Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 04, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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'W? u"h9Aty " KVAfcSik"
One cent daily i
CD eta. a momtk by MmM
X'ropaid in Adraaee.
No Papers Seat Wfcei
Time Is Out.
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$;j.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 2J1.
C AJP f 1 Aij
The New York Racket
To of.ill nn rlfinlr nnrl linn iiiKr, rflflfiivprl t,ho lamest lnt of
goods it has ever received. Notwithstanding the hard times,
their trade continues to increase as tne peopie learn uie goou
quality of goods they carry and the ltnv prices at which they
soil. Thoy have a fine line of men's and boy's fine and coarse
boots and shoes, and women's and children's shoes of all kinds.
On these you will save 1 5 to 25 per cent, also a fine line of un
derwear of all kinds, for men, women and chi'dron in all wool,
part wool, metino and cotton Cents dress and negligee shirts
in white, all wool, black sateen, and light shades, and work
shirts, wool and cotton hose for men, women and children.
Cashmere gloves and wool mittens; stamped linens, lace cur
tains, bedspreads, crash, towels, white linen, and turkey red
damask, window shades, gossamer, mackintoshes, rubber and
oiled coats, umbrellas, fur and wool hats, and notions of all
kinds They buy for cash and sell at a very close profit for
cash, and can afford to sell cheap.
State insurance Block, 333 Com' I St.
Ideate ai . destruction"
Steamer Loaded With Dynamite
Buildings Shatter-red and Many
Prominent People Missing.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Itctiiil
iinntar in Fresh, halt and
Smoked Meats of allKlnds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
E. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE. Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMJPLETOy, Gen'l Agent.
Dynamite Ship Explodes.
Madrid, Nov. 4. From 8autauder,
the capital of a province by tbat name,
comes the frightful story of explosion,
fire, havoo uud death. The British
steamer Volo with a cargo of dynamite
had put In at Sautander. Last evening
the vessel took fire threatening the
shipping docks and adjoining houses.
The governor of the province, the chief
municipal officers and many leaning
citizens were engaged in the work of
subduing the flames when the fire
reached the terrible cargo and with a
deafening roar it exploded, scattenug
death, fire aud destruction on every
side. Wharves, shipping and neighbor
ing houses were torn to fragrants. Fire
at once broke out lu the ruins of the
shatterred buildings and spread to
those still stundlng with great rapidity,
and ns per dispatch sent, threatened de
struction to the entiro city. All sorts
of reports are current as to the loss of
life, ranging from a hundred down to
Hftv. Amoncr nrominent people miss-
lug is the governor of the proviuce.
Others are supposed to-bodeaa. mis
Includes several representatives oi ine
munlcipial and provincial government.
Tt. in renorted the whole city is imeiy
to be destroyed and a population of 80,-
000 rendered homeless.
Private teleerams say that over a
thousand people have met their death
hu fim and exnlosion atBantanuer. jd
addition a Trans-Atlantic steamer was
burned, and forty of her crew perlsnea.
Fair Grounds!
Grand Balloon tension and Double Parachute Jump
Miss tal Keyes,
Snitday, Nov. 5tli, at 3:00 Skrp.
Admission, -
Positively ftc Last Ascension for the Scasonjn
MIRRMIGHS State Street.
The West Printing Cor-
Chicago Aldermen Have a KnocK-
down Over the Mayoralty.
(Jhicaio, Nov. 4 A die graceful riot
occurred lu the city council chamber
today, when aldermen met to elect a
successor to the late Mayor Harrlsou.
The rivalry for the chairmanship ortne
...oiin ivnano Intense that a number
of fist fights were had in the chamber
almost as soon as the session opened.
Q-ilet was fiually restored and Alder
man McGlllan.a Democrat, was chosen
chairman. Resolutions were passed for n reclal e ectlou tue imru
l,i.iv..ub -I . I
Tuesday of this month, for mayor.
Pending that election, It was necessary
to elect a mayor protem, and this pre
cipitated auother scene or disorder, In
which the police was called in to pre
serve order.
Swift was finally nominated Tor
,rn. ipm. bv the Republicans,
and McGlllen by the Democrats. A
vote resulted lu 31 for Swift and 83 for
McGlllen and one blank. The-chair
called It no election. The Republicans
profited and left the cuamner, ounuc
Democrats fearing a trick, remained in
the chamber. At me euu o. u uu.
the Republicans relumed, aud the ees-
Hion was regu.uny -J"'-;-' -"
annuel was called in, out was u-.-to
decide whether or not Swift was
More Testimony Taken on Coroner's
Inquest The Jury's Report.
