Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Dally News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasti
$3.00 a Year.
25 eta, a MOBth bjr Mail
Prepaid la Advaaee,
Mo Papers Sent Wket
Time a Oat.
VOL. 6.
NO. 27.
-rrv "t,
A good ass rtment from cheap to best grades. Wo buy
for CASH and sell for CASH, and
From 15 to 25 p er cent, on all your purchases.
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Eubber
Hate, wool and iur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Hctail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Suiokcd'SIeats of allEiiiitls
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
E. Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLBT01T, Gen'l A gent.
8c 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
ra d cTowntrd All kind, of plat, work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
Over Gray .Bros.
Shooting Season Open
Illinois Central Train
Horo Lawyers Get Fat Railroad
Wo lead on High Stock and Low Prices.
T11E 'EW
Completed and ready to wait on customs Horse i boarded I by dayw
Barn and residence a oiw '""
Successful Train Bobbery.
Cairo, 111., Nov. II. The Illinois
Cent ml train was held up at May Held
Bridge, Ky., eight miles south of here
by Ave masked men this morning The
robbers secured a small amount of cash
and a valuable package, contents un
known. No clue.
One packags is said to contain four
teen huudred dollars. The robbers also
robbed the passengers getting little.
Blood hounds have been sent from
Paducah, Ky,, to track the rubbers.
Battle With Robbers.
Paris, Ky., Nov. 11. Last night
eight strangers rode into North Middle-
ton. It is supposed their Intention
wns to rob the bank. They shot at
every persou on the street, mortally
wounding Burt Morris, an old negro.
The citizens opened fire on the desper
adoes, who answered with a volley from
pistols. The desperadoes left, but re
turnedau hourlater, were charged upon
by the citizens, and driven out of town.
Three of the robbers are badly wounded
but were carried off" by others.
After Boodlers.
Kalispell, Mont., Nov. 11. The
County Sheriff, County Clerk, Assessor
Jailor and county commissioners have
been indicted for embezzlement and
official misconduct.
Disappears With Lucre.
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 11. Marlon
Heller, a contractor and builder, en
gaged on government work, has disap
peared, with a large amount belonging
to the government, and sub contractors
believe he bus gone to Australia.
After the Anarchists.
Paris, Nov. 11. High Spanish po
lice ofliclali have arrived here on a
special mission in connection with the
recent dynamite bomb outrage at Bar
celona. Several arrests of French an
archists who are suspected of complic
ity In Llceo Theatre explosion are ex
pected toe'ay.
Postmaster Murdered.
Denver; Nov. ll.Postmaster Bern
Is, of Lausiug, was murdered last night
It Is also reported that his otnee was
robbed and that the murderer escaped.
Tt la helleued an Investigation will
result In disclosures showing the an
archists of Europe as acting In concert,
and the lecent dyuamlte outrages and
conspiracies have been carefully
planned by the central committee,
whjse headquarters are not yet located.
Chinese Woman Murdered.
Ponn,AND, Nov. . 11.- About 10
o'clock last night Gong Fa, a Chlneoo
woman was found dead in the gutter
at the corner of Secoud and Pine streets,
only one block from the police station,
and immediately under an arc light.
Her throat was slashed in a fearful
mnr.Mr. the head being almost severed
from the trunk, ami under the body
lay a huge knife more than a foot In
length, while a stream of warm blood
flowed dowu the gutter. The place
where the body was found Is in the
ruldst of a Cbiuese quarter and China
mn r nasslue the corner continuous-
IIIW1 - f " .
lv nearly all night, butsoiarnownuCTn
of the murder has ueen iouuu.
who d scoverea we "'j
Paris Socialists Will Observe Novem
ber 14th.
Paris, Nov. 11. The socialists t've
decided to make a detuonstratiou nthe
opening of the chamber of deputies
Nov. 14th. They intend to march to
the chamber. The socialist members
of the chamber will participate liAbe
procession. The Rovernment will al
low the carrying only of the tricolor.
The paraders have been forbidden 'to
shout for socialism. The proce'on
will not bo allowed to approach nearer
the chamber than the Place de la Con
corde. Le Gaulols asserts that the
government is wllliug to grant a par
tial amnesty to political exiles, includ
ing Rocuefort and Couut Dillon, lead
ers rf the Bouaugist movement.
