i'PWSPPf5Nr-i h -y'' . Associated Press Dally News - paper Published- on the Pacific Coast, $3.00 a Year. .- 'One gent Uv CAPITAL NAL 25 eta. & moatk ay Prepaid la Adraise. - No Papers Sfostt Tiase is Oat. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. Y SALEM, OTCEGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i5, 18U DAILY EDITION. NO. S470J ! fdl 3. k MAT ? m LV J . .A good assrtment from cheap fo best grades. We buv for CASH and sell for CASH, and WILL SAVE YOU Fro 15 to 25 per cent, The New York Racket when you want Oil Clothing; Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber Hat?, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions. E. T. BARNES. ! State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St. Ed. C. K. Meeker & Co., Hop Kxporters OFFICE, ..Qberheira CHURCHILL1 Pomps, PtimpstP&nip SB 103 BURROUGHS State Street. NO Is experienced vhen you get your teeth ""p DR CONTRIS, as .he uses the Hale method. Gold or for Sfain crown inseited. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge ."work-and. fine gold fillings a specialty. Dental Parlors, Over Gray Bros, eod Shooting Season Open AND YOU WANT GUNS - AND - AMMUNITION. . We lead on Hih Stock and Low Prices. BROOKS & SALISBURY. TI1E SEW " WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses boae y ,0 ifS.finnVhle nrlces. We keep .a . "".?,'. in this county. forw-rvlce. iuMSiS. KYAN u. Baro and reemeuw THE OLD RELIABLE NORTH SALEM HEAT MARKET, J. H. ALLEN, Prop. The very best of roeaU at all times, " and the befit of service, 8-Oppo8lte Wade's Store. Steamer flltona FOR PORTLAND. Iave. BoUV; dock Monday.. W-? SSrhiNO. I-T- PqrtUnd Tod.J., Tau7rf.ysauaUturdr..- TKt lime for P-"er "" landlnfrrelfhthanOJed. one war. HOUND TUIPfonlUnliedJIiOO- OMW.y, '''l-MBAtS ad OBNT8-- m IBM! on all your purchases. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smokcd9Ieats;of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Block, up stairs, Salem -vtaLr - -- Choice fats. W. A. TEMPLETOX, Gen'l Agent. PAIN W.AV. .7j.f t-rramV . j :. u i- 1 if AT.RKKT. tHIUIHf Capilal National Bank, jrrvHuc" tc A.i-.iivi.. Traw'Uftt?er.I UDklM bu.ln.. Praniptattenll n P ! ' ? -ua me -... K cbanM ,. princtpAl cltlw or tne oy- MAKTJK I. VAWl'OVK, Vk'.ATOKICK. B.M. B0IS. Y ii AmBT. Ulreeton E.HC.WAITEMIKTIM1C0 BOOK ARD JOB ANP legal Uteiifc "'" Jl A Glorious Act of Right ing Wrong. mm goes. That is the Verdict of the Admin istration. CLEVELAND REJECTS ANNEXATION. The Queen Restored Without Bloodshed. The Qaaen Probably Restored. Washington. Nov. 15. Althoucb tbe state departmeut expected to hear nothing from HawMl until Saturday, It is generally antlolnated that every. thlug is settled In the Islands, that tbe restoration of the queen his been ao comnlished without bhodsbtd. It is understood that Minister Willis' in structions are to provide for the promo tion of tbe people, who were Instru mental in forming the provisional covernmeut aud that the queen shall grant amnesty to all engaged iu her overthrow. The grouud on which this position is taKeu, is that Minister Stevens led them luto revolt, and thai this government therefore is bound to protect them to tbe extent of assuring amnesty. An Act of Justice. Washington, Nov. 15. An official of the administration, who is acquaint ed with all i hat has been done about Hawaii, and speaks by the card as to the sentiments aud cpiulous of those who have brought about tbu chauges,said to an associated press reporter today. "The action of the a imlnlstration will go down in history as oue of the glorious acts of the United States righting of wrong." "But if this restoration of the queen has to be malntalutd by force of aims, would It not subject the administration to severe criticism, even If the Justice of restoration were acknowledged?" "That feature of the attalr I do not feel "at liberty to discuss," he replied, and then went on to say that the theory of the administration was this: "Tbe provislonaj government was established merely to exist until the Islands were annexed to United Btates. The United Stares has refused to annex the islands and tbe provisional government has ended." This statement is explanatory of the understanding that Minister Willis