Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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-t? ftg-Tftiiiiin"h
TikIu) and Ono Hundred Years From Now.
The Necessity of Death nnd Dceaj Tlmo
In Pant, nnd It fa itn Everlasting- Non.
UuooiUiYK, Nov. ltt.'-Iluv. Dr. T.t!
muso today preached a Bcrmon of ttnusn
ll itiid marvelous consolation to the usual
I iiougs ufter they had sung:
There la no sorrow that hca en cannot cure.
(Thasubjoct v.'ns,,Oblivion and ltd De
feats." Tho texts selected were Job xsiv,
20, "HoshalMjo iomoro- remembered,"
and Psalms cxii, C, "The righteous shall
be in overlasting remembrance."
"Oblivion and Its Defeats" is my sub
jpet today. There is an old monster that
swallows down everything. It crunches
individuals, families, communities,
states, nations, continents, hemispheres,
worlds. Its diet is made up of years, of
centuries, of cycles, of millenniums, of
cons, mat monster is called by Noah
Webster and nlj the other dictionarians
oblivion. It is n steep down which ev
erything rolls. It is a conflagration in
which everything is consumed. It is a
dirge in which all orchestras play nnd a
period at which everything stops. It is
the cemetery of the human race. It is
tho domain of forgetfulness. Oblivion!
At times it throws a fehadow over all of
us, and I would not pronounce it today
if I did not coino armed in tho strength
of tho eternal God on your behalf to at
tack it, to rout it, to demolish it.
oblivion's work.
Why, jnst look at tho way tho families
of the earth disappear! For nwhilo they
aro together, inseparable and to each
other indispensable, and then they part.
Some by marriage', going to establish'
other homes, and some leave this life,
and a century is long enough to plant a
family, develop it, prosperit and obliter
ate it. sSo tho generations vanish.
Walk up Broadway, New York; State
street, Boston; Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; The Strand, London; Princess
street,Edinburgh Champs Elysees.Paris;
Unter den Linden, Berlin, and you will
meet in this year 1803 not one person
who walked thero in tho year 1793. What
ingulfment! All the ordinary efforts at
perpetuation are dead J allures. Walter
.Scott's "Old Mortality'may go round
with his chiselrto irecufc the faded epi
taplison tombstones, -but Old Oblivion
has a quicker chisel with which he can
cut out a thousand epitaphs while "Uia
Mortality" is cutting iruono epitaph.
Whole libraries of biographies devoured
of bookworms or unread of the rising
All the signs of tho stores and ware
houses of great firms havo changed, un
less tho grandsons think that it is an ad
vantage to keep the old sign up because
the name of tho ancestor was more com
mendatory than tho name of tho descend
ant. The city of Rome stands today,
but dig down deep enough and you come
to another Rome, buried, and go down
still farther and you will find a third
Jerusalem stands today, but dig down
deep enough and you will find a Jerusa
lem underneath, and go on and deeper
down a third Jerusalem. Alexandria
on tho top of an Alexandria, and the
second on the top of the third. Many of
tho. ancient cities are' buried 30 feet
deep, or 50 feet deep, or 100 feet deep.
What was tho matter? Any special ca
lamity? No. The winds and waves and
RAnils nnd fl vine dust are all undertakers
and gravedfggers, and if the world stands
long enough the present Brooklyn and
New York and London will have on top
of 'them other Brooklyns and New Yorks
and-Londons, and only aer digging and
boringiond blasting will, tho archaeolo
gist of far distant centuries come down
as far as the highest spires and domes
and turrets of our present American and
European cities.
Call tho roll of the armies of Baldwin
1, or of Charles Martel, or of Marlbor
ough, or of Mithridates. or of Prince
Frederick, or of Cortez, and not one
answer will you hear. Stand thera in
lino and call the roll of the 1,000,000
.nun m hn nrmv of Thebes. Not one
answer. Stand thera in line, the 1,700,
000 infantry and tho 200,000 cavalry of
the Assyrian army under Ninns, and call
the roll.- Not ono answer. Stand inline
the 1,000,000 men of Sesostris, the 1,200,
000 men of Artaxerxes at Cuuaxa, the
2,041,000 men under Xerxes at Ther
mopylae and call tho long roll. Not one
answer. .
