'w' "'ypjWTTTliS itWH"my t j I'lpi iw; pjh db4kaib BTESCfS CAPITAL JOTJBXAi. MOXDAT, KCVTEMBEB 6, 1SB. HE GfftHl JODFJEAL PCBI13HKI DAILY, EXCEPT EtKfDAY. XTTKX Capita! Journal PubfeMag Company PnV3ee Btoek. ComtaerckH emei. HOFEB BROTHERS, Er&arj. lnltx.br earrtar.per aeaXb. ItoUT.br tbJJ. per jew. VceicJr. 8 pares, P J r -S9JW ZOT A POPl'lIST APPEAL. Tfae Popolkt representatives arid Benalora.bare iwtltd an address to tbe people in which they review tbe argu ments made in tbe apeeial cession ol coigreijast dosed against repeal of tbeeilrer paccba daoe of tbe fiber man act, and appeal to tbe country to undo jht tbe majority in tbe boose sndeenate have deliberately done at tbe behest of Graver Cleveland and tbe money Inflneoow-of the country. OfoKiree tbe address is l&soed for political effect and to take advantage of whatever sentiment may be aroused by the action of coupes nd tbe presl dent that will accrue in votes at tb coming election. As tbe Dsmocratk party was pat in power in all thrw branches of government upon a repea. platform, not alone of tbe purchase clause but of tbe whole Sherman act tbls appeal to the people is really ask ing them to. reverse their decree at tbe polls last November when tbey put Grover Cleveland, tbe arch type of gold tnonometallists, into tbe chair of au thority, Tbe quarrel of tbe PopuliU is with tbe decree of "last November wbicb was that tbe Sherman law be re pealed. Now tbe Sherman law is not all re pealed. All tbe silver money of our country stands just where it did only a great deal belter, as there is not so much of it as tbere would have been bad that law not been repealed. With some three or four hundred millions silver money, most of it lying idle in the banks or at Washington, and tbe anrepealed parts of tbe Sherman law to make It as eood as gold, silver is not discredited nor discountenanced as the money of oar country. It is true we have not free coinage of silver, and have not had for many decades, and since that time have bad a great deal of prosperity In tbe country. We may have prosperity again without free coin age of sliver. What tbe country needs now is not more silver coined but a rest from financial agitation especially of tbe Populist kind. If oue half of tbe money lying idle In tbe banks coold be got into circulation times would be better. If tbe country could be assured of a cessation of financial politics for two yeara's money now in hiding would come out into the channels of trade business would revive, factories would open, labor be employed and tbe country safe. TUB PEOPLE'S OPPORTUNITY IN OREno.V. Within tbe next four or six months political action will have been taken tbat will control tbe state government of Oregon for tbe next four years. A state election will be held next Juue at which a complete new board of slate officers are to be chosen. So far as known au entire new set of candidates will be In tbe field, with poastuly oue or two exceptlous. The stale olMoea to be gambled for In tbe lottery of politics are worth to the men wbo get them ac cording to the present fee system over one hundred thousand dollar. There will be a terrible struggle togeltlu-te offices. The business of state polltkn pays belter thau a faro bank or any other kind of a bank. The Influence of churches, federal office holders, secret societies will be brought to bear to (se cure these prizes. The constitution is now the bulwark of a fee system that makes state offices worth from ten to twenty thou nd dollars, that should be managed fur two or three thousand attieutmst. The expenses of govern ment lu Oregon are euormoua compared with other states. Uuleta a political revolution can be started lu Oregon tbat will override tbe constitution by Its overwhelming Bweep the people will get no relief for the next fuuryeais. The asplraute of all parties