Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ka,N "" iiMMim
SB eta. a moBtk by XaM
Prepaid la Advance.
Ho Papers Seat Whca la Out.
ssociated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasti
$3.00 a Year.
VOIi. 6.
NO. 2J5.
Mr i
H 111 m ill i & Ify
lull flaSM IE! I SIHI
A erood ass rtraent from chean to bear, o-rnrW w0 Knv
for CASH and sell for CASH, and
From 15 to 25 per cent, on all your purchases.
The Hero of Proteclion to Our
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Eubber
Hat", wool and iur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Itctnil
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt and
SmokctllMcats.-of allKinds.
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TJSMJPLETOJUT, Gen'l J gent.
And Eighty-two Thousand Minor
ity For Governor.
Some McKInley Figures.
Columbus, Nov. 0. Cbalrman Dick
of the Republican state central commit
tee puts McKlnley's plurality this
morning at 82,000. Of six huudred
congratulatory telegrams received by
Major McKInley, over four hundred
connect bis name with the presidency.
Nearly Unanimous.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9. Pennsyl
vania gone Republican by possible 125,
000 largest siuce it gave Grant 135,000
against Greeley in 1872.
BURROUGHS) State Street.
Is experienced when you get your teeth extracte I or filled I hj
DR CONTRIS, as he uses the Hale method. Gold or 1 or
ielaia crown inserted, All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
.wo.rk and fine gold fillings a specialty.
' '- '" ' Dental Parlous,
, Over Gray Bros.
Shooting Season Open
. xtt-w -trnrT WAKTT
H.nU lW M"-
tit. !j -unh Stock and Low r rices.
YB1BUUUH -"-'n"
Completed and ready to wait on customers. geffilSiy&&o
JIUru uuu iraiMtui
SALEM, - - " ,ur,llD"
A Flowery Claim.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 9, Governor
Flower said this morning a careful
canvass might show Democrats to have
a majority in the state senate.
The Empire State.
New Yokk, Nov. 9. The Republl
can state ticket is elected by probably
30,500. The state senate is Republican
by 18 or 19 to 14. The assembly stands,
70 Republicans to 52 Democrats. Brook
lyn smashed the machine by electiug a
Republican mayor by 30,000 plurality.
Tammany elects its ticket in this city
by an average plurality of 05,000.
Little New Jersey.
Trenton, Nov. 9. As completed re
turns are filed the Republican victory
grows in magnitude. The assembly
will be Republican by a two-thirds
vote. The senate will have eleven Re
publicans and ter Democrats. A Re
publican successor to U. S.Senator Mc
Pherpon will be elected by the new
Nebraska Bepublican.
Omaha, Nov. 9. Chairman Beaver,
of the Populist state committee, admits
the defeat of Judge Hulcomb and the
election of Harrison, the Republican, to
the Supreme bench. Returns today
Indicate Harrison will have a plurality
of 6,000.
Kansas Cannot Remain Populist.
Toi-eka, Kan., Nov. 9. Additional
returns from Tuesday's election swell
the Republican pluralities. Populists
concede they are badly defeated. Re
publicans probably have a majority
over both Populists and Democrats.
O' 13Judgeselected, Populist Chalrmau
Breldenthal claims only three, with a
possibility of two more. At Republican
headouarters, the following summary
Islnade. Republican counties 45; Pop
ulist counties 8; divided 25; to be beard
from 27. Republican ofllcera elected In
divided counties 105; Populists in same
x ,
r XT iT.I.EN. Prop.
mu ... Kaor nt monts at all times.
and the best of nervine. , D,ro
-OppoBlte Wade's Store.
Steamer flltona
Lmvu BoUe'n dock Mon2-,wp' rtUndit
n4 Fridays 7:81 a. in., arriving In ronu
l-WIn m
RETUHN1NQ. leavet PortUnd Ta-W,
Thursday and Saturday at 0. w.
Fat lime for pueojer servlee; no wr
Undine freight bandied. .-.
