r'ria gyiJUdjWKK'Mjjj- jryo .- -s-cvW Vr .UsU,. J Pi CHEAPEST Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast, $3.00 a Year. ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL SScts. a moath by Prepaid la Advaaee. Ko Papora Sat WImmI Timo la Out. - . , , ' t SB. V Mr1 CAPITAL jH -- -- cH- VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. 1 BUUTS, SHOKS iND UNIRWEAR ! VrMWfllMlWULl SALEM. OREGON. WBDyESDAV, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. DAILY EDITIO V. for elf t? 3t' oTstld" best "" We buy WILL SAVE YOU From 15 to 25 percent, on all your purchases. REPUBLICAN The New York Racket when you want Oil Clothing Gossamers, Macintoshes, Kubber ., ..vui mm jur iiais, nosiery and notions. IOWA REDEEMS HERSELF, Ballot-box Stub Maynard Beat in New York. TIIEPOPULISTS IMEVERYWIIERE Olean Sweep in Drover's State New Yobk, Nov. 8.-The election in this state is a clean sweep for the Republicans. Bartlett is elected to the court of appeals over Maynard by prob- uu.y over K..WO majority and tbo rest of the Republican state ticket win hv 20,000. The state senate whloh in m Itemooratlc, will havo a Republican uuvonty w six, tne assembly of seven. In the convention there will be 105 uepuoucans and 70 Democrats. Tarn many carried New York city by sixty thousand, except as to Maynard, who ran 30,000 benind the ticket. Brooklyn overwhelmed the ring with over 27,000 plurality. Buflalo reuudlntPH th Sheehan gang by 6,600. BETTEB AND BETTER. KO. 2M. II'KINLEIISM TRIUMPHANT! Ohio Slieupskins Flyiug in tho Breeze, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report CARRIES STATE M 85,000 MAJORITY Latest Bulletins Received About the Election. Tho Legislature Itimil,lln Both Uranchcs. in RoYi Baking' Powter E. T. BARNES. ' State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St. Ed. C. Cross, They Elect One Memher of tho Kentucky Legislature. JUDGE GARY LEADS THE TICKET. His Choice Meats. Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and SinokedlMeats of all Kinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Election a Death-blow Chicago Anarchists. to K. Meeker & Co,, Hop Exporters OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem. W. A. TEMJPLETOJST, Gcn'l Agent. CHURCHILLlPiimps.Piimps.Pdimp r 103 BURROUGHS State Street. NO PAIN Is experienced when you get your teeth extracted or filled by t--d nz-wrrrfiDTa u u tti .nnl.nJ CnA . T. celain crown inserted. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge work and fine gold fillings a specialty. Dental Parlors, eod Over Gray Bros. Shooting Season Open AND YOU WANT GUNS - AND - AMMUNITION. We lead on High Stock and Low Prices. BKOOKS k SALISBURY. MONEY TO LOAN and . n.l vintn In amnnnil Ume to buIU Wo delay In considering loan. FEAR & FORD, Boom 12. Bash Bank block. 51M THE OLD RELIABLE NORTH SALEM MEAT MARKET, J. H. ALLEN, Prop. Tbe very beat of meaU at all times, arirfl tfin tukaf nf fiAfvlPA mum uv . ov a f v w 'Opposite waae-a more. Steamer flllona FOR PORTLAND. Leaves Boise's flock Mondays. Wdnejiay di Fridays 7:3 a. m., arriviot lu TortUna at fd0p.ni. ' ttETPUNlNQ. leave Portland Toeday, Thursdays and Baturday at 8 a. m. Fait time for paenser aervlae; no war Undine freight handled. . R UIW D TBI P (nnlltntted) tf.00. One way, 11:2 . MBAL8 35 OBNT3 Jot freljht rate and tickets apply 1 m,WribtOo.,llolinn block. "-lm SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTEKERS. Leaveordera atOolUe-Parkhuritblockooip falcm, Oregon. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTING BCRBAr SALBM, - - - Or-Bon. IrlTate work a peclalty. C. B. CLEMBNT. Manacer. BUUTOX BROTUBKS In the Cpltal City. Yards near PenlUntlary. Balero, Or M-d E.X.WAITEPHLNTISGfO, BOOK m JOB PRINTER! Wasuinqton, Nov. 8. The result of the election is a surprise to all parties here. In fact they do not accord with the predictions of either Democrats, Republicans or PoDUllsta. Tho onlv grain of comfort for the Democrats is in the defeat of the Ponulista and the elee tlon of O Ferrali inVIrginla.where they were terrorized by Populists -claims. They expected defeat iu the slates where the free coinage element is ationg, but were not prepared to be inoweu unuer in