Ar thA oinibir of our civil war the
men of tho northern and southern armies
were told that if they fell in battle the r
names would never bo forgotten by their
country. Out of tho million men who
rail in haftin or died in military hospi
tals yon cannot call the names of 1,000,
nor tha names of 000, nor the names of
JOO.northonamesofGO. Oblivion! Are
the feet of tho dancers who were at the ball
of tho Duchess of Richmond at Brussels
the night beforo Waterloo all still? All
still. Aro all tho ears that heard the
jjuna of Bunker Hill all deaf? All deaf.
Are the eyes that saw tho coronation or
George HI all closed? All closed. Obliv
ion! A hundred years from now there
will not bo a bng on this earth that
Vnew we over lived.
In some ddtanll, Record a descend -
ant studying tip the ancestral hue may
Jaded ink, with great enoix. --
some personW our name . wwoorn h
where between 181U ana low, uu .,
about tba color of a child's eyes born last
night in a village in Patagonia. Tell rue
something abontyonr greatrrandfatber.
What were his features? What did be
do? What year was he born? What year
TVill you describe the style of the bat
that she wore, and how did she and your
Kreat-grondfather get on in each other1.
companionship? Was it March weather
r June? ..
vouvwni -AHannouauMu ".- -
overeveryttt Even the pyramid
Oblivionl TUt inountata surge ton.
lea is triumphing over tho land, and
tyhat is going on t.t Coney Island h go
ing on all around the world, and tho con
tincnts tiro crumbling into tho waves.
And while this is transpiring on tho out
Jitlo of the world the hot chisel of (ho in
ternal firo is di-ging under tho foiinda
lion of tho earth nnd cutting its way out
"""'u iiio Buriiicc,
It surprises mo to honr u . ......
do not think fi,,.i ",,7J,, '
', . ' ., U, V.0? W1.n fi'?y bo
- . . . ulm ma unauy do
burned up when all scientists will tell
you that it has for w. luon n .
Why, thero is only a crust between us
and tho furnaces inside rarrintr tn rrcr.
OUt. Oblivion! The wnrM Ifonlf .tn
roll into it as easily as a schoolboy's in
ilia rubber ball rolls down a hill, and
when our world goes it is so interlocked
by tho law of gravitation with other
worlds that they will go, too, and so far
from havmgour memory perpetuated by
a monument of Aberdeen granito in this
world, there is no world in sight of our
strongest telescopo that will bo a sure
pediment for any slab of commemora
tion of tho fact that wo ever lived or
died at.all. Our earth is struck with
death. Tho axletreo of tho constella
tions will break and let down tho popu
lations of other worlds. Stellar, lunar,
solar mortality. Oblivion! It can swal
low and will swallow whole galaxies of
worlds as easily as a crocodile takes
down a frog.
Yet oblivion does not remove or swal
low anything that had better not bo re
moved or swallowed. Tho old monster
is welcome to his meal: This world
would long ago havo been ovorcrowded
if it had not been for tho merciful remov
al of nations and generations. What if
all the books had lived that were ever
written and printed and published? Tho
libraries would by their immensity have
obstructed intelligence and made all re
search impossible. Tho fatal epidemic of
books was a merciful epidemic.
Many of the state and national libra
ries today are only morgues in which
dead books are waiting for some ono to
come and recognizo them. What if all
the people that had been born were still
alive? Wo would have been elbowed by
our ancestors of ten centuries ago, and
people who ought to have said their last
word 3,000 years ago would snarl at us,
saying, "What aro you doing here?"
There would have been no room to turn
around. Somo of tho past generations of
mankind wero not worth remembering.
The first useful thing that many people
did was to die their cradle a misfortune
and their grave a boon.
I This world was hardly a comfortable
place to live in before the middle of the
last century. So many things have como
into the world that were not fit to stay
in wo ought to be glad they wero put
out. The waters of Lethe, the fountain
of forgetfulness, are a healthful draft.
The history we have of tho world in ages
past is always one sided and cannot be
depended on. History is fiction illus
trated by a few straggling facts. In all
the Pantheon the weakest goddess is
Clio, the goddess of history, and instead
of being represented by sculptors as
holding a scroll might better bo repre
sented as limping on crutches.
Faithful history is the saving of a few
things out of moro things lost. Tho im
mortality that comes from pomp of ob
sequies or granito shaft or building named
after its founder or page of recognition
in somo encyclopedia is an immortality
unworthy of one's ambition, for it will
all cease and is no immortality at all.
Oblivion! A hundred years. But while
I recognizo this universal submergenco
of things earthly, wno wants to do ior
gotten? Not ono of us.
