Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 03, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    CT Jl II1IW
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 a Year.
- 25 eta. av moatk by Mail
Prepaid la Advance. 1
No Papors Seat Wfcra
Tlmo Is Oat.
VOL. 6.
NO, 20.
The New
Is still on deck, and has
KuuuB it, una ever receivea. jn otwitHatandmg the hard times,
their trade continues to increase as the people learn the good
quality of goods they carry and the low prices at which they
sell. They have a fine line of men's and boy's fine and coarse
boots and shoes, and women's and children's rWs nf nil kin
On these you will save 15 to
derwear or an icinas, tor men, women and children in all wool,
part wool, merino and cotton. Cents dress and negligee shirts
in white, all wool, black sateen, and light 5hades, and work
shirts, wool and cotton hose for men, women and children.
Cashmere gloves and wool mittens; stamped linens, lace cur
tains, bedspreads, crash, towels, white linen, and turkwy red
d.amask, window shades, gossamer, mackintoshes, rubber and
oiled coats, umbrellas, fur and wool huts, and notions of all
kinds They buy for cash and sell at a very close profit for
cash, and can afford to sell cheap.
State Insurance Block,. 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C.
EXh Meeker. Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, ugjstairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gen'l Agent.
Fair Grounds!
Grand Balloon Ascension and Double Parachute Jump
Miss flaz?I Keyes,
Who will astonish all beholders by her marvelous and graceful parachute
decent f?om the ci0Uds to the earth. Also the world-renowned
-. performing monkey,
Sunday, Nov. 51 at 100 Stop.
Admission, - - FREE!
Positively the Last Ascension tor tlio Season in Salem.
SB 103
The West Printing Co.Kt
Rpecial attention to ma
263 Commercial St.,
Shooting Season Open
York Racket
just received the largest lot of
25 per cent, also a fine line of un
Choice Meats,
Wholesale unci Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Halt and
Smoke(I;Mcats of nllliimls
95 Court and ,
110 State Streets.
First - class work. Heasou-. &
Both Houses of Congress Adjourn
Sine Die.
Cleveland Signs the Bill Making
the Chiueso Safe.
In the Senate
Washington, Nov. 3. The senate
has passed the bouse joint resoultlon
for final adjournment at 3 p. in. this
afternoon, so at that hour the extra ses
sion of congress will close. The resolu
tion was 410 1 passed without opposition.
Coke, Dolph, Harris, Call, Berry.MIUs,
Allen and Pefler.spoke nualnst adjourn
ing on the ground that there was im
portant business which ought to be
transacted promptly. Cullom said if
congress would, before adourning, an
nounce to the country that it did not
lutend either to repeal the election lawn
or the tariff laws, it would bo doing a
very good piece of work.
In the senate the clerks turned back
the clock b)z minutes in order to allow
the senate to complete its business, at
the conclusion of which it also ad
journed sine die. This adjournment
defeated the deficiency bill and other
pending measures.
there was the usual avalanche of bills
and reports marking the closing hours
of congress. A joint committee of the
house and senate was appointed to
notify the president that, If he had no
further communications to make, con
gress was ready to adjourn.
At 3 p. m. the house adjourned sine
Private Secretary Tburber saya there
Is no foundation whatever for the re
port sent out from here to the effect
that a crank attempted to assassinate
President Cleveland. The police also
pronounce the story a fake.
President Cleveland today signed
the bill extending fur six months, the
time In which the Cniuese can register
under the Geary law.
Washington, Nov. 3. Befora ad
journment the House voted two year'
salary to the widow of the late Chap
lain Haddaway.
Ttio seuate adjourned without con
firming the nomination of Hornblower
to the Suyremu Bench, This has the
efiect of a rejection.
About Rellcious Affairs.
St. Paul, Nov. 3. At the annual
mpptlnrr of the Methodist Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society, the most
imnnrinnt. renort of the meetlntr. that
of the finance committee, wbb present
ed. The apportionment oi money 10
be raised among the eleven branches Is
as follews:
New Kneland-t 2,000l)et Molnee 30,ono
New York MOOOi
ropeka VfiOO
rhlladelpUla auww
Baltimore 1.1000
f'lnnlnnutl 41.110
Colorado 8,000
Chlimso 70.000
Total $316,000
Mlnoeapoiis- iiyw
This Is to be distributed among for
elgn field as follews:
IndU and Ma- lltaly 1 10.000 J17200 (!orea . .
