Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the"
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
SGcta. a saeMat Vf W
Prepaid la Adraaee.
j AJr 1 x AJL.
i Me Papers Jet Wk tc uut.
VOL. 6.
NO. 2j8,
'"'7 Iiii Jhifieiiig5uirie5iMBMWB
d- 'Y
ft ..I I., i -' ' T. ' " "
A good ass rtment from cheap to best grades. Wo buy
for CASH and sell for CASH, and
From 15 to 25 per cent, on all your purchases..
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Kubber
Hat'', wool and iur'hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and 'Itctail
Denier in Fresh, Salt and
SmokcdIMcats.of nilliinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON; Gcn'l J gent.
SG 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Is experienced when you get your teeth extract d or filled by
? fiONTBIS. as he uses tho Hale method. Gold or for
FeSiu cVownTnstrted. All kinds of plate work done. Bndge
work and nne gold fillings a spec-aUy.
Over Gray Bros.
eod t
Shooting Season Open
We lead on High Stock and Low Prices.
Position of Hawaiian
Our Government Willing to Seo
Them Deposed
Maintain tho Queen on Her
From Honolulu.
Ban Fbancisco.Nov. 13. Associated
Press correspondence from Honolulu,
under date of November 7, says: Up
to tho time the Bteamer left, Minister
Willis had not made known to the pro
visional government, his Instruction
from President Cleveland, consequently
there was no disorder of any kind.
When the steamer left preparations
were being made for the presentation
of Willis' credentials. There Is no
doubt he Is accredited to the provisional
government. The next steamer leaves
Honolulu Novembor 11.
What People Say.
Ban Fhancubco, Nov. 18. It is tha
,tninnf thenasdeneere who arrived
iwro this morning on the steamer Chi
na from Honolulu that tho annexation
ists will make no resistance if tho Uni
ted States orders tho queen put back
but that this government will have to
keep a force of men constantly on shore
to maintain her on the throne, and that
will practically amount to annexation
with the singular anomaly of a terri
tory of the United States governed by
a woman who calls herself queen.
Thurston Gives Offense.
Washington. Nov. 13.- Officials of
the navy department say they have no
news from Honolulu by steamer that
arrived at San Frauclsco. Gresham de
clines to discuss the situation. Some
expressions by tho Hawaiian Minister
'Pi,ra(n nn. nld to have titveu ollVnpe
to the administration a:sd the rumor Is
about that tho Hawaiian represent
tlves will have their exequateurs do
mahded. At all events their position
la an anomalous one, representing as
they do a government wbloh United
States is willing to see deposed.
,.J.,nn,.hlB nr ces. We keep a """ .. . th security, for wrv'ce.
-iSttiBr.&. " -
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
Tho very best of meat at all times,
nd the tK-st of service,
jSy-Oppofllte w aatr "
Steamer flliona
FOB PORTLAND. BoUf. dock M&nud at
inn Fridays 7i a. m.. arriving in runw
prompt attenll nP.1tt ?"-,' Join on the
made, K-fbttld.-
prineiP" a " j M. MAfcTix,
1 VahIUJTJ, vr a. V.vtcK
B.M. B?WJ j.,W'W'..
W.w.MAi"""' uirecwi
H. V. Ar--i
legal JilanJiPuMMtera.
Will Be Resorted to in Rentoring the
Washington, Nov. 13.-Whatever
recourse the administration may have
determined upou to secure the restora
tion of Queen Lllluokalanl, It Is very
evldont Secretary Gresham does not ex
pect extreme measures will have to be
resorted to. The course proposed to be
,..a .tin to bo to request the
present government, In the name of
the Unltea BiawB, iu B. "-v .,...-..,
a .....inn nt the nueen. Hawallans
In this city are very Arm in the convic
tion that the government will refuse to
yield to any sucti genuo ib.buo..