Absent for a few weeks or months
from home, it cheers us to know that we
aro remembered there. It is a phraso wo
have all pronounced, "I hope youmissed
me." Meeting some friends from whom
wo have been parted many years, wo in
quire, "Did vou ever 6oemo before?" and
they say "Yes," and call us by name, and
wo feel a delightful sensation thrilling
through their hand into our hand, and
running up from elbow to shoulder, and
then parting, tho ono current of delight
ascending to the brow and tho other de
scending to the foot, moving round and
round in concentric circles until every
..-i. omi muscle and capacity of body
and mind and sonl is permeated with de-
11 A few days ago, visiting the placo of
my bojhood, I mot ono whom I had not
seen since we plajed together at 10 years
of age, and I had peculiar pleasure in
puzzling him a mtie as i "".
and I can hardly describe the sensation
as niter awhile he mumbled eut: "Ut
me S Yes, you are Do Witt." Weall
t.i. tn u rptnpmbered.
Now, I havo to tell jou that this obliv
ion of which 1 have spoken has its de
feats, and that there is no more reason
whv we should not vo uimiik.v
idly and gloriously
remembered five
hundred million billion trillion qnadnl
.. ..i..n. vpnra from now that
bat weSd beremembeml sixwc.ks.
I am going to tell you how the th.ngcan
be done and will be done.
boSSmno that cvknot be effaced.
We may build this "ever acting re-Jmbrance.-as
my text styles it. into
in this
we ao mw"- - --- ,firTn Bnd
SXh us f7cult7whichwe now call
ii.. tttttt inn nil
-.!,. mil nerreci. ui"""?- .
' brancer Nothing wnH p .
p of ttat cdertW faculty u 7
helpa widow paj her reuuy
will fclip the stout
r -- Did you pick up .
to get no --- cnrUt-onei aD( by a
Cmm ..- - -- . u d gtop tbe
6tick of cand) put .m m
bnrt on his "ratchet! ' the
8Ure a tnit
agency of t to r ?
tlmes after awhile woui
Did yon lean . wbwe tbe Lord
into a inJdnlsbt nU. heej
saidtober, Nruoico &
and Bin no mom buwaard.
,, dear Jug Sotting suicide,
Detsand bI an a Javer in
that for bun euet
- - - 1 twines. he iaigniicut ..
are nM TgraVsyard.. utat
" might wear? W
jBvjajMjjvu oajxtaii
hfWfltli la tn 41.1 . i
-v,.0.u luvir uosirns, wnat nro un
read biographies in tho alcoves of a city
library, compared with tho imerisliablo
recordsyou havo inadeintho"illumiucd
inemorica of (hoso to . lm.n v. ,11,1 ci.
kindnesses? Ftrget Ihein? They cannot
forget thwi.
notwithstanding nil their inii;!itnnd
. a ,,,, lutu uuuji imu
?"., ! . . " uru 80.1U, tmn?3 ?e B,on-
splendor, ficio nro some things the nlori-
! ... '"""i ciunoiuo, aim tins is ono
of them. They cannot forget an carthlv i
oi mem. Tiicj
. kindness done.
'iiiey ha ono cutlass to
part that cable. They have no Btrenrtl
to hurl into oblu ion that bunefuutiuu.
Has Paul forgotten tho inhabitants of
Malta, who extended tho island hospital
ity when he and others with him had
felt, added to a shipwreck, thedreuchine
rain and tho sharp cold? Has tho icthu
of tho highwayman on tho road to Jeri
cho forgotten the Good Samaritan with
a medicament of oil and wino and a freo
rido to tho hostelry? Havo tho English
soldiers who went up to God from tho
Crimean battlefields forgotten Florence
Through all eternity Will tho north
ern and southern soldiers forget tho
northern and southern women who ad
ministered to the dying boys in blue and.
gray after tho awful fights in Tennesseo
and Pennsylvania and Virginia and
Georgia, which turned every house and
barn and shed into a hospital and incar
nadined the Susquehanna, and the James,
and the Chattahoochee, and tho Savannah
with brave blood? Tho kindnesses you
do to others will stand as long in tho ap
preciation of others as tho gates of heav
en will stand, as tho "Houso of Many
Mansions" will stand, as long as the
throne of God will stand.
