Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 02, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    'raw- -"-
f A Poonlior f"tacrfi
of the Game
The situation is almost as Vecr
with s just now. iootouims
Shall wo carry them over! xhu i
Low prices phall cause our stock to
melt away liko ice under a Bumme.
tun. It's your opportunity.
- IF -
Yon are going to build or mike any Hnd of
lmproremeat. call on the undesigned tor
material. We have a complete stock, and are
resdy to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, trading, etc.
Salem Improvement Co.
Mark Twain's Latest. A maga
zine is usually satisfied with one strong
feature for the month. The Cosmopol
itan, however, present for November
no lees than five very unusual ones.
William Dean Howells gives the first
of the letters of the traveller, who has
been visiting this country, from Altur
ia. We have read Mr. Howella' im
pression of the Alturian; but in this
first letter, we have the Alturlan's Im
pressions of New York, with somecom
menUupon our government and society
calculated to awaken the most conser
vative minds. The second feature of
The Cosmopolitan Is a new and very
curious story by Mark Twain, called
"The Esquimau Maiden's Romance."
It Is his happiest vein and Is Illustrated
by Dan Beard.
A miEST Made. The overland Wed
nesday night brought to Balem, G. R.
Blbley, deputy U. 8. marshal, who
placed G. A. Booth under arrest and
took him to Portland to appear before
the U. 8. crand Jury on a charge of
making an improper use of the malls.
Booth is an agent for the Singer Sew
ing Machlno Co., and resides in the
brick block over McCrow & SteusIoU's
meat market. His arrest is the result
of a recent visit of a postul inspector of
Balem. He Is charged with having
violated the U. 8. postal laws for which
he will have a hearing in U. 8. Com
missioner Deady'a court.
Loss ohBlkei To lie awake night's
trying to help other people Is not often
d me.but nno Balem man indulges In the
habit. Itli the business manager a
Clark & Eppley's, devising plans tot
make their patrons happy.
Way Ul Tlio stock of surgeon'B
sponges, cottons, Huts am! gauses kept
at the Capital Drug Store Is unequaled
In the city. We also have Apollonurls,
Vichy, Huoyadi and Buflulo Lythla
waters. Lunn & Brooks.
Our season's stock is now on, our
eountora fresh, bright, beautiful in
rich assortment Now is tho tirno to
hmIco your EoloctioiiB, whilo you
hV0 tho host to chooeo from. Care
ful buvirnr hrm iniulo tho prices ricrht
Celluloid 1b U .UhIs for fancy work;
OellHfetd frame and. baskets, and a
mw Mb? of ladies twl-jtitd purnea and
.BookiwlWr, m 0mmrcl St.
1 111
tr J.
. r 1
Our stock-is still unbroken,
andour styles the best, but we
do not wish, to carry over any
gtock, so will make sacrifices
Hon. 8. T, Richardson returned this
morning from an extended visit in
H. L. Pit lock, business manager of
the Portland Oregoulan, was in the city
today, for the first time in about four
C. M. Maxwell, of Portland, accom
panied by hie brother, F. M. Maxwell,
an attorney late from Texas, were
Silem visitors today.
A light frost last night is followed hy
mists today. Llberati tonight
Married two Marion county people
In Balem, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1893, at
tbo,M. E. church parsonage, Katie 8.
dweany and Peter L. Scbamel, Rev.
tiranuls officiating. Jim McCormick
Is always making improvements. This
time it is the little gem barbershop on
State street. In Its note of the Salem
Mechanical school which has an ad. in
this paper the reference to "twenty
architects," should have been "twenty
carpenters." Jay C. Smith and fam
ily are visitiug at Albany. Mrs.
Lambert of Yaqulna. spent last night
with friends in the city on her way
home from Portland. Mrs. J. G.
Wright went to McMinnville today to
make a visit to her son. Mrs. R. S.
Jessup is In Portland visiting friends.
Rain tomorrow with warmer tem
perature. Wong Tai was today
brought from Albany to serve a two
year's sentence for larceny.
Liberati Tonight
At the opera house tonight will ap
pear the strongest musical attraction
that over visited the city. Liberati Is
assisted by the celebrated prima donna
soprano, Atlas Amalla Bertha Itlppe,
who will appear tonight in her best
solos. Thero Is also Prof. M. I. Myers
from Boston, the renowned pianist who
will play some flue selections. No one
should miss this grand opportunity of
bearing this flue concert company.
