Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 04, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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Capital- Journal Publishing Company
P-uWHee Bbck. Caramerd-I StrteU
HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editw. ear tier, per nwattu- mall. tr Jw.
Weekir. piew.per jer-
lLP.8A1iPi.AT MUM.
This U ail agejtof csmbinations and
of doinnfitr others. Souifrtnlng is being
done to ekvate and improve the condi
tion of nearly every walkofiife. The
farmers have alliances and granges
The teachers have associations The
churches have entertalumeutsociablef, I
cbatauquas, youni tuple's clubs.
The young men have Y. it. C. A.gym
naum, free bjth. re wHngro-im"; night
schools and the freedom ol the debating
BJ-letlw. Society p-nple have balls,
whists, receptions and operas. There
are mecbatiical schools tor mechanics,
prayer meetings the religious, claw
for the mothers, and almost everything
for everybody.
We have a- ministers' association, a
bir association, tbe clerks early closing
association, the km era protective asso
ciation, and lodge for social, moral, pt
cuniary aod charitable purposes. There
Is even a Willson Avenue organization
to protect the gran, and fruit grower
society to protect the trwa. Society is
protected, nature U protected, all ia or
ganized for helpful upward tendency.
There is however one class living in
bUageof combined associated help
fulness for whom nothing is donet
Salem. In many cities much has been
done and the cause is a growing one.
The class we refer to is the working
girls. They arp as large and as worthy
a class as can be found in the commu
nity. They embrace clerks, dressmak
ers, bouse-workers, factory hands,
tailoresses, type setters, in fact any
woman or girl who performs an honor
able service or manual labor of any de
scription. Thero are different grade of work
requiring varying degrees of intelli
gence. The ranks of the working girls
embrace the daughters of tbe well-to do
and the poorest. In one respect they
are all on an equal plane they have
very few opportunities for mental im
provement or intellectual progresBaside
from whal their occupation all mis. Of
culture there Ib little or no opportu
nity, after working eight to bixteeu
hours a day, getting their meats, repair
ing their clothes, seeiug their friends,
and taking exercise in the open air
If their work is not in itself instructive
and the toil is at all hurd the result is a
alow process of degradation of the in
tellect, blunting of the social and
moral faculties and ofieu destruction of
tbe character. There U nothing In
such a life to carry the dally round of
existence past the dead center where
the wheel of life coiuej to u BUtntlHlltl.
There Is too much friction. There is
more necessity for a little lubrication
of the bard grind.
It is argued by some that to do any
thing for the working girl to educate
aud elevate her la to make her discon
tented with her condition. It Is suid
that if educated people or the higher
classes, so-called, were to show any
iiuoti attention to working girls they
would no longer want to work, or
would not do their work well, but
would soon feel above workiug aud
w,otild be unhappier than before. This
has bo.'n the argument of society fur
ages and is still. Hut the conditions
hayo changed. The sphere of emplo3
in. ui for woman has been wonderfully
wldjuedand ber independence is great
ly enlarged.
Theargument that anyone ia unfitted
for work by being elevated iu the scale
of lutelllRe'uce aud culture is uot true
of uny other class aud need not be true
of the working girl. With improved
mentality labor would become to her a
stepping stone to somethlug higher, In
stead of a weight to pull her down.
Life would have a higher meaning
than merely existing to toll, eat and
sleep. She can do her work better,
more cheerfully and with leas weutul
aud physical depre&iiou If she bus en
larged faculties for enjoyment aud the
hope of something before her besides a
life of drudgery.
Ten women are wage earners where
formerly ono was so engaged. Where
formorly the field was limited to school
tenoning aud house work, now a hun
dred avocations open wide their door
As a rule the money earned is more
wisely employed thdn that employed
by meu. Tho workiug girl spend
little or uothlug for liquor or tobucco
and gives as much to church ami chari
ty us any who work for a living.