Chin" -". MIC0 Mexico 25 OO
J.imn - '.0"0 Noma America W
llHlg iir.".ZZ Contingent 0,000
This Is an Increase of more than f30,-
000 over last year. Special efrorUare
beiug planned to celebrato the silver
anniversary of the society.
Fifteen of the eighteen blsliops or tne
Methodist Episcopal church arrived in
the city aud as exoflloio members of
the Church Extension Society of the
church, were present at the opening of
that society's annual meeting. The
report of the College of Church Ex'.en.
slun atPhiladelphlato the general com
mlttee was read by Dr. Spencer. The
growth of Methodism in tho past year,
he said, had been most remarkable.
I he treaturer's report enoweu iimi
receipts of this past year were $210,162,
and the disbursements f 230,508, leaving
a balance of 125,614.
n ni"
17 IN KJtliuurxci
For over two years my little ehl's life
wi made mlseraileby a case ofCatarrh.
The discharge from the now was Urge,
constant and very onenajvc ..... --
disease, but the symptoms soon abated,
and in a short time she was cured.
Da. L. U. Ritcuev, Mackey, Ind
' w mc on Blood Md rUdn DUuse B1U
Om book "Vjffifian, cv., AtUau,0.
Another Man Balleved to be Among
u the Missing.
Portland, Nov. 3. The body of
Charles Albee, who perished in the
Madison street bridge disaster, was re
covered thls.mornlng. This, with the
body of Paul Oder, recovered last
nlgbt, makes' tho total of the drowned
seven. The coroner has been notified
that a man named Peterson is still miss
ing, making be eighth victim.
W. O. Powers, conduotor, tho first
witness, testified In substance that he
was In chargeof the car "Inez" when
the accident occurred. There were
about twenty passengers aboard at the
tlmo, according to his best judgment.
"Arriving at the bridge we were not
going as fast as usual. About midway
on the bridge the motorman threw off
the power. I noticed that we were
then going at a moderate rate of speed.
When I saw tho red light I knew the
draw was open,' and tho motorman set
on tho brakes, although we wero not
going faster than four miles an hour.
The brakes wduld not hold, and the
oar slid along. When I saw that tho
car was bound to go over tho draw, I
called to all passengers to jump. When
the motorinau saw tho brakes would
not work, he reversed the olectrlcity,
The gate at the end of the draw was an
iron one, and had it had a heavy fasten
ing I believe it would have stopped the
oar. The gate was probably 25 feet
from the edge of the draw. Tho track
was very slippery. There were no sand
boxes on tho car. It is seldom (hat we
have occasion to use sand. Have no
idea how many were in the car when it
went Into the river. Did not see the
motorman get oil'; he was on the car
when it went through tho gates.
Could see through the fog about 100
feet. In crossing the bridge we never
figure on time. This morning we had
about five minutes to spare. Ordinarily
we run across the bridge at the rate of
eight or ten miles au hour. The speed
depends upon the condition of tho
E. F. Terry .th motorman, testified
to substantially the same as the preced
ing witness, lie added, hewever: "I
did everything I could to stop the car,
aud had the unto been solid it would
not have gone oyer."
J. C. Cooper, motorman on the Washington-street
line, who has hud two
years' exporietice.stated upon oath that
lie had much to do with frosty tiailis.
"Frost will cause a slippery rail, and
this morning's frost would have made
oars slip with the usoof caud, oveu."
George A. Bled testified that he Is
tho president of tho East Bide Railway
Compiny. "Have no control over the
Madison street bridge, the ,ates or the
draw. The city bought them some
time ago. We pay tho city a rental for
the transportation of our cars over the
Certified Copy of That Adopted at
the Secret Oongross.
Eau Claire, Wis. Nov, 3. A certi
fied manuscript copy of the manifesto
adopted by the secret International an
archists congress, held In Chicago Sep
tember 80, has beeu received here. It
declares tho time has come when an
archists need no longer leave a state
ment of their doctrine with their enem
ies, whose Ignorance- and malice have
led tnem to misrepresent them. It de
clares the government of the United
Btatts, after a fair trial, has failed to se
cure the peopte their natural rlglits.aud
In proclaiming a declaration of Inde
pendence, says; "Every principle of
erjuallty w violated by the Jaws." It
inveighs against vast municipal, Mute,
aud nalloiial dilts peimauently fixed
upon the people; uculnst tbowarund
uuval outfits, I In- hordis of publlo offi
cers, aud dedans that every act of this
government is tainted with tbu foulest
corruption of fuvorltm. It fierce y
attacks the police, the militia aud the
regular army, and finally dec'area the
courts are uled against the poor; that
Individual liberty U destroyed; that
poverty, crime aud insanity are alarm
ingly Incieanlnt?; that the republic Nan
wpotentproeotornf the poor against
the rich.
