Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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Server - A T ,K. MM Ml
f In the Lead
-n..i , wfc,r wo are continually
.fi: 5 25
approbation nuu o ...
TrilL We think we havo surpassed.
our own record, though, this season.
You are warmly invited to pass
- IF -
material. mpleUtoc,andare
ready 10 supply any pepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Wohld'sFair Bawics. There art
displayed at John G. Wright's store
i hadtre for oremlums won by Mar
ion county exhibits at the world's fair
they area follews: W. L. Blmerul.
Mio'eay, wheat; H. W. Cottle, Salem,
grasses; Mort tiavage, Balem, wheat:
F. M. & M. 8. Durbln, Howell, wueai;
D.E.Bwank, Aumsvllle, flour; Gard
ner Bros., Stayton, flour. These an
premiums In the agricultural depart
ment only. There will betnanymor
awards. Doa Poisoning. Capt. L. P. Adamt
or North Salem has Just lort a valuabU
dog by polsonlog. the second within
six months. Thi Is evidence that all
the low, mean mon In the world are
not dead, In fact no one claiming to be
a man could commit such adastardlj
He Rejoices. Lewis P tyjohn, an
old-time Oregon Democrat says he re
Juices, over the McKlnley victory.
'It's a setback to Cleveland's Czar of
Russia methods," say Lewis.
RBPUOH). Filtteii counties that
ham nnnt. In lar rolls. hIiow total
valuation of $31,291,209, as agalnBt 30,
052,200 last year.
Social Tonight.
The programme for the W. R. C. so
clal at the A. O. U. V. ball this Mon
day night Is as follews: Solo, Majoi
Wallace; recitation, Ml Grace Suiter;
duet, Misses Alicia and Lill.u MoEiroy ;
Instrumental duet, Misses Bouibwlok,
and Helleubrand; reoltatlou, Miss Con
nle Howard; solo, Miss Multle South
wok; recitation, Mrs. Lotrilz, Del
rjlnsmoor. A special orchestra ha
been engaged. The hall bus been beau
tlfully decorated and an elegant supper
will be served all for 25 els.
Slicker than the Suckibt. Os
hum' Ituokut store sells slickers, rub
ber cohti aud mackintoshes at lowei
p Ices than anyone else. 11-13 4d-2w
Star Sin wan. Those who were up
to observe it taw no star shower this
morning as wus predicted.
i m
Course of High Orade Entertain
ments at tho Salem First M.
E. Church
Next lecture lu cours (No. II) Wed
nesday evening, Nv. 22d. .
II. Dr. Chus. Edward LocUe.Tayloi
Btreet church Portland, "Every Inch u
HI. Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
Presbyterian church of Portland,
"Father Tlmo."
IV. Rev. G. W. Grauuls, "Funny
Thing In Dlxlo as Been by a Preach
er." V. Grand o ucort by Balrin artlt8.
Course tioket Is (2.00. Single admis
sion is 60 ceutx. Tickets for Palo al
Dearborn's bo iksto aud Altkon'b
grocery store, Stata slrodt. ll-3tf.
(Wo nro in advance of tho season,
oa usual, in
displaying our
Novelties. But
lgBte,1 thon wo lead
I HL) n vory thing
H thought-
a iul Boloouon
of doBirnhlo
goods, in care
ful attention
in high qual
ity, and-tho
most impor
tant of all
in prico. That
it should be.
Japanese Curios,
A )aw d complete line of Japaneso
jhm receiveu at
Book Sforo.
Cluww, Bronw Goods, Screen
BmuIoi BiuAetc, Lacquer ware, etc,
Iff, m CommmoM mt
fever in the history of Salem
have so many shoes been
sold in so short a tune as since
our Closing Sale started.
We etill have many choice
bargains and those wishing to
be fitted should come in at
Kemember we have
. est makes, and can
gU please you.
Mrs. S. Allln. who has been visiting
re'atlvpsaud friends lu Sacramento,
Ca'., the past six months, returned
home today.
Attorney General Chamberlain Is In
the city.
Governor Pennoyer greeted a Jour
nal repiesentative very pleasantly this
m rnins.'.
Hon, O. F. Pax'on or Portland Is in
the city for several days.
City Attorney Bingham Is at Coryal
lis today on business.
John C. Lessure aud Deputy Htienii
Haley, of Umatilla, are In the city as
witnesses lu the Gregoire case.