will go In to make all they can "uuJer the consti tution." But constitutions are for tbe protection of the people wbo make them and not for tbe protection of those who by virtue of IU terms enrich then), selves. Constitutions are for economy and good government, uot for robbery and treasury looting. The constitution ofOregon never contemplated that from three to five hundred thousand dollars ol taxes, collected this year, being e ployed lu the channels ofntatoen (rprlee as the laws provide. This feci four state finances mid of the enor mous proflltt of state offices la not de ukd or explained. It sLou d not te tolerated. What wo wlili to eay la tb it unless (lie people of Oregon arouse themselves and throw off time euormoua burden and owtrsgw Ihey will be Inflicted lipoe thorn again for another term ol frturyeara f"H July, JSW, In the uaun of the constitution. Tbu science of In orliig profits will enlarge tbe expense ofU( qoYWunwat dopfele what HI now. Taxes wbicb are now doable what tbey are in roost slates will be still farther Increased. Unless a halt is called and a new deal declared and a. new understanding bad beforehand tbe burdens of government in Oregon , will be such as to paralyze all in-1 dostries, prostrate all barineasand de-i pre? all values. Tbe people under the present system have nothing lo say about their govern ment and nothing to do but to pay. Take tbe record of tbe last legislature. It is blighting in its influence In the eitrenje.lt is wasteful and extravagant. Thievery was open and unblushing. Responsibility to tbe people tbere was none Beside levying more taxes it created a new railroad commission for tbe express purpose of levying Increased f reign t rates on the people and serving tbe corporations solely and exclusively. Unless tbe people- arise and smash and annihilate tbe machinery that does all these things tbey are n.iwortby to be considered as Americans capable of self government. Tbe present political oiar-falDery In Oregon is an oligarchy of bosses on tbe one band and a mass of 'mDQverirbed people on the other. If I Is! uteres led cititens who do nothing ut pay taxes will agree that tbls ttate if things tball not longer exist tbey -an bring about a reform that will save them hundreds of thousands of dollars for the next four years. If not'tbey nutMmply dig up tbe coin to pay iver to legalized robbery in tbe name f government conducted by tbose who f illow that trainees for what tbere is In it The Journal is not prepared to say Jnrt bow this can be done. It has no plan to suggest. But it believes tbe outness instincts and common sense of tbe people wbo pay tbe bills is equal to the occasion if wisely directed. The Journal la heart and soul in favor of a new order of things through out, in favor of a more economical state government by one half at least, in favor of cutting off tbe sinecures and reducing public officials somewbai nearer tbe scale of liviog tbe present hard times. SDSUESTKD COMMENT. Pennoyer'sTbanksgiving turkey may be a crow. Congress bis adjourned on tbe silver question. The people haven't. The Journal will .not observe Gov ernor Pennoyer's Thanksgiving day. Oregon people can hardly aflord two Thanksgiving, turkeys this year of bard times. Tbe calamities tbat Governor Pen noyer pictures exist somewhere besides tbe Willamette valley. Tbe government is talking of putting in circulation some of its standard si! ver dollars. It is high time. Turkey is our country's national Thanksgiving day bird. Nobody wants Peunoyerb's state rights crow. Having two legal holiday on which a note cannot become due will be no vcreat advantage. Tbere are loo many notes already due. Governor 1'eunoyer will be the only man in Oregon who will eat bis turkey on the 23d of November. Tbe rest will eat (ton tbe 30th, which is Thanksgiv ing day. Gen. Manager Cottle