ffimyn fOL''inhcblmfc PROCEEDINGS. Al tli OlegfulaJ- bctober Tefm of Ma, Hoh Cdunty, Oregon. At a regular term of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Marion, begun land hold In the county court houno In the city of Salem, In said county and state on Wednesday, October '4, 1803, there were present: lion. V. C. Hubbard, county Judge; J. Jf. 'Watson, county commissioner; J. F. Anderson county commissioner; Wmr H Egan, .clerk; John Knight, 'Sheriff. In -matter of .jteUtlon of R. A. Wlt rel and 22 others for county road 40 Xeet wide rrom a, point on the Salem And Iocleay Co. road, oh line between die of Ben fSVfcldon and John Stlppto the SE comer of R. W. Carey or Eb ersolo In center of Salem and Sublim ity Co. road, read first and second time and ordered established, road supervi sor to open said road. In matter of Petition of L. R. Hughs and 12 others for a county road from a point 40 rods SW of the center of sec tion 4 t 8 s, r 1 e to intersect said road so roas n or the south line of said sec tlon4, read first and secondttlme, estab- tlfaMd.t tsuperVfsor 'to" "open he same. AAnd it Is further orderedthat the road now traveled within and between the Beginning .and. terminal points of said new road Tie and the same Is vacated when .new road Js .opened. ( Thursday, Oct 5. In!i(riatterof .Inquest ,on body of YeontriHlngi (a Chinaman), report of Cbroner J. S. Stott approved and fol lowing bills allewed: J. S. Stott, $13 25; W. 5J. Culver, $2 00; C. Cleaver, 1.20; J. E. JEastham,;1.20; H. Eppley, $1.20; It. C. EPPley. J1.20: G. P. Sandeson, $2.00; Sam Dick, $1.70; Chin Long, $1.70; D. J. Holmes, $1.70; Jin Toy, $1.70; Hong Lung, $1,70; A. O, Cohdlt, $6 00, not al lowed. In matter of petition for appointment of. nonstable! for 'the justice district of Crfampdeg, John Scollafcd Appointed. In matter of resignation of A. H. Glesy, Justice of the peace of Aurora district accepted. "In matter of petition of T. W. Prltts et al., for change In countj road In the town of Mlnto and the vacation ot a part of old -road, there being no evi dence on file fthat 'the names to the petition are householders of Marlon ounty, -petition dismissed. Petition ofR.- C. Caldwell for pay ment for care ot Nathan Boyd a pau per, , 'deoeasod, ordered allowed and clerk wrdoMd to draw a warrant on -treasurer for $25 00 on claim for $149,90. TrfarHatter of the application of .Fran cis Raymond to be admitted to the poor-house, granted. Stock inspector account of W. L Slmeral allowed $6 00. Friday, Oct '6, 1633. In matter of filing of bill 'of E. C. Small for 60 cents, ordered that 'clerk be directed to refuse to file the bill presented by E. C. Small for 60 cents for 6 pair of socks ordered by J. H. McCormlck .then keeper of the poor house If the same Is presented for filing. In matter of repair of Dlmlck bridge by J. E. McCoy, Joint bridge between Marlon and Clackamas county; J. E. McCoy awarded the contract for 475 00, a full Fct of needle beams to be placed under ald bridge. The same tO"be ac cepted and ordered paid by Judge W. C. Hubbard. That the clerk Is hereby Instructed ta send bill to Clackamas cotinty for half the costs of said le pairs. In matter of Jjllb of D'Arcy &.1BIng ham and Ford & Kaiser for logel ser vices; 'ordered by the court that the aforesaid bills of ,D'Arcy & Bingham for $500,00 and Ford & "Kaiser for $500.00 for legal services In cause of Hoffman & Bates bridge, contractors vs. Marlon county In U. S. court "Portland be con tinued for explanation. Matter 'of 'Inquest "on body of Wfti. Seal, deceased, continued. "' In matter jof application for 'county aid for 'Christian Smith.! allowed $iO0 per month to.be paid to Emanuel Kfcll as