tne sound mon ey states like Marsa'chusetts and New vurk All prominent Demo cratio leaders ascribe tbo result to two caus s. dmsut.sfaction of the tanners over the duauclal situation. aud apathy of disappointed office seek ers. The defeat in Iowa Is regretted, as It practically removed Gov. Boies from ! the list of the eligible presidential tlui oer. The Populists are much disap pointed at their showing but claim that Uter returns will be better for them. About the only complacent men In the Democratic rauki are the silver men, who are in a position to say to the president: "I told you so." They will take this as a text, and at the opening of the regular session, will be prepared to renew the fight for silver more vig orously than ever. It is not believed the president is diBCouiaged by the land slide, as he Is known to belieye that lime will vindicate his policy. Iowa Redeems Herself. Db9 Moines. Nov. 8. Frank D Jackson. ReDublican candidate for cov ernor, is elected by about 30.000 plural ity, or six thousand more than Harri son for president, In 1800. The balance of the Republican ticket is elected by larire pluralities. Chairman Fullerton, of the Demo cratic committee, concedes Jackson's election by 20,000. He lays the result to the calamity cry of the Republican party. clalmlOK the bard times were attributed io the Democratic adminis tration and laboring men, merchants, farmers, and professional men voted for a change. Chairman Bly the of the Republican committee says: Iowa went Republi can because it is for protection aud be cause of the liberal position the party took on the liquor question. The legislature will be ltepubllcan. nannhllrjtnR elected 17 out of 24 sen ators, and 05 out of 100 representatives The Populist vote in the state will uot be more thon 14,000. Kentucky Democratic. LOOI8VILLB, Ken., Nov. 8. In Ken t.mtru Mm Democrats more than held their own In the state legislature. The Populists lost altogether. Pettltt, the leading Popullstof the state, was beaten for state senator ny a large majority. Probably one populist Is elected. The returns so far show of 138 legislators, 111 Dftnocrats, 7 Republicans, 20 doubt, ful. Most doubtful in the Republican dUtr.cts. A overwhelming majority in f.yor of the election of wnasay to tne U. ri. senate. Gary Leads the "Jflciet Chicaoo, Nov. 8,-Tbe returns to 10 ,' clock Indicate the election of the en ire Republic"!! Judicial ticket, wlib i. nos,ible exception of Kraft who .,. ...in! to have some auarehUt i mn a - -anlnir. Ju"Ke ury on Jersey City, n. Y., Nov. a-Ro-publicans have a majority in tho legls lature which stands: Senate, Republi can 11, Democrats 10; Assembly, Re publicans 89, Democrats 21. Philadelphia, Nov. 8: Pennsylvania elected a Republican 8unnm nmin Justice by probably 80,000. Returns are only half received. Louisville, Nov. 8: Returns recolviwl later today from this state Judicata a Wlintf ofT In the Democratic vote throughout the state, Boston, Mass., Nov. 8: Massachu setts has elaoted Greeuhalge by 30,000. Alt of the Renublloan ntnt H,kai- w.in. Toi'EKA, Nov. 8. Today's .nsiurna add to tne overwhelming defeat of the ropunsi party in ttili state by the Re publicans, The Democratic and Pro hibition vote cut only a small figure. Indications are tho Republicans have elected county olllcera In 00 out 105 counties In the state. Denver, Nov. 8: This state Is almost entirely Republican, in the county elec tions. Equal fcuiirugo carried by a good majority. Boston, N0V..8: Returns un to nnnn indicates Grcenbalce's plurality is 32.- 858 fur governor of Massachusetts Di s Moini-s, Nov, 8. Tho returns coutluueas pleaslug to Republicans as tbey are confusing to Ponulista uud despondent to Democrats. Tho sur prising thing III tiu election Is thn stualluesaof tho Prohibition and Popu list vote of the state. The prohibition Ists only claim 15,000. General Weaver estimates the Populist vote at 30 to 40,- 000. It Is believed It will be about thirty thousand. MA6&AniIUSKTrH. Boston. Nov. 8. The result of tho election lu Massachusetts can only be described as a huge political landslide. For the first time In threo veara the state will have a republican governor, and his plurality