ROUND THIP (unltmned) $2.00. One way,
Vor freight rate and UU apply "$&
ell, Wright Co., Uolmn'jx:k. ""
At Washington.
iir.uiirt.'n'niu Nn. 9. No ernres-
slon of opinion on the elections yester-
.. 1.1 l. femn ftf tllH
administration. The president stayed
out at Woodley, presumably to worn
On UIS lAiessugir. UV... J
was at the department but a short time
.. . 1 ..,! Qanrutnrv OrPflhftm
tuis moruuiH uuv. j "
declined to express an opinion. Ihe
promineut Deinocratio leaders of the
canitol are particularly reluctant to a
.....,. ...,0q fnr Ihn Rpnllhll-
sign a paniuuit" 'uov "
can lauusiiue uuu cwvv. -IJf
Chilrman Bayers, of the appropriations
committee, seemed to be cheerful and
said with a laugh: "The principal rea-
it . ... AtA nnl mat
eon seems to be inav wo uiu w
enough voles. There may have been
.i... .,rtimiinr mid incidental
oorne oiue. ri- -
reasons. The committee on appropra
Uons did not cause it anyhow. We
can prove an alibi."
. ...M H,u iirava and
Chairman wiwuu u. - - ---means
committee said: "lam mlahty
dad It came now maicm u, - .-..--
!' . ..... (ti. olnilnn In Vir-
adm uUtrauon. i .iv.. - -g"nla
.hnwgtbUheopumt uprising
t-..,. TtinnhPuUhhers.
B.J. Kw .IrUer
FEAR & runu,
Wa ctier you renear -wbku.
ot both mother and ehiiH.
BoldVyfcUDroKl"' AT" '
had not guiucd headway. As soon as
Democratic measures cau bo tnkeu to
restore the prosperity of the country,
everything will be all right again."
Tho Old Bay State.
Boston, Nov. 9. Tho corrected
returns give Ureenhalge, Republican,
for Governor, 34,105 plurality, a Repub
lican net gain over 1891 of 40,512 The
House will stand 187 Republicans to 63
Democrats; Senate, 34 Republicans to 0
Tho Hawkeye State.
Des Moines, Nov. 9. The latest re
turns indicate that theRepubllcans gain
representatives in Fremont and Audu
bon counties and lose one in Mills.
Jackson's plurality will be nearly 30,
000. Rest of ticket six to eight thou
sand more. Jaokeou carried bis home
county by 2571. Almost every county
shows Republican gains.
Returns Indicate Bepublican Victor
ies All Along tho Line.
Fiekhg, 8. D., Nov. 9. The total
vote iu the state will fall below 35,000,
less than half the vote of last year.
The Republican candidates for supremo
judges are elected by from 200 to 400.
The Republican candidate fur supremo
judge, thia cirouit, Is elected by 500
plurality, over Wllkoa, populist, and
Andrews, Republican, is probably
eleoted over Bock, fusion, in the Brook
ings district. In ' tho Black Illlls,
Garduer, Republican, has 150 majority
over McGee, fusion. Of the eight cir
cuit judges, the Republicans will elect
seven, aud possibly the eighth. Chair
man Green, of the R-publlcan state
committee, says only 60 per cent of the
state vote was cast, and that the Re
publicans secured about tho same per
centage as last year.
In Other Places.
Denver, Nov. 0. The Republican
(republican) says: "Tha sweeping vic
tories achieved by the Republican party
can only be construed as au overwhelm
Ing popular condemnation of tho ad
ministration of President Cleveland
aud Its policies regatdlug tho tarift, fi
nance and othe'r momentous public
questions. It Isljlfilcult to say what
(lgure the nllver.$iuestlon cut iu tho
Ghkuoo, Nov. 9. Tho following
telegram was received by Melville M.
Btoue, general manager of tho Aasoclat
Press, from Ex-Governor Campbell of
Ohie: "Replying to your inquiry I bo
blievu the-resiilt of the recent election
hIiows that Ohio Is only shariug In tho
general shaking up whiuh tho Demo
cratic party received ull along the lino
from Massachusetts to Iowa. Tho bus
ijesa depression la attributed by partis
ans and the uuthlnking portion of our
people to the recent federal administra
tion, and theex-solditM were somewhat
moved by the needless fear that they
will uot be jUHtly aud liberally dalt
with, There was a natural ebbing of
the tldo from tho great How of last year.
There are sore and disappointed appli
cants for office. These are causes of
the Democratic defeat The fear of re
vision had nothing to do with It, what
ever." Boston, Nov. 9. Massachusetts Ins
elected Greeuhalge by 80,000.