Poiitkand. Nov.4. Tue liody which
embraced the corpse of Charles Albee
Is supposed to bo that of the missing
man Peterson, alleged to have been ou
the car when it made lis disastrous
plunge. WhoPeterson Is no one seems
to kuow. Coroner Hughes, oven, can
not give any information regarding
him; he does not know oven who re
ported Peterson as belug missing.
The remains of Charley were accom
panied to the morgue by the sorrowing
father, who seems almost overcome
with the loss he sustained. The boy'a
face bore no trace of suffering, but It
was marked rather by a serene placid
ity, as if the unfortunate child hid
crmm in n nleasaut dreamless Bleep.
After tbo coroner's Jury yesterday
afternoon had visited the i-ast Biae
scene of the Madison-street bridge ac
cident, thoy resumed examining wit
nesses lu tho coroner's office adjoining
t ho morgue.
Cain is atlll dragging for the boay
that slipped away into the water as the
remaluB of Charley Albee were being
Fridav morltiK at 10:30 the coroner's
inrv resumed their work of investiga
tion, aud the first witness calleu was
W. A. Burkbolder, of 743 Flanders
street, assiBtuut supeilutendeut of the
Portlaud General Electric Wgut com
pany. He Bald:
"Weduesday morning the frost on mo
track acted like grease. The wheels
would slide as If the brakes were locked.
Baud would have no tiled upon the
Ice, but it would have checked the
tipeed. A s stem of electric danger sig
nals could be operated at Muuiaou street
bridge at ft small expense."
W. R. Chase, a civil engineer, testl
tied: "Am the engineer ol the Portland
iiriiKm n.immlaslou. There are not ap
pliances on tho Madison-street bridge,
except the gate and a red light, to warn
cars of danger. In foggy weather a
gong is kept Bounding white the draw
Is opeu. When the draw U opsu at an
early hour, no parson h placed at tte
sast approach, but during the day and
lulbe evening two meu are on duty.
iii.. .... rn not there to stop cura.
The bridge commission has considered
die mutter or the speed of oars over tho
bridge, but bus been uuablo to control
it. I was Instructed in having orders
Is-ued lo have motormen cross the
i.ridgo very t-loWly The order was
violated uud I hud Mr. Steel Issuo new
..irU ft would be Dosslblo to ealuu-
llsl) a Hue of slguula by electricity. The
t,,- ,r HtnnniuK curs ou the bridge
hardly comes wllhlu tbo province or
the commission. A gate tbat would
wreck a car could bo built, bat they are
not ordlnarluly placed ou bridges."
Tim rest of this witness1 testimony,
like the above, wbb ull or an expert na
fri.o loaiimnnv or A. Gould, a Madl-
aon-street brldgetender, was that he
waa on duty YVeauesnay muruiuK v
..L.inoir. When bo onenea ine
London Exitement Over a l)na
iuito Plot.
IlemurkaWy Quick Uassago of a
Cunard liner.
Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
m& IWffvI
That Westminister Bomb.
London, Nov. 4. Tho Iron bomb
weighing 10 pouuds, with a fuso screw
ed luto tho little eud, and a number or
largo cartridges loaded witU. bullets,
rouud on ono of tho abutemeuta of
YVefltmlnster bridge, wero taken to
Scotland yard and the matter UuBhed
up. When rumora or tbo llud got out
the police at first made light of It when
questioned, but now admit these im
plements of death and destruction were
connected with a dynamite plot,though
they insist tt la one of small importance
It la tho general belief, however, it la a
very grave matter, and that It was the
luteullon lo damage tho bridge, If not
to blow up the house of commons.
The police attach llttlo Importance to
ihH matter, not bollevlng It has any
dyuamite plot connection. It wat
round on the side or tho brldgo furtuerst
from the house of commons,
The Graplo prluta the following
which 1b received from the ue va agen
cy: "Bcotland vard detectives traced
ti.Q uiioii ft, ii mi nn the buttrasta ol
Westminster bridge to tbo late ownoi
who explains its presence Jn the place
where It wa found. The man Bay
he picked it up ou a battlo field after
the Frauco-Prusalau war aud it ha
been in his possession up to a day or
two otro. Ho at last came to tue con
clusion that it might be dangorous and
ho concluded to got rid or it. He
dronned It from tho Westminster bridge
as lie thought, into tho river.
Talks With Murderers Behind
tho Bars.
A. Reporter's Yislt to tho Stato
StOTO Works.
First class work.
Rnecial attention to mall orders. F.n.tcias
803 Commercial oi.,
eimi, us
Shooting Season Open
t- .rTT WANT
A Just Verdict.