Get Fat Offices. o
New York, Nov. 11. It is 'An
nounced authoritatively that It has
been decided on the part of tbo govern
ment to ask the court today to appoint
J. W. Doane of Chicago and Frederick
K. Coudert of New York, to be associ
ate receivers of the Union PaclQo rail
road. This will give the government
three representatives. Receiver Clark
will be placed In charge of the operating
department aud Receiver Mink of ac
counts In the departments. It Is un
derstood that additional receivers are
likely to be appointed to represent pth
er security holders of the Union Pa
ul Ho.
Fatal Mine Accident.
Welch, W. Va., Nov. ll.-The slate
roof in the Croxier mines fell in today,
killing James Block, John Jones and
J. B Davis.
A 'Frisco Fire.
Ban Francisco, Cal., Nov. 11. The
warehouse of the Wisconsin Furniture
Co., was destroyed by lire last night.
Building and stock valued at 18, 000 a
total loss. Insurance, (12,000. John
Peralta a fireman, Is missing aud it is
believed he perished in the flames.
A Fatal Explosion.
Warsaw, Nov. 11. A dispatch from
the Russian Polish town says!
an explosion in a cbendst shop killed
21 people and wounded many more.
The Amapala Incident.
New York, Nov. 11. A Wotld's
Tegucigalpa dispatch says: "Colonel
Villela has been summoned here by
order of the president to give au ac
count of his conduct In demanding the
delivery of Boullla from a Pacific Mall
bleatuer. The government does not
sustain his action. Steps have already
been taken to ask for the extradition of
Bonllla from Guatemala. Troops are
being concentrated on the Honduras
frontier. President Vasqucz denies
tho reports telegrtiphed aboard regard
ing the Amapala iuoideut. He says
he ordered the authorities of Amapala
to secure the arrest of General Boullla
by legal means and lies begun an In
vestigation to ascertain if Colonel VII
lela exceeded his powers by firing op a
steaniBhlp flying the American flag.
Rumors are circulated the United
States is about to declaro war against
Honduras making Nicaragua their
Will be
a Democratic
Washington, Nov. 11. Ten days,
or a fortnight, will probably see tho new
Democratic tarllT bill givon to the pub
lic The Democratic members of tho
ways and means committee haye uot
yet made their final revision of any
schedules, but a number of them aro
decided upon for all practical purposos,
and will not be changed, except in
minor details. The policy of a revenue
tariff will be pretty closely adhered to
In dealing with raw materials and
partly-maaufaotured goods, and con
siderable cuts will bo made on finished
The wool schedule may bo slightly
modified in the dotlultlons of goods,but
it Is belieVrd that tbo duties will re
main substantially the same, tho max
imum being 40 per cent, and tho ad
valorem rates below that figure being
generally reduced 5 por cent. The
provision regarding silverlead ores will
bo substantially that enacted by tho
rj2d ooHgress, that lead ore shall pay 1
cents per pouud, but that ores In which
the value of the silver Is greater than
that of tho load shall be considered sil
ver ores and exempt from duty, The
duty on tin plate Is likely to bo reduced
from 2 2 cents to 1 cent per pound for
the present, with perhaps a reduotlon
after a few years to tho free list, Tho
bills which passed tho houao In tho last
congress regarding cotton tagging and
binding twine made both absolutely
free of duty, but (hero has been some
opposition to thoso provisions ou the
ground tbat thoy were not in harmony
with other parts of tho tariff, aud a
moderate duty may be retained. Block
tin will probably bo made froo ot duty,
as was unanimously voted by tho ways
end means commltteo in tbo laBt con
gress, at tho demand of tho tin-plate
It is calcuatod tbat an Immense reve
nue can bo derived from a very small
tax upon the Inoomes earned by profes
sional and buslneaa men throughout
tbe couutry, and this will equellze the
disproportionate burden Imposed upon
the poor by some of the tarlfl duties.
Arctic Expedition.
