Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 14, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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J -
- f ill iiJWWltl
'- 'MAfW
1 'v-tr,'
Associated Press Daily News
paper. Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
VOli. 6.
88 cU. Boatk by KJt
Prepaid la Advaaee.
No Papon Seat Wlm
Time Is Out.
Mil &M 11 illlM i
A good assrtment from cheap to best trades
for CASH arid sell for CASH, and S
Wo buy
Fro 15 to 25 ner cent, on nil vnnr nnrxLo
Two of Cleveland's Cab
inet Resign.
The New York Racket
when youjwant Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hat, wool and iur hats, hosiery and notions.
Don't Like
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
fcvD. C Cross,
j&flHLfc. Clioice leak
K. Meeker &
Grover's Hawaiian
Too Much for Two Democratic
Wholesale ami Kctail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
SmokedJ.Ueatsior allKiuds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Cabinet Resignations.
Chicago, Ills. Nov. 14. A Washing
ton special says: Both Secretaries J
Sterling Morton and Hoko Smith have
tendered their resignations to President
Cleveland as members of his cabinet.
The reasons assigned were the radical
and emphatic disagreement of these
two geutlf men with President Cleve
land's Hawaiian policy and thecoun-
teuance given to restoration of the
queen. President Cleveland through
Carllslo and Gresham has prevailed on
the braco of disgruntled statesmen to
withdraw their resignations, or at least
defer them for a time.
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETOK, Gen'l J gent.
Ss 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Is experienced when you pet your teeth extracted or filled y
DR. CONTRIS, as he uses the Hale method. Gold or por
celain crown inserted. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
Over Gray IJros.
Shooting Season Open
- M. i IT -- "Dxinnrj
We leadon Hij-h Stoclt ana jjv .
Completed and ready to wait on cuslomers. HBnWprSS'to
at reasonable prices. We keep a fu II line r i r us , j
meet all demands, Also keen the flnMt Walllone in RyAN & r0.
Barn and residence z oiock wiu.h . i
A Diplomatic Denial.
Washington, D. 0., Nov. 14. Con
cerning reported dessension in cabinet
it can be said Morton is in accord with
president on his Hawaiian policy, and
that Hoke Smith has not given reason
to suppose ho entertains opinions differ
ing from those of the president on the
In Congress.
Washington, Nov. 14. It is no
eept d as Inevitable that the Hawaiian
In Ident will come up in con resa as
oon as the session opens. All Indlca
iio s of d vision will be on strict party
lines. Republicans tahe Cleveland's
position to be a reflection on Harrlson'i
action in the premises, ond will doubt
less attack him thervfor. Democrat
expect this, and are preparing to be
nut on ihe defensive. Tho Democrat
believe, at the opening of congress
Cleveland will send In a message, in
which he will make public many facte
hitherto unknown in this country,
which may put the casein an entire
new light. This is expected, especially
in view of the fact that Commissioner
Blount's report has never been given
Congressman Geary, of California, a
member of the committee on foreign
,.fTir. lodov said: "All the facts are
not before the people yet, and I would
prefer to say nothing until later."
A Populist Tax Collector Kllled-Two
Persons Burned.
Fkesno, Cal., Nov 14.-WIIHam Far
row, latenomluee for tar collector of
this county on Populist ticket, was
killed a mile aud a half west of this
city this morulng by a party whom he
tried to arrest.
The school House at Cooperville
burned today. May Porter, a teacher,
and Wlllard Johnson, aged four, were
burned to death.
The New Tariff Bill.
Washington, Nov. 14. The now
Democratic tariff bill will be probably
given to the publlo In ten days or two
weeks. It la generally accepted that
wool, coal, Iron ore, lumber, lumber
and salt will be added to tho free list.
But the committee jealously guard the
list of manufactured articles, that are
to go on the same list. Sugar is still
under consideration, though so far the
tendency is to repeal the bounty and
put it on the free. Iron and coal men
continue to protest against placing
those articles on the freo list. BUnd,
of Missouri, Culbertson, of Texas, and
others have openly annouuoed their In
tention of opposing free wool.