Society, with all Its burdeu of help
ful associations could w oil ullord to d
ettwthlng for tho workiug girl clas
It will be said nearly ull the helpful
MtQelatious have their origin Iu a tell-
Ml dee-Ire to hotter the condltlou 1
ttQM benefitted by them, Even th
mlaUtcrs ro not organized ultogethei
t the good of others. Perha8, il
4iy can or will do nothing to help
warklOff K'rld tbe workiug girls could
b Induced toorguulisiund help tl.eui-
Mires, Not In tho, souse of a labor J
udIod, but for mutual Improvement,
education and culture. Some will aneer
at tbis a? Utopian. But are not some of
thp workiae clrls to become tbeneada
of households as well as the rich man's
daughter or the college graduates? Is
not tbis future home in its social in
fluences, refinements and adornments
just what this working girl will make
it? Dots not tbe cause of din? eome
thliiff for the working elrls. eeem to
you a meritorou3one? We would like
some practical suggestions from our
readers, along tbis line, and may refer
to the subject again.
The newspapers that are eulogizing
Carter Harrison as a "typical Ameri
can" aniil have either veryhort tiieni
orlea or a poor opinion of their country
He was a typical' ward politician and in
bis last campaign be bad tbe solid sup
port of tbe very worst element In Chi
cago. It isstrange how death glorifies a
very common man. Salem Democrat.
The late Carter Harrison besides being
tbe Columbian World'a Faircity mayor,
was a promiueut Democrat. He came
very near being cboseu United States
senator from Illinois. He would, if he
hod lived, have come nearer being
elected Democratic President in 1896
than auy Democrat in tbe country. He
ixxssessed more executive ability In bit-
dttle linger than a score of men put to
gether who have been president of tbe
United States.
Under Major Harrison's rule Cbi-
Cigo has been a remarkably safe y gov
erned city. Hulf the Columbian guards
were discharged because not even a
plck-pockel could get in his work under
the vigilant scrutiny of Harrison's po
lice. A woman could go all oyer that
vast city and over Jackson Park and
be as secure in Iter person as at home.
Chicago was, with all that crowd ol
hundreds of thousands of visitors dailj
from all nations and all (states tbe beet
governed city iu the new world.
Carter Harrison was more. He was
a cosmopolitan. He had travelled iu
all lands. He was familiar at tbe
courts of Europe. He received tbe
princes and potentates, otllcials and de
legations who have visited tbe world's
fair, both on behalf of the city of Chi
cago aud the fair. Tbe mau who could
do all these thlugj was more than a
"ward politician." He had the sup
port and confideuceof the beat business
men aud tbe 'eadtng professional men
aud capitalist, instead of "the worst"
as tbe paper above referred to ban
stated. It is not in good taste to crit
icise a dead man, more particularly so
able a man as Carter Harrison.
Examinations In tbe work of the
first term, are held on Thursday and
Friday of next week.
Several visitors attended chapel this
week, among tbem Rev, A. S. Mulli
gan, A. B. 'S3, who is now occupying
the M. E. pulpit at Woodburu.
The football has not arrived as yet so
the boys have been creating exercihe
for themselves, by getting tbe field iu
good shape. Everything U out of the
way now but the root of the big balm
tree, which bus reflated ull efforts to
The members of the college clashes
received Jhld week, from tbe president
of tbe Inter collegiate Oratorical Asso
ciation, Mr. Underwood, the consult. -
tion aud bylaws of said orgaiiizttioti.
A neat little pamphlet which puts in
brief and concise form the aim and or
ganization of the Association. This Is
another agency for binding the college
more cloudy together.
The Phllododian society discussed tin
question, resolved that tbe South Caro
lina liquor law Hhould be adopted In
-Oregon and according to the evidence
advanced il was decided iu tbe affirma
tive. The society also ordered a war
raut drawn ou the treasury to the
umountof $10 as a loan to the W. U
brass baud, which u ill be used iu the
purchase of two urw alto horns. T tu
ba nd now numbers eleven members.
The Philodusiuu society ou accouut of
the sickness of the secretary had u
program up this wek aud iu couse
queuce u short session,
Thojo performing chapel rhetorical
this week were, II. G, Hlbbard, ReO.,
W. A. Manning, eusy., Myrtle Marsh,
flea , Phil MeUch-tu, essay, J. H.
Roberts, Iteo,
Course of High Grade Entertain
ments at the Salem First M.