London. Nov. 11. The Pall
Gazette says Dr. Nausen'e prospects In
reaching the north pole are greatly im
proved. Norwegian seal hunters Just
returned from extreme northern Nor
way report that at the time they were
there Nanscn'a expedition was entering
Kara sea. This was iu August, and
the teal hunters were then able to
cruise freely In the northern parU
around Nova Zsmbla Islands, northeast
Past and west. The wnler add that
overau area of 20 to 30 mllei there was
no Ice. and that tney ooum jutiite iniu
white man who ""-' "",. the waves lbt the -ea w quite clear
notified the police station and the body the wa , ( (Jmt hw ,,
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
Tho varv heat of meats at all
and the best of service.
larOpposlto Wade's Store.
tir A f-ITRICK.
Steamer Bom
Leave. Boise'- dock MondMfc WIMJ ft
ant Fridays 7:8 a- w,. arriving In f uruu
Returning, leave, veft'''
.UU..U.J. ..,. 4T
Ft lime tor pasenier ".
Undine freight handled. -
ROUND TRIP (unlimited) 12.00. One w7,
Vor freight r,tes and ikkuaPP7 t0m
eU,WrtbtOo.,Hlsianb!oc. "
Trau'U a SXggt!2$SS'l oau.
PPlVhSenCebt.DdC.old on IM
1 VaK I UYW, .y A cone.
W. W. M AUTIK. J- " "iuiwKiri.
legal jaanhPnhlUhere.
u.ort n the morgue, wuen
was tuuj- - - j i i
found the body was warm and it Is
believed the woman bad not been dead
more than five minutes, No outcry
L beard and It is thought the mur-
j n..rhMi tne vicwm "" ""
hind and covering her mouth with hi.
band killed her with one stroke of the
iere "Mother' :"i.?t.Vffdmncb
BojdbyUDniKfat' Aituru,aA
further north. They add mat were is
every probability that lh Fraiu had
Mn. through the othel wise Ice-choked
v-,. I in a few days after leaving
t...-.trait. Iu a their experience
these high latitude have never been so
i?.- if a letter from Nanseu
adds Ibat Ui W"(U frolu ib0 u,.h ro
nTrthXly &vrbe, driving the Ice
etlll further uorthj
Spaniard and Moors Fighting.
Madrid, Nov. 11.-II0.UIUIM were
renewed ywterday tweeu the Span
,Hh force aud tbe Moore. TUBpM
Uh gunboat Venadlto ahw shelled the
The Revorond Tothoroh Will Loavo
tho Ministry.
CmoAao, Nov. 11. Charges of mis
conduct with a woman while attending
tbe last general assembly of tho Pres
tcrlan church at Portland, Or., are
pending before tbo Chicago presbytery
against Rev. W. W. Totherob, of Hyde
Park church. Totberoh has denied
tho charges, but a morning paper sayo
tho fact camo to light that dotoctlves
saw him In company with Mr, Harriet
P. Hamilton, Wednesday, entoraoheap
hotel, Several members of his church
were summoned, who stood guard, and
at the expiration of five hours Totberoh
and tbo woman emerged from an apart
ment. Been at Ills residence by a re
porter, he said: "I war at tho hotel with
Mrs. Hamilton, but I deny tbo specific
charge, and I dony that I havo been
guilty at any other time, though I have
ofton met tbo lady. I admit appear
ances aroagalust me. As to making
an explanation, I do not suppose that
would bo worth while; whatever I
might eay would be misconstrued."
'Will you appear before tho presby
tery at the trial Monday to make any
No; I shall renounce thejurlsdlctlon
of the presbytery, and that will relieve
me of the necessity of doing anywing
of tho kind, and 1 wish you would em
phasize this point tbat 1 have been
wanting to leave, not the Presbyterian
church alouo, but tho ministry, for
mouths, but I have been kept In
against my will. My friends have nc t
understood me,"
An afternoon paper publUhesanln
,riw with members of Toiberob'e
cougreitatlon who were present wl en
Totinrnii rhrio out of the room In
which they bay he made a full and
complete confe!oH of his guilt; that
he admitted having rental a room in
tbls city from March to July last with
the woman, under the name of Wil
liams; that he had Jived at hotels in
Portland and Taooma as charged.
They add tbat thU confession wa
written out and signed by Totberoh
and will be presented to the presbytery
t Mnndav. Totberoh seemed to
think it a good Joke to have hood
winked his parUhnncrs.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report
"Tho Rebel Quoon" Is a novel on the
woman queellou. Tboso who aro strug
gling with tho terrible equation of re
lative rights of husband aud wife will
bore find tbo problem solved in one
way at least. Next, it lnvolvoi tbe He
brew question, and If you wish to bo
able to decldo whether rell-doui Inter
marriages are tho thing tint produces
happiness or misery, senn these pao.
