gVgW ' HI "Vtj lm i tjVfmmt'Hwi I IcZ l ' - rrYT -T " Yra r?jif.. .J Iilllt 1 1 llllllhiil n tS2TLN CAPItAJL JOTJRXAIi, FBZDAX, OTEMBEB .0, xoS3. I v l i W) SiEffiL JOULUL PUBLXrfHKIJ DAJIT, EXCEPT SO DAT. KT TIM. Capital Journal Pebfohing Cotupafljr HQH BS0THE35. - . WetiiT.t pacta, sryr- EXPESSIVE B2FEJKE. Agr-U auor.sfrbs Mils before tbe xjaty coaxial ibss term are for case? ia fcuUgs court sod inquiries before grand jarie, feof wUoeeesaad pras ecalioastbat nerer reiltd lo convic tions. Slaajrof these raidjoa the pab lie tn marj were merely t t&e ioitlga UojuT personal ptse-or.s. I a each ca.69 there sboald be bbh way to place tbe expH tipa these who In daze their tpSees- and. aoitrwsitts bet re these trtbaual. It U are5l knosra trutibe editoraof the IadsjndiDt and Democrat wen before the grui jory on Tanoas quixo tic effort to parity pabltc nurb aoa tbe mrfU of rubers, pilaeJpalfy their competitors la tbe rewuaper bmiotte. Of coarse oo attention wu paid to tbtJi Undaat perwaal aba: ofmowb unfortunately fur themselves bare o ty tbey are engajei la lb um ba-i-n. Their pimcipaJ etucSt ia trades ehareinz other wi h tanjory. black mail, plundering ibe triry and rob Mng tbe people. Ooe of tbe craofcr got bo mad besae toe grand jury w- pjreatJy IndinNrrent to bis wcbrges' t ui be demanded that tbe public prose cutor either flud a trae bill against tbe pablhberaofTHB JuDB:AkoreleiD diet tbe eomolainaot for Deriary. The prosecuting attorney informed hla quietly that times were too hard to give him all tbat free advertising for nolb log and cud with disappointment ana raze because be coo id aot have some one branded at expense of tbe coaaty he left the court houe in dbguat. Toe proper thing for the county court to do would be to follow tbe ex ample of tbe grand jury and dUcourage sucba rataer&bte spirit of pereecuiioo when tbe parties have no cases by in- viting tbe prosecuting witness to pay tbe bills be incurs. He not only should get no fees as a wltneaa himself but be should pay all expense Incurred in docketing bis "case" and taking tbe time of tbe grand jury and court offi cials. Tbat would stop these reformers for revenge and at public expense. THE TAXPAYERS OUTLOOK ISTO TOE PCTUBB. The ditcuulons in The Joub.val about tbe possibility of relief from tbe burdens of taxation have attracted a great share of attention, Interrupted only for a few days by tbe election news. Many farmers and taxpayers baye been in to say a word of approval or offer a suggestion as to wbat course to pursue. Republicans, Democrats and Populists have expressed them selves as pleased wltb tbe broad range of tbe discussion. All admit tbat tbere Is no apparent remedy in sight in tbe usual course of political action. Tbe Populists of Kansas If they ever were a reform party are now retired from tbe field. Tbe Republican victory In tbe E-wt may Improve time there some, bat it will hardly be felt by the taxpay er of Oregon. It may Improve busi ness or tbe prospects of tbe wage work er. It may make a Republican victory easier lu Oregon, but It doe not touch tbe question of rod u dug tbe euorm m profits of oftlce holding lu county uud stato as compared with other incomes. The easier the victory lu Oregon next year the lens attention will be paid to reduction of expenditures, tbe keener tbe struggle to get tbe utile, tbe more money will be expended to secure nom Inntlons and tbe more will bare to be wrung back from tbe taxpayers to re coup tbe successful office seeker. Land vnluea under our present system art tho great burdenbt-arera of taxation and bear tbe double burdeu of high salaries and political corruption. Tae people of this state should fully real ze that without some extraordinary action on tbelr part they canuot escape an era of high taxes, under peculiarly unfavorable circumstances. Tbe state officials elected next June will take tbelr seats the January fol lowing and bold uutll January, 18i0. It will be March 4th, 1897, before tbe Cleveland administration will be at an eud. It tbere be no financial disturb ance, or distress of tbe agriculturist, growing out of failure of crops, tbere k eertalu to be more or lens agitation of the Urlfl and resultant disturbance of ifevduitrles. Tbe factories have now M'ar enough to last four years and all ether Industries are likewise over fawked. Uno.