E. Church
Beginning Nov. 8th, aud ending
Dec. 20th.
I. Lecturers secured aro Prof. Yerex,
of Willamette university, tbe world's
fair illustrated by fifty stereoptlcon
Tlew. Tills entertainment Wednes
day evening, Nov. 8th.
II. Dr. Cha. Edwlu Lake, Taylor
street church Portland, "Every Inch a
III. Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
Presbyterian church of Portland,
"Father Time."
IV. Rev. Q. W. Qruuula, "Fuuhy
i'tilugiiu Dixie naSeeu by a Prvaoh
Y, Grand coucert by Kalciu artists.
Course tlukel la f 2 00. Blurfta admis
sion Is fit) ceut. Tickets for aalea
Doarbirn'a bookstore and AllkeuV
grocery etore, State street. 11 3:f.
Bat Slie Had to Stoop to Stratac"
Make Him Like II er Ixrrrr.
I saw you driving "with George
last evening," said the girl -with the
yachting cap, "and I could scarcely
wait until morning to find out how
you succeeded in eraling your fa
ther, whom, by the way, I saw going
into that horrid little Mrs. Flightie's
house an hour later.
"I didn't have to evade him," re
plied the girl in the pink morning
gown. "He stood on the front steps
and watched us off."
"You don't say sol Why, only a
couple of months ago he forbade
George tht house."
"Yes, dear, but that was before
Mrs. nightie had reminded him that
be was still young enough to marry
again himself."
"You don't mean"
"Yps I do. It's lots of fun. You
ought to have heard ppa pumping
me yesterday concerning a suitable
present for her. He evidently thought
of a diamond necklace."
"But he wont"
"Oh, no, dear. I told him that a
book of poems would be more suit
able." "I should really like to know how
you managed it alL You are so
clever," sighed the girl with the
yachting cap.
"Welkin the first place, I gave
George a few instructions, Then I
gave up society and told papa that I
intended to stay at nome evenings
and amuse him. I bought him a pair
of slippers and took to singing old
songs to him after dinner, apparent
ly oblivious to the fact that he kept
fidgeting about and looking at his
watch and that he was wearing a
new tie almost every day."
"I noticed the other day that he had
on a buttonhole bouquet thatisgen
erallv a serious sign for a widower."
"Very true. "Well, the other even
ing after I had been singing 'Annie
Laurie,' 'Bonnie Doon'and The Land
o' the Leal' I went over and perched
myself on the arm of his chair, and
carefully smoothing the hair away
from tho bald spot on his head I said,
'I have decided never to leave you,
papa, but to devote my life to mak
ing happy your declining years.' "
"Fancy talking about declining
years to a man with a pink necktie!"
"Yes. Well, he wriggled away
from me and mumbled something
about despising old maids, I assured
him that I did, too; still my duty
to him was of the first importance.
Then I told him that I had decided
that ho ought to go to church with
me every Sunday, as he was growing
"You didn't!"
"I did. He hummed and hawed
and finally said, 'By the way, what
has become of that young fellow who
used to hang around you so much?'
'Oh, I never see him now,' I replied.
'You remember you forbade motp
have anything more to do with him,
so r "
, "Why, Mabel Gotrooksi"
"It was all fair, dear. Then I 6aid,
'Besides, it is better so, papa, for 1
could never leave you.' He coughed
and muttered something about 'not
minding that.' Then I went on,
He's evidently getting over hi3 feel
ing for mo, too, for I hear that he is
quite attentive to Mrs. Flightie.' "
"Ob, Mabel, you"
"I know, but I had to do it That
made papa furious. He jumped up
and shrieked that he would slay the
man who had trifled with his daugh
ter's affections."
"Oh, goodness I"
"Yes, and I replied 'that Mrs.
Flightie would make him a lovely
wife, nnd that I really did not care
for George after all. Then he
worked hiuibelf into a perfect fury
and finally commanded mo to marry
George on pain of his eternal dis
pleasure." "You surely don't mean it?"