Is 30,000 at least. The whole ticket Is elected with him, and tbo legislature is Bolldly republican in both branches. NEW JERSEY. New Jersey elects 33 Rnubllcan and 23 Democratic assemblymen, Elections were held In eight senatorial district, six of which returned Republicans. The latest returns iudlcate that the senate will stand, Republicans 10. Democrats 11. The Republicans will have a majority of 12 or 13 In the house, Bgalnst a Democratic majority of 18 last i var. KANSAS. Toi'EKA, Nov. 8. Dispatches up to 2 o'clock from all parts of Kansas show Republican galuv. Twenty seven coun ties beard from are all Republican, In cluding the most populous cotintles of the state, many of which were Popu list the past two years It looks like a clean sweep of the state for the Repub licans. PENNSYLVANIA. Pinf.AtKf.PWA, Nov, 8 Returns .i., Atl at Him fl7 nnlltilln lnnln1lnr III,.. -" " . w ....., ...U....,U Philadelphia and Allegheny, of the vote for state treanurer, show u net Republi can gain of 40,653, Indicating a majority In the state of considerably above 100.- 000. SOUTH DAKOTA. ViutfrAiJ Vnv. II Tiifnpmnllnn pa. celved from headquarters of both repub lican ami iciu wimiu utiuirni uwlll tee itxsure the election of all the i r.lillruti niflilulitkl fur lllflcrfiililri if ruin IUWI.W.H - -. - .... - , ,. the Republican ticket. The vote cast Will e awm out) naif, or o,iwp 01 which the ("publican candidate will receive 05 t w-nt. Count a no Nov 8. Oi'oraotibow Republican. The qurton f tqual suH'repe has tr) Iifre the itHipU- of Uwlorailo, and (IlllfV llllnilatll WO I'.MSIlUL'iru, AND ZegalJBltmUPubltHhera. B0.h'. Nr BrickTer the Unk.Oon.1 tmt whom Gov. Mtgeldmade the nin, iseieoini ..,, .000 or more and leads the rest i toe ti-ket by two to tour tnouwuu, 1.1..-..7 v the aid of the DrBi.mtle wIhj, , ihe -mA rxf I-.I1I1IV IJUIUIUUUIUUCI n... - ard of County Commuwlou mixed. wan though wllli evldeiilly l'icrenili)g In- inret, Mi any lu ihe unniiK; and mliiliie lltrlHI", Alllioiijli Denver 1 will iiroiMhty nlvu a small nivjurity KsiiiHl i-ultraue. It U prislicted that le m-urr win nrry 111 me aiie ny ..l iiiailorllv. Woiiirn Hcure tliM right to v.'te by tir.lBiiialif.n of Hie .vfrnnr. should tne ouwtlon carry at IthepolU. The Ohio Victory. Columbus, Nov. a With a plural lty of 60,000 and two-thirds of both branohea of the letrislature McKlnW has won tho most decisive victory re corded lu Ohio since the civil war. It has been won on national Issues. It would not have been a surprise two weeks ago, but after tho notion of con gress there seemed to bo such a reantlnn that an overwhelming vote Is a sur prise. Tho Democrats did not allow tho oontest to go by default, but mnrf a most vigorous fight with harmonious working forces. Ex-Governor Camp bell canvassed tho stato for Lawrence T. Neal all last week and tho Demo cratic committee was hopeful after con gress reached declslvo action. The weather was pleasant all ovor and there was a full yoto of over 800,000. Tho decisive results of former years havo been because of small votes, those of ouo party or tho other not turning out, but tho voters wero out todav all over tho stato and MoKluley has a ma jority over all with tho Democratic Prohibition, and Ponullst tickets on. posed to him. This Is the first majority over all that any state candidate has naa sinco .poster's election lust nfter airfield's death In 1881. Republicans are apprehensive on one part of their victory. Tbe-kSflslature elected does not Belect a UnTted States Bonatorandlt Is ovor two-thirds Re publican, tho strongest Binco tho war. With such a large working majority they fuar such legislation by city mom bora as may lead to defeat two war hence when another legislature Is to be selected that will choose Senator Price's successor. Fallowing was Issued at 11:30 latt night: To general manager Associated Press: I desire to cbaugo the figures made earlier. We hayo carded Ohio for MoKlnley by 00.000 to 76.000 nlural. lty and both branches of tbo legislature oy more tuan two-thirds majority. (Signed) Charloi Dick, chairman Re publican stato central committee. HESULT UY PHECINUTS. In Ohio 100 precincts show MoKlnley 18,001, Neal 