Every person has heard of the great Lib
erati aud he has no equal as a cornet 1st.
Tickets are on sale at Pulton Bros.
Reserved seats 75 cents; general admis
slou 60 cents.
Unity Cluh. There was a good at
tendance at the Unitarian church par
lors on the occasion of the meeting to
organize for educational and literary
worlr lor tbo winter. 8everal papers
read and discussed and a program an
nounced for the next meeting. Organ
ization was effected, with Mr. Copeland
as president and Mrs. Dr. Phllbrook as
Tub Ghai'K Industry. Bultevllle
iu this county has a wide reputation
fur the finest aweetwater grapes raised
Iu the state. Headquarters for'thls ex
cellent fruit In Balem is at J. G.
Great Growth. Even though the
times are dull the Lockwood messen
ger business has growu to such' an ex
tent that uew lines are constantly going
up. For convenience call a Lockwood
The Ladles' ltaztar has secured the
ngonoy for the Universal patterns.
Ladles call aud got sheet, State In
surance block. 11 lt
A Ron has beeu made In Balem the
past few days, but not ou one of lis
banks. It has been -ou that stock of
genuine Vermont maple syrup at Van
Headquarters for all dilly papers, at
L. Bennett's post office block news
THAOTsaarvmo proclamation
Governor Pennoyer has issued the
I do hereby appoint the rourm
Thursday of the present month as a
day of Thanksgiving to Almighty ua
for the blessings He has bestowed upon
this commonwealth during the present
year. God has Indeed been most bene
ficent to our slate and nation, and yet
unjnst and ill advised congressional
legislation, having made gold alone full
legal tender money, has so dwarfed
and paralyzed business that the boun
ties of Providence are now denied to
hundreds of thousands of people with
in the national domain, who are not
only without employment, but are also
without the means or procuring iooa,
raiment, or ghelter. While, therefore,
the people of Oregon return thanks to
God for His goodnaa, I do most earn
estly recommend that they should de
voutly implore Him to dispose the
president and the congress of the
United States to Becure the restoration
of silver as full legal tender money, in
accordance with the polloy.of the fath
ers of the republic, whereby our indus
tries may be revived, and the honest
toilers, of the land may procure their
dally bread, not as alms, but as the re
ward of their labor.
Done at the capitol, Salem, Oregon,
November 1st, 1893.
Attest: Geo. W. McBbide,
Secretary of State.
A Prominent Publisher.
Hon. H. L. Pittock, one of the pro
prietors and publ.shers oftheOregon
ian newspaper of Portland was in the
city today. He wbb former stale print
er of Oregon and after a short visit
with Hon. A. Bush and other friendb
called at the Journal ofllue. In con
versation be staled that the business
ouilook at Portland was more favorable
and spoke very highly of tne capita
City. Mr. Pittock regards the chances
for any unusual degree.ot prosperity for
several years to come as very meagre oi
realization. Howeyer be thinks all
business ihterests In this valley are con
tinually improving. Hesays theOregon
Ian will be equipped with type-setting
macbiues as soon as It can be learned
what la the best machine made.
Everything that succeeds is a success.
Of course It is. If it wasn't It wouldn't
ho nnw wniild it? If Cleveland had
not succeeded in bringing his party to
bis single gold standaid Ideas he would
be set down aa a failure no matter how
hard he had tried. Now be is the id 1
of the gold-olatoru, the joss of Wall
street and the great Hys-Kospbut oi
the plutocracy.
The fusionist and populists who
helped elect him achieved the greatest
gold bug victory of the age. "Theirs lb
a golden success surely,
Cleveland In the role of a single gold
standard hero has been such a howling
success that no sliver man can ever
again be elected to the presidency.
Vale, silyer 1
Sheriff Knight Is at Portland.
W. R. Anderson, J. H. Haas and
Ed. Cross, appraisers in the Samuel
Adolpb estate today commenced work.
Scott Taylor, of Gervals, and J. M.
Brown, of Silverton, bad business at
the county clerk's office today.
Rrad Supervisor N. O. Morris, of
Marion, was before the couuty court
today on the Rutherford injunction
Frank Tichenor, who Is in jail for
stealing a screw driver wos committed
to the Reform school today.