Geu. W. H Odell left today for Alsea
to Inspect public surveys, whence be
goes to Siletz Agency to allot some
lands to Indians not yet possessed of
homes. He will be away until Janu
ary. R. 8. Kloher, who has been receiving
The Journal at Parrlsb, Iowa, has
come to Marlon couuty to locate. He
attended the Republican meetiug Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Knopp nee Ida Hirbord, form
erly of Salem, now of Davenport, Wu.,
Is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. D. J.
Fry and Miss Kittle Harbord.
Thero will be no services at the Cum
berland Presbyterian church this even
ing, as was announced.
Tho special meetings at South Salem
M. E. church continue with Increasing
Interest nd will be held each evening
Including Friday of the week.
L. V. Ehlen came np from Butteville
this morning Thos. JCay left this
morning for a business trip as far south
as Roseburg. H. P. Lewis Is now
driving tho Chambers back On Sat
urday license to wed were iesuod to
H mor Harman and Grace Cofllu and
Tuomas Howell and Effle Mollwain.
Rev, G. V. Grannls Is at Portland
t dty. He will preach at Chemawaon
Wedms'lay opening J. B. Glesy re
turned to Aurora this afternoon
Hou. E. F. Park hurst Is at Portland on
ral road business F. H. Hart, the
tailor u turned today from Newport.
Two More Receivers.
Omaha, Nov. 18.-On application of
tho federal government the U. S. Dis
trict court this morning appointed J.
W. Doane of Chicago, and F. R. Coud
ert of New York, ns additional receivers
for the Union Pacific railroad.
Miners Favored.
MiNNKAfOMS, Nov. lS.iify a ses
"l in of the Methodist Missionary So
ciety todiy tm account of the recent
silver legislation and consequent de
pression in certain cities appropriation
for the w stern mining states were not
so largely reduced as in other portlous
of the country.
A Plot Discovered.
Washinoton, Nov. 13, A special
says there has Just been discovered a
plot to overthrow the Hawaiian kiug
cloui. It wus hatched In Washington
last winter, Tho correspondent says
tliero Is reason to bell v tho plot ro
ot Ived the sauctiou of the Harrison ad
ministration. Floods in Japan.
Yokahoma, Nov. U', -Alvlces say
severe Hoods occurred In Japan last
mouth, In Okyama where floods
wrought most destruction 141 persons
are known to have perished and 100
more are missing. 1310 houses were
washed away aud great number of
homes aud cattle killed. From other
points 418 persons are reported killed.
476 ships aud boats aro wrecked and a
great damago done to farming lands.
Multitudes are receiving aid from the
local government.
Flno Lecture
In tho university course bv Rev. W,
0. Kautner of Corvallls, Wednesday
evening, November 15th, at the chapel,
subject "Movo On." Tickets 25 cents
for aalo at the bookstores. 11 11 td
The Chkapest. Have the Daily
Jouhnal left at vour ofllce or resi
dence. Only 60 cts a mouth, By mall
25 cts a month.
Concluded Iroin First 1'age.l
mate of this lady, at Niks, Trum' u I
county, Ohio.
A special McKlnley edition of The
Daily Capital Journal of this issue
Is printed and sent to every Republican
newspaper In Ohio to show the Buckeye
Republicans In what esteem the Ore
gon Republicans hold their great leader
and Champion of Protection. Extra
copies of the McKlnley edition to send
to friends can be bad at this ofllce.
When it is considered that Oregon has
had no campaign or election In 18&J
the McKInlev demonstration Baturday
night was remarkable. One thousand
Journals will bear across the contin
ent the hearty greetings of the thou
sands of Republican men and women
who on Baturday testified to their love
for the cause which Governor McKln
ley represents. The Republicans on
the Pacific coast shake with stalwart
legions who won the victories In Ohio
and the other eastern states and pledge
themselves If McKluley is their stand
ard bearer In 1590 to roll up the biggest
majority for protection ever given In
Oregon. In the meantime the Demo
cracy can join In the refrain of the
Democratic orator who graced the oc
casion on Baturday evening at Salem
by saying:
"3ouud the loud timbrel, holler and
McKinley'B triumphant and we're in
the soup
The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette
bases big claims on McKInley's tremen
dous mnjorlty In Ohio. It sa s:
Protection !h the issue for 1890. Its
strongest advocate, its most accomp
lisued exponent is Governor William
McKluley, of Ohio. Senator Sherman
aud Governor Foraker nominated him
Saturday night In Toledo and in Cleve
land, respectively, as the Republican
presidential candidate in '90. Yester
day's vote In Ohio seconds that nomin
ation with significant emphasis. The
Commercial Gazette, with a full realiza
tion of the significance of yesterday
victory, Indorses the nomination of
Governor McKlnley for president. Pro
lection is the logical Issue. Governor
McKlnley Is the logical candidate. To
continue the logic of the, situation,
Ohio, which has sounded the keynote
for '00, should have the Republican con
vention. But the Republican national conven
tion will not meet till June, 1896. Near-
ly three years hence.
