afterwards his wife left him
and made her home at her couiln'e,
Trm want to Tamettu'd housu consider
ably utider tbo Influence of Kquorand
shortly auerworus buow woio !..
Nothing was thought or It, however,
until b. twddler runtted at the door, and
getting no reply but hearing groans
from within, entered. Lying arouna
the room lay Mrs. Tho, shot tnrougn
the mouth, Tamotta wltba bullet la
his breast, and Mrs. TametU wltba
frightful gash lu ber forenead inmetea
with an axe, all still In deitb. In the
woodshed Tha lay gasping for breath
with a bullet through bis hed, In tb
midst of all this bloody horror Mrs.
Taraetta's two little children were p ay
...n. Tim lived onlv a few hour. Tb
others were probably killed Instantly.
Affairs at Bar.iaa.
mviv Vnuif. Nov. 17. The ioaaiott
steamer Habaua, from Havana' arrived
uf hr ilnnk at 0:30 thli IHOrnlB.. TM
urllcers of tho vesielare very retleeotk
ns to the condition of aHalrs at Hayea
when they left port. A passenger aaldl
ii.. i wiitin no trouble existed IbestreeUil
k 1.11-i. m-aj1 rltk?
were guarusa iy boiuhiw - "-'it
Saak of England Scandal,
London. Nov. 17,-TbeBaukofEng.
i.nHi..nitat Udvln-ouU No formal
contradiction baa been Issued, but It Is
understood the loss U triniug. me
chief cusbler exceeded hl functions by
permitting the substitution of securities
pledged without uieauinumjr ....
superiors. He was dismissed last wees.
There has been no fraud but Irregular
... s.. ji.i. l biwiurn III LW 11-
ltiea. wuo u".""""' ; yl
nauclal y weaK,uuv moiuw' -
rettrewent Is contradicted. The feeling
Is generally reawunng.
Qsn Rusk Falling.
ViiuiQUA, WU-Nov. I7.-Gu, Rusk
.. T ':7...?'JV flil. Cua.ill. Ills
former private swrrUry, ba been uui-
tooneaffoui waeuiuKtuu.
Winchester rifles, and the police carriett.
Colt's revolvers nuu ueavy n-""
their belts. TUere wore uirw -t"-, III IIJB IIBUM UVH t
Habaua left, Non-wrl0'
Htate of Ohio, CHy of.t'uieao an
. ' r?"7:' ...:.. .... t
uvunk j cneney i-b mm -.
Is the senior partner of tb Una of Y,i
... .-I.. .Initio l.-l - ia 4
uiieuey at vu., w. "i"rT Jl
cltv ofToledo, county and ae alavaf
a --- w . . ": tn .
said, aad that aattt am wm w
aura or one --- rTii3
u oureu mjt n- sr:'TnMmi.
I Til re. r - .---.
unrn to before tne evu-tni
In my presence, this b day of V
ueNA.,.- AWQuUtN
i Curt W tbw
tly o the Mee4 a4
totbesyaef pal
OS '.
feasa i
if ll' fMarrli
and acts directly
nniA- marttLOtt to
tellWOiw, in a.4
I yartM by druatoht 7 '
rut troe for P"B "
Undln freight hnueL onwr,
'MKS 80 OBNT3 -
U. WM Oft, Hoi" blo-
Bath's New Brlck,0Tr
Jk.U-fcJ r-.