Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 16, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasti
. $3.00 a Year.
w -r-t ,-
85 tits, a taofitk by Mail
Prepaid la Advance.
No Papers Seat Wkn
VOL. 6.
NO. 271.
l A good aesrtraent from cheap to best grades. We buy
or CASH ahd Bell for CASH, and
. A -Ml .
Fro 15 to 25 percent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hat", wboVand iur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'liSt.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
SinokedlMeatsiof allKiuds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
EX Meeker & lo()
Hop Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLE20N, Gen'l J gent.
CHURCHILL1 Pumps. Ptnnps,Ptanp.
Sa 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
I, experienced when yen S'tTol
rTt PHNTTIIS as he uses the Hale method, wm ui x
KSKSSl. All kind, of plate work done. Bndge
-wrt and fine gold ffllingS a speedy. pAB
Over Gray Bros.
Shooting Season Open
' ' -. We lead on Hih Stock and Low ?
BROOKS & SAbltoiiunx.
Senator Dolph States
His Position.
h Unequalcd in All Oar History.
A Steamer Will Probably Arrl re
Dolph's Opinion.
Washington. Nov. 16. Upon being
asked by an associated press reporter
for his opinion upon tbo attitude of the
present ad ministration towards Hawaii,
Senator J. N. Dolpb, of Oregon, said
be bad fully outlined bis position upon
tbesuljectin a speech in tbo senate
towards tbe close of tbe 62nd congress,
soon after tbe receipt of tbe news of tbe
revolution in Hawaii, in which he
advocated annexation. "Tbo present
government of Hawaii," be continued,
is an exiating government, recognized
bv forelen powers, and it would appear
as though au attempt to overthrow it
would be an act of hostility on tbe
part of the administration' towards a
friendly government unexampled in
our history and unwarranted by tbe
meet all demands, aiwj f -.,,, f nntofl ce. -- -
Barn and residence 2 nioca bu. - -
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
"The very best of meats at all times,
and ihe,beal. of novice.
-Opposite vvauB "-
Steamer flltona
nt nine for vMat ""!; w,r
Undine freight toadied. ......
BOUND THJP (unlimited) 00, One war,
Kor frelcbt ntsa at & ,0Um
U. WrfcM Otfc, iloltaB t-oc.
HSSprillll- o? tl. ?. UhTI!,,
1 VaiH'Ui. w A cudioc.
legal jUanbPuWM.
The Character of the Queen.
Wasiiinqton, Nov. 10. Tbe origin
al right of Queen Llliuokalanl to the
throue of Hawaii was by the nomina
tion of her brother Kalakaua. The
Hawaiian constitution provided for this
mode of succession. When a monarch
failed to provide'fbr" a" successor the
choico reverted to the upper boUse of
tbe legislature. When Lunallno died
In 1873, after o brief reign, without hav
ing named a successor, the bouse of no
bles chose David Kulukaua. He bad
been a police court lawyer In Honolulu,
n,i ninvpil trie baulo at dances for a
consideration. His wife Kaplolano had
been tbe widow of a South Sea island
missionary. At one time she helped
to support her husband by washing
clothes, Kalakaua'a mother was of the
blood of low chiefs, as was hla reputed
father It Is notorious however, that
Kalakaua'a real rather was a negro bar
ber. Kalakaua and his full sister, Lll
luokalaui, both show a wide divergence
from the Hawaiian racial type. Their
noses are flatter, their hair kinky and
their lips thicker than tbe pure native
type. Tbe late princess, like the moth
er of Princess Kaianlanl, a half sister
T.itiniibalanl. waa of pure native
ki,i onrt hnr aDDearance Is in marked
contrast to that of her brother and sis
There Is much suppressed anxiety
among the officials, who are waiting
Impatiently for the arrival of the next
steamer from Hawaii. Consequently
tbe report that came from California,
i....i ., Mr. Rnreckles' statement that
the steamer due by schedule next Sat
urday night might arrive at '
clso today, was welcome at the de
partment. It Is said by naval experts
who are familiar with the capacity of
...i. .mr the Australia, that It
would not even be necessary to hasten
the departure of tbe steamer ie;u.D
'...,. r..r if h officers of tbe ves-
Bel were disposed to force tbe ship, she
could make the run in aoouv o . -
half days. It Is principally a matter of
Li consumption, meaning, of course,
Seater expense, so if the AustraHa
.ailed at noon last Saturday, she might
... c- t uvea before mid-
'TJL.onhrbt. There U no prospect of
" .. ..vr, Adams, as one
news oy n' --- , ml, i
SllJla d,Pacb utn.t to
nnfinftbe slowwt
and the ordluarv feteamera onnld nrosq
and return before rBlio cpuld make tbo
Tho Tariff.