, Genuine Artist.
'8lgnor Liberati is a genuine artist
in the fullet meaning of the term
levery solo is applauded to the echo,)
and delights equally the ordinary list
enr as well as the cultivated mu-dclau.
You feel, as you linen, that thero is
tbo soul and the seosatlcu of muslo In
the man, and nut the faculty of mere
mechanical execution. His uiuslo had
a heart In It. He was loudly ap
plauded." New York Musical Dram
atic Courier.
Steamer Burned.
New Yokk, Nov, 2. Information
was received from Mutanzas, that tl.e
steamer City of Alexandria, of the
Now York & Cubs Hue, was burned,
She waa an Iron vessel of 2914 tons
A Match Eace.
Nkw York, Nov. 2. In a race be
tween Directum aud Mascot this after
uoou, Directum wou two straight
heats. Time 2:10,, 2:07 J.
"9 BtlblLd
Tbe only Pore Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Aiwa.
Un& in Millions of Homes 40 Yw tli Stuutai
On Saturday, November 4, we will make the
following cut on
83.00 Hats for only $1.50
4.00 " " 2.00
5.00 " " " 2.25
All others in proportion. One day only. See show
windows. They are beauties, and must be sold.
Mrs. Mark Skiff.
291 Commercial Street.
SPECIAL. The entire stock and fixtures for sale.
Champions May Fight in Some
Foreign Country.
Bostow, Nov. 2. Charley Mithell
and Corbett'a manager, W. A. Brady,
bad a conference here in the presence
of David Blancbard, prelimnary stake
holder. At Its conclusion the news
paper men were admitted aad Mitchell
said. "The proposition I have made is
that if the fight cannot be fought in
public let us fight in private and let
Blancbard place the money in tne
bands of some one we agreee upon. If
we cannot fight in this country, why
don't Corbett agree to come to England
"Corbett," said Brady, f,baa agreed
to fight you In the only reputable club
in England."
"If this fight is not pulled off," said
Mitchell, "at tbo lime set in the arti
cles, I know what I'll do."
"Do you mean," said Brady, "that
you will take down the $10,000?"
"No, said Mitchell; "I'll request
Blancbard to send the money to the
Sporting Life in England, and chal
lenge Corbett to fight me over there.
He has as much right to go over there
and fight me as I have to come to this
"I want you to understand," said
Brady, "that Corbett will not fight you
under the London rules and you may
ballenge him from one end of the
year to the other. He won his cham
pionship under Marquis of Qu'eensber
ry rules and that is the way he intends
to defend the title."
As the party was about to depart,
Mitchell asked Brady if Corbett would
fight at Monaco. "Yes," said Brady,
"when we get a business understand
ing from them."
"I'll agree," said Mithell, "to fight
Q leensberry rul&j and let the present
rules stand, only that we transfer the
money to some one over there. I will
also consent to an American for referee,
and we can pick him in this country."
Mitchell agreed to cable Atkinson, of
England, who made the offer, for full
And Job Wasn't la It.
"It is a great consolation at times,'
said tho first sad looking man slowly,
"it is a great consolation, I say, to
read about the afflictions of other
men. Misery loves company, and
when"ono reads what others have en
dured it makes his own lot seem bet
Tho second miserable looking man
shook his head.
"You haven't tried it," said tho
"I have tried it," returned the sec
ond. "Well, you didn't read tho right
kind of literature then. Of course
you feel sorry for tho people in his
tory who had their heads cfitoff, but
that doesn't affect your case. You
want to read about'Job."
"I have read of all his sufferings."
"And didn't that make your own
burden feel lighter by comparison!"
"Not a bit Ho never had hay fe
vers'Chicago Post.
Jtu' Ilolllnc Lake of Mud.
Ono of tho greatest natural won
ders in Java, "tho fire island," a large
lako of boiling mud, is situated al
most in tho center of tho plains of
Grobogana, SO "paals" to the north
east of Solo. It is almost two miles
in circumference, and iu the center
immouse columns of eoft, hot mud
may bo been continually rising and
falling, like great black timbers
thrust forth and then suddenly with
drawn by a giant's hands. Besides
tho phenomena of the columns there
aro two gigantic bubbles near tho
western edge which fill up liko huge
balloons and oxplodo on an average
of three times per minuto. St Louis
Eugene Guard: Saturday evening
after the receipt of the neWB of the as
sassination of Mayor Carter H. Harri
sou, some of our practical jokers sent
by messenger to Mayor Friendly a pis
tol flask filled with the best article ob
tainable In Eugene. The mayor ap
preciated the joke.