of the State In surance lo., reports tjo.uuu received f.T premiums in Oct. 1S03, against $11,000 In same month lai-t year as a result of fighting the trust. President Wallace of the Salem Wa ter (To., says be believes he can safely chilletige the world to equal the clear c'd water new bein furnished by bis service to the jx-ople of this city. The state lusurunce company Uniak lug a fine showing lu its fight against the united insuraucj monopoly of tbe Pacific coatt. and will ba tbe means of saving properly owners thousands of dollars. If the Republicans themselves in Oregon do not put a check on political corruption their parly will be wiped out of existence, or else get as low down as it is In Callfurnta where tbe ruilroai'a ouy legislators for a price as soon as they are elected and then hold the bribery law club over them if they fall to come to time. At tbe Chicago chrysanthemum how thtre are over 1000 difterent vari eties of chrysanthemums ou exhibition. Among the uotable novelties Is a mag nificent new -yiw of tbf Mrs. Alnheus Hurdy variety, which was Introduced nto this country four years ago from, Japan. This magnificent amethyst pluH flower has been uamed the Mr. II. N, Hlglubothum, Another exquslte ooveity la a crtui white seedling, culled, the Marie LouUo, which Is olglvt Jucbea lu diameter. Another la he Richmond Beauty, bronze In color, iud la also eight indies In diameter. Vet another In The Challenge. That Is t bright ytl ov and la said by connois seurs to be the finest blossom lu this color that has been developed. Lecture On Fools. Admit One. A gentleman wbo lectured on fools, printed bis tickets as above. Seg cestlve. Certainly, and even sarcastic. What fools are they who suffer tbe inroads of disease wben tbey might be cured. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical' Dhvovery Is Eold under a positive guv-1 antee of Its benefiting or curing lo every) case of Liver, Blood ajd Lung disease, or money pak! fiir it cheerfully refund j ed- In all blood taints and impurities) ot whatever nameor nature. It is mosti positive in its crurative t fleets. Pimples, r Blotches. Eruptions, and all Skin and Scalp diseases, are radically cured by this woadtnui meaicine. ecroiuious disease may aflect tbe glands, causing swellin4 or tumor; tb- bon, causing "Fever sore." -White Swelim," Hip joint Diase"; or the iLsuesof me JUDgP, UlUJMUg i UlUiUUJlJ WU- sumpilon. Whatever Its manifesta tions may be, "Golden Medical -Discovery" cures it. STAGE GLINTS. Nina Bertjni-Eumphreys has left the Hinrichs Opera company. Joseph Arthur is said to have started to rewrite "The CbmcrackeT." C J. Enrbidge has joined "Across the Potomac,' playing Captain FazwelL "The Oath," a sensational drama, will be produced at Baltimore on Nov. 13. Eunice Goodrich, a westerner, will make her first eastern tour in February. George Lassen is organizing a stock company to play over Davis museum circuit in -Pennsylvania. W. A. Whitecar has received a play from Portugal, from the pen of Camilla Blanco, and will translate it. Valerie Bergere has won favorable no tice for her leading work in "The Jour nalist.' a new play produced recently in Wisconsin. A new play called "Tim the Tinker" was recently produced at Bristol. Conn. 'Wild Bose," another new play, was launched at Mount Pulaski, Ills. Violet Mascotte will go out again this season under the management, of B. Forbes of Cuba, N. Y. The tour will begin on Feb. 5 at Philadelphia. It seems that Joseph Brooks will re tain the proprietary rights in Augustus Thomas' new play, "Blue Blood," and that he has simply disposed of the ri'ht to A. M. Palmer to present the play in New York and other large cities FIGS AND THISTLES. Good looks, to be permanent, must be gin on the inside. Fishing for compliments is not a bit better than fishing on Sunday. The devil gets