Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 04, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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vElrctf& " Capital jouitKAi satukday, ovembeM i, ism
3 tttr hritf &J$k &
In the Lead
That is whero wo are continually
striving to be, spurred on by your
approbation and evidence of good
wilL We think we have mirvassed.
our own record, though, this season.
You are warmly invited to iass
OFjEXIO 3Ej5k.XJlu03E3,
t .r.;anoA wlion vnu tret vour tee'h extracted or filled by
DR CONTRI S, as he uses the Hale method. Gold or Por
celain crown inse rted. Ail kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
eofl Over Gray Bros.
- IF -
Yoa are golugto build or mikonny frlndof
Imrovemut, call oo the unler Igued lor
mnterlaL We have a complelo slock, and are
redy to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, (Trading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Cab Com hion. At 8 a. m. the
electric car Lound for South 8alem col
llded with the switch engine of the
Bouthern Pacific road. The vestibule
waa badly damaged and tnecarbadto
be hauled to the shops; delaylug traffic
foraRbort time on that line. John
Munynn, tbo motormun, waa at the
rear platform adjusting the overheud
switch. No one wbp atard the car and
no o no was Injured.
Stopped Shokt. -AH electric clock
of the city stopped this tnnrnlug at ex
actly 2 o'clock. The cause Is unknown
but somo foreign wire must have come
in contact with the V. U. wlreaud
stopped the circuit.
Hydraulic Exhibition, F. N.
Derby is today having a patent hy
draullc Btump puller set up out ou
Mornlngslde, and In a short time an ex
hibition of its marvelous power will be
given. It is a wonderful machine.
Sauukraut. You can yet the ready
made article or you can get the cab
bage, a barrel and a cutter, and make
your own, at Clark & Epply's Court
street grocery.
Exceptional. A, few exceptional
bargnlus In ladies' cloaks and nil other
articles, for one week at The Fair, O. I'.
Dabney, proprietor. Bpecial sales every
Minci: Pies? A delicious line of new
crop raisins, currants, aud citron, alsu
choicest cranberries at J. A. Van Ea-
Lemonb, Only 40 cents per dozen,
or 8 for a dime. People buy them
at Strong's all the time.
F-R-E-3-H F-I-S-H
at Davison's market.
Way Up. The stock of surgeon's
sponges, cottons, lints and ijauses kept
at the Capital Drug Store Is une()ualed
In the city. Wo also have Apoiiouaris,
Vichy, Hunyadi and Buffalo Lythla
waters. Lunn & Brooks.
!a word to
i "
Ouv season's stock is now on our
counters fresh, bright, beautiful In
rich assortment. Now is the timo to
loaVo vour selections, whilo you
W kavo tho best to chooso from. Caro-
ful bin'lnrr l"i rnudo. tho prices rieht
OetttttoM In all tints for fancy work;
OrlukMU frames aud usKets, and n
tttw Hw of ladles and gouts purses and
Bwkmihr, W Cosumerclal BL J
Never in the history of Salem
have so many shoes beeu
sold in so short a time as since
our Closing Sale started.
We still 'have many choice
bargains and tho3e wishing to
be fitted should come in at
once. Remember we have
only' the hest makes, and can
still please you.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eicb-
struth, In North Salem, Oct. 31, 185W, a
una A warm spring morning M
L. McHalHn Is home from Corvallls
N ) tann will be allowed on the fair
grounds Sunday at the balloon ascen
sion No Eastern mall today
Mr. Djrlius; and family, of Yaqulna.
has located in Yew Park if. M.
lemplelon, the hop buyer, Is at Aurora.
Hon. J. G. Wright has gone to Mc
Minnville to remain over Sunday with
his people. Rev. Copeland went to
Portland this afternoon, aud will preach
there tomorrow. Frauk Winch ar
rived home from Eugene today.
Mrs. James Gleason, who has been vis
Itlnir her slater. Mrs. W.-A. Munly, re
turned to Portland this afternoon.
Geo. L. Buskett Is in Portland.
H. C. Whitman, the hop buyer, Is in
McMlnnville, vhlting some old time
friends for a ftw dajs.
Sales Recorded for Marion County
Walter Morley to A. McAtee and
Rachel Smith, half block Uuiverslty
add, $3,300.
T. P. Jack to W. R. Wyatt, 06 acres,
A. F. McAtee to Walter Morley, 85
acres, $3430.80.
Same to same, 73 acres, $3012.
At CnoIidce to Mrs. O. Lingsaw, 10
acn-s, $350.
J. F. D.twd to Mary B. Auterson, lot
Wood burn, $2-50.