"I do. I 6ent George a noto say
ing that it was all right Ho came
Papa has taken him into partnership
and the wedding is set for Septem
"But Mrs. Flightio and"
"Oh I that ia all right Shoisgoing
to marry old Mr. Millions, but papa
does not know it yet" Chicago
lias Sued Her Partner.'
Those who bewail the disappearance
of uiasculiue partners from ballroom
floors will soon have reason to complain
more bitterly if tho action brought by
an English woman succeeds. She had
tho uusfortuno a few evenings ago to
fall and break a leg while dancing at a
suburban ball. She has sued her part
ner for damages. Sho alleges that the
fall was due to the clumsiness of the
gentleman. It would not be polito of
course for him to set up contributory
uegligence on tho lady's part, eo ho is
woudcr.'. g what the penalty will be.
NpwVf' nti London Letter.
JiOAKI) Mkbtinos Next Muiidas
the various stale hoards of trustee
nie in reeulnr w-lon
Ti's Pills
TAeJoylicaH'ioue-fciiouId baro rr
Mlar evac4ialiiii every Inrit y tout
RNHiauyiinil wrrluu. Fur the -ur
SJ.1.11. co','' riull.Tiir Liter
(Uleted. Elefituilj ugar voafcO,
She Wti a rirason.
"Yes, there was one girl who lived
right along with us for 22 years,"
said the old lady, with a reminiscent
sigh, "and she might have been with
the family yet if she had wanted to
"She must have been a jewel," said
one of the callers.
"Yes. We never had any trouble
with her about wages or afternoon
out or anything of that kind."
"Good cook?"
"Excellent She could play the
piano beautifully too."
"Did you let her do thatP
Oh, vee. And she read the pa-
, tX ;, ,i i-orfho lihmrTr In or. !
Ser and could keep accounts and
paint on china and embroider on
St .
as nicely as anybody you ever saw."
"I never heard of the likel How
in the world did you happen to let
her goi"
"Well, there came a young man
along one day a professor in college
and said ho wanted her, and and
here's one of her children now.
Come, darling, and sit on grand
mother's lap." Chicago Tribune.
Klitiuc Is No Crime.
Chief Jnstice Sedgwick has decided
that kissing is no crime. In the damage
suit of Photographer Monroe against
Captain Dewar of the Eighth regiment
for alienation of Mrs. Monroe's affec
tions, Mr. Monroe testified that he peeped
through a keyhole and saw the bewhis
kered captain kissing Mrs. Monroe in the
Wtchen. The learned judge gave his
opinion that a kiss in itself was inno
cent, and as no guilty motive had been
i-hown there was no case against the cap
tain. New York World.
S3.O0O Damage For an Injured Knee.
A jury in the supreme court before
Jnstice Beach gave Miss Minnie L. Ack
srman a verdict of 3,000 as damages
against the Third Avenue Railroad com
pany for injuries received by her on June
28, 1691. A car ran off the track and into
an elevated railroad pillar at One Hnn
ilred and Twenty-fourth street, and her
knei was so hurt that she ia still on
crutches. Exchange.
Animal Alphabet.
A lllgator, beetle, porcupine, whale,
B obollnk, panther, dragonfly, snail,
C rocodile. monkey, buSalo, hare,
D romedarj. leopard, mcdtnrtle, bear,
E lephant, bsuleer, pelican, ox.
F ylngflt.l, reindeer, anaconda, fox,
G uinea pig, dolphin, antelope, goose,
II ummintrbird, weaiel, pickerel, moose.
I hex, rhinoceros owl, kangaroo,
J ackal, opo&aarn, toad, cockatoo,
K Incfisher, peacock, anteater, bat,
h Izard, ichneumon, bone) bee, rat,
M ockingbird, camel, j;ra-shopper, moose,
X igbtingale, spider, cuttlefish, grouse,
O celol, pheasant, wolverine, auk,
P eriwinkle, ermine, kat)did, hawk,
Q uall, hippopotamus, armadillo, motli.
It attlesnake. lion, woodpecker, sloth.
S alamander. goldfinch, angleworm, dog.
T Iger, flamingo, scorpion, fros.
U nicorn. ostrich, nautilus, mole,
V tper, gorilla, basilisk, sole,
W hlppoQriU, beaver, cent! ped, fawn.