Russell, when asked his opinion of
the result, shook his head and repllo',
"If it was the other way I could talk
Omaha, Nov. 9. Indloitiona last
night were that Harrison, Republican
for supreme Judge, will carry the state
by from 2000 to C000 plurality over Hoi-
comb, PopulM. Only ubout half tho
state renialus tu hear from. Ruturns
show heavy falling oil in vote, proba
bly ten per cent. Republican, llfteen
nor rant Democratic and five per cent-
I'onulikt. Five per cent, of the Repub
licans went to tho Populist candidate
for sunreme Judge aud probably ton per
rent, of the DeinocralH. In eplle of
thU the Populist vote shows a decrease
and It is lakeu as good evidence that
the party In Nebraska Is on thedecllne.
Phii.ahkm'.iia, Nov. 9. At rnld.
night with full returns It look as
though the Republican majority on the
slate ticket would not be len than 130,
000. Des MoiNja, Nv. O.-PJurulltles re
ceived up to ninety-three
iu. civi. Jriokifin. Renultllcaii, for
governor, 48.623 and 11 .lea, Democrat,
14,0518 Big onuull1 to hfrar from, five
of'wblebare Republican. Ton) will
rai Jaekwm's plurality totti.CtiO prob
ably. Pii!LA.Hi pjiia, Nov. 0 -Th Ute.
.w,r h rel d, fflve JacBwin, re
publican, for Ule treasurer, io,i.-;
M.t.nriK!. dem . 20.150.
The repuullaan had everythlnR their
owu vywi.!,.y
WATEKfcoo, Iowa, Nov, O.-'Oor-
eruor Boles takes his defeat philoso-'
phloally. On account of his Illness ho
was uot apprised of the result until this
morning. The governor manifested no
surprise and said personally he had no
ftelig of regret. Though for his party
ho had hoped for a dillerent result.
Mob Law.
Nashville, Teuu. Nov. 0. It is re
ported that a mob of a hundred and
fifty men has gone from South Pitts
burg to Jasper, to lynch tho three Ken
nedy boys In jail there. They are tho
confessed assassins ofOperator Lawrey,
at Shell Mound.
Burglary at Fendloton.
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 9. Tho Bos
ton store, C. E. Roosevelt, proprietor,
was burglarized. Thieves effected an
entrance through a glass door in tho
rear. Forty suits of men's clothes and
12 overcoats were taken, all of tho best
quality. To take away tho plunder, a
wagon was brought up near tho rear
entrance. Not tho ellghest noiso was
made, and the robbery was uot discov
ered until tho storo was opened this
morning. Therobbery was skillfully
planned and executed, aud no trace
has yet beou secured.
Tho London Fross.
The Dally News: "MoKluley's enor
mous majority in Ohio seems to Indi
cate that the protectionists have largely
Increased aud confirmed their power.
On tho whole, It Is probable that pro
tection influenced the elections gonor
ally." The Dally Chrenicle: "It Is a long
time stuco8Uch a hopeful message oma
nated from America. Noinlng could
be more gratifying than this evidence
that after all theru Is a limit to tho pas
sive enduranco of electors driven by
tho party machine. We Imagine that
to nobody will this revelation bo more
welcome than to Mr. Clovolaud, who
has long been anxious to escapp from
tho thrall of Tammany. Tho president
himself, however, is largely responsible
for the Republican victory. Tho oleo
tor fouud that a change of namo did
not necessarily mean a change of polit
ical methods. Civil servants of tried
olllclono.y were discarded for lncoinpe
tents, who had been generous contribu
tors to campaign funds. Tho highest
posts woro placed at tho feet of the
gang that had ruined both (lie Western
and general laboror. When the panic
seized the laud tho people cried for re
lease from tho silver purchases, but
private considerations were allowed to
block tho way until the Republicans
came to tho rescue. In this way the
American voter was taught that he
had changed masters, but uot burdens.
Now the voters have rovoltod agulnst
tho now masters."
Tho Times: "Tho Republicans won
a great triumph, and tho Democrats
have grounds for serious fear, but It Is
Tammany Hull and Senator Hill who
are rebufled, not President Cleveland.
Rings aud bosses will learn once moto
the lengths to whloh it Is unsafe to go.
Perhaps Cleveland may now think It
better to break with Tammany Hall
and throw over Mr. Hornblower. Tho
rejult of the elections point to a reao
tlon against Cleveland's tariff reform."
Killed by a Falling Treo.
Gekvais, Or., Nov. 9. Robert 1
liner, of Mount Angel, was killed Mon
day forenoon while chopping a tree.
Not returning that evening, a search
was Instituted, and ho was found Tues
day evening, his head crushed, with ax
In hand. Iwath was no doubt instant
aneous. He was a farmer aged about CO
Fires in Indiana.