has two sets of credentials, one to the pro visional government and another to the queen. Tbe provisional govern ment will be recognized until tbe treaty of annexation Is rejected, when It Is Bsaiimcd it has ceased to exist and the old status is naturally resumed. Min ister Willis will bring to the provision al government the first official lufor matlonoftbe rejection of annexation Huvintrmade this known to f resi dent D )le, It is assumed the provisional government would have no further standing or existence, and Minister Wills would then recognize tbe gov ernment of the queen, aud that would end the matter. In other woras, me administration's position Is, that this g .vernment has not thrown down any Koven m'-', but merely upon one gov-er-.m.nt ceding to exist, it recognizes the o!d lelme. drover Wrong. -..... n v.v. in In an Interview" JeffUU-ndler of Mlurl. an eminent Uwver. Bid tnai -wievemuu - more rfcUt to Inquire into the methods bl which the provisional government wWabllsbedSn Hawaf, and to uw the military power of the United Btates ooverthrjVtbat government, than to dwtroy any other government whose at71:" r.tntul aacred ted to the U Btaies -ud Wl. ,7nvemment when be took the oatu iifofllce. ranS-r W Tor tw. y&ffWZ "tf te-ssw YEARS OLD 0,0lIIOW""- I- pjlJUMllWr- .. . ...nvinVU PUL mss& tree- A Democratic Protest Portland, Nov. 15. Under the cap tion "Dawn w.th Despotism," the Eve ning Telegram editorially says this af af af terneon: "Crush the one man power." The editorial further says that Cleve land Is guilty of usurpation In suspend ing the Geary aor, the purchasing clause of the Sherman law and in using patronage in securing tne passage of the repeal bill. Ho Is now guilty of gross violation of the constitution, iu declaring war on the proyislonal government of Hawaii, without the concurrent action of con gress. "The danger which confronts the nation Is not Imaginary, It is act ually real, Impending despotism." The Cabinet a Unit. Washington. Nor. 15. It has been learned on good authority that the cab inet is a unit in its endorsement of Cleveland's plan for the restoration of Qu.'en Lilluokalanl. This fact devel oped ater the conclusion of tho cabinet meeting today. The Hawaiian ques tion wsstht ohlef topio of dlscusslou.. The meeting was attended by all the members excopt Secretary Smith, who is in Georgia, Seor-tary Morton re mained with the president after ad ournment, and it i presumed took luncheon wlih him. After the close of the meeting yesterday a reporter was Informed by a gentleman who partici pated In It that nothing would be made public on tbe Hawaiian question, as to the result of tha meeting or otherwise. Everything Still Friendly. Washington, Nov. 15, 3 p. m. Minister Thurston of Hawaii, baa not demanded his passports. His relations with this country are still, to all ap pearaucea at loast, most friendly. The. fact that this Is so after tbe conference ho had with Gresham yesterday. Is considered significant that relations b -tween the Hawaiian legation find state department remain undisturbed. It is scarcely possible that orders can havo been given to restore tbe queen by force, while the department of state Is still sec-king to maintain friendly rela tions with tbe legations here. "Tlo-BrirglarB Shoot- Chicago, Nov. 15. Thomas Prunty was shot and killed, aud two of bis children, Sadie and Peter wen? wound ed by burglars, who entered their house last night. Tho burglars escaped. Cleveland at New York. Nkw York, Nov. 15. The Evening World says President Cleveland unex pectedly arrived hero early this morn ing. Hecamealone, and the object of his visit Is a ravslery. More Vesseij jf or Hawaii. Vallejo, Cai., Nov. 16. It Is, said on good naval authority that the Ran ger and Mohican, now at Mare island, are being made ready for sea and will be ordered by the secretary of the navy to proceed direct to Honolulu to report to Admiral Irwin and relievo the Phil adelphia, which will roluru to Mare Island. The plan Is to Increase tbe number of marines In Honolulu and give Minister Willis a larger force at his command. Tbe rumor wascurteut tonight that Minister Willis, in going to Hmolulu, was the besrer of orde s to Admiral Irwlu from I be secretary