Pound With His Head Off.
ti...,......i, K..v. a.M. Vellmlro-
vich, formeily Hervlau minister of
jmtice, wa fouuu nwi yeiujr u.
i.i. i.,-,! ,,... with his head tevered. A
un uniix"-
large sum of m-'uey uu a quantity oi
valuables are iuik .
Defaulter Secured.
NtwYuHK, Nv- 3 -Lawyer Fran
. rr iLuir. ilrult.r. extradited
from (! !". "lvtd ht,va hew 0t'
Cablegrams From Around llin
Itothnoud Replies to O'Connor's
Xottcr on tho Parnollites.
Redmond Replies to O'Connor.
London, Nov. 8. October 30, T. P.
O'Connor, president of the Irish Na
tional Lenguo of Great Britain, sent a
letter to the general manager of the As
sociated Press criticising the Parnell
wing of thq Irish party, and accusing
them of deserting Gladstone. Today
John Redmond, leader of the Par
nollltes, writes to the general manager
it tho Associated Press In reply. He
saya the attitude of the Parnellltes has
beeu misrepresented; that It Is not the
promulgation of a now policy; that the
polloy of tho Parnellltea toward the
liberal party is precisely what It has
been all along. Tho Parnellltes are
willing to support tho liberals as long
as they remain true to the pledges to
Ireland, but aro absolutely independ
ent, aud mean to lot them know that
by paltering with home rulo they will
convert the Parnellltes from supporters
into opponents. It Is not tho intention
of the Parnellltes to throw Gladstone
out of power aud restore Salisbury.
What they lutend Is to give tho pres
ent government to understand that
their extsteuco depends on the Irish
votes aud that the prlco to be paid
therefor Is adhoronco to tho pledges on
the questlou of home rule. Tho reason
for calling attention to this fact now Is
that tho attitude of tho liberal party
toward home rule has entirely changed
since Paruoll'a death. Gladstone then
declared that Ireland blocked tbo way,
and tho only way to get legislation for
British interests was to assist and pass
home rule, but now it Is proposed to
lintig up homo rulo and tubo up a lorifl
list of British reforms, forgetting the
promises of a strong fight if tho house
of lords rejected tho measure, In order,
as they claim, to be able to carry tho
next election.
Redmond admits tho truth of this
claim, but says it Is tho Intontion of the
party to see that only tho proper kind
i.f UritidU reforms aro proceeded with,
and that the elections are not Indefinite
ly postponed, otherwise home rulo will
bo hung up Indefinitely. Qodeolanr
If the Newcastle program Is carried out,
homo rule will not coma up again In
five or six years.
Russian Fleet in Corsica.
Ajaccio, Nov. 8. Tho whole city
has given Itself up to feting tho Russian
naval officers. Tho fleet will remain
hero until tomorrow. Upon arrival
yesterday tho Russians addressed M.
Ceccialdl, member or tho cnamueror
deputies, who declared Corsica was
France's advanced sentinel. Tbo is
land might bo made Impregnable for
defense of tho French territory of Al
gerlf. lie added ho hoped tho Russ
ians would often visit AJaoclo. Adinlr
al Avelau made a brief reply. JIo
nrnmlried boforo Boring tho Russian
fleet would return to Ajaccio and mako
a long stay. The city was prettily II u-
mlnated last night In honor or tue vis
itors. Sympathizes With Spain.