0,161, Populist 254, Prohl bltlonlBt 607. Tho same In 1802 gave Harrison 18,450, Cleveland 11,178, Populist 100, Prohibitionist 688. Of 3b precincts In Hamilton county only one showed a Democratic gain. Tho aver- ago gain for McKlnley in each was 82. At this rate his plurality In Hamilton county will bo over 10,000 gain of 0500. Columbust To the t-eueral mauaeer of tho Associated Prcitt Indications now point to a plurality for MoKlnley of more than 50,000 and both branches of the legislature by largo majorities. (Signed) Charles Dicks, chairman Re publican stato central committee. Cincinnati: 800 precincts give Mo Klnley 48,023, Neal 83,623; Populist 800; Prohibitionists 1800, A Republican gain of 7727. With ouo twenty-eighth of the stale heard from MoKluIey's gain Is253fe. At this rate his plurality will reach 7000. Cleveland: Returns ludlcato that McKlnley will carry Cuyahoga county by at least 4,000. Last year Cleveland carried It by 4,200. Celumbus: No more doubt is being held. At midnight the headquarters are being abandoued and meetings are being held nominating MoKlnley for prealdent In speeches by Boutelle, Dol liver, Horr, Chairman Dick and others. At 2 a. m. the republican chairman of the slate committee says the returns Indicate a plurality of 87,000 for Mo Klnley. j&t ABSOLUTELY PURE McKinley's Opinion. CoLUMnus, Nov. 8. In reply to an Inquiry from tho eenoral mnnmrnp nf tho associated press, as to tho cause of mo result in Ohio, Govornor MoKluloy said teday: "Tho oiimnaljrn of Ohio wan foitrfht out between hlmsolf and Neal, on tho question of tho tariff and freo trado, iiuro nnu simpio from beginning to ond, and that tho result was tho verdict of tho people of Ohio on those ques tions. R.eylsod figures at tho Republi can headquarters, Indicate ovor 80,000 plurality for McKlnley and threo fourths of tbo stato legislature." THE RESULT IN SALEM. Republicans Jubilant and Democrats Hard to Find. j, Tho news of tho great political land alldo of Tuesday, that has woll nigh burled tho Domooratlo, Populist and Prohl parties out of sight was reoolved atsaiem with tho greatest rejoicings by Republicans. Tho crowds at The Journal office bulletin boards worouproanousat every new victory scored by tho dispatches, whloh never camo so uniformly agreo- able to them before. Tho stars and stripes wero Hying at this office In honor of tho oyolouo In tho east. If arshoepskln had hoen'conr vonlont It would havo boon Hung to tho breeze. A Republican ratification would be decidedly lu ordor, but It Is understood tho Pennoyer oannon N at Portland. .FIRE AT EUGENE. Tho Edrls Mills Valued at $25,000 Go Up la Smoke. Euqkne, Nov. 8.-(Special.)-Th Eugene flouring mills were burned last night, tho flro being discovered at 11:15 p. m. Ill the ton Storv. It In nnnnnaorl that tho flro was oauBed from in nii. slon of tho fine flour dust. Tho prop erty wai owned bv Wm. R.irL & n Tho mill and machinery was valued at $25,000: Insurance, 510,000. About 15,000 bushels of wheat, iwnd by farmers, wni.on storage. Several thousand bushels of wheat, luriiv ouwtuuvu wm oe saveu. Nothing was carried from tho building, It belna; a total loss. Tho canaolty of the mill Is 800 lbs. per day. Ono man barely saved his life by slid Ing down a board from thosecond story. Assignment. EuawJB, Nov. a-fSpeclal. -Bo)d Bros., grocers at Junction r.itv m.io an assignment last night for the bene. ik or incircredltors to M. S. Lee In thi city. Assets about $1600, consisting of stook and accounts; liabilities $2000. owed principally to Portland flrnw, Muelhans & Co. being the largest. f,7. MURDEROUS AKAHOHISTS. PERSONAL AND SOOIAL. Local Oorrespondenc6 from in tho Valloy. Towns A Xuckeye Breeze. CoLUunus, Nov. 8. The latest unof ficial returns from the stato at Repub lican headquarters Indicate McKlnley carried the state by between seventy and eluhtv thousand nluralltv. Chilli. cot ho the borne 0 Neal, KicKlnley's opponent, went Republican for the first time. Telegrams of congratulations are pouring In on McKlnley from all parts of the country, wUhlntr him equal success In 1600. Republican pa per are out with his name for the next president. The legislature will be i(r :uimcau uy aooui