of the navy, directing that In the event of the rejection of President Cleve'and's ultimatum to tbe provisional govern ment, or any uprising, Admiral Irwin would dispatch the Adams to the Unit ed States with any special communica tion that Minister Willis might require to i-end for the Information of the Washington authorities. Admiral Sberrlt, who was Heen on the matter, smiled aud said that while such a course was probable he bad no knowledge of It. Heavy Fire. Fbugiis Falw, Minn., Nov. 16. The Pro " ur mills and elevator, with forty thousand bushels of wheat, tbe cooper shop, wareuouse, auu mnjo amount of stock burned this morning. jOMOiie nuuureu mousauu uouara. State of Ohio, City of Toledol s Lucas County, Frank J Cheney makes oath that be Is the settlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney tc Co., doing buslunm In the city of Toledo, county aud state afore said, and that raid firm will nay the sum of one hundred dolUis for each a ,ud every cim oi caiarru mv iu"' n,irw! bv the use of Hall's Catarrh be t.mt ure. FiUNKJ ClIKNBY. Sworn to bcfitre me ami sulwcrlbed in my preenw, this Otb day of Decern- Ler. A- I . 1&M iSL-, A. W. OI.BASOM j Sea i- Notary Public Hall'H Catarrh Cure U taken Internally nd uets dlretstly tbe liltMxUnd m oous suffices to the system. Send for UllmonUf, free. OUR HAWAIIAN COUSINS. Shall Thoy Becowo Full Flcrig d AericaaB. COMMERCIAL INTERIM WILL STOP As Ono Effect of Restoration of tho Qnccu. Provisional Officers Not Aliens. Chicago, Nov. 15. A Dally News edltoiial Bays: "Careful Inquiry reveals the fact that not a slugle person identi fied with tbe provisional government of Hawaii Is an alien. Every one Is either a native or naturalized citizen. Dole, the president, Is a native; bo are Dauen, minister of finance, and Smith, attorney-general, Vice-President Hatch aud Minister of Interior King txo nut urallZed citizens. When Secretary Gresbam calls those men and other connected with the revolutionary move ment allous, be blunders woefully. H might as well say that all except In dians are aliens In this country. II there ever was t justifiable rebel Ion, that of tbe proporty-ownera in Huwai was Justifiable The queen and her court wdro thoroughly corrupt. Mis rule was tbe order of the day, revenuen wero Bquardered, and to replenish the coders it was proposed to legalize gum bllng and make Honolulu the head atiartera of the most clirautlo lottery in It bo world. The deposition of Queen Lilluokalanl was an act whioh tbe whole world applauded, yet President Cleveland aud his secretary of state pro pose to uudo tho good work and pav the-wuy for another reign of vice and corruption. Tnelf course id this mat ter is not merely lmpolltlo and undemo cratic; it is disgraceful." . Effect of Restoration. Washington, Nov. 16. The fear of tho friends of the 'present governmoni of Hawaii Is that Minister Willis will push President. Solo for an immediate decision to tb demand for the prompt surrender ofOla authority on tbe ground that tbe provisional govern ment Itself put tho limits of duration upou its own autboiity and that the limit expires when It is decided there Is no chance for uunexation to the Uni ted Btates. There have been rumors from the state department that the United States has not entered upon an uttempt to restore the queen without u thorough understanding with all the foreign powers, and it Is said the gov ernment has received assurances tbal no objection will bo raised to Its plan. Great Brllalu unquestionably wolcomet tbo restoration of Lllloukalani, and the prospect of the early accession of Prlu cess Kaiutanl as tho best bopo of tbe government Is distinctively Iu British Interests. By the convention in France in 1843 England agreed to refrain from evei annexing tbe Hawaiian islands, oi taking them under her protectorate, but she never ceased to try to lufiuence thecontiol of tbe local government to her Interests. The restoration of tbe queen will affect the United States In terests in the Pearl river harbor, tbe exclusive rluht by which the United State used this harbor was the recipro cal consideration grunted for the free eutry of Hawaiian sugar into the United Stales, but tho general free en try sugar auder tbe .McKlnley law worked an abrogation of the special advantage enjoyed by tho Hawallatis aud they bold that the right of the United States In the Peurl river has terminated by It. Home disappoint ment Is felt In administration circles at tbe expressions of publlo opinion against the Hawaiian policy, but there are no Indications of the wavering of purtose. Tbe Hawaiian Incident la attracting much attention in commercial circles, aud congressmen still iu tbe city evince a lively Interest in It. It Is already ac cepted as Inevitable that the matter will come up In congress as soon as the session opens. From all Indications tim (ttvlalnn will be on strict party lines. The Republicans take Cleveland's ol- Hon to be a reflection on Harrison's ac tion In the premises, and will doubt less attack blrn therefor. Tbe Demo crats expect this, and are preparing to be put ou the defensive. Congressman Hilt, ex-assistant secretary of state, has come out in condemnation of the move ment to restore the queeu. Congressman Springer, of Illinois, however, says he Is In thorough accord with tbe administration on tbe ques tion, and believe that if, as be says, tho queen could not be overthrown without the aid of the United States marines, she should be restored. DdtnocraU be lieve that at the opening ofoongreeu Cleveland will send in a meiuuL'O in which be will make publlo many facts hltberlo unknown to this rauutry, which may put the esse Iu an entirely n.iw liuht. This Is oioectt-d. eatn-clally In view of tbe foot that Commissioner Ulount's report hss never been given out. Springer l opposed toaunexmlon. t.nt ..vm it ( the duty of the United HUU to asxure the Independence of Hawaii, and to mnkelta twusoofwar for any otnef oauari w auewpv uuvk alloq. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE TDE FOREIGN BUDGET. Honduras Ready i Figkt Nicn- ragHa. GLADSTONE AS LABOR ABITIIATOR. Important Dispatches From Oth or News Centers. London, Nov. 16. It now appears tho government consulted both the Coal Mlneownerb Aesoclat'on and tbe Miners' Fed- ratios before asking them to send dologatea to a conference look ingto a Bottlomont of the great coal strike. From this exchange of views, Gladstone learned both sides are ready to accept any proposition which they consider roasonab e, Mancuestkr, Nov. 16, Tho miners' conference this afternoon decided to tccont tho proposal of Gladstone to meet the mlueownera. Honduras Means War. La Liukbtad, Salvador, Nov. 16. Letters bavo been received by the gov oruuieut officials here denouncing Nica ragua for harboring Houduran refugees, A request is made that Salvador Inter veue in behalf of Honduras or assist the latter republic In a war against Nicaragua. Honduras also advises that war be declared against Nicaragua on the slightest provocation, whuther or not an alliance be entered Into, News hub also been received that Investlga tlou shows the steamer Costa Rica was iu pursuance of positive orders issued aud reiterated by Proddent Vasquez. A Crisis Ib BpalH. London, Nov, 16. A Utter from a Spanish ugent of u great commerclul House of this city says tho coudltlon of iflalrs In Spain is decidedly critical. Public confidence Is at tho lowest ebb. The govern moU&and army olllululs are in a state of panto and the army is no torlously disaffected, owing to tho fact of its pay being In arrears. The Melllla disturbances havo not diverted tho at tention of tho people from the Barcelo na dynamite oulrairo, which has furth er Inflamed tbe public against tbu gov ernment. This I causing muoli alarm and may load to tbe mist serlout con- tequuuees. Ramsdeu, tho British con- ul at Santiago, now In Loudon, has reoelved a telegram assuring him of the pacific condition of Cuba, nay I tig the report of a revolt comes from the Cuban parly In Florida. Will Control Railways. St. pKTKiiunuiio, Nov, 15. As a stragetlo measuro to secure entire con trol of tho principal railways In Russia In the event of tbo mobillzUlon of troops, tho government has decided to avail lUolf of the clause in the conces sion acquired from the private company which built the roads and pay compen sation In the sum of $600,000,000. Tho roads run from St. Petersburg to Mos cow, from Bt. Petersburg to Warsaw, and