Henry Bekhoft to Mrs. O. Langsaw,
24J acres, $1850.
A Consul Must Pay.
Chicago, Nov. 4. A Dally Newt.
Washington special sayB it transpire?
that it was an unpaid tailor bill which
intervened to detain J.IIampton Hoge,
of Virginia, the new consul to Amoy.
at Sun FrancBco, on the evo of his em
barkation, and necessitates his return
to Washington.
at Davison's rrarket.
' Four Negroes Lynched
Nashville, 'IVnn., Nov. 4. Infor
mation Is received from Lynchburg,
Moiro county, that four negroes were
lynched IubI night, In Brockvllle Turn
pike. It 'B ruppusvd they were lynched
by negroes, for barn burning,
Tho victims w ro Ned Wagouner,
his wife, hi son aud son-ln-'aw.
Catarrh in the Head.
Ii undoubtedly a disease of the blood,
and aa such only a reliable blood purill
er can effect u perfect and permanent
cure. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tho best
blood purifier, aud It has cured many
vnrv fiuviTH I'HHPfi nf naturrali. (Vlnrmli
o'teutlmes lends to ooiiKutuptloi), Take
I1trj'.i U.. u.i ll In lA..i. 1, lu inn l.(n
iiuuu a uiiiDWiaif iu uvti'iu Jfc to luu imp.
Ilood.s PHU do not purge, pain or
gripo, uui uct promptly, eosuy emci
vnily. !Wc.
"Despise oot tho day of small thlocB1'
as the tiny pill taken from a vial of Dr.
Tierce's rietomut rurgative rellelssalu
mi the 300-pound man. sullerlug from
Indigestion. As a gentle, thorough lax
alive, these Pellets resemble Nut lire
iuor clnriely in their action than any
thing before discovered. Business and
profehslonal men, whoso habits are Bed
notary, need homelhiug of this kind to
warn on sick neaunuue, uuuousueasana
dyspepsia, but whloh will not strain!
Hiui rauk the digestive organs as did tho
tld-fash'oued pills. 25 cents per vial,
tt all druggists,
Fan Sale.- Two xtru flue Plymouth
Rook cookrwls. $2.00 ouch. E. Hofer, '
Jouhnal ottloe, Salem,
All Hallows Observed Willi Jack
Willamette Club's Second Recep
tion Other Nens.
On All HallowB eve a surprise was
perpetrated on Miss Kittle Harbord at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fry,on
Commercial street. The party arrived
at 8:30 equipped with jack o' lanterns
aud a Hallowe'en lunch of something
besides front gates and signboards.
There was singing, muaic, recitations
and-after the lunch a few numbers of
the dance wero gone through with to
the delight of all. Following were pres
ent; Misses Anna Younger, Mary
Vandersol, Jessie Breyraan, Blanche
Albert, Ada Stapelton, -Mina Huelat,
Cassa JeWries, Alice Stowell, Addle
Payne, Delia Payne, Lena Payne.Mary
Payne, Mollie Bernard!, Helen Osborn.
Messrs. George Payne, Guy Talbot, Baz
Wagner, Harvey Cottle, Homer Crav
en, Perry Beamer, Clyde Keller, Geo.
Rogers, J. M. Woodruft, Jay Blakeny,
Fred Stewart, Max Buren, Walter
Buckner, of Jeflerson, J. Davis, Sam
Bishop, Geo. Rogers, of Chemawa, Roy
Reed, C. Hamilton, D. Dlusmore, Hal.
I). Pattou.
A ouiet weddinsr takes place at
Woodburn this Saturday evening at 6
o'clock, Miss Leah Orsella Guissof that
city and Edwin Cooke Patton of Salem
blng the contracting parties. The cer
emony will be performed after the mar
riage service of the Episcopal church,
Rev. Wm. Lund of St. Paul's church
officiating at the residence of Dr. and
Mrs.L. W. the presence of rel
atives only.
The wedding will be a very quiet one
after the ceremonials a supper will be
taken and the bridal couple will take
the overland train for a three weeks
trip to San Francisco and other Cali
fornia points, visiting and sight-seeing.
Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Patton
will Immediately begin housekeeping
In tho Patton residence on Court street.
No catds will be issued hsyond the cir
cle of relations. The bride Is au accom
plloed lady of great natural beaut v, the
only daughter of Mr. Gulss the Wood
burn drncglst,
"Cooke" Patton Is well, everybody
knows him. He is a jolly leading yoine
holiness man of Salem. He became in
terested In Woodburn business circles,
also having an Interest In a bookstore
there. He brings as a result Wood
burn's fairest daughter to beoome a Sa
lemite. And.both the bride and groom
upon their return to Salem Mill be wel
comed to Salem society.