Another defeat of oblivion will bo
found in the character of those whom wo
rescue, uplift or save. Character is eter
nal. Supposo by a right influence wo
aid in transforming a bad man into a
good man, a dolorous man into a happy
man, a disheaitcned man into a cour
ageous man every stroke of that work
done will be immortalized. There muy
never bo so much as ono line in a news
paper regarding it, or no mortal tongue
may ever whisper it into human car, but
wherover that soul shall go your work
upon it shall go, wherever that soul rises
jour work on it will rise, and bo long as
that soul will last your work on it will
Do you supposo there will over como
such an idiotic lapse in tho history of
that soul in heaven that it shall forget
that you invited him to Christ; that you
by prayer or gospel word turned him
round from tho wrong way to tho right
way? No such insanity will ever smite a
heavenly citizen. It is not half as well
known on earth that Christopher Wren
planned and built St. Paul's as it will bo
known in all heaven that you wero the
instrumentality of building a temple for
tho sky.
We teach a Sabbath class, or put a
Christian tract in tho hand of a passorby,
or testify for Christ in a prayer meeting,
or preach a sermon and go homo dis
couraged, as though nothing had been ac
complished, when we had been character
building with a material that no frost or
earthquake or rolling of tho centuries can
damage or bring down.
Thero is no sublimer art on earth than
architecture. With pencil and rulo and
compass, tho architect sits down alono
and in silence, and evolves from hlsown
brain a cathedral, or a national capitol, or
a massive homo before ho leaves that ta
ble, and then he goes out and unrolls his
plans, and calls carpenters and masons
nnd artisans of all sorts to cxecuto his
design, and when it is finished he walks
around the vast structure, and sees the
completion of the work with high satis
faction, and on a stone ut some corner
of tho building tho architect's name may
bo chiseled.
But the storms do their work, and
time, that takes down everything, will
yet take down that structure, until there
shall not be ono stone left upon another.
But there is a soul in heaven. Through
your instrumentality it was put there.
Under God's grace you aro tho architect
of its eternal happiness. Your name is
written, not on ono corner of its nature,
but inwrought into its every fiber and
energy. Will tho storms of winter wash
out tho story of what you havo wrought
upon that spiritual structure? No. There
aro no btoruis in that land, and there is no
winter. Will time wear out tho inscrip
tion which shows your fidelity? No. Time
is past, and it is an everlasting now. Built
into the foundation of that imperishable
structure, built into its pillars, built into
its capstone, is your name-either the
name you have on earth or the name by
which celestials shall call you. .
I know tho Bible says in one place tliat
God is a jealous God, but that refers to
the work of those who worship some oth
er cod. A true father is not jealous of
his child. With wliat glee ycu show the
picture your clilia pencneu, ur a i,
tour child hewed ouU or recite the noble
deed your child accomplished. And God
never was jealous of a Joshua, never
waa jealous of a Paul, never was jeal
ous of a Trances Havergal, never was
jealous of a man or woman who tried
toheal wound and wipe away tear,
nnd lift burdens and save souls;
aD, "u.i n i of Krace. and
your self abnegating B";
itfot unto ns. not unto us, but unto thy
O Ljora, K !". -- -
feel a heavenly mumkm
always . "--;,, nn arth. -nd
of tbenaiww u t j or th au,e-
The rightoo bll be
ion or m m -rMMmlnl
bdd iner u
0bi tbJi chcw
tion of my text,
You aau
tut tre-
I "'. Voi aw MtkWK
meadow ortu ! Ms
meWtur or oe.
you better or 0,
g jj,; r ting. Let others
Cms of bearw-tbwi who
tawtjttaj-j 0
tbTtmth-bnt it -"
, t. trntn-uuv
aoxfaxjLM Monday;
wo meet sonio radiant tout ou tho boule
vards of thogreat city who ahull say:
"Yon helped mo once. You encouraged
mo when I wa3 in earthly struggle 1
do not know that I would havo reached
this hhiniug placo had it not been for
you." And wo will laugh with heavenly n.l i.TTnt 1.I r -. . 11..
(." uuu mij i uui uji liu yuu rcauy
remember that talk? Do you remember
cr " S remember
mat warning do you remomber that
Christian invitation? What a memory
you have I v by, that must havo been
down thera iu Brooklyn nnd New Or
I mm ut least ton thousand million years
I go." And tho uuswor will bo, "Yes, it
w is as long 9 that, but I remember it
S3 well as though it wero yesterday."