They awert, and It Is their earnest be
l,ef that it will require at least a show of
force to Induce them to resign the reins
of authority. But tnls opinion is not
unanimous among more lammm .
affairs in the islands, h is P' " -
how long and severe the strain there
hv. been on the members of the provls
.... ..WOr.,mHnt in the uncertainty
that has beset their position. The man
i u -r creation, ills
ner anu puri --"- a-AmA ."
nlnlwl OUt. BnOWB liu I -. -
.b, fcl up-n "?--
nbsf.lute disapproval u. ."',.""
eovernment will be announced to tbem
goveiu"' vwi,nturtheout-
by M u sier ytii. "- ;
"s moatby with tbem and .gains tbeir
JIUmuj rntntelV CUt
up hi good order aud the maintenance
of law In the country. Anysort of
assurance from Minister Willis that the
moral lulluenco of the United States
government would be exerted to main
tain a stable government by tit queen,
and restrain It from such vagaries and
aud excesses as the constitution she
sought, to have adopted In January last.
might tempt the members or the pro
visional government to step astda and
trust to tho United States to preserve
their interesta in its own way. Thru is
what Clevelana and Uresbam hope fi
thouch what assurance thoy havo a
thorlzed our minister to give as to tho
future influence by this government iu
tho islands is not Known.
New Tfork Importers Will Pay Gold.
New York, Nov. 13. As a result of
the recent visit to New York of Secre
tary Carlisle and his subsequent con
ference with the bankers, a plan has
been nerfeoted to Increase the $100,000.-
000 surplus gold In the treasury, wbloh
has been reduced to (85,003,000. Tuo
bauks, which do business with import
int. tmnorters. keen sneclal denoslts at
the sub-treasury io cover checks of cus
toms duties, which must be paid in
cash. Tbu Importer having duties to
pay takes a certified check to tho custom-House.
At Iho end of the day it
goes with other customs receipts to the
sub-treasury, where it 1b deducted from
the deooslt of tlio bank upon which it
Is drawn. Customs duties may be paid
in nny kind of money, except national
banknotes. The proportion of gold
has not averaged ver 1 per rent. Tho
largest payments have been mado In
treasury notes, the notes Issued by the
government for the purchase of silver
bullion. Tho banks will hereafter ln
crease the proportion of gold in their
deposits at tho sub-treasury. The as
sociate bauks of New York havo about
$00,000,000 in gold.
Attempted Train Robbery.
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13. Last
night robbers attempted to wreck tho
Omaha pussenger train near Worthing,
ton. Tho track vs so obstructed as to
throw the train on the track. While
..vuniitmr Its nrrlval tho robbers held
ud shot and robbed a man who hap
pened to pass. This put me rauronu
olHcials on guard. They sent ahead a
pijot engine which found tho track
The name or tne wouuueu uinu m ...
B. Iverson. 'Iho railroad Is Inollned to
doubt the truth of his story, and think
it peculiar.
After Defaulters,
New Yohk, Nov. 13.-L. A. Hllllurd
was arret-ted hero this morning. He
...... .,at,inr nf the Chlcuiro Trlbuno and
September Inst abscouded with thirty
thousand dollar.
Washington, Nov. 13.-Secrelary
Gresham senta cablegram to tho United
Slate minister at Guatamala asking ar
rest of L. F. Menage, fugitive president
of tho insolvent Northwestern Guars u-
tv Loan Co. of Minneapolis.
Oregon's Tribute
Ohio's Governor.
K v
Over Sweeping Victories for Re
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
J Baking
X .a
Lifo-Sizo IJictnro of Mcltinley U
Toiled at tho Upora House
rl'he Losses Estimated.
Madhid, Nov. 13.-Concernlng the
Santander disaster, tho latest reports
put the number of killed ui two iiuu
dred and fifty and wounded) four hun
dred. The property loss is nearly three
million dollar.
Wn.hinrton Attached.
n,...nn Ills. Nov. 13,-The sbcrifl I torohes, followed
.i. .wminn of the Washington state
building at the world's fairgrounds to-
dav under atiacliment oy mo umuu
National banK io euion;o v...
Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo 1 ss
Lucas County, J"
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
l. the senior partner of the Hrm of V. J .
wtv orrolwlo, county and sfate afore
?.& and that said tirmi will pay the
Hworn to before m anu auiiscniieu
In my prwenM. this Oth day of Decern
ber, A. D., iW . w ,.,.
Notary Public.
i Heal
Tuepp is Hope
u t-t taff S5 ? s. M:
an it Krldaya 74 a, m., arriving
BETORN1NO, tave. tortUnd,
Tbnr4yaandSaturdAyat8a. W.
Fiwt lime for paener aervlee; no T
UnOlns freight nandied. nWaT
R..iiNnTiUPiunllmHea)ti(- Oneway.
J?JS ? be. tU U boj
Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken InU-roally
inri Vela directly on the blood and mu
wiwrfreJ. tothe.y.tem. 8nd for
KTcti" C., Toledo, Ohio.
j-8old by rtruirumm, io ci.