The Hotel Willamette presented a
gty appearance last Wednesday eve
nintr, as the Willamette Social club
held its second regular reception. The
members had Invited their friends, old
and young, and a happy time was bad
as usual at whist and dancing. Land
lord Wagner Is taking great pains to
baye the spacious reading rooms, din
ing room and parlors as comfortaqle as
money could make them. More con
venient and elegant apartments could
not be arranged for the accomodation
of such gatherings, and this alone addn
much to the success of these social gath
erlngsof Salem'B best people. Aside
from the pleasures aflorded by excellent
quarters, the club has been fortunate In
eecirlng the services of the newly or
ganized orchestra of the Second Regl
ment baud, under the leadership of
Willis McElroy.
A number of enthusiastic whtet play
era wire present, aud made up soveral
tables of cards iu the reading room,
while those of terptlcbirean turn of
mind, or foot, enj yed u few hours on
the elegantly polished floor of the din
ing room. These parties aw proving
a great success, and all look forward to
Its bi-weekly meetings with a greit da
gree of interest.
In Mrs. P. 8. Knight's Kindergarten
Training school met y- aterday with a
good attendance. The BUbJect of Froe.
bel'a mother-p ays and songs was con
tluued aud a growing Interest was man
ifested. The brlnglugof mothers Into
a hurmonious relation with the work of
the kludergarteu aud carrying that
same happy Influence fur the.coutrol
and drvelopment pf chl dhood uto tho
home is the object of these m etldgs
which aro )atronlzed by ome'fSa
v aa m wt .mm m m i n :ik but u m a me
mfm m Wm m n. 5 1 nfvu I mB u U
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder No Ammonia, No Alum.
U& in Millioas of Homes 40 Years the Standani
On Saturday, November 4, we will make the
following cut on
$3.00 Hats for only $1.50
4.00 " " " 2.00
All others in proportion
They are beauties,
291 Commercial Street.
SPECIAL. The entire stock and fixtures for sale.
lem's most intelligent women.
At the regular meeting quite a large
number were present. Two new re
cruits were mustered in.
By order of the captain, all members
in good standing are requested to be
present at the G. A. R. ball Monday
evening, at 8 o'clock sharp. Other im
portant business was transacted. A
general good time prevailed.
Tot following are the camp efficers:
Dr. S. C. Browne, captain; Philip V.
TIiodjus, 1st Lieut.; Hugh Goodell, 2d
Lieut.; J. C. Shoemaker, chaplain; E.
L. Burris, 1st Sergt.; W. W. Zinn,
quarter master sergeant; A, Z. Roberts,
dergt. of guard; Howard Titus, color
Sergt.; Chas. Folger, musician; F. M.
Rowley, corporal of guard; Wm. Ben
uett, camp guard; Frank Gard, picket
Married, Thursday evening, Nov. 2
1893, at the residnuce of the bride's
pirent, Mr. and Mm. A. F. Hofer, Mc
Gregor, Iowa, Mias Andrea Hofer to
-'rederick W. Proudfoot, both of Chi
cag, Rev. Dr. Thomas, of the People's
church, Cnlcago, officiating. The cere
mony was performed iu the presence of
tho family aud relatives and a number
of friends from the world's fair city.
The bride is one of the editors of the
Kindergarten Magazine of Chicago.
The groom is a prominent youug attor
ney of that city. The old Iowa home
was decorated throughout with chrys
authemums, quite a variety having
tieeu received from Oregou. Mr. and
Mrs. Proudfoot took the evening train
fir the city, where a beautiful suburb
an home awaits them.
The next entertainment in the WH'
amette university course will be Wed.,
Nov. 15. Rev. W. C. Kantner of Cor
vallls In his famous lecture "Move Ou,'
aud a musical program comprise the
evening's program for the electric light
fund. It will be the best evening of
the mouth for instruction and enjoy
Asa Gray, the Harvard botanist, was a
poor farmer's hoy.
Andrew Kinsella served the Brooklyn
Eaglo as ofiico boy and rose to be its ed
itor. Joseph Pulitzer came to this country
with neither money, education nor
knowledge of English.
Mrs. Samuel Bennett of Tanner, W.
Va., has 29 children. She is 46, Mr.
Bennett is C3, and tho 29 young Bennetts
are "right peart."
Tbo king of Italy gives his queen a
string of pearls upon each of her birth
days. She owns now veritable ropes of
these precious gems.