Oh, this character building! Tho struc
ture lasting independent of passing cen
turies, independent of crumbling mauso
leums, independent of tho whole plano
' tary systom. Aye, if tho material uni
verse, which seems all bound together
like oncpieco of machinery, should somo
day meet with an accident that should
send worlds crashing into each other liko
telescoped railway trains, and all tho
wheels of constellations nnd galaxies
should stop, und'down into tho chasm of
immensity all tho suns and moons and
stars should tumble liko tho midnight ex
press at Ashtabula, that would not touch
us nnd would not hurt God, for God is a
spirit, and character and memory aro im
mortal, andovor thatgravoof a wrecked
material universe might truthfully bo
written, "Thb righteous shall bo hold in
overlasting remombrauco."
O Timo, wo defy theol O Death, we
stamp theo in tho dust of thine own
sepulchersl O Eternity, roll on till tho
last star has etopped rotating, and the
last sun is extinguished on tho sapphire
pathway, nnd tho last moon has il
lumined tho lost night, and as many
years havo passed as all tho ecribca that
ever took pen could describo by as many
figures ns thoy could write in all tho cen
turies of all time, but thou shalt havo no
power to effaco from any soul in glory
tho memory of Anything wo havo done
to bring it to God nnd heaven!
There is another and a moro complete
defeat for oblivion, and that is in the
heart of God himself. You have seen a
sailor roll up his sleeve and show you his
arm tattooed with tho figuro of a favor
ite ship perhaps the first ono in wldch
ho over sailed, You havo seen a soldier
roll up his sleeve and show you his arm
tattooed with the picture of a fortress
where he was garrisoned, or tho faco of a
great general under whom ho fought.
You have seen many n hand tattooed
with the face of a loved ono beforo or
after marriage
This tattooing is almost as old as tho
world. It is somo colored liquid punc
tured into tho flesh so indelibly thafc
nothing can wash it out. It may have
been there CO years, but when tho man
goes into his coffin that puncturo will g6
with him on hand or arm. Now, God
says that ho has tattooed us upon his
hands. Thero can bo no other meaning
in tho forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah,
where God says, "Behold, I havo graven
theo on tho palms of my handsl"
It was as much as to say: "I cannot
open my hand to help, but I think of
yon. I cannot spread abroad my liahds
to bless, but 1 think of you. Wherover
1 uo up uud down tho heavens I take
these two pictures of you with mo. Thoy
nro so inwrought into my being that I
cannot lose them. As long as my hands
last the memory of you will last. Not
on the backs of my hands, as though to
announce you to others, but on the
palms of my hands for myself to look
ut nnd study und lovo. Not on tho
palm of ono hand alone, but on tho
palnis of both hands, for while I
am looking upon one hand nnd thinking
of you, I must havo the other freo to pro
tect you, freo to striko back your enemy,
free to lift if you fall. Palmsof my hands
indelibly tattooed. And though I hold
tho winds in my fist no cyclono shall up
root tho inscription of your namoand
your face, and though I hold the ocean
in tho hollow of my hand its billowing
shall not wash out tho record of my re
membrance. 'Behold, I have graven thee
on tho palms of my hands.' "
What joy, what honor can thero be
comparable to that of being remeralered
by tho mightiest and kindest nnd love
liest and tenderest and most aiTectionate
being in the universe. Think of it to
hold an everlasting place in the heart of
God. Tho heart of God! The most beau
tiful palato in tho universe. Let the
archangel build some palace as grand as
that if ho can. Let him crumble up all
the stars of yesternight and tomorrow
night and put them together as mosaics
for such a palace floor. Lot him take all
tho sunrises and sunsets of all the days
and the auroras of all the nights and
hang them as upholstery at its windows.
Let him take all the rivers, and all the
lakes, and all the oceans, and toss them
into tho fountains of this palace court.
Let him take all the gold of all the hills
nn.l hanif it in its chandeliers, ana ail
the pearls of all the seas and all tlto dia
monds of all tho fields, and with them
arch the doorways of that palace, and
then invito into it all tbe glories that
rither ever haw at a Pemian bauqnet,
or Daniel ever walked among in Baby
lonian castles, or Joseph ever witnessed
in Pharaoh's throneroom, and then your
self enter this castle of archangelic con
itruction and see how poor a iwlace it is
compared tb the greater palace that
some of you have already found in the
heart of a loung and pardoning God,
and into which all the music and all the
prayers, and all the sennonlc considera
tions of this day aro trying to introduce
yon through the blood of the slain Lamb.