-rtainty In the tariff esiasltjtoa la worse thnu free trade per wtBeatly introduced and established. With disturbed industries lu all oiauu f wturlHj centers tbere Is curtain to be prevailing low prices and ludmtrlal d jwaeeioa for several years to come. No ) expeota prosperity or high prices as AJMlteltdlVjr repeal, or tur.fi aglta Uoti. Nooue can point out but that Urhtaxai insula aud county are lu Vltable. Thereto ware to be a scarcity ef money and a high rate of taxatien. Toe Income of tbe beivy taxpayer Is tpAagtohe reduced. Tbe outgo of direct taxUioa will b: enlarged. The smxll taxpayer will feel this dodoty onerous eonditiorj still more. A dollar to him nxeaBf as inocfa as fire to tbe nun pos sessed ef a great deal of property. Tbe latter can sell land to meet tbe demol of the taxjrtner, and anient there 1 a miterisl redaction in tbe ex peastsef government more property will be edd to piy taxes In tbe next few years than eTe befere- Tbe form-ers taxe are entirely too high and an tea somHbing is done far mers can not raise their tax money for next year, tosay nothing of stQl higher taxes in lb; next four years to come Uule there fa ame way by which the condition of tbe taxpayer can be im pressed Upon the taxeater to coaie the Utter to subsist oo It the taxpayer might a well take no part in politics. If the taxeiter oatnum'Hrs the tax payer tbe psorpfeougbt to snow it, and tet the Utter understand that before be beenrxres a stare of tbe former. If t ben be no jut government without tbe con sent of tbe governed, it Is time those who pay trie fiddr began to withhold beir consent before it entirely slipt away and tbey hare neither consent to ire or money to pay. Tbe stale of tbe tx payer is worse In Oregon than in almost any state In tbf U iim so Ur a s;a e Ux goes. Tbe n-xt state tax U sven mills, wbile in many states it is only two to four, and yetiamiay states nothing wb-uever. Tbe condition of tbe taxpayer here h tl-oagrarated by tbe fact that there t4 so much wild, unimproved, unprofit ib'eand uaaass-able land so that the inrdtm falls especially heavy on tbat wblcb is employed for agriculture (Jules tbe Ux payer cm organize and orimg political action to bear at tbe oext election to bring greater economy into state and county government bis jutlook is not a fluttering one. Tbe uoligbt of prosperity will only sbine on bim and bis children at odd mom euls in tbe next fiir or six years. Farmers who bad to borrow money at tbe banks last spring to pay Ueir taxes were forced to sell tbelr wheat at 40 to 50 eta. a btubel to pay tbat money back. Where will they get mjney to pay tbeir taxes with next spring? It 1 oka as thoab it would 'ake a good slice right out of some farms to pay the expense of county and state govern ments. So far as tbat process goes it I a transfer of tbe soil, of the bomes of oar country, to tbe governing class es. It is confiscation, mis-named gov ernment. Tbere is not a good reason wby the expense of government shoald not bear tome just proportion to tbe earnings of tbe governed. Tbere Vs not a good reason wby tbe salaries of public ofllJaN should not bear some pi-oper ratio to tbe Inomes of tbe rest of tbecomunni y. TWO MISTAKES COKKECTED. Fossil Jeurnal: Last week tbe Jour nal contained a paragraph regarding tbe beautiful things to be seen in Ore gon forest in autumn, copied from tbe Halem Journal, to which we inadver tency neglected to give tbe proper credit. Tbe paragraph was a perfect gem, one of many which appears at in tervals in our Salem contemporary, In spired by tbe editor's love for and ap preciation of tbe beauties of Nature. Upon seeing tbe paragraph in question, the Times-Mountaineer editor in turn ntt'bed it with bis achsors, and intro duce the article as follews: "Tbe edi tor of an Interior exchange, who lives 3) miles from forest trees, breaks into be following:" In the said Introduction tbe Moun taineer man perpetrates a base slander on the beauty and wealth of our sur