Tho Duke of York pays great attention
to what tho newspapers say about him.
He keeps a hook in which is pasted every
reference made to him in the public press
which falls into his hands.
E. N. Hubbard of Middletown, Conn.,
has tho finest collection of living birds
in New England. It includes species
from almost every country in the world
and is worth thousands of dollars.
David Bradley and Captaiu William S.
Guyer, brothers-iu-law, who were mar
ried on the samoday in Westport.Conn.,
in 1843. celobrated their golden wedding
recently, they and their wives all being
Few couples reach the seventieth an
niversary of their wedding. This dis
tinction, however, has been enjoyed by
the Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin Stevens of
Hannibal, Mo. Mr. Stevens is 03 and his
wife 68 years of age.
Queen Victoria, according to her pho
tographer, is a most satisfactory Bitter.
Sho has uever spoiled a plato, and though
she. has had boveral hundred pictures
taken at different times she rarely disap
proves of any of them.
One day only.
See show
and must be sold.
Mark Skiff.
Announcement of Sunday Services
in the Capital City.
The usual Evangelical services at the
W. C. T. U rooms will be condutted
tomorrow, 10:30 a. m., by Rev. E. 8.
Bollinger, and at 7:30 p. m., by Bev. J.
Bowersox, be pastor.
Services at the Evangelical taberna
cle In East Salem tomorrow both morn
ing and evening. I.B.Fisher, pastor.
Residence 4-54 Chemeketa street.
Rev. C. L. Corwin preaches Sunday
ut 3 p. m. All are cordially invited.
Y. 31. C. A.
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger will talk to men
only at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow af
ternoon at 4 p. m. All men Invited.
Father Dollarhide will preach at 11
a. m and Rev. B. Rlggs at 7:30 p. ra.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Young
woman's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sat
nrdays, singing school at 7 p. n. and
prayer meeting at 8 p. m.
Rev. E. M. Dill, of Parsboro, Nova
Scotia, who is making a tcur of the
United States, will preach at the morn
ing service at 10:30. The pastor will
preach at 7:30, on "G.spel Soldiery."
Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Y. P. P.
C. E. at 6:15. A cordial w e'.come to all
German church corner of Liberty
and Center streets. Services, prwach
inis at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Y. P. A. at 7 p. m.
All Germans are cordially invited. A.
A. Englebart, pastor.
Services at 10:30 a. m'., and 7:30 p. m,
Suuday school at 12. Rey. E. M. Wil
bur, of Portland, will preach morning
aud evening. Subject of morning ser
mon, "The Spiritual Life." Subject of
evening lecture, "The Importance of a
Right Motive."
Special service tomorrow as follew:
0:30 a. m. to 10 8. in., consecration
meeting, followed by reception of pro
bationers into full connection. Follow
ing this the Lord's Supper will be
spread, Communion. 7 30 p. m. a
familiar talk with young men. Sub
ject: "The young mau."
The Rev. C. L. Corwin will remain
in the city a few weeks, for medical ad
Vice and care. During bis stay ho will,
at the earnest request of his friends,
preach every Suuday afternoon at 3 p.
m. in the A. O. U. U. ball, 8tate In
surance building, corner Commercial
and Cbemekata streets. Please bring
gospel hymns No. 5 with you.
A Natural Food.
Conditions o f
the system arise
when ordinary
foods cease to
build flesh
there is urgent
need of arrest
ing1 waste assistance must
come quickly, from natural
food source.
Scott's Emulsion
is a condensation of the life
of all foods it is cod-liver
oil reinforced, made easy of
digestion, and almost as
palatable as milk.
Prtfd j Scott A Bowb. K Y. All AnttitU.
Floral Club. There will be a
meeting of tbe Salem Floral Club,
Wtdnesday afteruoou, at 2 o'clock, at
the Hotel Willamette. A full attend
ance is desired. By order of the presi
dent. CHEAP READING. Order the
O.nbCknt DailV by mall, 25 cento a
I month, Xo papers sent after timo la
air irl
Bill T
Tbey fiave the Largest Assort ment in
The President Proclaims Novem
ber 30th.
Whilo Governor Penuoyer Au
noimced it the 23a.