lame as soon as he comes in sight of a good man's bouse. Tbe man who expects to outrun a lie had better not start with lame feet. If he devil ever takes off his hat to any man on earth, it is to the hypocrite. When the devil goes to church, he gen erally walks there with a church member. The devil has no quarrel with the man who never has any controversy with him self. An archangel would break down under what some people expect of a pastor's wife. There is often as much venom in the point of a pen as there is in the big end of a club. nam's Morn. MRS. ELM1RA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. XUts Htdlrol Co Elkhart, Ind. Duk Bibi; For 3 yean I wu titrable! with bean dUeaw. Would frrquentlr have lailini jells and unoiherlng at iiiKbt. Had to ait op a ret out of tied to trcatbe. Had pain In my let' aide and back moatef tbo time, at Ut I betamf dropii at I wu very i enrous and nearly won ool lba leaat excitement would cause me u THOUSANDS &( with fiotlertnr For the last flrleen ytara I mulo not sleep on my leftside or back uotU began lak mr your Xru II tart Cur. I bad not taken it ver) long until I felt much better, and I can now aleei on either tide or back without tbe least discom fort. I bate no pain, smothering dropsy, no w"'d on stomach or other disagreeable sympioms. I am able to do alt mr own homework without any titrable and consider tnrwlf cured Eikhan. Ind tt& Mas. Euntl Hitch. It Is now four years since I haTe taken any medicine. Am In better health than I bate teen In 40 years. I honestly be- . . . . 11.TO that Dr. Mil' v C U R E Fj Bart Cur tared ray lllo vwniiiW and mads mo a well woman I am cow 62 yean of ace, and. am able to do a eood day's work. Majmh,U9Z. Maa. uukx IUtox. MLD ON A POSITIVC GUARANTCK. TRY M. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. Sold by D. J, Fry, droeglst, Balem DR. GUNH'S XKPXOVXD LIVER PIUS JA "" 'A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. a taOTsmeati of Um bowsl tut day. t Meeuarr kaaltfc. Tbsaa pllU PtJr what U ijiua Uafcs M auk u rscubur. Cur ildoh. Wi bta lh XjfM aad lu U OeaipUsiaa Uux Uun MttMloa, Thay aotsandly. aalUiur crtp w iteksa aa oUar puis do. Vo eoartea to 5lh.tr sunu we lull saaplM (T, r fill bix SSo. tvcid iTtrrwfeara, jumeka KXC, tjlutls Pa. Bold by B(U 4 VsaBlype. J-?f rt i sFTa . i.rV m IrS9 7 lv Jl VPJ' B it An AmlurraMlss; lacldeBt. A bride teHs of a difficult moment of ber recent weddim; trip. Afew days of it were spent with an nude of hess, xeary deaf aad Terr' pious. When tbey t down to dinner on the night ot their arrival, with aeon Eiderable oompany of relatives as sembled to do them honor, the uncle exploded a bomtebeU by asking the groom to sbv grace. Much embarrassed, as he was tni accostomed to officiating in this way, he leaned forward, mrirnraring a re quest to be excused, whereupon the uncle, watching him, only wait ed until his bps fctopped moving to utter a sonorous 'Amen!"' in re sponse. It it hardlv neoassarv to add that not only did the blearing for that meal go unsaid, but aiso that the ef fort of everybody, except the uncle, to keep from langnmg quite took away the appetites for the first course. Xew York Times. Hood's Cures Jlrs. E. 21. Burt Three Great Enemies "For orer twenty years I suffered clK. Jltonlgia., Khrwmatitm, Syapepsia. JlTe years ago I began to take Hood's Farsa parilla and It has done me a vast aznr cut ol rood. Since beginning to talcs It I hiTe not Bad a sick day. 1 am 7- years eld m-l en joy rood tiealiii, which I auritut to Hood's ku-sapirUJa." 3Ies- . M- Bikt Wfst Kenlall. Xew York. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills cure brer ills, constipa U3s-UUotuneu,sleJcheadache,ladisestion. Grape Vines for Sale. I have prnpogated several thousand good strong two-year old grape vine forgetting out, assorted varlties, suit ible for culture In Oregon. 