X ant ho, canarj.p&lliwog, snan,
V ellowlmminer, eagle, hjena, lark.
Z ebra. chameleon, butterfly, shark.
Current Literature.
One cf tie lest faorra ltaiae mea in CUes
rerrwsataUT cf tta great Biadstrett Co.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., JElkhart. Xnd.
GcnUemcn ; I take pleasure In Informing Ton
of tbe very beneficial results which have followed
DeueiiCUU results WUIUU uai V uuuncu
Dr. Mitts- RrSTORA.rivc NtMiM
tho use oi
in the caw ol myself ana w ire. tor a year i
rabjoct to a dUlressing pain at the base of Ihc
in the C3M
ai -k u-w lost flesh and was greitly
fil 1 R K IJ troubled with sleepleenesi
W unbU yonr Nervine was hujbly
recemmended to me. My case had been so obstl
uitt) that I had no confidence In the t fficacy of
any medicine. Yet si a last resort 1 contented to
give it atrial. Much to my surprise. I experienced
marked benefit: my iieeplessnea dlsaprared:
my headache was removed; mysplnUand general
upper portion
Ho rAino. My witoltKlng tho Nervine with
the Tbest oxreeulti loms 6. yxuDztxais.
gold by D. J. Fry. druKfrUt, Salem
ICO AMD, WCIV J0"F',T?,f '
Mt wlto 1 uklm? tho Nervine
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded lirlck In all ftUUrni for front
tnd supply tbebrlck tortbe NewRalemCtt'
Ull and nearly ull the line buildings erected
iu the Capital city.
ardu near tenltenllary, Salem. Or. 8Sd
21S5 Consjsrrl t . filtn, Orsje.
(.Next door to Klein's.)
peclalty ol ipeat-icle. and repairing Clicln
W ! and JwJrr
in Improved Heal Esuu, in amounts am
mis to suit, No delay In conldr!ni; loans.
Jtooia U, Btuh fian block.
I yj ' -t'53Ksr'
21arriru ta Fan.
One evening recently Miss Elizabeth
Clark of Newport News, Va., attended a
social gathering at the house of Dr. Tay
lorof Hampton Roads. Among the guests
wasa jnsrireof the peace named Uaskins.
During the evening the conversation
turned upon the duties of Jnstice Has
tans, and gome one suggested that he try
his hand in tying the nuptial knot. Miss
Clark and Dr. Taylor agreed to play the
parts of bride and brideCTOom, and Jus
tice Hap" '. after asking the usual ques
tions, w -i were properly answered,
pronounced the couple man and wife.
The affair was looked on as a mere in
cident of the evening's -Entertainment
until it was learned that it was in all ro
specta a perfectly valid marriage
1- lYK '?
, . .,i If! -n-..l. m nm,reJI in Kft
lezed. that Miss Clark is engaged to be
married to another and that the affair
will have to le postponed nntil after she
can be divorced from Dr. Taylor. New
port News Letter.
A Itoyal Komance.
The gossip of the Bavarian court is
just now centered in a little romance of
which the heroine is the daughter of
Prince Leopold Maxiiniiian of Bavaria,
Princess Augusta Marie Louise. The
princess is at the impretiaonable age of
19, and some time ago she fell in love
with a handsome yonng lieutenant in the
light cavalry. The match was of course
unacceptable to the royal parents, and
the lieutenant was exiled to a faroff
garrison and forbidden to come to Mu
nich in the hope that the princess wonld
overcome ,her passion and forget him.
His absence, however, had a contrary ef
fect. She fell ill and pined, and Prince
Leopold has at last been constrained to
give his consent to the union of the
young lover-. Pall Mall Budget
Hood's Cures
27. 3L-Jloso
"Iwas troubled with terrible pain In my
back and also had kidney difficulty.
For 27 Years ! Suffered.
I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and began to get
better. I haye not had an attack since I be
gan to use IL I was also cured of. catarrh
la the bead and am now la good health."
D. It. Kobe, Denlson, Iowa,
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptry
aad efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c
The Cheapest. Have ibe Daiia
Journal left at your office or res--lenee.