A two-horse farm wagon waa driven
through town ou Wednesday, says tbo
Hillsboro Independent, that bad on
farm produce valued at $350. Had the
product beeu wheat it would have re
quired about fifteen wagons to have
carried ?350 worth. The bales con
tained hops.
From a Pendleton citizen, dow in
this city, it is learned that times are
wruewbat easier in that portion of
Umatilla county. The banks have an
nounced that they have money to loan
to farmers and this fact has been taken
advantage of. It will not be long ere
good times will come again throughout
tne entire Northwest. E.
Rev. John Finn in tbe Skamokawa
Eagle says: "Talking aboutsteamboat
rates. In 1850 I took my first ride on
tbe Columbia river. It was on a little
boat called tbe Columbia. I remember
that we had a Wg crowd on her. Over
a hundred passengers. They charged
me a (20 gold piece for the passage
from Astoria to Port'and. We left As
toria in tbe evening without supper
and when we got to Oik Point about
twelve that night, a number of us made
a rusn asnore to get Boimimug to eat.
But there was nothing there and we
went on board and pushed on for Port
land. At noon the next day we got
our first and only meal on the passage.
It was a grab game, I tell you, and we
were a hungry lot when, we reached
Portland late that night.
The following from the San Francisco
Call conveys tbe gratifying information
that Oregon will have one grand ex
hibit at the Midwinter fair: "A cor
respondent asks for an explanation of
tbe fact that tbe Midwinter fair build-'
lugs are being constructed entirely of
Oregon pine and spruce, while Califor
nia redwood does not figure in tbe
materials used. Tbe explanation given
by tbe executive committee is that at
the time tbe contracts were let the
only woods available in sufficiently
large quantities were Oregon pine and
spruce. Besides, .It is stated by the
executive committee that white red
wood is desirable for interior finishing
it Is not so well adapted for construc
tion purposes as the other woods. Red
wood will be freely used, it Is promised,
in tbe decoration of tbe various build
Salem, Nov. 2, 1893.
N. K. Rankin, resp,, vs. Charles A.
M darkey and Catherine A. Malarkey,
et al, appellants. Appealed and sub
mitted. H. G. Piatt, atty. for reap.
D. J. Malarkey atty. fur app.
The Rugged Child
is largely an
Fresh air
and exercise
usually pro
duce sound
appetite and
sound sleep.
Sickly chil
dren obtain
creat benefit from
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites, a fat-food rapid
of assimilation and almost
as palatable as milk.
Prr.rd l KoMt A IVn. N V. All drurrlrts.
One Cent Daily by mall. 25 cents a
mouth. No papers sent after time Is
Tub Cheapest. Have tbe Daily
IJOIIKNAI. left st inur nfllr nr iwat.
Idenee, Only 60 eta a mouth. Br iuU.ERA. HOUSE, CORNER,
hm a btjobui.
II 101
BUY " .
BUY " .
BUY " ,?:
BUY " '
100il tfcMi STONE,
They Have f be Largest Assortment in
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given tbat for tbe
purpose of making an examination of
all persons wbo may offer themselves
as candidates for teachers of tbe schools
of this county, tbe county school super
intendent thereof will bold an exami
nation at Salem, Oregon, at one o'clock
Wednesday, November 8tb, 1893,
Applicants lor state papers will be ex
amined at tbe same time and place.
Dited this 23d day of October, 1693.
J. S. Graham.
w2t-dlw Co. bupt
Bids Wanted.
For painting on reform school work,
up to Nov. 10th, 1893, at tbe office or
W. C. Knighton, architect, where plans
and specifications can be seen. "
10-30-2w A. J. Hazell, contractor.
Buy your bread at Strong's.
Catarrh in the Head.
Is undoubtedly a disease of tbe blood,
aud aa such only a reliable blood purifi
er can effect a perfect and permanent
cure. Hood's Saraaparilla is tbe beet
blood purifier, and it has cured many
very severe cases of catarrab. Catarrah
oftentimes leads to consumption, Take
Hood's Sareaparilla before it is too late.