BanPkancjsoo, Nov. 13 Wtieai,
P..iflAno. Nov. l3.-i;a". i
pninXAHD. Nr,v, 13.-Wheat vauey,
yil - . mn.t mllitauit tTP Pn
SSSMsasm ,.66;WaHa Walto M.
k-BiH aa "w. . . J m nnn mii v--- air a -
JrSlXll5" .. KAINO.- Order lilt
ffi BrpV,,n"r - 'nSijiw Da fcv by mall.83nUa
2SittiIirrwau,BT .MM-ai.OAl. 9.15.V. K i-new leul ftftrr UlUtt i
Orogon'a Tributo To McKtnley.
Tho Capital City of Orogon Indulged
nirntn a senerous political Instinct lu
devoting Saturday and Saturday ovon-
ing to paying ajusl tribute to tho lle
publlcnn victories of last Tuesday and
that grand Insplrer of Reriubllcan suc
cess, Major William MoKluley of Ohio.
Early in tho day tho olty of Salem bo
gan to fill up with peoplo from tho fruit
farms, the sheep and grain ranohes,
and tho neighboring towns. By sun-
down theslreetB werothrongea Willi
aii old-time tonubllcan crowd bent ou
on niil time Itenublloan Jubilee. The
occasional blast of a tin horn in tue
hands of tho small boy and tho explos
ion of Chinese crackers gave touen or
tho uproar and din that was to follow
later In the evening, when tho stalwart
MoKluley yoemanry of Oregon added
t meal contributions to tho already
discomfited democracy aud Republican
boys by batalliona put tho rasaie-uttzzio
on the young Democrats with a bedlam
or Indescrlbablo noises.
was fired shortly after seven o'clock
and In a few minutes everybody was
on tho streets. It was a beautiful even
ing and the street cars wero orowdod
with people from tho suburbs. The
sidewalks aud streets were well-nigh
impassablo forcrowdB by 7:80 but tho
best of good humor prevailed. No po
lice wero required, no one was hurt, no
accidents happened audt'ho few who
had got drunk during tho day had goco
home early to avoid tho crush. Con
spicuous among tho surging of
peoplo were Republican larmcrs weur
lug a sheepskin with the wool outside
thrown ovec their snouiuers. every
body was shouting and talking JilcKlu
ley. Tho ladles wero out in uiiuhubI
number. A little short man not much
over threo feet high wedged his way
through the crowd in front of the Joun
NAli ofllco wliero it was thickest aud
siroe one notlclpg his dlmlnutlvo size,
"There goes tno uemocrauu iuoju.-
"No, it alnt," said the dwarf, "I'm a
McKlnley man."
from .Hotel Willamette at 7:30 led by
Mu. Heraind Rcclmeut band with
by Republican ana
bearers of transparencies. Tho largest
was "McKlnley Resurrected." It will
bo remembered that last November tue
. future of the Democratic parade
on the occasion of Cleveland's election
was a transparency Illuminated anu Malor McKlnley Inacoflln
being borno to his tomb by prominent
Republicans, This had oeeo uisoovercu
hid away out of sight lnce last year by
Its Democratic owner, it was reiiauiu
toted for tho present occasion with
proper additional lettering. It wa
eirrlolby uMi loyal Republican as
U, D. Ottbrlelson, Alia uiesy, rreu d.
Stewart, and Bam Jllshop. un one
Bide was a scene representing me v hiwj
rrn.,.. In the left Iianu corner, uo
the roof stood Grover Cleveland look
ing far away lu the distance inrougu n
telescope, through tho wrong end, of
course, at McKtnley. Iu the right
t..nA ,mi was McKlnley with a largo
manuscript marked "Bill" in one hand
and a valise In tho oilier, in ik
terswefc: "Till u "e uwh- )
had come to tay. To all Rppearancw
Orover wa being terribly deceived by
the UIcope a to the distance of Mc
Klnley from the preeiuema vu...
Near McKlnley waa -mciviuipj .
uvi it nn ih other aide wm a coflln
ipuv. - --
on which wa Inscribed the following
Died, Nov. 8, 1602, of tarlll cone."