Ob where is oblivion now? From the
dark and overshadowing word that it
.m.l when I began, it has become
something wbMh no wan or woman or
child who 1 tb Lord iw1 eer 'ear
Oblivion itfmud Oblivion dead. Ob
hnoo wpoWUered. But I must not be so
bard on that aooon -,,.. ...,,
iu L-rave go all to when tbe Lord
for Christ' sakehw forgireu them. Just
blow a morrwtwn trumpet over tbem
when one oUirton bas Mapped them
Iwn. Net oae o! them risw. Blovj
X Not a -ur amid all the pardoned
", ."u.r.f -.lifctin. BlowszsinJ Not
of tbem more, to tl doep
What is tlto condition of yours? Is vour hair drv. 5
harsh, brittle? Docs
lifeless appearance?
brusitca t Is it full or
is it ury or in a ncaicu
your symptoms bo warned in tlmo oryou will become bald. '
SkookumRoot Hair Grower !
Uwhatyounrcd, IUprodtiotlonIinotancllnt,trattharfuUof KlnDtine
mearch. KuowIMko( the dlMauiot tb lialr ml tealp led to thadlacoT. "
error, now to trrattbera.
tba follicles, it ttort falling hair, ert duitdrvjr and grow$ hair on bald
htadt. '
. ntr Seep tba itatp elan, healthy, sad tree from Irritating rrantlani. V '
too uta of ilootum sttm Soap. It dcitroja jxmuflfa f nwcf , u-AicA fttd on '
and rfiitroy tht hair. . ..... . .... . I
It your dniKRlit caanot lopplT you lend direct tens, end we will forward
prepaid, on receiptor price. Orower, (MM ir bottle it toraaoo. Boap.ettt. ,
imotaDTii.tiut&iiAiivhtniiiTcooiinff una reiresnmff Tom& h atimuiatinir .
per jar a iorf4.w.
87 Booth Fifth
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 50th and Cbomeketa street.
J. E.
Geo. Fendrich,
Best meat and free delivery.
136 btate Street.
Take It!
Only 3 cents a 'day delivered at
yonr door,
trenches, lint to this powerless resur
rection trumpet a volco responds, half
human, half tllvlno, nnd it must bo part
man and part God, Bayinff, "Their sins
and their iniquities will I remember no
Thank God for this blessed oblivionl
So you seo I did not invito you down in
to n cellar, but up on i throne not into
tho gravoyard to which all materialism
is distlncd, but into n garden all abloom
with overlasting remembrance Tho
frown of my first toxt has becomo tho
kiss of tho eccond tost. Annihilation
has becomo coronation. Tho wringing
hands of a great agony havo becomo tho
clapping hands of a great joy. Tho
rcquioin with which wo began has be
como tho grand march with which wo
closo. Tho tear of sadness that rolled
down our cheek has struck tho lip ou
which sits tho laughter of eternal tri
aVJOUUUO JOOU O UUUU j HJkI uj uoooo ,
Hair Death
Ilnatantly romovcaand forovor doatroyi nb'
riecllunable hnlr. whether uoon tbe hands
mrm. n.rrnii nr necic. wimmiL aiacoinniuuu
ir Injury to tba moat delicate (Kin. iv
wan for flny years tho wnret ortnu'aol
h'.rummui Wlluin. nckunwledeed by tltlVKl
clans aa the hlKheat authority and I ho;
iiiohi eminent dermntoloKl.t una hulr ape I
clallat tliut ever lived. lJurlag hla private I
pructloHol nllfivllme among the nobility f
mH nrl.truiNi.v nf biirnmi lin tirtf.rrltieil
iblareclpo. 1'rlce, ft y null, ae;urely t
lacKt-a rorrvaKinaonrecouiiueniiai. num.
AgeuiH lor Amenta Aunrwn r
tent. It 67rouih Klith AveuUB.Newr Vnrk
mi tnnnfi' tCii inmni on nro nrtm m ii i
Thk Ohkai'ks'I', Huvn iho Daily
Jouhnal k-fi at vouroillco or reni
(Iniice. OnlvoOutsu moiitli. By mall
25 cts a mouth.
R '' MEN
Easily, Quickly,
Pernunsntljr Reitorcd.
and all (he train of etlli
from earljr errori ur later
exoruei, Uo reiulta of
OT.rxoik, tloltneti,
worry. tto rullttreu(il),
derdopment and tuna
given u atery organ and
tKrtlnn of tbe bod.
Immedlal I m proTtment
area. falluralropOMlbl.
3.WO reference! IViolr.
aiplanatlon and proof!
mailed (waled) free.
urrALo, N.Y.
p.jt.uUBcr. oo.o.uiwanM.