Hood, s Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but act promptly, easily effici
ently. 25 c.
Get on the inside we will tell 70a a e
xeU Thtnes have been on a. ttanditlll In
ine"bay marts f trade." Manufacturer
ceded money badlv we bousrnt exlen-
lvely lnordrto give our cuttomer lhH
oenem inereiore we are offering a Darsraln
Box Stationery.
Call and look at oar aneelal brand. Noth
ing line ll ever teen betoro.
Patton Bros.,
Leave orders atOotUe-FarkhurstbloczToosa
15, Halem. Oregon.
And I have started a CU&TOM HOU8K" ol
my own. on State street, ner Commercial,
where I will b pleased to meet my old custo
mrs, and plenty o 1 ew ones In want ol
Hoot or hhoes. t.ood flu, god material and
good hnnet work..
10-.7 Wit. ARMSTRONG.
316 Commercial Street, Balem.
Only the BeBt Stock Bought. -grtti)- Only tbe Best Meats Sold.
Good service. Prompt delivery .
Are a necessity this cold weather. We have a big stock of good ouea of differ
ent crudes Prloes very low.
will be needed again, as soon as it rains. We have a floe line
of Reed values. Bov' mackintoshes 15.00 each. ,.
for men and boys. Juat the thing to keep out inv
cold Call and let us fit vmi out.
a nice, clean atock ot reliable goods, sucn a
it pays to buy In hard times,
f Jackets and Draw Good plcaae
- Tl
Thursday Evening, November 2
Under the act pices of the Second FUjimmt
btnd. Including the treat est tiring corset
virtuoso atiUted by the celebrated prima
donna' uprano from Benin,
Miss Amalia Bertha Rippe,
Ameng: other celebrities of this srrund ornl-
From tbe Boston Conaerva'orr ol Hills. On
of tnemotlntereUBE feature'- - trand
musical event will be the 2d Re ioat Bud
accompaniment of BigldberaU iu .r hit
Reserved seat.
G-ner'l ndmUslon.
For Halk. Two extra Que Plymouth
Roclr cockrels. (2.00 each. E. Hofer,
Journal office, Salem.
(Old Court House. Court Street)
Gives Instmcilon In cut ice r&Oers.
, fl lor
saws, bulldmt: common stain-, an J tools and
raoier nis lurnisued, all. for I1U. I m courts
Is worth 5100 In any Jy ear's work of any man
wbo has not perfected the cri enter trade In
all Ita branches Also teaches framing of
houses and construction of bulldlDgs in every
detail. very larmer should be a carpenter.
K. U. TURNEK, Maleno.
The Oregon Land Co.,
At Salem, Is engaged In selllnr fruit lands
In tho vicinity of raiero. Oregsn, where more
fruit is now growing than In any oart of tha
state. COOK . M1NTHORN,
10-lS-3m Managers.
The Rustler Wood h
And he doesn't burn up half your wood, In
fuel, when he saws It. Make your contracts
with blm nersonallr orleave oraers at Veatcbs
cigar store Dearborn's book slore,4M Hummer
street, or address me by mall. 6-lf-U
r-mw ItkNT.A fftrm nf 70 arns Xi
a mils
P from the city, partly in hops, inquire of
R J. Fleming. Over Bush's bank
WANTKD governess in private family.
Mnst be able to teach muslo and book
keeping. Apply to Mm. John HtxpatrlcK,
care Hotel Monterey. Fostofiles.Kewport.Or.
WANTED Pur hlng canvarser of good ad
dress. Liberal salary and expeute paid
weekly. Permanent position llKOwfl
UHU3. Co., Nuneryman, Portland, Ore on.
10-7 lm
rpUIB PAPER U kept on file at E. C. Pake's
I Advertising gency, 64 and 65 Merchant
Ki change. San Franchvo. California, wbers
oontnu for advertising can be made for It.
IHRI3T1AN HCIKNCE-Llterature of su
kinds on sale at 826 Liberty street. --"
Chatwin House.
JuU south of the Methodist Church, In Salem,
Everything new and clean. Tables Mr'
with the best or tvry thing In the vantUU
Hpeclal attention lo commercial invi'rs.
Veals eta, Beard and lodging irotn HW
week up. Free m e of piano.
tailor. Utf JsvUm,