Washington, Nov. 1G. Tho full
deinocralio niemberaliln of the wava
aud means commtteo ban been called
to meet taday. The members of tbe
committee bad been favoring a provis
ion for an Income tax feel confident
that the result of a series of conferences
to begin tomorrow will prove that the
majority of the committee favors auoh
a plan. The iron oro and coal sched
ules will be discussed and tbo question
of placing these articles ou the free list
will probably be settled In the afilrm
atlve. Tbe tobacco, beer and whisky
schedules are also expected to be con
sidered, aud thoro now appears to be
little doubt that there will bo a ma
terial increase in the tax on whiskey
and other distillery outputs. Tbe pro
portion of an increase of 45 cents a gal
lon on wblskev la now being inform
ally discus Bed, and some mention tbe
lncease as high as GOoenta per gallon.
New York Society.
New York, Nov, 10. Elizabeth,
daughter of Hon. Stephen B. Elklns
and Edward E. Bruner. were marrlod
at St. Patrick's cathedral this morning.
In the superior court today Liilllan
Russell, the famous burlesque actress,
was granted a divorce from Edward
Solomon, and given custody of ber
Cleveland as a Dictator.
Chicago. Nov.46. In an Interview.
Jeff Chandler, of Missouri, tbe eminent
lawyer, said, "Cleveland has no more
right to inquire Into tbe methods by
which the provisional government was
established In Hawaii and to overthrow
that government tbau he bus to inquire
into the menus by which tbe republic
of France waa established and use the
military forces of tbe United States to
overthrow that republic. When Cleve
land rode down Pennsylvania avenue
to take tbe oath of oulce, Martb 4tb
last, the provisional government, of
Hawaii bad been recogulzed by the
United Bttttea and Its ministers wore in
this capital. Cleveland has no more
comlltutioual rjubt to use the military
.ptiweroflbe United States to overthrow
that provisional government than he
has to direct tbe military aud naval
forces of the Uulted States to destroy
any other government whoso ministers
be found accredited to tbe United
rttatea and rccoKuized by this govern
ment wbeu be took tbe oath of oftlce.
The spectacle of a ureshleutoverthrow
Ing by military forces tbe established
government of a foreign country, on
ex parte aftldavlts taken in secret, is
novel. If he may do this, aud in the
vicissitudes of the future Harrison re
iiiriin to office, he could enter upon a
new inquiry touching the validity of
the evidence ou which Cleveland over
threw the republic of Hawaii, and,
flndlug It Insufficient in his opinion,
order tbe republic restored by uso of tbe
same naval force which overthrew it
under the orders of Cleveland
A Royal Oallor.
Wasiiinqton. Nov. 15. A woman
claiming to be a niece of Queen Victoria
called at tho White Houso tnls ruon.
ing and asked to see tho Presidout.
Instructions to Willis.
Wasiiinqton, Nov. 10 Cld eseore
oy is Btlll maintained by tho state do
Dartment. Readers of Associated Press
dispatches can reasonably rely ou tbo
accuracy of tho statement that Willis is
Instructed to use all bis power of per
suasion to Induce the provisional gov
ernment to consent to rettro in favor of
tbo queen.
He will trv to induoo tho nueon to
grant amnesty to ail rovolutionists.and
will seek to Induce the members of tho
present government to accept office
under tho queen, but will not employ
force to secure tho attainment or his
purpose, without further Instructions
from this government.
Assistant Treasurer Abroad.
New York. N. Y.. Nov. lO.-As
slstant Seoretary of tho Treasury Jor
dan sailed this morning for Europe, It
Is said purely on privato business. It
Is denied that his visit Is connected
with negotialons looking to the sale of
bonds or for any purpose of the treas
ury department.