from Moscow to NluJINovgorod, In Favor of a Monarchy. Paiub, Nov. 15. Dr. Conoecao, a friend of tbe late Dom Pedro, was inter viewed regarding the situation In Broz II. He said lie believed Mello would hoist tbe Imperial flig aa a result of u victory of bis arms. Tbe republic Iu Brazil, he declared, had hitherto only been maintained by military dictation, whllo the majority of tbe Inhabitants of tbo country wero In favor of a mon archy. A French Minister Xeilxns. Paris, Nov. 15. (Jeurln, minister of Justice, resigned today, in consequence of the fact that his private reports, which wore dropped by a messenger boy, were published. Dupuy declined to accept tbe resignation, XoueXul Battens. London, Nov.16. It 1 reported that tbe torles are preparing an Irish home rule scheme, which will be published after the return of Chamberlain from Ireland. Hawaiian Affairs. Washington, Nov. 15. Kx-Lf! tenant Stanton, who Is regarded as tbe ablest admiralty lawyers In m country, makes the following su tlou at the possible outcome of the waltan situatien: "A naval officer has a right to oboy an order which ho knows to bV legal, but ho assumes respenslblilt: so refusing. If ou the trial tho orfae shown to be 11 o al ho cannot be lished: but In tho first Instance thai Ilcor Is to obey the orderand throw fj a responsibility on his superior. has a simple way of tylu.i Minli Willis' hands if sharp enough. Al has qot to do Is to h nd htm his, ports and refuse to have any furt dealings with htm. WI11U bee: Immediately a private eltlsen, and not legally give an order to a na officer. It makes no difference if has another set of credentials to LI okalaul. The provisional governm received recognition as a de facto ernmont from foreign nations, aud n aot by Willis as American minuter' Hawaii after President Pols had sc him his nassnorta would be lllenl. ii takes two nations to make a mPuist J Lord Baokvlllo West ceased to xj mitten minister wuen tue s'ata ueos mont gavo him notloe." Monarchy la Brazil. Nbvv York, Nov. 15. A prlyata fis uie announces mat a mouarctiy w ptj claimed in Brazil. Mello iisw holat tbe Imperial flag, Will Ship No Freight. Ban Fhanoibco, Nqy, 16, There m bo little or no freight sh'ppel Hawaii by the Mouowal, the si that sails noxt Thursday. Wilder was seen regarding this, k said .that so far no bills of hiding" been presented to him for his vise,' no freight can bo shipped to Hoaoli without this formality, It Is appai that thoro wilt praotlcally be no sbl rnents mado to Hawaii by this stea "It may be." said Mr. Wilder, "I morohauta do not caro to risk tb goods by sending them to a oiun whore thoro Is a chauce for a reyi tlon." President Winston, of the Sat Banktug Company, with which t provisional givernment has con Ions, eald that no drafts on the Ha allan provisional government bad M; prewnieo to mm. u uucu a oue weti presorted he would have cashed It, A Hi'liBKDIO LFAD2K. The young Republicans of the Pi coast send greetings to the young publicans of Iowa and cougratul them ou the splendid victory Jut under the leadership of Frank D, Ji sou. governor-elect or low. Twi eeretary of state, he will bring tot' office an Intimate knowledge nt mi , tails of that great state. He pos, the ability of many older beads ai ' with the enthusiasm of tbe youni blood will carry the grand old JIwr eye state several, rounds higher up I I ladder of Jams, TUB -IOWA RKPUULICANS, They won a grander victory M ) recent election than thow of Ota With Gov. Boles, Diocratiti w live In the chair, a man of gwatpof larlfy personally, will a- muU aI palgn on tbe part of (be ProWWOA' party, and a bitter 'psnotial JUt thclroandidats forgovwcf tbsyjWl up SS.000 plurality for tb utln M , aud carry the IcgWatHre and ooan tickets lu nearly tnrecfouctus f t oountlea of tbe state. TM Clark Brothers of the Iowa Stat Btgisisr uausl led the light day and night, f . Register f r the patt one hundwd d contained not less than one tboua ; editorials and paragraph bsarlng d the eleollou and as a rtwult tb IVapu llcaua marched to vletory 10t,( stronger than wlthoui wc leadewh GIUSAP RKADINO. Ordr tl OnkCknt Daily by ll. oaatfi mouth. lo papers .eat mt Uom out. 'ltou0-rvtmt fWinWCllWCOW e(:doldbydruUUlT6 0 Bahiw,ru0Te,