It is not Walter Bcsaut's greatest novel
and it is uot exactly what may tie
termed a purpose novol, therefore It Ik
qullo good reading for the multitude
throughout. It abound Iu strong
situations and tho seuroher for apt
phrases will ilnd n choice OJllootlou Iu
these pages. Among other are "cer
tain glory waiting to be plokod up,"
and, "wo hope for tho Impossible, we
accept tho luovltablo." Tho publishers
of all of Mr. Besant's works aro Harper
& Blethers, Franklin Squaro, New
"Bertha Wray's New Name" is
Amauda M. Douglass' latest novel from
tho press of Leo aud Bbepard, Boston.
This lady Is ouo of tho lending writers
of fiction of the present day and read
ers will recall a reylow of Larry, a boy's
story from her pou during tho past
year. This novel Is tho perfeotly whole
somo account of a young girl's Ufa in
tho society of relatives rich aud pour,
In the couutry aud city. Iu all situa
tions tho languago is puro, elevating
aud refining, aud Just what young mou
aud women should have an abundance
of In tho long mouths of winter when
they cannot go out Into tho world of
culture, as tboso who have tho benefit
of travel and soolety. This Is the 22nd
of tbo Douglas novels and wo cannot
oommeud them too highly for any lib
rary. "My Year In a Log Cabin," by V. D.
ilowells, Is reproduced In Harpor'a
Blaokand Whlto eerie?. Itlsaprelty
booklet for an ovenlug's family fireside
reading and recalls much the same ex
periences that would Impress them
selves upon tho mind of any sousltlve,
Imaginative boy, ouly tho average boy
could not tell tnera In as Interesting a
manner as Is dono by Ilowells. In the
diort chapters thero Is a touch hero aud
i hero of tho pathetic and the humor
ius. Wo feel the quiet woodllfa aud
tho brotherhood with uaturo that Is so
present In Thoreau. In all this trllie of
Ilowells' Is woll worthy preservation,
as Is prettily aud appropriately dono iu
this form aud with two Illustrations.
Emily Malbono Morgan In "A Poppy
Garden" reyeals romarkablo ability ai
a word painter. Btrewu like gems
through theso pages are tho lowlier aud
Impler Uvea so llltlo nflectod by lltor
i tours yet so much adorning literature
when thoy ontor fta pages, This book
Brother of a Senator.
VoucQve, Iowa, Nov. ll.-Professor
W J. Htiup, brother of Bmttor
Bboup, of Idsh'i. died this iornln.
Order the
nZliZ, Daily by mall. 25 cent a
month. No PJ'B
sent after time la
BAN Fiuncwoo, Nov. 11. Wheat,
Nov. ll.-Cash, 60;D
Dee. H.U8.
cetnber 63.
Portland. Nov. ll.-Wbet valley,
tells in puro flowing English how much
pleasure, color, associations and endur
ing affection can outer dull and com
monplace lives from a simple bod of
topples. Thero are passages as clear
4nd spiritually beautiful as the tender
est work of Ruskln In his lighter velus.
The "Poppy Garden" is destined to bo
icla-islc. The illustrations uro plenti
ful aud unique enough to tmko It a
very pretty gift book and nob y eentl-
nenUl withal. Anson D. F. Itaudolf
it Co.. 182 Fifth avenue, New York.
"La IUbida" by Mary Lumber! U
one of the many poetla tributes to the
horo of the Columbian year. The large
creamy pagei aro bordered with splamts
of marooo, each page has au artlstlo
Initial, and every other po U an illus
tration, one of them being a roproaiio
tlou of one of the ruot famous paint
nigs at tbe world's fair. It represents
the discoverer before the court of Fer
llnaud at the trait a momont when
that monarch pledges Queen Isabella's
.irown Jewels and makej Columbui'
muh his own. The rnoit strlklnn P
a If ll -.. 11 A
age U wnero ne is uiscnueu n
lover In thy curling arms, oh pas
lonod sea, Columbus wooed thy heart
of witching mystery." For ooptejad
JreM the author, Oakland, Oil.