A New Movement
Buffalo, N1. Y., Nov.14. Tho namt
of seventy-five citizens, lnoluding an
editor, lawyers, business men aud even
clergymen, will be presented to the
next graud jury for indictmont for con
(piracy, for being members of the anil
Catholio organization, known as the
American protective association.
Work of a Mob.
Pink Bluff, ArkiNov. 14. A negro
mob at Varuer, on the Iron Mountain
railroad this morning took a negro
murderer named Nelson from jail ana
hung him to a tree, riddled his bodj
with bulIetB aud then set lire to it.
Never Goes Unguarded.
Chicago, Ills., Nov. 14. A special
from Washington, D. 0.. declarer
that Cleveland' never goes out without
a body guard.
Big Southern Banking Houso Closes
its Doors.
MiddlksbohO, Ky. Nov. 13. Th
Coal and Iron bank, the largest bank
doing business here closed Its doors thi
morning. Assets aud liabilities are uu
Known. Had a capital of half a million.
NO. U9.
Revelations of Multnomah Comi
ty Financier-in
County Ofllclals to bo Proso-
cutedfor not Publishiujr
Grocers Fall.
New York. Nov. M. Andrew Kirk
Patrick and Thomas) Reld have beei
tppointed receive' for ttie Tburbei
Wliylatld (mpitfiisrUgrocer
tea, liubilltleH Hlght hundred thousand;
islets estimated at two million dollars.
. . J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very best of meats at all times,
and tb best of service.
-OppofHle wooes Dioio.
Steamer fllfona
Leave. Bell', dock Mondaye.Wednf.rta 7
an1 Fridays 7 a. m., arriving In Purtuna v
RETURNING, leave. PortUndTue day,
Thundaya and BoturOay "
Fmt time for peenier aervlce;
Undine rrelgnl nanaieo.
HcOND TaiPtunHmtied) 12.00.
11:3 ).x
Fn- frelbt rate and tlck'U apply ",
eU,W-(TttX.,KlaJb'-ok "
no war
W. A. CeaicV .
Tranial. a &?2uZ!'lJi
D,ptK"enSD1tenK,urt8K.ndClio.d on .be
I. V AH -.
E.M. "
W A I'Vtic.
J. 11. ALJ" BT.
- Director!
AND JOB raumnB
Legal Blank PublMiert.'Ulree..
Still Firing At Rio.
Washington, Nov. 14.-A dispatch
from Commander Picking Hays: "The
b mbardment of Rio Janeiro continues
tally with small arms ana
Buns. Picking says both sides appear
to be to blame.
The President has removed from
office Thomas V. Cooper, Collector of
Ha proven an lnfaJHMe
iclao for all deranre
2Ju peculiar w tU
female aw.aoeneJCljroo.
to wwab and oarUa dil
utee. If takeu in time It
r?uUlta n yivuv
KlUiy action ofall Io
tiooa of tn nf"'
irtaoa. Youn idl at
tLean of vuUtXT, and
j..mim .t iLA meno-
I nf I
I ' i XM
It is Believed There Is Little Chance
for Escape.
Pendleton, Or., Nov.14. The banl
it Milton, thirty miles north of here,
was robbed by desperadoes about 8
o'clock Monday afternoon. Three men
well mounted, rode luto Milton during
a dense fog and dismounted near the
First National bank. One held the
horses whIU the other two entered tbi
bmk. Hopson and Davis then kept qulot
while Charles Hopson, the assistant
oishler, banded out (091.25 in gold coin
from the till. The robbers quickly
backed out of the bank, mounted their
horses and were out of sight oven be
fore an alarm was given. Scott Riohle,
the deputy sheriff, with a posse of five
men started in pursuit Boon after the
alarm was given. Posses left Athena
and Weston to take tho trail and the
aUrin Is grneral.
Prmldeut A, Hopson, Casblar N. A
Dtvlsand Assistant Cashier Charles
Hopson were In the bank, and were
covered by pistols lu the bauds of the
tworobliers, demanded monoy. The
bink ofllclals hesitated, and President
Htpsrn attempted to reach a pistol.
Tne robbers immediately urea inree
shots. One struck Hopson In the arm
and and another In the side. One
wound is serious and painful, Cashier
Davis was missed, but bad bis face bad
ly powder-burnt.