Martin's Kebbv, Ohio, Nov. 4 -A
tult or great Importance to railroads
Sd railed employes has J -
. .. -1.....H ,nirt. A. K Olimore, a
""I Orater: in the employ or
letci"!'" -. ..... ., ulin
the bridge and terminal ""r''i
worked 14 to 18 hours per day sue.1 the
Zpany for o24 for extra .W-;
Hon fur all the time over 10 hours per
ay under the Ohio law, and the court
,JSi Mm judgment for the entire
n.t.l 'Rnrulary.
. vnv 4 Burglars early
Mrs. Cross, ""' .'
noise awakened -",,: robbers.
Jnd you want
guns - m-mmm.
e .-;--.. th roubers
two revolver. "-" Mm lnnlc,,DI
n flrt live BUOIS IOV"""-i ' " ,
2..fl3fli which be soon dUd. .d
"' . .i. other aero. ue V""-
nuraui. "'
.' n.n uicniiiRr Klwood kept on I
whistling d he sounded tho gong.
Tlie morulug was w roggy be was uu
able see a great distance. As usual tlie
cars run pretty fait over the bridge.
The coroner's Jury concluded 1U in
...i....inn.inf the Madison street draw
bridge dmaster lato last night. J lie
lurv flnda the motorman Edward
o ipo m ciarue of tbo car was
grossly igllgentoriils dullw, that lie
permitted tlie car lo run across the
bridge at an exceislve and renklees rate
or speed consiuering me mew i
weather ww foggy aud tbo rails of tlie
i, .itnurv uii account of front, aud
he did not take proper precautious to
nrevent the potHlblliiy of any accident.
The Jury further find that the electric
cars are permitted geuerrlly to run
Hcrowtbe Madln reet ww
ureater rate or speed lliati Is wmductlve
l the pubitomy. The Jury recom
mends that a bettrr by.tem of danger
signals be provided for drawbridges,
uud ,t enpeeui'y cohhhbu... .-- -
or OouUlu I u'"1 cf,!W of lue Bte,raer
,J J I . .- h from
Elwoodlu tlirir m-n i "
drowning tlw lP wliu mrt their
death lu the acoU-Ht.
Wahiiioto.v, N.iv. 4 -It U bjM tho
.. i,t.n uiii ifuu Umnorarycom-
HjlJlonH good until llie nextmeetlng : of
cougr toa'l in wmiiHvn. -
or iuflrmatln by tlie tenate.
Spain Preparing For War.
London, Noy. 4. A dlspatoh to the
Standard from Madrid says: "Warlike
preparations continue on a scalo which
constrast strongly with the assurance
ortne foreign minister to tho several
forelgu embassies that Spain Intends
to respoot the territorial political statu
quo In Morocco, and the governmoui
believes reparation will ue raaae anu
Indemnity given by the sultan of Mo
mum for the attacks made upon the
Spanish troopa at Mllllla. Within 24
houra 14,000 troops will bo concentrated
ut Andalusia, from whouoo they cau
bo rapidly carried Into Morocco."
Queen of the Soas.
QuKfctsBTOWN, Nov. 4. The new
f'uniiril steamer Campania baa arrived,
making the passage In 6 days, 12 hours
,wi 17 minutes, beating tho best pre
vious eastward record, tUat or Uer fclater
ship, tho Lucanla, by an hour and 2d
minutes. The Campania is now quuen
of the aea, holding bolU tUo eastward
and westward records, tUo latter being
B days, 13 nours and 80 minutes, a
remarkable featuro or tue iasv paaBBv
Is the fact that tho Campania beat the
westward record, which heretofore ha
been the ehortest. It la belloved Bhe
will certaluly uoon lower the westward
record Btlll further.
te owiw - - .
Arine till bit revolver r-.
t,pn retu
and hi mothe
Brazil's Latest Purchase.
Miif VnHif . Nov. 4.The Tribune
saya tlie latest purchase by tbo llrazll
Ian government Is reported to bo the
submarine torpedi-boat Peacemaker.
Tills boat was designed and built In
IBSObyJohn P.Holland. 'lliePeace
...ur i ni.nnt the size or an ordinary
steam launch. When on tho Burfaoe
the boat stands only a few incuea aoove
tho water. The object or the vessol la
... .tin un!r the enemy's torpedo net
U 011)' --- - -
ting, place an explosive or noma aort, i,ar nnil tlieu ateam away, to Are
it either by clockwork or by an electric
w Ire from a are distance.
Murderers Oapturod.