roundings, and at the same time betrays bis Ignorance of this section of country, which Is it pinion of Waso, bis borne county, for many years during which time be edited tne principal paper of tbe county, aud tbe one tbat most largely circulated here until th-Jou - nal made its debut upwards of seven ye.ra ago. Half an b ur's wa k 'ake the citizen of Fossil to "forest trees'' such as the world cannot beat, and he cm ride in a straight line for many hours before he again finds himself lu the open. In tbe woods surrounding Fosii are all the beauties enumerated by Bro. Ilofer, ami it was because bu fnltbful description of tbe woods with wiiu-n ne is rumlllar so exactly fitted those that aurrouuded Fobs 1 1 that we save tbe article a place In our column. We are proud of the k rand old wood tbut make such a beautiful background to our cozy little town. Tbey are rest ful to the eyes of all who possess a soul to appreciate tbat which Is beautiful; also, from a practical standpoint, they are a boon and a blessing to the citizens of our town and community, since tbelr proximity enables us to buy fuel at two dollars a cord and lumber at twelve dollars a thousand. A Dead Shot right at tbe sect of difficulty, Is ac- iauiuiisuei oy Miesurearu stead v aim f Dr rage's Catarrh Remedy. D u'l fool arouml with a popgun, urr a U'lint kok," when this reliable "Win chtoler"! within reach! Dr. Hsg.' treatment of tuinrrali U far superior to the ordinary, aud uheo dlrecilous are reuoiiMbly well fullnwel, results in a permanent cure. Dou't longer be in illflereuttothe verlrletl claims of this unfailing remedy. foOOIs olfere-i, In koou raitn. mr nn Incurable case, of uaiumii in Ihe Ueail, by ibi prnprletoru the Worlil'd Dl-penfary Medical Aa wwlntlou, Uuflalo, N. x At aildrug kUuj. IilmprTku TUtUm. Tat prsfeate coert today decided a csri ccplr refBiasic wiH ease. Tsirty years ; um "Mi-t FL YTaJift- tm eacarfi to i ago J12ZT t. vt xnace was tag3? j mi:y aa old ecbeobaite. Tbey quar reled" and parted. The grrL ai tw feer forer marriage to soother wonsas, ia I tie cosrjie of tue beeaae the keeper of ' asotonoas boose ia Liaeote trader the sazse of L.ydia Stewart. Foaryears ait- er tes aunai ser oa lerers wneaiea hi grrja; birbs to adasghter. asd the lorer dyhsg two years later the child was placed in a her3 f er waifs in Chicago. Tbi facts came to the ears of Miss VTaBace. Sfee west to Chicago, and formally adopiia? the chOd placed her is the haads of frksds, the girl beinf. afterward- edscated ia a coareat, al. knowledge ef her foster aothers rcca rionorher own parentage beiag cart rally kept frota her until she accident iHr karsed of it when she married J . Klotz cf Osaba two years ago. In Augost last Miss.WaHace died after a long nicest dnriag the latttr part A which she xoade a will giriagMrs. Klott LffA. the balance of her $3XCX0 estate bdng grrea to the testators sister, Mrs. Eailey of Chicago. Mrs. Klotz began a contest, and today the comrt decided in her favor on the ground that the sister had used undue infinence when the testates- was mentally decrepit, and that the contract of adoption stopped her from disinheriting her adopted daughter Lincoln (Xeb.) Dispatch. REO Ai.D BLACK. Kria 3Tnrrtl to Crt the Uit TTord, fact ' Africa Wan the Lancfa. Rather an anjoiin? scene occurred in a Third avenue "IT train recently. The cars were comfortably filled, witby vacant teat opposite mine. TfiiBs'beMle a very large and stout Irish woman, who had hpr nose in the air as if seeking to ecent a disturbance. She was rather too op ulent of flesh to be satisfied with one seat, so much of her hung over into the next. At Twenty-eighth street several passengers entered, and among them the blackest colored woman that I ever saw outside of a minstrel halL " She was of rather a good size her self, and as she plumped down in the before mentioned vacancy she must have severely rubbed the avoirdu pois of her Milesian neighbor. The latter drew in a fewbandfuls of flesh and said, with a very red face and in a scornful veice: "Say, go a little aisy, will youl" "Did you address me. .madam P queried the offender in a very polite tone. "Yis, I