Prevention is Better
Than cure, and those who are subject
to rheumatism can prevent attacks by
keeping the blood pure and free from
theacld which cau-es thedlsease. You
can rely upon Hood's Sarsaparllla a9 a
remedy tor rneumaiism anu caiurruu,
ulao for every form of scrofula salt
rheum, bolls and other diseases caused
by impure blood. It tones and vitalizes
the whole system.
Hood's Pills are
easy and gentle in
DesDondency Drives a Woman to
South Bend, Wash. Nov. 12. The
body of Mrs. Agnes Edgerton was
found floating at the mouth of Willapa
river this afternoon by a mail carrier
from North River. She had undoubt
edly committed suicide, as she had been
despondent for weeks and had frequent
ly stated that death alone could end
her trouble. About two hours before
the body waB fouud she left the house
of Mr. Troll and weut to the Sea Haven
wharf, carrying with her a piece of
bread with which, as she said, to feed
the fish. The cause of her despondency
was the death of her ouly child two
' months ago. She had been rentlmr
furnished rooms to lodgers, but lately
made an assignment for the benefit of
her creditors. She has a sister In Chi-
(CJgo, and her husbaud, John Edgerton
I from whom she has been separated,
I live in ClatHkaote, Or. She stood well
In society and her suicide Is a shock to
the community. The remains have
been broueht to the city and an lu-
quest will be held tomorrow.
i Will be an Issue.
NkV Yuhic, Nov. 13. Correspondent
! o ITonnliilii aava iirnvtalnnnl imvfrn.
ment expects to bo able to perpetuate It
self till next presidential election lu
Uuited States when Its expected annex
ation will bo an Issue aud will win.
Economize in Paper.
Clean uewsnapers, tied In bundles of
100, not cut, tor sale at this elneo at
fifteen centB a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pouud. Next door to the postonlce.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum,
Ufd ia Millions of Homes do Years the Standard
Last Saturday was a great success. Every article went at
half price, just as advertized, and all buyers were more than
pleased. This will be continued for several days longer to
meet the demands of the trade. Call early.
Mrs. Mark Skiff.
291, Commercial Street.
P. S. Store closes at 7 o'clock p. m.
Gresham's Letter Wholly
proved by Cleveland.
He is Satisfied That a Wrong Was
Done the Deposed Queen.
Washington, Nov. 12. James Hyde
Pratt, of Albany, N. Y., is in the city.
There is family relationship between
President Cleveland and Mr. Pratt,
Cleveland's grandfather having been a
brother to Pratt's mother. Pratt had a
previous acquaintance with Cleveland
having often seen him while he was at
Albany nsgovernorof New York. Pratt
also bas relationship In the Hawaiian
Elands and feels much exercised at the
policy toward the islands enunciated in
Secretary Gresham's letter. He drove
out to Woodley this afternoon and had
a half hour's talk with the president on
the subject. As the result he learned
that Cleveland approves thoroughly
and wholly Gresham's letter and all
coutained In It. Pratt has lived much
in the islands, and does not agree at all
with Gresham's ideas or belief as to the
facts in the case. His statement that
deposition of the queen was accomplish
ed by aliens Is sufficient to discredit the
whold letter to h's mind, for be had
knowledge that most of the leaders of
the revolution were Hawaiian born, and
that the parents of many of them were
Hawaiian born, though of foreigu ex
traction. Ho urged also that the best natives
approved the present government and
only the disorderly element was
amouest those who desired Its over
throw. He stated to the president that
in order to reestablish Q'leen Llliuo
kalanl, It would be necessary to disarm
every white man on tne islands. He
did not believe tb'e queeu could be
maintained on the throne a day with
out the Influence of armed forces or the
authority of the United States. The
present government, he argued, Is in
possession of all the arms aud powers
of authority, has its forces well organ
ized and disciplined aud isable to main
tain Itself against internal disturbances.
KoiIimo miL'fltloned the accuracy of
the statement that Minister Stevens
aud Captalu Wiltz were instrumental
In serving the revolutionises and that
tho siiMesw of the revolution was de
pendent upon the aid they reudered.