S'AKOY 4 HINOHAM. Attorneys at lw.
Itoomsl'a and J. li'Arcy llullding. Hi
1 street. Special attention given to Dual
new, "the supreme and circuit court of th.
state. a"
a" 1ILMON FORD, Attorney at law, Mm,
. Oregoa. OfTlce up aUlm In I'atUm block
HJ. IIIOO Kit, Attoi ney at Uwalem, Ore
, gon. onice over Huah's bank.
J. 'Attorners at law. Offlrt. over Capital
Satlonal bank, Balem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAIHON, Attorney attaw.ropros
1 1 and i, uh bank building. rialem.Or.
Otnoelnlluih block, between BUlaaud
.... "... vuv nmlllMKV.AT.I AVV.
.1 CoIIecilonaraidai.d proiiiPliy remitted,
ituinhy block. Cor HUU autf Commercial
lreU Halein, Oregon. -"
WO.KNIUHTON-Arcbltet and nrln
Undent. Office, rooms i and
lireyioaa riwcBa
k. lOOUK, Mtonograpber and Tlpf
M , Wrttoat llst equlppe4 VWrMwlot.
fioitutone In Oregon. Oier liush's bank,
isalein, Oregon.
DuTa. UAVliTlMl 1'i-t Graduate of New
ytrk.glYMspSelaiaU.ntloa to the dlj.
ofwoion and eblldren, pomt, Ibroat,
lW;klouiys. sklo dlar and surgsry.
Ijm'at 'rcUe 1I "to eli 0"JJ
U.uffuiulo3a. m and2to)p in. 7-l-6m
0. niiowNB. HDniSWlX!:
goon. urar, ntiyui .-, . .
omiiierctal atreet. t
It T O HM1TI1. !)Ull. muum nun
glfem.OreVo": Vlnlsned den-U opera,
na of every dtacrlpuon, i-inw v.-
Uonea specially,
ur Dl-UOII. Areblftct. plans. plne-
eVL. nwzsun
.trel, up ai-ir.
,....u.inv innnr. V(l. 1 A.O. u. w-
V atVlt ib ban In HUte Insurance
Juildlpg.every r Mw
J, X. MM. WOOD, iUwdtf,
VV5T a)rt"k.
SONHOr VrrKKANH -Himpjer CarnpNo.
it split at tho ends? tias It a,!
Docs it fall out when combed or N
dandruff? Does your scalp itch ?,
conuuion e u tneso arc somo ot
'BXocKim"COMaintnMiiirtnioraiinorcni. K
Ayenne, New York, N, Y.
and Tile-
nnd CandfcB.
p. to. Biboic
The House Mover.
4151 MarloH Street.
Has the'best facilities formovln&and rais
ing houses. Jenve orders at tray llros., or
address Balem, Oregon.
From Terminal or Interior 1'oIouj (lis tho line to take
To all Points East and South,
Itltthedlnlug car route. It runa through
vestibule trains, every day Iu the year to
;(Nj change of cars.)
Co tn posed of dining cars unaurpauod,
lmllman drawing room sleeper
Ollatenl oqulpmeni
Sleeping Cars.
Heat that can be constructed and In which
accoinmodatldn are both Iree and fur
nished for holders of first and second-cuu
tickets, and
Acoutlnuots lino oonn3tlng with nil
lines, utlordlu Ulreot nmt utilnlKrriiptMl
1'ullman sli " " loiiNran km se
cured luadvt any audit
the road, ,
Through tlokeu to und from ull ikiIiiU
In America, Uuglahd and KUrotxt ran be
purchased at auy ticket oltlce l thla ooni.
Kull Information concerning rnla, time
of tralna,rontes andother details furnlahed
on ?pltullon to any ageul or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. No,
121 first street, oor. Waalilngfoni l'ort-
Shaw & Downing, Agents.
l DAYS to
iioars "lcker y-aij: and Kan'
Thfougfi Pullman nd Totiflit Slepefi( ftte
Keclinlng Chair tan, owing wan.
or rales and general Information call on
or address,
VA Wa-Blngton lit.. C'orJhl
rVian.aiin. Okoo ,
ft.Al.lXM, - - - Oregon
Iiivate work a specialty.
U 1. Cf.KM KNT. Manager.
On In pr ted UaI KsUte. a amoanU 0d
Uuu t.s lit- NodsUy Incoruldericg kau.