addressed you," was the in dignant response. "Ye look like a ton av coal, but ye naydn't sit down like one." "Who are you insnltinl Am I re sponsible for my colorP "Maybe not, but ye want to be a, little careful the way ye throw your self around where there's white pea pie." This was too much for Dinah. "Sbo", woman, you don't call your self white! Why, you.e red V The roar that greeted thi3 brought the Erinite to her feet I think there would have been a battle then and there if a guard had not stepped between them. "If you two women dont quit," he said roughly, 'Til call an officer and have you both run in." This quieted them, but the Irish woman would not resume her seat. She stood until the train reached Eighty-ninth street, where she made her exit. As she stepped onto the platform and just as the train was starting she poked her head in at the window behind me, shouted "Nagurf at the top of her lungs and walked down tho 6teps in triumph. Xew York Evening World. The Cheapest. Hv- tii.- in. Journal le t at vour office or resi dence. Duly 50 cu a mouth. Bv ma 25 cts a month. If You Saw Your Own Wood and saw enough of it, your digestive organs may perhaps be equal, ostrich like, to any task you impose even to the digest ion of lard cooked food. If however, like thousands of other people, you have learned that j'ou must " draw the line at lard." this is to remind you that mere is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable .substitute, COTTOJLENE which if used in place of lard, permits you to eat pies, pastry, patties and such " good things " without fear of dyspeptic coa- fccquences. There's abundant proof, but Bone so convincing and so pleas ant as a trial for yourself. We invite it. For sale everywhere, RtrUSC AU. SUMTITUTCI. Genuine nde ecty by N. K. FAIRSANK A. CO,. ST. LOUIS end ' CHICAGO. NCW YOUR. BOSTON. The StabSpnli. Last week T elite Bclkrd was dotal. Today sfce talk: fiaestiy. The eraseof her hg sieechkss was clef t palate, a ssssfertex froaa birth. Her reice is rf-ar. aad her words are uttered distxaetiy. Thiscjuuare has bees wreaght by raB3 t aa arancial palate obtura- tor asatie ec vatcaaite aaa raooer. it was nsade by a des-ist of this city. For- . T- j merry Miss Bedford experienced great difncalry ia swallowing. Xae dentist learned of her wif ottuae, and after TraVrwg as ei&ariaaaoa decided to try an experiBseist. For sereral weehs he has worked on the artraVial palate obtu - rator. Last week it was completed, Miss Ballard cee on a visit to her reU - tire, Coknel B. C Canaoa, and she was presented with the palate obturator as a free gift. It was adjusted in her zaocth, and for the first time ia her life she ut tered a word. Like a little chad, she be gan to talk froa tbe simple words in common use, until today she converses freely with her friends. Miss Ballard is 17 years of age and is pretty. Way cross (Cfa.) Letter. Bondaru Would Copy the Tlsett. Consul General Jacob Euiz of Hondu ras wants a police force organized in tus republic similar to that of New York. He has addressed a letter to the police board to this effect, which was read at the last meeting. Appended was a re quest that the board detail a Spanish speaking policeman of ability to do tbe organizing in his cocntry. He mentioned Puiiceaan J. C. McGee as a fit person for the work. McGee talks Spanish fluently. He is known as Suspender Jim, which name he acquired by winning a wager while on the west ern plains in the capacity of cowboy. Seeing a lot of Indians trying to ride a broncho with a single bridle one day, he bet he could do it with no bridle at alL His wager was taken, and he fooled his friends by using his suspenders in lieu of headstall and bit. He was appointed on the Xew York police force three years ago. The request of Consul Eaiz wiH be considered at a furore meeting. New York Telegram, SDBR01ISDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A recent disarrerj U that headache, llrdness dullness, coa'uika of the mind. '.Xr, are due to derac;ecent of tbe cerre :eniers which sappijr the brain with nerre .'orce; that ladlsestJoa. dyspepsia, neuralgia. lnd In stociach. txc. arise front