It It believed there Is little chance for
the Milton bank robbers tocsoape. All
ferrks alonir the Columbia river are
guarded. Hopson, who was shot, Is
but slightly Injured. Officers bivo ac
curate descriptions of the three robbers.
It Is thought they headed for Wallula.
SUte of Ohio, City of Toledo) ss
Lucas County,
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
la the senior partner of the firm of F. J .
Cheney ftCo, doing busloms In thr
city of Toledo, county and state afore
Mid, and that said linn will pay the
sum of cue hundred dollais for each
and every case of tutarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hal I'm Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney,
Hwnrn to bcfititt inn and aulMcrlrx-d
In mv prMwne. tills Oth day of Decem
ber. A. D., IBM
mrZ" A. W. CILEA80M
Following report was made by the
committee appointed ssvoral weeks
since in Multnomah couuty to lnvostl
rate Into tho conditions of the county
overnment. Its report was raid to an
immense meeting at Portland Saturday
night and published In tho Orogontaii
of Sunday.
'On tho 2d Inst, wo called upon tho
county ofilclalB, the first official being
the oounty clork. Your oommlttoo
stated the purposo of Its mission to Mr.
Powell, who lu reply to our question
why tbo semi-annual statement of tho
dnanuial condition of tho county had
not been published for tho months of
April and October, 1893, stated that It
Uad not beon customary to publish
these statement. After reading the law
to Mr. Powell, the fwnatty for Its viola
tion, etc., ho acknowledged that he
new the statute Wlion asked If he
would publish a statement, ho said he
would, if ordered by tho county oourt,
ifter which tho committee pointed out
that tbo county court had nothing todo
with It, and that It waa mandatory up
on tho clerk to have it published,
"Tho committee called upon Sherlft
Kelly, and upon Inquiry wbetbor ho
bad made bis April und October reports
to tho couuty clerk, he said ho had not
that he had not been in tho habit of
making these reports. We Insisted
'hat tho report be mado to the clerk
Monday, Oth Inst., and bo promised to
make su'.h report by Wednesday at
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
hA Baking
&m romier
Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
ooussurf4r to the system. Send for
teHmonlal, trte.
V J CHKXKY& Co., Toledo, Ohio,
ardold by druggist, 75 ct.
funds ho had on hand, and be went on
-it great length to .explain bow the
funds got. into their present predica
ment, and showed tho receipts for
moneys turned over to the treasurer
Slierld Kelly reports (108,020.21 In the
Northwest Loan & Trust Company's
bank, $148,717.88 in the Oregon Nation
al bank and 2000 In the Union Bank
mg Company, in ull 1310,041.12. He
was asked why tbeso funds were not
available, to which ho replied he could
uot check against them as It would
close the bauks. Ho was fdrther asked
whetbor he had any monoy whloh could
be turned Into tho school fund, and he
replied that the banks had promised to
raise (50,000 by Dec, 1.
"The following day your ooommltteo
ascertained that tbere wore some funds
doposited by the treasurer In one of the
banks. We made a second visit to the
treasurer's office on the 3d and mado
further Inquiry In regard to this matter.
vVe Informed the treasurer that we were
aware that he had some funds In one of
the banks, and Mr. Malarky, upon sec
ond thought, said he did havo some
state funds, but that we had nothing to
do with that. We then ask ed Mr. Mai
arkey whether the state treasurer had
receipted for the same. Ho said no.but
that there was an understanding be
tween Mr. Metsohan, state treasurer,
and Mr. Loewenberg, of tho Merchants
National bank, and that everything
was all satisfactory. Ho was asked as
to the amount, and replied (121,000, He
was then asked If any arrangement bad
been made wltb the bank for tho pay
ment of 8 per oent Interest that the
county was paying on the warrants un
redeemed because of tho money in the
bank, and he said that question had
not been raised. Then the committee
ventured tbo remark that the people
bad already raised the question.