Uo ow and In other place were: "IU
urrected by the Republican Ndv. 7,
. . .n .. .. i. ... i.lmi..' iftnia be Still.
jii v atavi bib lu &awava - j - ' - w
1 the cue U at rwt," "Reed," "It wa
land elldo." Another transparency
used In 1892 was a great big platform
.filled with people. Abovo wns "The
'Democratic platform is strong enough
tl hold them all." Tho terribly split
u'n the back condition of the Democraoy
at present caused this bannnor to havo
a laughablo slgnldcauce. There wero
scores of protection Democrats tramp
ing Republican mud in Salem Satur
day nlgbt.
Auothor doMgu very muoh noticed
and appropriate was one manned by F
A. Tnrnor. nil tiv himself. It (nriHlRtpd
... , -j ...
of a long polo on tho end of wbloh was
a placard aud Insoribed on It in letters
were: "Pennoyor'a Thanksgiving."
Dancllmr bv one lea from the end of a
string which was fastened, to the end of
the pole, was a big black crow. It waa
tho crow presented to tho Marlon
County Democrat by a free-silver farm
er. Cannon boomed, rockets toro through
tho air, a thousand horns and belts
sounded, all the steam whistles on the
stoamboatB on tho river and many of
tho faotorles snundod their shrill blasts,
the small boy yelled and every body
was happy. The biggest kind of bon
fires blazed on every corner. Tho Sa
lem Woolen Mills donated a cord of
wood and said there were 175 cords
moro that could bo had to burn for
McKlnley. A balloon was eeut up
from tho opera uoubo coruer and as
condod about two miles. Business
houses and residences wero illuminated
and the state house hadnlllUeleotrla
lights turned ou. Tho olty was a blaze
of glory. Tho band and procession
mnrched to several of tho moat beauti
fully decorated residences and serenaded
tho proprietors. Among tho homes II
lumlnated nud beautifully decorated
on Stato aud Court streets wero tho
homes of C. L. Keller, Km;cuo and
Worner Breymau, E. M. Walto, Dr.
Phllbrook, Win. Brown. Dr. Davis, F.
E. Hodgkln, Mrs. E. N. Cook, ex-Gov.
Moody, O. IS. Krauso, and Dr. W. II.
Byrd (by hU wife), Prof. E. B. McEl
roy and MoJ. George William.
Tho crowd had a surprise In store for
them. Tho house was filled before tho
band nrrlved. The stago was ono mass
of tho national colors. Two forty foot
flans, many smaller ones, thousands of
yards of bunting decorated tho wholo
Over tho stage in massive letterb of
whlto chrysanthemums on a scarlet
background wero tho letters "M-0
K I N L IS Y." On tho speaker's
stand was an Immenso bouquet of red
ilnwcrs of tho same kitid, At the left
was a large easel with a life slzu picture
of McKlnley draped In tho national
colore and Oregon ivy, andetlng upon
n heautlful snowy llecco. embloraiitloal
of the Importance of tho wool Industry
of this state. It waa unvellod at llie
moment one of the speakers referred to
the distinguished Ohloan lu paraphrase
of Shakespear:
"Four time sent to rongreaa, twice
elected Governor, President he shall
be I" followed by tremendous ap
It would be Imiioaslh o to give a re
port that would do Juitlce to all tha
apeaker of the evening. The audience
was a fine one anu aecnimi ui nave iu
applause hung ob a hair trigger ready
to go oft on lliaBiigiHeii jur oi iw aeuai
blllties. Bo there wa a constant up
rni.r nf lauuhUr at hit, tramping and
clappiug of hands at good point at the
expejteof the Democrat aud there
seemed to be no end io mem. city
Chairman Smith introduced Hon. J, J,
Murpbey lu a happy way that set tho
ball rollltiK. And Oh, my I How the
Judge did roll it, He wa very fellc-
HuobIii quoting from Abrahun Lin
coln, lu what he Mid avoui tub iirnu to
tho extent to which tha people could be
fooled all tho time. Mayor uaion,
probably the younget mayor or a tie
publican Capital City In the Uultd
States, who toiu uow tne vicwcjr
won. He wa roundly applauded. O.l
B. Moore uxt woke up the boy by
describing the Democratlo rauneniiou
held lu that m place a year ago in a
verv humorou manner. He conclud
ed with the pu of the IrUhuiau who 1
wore the Cleveland campaign rooter I
on Mb hat for the last time, amjd great
Hon. John Mlnto And H. J. BUrotr
followed with sennlhlA tariff nnAuiiM
of a few minutes each that were round
ly applauded, Tho one w a wool grow
er and tho other a native Feonaylva
ulan. E, Hofer took the nkeeonthe
program allotted to Lydell Baker of
Portland. Then follnwd br nrtslnal
campaign soug written by Judge L. D.