Itooiu n. Bosh Hank bUnk. Md
MsnulaetareBtandaKt rrd Hrlck,
Molded Hrltk Iu all I'afems tat frcnU
and supply Ihe briek lor tbe Hlem Cli;
Hall and nearly all tbe flue buildings ertetod
Vad wt rIUnUar, Balem, Or. C4 4W
Electric Lights
On Mctcv System.
Thottalrm Light and rower (mpny
(tro-it ementtt tmva eaulnred their Klrrl
uo-it oxpenta have equipped their hlrrtno
I.ltflit plant with the m .ml modern ttppttrntus
tii uppnnuua
ana me now Mile io oner tbe p
light than any ty-lem and at
than any city on the coast.
a rate lower
Arc and IncnmlcsccHt JA&Utl
lug. Llcctiic Motors for nil
purposes whero power Id re
IlctMenccacanbe wired for a many Ilhts
as dealred and tho rounumera pay "r only
uch lights a are uaed. This being rcglstete4
by an Kioctrio Meter. OOlre
179 Commercial
HUNT, the North Salem Balchcr,
BjJ-s he tma sot sold out bat
kiinpty muvtd bU hop to the
tild iisnd at Liberty street
David McKilleii,
Sieai Wood Saw
Leave! orders nt Bnlem Ire
provement Co., 05 Stata street.
The London
San Francisco,' Cal,
TUTi;, locuted permanently at 71K Wa-ket
Hlruui.Hun Kiaurlaro, Cal., fortha cure of all
(ll-ea.tin. nilliotli ns nnd rlufiirmlllus. A slatf
ff pliTalcliumaMdauritfona havlntrdlplomaa
aim uir i nuureriiium m iu ur wJiirHos vi
Auitrlrn nmt J-urippr, sk'lle spccla Isw who
huvo had loner uspurriico Iu Irtattnif spoolat
niidci.ronladUcuses.aiv In oonatatu ttttoad.
miro. ApliNniU'j- im ni inched, and ull pre
rcrlptlons filled free of thnrgo.
$1.00 TiIhI Bottle
$5.00 lull Coiirao
Hullorers from Altluna. Rlteuniatiam, Con.
autniittun, Calami, Oysnejnil, InllffeMkm,
Rcrofulaj Fpllepsy. Vouiale wraknM,C-eer,
Heart l)lanae, iiiouahltls, Krupltone. Halt
Hlinum.llaldniiai, Tapeworm. Dearuecs, any
nexuul JMarstc, Unit Manhood, Malaria. UrI.
nary Troubles. IMIex. llowel 'Troubles, ahould
consult at onco. Ixjw charms, vrlihln the
reach ol all, combined with tbe best lueateal
aud surgical skill.
YouDg; Hiddlo Aged.jand Old Men
Who may be snnerlog from YOUTetfUL
FOI.I.Iiy. or Iho excesses of matured life,
should consult at once, berro It U too late:
these veteran practitioners who have no equal
In the United n Isles, a they can and will r
store to you perfect health when all other
have failed.
Broken Down Conslilulions
are rejuvenated and manly vigor restored by
tbelr new and wonderful mathods of treaU
ment. No Inlurlons drugs tutd. Worn out
ouslneas men. call for advice, especially tl vou
are aufterlug from Nervous liability or falling
power, or any disease of the Kye, Kar.Throal.
Lumis, Heart, Hlomach, tiklu, Kidneys, or
Blood Diseases
Cured In the shortest time by vege
table remedies.
ADC Vni l tron healthy and vigorous
rinil TUU as you Should be T Are you
free from every trare of disease or slokaeMT
Uo rou look wcIT IKi you reel wel T or la there
Mimelhmnlo'lroiibtr; which, like a ratttter
worm In tbe budding flower, 1 fsplely d
stroylng jour very rCals.
alwlsislsir ijiiBalj itlii?
W bo surfer from Nervone l'rostratton, Met
leagues. Orspoudsricy, Ii.dlgMtloiuOusUB
Hon, Lassitude, 1'slus In the llaok or kldeitnd
disiteaea peculiar Io their i. consult tbeee
pliysiciaus wiui ine uiuini cuuuunuon.
719 Market Street
Sai Franc!, Gl.
Leavr fan Kiaoelsco, Kor.eeli, W ee1 ,
i e aee raiutua, pay. eta, m,o, .
For freight and paaeeage r Use apylr Utf
ag.oiorpr.r o, ,. ej,T,
O.T.WAHIJIAW T.r.!" A. , .
U. . 1 OWKKSJ, At lf sWeea V.
; " wiyii"'