They did no more, he asserted, than
was authorized by instructions of Secre
tary Bayard to Minister Merrill in July,
1887, for his cuidance In a similar per
iod of disorder. At this poiut the presi
dent asked Pratt whether he tho-ight
hu had as good opportunities of inform
ation on the subject as the president
after a careful Investigation and study
of tho subject for eight months. Pratt
rejoined that ho thought he had since
he had beeu in fntimate relations, by
correspondence aud otherwise, with
the Islands for over 30 years. The
president closed the Interview by say
Inir he had absolute fullh In the accuracy
nfHilrii nmicMnalons drawn by Gres-
ham, and that Stevens and Captain
Wjltz had committed an act of usurpa
tlon and had done wrong to a helpless
power, whlou It was the duty of the
Uulled States government to undo.
North Salem Thanksgiving.
On Thursday, November 30th, from
l'J m. to 7 p m. the African M. E. ludlea
aid society will give a Thanksgiving
dluner at the church. Price 26 els. dw
By the Supreme Court in
the Street
The supreme court today banded
down decisions In a number of Mult
nomah couuty cases and also the fol fel fol
eowing: John Q. Wilson et al vs. City of Ba
lem, motion for rehearing denied.
This settles the much mooted ques
tion of payment for the Chemeketa
street improvements.
The Best in the World.
Senator Henry C. Nelson, of New
York, writes: On the 27th of Feb
suary, 1883, I ws taken with a violent
pain in the region of the kidneys, i
uflered such agony that I could hard
Iv stand un. As noon as possible I ap-
nlled two of Alleock's Porous Plasters,
one over each kidtfey, and laid down.
In an hour, to my mrprise and delight,
the pain hod vanished and I was well.
I wore the plasters for a day or two as
.i precaution, und then removed them.
I have neen using Alleock's Porous
Planters in mv famllv for the last leu
years, aud have always found them the
quickest and best remedy for colds,
strains aud rheumatic affections. From
experience I believe tbey are the. best
plasters in tne worm.
Circuit court met iu
term at ljp. m.
adjourned jury
May Finlcy was flued $5.00 today for
roaming the streets.
Candles, tresh made every day, plain
and French the best at Strong's.
Carrots for feed, cheaper than over
before by tho ton at J. G. -Wright's.
Headquarters for all dilly papers, al
J. L. Bennett's post flL-e block news
stand, tf
A New Departure by California's
Prison Commission.
San Qukntin, Cal., Noy. 13. At a
meeting of the prison commissioners
a resolution was passed which will re
sult in placing the ranchers iu competi
tion with convict labor. The commis
sioners have decided to go into the bog
raising business, and to begin ft once
by purchasing 60 swine to feed. The
warden's reports show that owing to
many restrictions which hedge an ap
plicant for parole, only 15 convicts
have petitioned to be released under
the new law. Of these, only nine have
been able to comply with all the legal
requirments, and no action has been
yet taken in the cases of these nine.
Owing to the fact that Mrs. Worthlug-
ton, the murdere-s of Harry Biddely
In San Francisco, and a Portuguese
woman, sentenced for murder from
Mariposa county, are about to become
mothers, the toard has decided to let
tht-m be removed, at the proper time,
beyond prison wall.", so as uot to place
the stigma of having beeu born lu a
penltentlury on the Innocent hld-n.
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
Scott's Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
rrrr4br Scott Bon,KY. AlldrottUts.
Grape Vines for Sale.
I have pmpogated several thousand
good strong two year old grape vines
for setting out, assorted varltles, suit
able for culture in Oregon. 25 els each,
$2.00 per dozen. E. Hofer. Halem. Or..
Journal ofllce. d w
Rubbers with opera and common
senee heels, at Krausse Bro.
We have just brought from the Mill
m wii of
Lowest Pr ices Ever Heard Of !
Third Party. Mea to Vote With the
Washington, Nov. 13. There is no
doubt now that the Populists will sup
port the Democrats in almost any form
of tariff' bill which may bo presented.
This was shown in the announcement
made by Senator Allen, of Nebraska,
when ho said that he was opposed to
adjournment of congress because he
wanted to see a bill passed modifying
to a very large extent the present tariff.
The significant part of Senator Allen's
remark was apparently lost during the
closing hours of congress, and it was
merely stated that Senator Allen was
against adjournment after the Bilver
bill was passed. That he particularly
pledged the Populist party to the
Democratic plan of revising the tariff
has beeu overlooked. It is Important
for those people, whg are inclined to
BUpport the Populists, to know that so
soon as these Populists enter congress
tbey will betray tbem to the Democrats
on such a vital question as the tariff.