"Kindness to Aulmils' Is a cheap
manual for ue In schools aud families
m teach children tholr propar relatjon
toUod's dumb creature. Their care,
food and proper treatment is brought
outlndeUll by question and answer,
ind tho wholo forms a complete course
of humane education for each week Iu
tho year. It Is printed for two dollars
per huudred by tho Amerloan society
for the prevention of cruelty to animals,
10 East 231 Bt. New York, John P.
Haines, president.
A beautiful Gorman homo Is pictured
iu "The Story ot My Life" by George
Eiers, the emlnont Egyptologist and
novelist, author of "Uarda" aud a score
of othor works of fiction and biography.
Bo is by far the most widely read of
Gormtu authors of the present ago. It
is a o ireful study aud self-Inquiry Into
his chlldllfe. The iinro interesting
oh iptora for educators uiul pireuU will
)o found the uccouuU of Inn attendance
it the Froebel institute as oonduoted
by Froebel himself lu Kellhau. The
personal recollections of the great
founder of the now oduoatlon and the
years spout under his tutelage by this
Huocessful literary man aro n grand con
tribution to the history of the, kinder
garten movement. The meetings with
emlnont men of Europo, his travels,
itudlesand preparations for hlsgreat
life work bid fair to make this ono of
the few groat autobiographies of the
prosout century. D. Appleton & Co,,
Publishers, New York.
The November St, Nicholas is the
first of Vol. XXL, with the old Wide
Awake magazluo merged Into It. Mark
Twain's new Btory of "Tom Sawyer
Abroad," and tho first of a Bcrlea of In
dian talcs by Rudyard Kipling are the
lltorary features. Tho consolidation of
tho magazluos may bo tho result of hard
times but Is more likely to mark the
decline of what has boon tho papular
Youth's porlodlal of tho past. Tho
boys aud girls monthly of tho future h
going to bo mire In tho Hue of the new
education, tuau of entering to popular
demand for merely taklug and catchy
"Practical Suggestions for Kinder
gartuors, Primary Toaohon and Moth
era" worked out with praotloes of suit
able talks, stories aud illustrations by
Joannntto R. Gregory, Is rocolved from
IS. P. West, 1012 Eut Grand avenue,
St, Louis, Mo., It Is n beautiful quarto
of tho amplltudo of tho "Motherplays"
composed of 220 pages, with blank
spaces for note by the kmdorgrtner,
and thus becomes an actual working
battery of stored and original forces of
tho now education. It will wonderful
ly enlarge the capacity of those already
In the work and mako it possible for
many to becomo actual klndergartnp re
who havo not tbe organizing skill to
plan and lay out their own labors front
day to day. Tho Motherplay pictures
are elaborated In au extended conversa
tion each and the volume concludes
with a collection of stories employed In
tho actual work of tho kindergarten.
The work with gifts Is also given fully
with Illustrated pages. Thero la a pro
gram arranged to be worked out by the
teacher for each week. Tho book may
be named "The Amerloan Motherplay."
A Lot of Clever Swindlers.
Livkri'ool,Nov. 11 Four men ami
two women will bo arrested charjpjtl
with glgantlo Bwludlluir, They oper
ated uudor two firm names, both claim
lug to bo American merchants aud ex
porters. By means of mutual refer
ences, they succeeded In getting trust
by IWIlrms for goods to theyalueof
many thousands of pounds, alleged tot
the American market, whiok tlwy
pawned In Liverpool or told at auetle
at other towns.
Htate of Ohio, City of Toledo! sa
Lucas County, J
1' rati K J uueney inanea ow
Is tho senior partuer of the firm of F. J .
Clheuev it Co,, dolug buslue k tk
city ofToledo, county and state
said, and that said Hrm will y:
sum of Hie huudred dollars for
ami ovrv case or catarrh iwh ft
..".. .... l. ir.UL
becurtti uy "" "" '-""
Cure. Fkank J. Phswuy,
Hworn to ueiore nie anu aaunsfwi
In my presence, this 0th day of Bins
ber. A. D., 1883.
,- , A. W Glbawh
1 ukau Nolury PH.
IIsll's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter mM?
ami ucts directly on uie iiiooh hw
cou surfaces to we system, m nr
tent'iimiiUl, free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Tolo, OW,
UtiirSoUl by druggists, 75 eta,