iwo-inirus in ikhu innu-a. At IIih Itoiiiitfmlln ulal tiail. quarters the rru.lt Is ooucedtd In 1 (Hun as win give iiietn no occasion w 00k after the returns, KilOU IIROOICS. Prof. Myers' moved Into Grandpa Beatty's shop building Saturday, va eating Mr. Chapman's house und Mr. U. moved Into town Tuesday. Dr. Honsel was a passenaer to Sulotn Tuesday. Wm. Hoover Improved hishouso last week by building a new porch. Mr. Hurst of Knnaaa. Inst, i.rrlu.wl uero, crossing tho mountains with a team, being four mouths on tho way. They moved Into M. L. Jones' Imura Just vacated by Geo. Massey. Wm. Jones returned from his irln east of tho mountains Thursday, Mrs. M. L. Jones treatod her 8. 8. class to a nlcj reception Biturduy night. 13. K. Bhaw and wife und J. M. B'luf for aud wifo visited at George Mussey's dunday. Eddie Shaw went to Salem Saturday returnlug Sunday, Mrs. T. J. Clark was on tho lnk iii last week. There will be a hard times social giv en by the Epworth League at this place Wednesday eve., Nov. 16. Every body Invited to attend. Fling Bombs Into a Helpless Crowd at a Theatre.-- - BAHCKLONA, Nov. 8.--Last nlhfc when tho Lloeo Theatre was fllloil tm dynamlto bomb) wow hurled from the gallery by anarchists. Ono oxt.lml.-d scattering death and dlstruotlon on every side. A panlp ensued. When Iho wrcckngo was 'clcarid eighteen' disfigured bodies were revoa'ed. The number wounded la lare. The bomb thrower escaped. Anothor Steamer Disaster. Toronto, Nov. S.-JFuIl particulars of tho burning of the steamer Fraser und loss of life near Goose la aud, last ulght,uro not reoelvod. The uutnber on board not positively known, but n At .. -- less tuuu twenty lives nro lost, seven saved, One Defaulter Does. New York, Nov. 8. Franols IT. Week, tho defaulter recently brought back from Central Amorioi. wmmti. tonced today to ton yeare Imprisonment on bis plea ol guilty. OREGON i'UBMIUMS. r- ir.-n ... .... . , uiujumuui. oiAsuianu. is in me city, and Is very happv. And bo has koou reason to te. lie has received tho award at the world's fair for tl 0 finest peaches. This Is indeed a great feather In Oregou's cap, especially as the award Is a big victory over Cailfor. nla. Mr. Pracht la ualnu in f)nii,n tn. day on hukluess connected wall the manufacturing of flour bag, in whloh a jvy iQimiJi an luiunm.! irifi-iiiiMti ..,,.,, -v vnunMi he ye 31st. It would tie a very good nlau If a Hat of all premiums awardel to Oregon ex ploits couiu no got together aud nub. llshed. Oretcoo has accord I nir t tin. papers In Washington and California aurpaaseo inoae states In nearly eyery Hue of competition. It would be a good plan If Secretary frvlnv of the World's Ktlr OuiumUslon should nre pare complete list 0 the Oreffon victor. lee at tho Columbian Kposl.in. It would be a creditable list and would do a great (Veal to a JvertUe Oregon. TKULY AtTUEHENSlVK- The Republicans of Ohio are embar rassed as to the magnitude or tbelr vic tory. They fear tho result of bad rec ords that will bo made In a legislature bo overwhelmingly Republican that corruption Is almost Inevitable. They fear the bud results of u part v havlntr so much power that Its very strength becomes a source of weakness next year when thay have a senator to elect. They have reul reason for appreben slon. In these days of corruption and Jobbery there seems to be more danger from largo majorities than from the successor defeat of any party, Ther Is no check possible upon the remnant spirit of partisanship drunken with power. It Is the danger thatU al ways threatening a Republic I h State of Ohio, City ofToledoss Lucas County, ; Frank J Cheney makes oath that be Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing bule lH tb city of Toledo, county ami state afore said, and that said tirm will pay taw sum of one hundred dolUM tot eaeli and every case ol catarrh thai eauoat be cured bv tk nun nf ITuD'a IVIihIi Cure. FkankJ. Chhmky, Sworn to before me and subaeribed In ruy presence, this 0th dy of Dwn. ber. A. D 18S0. A. W. UI.KASON Notary PiUie I j Heal Hatl'a Catarrh Hura U falrau lnt.H. and acts directly on the blood awt mi cous surfaces tothesyeten. Sssvd far iwiiibiouww, ,ree. P. J, Chunky fc Co., ToWo, Osd. i I