tienry ana sung by h. g. Kuadm,
who received an encore. The word
were as follews:
lTune "Up Kiugdnm ttomln "1
Eny Mom'. MU havo jouieon McKlnley
From the gold o d Uuckeye tate,
do 'loug toward tlio white House a ruHBlag
Kor he'll get there tunu fate,
llo'suplked their gan on the 'hlo river
WhcroNeAlhid. thought to win the fray
The KroeTmdo ihlpla already ttnklng
And I'roteotlon'U gain the dy.
tl rover's lx loot one way, three feet totter,
And he welghi three hundred pound.
Ho' o big ho exrecta to run hU party
llut he cant reach half way round.
He boss to much ihoy call htmCamar
llut "Uavo" so big a "illll" to dtaob,
I expect he'll but t 'em all to plooei
fxing before Klfctloa time.
Tha I'opnlUU they make as trouble
And tbcy'ye kept as out a spell. ''
Hut their mouth' o big they died a talking
Where they're burled, who ca-e to tell,
"Freo Trade" is loH, Boe Kule" U brckn
llut the Dom'craU'JI havo thrlr pny;
They're old euough, Mi CHOiigii, ought to
know belter,
Than to help tCnglaad win the tiny".
Uem'c-Jti mourn Ual lutt KepnblteeM
lmijt) hoi hot
It mint be now "Good Timb" arecomlrg
For "1' ote jtlon'a all the go-"
At tho conclusion of this, one of the
happiest features of tho evening waa
tho Introduction of Judgo James Wal
ton. A lifelong Dutuocrut and chair
man of tho last Democratlo county con
vention. A Cloveluud man to the core,
ho warmlv onnlauded the financial
views of tho presldeut and the stubborn
fight he had made for repeal or t;tie pur
chase claudo of the Sherman bllljn
whluh ho had tho solid support of the
tteptiuitcanB leu uy ouermau iiiuweu.
Tho Judgo carao very near taking the
lauruls of applause from tome of the
Republicans uud aa usual acquiuea
himself very well.
Then the baud played and there
wero more speeches by M, M. Hunt, JET.
W. Cottle, Capt. 8aunderon Gen, W.
H. Odell, Geo. O. Bingham rwUVT,
deer. Tho latter eclipsed hi best rec
ord as a platform humorist. On tha
way to town from his country home h
had met a Democrat, who when asked
about tho result of tho elections told
him tho Democratlo party had gene to
h 11 ! Thl let loose the oyolone of
pent-up Republican hilarity to such aa
extent that bo could not proceed for
several raluutes. MoKluley will enjoy
reading tho rotnnrk of that Democrat
whou ho gets Tjih Jouhnal. HI
whole speech abouuded lu tolliug bite,
Tho audience tired thnielve out
laughlugaud were about ready to go
homo at tho close of hi remarks, but
there wero a few more good RepubMoan
speeches waiting to be delivered audi
then all departed. The ek-ctrio ear ,
were kept ruuulnjr, to a lata uouriaa
iiur tho nconle home. It In t bough fc
flve thousand people were In ttttde)
upon the McKluley Jollllicatioo, aiw u
tho Republicans of Oregon have their
way he will be tho choice of the nation
al convention of 1800 for pretJdeat aa be
wflH their choice iu 1802 at Mlnneapollf.
0 unty Chairman Patteoa and City
Obolrui m 8m tu are entitled to a rat
leal of credit for the exeeedlbgly wM
niauaKed dauiouuaiiQ, a wu
various ub-comaaJUM who aeted ua
der them,
Tin. Mnnt ilea irtlo M im op
house wero mainly due to th Uboie rf
Mr. 8. C B owne, a stauacw eow.
i . . ...... l.llu filuea
can. auu me y-Mi uw v
JoUKNAd oMce.
State Manager Vton and ti ChW
ru ,u.t a iili lav'i work lu deeotUM
the tafio and drapln the gaUetrlaaP
Th uiii;ravlmr of Malor MeKlnley
wa furnished by Dr, Annie Jry
of B1hi. Thl tm iufwn w
hung Uautlfutiy drape from Uw
Aii. tiMMi window, the BOvefeMur I
fellow to wwwian, aim mm toman, t
(tuneiujea ou icarve vm-l
. s ssr-