Ouly 50 cls'a month. By mail
25 cts a montb.
Grape Vines for Sale.
I have propogated several ttaoueand
iood stroug two-year old grape vine
for setting out, assorted varltles, suit
ihle for culture in Oreuon. 23 cts eacb
52 00 per dfzen. E. Hofer, Kalem. Or.,
Journal office. d w
JLctjal Blank PublixJters.
Bush's Hew Brick,over tbe bank, Com'l street.
Rheumatism -
Lumbago, Sciatica
Kidney Complaints
Lame BacK9 tc
With Electro-Magnetio SUSPENSORY
Aieai I'Ricaia s uci inpnrnwiu i
Win car without molMjii all WhIbmi raalUsa- from
OTeMTUan of brain nerve foroeai cirrra or India.
crcOoa. aa nrrroaa dehilltr. alenlaanaa. languor
rbcuniaOsm. klducy, Utct and bladder con plaint.
ambaco, aciaXit, all female com plaints.
rr nU UI healin. etc.
.. Infl li
aWfal iBMitaaeala OTtT all OOiera.
c. ?nu eiertno ixii oortiaina
la orer all cthera. CnmoL la
inwaniijienoy wearer
arer or we forfeit $4,000.00, and
abors dUeaaea or no par. Tnoo.
nred br Ihle roajf elooe (aTecUoa
wlllearaailof Oia
after ail xner mnedlaa failed, and wa srtTe, honlmU
cf testimonial in lai and every other state.
Our rtaarfal laprara XU4.TE1C SVSrtSSOST. tba
frreatest boon r ooTrred weak men, mi wUa all
B.IU. aalUaa4TIMaafcnaflkQCaUSTUOIait
0ar Send for UlosU Pamphlet, snalleil .seated. fWo
To. 172 Plral Street. rOKTIxAS J QKX.
rauaa nare been cured by
RcductioQ io Price of Gas.
From anil after October 1st, 1893. tin
price of gas will be as follews:
In 63 than 600 cublo feet per mont
tS.B'i per 1000 cublo feet.
Over 500 cublo ftet per montb f3.0
jer 1000 cublo feet.
Bpeclal rates for large consumptto
tjiven on application to
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very beat of meats at all tinit
and ib ttt of service,
JSrOppooite WaJe'a Blore.
mmsm ZuZ"
-aaasffSSSSSE3:fM.aa. If AfrOrl
ivi a
Take no substitute for
-aw aaw-n W aaTsaT rfmiTTaTTra P.
Com Dieted aod ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded br dav or e.v
at reasonable prices. We beep a fall line urTruck; Drays and Express to
meet all demands. Also keep, tbe finest Bullions in this county; forwrvice.
Barn and residence 2 block south of poetofflce. RYAN & CO.
Only One Cent
on the Pacific Coast.
Receiving all the P
Associated Press
XaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaR (SalaEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
ir.?8a paa-e beek TH8K Cr.ABgKSOK MEK," sold br4 br rT
llddleced and aid man. acut aealed. freeTlirr aaaa a.aUMrl Kit U no experiment
as we bare restored tbocsandi to robust health and Vator. alter aliotber treatsaeaU tHaLcir.ZZ
ahown br hundred or cases throughout t hi and other &tate.irho wonld aUdlr teetirr. aadtznsa BUSJ
banrr bcuco.OL. A.itM.lBa.
Dr. A. "1VIJW fclf I B orI oad your ml
X waa trouhl d artui Iwt mar. titai woakneaa. asd
almaataeomplatalaaaolposrar, 1 woald (M ag with
mrMtlh valud anew leaaeot lit . Inoa
i nrr una iniux. Done aenisz. ete.t aaaea
lite batter lhaa 1 tara forUu jnanpaai.
ntmort cjnndtaee la roar treat inant. c
tub thla HImant.alto har outer wrifc
ia. TnJrroar7H.A.BOWlUl.aiaad
.rrrr vs TT:w.'rrr-r.-"Tri. t.-r-.