When asked as to the amount or
moneys due to the state, and as to the
amount of moneys on band, he submit
ted a letter from SUte Treasurer Meta-
chan, bearing date March 21, 1BV3,
making an urgent appeal to our county
treasurer to forward moneys due, Insist
log that It should be forthcoming as the
titate was paying 8 per cent Interest on
Its outstanding warrants, and that the
moneys should be applied to tbeir can
cellation. Then followed an Itemized
accou'ii. follew:
County Ux, 1831 1 02 878 76
f.ttt) Ux, looj... --
University titx, 1891,
U'.uuly lax, 1602
Military ur, IWi
Uulvemlty tax, 180.5
Total (482,631 88
Tills amouot, the oounty treasurer
e!aJmi, Is In exces of the aotu tl amount
du by 60,008,00. You cau but guess
as to whloh of tho two treasurers Is cor
root, that waa last March. He further
ststel sluoo that time he had deposited
In local bauks, to bo held aud applied
in tho reduction of tho debt to the sum
of (373,003,72, or which nmount there
has beeu turned over to tho Btate treas
urer tbo sum of (291,600 and that there
was yet on hand and due to tho state
thi sum of (111,693.72, whloh amount
could not at present be withdrawn aud
applied. Ho also stated that bo had
about (500 In the general fund and a
bout (4000 In tbo school fund.
"The sheriff Btated that ho could not
fllo the report with the olork, as ho
lacked 9323,049 20 of tho (857,623.82
whloh should havo been paid over to
the county treasurer. Of this amount
about (20,000 Was duo him fur taxes
from some of our wealthy people, al
though the books show them as havlrg
been paid, while in faot ho holds the
receipts, claiming that it would not do
to publish them as being delinquent,
the remainder being In two of the local
banks. There Is no reoord of the col
leutlou of a road poll tax, and tho report
or but 1012 poll taxes being collected ex
cites much comment.
"From this it will be seen that be has
on band (180,300.73.
"Finding that these ofllclals have so
rar neglected and refused to make the
flnauclal reports as required by law,
your committee proceeded to lay the
matter before tbo dUtriot attornoy and
requested that tboy bo arrested und
flued, In accordance wltb section 8181.
Ute-t. We inquired the amqunL qf.LHP9..K? his ofllco, we learn that
2.078 76
1,013 89
80) 403 76
11 841 76
8.460 09
tho district attorney was at Salem, and
we laid tho matter before each of his
deputies, Malarkey and Hall, eaoh of
whom positively refused to Issuo tho
warrauts, as did also Justice McDeyltt.
Your committee thon awnlled the re-
turu of the district attorney, and upon
his arrival called upon that (flluial.
Upon learning our mission ho declined
and refused to Issue tho warrants out or
the Justice court, claiming that tbo Jus
tices are clossly associated wlpi the
county ofllclals and largely dependent
upon them for business, bo would not
expect a conviction In such cases, aud
the stigma or an acquittal would attach
to him for failure to convict.
"While waiting for an audlen"o with
the oounty court your committee had
the pleasure or hearing Hon. D. P.
Thompson, as school director, ask tt
tho county oourt why there was such
an unfair and uujust distribution or tho
funds that had been collected. He pre
sented figures showing that there
should have boen paid over to the
school fund (80,420.42, when In fact
(02,001 00 of that amount had beon paid
over to the road aud general funds.
Mr. Thompson further staUd that bad
tho school fund received Its proper
share, district No. 1 would not have
had to go and borrow (100,000, ui was
recently done. The tax payers will
readily see that they are oul (500 per
month In Interest on account of this
unlawful action or some or the officials,
"Owing to tho way we have beeu
blndvred and delayed your committee
has not been able to devote time enough
to dig Into the matter or expenditures
for road puriwses aud other Hems that
deserve careful search. Your commit
tee earnestly advises that It or a similar
commltto bo authorized to employ
counsel to assist them lu pronccutlug
this matter through to a successful ter
mination, ond bo authorized to sue out
an order restraining the county treas
urer from paying the (40,000 warrant
Illegally issued to Mary R. Hawkius
and sue for the recovery of tbo (10,101
paid out Illegally on tho present owner
ship books, also ror the 17600 Illegally
paid out to Architect Hodgson to pros.
ecu to the county clerk and sherd! for
having failed and neglected to rite their
emolument returns as provided by sec
tion 2378, and also to prosecute the
clerk, sheriff and treasurer for falling
to make the reports aa provided for by
section 8471. Your committee further
recommend that there should be em
ployed at least four men to carefully
expert the books of these official', as we
believe the cost of employing four men doing their duty to the taxpayer.