Roichstag Opened.
Berlin, Nov. 10. Emperor William
formally opened tho relobstag today,
with tho customary ceremonies.
Tha Now Currency Scheme.
Wasiiinqton.Nov, 15 Congressman
Win. M. Springer, chairman of com
mltteo on banking and curroupyv Is pre
paring a bill to remedy., tbe defects of
tbe national banking Rj'Btem. He will'
propose that bonds of states, of couutlea
and certain municipalities, with proper
regulation and under government su
pervision, be utilized for the purpose of
securing circulation, aud that all banks,
tatena well as uatlonal, depositing
such securities be permlttod to take out
currency to at least 00 per cent, or their
nar value and assume sole responsible
lty for tho redemption of such notes in
ooin on demand, for which purpose
tbey should keep a coin reserve of at
least twenty per pent,qfjhelr outstand'
Ing circulation. This would relieve
banks of keeping a bahk reaervo or
withholding any part of thecurrenoy
Issued from circulation nmoug tho people.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
m& IwifUvl
Aroused at Cleveland's Hawaiian
For Overthrowing tho Established
tubs In tbsnavy,
t J In OAntTlIlL LLW
recognizedfyuewur'li Short-
Wto" Mother. ? Bed firee. con
avbKonnatlon and vc4-
Acquainted With Prisons.
CoUVALLis, Nov. 10. Frank J. Peck
alias Henry Bixter, indicted by the
grand Jury three years ago for larceny,
w..a pnin(vd to one year In the pen
itentiary. The urlnie for which Peck
was Indicted was fulling to return a
turn and buggy hired from a livery
stable. Since that time he has served
a term at Silem from Line county.
Soon after bis reloaw he went to Coos
county( where he served a term In the
county Jail and on his release the sberlir
of Benton county waa waiting for him.
BUte of Ohio, City of Toledo! as
Lucas County, . . .
Frauk J Cheney make oath that ne
h the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
!.... i. -. iniit liiiklnma In tbe
... m..iui.. 'lumniv ii ml state afore-
CUV III iuiru"i "-". TiV .. .1.-
said, and that wiu nrm w.i. . mj .-
auin ofi'iie nuniireu nnB ! v..
and every ca of catarrh that cannot
ta cured by the uwnf ffall'i Catarrh
Hw'orn to before me and subscribed
in my present. tbU 0th day of Decern
tor, A. P., A. w. GlJ5AB,,
Beai, Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
at," win dlr-tly on the blood and ma.
"usuifics to tbe system. Bend for
tolliwiDlali, free.
j-3o!d by drugtfUU, 76 cts.
Vreneh General Dynamited.
MAB8KHXE8. Nov. 18.-At midnight
an atU-mpt was made to niow up me
official resldencw r uenerai mkuwiw,
commander of fifteenlh crpir with dv
nsmlU. The bulldlog was badly
damaged and tue po.icB wt
forty anarcbUU, Indoding tu foreign-
Tha Past Year Eas Been a
One on Labor Unions,
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. The re
port of genoral executive board of tho
Knights of Labor was given out this
morning. The past year has been ono
of trial to organized labor, owing to the
steady stream of immigration and In
dustrial depression, The falling off per
capita tax Is ascribed not to a falling
in belief in the order's principles, but
to sheer Inability of members to pay
PnTsnuna,Nov. 10. It Isofilelally
Announced that the National Plato
ulnim associated agreement, having ex
plred by limitation, has been decided
not to renew It, ana memuers mereiore
. tu at llbertv to make whatover prices
seem to tbem best. Tbe association bad J
a capital or ten millions anuwaeoueoi
tho strongest trusts in the country.
1W0 General insurrection in Vcnetla
against tho Austrian government.
1851 Coup d'etat in France; legisla
tive assembly dissolved and Louis Na
poleon made president for. 10 years.
183J The great Taeplng rebellion be
gan in China by the preaching of Tien
teh; snppressed in 1801 by tho assistance
of the French and English forces.
1855 Tbe French republic abolished
and the emplro restored by popular votoj
7.824.180 for. 253.145 against.