0f aha, Nov. 4.-Harry Hill, "
i..... nn. aud John Benwell,
waa rrttcd lal lKt, at Lincoln, for
tho murder or Matt AKeaoq, a wwm
.vur,in Water, aud brought to
Omalia tUla fterno.n, to escape mob
at I'lattamouth. TUo men not only
murdered Akwm, but shot lila aou and
two hired men. TUeir object wai
crime aud robbery.
firing till uis r - " flfe
Morderer Pound Qullty.
.k...,...v,mv. Ind.. Nov. 4 -Jame
murder of the wrauuii iu( "
A Qood Order.
WABHiKoroN, D. O., Nov. 4f-Attor.
ney General Olney today Instructed
ri.i ut.iM District Attorney Dav.
ofLoa Angelea, Cal.,to prated will
the deporUtlon of uninee ieuu .
tofore convicted,
The "dean of tbo legations," out at
tho atato prison is old mau Woddlo,
who comnleted ilftoon long, wojry
years or penal Bervltudolat Wednasday,
the first dav of this montb of jNovem
ber. Ho waa already au old man when
ho killed a man and attempted the life
or a woman un In Union. Tho latter
ho wanted to marry: but the former her preference, married her.
Weddlo waa aotlng agent for Wells,
Fargo & Co., and waa accounted an un
usually well road man and a phenom
enal bookkeeper. Though approaching
tho winter of lifetime, tho twin Urea or
love and rovongo ruged In his blood,
and.dlsappolntedln tho ono Uo wreaked
tbo other. Ho waa Bontonced to prison
for llfo.
After pomo tluio In tho ponltontlary
bo waa removed to tho Insauo asylum,
where ho romalned under treatment for
fivo years, and was then taken back to
tbo Iron coll and dreary round of prison
existence. Ai ho Uai made a good
record, aud oomo within tho provision
that a lire convlot la a proper subject for
rtxnnutlvo olomenoy. his cwa will bo
irought before Ills Excellency Govern
ir Pennoyer. He Uai not yet m .do ap
plication for a pardon, but it Is uudor
.tnntl that bo will shortly do so.
Commenting on Ills coh yeitorday,
nnthnr "lifer" remarked: "It's well
enough to let the old man iro,but tilings
como around nueorly. Since I Uave
been hero, ouo man came lu to do lire
for murder, and waa pardoned out In
ix years; Weddle shot a man and tried
to alioot a woman, aud he watila to go
now? but I. who killed a man lu my
own house, purely In BoK-doronso will ,
probably nover again sea the outsldo of
mv nrlMnn wall."
"Klrmot." the devout waiiommeiau
would aay, and fold his hand and bow
UIb bead before a decree that mortal
mm ex uld not oontrovert.
Qolto an event rbr visitors and visited
was the trip tho reform school boya, In
oroor Assistant Superintendent Bry
ant and Manager Walter Lyon, made
to tbo penitentiary last Saturday. The
llttlo ohapa in all tho glory or a oiuet
Ike uniform, and tltoro la nothing like
a military guise todellgut anoy.vioweu
ltb engrossed Interest ull uie sigiua
t wlilnh thov were Introduced by the
courtesy of Mr. Superintendent Djwn-
tng aud Warden llerry, wuo gave
them every -opportunity for looking
round; and, after the Inspection, tieat
od them to a Uearty and highly appre
ciated upper In the onicera quarterB.
Tlie particular preparation had beeu
made for a feast, or departure made
from tho regular bill of fare, but tlie
supper waa most tborouxUly enjoyed
by tUo ynuugstera. No doubt the aad
leoii tliey learned will i morauy iw
ornwed unon tUem. and llio gumpae
alforded them of prison life will ataud
its a warning against yielding to temp
tation In tho future.
In all the department of tbo foundry
there are 125 convicts and eight ollUuna
employed flnlslilng up the fall ordera
r.r work, which. (KiltiR coniplelid, the
ahopa will be shut down for a period.
It. la not the practice nor the polloy of
iha administration to carry large llnea
of wares; for, not to say anythlug of
natural deterioration or oast iron aiuii,
imtii the Rondition nod probabilities of
tha market have lo ba oonnldortd, aud
the present monetary oontraouou ia
having 1U e(lct In preventing all
i.uh. r Ih1m-lobbew. wholesaler.
and reUllew-taklng the ohanoea of
loading up with any great amount oi
.lock. One thlug that la capeoiaiiy
noltoeable lu the foundry la the pemci
order and regularity enforced, and tho
strictest attention to the greaUat possi
ble cieuniliitvs. a rouuury la not ex
actly tho plane where oue would look
for uoatuejs, but there, where coat of
labor Is au lunlunlfloiuit element In the
the estimate of manufacture, people
cau bo employed In that line, where
wagea would bo a serious matter to the
urlvato manufacturer. In fact the
scrupulous care excrotsod to save every
iorap of Irou and atop every posMWe
leak of material, ut the expense of
muscle ana time, wnlou wouia oinw-
wlse be uuomnloved. Is the height of
economy uud judicious discharge of
official duty. After tho oars now load-
lug in the yard tiro dispatched, there
will romalu only about enough stock
ou baud to meot possible demands.