Although the bearing before the sub
committee of the ways and means on
the subject of income tax yesterday
was or an imormai character, mat it
was interesting was manifested by the
I presence of a uumber of leading mem
bers of the democratic party outside
tbe committee. Hall, democrat, was
the only Bpeaker. He bad evidently
given tbe subject much thought, and
gave numerous citations of eminent
writers on taxation aud economic sub
jects. The fundamental principle up
on which Hall based bis demand for an
income tax was that every man should
bear his proportion of the govermsht
expenses in the same ratio as he derive
benefit from the government. Such a
tax did not affect tbe distribution of
wealth, and produced tbe change of
pikes. If congress attempted to pro
vide for the deficiency In the revenue
every year or two by tampering with
tbe tariff, Hall said, it would contin
ually distrub business. Under his sche
me if a deficit was apparant tbe in
come tax could be iucreased, and In
tbe same way if there was a surplus
the tax could be decreased. Hall sub
mitted au income tax bill which will
be considered.
Difficulty of Securing Democratic
Harmony is Increasing.
Washington, Nov. 13 It appears
that tbo chief embarrassment to' tbe
ways and means committee is to come,
not from tbe articles upon which the
specified ad valorem duties ore to be
reduced, but from tbe articles that are
to be put on the free list. Altogether
the lot of Wilson aud bis colleagues ou
tbe ways and means committee is not
a happy one. With a score or more of
influential gentlemen demanding a
caucus for a consideration of tbe tariff
bill, andvarious others declaring they
will not Vole for the measure if it makes
drastic reductions on articles In which
their constituents aro interested, the
difficulty of securing Democratic har
mony on the measure, now being solved
by the ways and means committee, is
every day becoming more apparent.
Odds . anil Ids Blankets
Sugak Bounty. Don't pay a prem
ium on sugar, but get tbe prices atHar
ritt & Mclntyre'e before buying They
have made a deep cut. 11-11 3t
WaNTKD Pnhln canvacwr of good ad.
dron. Liberal salary and expense paid
weekly. Permanent posh Ion. BKOWH
BROS. Co., Nurseryman, Portland, Oregon.
10-7 lm
THIS PAPER Is kept on nie at E. C, Dake'i
AdvertlRlne Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant
Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where
contract for advertising can be made for lu
HRIBT1AN BCIENOE Literature of alt
kinds on sals at 828 Liberty street, 4-6-ly
I Tremendous
strides hare been made In
dnrlni- thnnnst VMr or two. UrSteXSnT
pies ol Ihe progress you will find In our
.tiuiV Alt .Iia TlntAct nnrt nAVMt 1nlDt CX I
UBt 'are represented In our attractive
ahow windows. With prices sttacnea
Call and see them. It win repay you.
PiHinle bib rushlne to avail themseiVrs,
of our oQcr on these goods.
Patton Bros.,
Chatwin House.
Jut south of the Methodist Church, in Salem,
Everything; new and 'lean. Tables sirred
with the best of everything In the market.
Hpeclal attention to commercial travellers.
Meals 25 cts, Board and lodging Irom MOO
week np. Free use of piano.
The Oregon Land Co.,
At "alem. Is engaged In selline fruit lande
in th vicinity or -a'era. Oregn. where more
fruit la now growing than In any trt or tne
10-13-3 m Managers.
TKe Rustler food h
And he doesn't bnra up half your wood, li
fuel, when he saws It. Make your contract
with him personally orleave orders at Vealcn
olgar store Oearborn'a book slore,43S tiumme
street, or address me hy mail. 6-1H
Connecting and Primary Classes open
Monday, Sept. 25Ui,
Oor. Court and Liberty street, opposite open
For teachers and motnors will begin Octobe
2d. at the same place.
For particu'ara apply to
Mrs, P. S.
Princlj !
Fi I i ninh TAILOR.
Demands Mackintoshes. Call and see ua when you want one. Mackinlosbe
for ladies aud gentlemen. Prices tbe lowest. Our boys 15.00 mackintosh is '
full value.
Overcoats aud pants. Tbe beet goods on the market, at the lowest prices eve
quoted for cash.
Dou't pay faucy prices for your footwear, when you can ret the same goods
Willis llros. for a great deal less money. A good Hue of durable shoes at W
cash prices.
Latest styles, correct trimmings, elegant coloring.
Go to see Willis Bros, when you need a hkaket, coasfBrter, etc. Tbr;
have the line and their ptloM arc rif fat.