" alaa tianlu.. nitan. fl am
inajjron, xuav. njnu, aiat JBXal
Dr. A.T. Snaa.rrStn-roon rrovVtatiu
two wmIi ajo tor rbaumatlsai. (roaa wsdrall aaJhrawi
foraeraral xa. for Ib paa-elx aaoaaha I had
"?.""!r."-. i"rMumatHMnmi
prtctbeiOjlatblB-owtkIbafiia diU leaa
auwn ortahlT. and fael like a aw nu i arallr.
M. K. UDOUEd. ItprUor lauraausaal Mati
Dr. a.T Paaiea. Ifear bU -I bar bra nsiae rear
ZUeuH belt tor nunl stmu tiHUto. and to-d
tl batter tbaAjkar tor Ore rear. Ibeeeaaiaed
hacxalUwIrabaUerr.aaWlaoabekM or atewataad tt
fli kiLaf' f lonced curroaU waJcb are taetaaUr tU. Sauoeibottt all weak part, or we f "
A.. K ke an Imnrwred Weetrtc speaeery. Ue awtaeeetbooa ever tireo weak '
sseiwaaea.. Tney are TUN ta ateeewtb to a
d. They are n Ui to imaK to aat
L i- . -i T-- - . . .
auLKwUlearUwuateaaatwortaUaaaujW. -- -' r- --
iANtMLN ftXCCTfiiOOO.rMste. fmuM.mtm
Wl r j r B ni.a A
, z :" s
a-v"6, -I-" - "v. uu me cnar.
acter of tlieir goods to deteriorate. Thj
Condensed Milk is always the same
Rest assured that its; standard of excel
lence is constantly maintained. Jtj
purity, cleanliness, richness and perfeo
tion of process in manufacture hns
equaled. It stands First. It haj
uta t v ibiuoi
Grocer and- Druggist sell it.
tbe Eagle braod.
Daily Newspaper
a 1)0!
OTlttt Electro MameUcSuspen-
awry ul car wltkout jaeoiciB
aUoftlieabOTetroabie. Tb??.?.M
raBer troai Nrrrooa pctllliri
Isaacs, Drntna. Lose Blanbooa,
Neriananess, hleelr"rt
Pjhit Mtmerr, oil Female Cam-
lIUDt, and ceaerBl 111 oeaiisi
tba eSecU of abate, excesses, wurrj
or exposure, will SnJ relleT and pri'P?
core In cor saarreloas inTrntlc
vhieb reqolrr but atrial to coaimc
the most acepUcai. talarnoiaaceofeir.
Xecta yo sua ke-bw-uIi :t
joBrTstentrnerr force and Ttumi
earned jonrweakneasorUCaof ror.
It jon replace into your iMtemOit
element thus drained, wblen are re.
qnired tor ttdoroai ttrenf th. u wi I
remoretne cause aadbealin.uciria
and lor w!4 rollow at one. TWJ
Uoor plan and trcatsoen ."
I aaaar tLayaf sua au?tlMATMM
Peetlsad Ore.BtBa-nhar .
. Or. A.T. Bead. Dear Sir i-Imh ""lr .fi
hanl work. eonUsud wttb aba strain eomlu ??
tar of an ensrtae. aae a arrare cea t tun J'TTJ
from wblcb 1 akcid r hihmm,, I J'Vi!jbIi
that I could not batwlswfcaok. a all ?hli J!
ia iitvttm daVanJ Ieautaaed toarlttorfr
-ttetMMsntdrla t Id. I a leeetea nar.
rr.ajit5V4 I IT-iaa) ta ttat wilk a. b
' WaMlUi ; V JBss ltaaWBaT JrSJaaVam aFI aWaw. JJ vmm . . .
stoBlstT ZcTtRr-.K Eaaaeer HeUl PortUaa.
rra Jj etsraran and aOriaU,yaa H"
u X aVaal sarsolt twice a aeiM uoa.
lor tk-a kal
Sbe baeaer. 1 t
Bala; She bait.
aJI ataaaa of eaaaaau In Ton
3Tataaa of rnaam In touu -.rotd(aiC4&rol
IsaaiMl tavdagraaleierwaaiBSajlua. i
ir bK wall. aJl km w. swaot '',;?