Winter Buppllo are 11 iwlug In from
the Btnte furtn dally; aud the tally of
vegetables, roots and fruits, la climbing
up Into tho many hundreds of bushels.
Ofoourse, tho state canuot, being ad
vantigedby convict labor, raise over
whelming Bupptlea and go into the
market lu competition with the oiuaan
farmer; and. It would ba the height or
folly to ralso crops for tho fun of it or
to let the produce rot and go to waste,
so that both experience und genius are
requisite in regulating the agricultural
efforts at tho prison, and just now both
seem to bo brought luto play.
On Thursday oveulng last the first
practice of tho musical nucleus or the
Christmas entertainment waa ueiu.
Juet how oxtousVvo a program can be
provided has not yet been oecwea, wit
It 1b pretty certain that tbla year's cele
bration will not fall very much behind
that of former yoara. The colored har
bor, a profeslonal who shaves tho ofll
oars, Is quite au artist lu other lines
than tho cartorial, and bus built a
pretty wi-ll-toncd and altogether excel
lent baujo for the occasion. Inoluded
lu tho aggregation of prison talent there
are olottiilsU. u man who eats glass, and
two or three other spcclallta; tuo genius
of harmony U largely prevent; and It
may bo that players enough can be
found to "act out a piece" on the Ira
provleod stage. All this with a good
dinner, graced with a few unnaual
ylanda and luxuries will mark this one
day In tho convict's year with a white
Deputy Warden- Cavanaugh la recov
ered aufllcloutly to permit of reappear
ance at his post of duty.
There wero a few convicts added to
the prison list during the week, chiefly
from Multnomah county.
Socialist Uprising In Vieaaa.
Vienna, Nov. 4.Thoro waa fleice
fighting lu this city last ulght caused
by the attempt of tho sf clulists to iu
vade a hall where a mcetliiK or the lib
erals waa being held for tho purpoae or
passing a vote of want of confidence lu
l)r. Krouawetter, the representative of
Viuuua lu tho Kelchratb. By 7 o'clock
the Btreet leading to the ball waa
thronged wltn clamorous muua i
clalUtu uud workmen Intent upon mis
chief. They hbouterl "Down wth the
liberals," "uowu wuu me uuwarmy vi
enemies or people," anu buk iu mwi
oug "lied Arbeit."
The mob tlnally made a chargo upon
the police. Tho police wero badly
handled and tho coumiaudlng Inspector
waa kuoCKcd down and trampled upon,
The men lu trying to rescue blip
wielded tholr satire right and It ft with
great tterceuB.
The eceue for a tlmu waa a fearful
ono- Both sides fought nvaely aud
the result waa many bloody bead
utuowg Ihu mob, while the police wero
bruised anil beaten and their uulforui
wero torn, mo n,jut Mueu a imwo
among the people In the vicinity anil
house and aboiw w fro clobeil. The p -Uco
telephoied for wli.firotfirtuuta
which aoou arrived. The mob waa
then driven out Into tho street und at
limt dispersed but 1 iter gathered In dif
fereiitparltflhu My ami lllened lo
VlUIVlll W(H-'T.llw , .
Atllo'iiooK uie greuiiwi mj.uiimhvm
prevailed mid the lolli l ,r
force epgageil lu breaking uptbedir
fereut gatberlnga. Three rlmera
arrested Including tho man whoW tn
attack. At 1030 p. m. the atresia wew
quiet. The aoclaiWa afiorwana awil
dainniiatrallon lu rrnnt of the pateoe
of Arch-Duke Wllhelm, shootlog tm
live Ihe republic." , ,
The police made a numm of fjro
..i,... ,.!... .,...- lu.ri.r.. ttiBvauaaeudad In
VI'fM WMae vq vrmmrm-m ---rf "
ticatterlUK tuo moo. wauy ier wm
LAMWParlor lamps, taWe, hr
lug aud bracket lawna, In akm vrl
etyjust received at the DLUK FUGWT,
1... n.mM were
extluguuueu v.-
the house wa oiroj
liw " . I
,-d. JL'ibOii j...t S-n.