These mnn should have the necessary
Intelllgonoo to look up carefully the
duties of the offices they are to Inspect,
and the moral courage to do their duty
fearlessly. Every office should be most
thoroughly searched."
Tho resignation or two of President
Cleveland's cabinet members on ac
count or his determination to restore
the rotten Hawaiian monarchy will t
no surprise to thoso who have witnessed
tho gradual ovolutlon or his autocratic
and un-American administration. Htci
izu-'llo methods with bis party, hte
nullification or the Geary antl-OblnsM
law, his truckling to aristocrats and bta
connlvanoo with royalty, have loos
slnco disgusted loyal Americans. It te
only to be wondered at that the whole
cabinet has not before this reftetmeed
the president's mistaken and from a
patriotic standpoint, extraordinary fatal
The resignation or Hoke SimIUi will
endear him to the South wWfefa to of
posed to negro domination In tke South
us well as Hawaii. It will endear blm
to the North whloh believes Inbototlng
the American flag over the Island.
It Is well known that Morton, secre
tary or agriculture, has been long chaf
ing under the Wall Street deepoUsw
enthroned at the White House. Loo
don and Wall Street have dictated too
much free trade and exclusive Kok
buglsm to suit even the Demoeratte
farmers of our country. Unless Cleve
land can rocovorsomo of bis lost ascend
uuoy he will bo deserted by all the
Democratic leaders as ho was long el nee
dosertod by the rank and file, and the
bono and sluow of this land.
The Champion was Ordered BeM
and Not to Honolulu.
Victoria, B. C. Nov. 14, The Brit
ish ship Champion did not sail secretly
for Honolulu, but for Great Britain to
go out of commission. On ber return
from Retiring sea sho underwent a gen
eral survey to ascertain whether she
was fit to recommlsslon here. The re
sult was that sho was ordered to the
English nuyal dock yards to be over
hauled and paid out of commission.
On this she flew ber flag and sailed fur
homesovoral days ago. Possibly eta
may cal at Honolulu, but It Is under
stood sho had no instructions from bete
to do so. By the tlmo sho reaches En
gland her time will have expired. Tl
Nymph, whloh also sailed recently fir
the Southern seas, had waited several
days fur the new medical officer for the
Hyuclntbe, now at Honolulu, where
she will go to place him on board,
The Portland Telegram: Queen Llllu-
okalanl, whom Cleveland wants to re
store to her throuo, is a paunchy, old,
colored lady, who sops hergravy In the
pan, and believes la ghosts. She is an
Idolatress, and will now add the gokiea
calf to her collection of faltw gouV.
Grover will like her.
"Wiiamette." This olub
Wednesday evening ibis week. All
members aro at liberty to Invito c
couple and are requested to aaeetat
8:30 p. m.
A MB38KMCIKB. When yon have ur
gent business somewhere and no tints
to go, call a Lookwood rdessenger by
simply turning In a call at the blue
box. They are great time savers.
Found Our at Last, It Is frequent
ly dllHcuIt to locate yow best friends
but thy will be found at lesc That I
the experience of Saleaa kowwhsepsrs
wltb J. A. Van Eaton, tke populr r
The well known utrenttbenlne tosrtlef
dr loaio as mm
rwrfiuil nervine, aro fouwt la Garter Iiam
Iron, combine 1 wliUo'tier toulo a4i
pille. wbicrietreaftnea ibe BrTmao4be4y,
bu tiuprvve im uioei mis wwfHiwe.
Tbtr U no one article la tb llaeof eaU
elau that l vm ea Urxe . return fiirthi Miner
1 at a joort porou a r-aeteaUir t'er, t4tjfe m
for a short time will uot bo greater than Jioa flatten,
that or .m man for along time, and ,1
again, four men will be less open to wttieWt twu. wbiea are w -
being tampered wltb or Mulled out.ftonTi. BfnoM' m-