the derange ment of the nerre centers supplying these or rtns with nerre fluid or force. ThU is likewise roe of many disease of the heart and Inngs. rhe nerre system is Uke a telezraph systeta is win be sees by the accompanying Tit. xoe uiue Thite Hoe are he nerres which, txirey the nerre r:o from the erve centers to irery part of tbe ndy.just as the iec'rfc current Is onreyed along h e telerrapfi elre to e rery nation. I arse or .maiL Ordinary hyiiciaz fall to eard this fact; rutead of treat n; the nerre cen ersfor thecauia jf tbe disorders irtslns therefrom bey treat tbe Mrt affected. Franidln JIUes. L DLL.B, the .i3h!y celebrated .pcclallst and -tndent of nerroas diseases, and author f many Doted treatises on the lattersubect. on? since realized the troth of the first statement, and his Restorative TErTine js prepared on thai principle. Its success n carlo? all diseases arlslne from deramre ment of tbe nerrotu system is wonder ful, as the thousands of unsolicited testimo nials In poe$5lon of tbe company tnanntac turlnr the remedy amply proTC Dr. MiltH Ebsstorative Xerrine Is a reliable remH)y for all nervous diseases, such as jeada.-be. rKTroos debility, prostration, 'eeplesncs. dizziness hysteria, eexaal de puty, it. Vitus dance. epUepsy, etc It Is oJd by all drosjlstson a posltire jruarantee, ir sent direct by tbe Dr. WUes Medical Co. "Ikhart. Ind, on receipt of price, il per bot- e. six bottles for 5. express prepaid. Kfetoratire Nervine poiUely contains no piattu or dangerous druzs. g.ilii by D. J Kry. drueelst, Falem HOUSE Painting, Decorating, 1 Hard Wood Fin s i g, . 'an give gnod referencs. Estlmateai fnrnlsb- d. tddros, iteo. KKttstru b. NUem. Ketl- lenee on -aJtm Motor K-l.way. orth Salem leiTeorderat Meiner Blosr. ll-d THE WILLAMETTE, 8AZEJI, OKBGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day Tbe best hotel between Portland aad Bat t'ranetcco. Klrst-clasn In all lu appointment. 1U tables are serred with the Choicest Fruits Jrown In tbe Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNFR. Prop TOEY'TONED THE RASCALS OUT." nd I have itarfd ' CUbTOM H0U8K" ol ny own, on SUte street. ner Commercial, where I will tx pleated to mel my old custo mers, and plenty o ewonee In want ol ooteorhhnra. oood flu, go-d maleil and eood boi.oi work. KKl'AlHLNa JiEATLY TONE 10-7 WV. ARMSTRONG. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTOK3 & PLASTEKERa LcaveordersatColUe-l'axkliurttblockjoon X h'a'em.ttrrcim. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder 8Ddfbr descitpUt .wmiAiis MEDKIKECO.. sctenccttar,K.Y. m2& wEtWERfw mzJ3iBjx UrWZm rrc fHw Tz-Icky rTr--Hn. It is geaeraHy believed m ofScial cir cles here that Canada has got the best efthe bargain in the Bearing sea arbi tration. By the decision at Paris the kflHng of seals with firearms or explo dres was prohibited daring tbe month of August, but for sotue unexplained reason the idea does not appear to have I . entered into tbe minds of those conduct jnZ tbe American case that an equally effective means for killing tbe seals was j0 be found in air guns, such a are used j f qj. destroying wbale. a rpear being J driTen from the gun by compressed air. j The sealers of British Columbia are now , taming their attention to this means of i erading tbe intention of the commission. 1 AB& t fa generally conceded that they j irj szSer no loss through the substira- jjoa 0f ajr gahs and spears for firearms , dnriag the month in whxh they are pro- hibited using the latter weapons for kill ing the seals. Toronto ews. Dancer or the Switch. "Aren't you ready yeti" "I couldn't find my hahn "Well miss the train. Switches jiwrs seem tndeavtrarS-" Tnai DR. GUNN'b rxraoTxn UVEH PILLS r A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. 