Washington, Nov. 4. The presl
dent has issued the following Thanas
giving proclamatien:
"While the American people should
every day remember with praise and
thauksglviug the divine goodness aud
mercy which have followed them since
their beginning as a nation, it is fitting
that one day in each year snould be es
pecially devoted to a coutemplation of
the bltsdings we have received from the
hand of God, and to a grateful ac
knowledgement of His loving kindness;
therefore, I, Grovor Cleveland, presi
dent of the Uuited States, do hereby
designate and set apart Thursday, the
30th day of the present month of
November, as a day of thanksgiving
and pruise, to be kept and observed by
all people in our land. On that day let
us forego our ordinary work and em
ployments and assemble in our usual
places of worship, where we may re
call all that God has, done fo us, and
where, from grateful hearts our united
tribute of praise aud song may reach
the throne of grace. Let the union f
kindred aud the social meeting of
friends lend cheer and enjoyment to
duty, and let generous gifts of charity
for the relief of the poor and needy"
prove tbb sincerity of our thanksgiv
ing." Oregou will enjoy the peculiar dis
tinction of having two legal Thanks
giving holidays this yiar. The law of
this state makes "any day appointed
by the president or governor for fast or
Thanksgiving a legal holiday," and a
uon-judiclal day for courts and banks,
upon which a note cannot become due
or a prisoner arraigned or any other
business depending upon a legal day
As an ultra-state rights man the gov
ernor could proclaim any day a Thank
giving day. Whether anyone will pay
any heed to the governor's proclama
tion is very doubtful. Certainly it will
out the people of Oregon to great ex
pense and inconvenience to observe
tvo legal holidays, one a Pennoyer
holiday aud the other according to cus
tom since time immemmorlal.
Oregou state, county, city, school and
all public offices will be closed on two
holidays this month. All postoftlcea
and banks will be closed two days un
der this arrangement Tho governor
has either made a mistake'in bis dates
and did not know the date set for
Tbankfglvlug day or he wished to an
ticipate the president's usual proclama
tiou, and advertise himself as usual.
Strike Will Continue.
London, Nov. 4. A conference be
tweau the mine owners and the strik
ing miners' representatives here today
failed to rea3h an agreement, and the
great strike will be continued.
I I nrin I , tailor.
Aro a necessity this cold weather. We have a big utock of irood ones of differ
ent crudes. Prloea very low.
will bo needed again, aa eoon as it raina. We have a flue lm
or good values. Boy'a mackintoshes 15.00 each,
,, .. for men aud boys. Just tbe thing to keep out toe
cold. Call and let us fit vou out.
.,..,. a nice, clean stock of reliable Rood'i 8Ucb
It pays to buy In bard times.
Our Jackets ad Dnw Goods rthaat Um la4ks,
President W. C. Hawley, of Wllla
mette Unsversity went to Dallas tody
iu the interest of bis school, and will
speak to the people of that city to
morrow. State of Ohio, City ofToledoss
Lucas County,
Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is the senior partner of the Arm of F.J.
Cheney & Co., duiug business la tbe
city of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay tbe
sum of one hundred dollaja for each
aud every case of , catarrh that cannot
he cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Fkank J. Cheney.
oworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1880.
J Seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces to tbe system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
8eiold by druguists, 75 cts.
If used ly Wles
about toexpenenca
the painful ordeal
attendant upon
Child-birth, proves
an infallible srcclf-
'the tortures of cod
tfinement, lessening
I the dangers thereof
to both mother and
Sold by dnif gto.
Sent br eipreM. cbirjct
Drculil. on receiptor
ok To Motheri"
S" nailed rree.
rOR RKNT.A lftrtn of TO ncrrs M a mile
P from Ihe city, partly In bops
It J. Flemlnp. Over BushVi bank
j- - - - - - r- .
nnlllre of
11.1-34 lw
WANTKD -overnesa In private family.
Must be able U teach muslo and bonk
keeping;. Apply to Mm. John Kltipatrlci,
care Hotel Monterey. Postofflce, Newport, Or.
ANTED Puling canvasser of good
. Liberal salary ana expenses nuu
weekly Permaneut posninn hkuwh
BHOd. Co., Nurseryman, Portland, Orjpon.
10-7 lm
muiB PAPER la kept on die at K.C. Dairt
I Advertising Agency, wjuu "c"if";
Exchange. San Franclafo, California, 'where
controoVa for advertising can be made for 1L
CURIST1AN HCIENCE Literature of all
kinds on sale at 826 Liberty rtreet. -4-5-ly
fremendous strides have been made Id,
duriner tha ruut nur nr Inn. HrstexalT
piea oi mo progress you win unu iu --.
t'cr. All thelatMt and newest 1 1 DJ
T. 1" w j... .I1T
tint are rep-e.enteU in our attractive.
mow windows With preea atiacucu
Hall ami thiti It will rrnar Tu
People are rushine to avail thtinelve.
hui our oner on uiese gooas.
Patton Bros.,