25 cte each. 2.00 per dnzen. E. Hofer, Balem. Or., Journal office. d w DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE la raids a family of niae children, ray only remedy for Conans, Oolds and Croup waa cslon yrap. ItUluaaefIecaTeto-4araattwrix years azo. Kow ay grandehlldrea talu Ir. Oaas1 Oaioa Bymp. wbien is already prepared acd oon pleaAant to the taats. Soi4 eTerywhere. Lars bottle Meaau. Taka no aahatinua tor It Bold by Hakett & VanBlype. Thk Cheapestt. Have the Daily Journal left at your office or resi dence. Only 50 cts a mouth. By mail 25 cts a month. E. X. WAITEPBINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS -ANI Legal Blank Publishers. Bash's New Brick.over the bank.Coml street Rheumatism, - Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame BacKj c DR. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC 1ELT With Electro-Macnctlo SUSPEHSORV. shiest 1'aleaUI Ul JaiproTrveau I wCjenr vttboot nsedldnaall WmIlmm reanmnrtrora orer-ijtiHooof bnin nerra rotvesi sTffw or India, mtiott. aa rjerrous debility, alcerueaBSeaa. lancvor. fanunaiuziL kklury, llrtr and bladJrr eompltlata, lame back, iambago, adatlra, all female coopuau. rr aral 111 bealtb. tte. This elertrto Belt entalsa Wiirful lainmnii tmr all others. Carrent 14 wanOy feiifcy vaarrr or w rorteit $i,Oe.0, and will cure all ot tbe abor oIimki or Do pay. Tboo. aads have been eared by this maivtlooa inmUoa arter all other mnediea failed, and wo rln hnnd rails ocieetuaonuia In this and ertry other suta. Oar rrrrl Imfnt UZCTUC brfcrrxsosT. th rroueet booa er offered weak men, nil vtih al . UUUu4TIVM.txrntaCl'llUkTUDUe3t Mars Bead for lliosU Famphlet, mulol.Makd, bt 8AN0EN ELEOTRIO CO., Vo. 17SJflratatrceUirlXTJLA3i OJU. BUItTOX liROTUKRS Manutacta Standard Presaod Brick, Molded Brick In all Patlerna for Front and SUDDlv lha brick lortha NewHxlemClH iall and nearly all tbe One buildings erected u mo iipitai miy, yards near Penitentiary, Salem, Or. frS-d MONEY TO LOAN In Improved Real Estate, In amounla and lime to suit. No delay In considering loans. FEAR & FORD, Room 13. Bosn Bank block. 5 194 THE OLD RELIABLE NORTH SALEM MEAT MARKET, J. H. ALLEN, Prop. The very best of nieata at all times, and tbe be t of service, JtSOnpoblte Wade's Btoro. SMITH BROS., CONTRAerOIW Jt FLABTEKERS. LeTe orders at Ooma-farfcanrat block joqsb U,siletn,Ortoa, wmm?r THE GREAT REVOLUTrONS 1S42 RevolBtkm in Spain against the "nsorper EapsrtPro, declared regent after the expetekm of the queen regent; flight of Epartro aad Isabella II de tiiredqneea. IS! Revolation at Atbeas against inbo L who had been eJeted king; a tew cxmstitntkja proiBaltited. 1S4S A revolation broke oat in Aus trian Poland; finally suppressed after mnch bloodshed. 1S48 Revolution in Helland: a nevr constitution granted. IStS General insurrections through out Germany and Austria: mostly -without result. - 1S4S Great insurrection against papal authority in Rome; many assassinations nf cardinals and vavaX ministers: flight of the popo in disguise to Ga?ta; the Roman provisional government aivesiea the nana of all temrxiral rower and pro claimed a republic; the pope appealed to the Catholic powers, and an army sent by France invested and tooz itome ana re-established the papal authority. 184S General revolutionary disturb ances in Switzerland; clamor for a new constitution; aa entirely new constitu tion adopted. 1S48 General insurrections in all parts of Italy; popular uprisings against the petty pneces. 1&4S Revolution in France; Louis Phillippe and the royal family escaped to England: a republic proclaimed from :he steps of the Hotel de Yille; Louis Xapoleon, president, 1&1S The great Hungarian rebellion; Austria having by gradual encroach ment re-established dominion, Hungary ieclared a free and independent state; the insurgents defeated the Anstrians at Hermanstadt and Gran; the Aus trian emperor asked help from Russia, and 60,000 Russian troops were sent to his assistance; the Hungarians defeated by the allied Russians and Anstrians; the Hungarian army surrendered. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. TheLondon sutfflnstitute 7i9 Market street San Francisco, Cal. IB A. II EDI' Mj AJJD SURG1"AL, INSTL rUTE. located permanently at 719 Ma-ket Street. Han KrancUco. Cal.. for tha cure of all lteaes, afflict!- ns and deformities. A staff 11 poyaieiaos aaa so rg eons, nartne diploma ind lh endorsement of ne best colleges-of luriicannu ranipe, sx:ite Epecia ISUi wno hnVA ha1 lww PTtvr nna In natln .iu.1.1 nd coronlc dl-eas-s. are In co inant attend, anre. Apharrmcy is aiiacbed, and all pre- $1.00 Trial Bottle $5.00 Full Course Snfle-erifrom Asthm. Kn-uma'um. don Uinuttiin. 'aUrTh. DraDeosli. Ia4IirMLtlnn scrofula Epilepsy, Female Weanesa.Caucer, teirt Disease, U'ODcbltls, truptlous, .-alt exnal Diate. Xxni Manbod Malar1 Url a -rrTroubles, Pile Uwel Troobles, hiald tinsalt at once. Iv chtnet. w ibla tbe 'eacbol all. combined with the beat medical ma aargicai aaiu. Young, Middle Aged and Old Men tVbo may be aaOerlne from YODTHKUb FOLLIES or the ezceases of matured LI. 1 uld r-otsultatono. before U ts too late; (thel'u'ted -ttei.aa they can and win re inreio you penect neatin when all others nve failed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejaveiated and manly vigor restored br tbelr new and woudrful methods of treat menu No lnju loos drurs used. Worn oat oaslneti men call fot advice, especially j TOO iresod-rlne from Nervous Debility or falllne lower, or any dlseasa or the Kye, Ear, Throat Lunn. Heart, titomtcn, akin, Kidneys, or Blood Diseases Cared In Jh shortest Unxsby vere table remedl.a. ART VnilM8UxnheIlnynvljrorona nriL. IUU aa you should be? Am yon rre fromexery tra-eof disease or tlekneasr Do yon look we IT Do yon feel wel T or is there Mime Chronic rrooble; wh'ch. like a ranker worm la the budding II wer, la rani dl y a. lroylnc jour very T-tala. Who suffer from Kenroos Prostration, Bleep leaneaa. Despondency. IudlcUoa.tmsUp tton. Lasslluae. ral s In the lUca or iid V,rt cVaeaaea peculiar to tbelr aei, ciinsnlt these (iujiwuv huh iuoutuioat oounaeace. $1.00 TRIAL POTTLE $5 00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Ma ketStreet Sai Francljco, Cal. IT IS ALL It's eeoaotay to boy the Eagle brand a It goes farthest. . r j sas j 1 11 1 p ' "i n ri ri rr" rr"T rf 1 1 1 -i m 9 , THE SEW WILLAMETTE ,;STABLJES Completed and. ready to ,waJt on nstomers. Hom-,bcrded by day or k at reasonable prices. We keep a fnll line of Track. Tnyt aDd Exprmtt meet all demands. Also keep tbe finest Stallions iri'tbJsxoanty, for eerrlce. Barn and residences block, south of poelofflce. RYAX A CO. THE PEOPLE'S BAILY! o l . : OD' Only One Cent, on the Pacific :0oast. CIIPEST IffSPtfl Receiving all the AssoGiatedPness . ' r k .. . , vv DM BY MAIL,, PERM (( a These low hord Ernies jatfs enable every fajmi r to bare hia daily jpapec and know the news of the .world. Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited by ita.publisbers ioj3ecure,gpod government for the people, able to deal justly and fairly O D Complete Telegraphic, State, .Capital, For eign, Market ani&op, MpjrYS. to i, i.., ,UUl. ! THE TALK- The question of the purity of food aaj the milk we drink. For more than Thirty years the SULEOBDU WU. EMU has held first place Jn the estimation of tbe American Eeople-so far as Condensed AWk is concerned. JVhy? Because to person who buys-K Js 4ever disappointej In Its uniformity of quality, and superior richness. Eyery can b steriliad and b Free from Disease Germs. Your Grocer It Druggist sell & 1 i . O Daily Newspaper, Dispatches. 2 state oft the market and all the , with U. II 111 S3.O0