Paris, Nov. 8.-A mass me. ting was
held at Marseilles last night, at which
m ,i. T.nn!lf. member of the chamber
of deputies, presided. Tho meeting
adopted an address Tor presentation io
n,.u,,..i.ii mlnUter at Paris sympath
izing with theHpanlardaln tho reverses
they have met with at Melllla, and re
calling the heroism of Bpaln in connec
tion with the Caroline Islands dispute
which amazed tho world. The address
adds that In this dispute the bravery of
(he Spanish government resulted lu
the defeat of tho Oerman achemea to
get possfcsalon of those Islands. It
further declares It ! convinced that con
centratlngof the English naval squad
ron at Ulbralter will prevent tho homo
of tho Cld from fulfilling the traditional
mhwlou of Africa, and halU beforehand
the glorious succom which tbo valiant
Hpaulsh army and navy will win op
puslte OlbialUr,
Trouble Brewing la Venesuola.
Panama.Nov. 8r-Sorlou troubles of
both a political and personal character
are said tob brewing In Venezuela
against Urespo' mluUtry and polloy.
Iu view of possible early outbreak,
General Heruande baa been suddenly
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
British Battle.
London, Nov. 8. It la reported that
a heavy battlo occurred between tho
British aud Matabeles, and that King
Lobengula wis captured.
Ooughlin's Second Trial.
Chicago. Nov. 8. Tho second trial
of ex-Deteotlvo Daniel Coughlln,
charted with complicity In tho murder
of Dr. Cronln, began today.
Prisoners Fight
RusuviLiiB, Ills. Nov, 8' A battle
baa occurred between tho officers und
prisoners, several woro shot and cut.
A Brace of Lunatics.
PiTTSUURa, Nov. 8. Tho p ill o ore
aavlug no end of trouble with cranks,
who thrtaton human life, Three are
jow looked up, and tho au horltles aro
n tho look out for tlvo moro, who
have bi-on writing threatening letters.
Trying to Force a Strike.
Bhussells, Nov. , At a cougress
of revolutionary socialists held here
laat night it was resolved to curry on au
active propaganda to bring about a
.trlko amoigtho soldiers of Belgium
aud elsewhere.
A Londun Sensation 8. vcral Mur
dorous Crooks Arrested.
London, Nov. 8. Tho fact 1b Just
orought to Ight thut Wedueslty twt.
watermen d scovored a conical iroi.
oumb weighing ten pounds, with fin
-Utuohed, an on of the abutments 10
Wesiuiluslcr Bridge on tho sldo noxl
the IIouso of Commons. Tho general
belief is that it was the Intention t.
damugo tho brldgo, if not to blow up
iho Jiouto of Commons.
If-you feel all broke up and out of
sorts agitate your liver with rjimmmit
Liiver itogulatur.
How Ha TanUlliliiglr Turned tho Tnblci
on an Irat Judge.
Evon tho importurbablo American
"nowBpapor man" could not Burpass
thci sang froid displayed recently by
a woll known London journalist
This gentleman was cited to appear
as a witness in a caso and waited un
til his patlonco was exhausted, when
ho called out to a friend, who was
also in tho antechamber, that if ho
wero not Bummonod within flvo min
ntea ho should go away. This was
overboard by tho judgo of tho court,
whohappontd to bo passing during
a tomporary adjournment. Address
ing tho journalist in a passion of of
fonded dignity, ho Bald:
"You will Btay hero aa long aa I see
fit to keep you. You appear to bo
ignorant of tho power of tho lnw,
Aro you nwaro that if I wero to sum
mon Princo George to nppcar beforo
mo tomorrow and ho refused I could
havo him arrested I"
With tho most innocont air in tho
world tho journalist replied, "If I
woro you, sir, I would not arrest Buch
on important porBonago, who, in ad
dition to boing heir presumptive to
tho throno of England, is also tho
Duko of York and oocupios a high
position in the navy."
"You don't understand mo," eaid
tho judgo irnpatlontly. "I said if I
choso I"
Of rvmi-Hrt vnu will do aa vou mease
in tho matter," Bald tho other nhlcg
mnticallv. "but to arrest Princo
Gcorgo in a serious matter."
"I novor had Uio least inton
tion" Ami iraldoa." continued tho jour
nalist, "thoro will bo troublo whon
his royal highness tho Princo of Wales
learns that you inter d to arrest his
eldest Bon."
"Oh, etupldr cried tho judgo.
"However, that is your own af
fair," went on this diabolical jour
nalist "I am much obligod to you
for telling mo of your intentions.