1A.14 A finanlsh revolution, headed by
Eepartero, completely successful,
ift-.n Ttnvnlution in Florence. Parma.
Modena and other Italian cities; the pet
ty princes expelled ana provisional gov
eminent set up, which declared for a
united Italy.
1859 Projected revolution in Hungary
discovered and averted by a promise
made by the Austrian emperor of liberal
1850 Revolt of tbe slaveholdlng states
In America; tbe civil war began.
1800 Consolidation of tbe Italian
states and annexation to Bardinia.
1881 General iniurrection in Russian
Poland; suppressed with merciless sever
ity by the military.
!M2 Greek revolution; flight of Otho
snd election of William or uenmaric in
bis stoad.
1b02 Revolution in Bervla; the coun
try inado practically independent of Tor
key; all TnrkUb garrisons withdrawn.
1663 French invasion of Mexico th
capital occupied ud an empire proclaimed-
with Maxittillsn a nwrnr.-
Storm of Indignation.
Chicago, Nov. 10. A Washington
special Bay8-."Either dissolute Queen Lll
has been put Ou tho Hawaiian throne by
force, or sho is not back tbeio yet. This
secerns to be tho sltuatiou. Senaatlobal
stories aro afloat about a change In tho
administration's Hawaiian policy. It
la stated additional Instructions nro
being prepared and will be telegraphed
to San Frauclsco to go out on ru urn-
day's steamer. One Democrat of.prpm-
lueoce, who heard the report that there
might have been a hitch, satd: 'Itrust
to God. fur the sako of my country aud
for the sako of my party, that Wjllls
has found uomo exouse fur delay. It Is
our only salvation.' Those, however,
aro merely hopes based on guesses pf
what may not have taaeu place.
Membors of tbe cabinet are as dumb as
ovsters about today's developments, yet
It Is positively known that the cipher
dlpatch received from Willis was not a
mere formal announcement of his ar
rival. Am far as. can be gleaned, Willis,
on his arrival, did not UndlUe outlook
favorable for a peaceful restoration of
the provisional government likely to bo
awed Into voluntary submission.
It la surmised his dispatch to tho
stato department gave lils prlvuto opin
ion that he might have? to go to tho full
length of his Instructions and call for
tbe co-operation of tho marines. That
thoro has been a serious dillerenooof
opinion iu tho cabinet, admits of not
the slightest doubt. Lumout and ouu
or two ether mombura have coiifensed
their fears that tbo administration cau
never survive tho forcible restoration of
Llluokalaul, aud ovon though she bo
got back without force no satisfactory
explanation can be made. The whirl
wind or publlo seutlmout In tho Uulted
States baa literally overpowered the
president and cabinet. 'They noyer an
ticipated auoh nn ludlgnaut protest. If
Minister Willi" 'oUud tll oltuatlon so
hazardous that an Immodlate restora
tion of tbo queen was Impracticable, it
is certain It would bo Infinitely moro
hazardous In future, when publlo sen-
tlraont in the Uulted States is under
stood on the islands. WillU had em-
nin ntitlinrltv to reinstate tbe queen
Uirmiffh the airenoy of 000 American
marines In the harborof Honolulu, and
If he hesitated about doing It, tbero
must have been some good reaoon, A
hint Is given that the cipher dispatch
from him suggested a oouuter propotai
from the provisional governmuut, and
that the question of tbe form of govern
ment should be left to tuo uawauaus
to settle by election.
"It has been decided not to glvo cut
Blount's report."
Ban Fiiancww, Nov. 10. Iu lead
Ing editorials on the Hawaiian situation
both the Examiner, Democratic, (.nd
tii niininlnle. Ilenubl can. call lor
th imneaehment of President Cleve
The Examiner says: "If while con
gress was In session he roomed to con
sult It and sent his herald (o Honolulu
to declare war between tbe UnlUd
States and the provisional government
ofthe Islands, whose regularly commis
sioned minister has been officially re
ceived at Washington, then Orover
Cleveland should bo luirachrd and
miaLed from the nretddeoov."