4 aareact of t&e fcewels caeb day, U cecetuTTt crtMiTfi Tbeie puis t3pplT -wtit tie rjiwcr Ue to sib it rmlr. Care Eea&Khe. tncStea a Xre a4 eleir tie Complexion better taa wasla. Tier ct BOOir. neuter tripe ncr HcXxs. aj otiser pde do. ToeOTTteeejOTof tkrtr gerae we eiil -ipjf free, er fan box ase. R--ld rreTjwfcrre. B-i-V:weg.Co,mnVlrvU.P. Fold by Kx-keit &. VnnSlype. TheLondon Institute 719 Market strefst San Francisco, Cal. IS A MEDI' AL AN'D SURGICAL IKHTI TUTE, located permanently at 719 Ma-k't htreei, San Kiancisco. CaL. fcr tba cure of all aeates, am ca ns and deformities. Asian oj pujiciu unn rargeons. navti e nitIoma and th endorsement of ihe best colleges of -. .r..u auU 1 unijie, esuiee specia ISU. wno have had lone exper ence In treallrc special and cbrunle dl-ea-s. are In 00 iktani attend-an-e. Aphrmcy is atiached, and all pre scriptions filled free of cbarge Sl.OO Trial Bottle $5.00 Full Course Sufferers from Asthma, Rh'ama'ura, Con umpUon. Catarrh Dyspepsia Indigestion, Scrotals. EpUepsy. Female W eaknes. Cancer! Sn D"e B'onchltls. tmptiong, m Rnenm. Baldness Tapeworm, Deafness. ny exnal Dilate. Iwt Manhood. Malaria Uri nry Trouble. Pile. Biwel Tro-tbles, hwld consult at once. Low rhar.s, w thlu tbe reafbol all. combined with tbe bet medical and surgical i-klU. Yonog Middle Aged and Old Men SS3.r,m.y aflerin? from YOOTHKUL mJ1.1j1Ci or tbe exeeAp nf maimui t.A should roosnlt at once, bef re It is too late1 tbe-e veteran pract'tloners wbe h ive no eqoa' in th Uu:tet -t tes. as tbev can anri i.i. viGiu j..u jcricci neatin wnen all others have failed. Broken Down Constitutions arerJurenatedand manly vigor restored bv tbelr new and wonderful method of treat merit, ho iojiflons drugs used. Worn ont ouslne men c-Ul fot advice, especially it you aresaft'rtng from Nervous I ebUltyor ratlin? power, of any disease of the t.ye. Kar, Throat k?J?' anrU atomich. Skin, Kidneys, or cuuiaer. Blood Diseases Cured In the shortest time by veee Uble remedl s. nu IUU sy.u an-mld be? Am yon rre frometerr tra nf itiuau n .t.t,.. Oo you look we 1? D.i you feel wel ? ur ia there wmei hrnic trouble; wb cb, like a anker """" mi" uuuuiog a wer. u rapiaiy as stroylne jonr very vm Who tuffer from Kervoas lYostratlon. Hleep-ie-ne,ie4pond-ncy, ltdlgtlon.Oinsilp -twin. Lassltuce. Palna in ih. R - .i . diseases pecu "ar to tbelr sex, consult these pbysldans with the ntmost coufldenco. $1.00 TRIAL POHLE $5.00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON UEUICAL and SDRGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Market Street Sa Francisco, Cal. U-r-Vr-dlw Htel Monterey. Kewport, - Oresran. ijjxsttfU ou Ibe Beach.two ruU noiih of Newport on Cvr Cove, a beautifully obeltert-d spot, wnudriful pcenery, eea batiiluj.'. flue drives toCape Koul weath er JlnhUiousc, House new, rnonu Urg and airy. Finest r-ort for famili or Invallrifi. 0n all winter. Terms moderate by tUy i.r wi?k. Ir.tendinK vlsitnre can rtrop a tu.ta card to New. port and be met by tmck. Afc gSSN JOHS 1-rrZPATBICK, Proprietor. jrr- " "" --" - -- - - " ON THE BREAKFAST TABLE 3j Yoa can tie it for general LocsehoJd" parpoies. THE PEOPLE'S DAILY! Only One Cent on the Pacific Coast. CHEAPEST I v Receiving all the Associated Press i '- DULY BY MAIL, PER WEEEY ." " T '' ' " ' r o These low hard times.ratfa enable every faim r to hai his daily paper and-know the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edite by its publishers to secure good; government' for the peopl able to deal justly and fairly fcJfc5 ' Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For eign, Market " No Papws tent after time of THIS ORDER it rt- BLANX ORDER SHiEET FOR T.HK ONE CENT DAILY' MAIL JOORNfiL. HOFER BROTHERS, PleaM aead to address bekHrdweopy of DittJ Balek, Oreoon. Capital JoDRNAt. by mail. (Kraae lines d wanieo.; For one month find endeaadi -.-. . - 25 cU. For two month- '.,-,. . .. . , , 50'ct. For four montks " : :. .-- . -- .W For ooe year " " --.- 3 00 NAVE. " - "- A rt In cotTee, tea, chocolate mf In ato theuseofthe OilL BIRDEI EAGLE m Condensed Milk. For More (ha Thirty Years the Eagle ha stood the-test, has zrvert perft Isfaction to the American people, and hi, had aa enorroons Export Trade, ftu th Best, It gpta the farthsst j4 i, econornkaL Your Grocer 4 Druggist sell il, Daily Newspaper Dispatches, D YE - tMNenun 18 o state of the market and all withAalk .-: and Crop News. P03TOFFICS IffSPfi I OKI v fcrockrUk, ct, I d-2 m OUTTKISOUT.lUUiUMuludtiHfMUlHUKanlt. uua j4 sot U Tw tij-it, ,"Vt-4lqflkt,'if!, .Jjjfa5fc-f't--'ii