Lai'oktb, lud., Nov. O.Tho big
marshes bordering tho Kankakeo river
are on lire. An Immense M'nofilajfjies
is carrying destruction in lU path.
Several hundred men are out battling
the tire,
The Anti Chinese Act.
Wabiiinoton, Nov. 9. Theactlou
of Judge Morrow of Ban Frauclco, in
taking under advisement the telegram
of Attorney General Oinoy, directing In
view of the amendment of the Geary
act the release of thb Culiieiw held for
deportation under the orlglual act, was
somewhat or a surprise to uieoinciais
of the department of Justice. Th&ouly
reason they could give of the Judge's
action Is, a desire on his part to await
the receipt of a copy of the amended
act before pawing upon an ordr of the
dUtrlct attorney, to ascertain If It bears
out the interpretation placed upon it
by the attorney K"'el concerning the
release of the prUwuers. Technically
they say bis a' tlon would be proper
..,r ronT.iLr thouirti they fall to see
how any other obstruction of tho act
... i . .rrivi . Mo communication
.n th sublect ha been received at the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
fell Baking
I. X
British Victory
Hundreds of Mou Fighting & Boa
of Flames.
Battle in Africa.
Lonuon, Nov. 9.- Another battle has
beon fought between tho British sol
dlers and '.he tfntabeles, In whloh only
three British were killed and seven
wounded. Fully a thousand Matabeles
perished, aud they wero completely
They had no firearms while tho Brit
ish bad Martin rllles.
Historian Dead.
Boston, Nov, 9. Francis Parkman,
tho eminent historian Is dead.
Bovolution in Roal Earnest.
Key West, Fla., Nov. 0. It is ru
mored hero this afternoon that tho long
expected revolution in Cuba has begun
in real earnest, that a light botweeu
tho Cuban and Spanish forces has tak
en place today at Cleuluegos.
Will Remain In tho Church.
CLKVB.LAND, Nov. 0. At tho confor-
enco of liberal Presbyterian ministers,
It was decided not to loavo the church
of their choice until forced out,
marc island collision.
'' 1 3 .'.
Oars Destroyed and a Numbsr of
Llvos Lost.
Ohioaoo, Nov. 9. By a roir-end
collision ou the Chicago, IViuk Island
and Paolllo R, R. at 71st street lust
evening three people wero killed nud
oloveu injured. Tho limited vestibule
oxpress crashed Into tho roar eud of the
Blue Island accommodation, badly
wrecking two coaches aud the engine
of tho limited. Tho dead are uuldentl
(led ns yet.
Tho Injured are: N. HUz, Wuldon,
Ills,, both logs out o(I; L itlle Bnghum,
soaldedj Nicholas Wosht, Chicago, leg
broken and badly soaldedj Minnie
Suhaofer, Baverly Hill, soildodj Louis
Sharp, Morgan Park, Ills., both arms
cut oil j J. W. Templeton, Morgan Park,
hand cut oil' and badly burned; D. N.
Snow. Longwood, Ills., Internally in
jured, which will probably prove fatul;
James Grady, JSnglowoou, ins, leu
hand cut o and badly scalded; W. S.
Stoll, Blue Island, Ills., Internal inju
ries; James Kluxer, Washington
Heights, Ills., badly scalded; W. 12.
Jameson, Englewood, Ills., severely
Tho accommodation train left this
city n few minutes ahead of tho limited
and stopped ot71st street. Tho limited
bore down on it, it Is said, at llw rate
of twenty miles an hour. A heavy fog
had settled over tho city aud it wai al
most Impossible to discern signal lights.
The engineer of tho llmltod ploughed
his way into tho rear end coach of the
iMomnioila on. Tho car wasuriven
with terrible force Into the end of tho
second coach. The explosion of a, lump
Igulted the woodwork and the flro
spread rapidly.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo 1 s
Lucas County, J
Cr-rnnlr T l!lll!IIHV UlaKPS OfUll that 110
Is the senior partner of tho firm of F, J .
Cheney etUa., doing omiuroy iu mo
Mt nt'ViAeAn. county aud slat) ufuro-
aid. and that said llrui will pay the
mm hundred dtiltsjs for each
and every cats or vainrrn niui rauin.i
be cured by the uwof HallV Catarrh
Cure. FuankJ.Ciiknbv.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
Iu my presenw, this 0th day of Decern,
her, A. D., 1880.