Ah soon an I am freo I shall hurry to
tho ofllco with Uio exclusive news
that Princo George is to bo orreatcd
tomorrow. It in tomorrow yon iu
tend arresting him, la it notf '
0 But the judgo had heard enough.
In .-Icapair ho turned on hia heel, and
calling out, "Idiot I Iraboci!o!" fled,
loaving tho journalist standing, with
a sardonic Biniloon his lipa. Clove
land Moffot jn Now York Recorder.
Names of Authors.
Tho habit frequently adopted by a
booksellors of using tho possessive
caso of a writor's name followed by
tho title of his workloadsomotimea
to curious effects. For instance:
"Berkeley's Wealth and Welfare,"
"Lnlor's Monoy and Morals," "Turn
er's Wish and Will," "Ellis' Temper
and Temperament" and "Wyn tor's
Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers,"
suggestive of tho Artful Dodger's pro
fession. Occasionally tho bookeellor
himself deviates into humor, as m ,
tho two following Instances: "King's fi
Intorest Tables, a rather poor copy
and very poor price;" "Poems by
James Gay, with a portrait of tho
Great Man, who modestly calls him
solf Poot Lauroato of Canada and
Master of all Poota. Notwithstand
ing theso high claims I Bell his poems
for .Id." Chambers' Journal.
Curious DetalU r tlia Oroat Gaorl'
War or DrMlnjr
Ono of tho most interesting articles
I havo found among recent French
periodicals ia on tho toilet of Napo
leon, which, it appears, was it most
important mattor aud regulated
down to tho smallest dotails with
mathematical precision.
When nwokonod, Nnpoleon would
glnnco over tho papors while tho
fires woro lit, IIo was Kcnsitlvo to
cold, and a Aro was propnred in ovory
room oven in midsummor. Then of
distinguished pooplo nwaitinrr an au
dionco ho would closignnto those
whom ho wished to see, af tor which
ho would riso nnd tako a hot bath,
lasting about an hour.
Tho dally shaving was tho next
duty. Ordinarily hia physician, Cor
visart, would bo present ohnttlng
and securing favors for hia friends,
Corvisurt'H greeting was usually some
bodiuugo, such na "Ah, charlatan,
how uiauy patients havo you killed
this morning?" and tho physician
would reply in kind.
Two vttlots wero necessary for
shaving, ono holding tho boslu and
another tho mirror. Tho emperor,
in a flannel robo do chnmbro, thon
covored his faco with soap and pro
ceeded to bhavo, beginning at tho loft
sldo at tho top of tho check. Tho left
sido done, tho two vnlota passed to
tho other side.
Throwing off hia robo, Napoloon
was noxt deluged with cnu do colognQ
and subjected to a thorough scrub
bing with n rough brush. Tho volet
thon rubbod tho wholo body with
linon rolls saturated with oau do co
logne, a custom that Napoloon had
acquired in tho cast. Tho scrubbing
was nono of tho lightest either, for
ho would call out from timo to timet
"Harder, quo dlablol Rub harder,
just as you would an ass I"
When tho scrubbing was over, th
emperor dressed himself. A curiou
detail of his coatumowoa tho reli
gious caro vith which ho kept hung
round hia nock the littlo leather en
velop shaped liko a heart, which con
tained tho poison that was to liberate
him in caso of irrotriovablo rovemi
of fortune This poison waa prepared
after a rocipo that Cabanis had given
to Condorcet, and after tbo year 1608
tho groat emperor nevor undertook
campaign without having hte little
packot of poison. Cleveland Moffett
Iu Now York Recorder.
Btata of Ohio, City of Toledo as
Lucas County, ,. . .
Frank J. Cheney inakca oaia iua aa
la the aenlor iiartner of the Arm of Jr. J.
Cheney ACo., doing buloi la tb
city of Toledo, county and atate afore
said, and that aald Hrra will pay Ik
sum of one hundred dollais fur eefc
aud every case of catarrh that ea4
Ihj cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Fjunk J. Ckvkhy.
Hworn to before roe and biefle
In my presence, thU Otb day ofDeeew
ber, A. D., 18J. .,. j
A- A. W. QlkaboM i
I Hkal Notary PuMie.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
ami acta direct! v on the blood ad m
oous aurfttoee to the system. Bead for
testimonials, freo.
JSrriold by drugnUts, 75 cU.
You don't need to continue dcrfwrl
with KIiumquh Liver Regulator. Al
dote a day,
lit I
lead by train thU neruwHf
'fA3LA t&'U&.w'.