Tbo Chroniole says: -wueu uieiu.
structlons were glvtn Minister Willis,
mnurm was Iii session. Mr. Uleveianu
Informed congress through acouiw'ttee
that be had no further comrouoieauou
to make. He was at that tuoroeut en
gsged In secretly preparing, or rather
bo bad secretly prepared, to inaWa, war
upon and overthrow tbe government of
a friendly state. Congress alone baa
power under tho constitution to declare
war. Mr. Cleveland, for hie itsurDfttlon
should be Impeached."
Tho law had been tried teu years and
bad failed in enforcement on trial of the
Btate. The new leadership of yoncz
men dcolared prohibition no longer a
test of party fealty aud also for a modi
fication of the law or pr&ctloally for lo
cal option. This lost to the party some
of tho fanltlcal Prohibitionists, but
brought In two old time Republicans
or aUtl-Problbltlonlsts in their stoad.
Thus Iowa, electing alexlelature which
Is two-thirds Republican, ns well as a
statu ticket entire, swlugsaway from
all fanaticism and comes back to old
fashioned Republicanism on cardinal
Issues. On theso broad issues it is rock-
ribbed Republican and baa passod out
of tho doubtful columnB. Tbore is a
majority In this republic for Republican
(nones. Whenever tho maloritv leaves
religious and fanatical and purely moral
issues alono, and devotes ltseir to polit
ical Issues in every state, It can always
carry the country even while allowing
a million of Its votora to be dUuYabch
Isu'd tujhe South."
"What In your Judgment will be the
effect of the elections of Tuesday?"
"They will be good for the Republi
can party and far bettor for the business
interests of the country. Th6yk will
havo t venty times as much influence
In restoring confidence and starting up
the Industries of tho country as tbe
Sherman aot repeal will. We are la
sight or gocd times.- The Democratic
nartv dare not now glvo us frets trade
and banks, and raouoyed Interests have
bad their way in finances. Ho the
mills will start up, labor will bo re-em
ployed, and tbo winter that promised
to be so bitter before, will undoubtedly
bo less blttor to tbo ronr. Tho change
ought to uulock tho banks, put money
In circulation and bring in good times."
Seeking to Kill tbe Superintendent of
the Oregon Faclfls.
COUVAI.I.IB, Or., Nov. 10, R 33.
Mulcahy, genoral suponntauJout f
tho Oregon Puolflo railway, returned
from Portland. Upon entering Ills
ofiloo, be noticed a small tin box, label
ed "Belladonna Piasters," ou his desk,
which bad boon received by cxproai
during bis absence Having consider
able correspondence to attond to, be
paid no particular attention to tbo tin
box until be was about to leave bis
office for dinner, when ho took the, bos
In bis band aud casually remarked,
"Here's a liberal druggist." He raised
the lid, aud, glancing In, remarked to
bis stenographer, "Can't tbey kill ma
any other way?" Tbo box coutalued
either nltro-glycerlne or dynamite.
Tbo wire, which was tbe agency to sat
tbe deadly maoblno oil, was altaonou
to the upper lid or tno nox, tuo jaea
being that tbo lid would bo Jerked
off quickly, which would cause
It to explode, As soon as Mr. Muloiby,
was satisfied as to tbo contents of the
box, be carefully placed the lid on and
carried tbe box to tbo rear end of tbe
iiallwav. He turned tbe box over to tbe
prosecuting attorney and sberlfi, who
will endeavor to run uown me wouiu-oa
assassin. TbU might have resulted In
the death of five aieu, It la thought
to be tbe work of some discharged em
ploye, as Mr. Muloahy has niado qulta
a cleaulng out since be too charge of
iha Oregon lUcific lie. However,
does not bellove any of btaex-ewploye
It responsible for It. He tiiiuks it mw
likely to be tho work, of some crank.
Dotcctlves will be put to work oh th
case at onco. .
Olevslaad's JtUrx.
Wasiiinotoh, Npv, 16.-ClVsi
and I.ainout arrived frow New York
this morning. Tbe president apfMMrf
In excellent health notwithstanding tfctt
reports to tbe contrary.
Persons In a position to know say IM' went to New York ta oowwU
party friends aud Incldsatly to aftaf
some private matter. wtwwr
ires tbe empbstlo denial of tMrafxwt
Ibatbeandlbe president west tt
In connection wlib teal stat tym
! I