,- A. W- ClLKAft it
HKAfc 1 Nlary IMhllo.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
and uets directly on (he blood nud mil
Mm surfooea to the system. Bend for
Not to Bo Enthronod Immediately as
Washington, Nov. 9 Some, sensa
tional dlsputohea published to the ef
fect that Lihoukalanl will be restored
to tho throne of Hawaii by tho United
States government brought a flood of
Inquiries to the state department. The
oflletals of this state department ridi
culed this proposition, whloh was con
sidered by them as being absurd. This
Is the nearest touuy statement that
has boon obtained from any ono In an
ofllclal capacity connected with tho
stato department lu regard to tho Ha
waiian mutter. An Interesting faot
has ter di"eloned bearing ou the Ha
waiian annexation question In the rec
cords of tho navy department. The
Brooks or Midway Islands whloh were
considered a part of tho Hawaiian
group were ou Aug. 8, I807, formally
taken possession of by Capt. Win. Rey
nolds, commanding tho United States
steamship Lackawanna on behalf of
tho United Stutcs. Tho Islands have
previously beon dlsoovorod ou July 15,
1850, by Cupt. II. O. Brooks of the Ha
waliau bark Gambrla, who formally
took possession of them in the name of
Clio Hawaiian government.
Tho United States government was
actuated by tho request of Secretary of
Navy Gideon Welles by Allan Mc
Lutuo then president of the Paolllo
Mull company who decided to use the
Island as a coaling station, Secretary
Welles there upon Issued orders to Rear
Admiral Timelier, commanding the
North PrtcWla squadron to take formal
possesion of the islauds. In view that
much has been said and wrlttru oa the
luck of preoedout'for tho Ataumptk$ bv
the United Htntcs oftuo-doroluloa oter
the detached Inland, ouuli as Ibu Haw
aiian group, this record in tho navy de
partment bears ou the qiieitlou with
much luterest.
detwrtmeut from tho district attorney. leatlmonUU, free.
A wlnled MRV of the act should reach V. J. Oiiknhy & Co., ' Wo, O-lo,
tonXocUwi ln it days. ld by .IrugtflsU, 7 cts.
Minlstor Suspended.
Muncih, Ind., Nov. 0, Tho presby
tery of Northern .Indiana unded a two
days' session today. Tho Rav. O. H.
E wart Pain, charged with lying and
ootiduct unbecoming to a minister wrs
indefinitely siitipondgd.
American Actresa Dead.
Lonuon, Nov, 0. Auulo Plxloy, the
well-known Amorloan uctresa died dur
ing the nluht at tho home of hor broth-
er-iu law Edward Fulford. Diseased
was a former resident of Portland, Ore
gon, where her Bister, Mrs. E H. Mo
Craolten still resides.
Eastorn Oregon Shipment.
IlniTNHH, Or. Nov, 9. B. Kinsman
shipped ou the morning train to Trout
dulelloars of cattle and one car of
hogs. The 18th, Oilman & Fronob will
ship 16 carloads, making 1000 head
shipped from Hepptiei within CO day,
The Ilrst shipment of the largest pur
chase of apples ever mado lu Grant
county haa arrived In Baker City by
eight slx-horso freight teams and other
teum are on the way, Tho eutlro coi
Hlgumutit coiislHts of 8000 boxes and
were purohuMd from tho Illnebart Mad
other orchards In tho Johu Day valley
by Cuto J. Johns and Dick Ambler, tb
well-known freighters oruraut county,
who have made arrangements for tu
shipment of their purchwe toDwiVtr,
They have tho assurancp of making
neat profit for their enterprise betid
bringing about a good advertbeat of
Grant county.
Llvory SR JM!'
Union, Ot.. Nyv.o.vriiq, JOkHwrn
livery birii. onpodto Hio oowjmsim
square, was oompletlv thMrr4 Kf
lire. Tha lira was nucovtrea
o'ciook.biit before tlio dprlw?t Mfc
dued the flames the buldmn wai rate
el. The property was owrwt ta
GearM A. Thonn-son. ne hw m
thoimbt in have ken of InraiMHary
'jrlxl". The lv U about 923)0, -with
In uruncuoftlMO
Aa Ugly Wreck.
K.miii Bay. Out.. Nov. 0.'
now bsllevwl that of twenty'lowr
wiui ivr mi hitard the atMWr
when she took, fl e, only tweartjr t
thesv can bi aooouuleu for; tHWUW
are known to be lost ami leyc