disbursing agent In matter ot application for county aid -tar A. N. Gilbert, admitted to the pcor-house. In matter of allowance from county tc Josephine Austin a woman with 'Jive children, th-U the be further allowed the sum of $800 per month on nnd after ,tho payment of the last warrant drawn. In matter of application for county aid for James Powell, admitted to the county .pocr farm. In matter 'of reslgnitlon of W. J. niler'as constable of Aurora district, accepted -and the office now vacant. LIST 'OF 'CLAIMS ACTED UPON. E. C. Small, pauper account, 60 cents not 'allowed. Ttf. W. Stevens, same. $150.1S: allowed. . L. Henderson, same. $49.00; allowed 925.75. F. A. Legg, same, $10.75; allowed. n. R. Hiibbsrd. C. H. and J.. 50 cts aYl6wed. A. M. C'ougn, pauper, $15 00; allowed. D. B. Hubbard, C. H. and J. account. 91.50; Allowed Churchill Sash, Door - & "Mf UV Co., skme,$26,00; allowed. Churchill & Bunows, same, $4 88; al lowed. H. M. Wade -& Co., amey5.10; al, lowed. , Salem Water -Co., 'same$13 00; al lowed. ( J.AV..Wattpame,' $3 00: allowed, J.ifvnrfnald'ame. $2 98: allowed. Michael Horgan, same. $5 50: allowed. Jos. Meyers, ame, $1.20; allowed. Con. St R. R. Co.. same, $53.40; al lowed . Steiner 4; Bloeser, tame, $1648; al lowed., Oregon T. '& T. Co., same, '$13 65; al lowed. James II. Patty, 'f del account, $194,40; allowed, . W. W. Hubbard, name. $37.35; al owed. 4nies'tSthahtrrBamer$32 00, 'allowed. John-Hughs. C. H. and J. account, 97,65; allowed. . N. a Williams, same, $6.75; allowed. A. B.Buren & Eon, same, $24.95; al lowed. B. B. Herrlck, stationery, $5.50; laid over. Patton TirL. same. $1.55:' 'laid 'over. E. M. Walte & Co.. same, $4.00; not allowed. J. 8. Graham, stationery, $850; al lowed. Marlon Co.- Vtm., aame, $80.60; al lowed. Independent 3?ub. Co- same, $1.M; al lowed.' Pattoamrtki., une, M cent; allowed Marion Co, Dm., aamt, ftSO? allow. &4Dygert Co., same, $19.00; Ross E. Mooree, same,"$26 06; allowed. Oregon Statesman, same, 75 cents allowed. ' Ration Bros , same, $18.75; allowed. Patton Bros, same, $815; allowed. Capital City Bindery, same, $14 00 allots ed. Cupltal City Bindery, same, $7.50; al- Capital City Bindery, same, $25 50, al lowed. Meston & Dygert Co., same, $21.00; allowed. Patton Bros, same, $3.50; allowed. J. E McCoy, R. & b. account, $16 50: allowed. A. G. Chitwln, same, $143 30; allowed. A. B. Bllnstone, same, $4 00; 'allowed. Frank Lewis, same, $2,60; allowed. W. A. White, Bame, $S 30; allowed. L. S. Geer, same. $2 40; allowed. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., same, $19.00; al lowed. B. B. Herrlck, Sr., same, $2 00; al lowed. Asa Herrlck, Sr., same, $2 00; allowed. Roland Herrlck, same, $2.00; allowed. D. J. Llghtner, same, $4 00; allowed. T. L. Ball. same. S7.20: allowed. W. M. Collard, same, $25.15; allowed. Capital Lum. Co., same, $1.40; al lowed. Fremont .lowed. Arnold, same, $341.25; al- T. R.'Blackerby, same, $7.97; allowed. a. is. .Herrlck, .same, $3.00; allowed. B. B. Herrlck, sr.me, $4 50; allowed. J. A. Schdfer, same; $3.00; allowed. Col. Cole, game, $2 90; allowed. L. C Cavanaugh, some, $6.40; allowed. R. W. Car-ay, some, $2.00; allowed. H. Cunningham, same, $2.00; allowed. B. B. Herriok, Jr., same, $7.40; al lowed. Lee Brown & Co, same, continued to Nov. Jamea Bachelor, criminal, $1.75; al lowed, T. P. Welch, same, $4.80; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Rank jtEdgar, same, $4 70; tallowed. W. E. Robins, same, $4.70; allowed. Wm. Queener, same, $5.10; allowed. Wm. Hadden, same, $4.70; allowed. A. J. Horner, same, $5 50: allowed. James Bachelor, same, $13 85; allowed. Frank titranger. bame, $4 70; allowed Willis Robins, same, $4.70; allowed. J. P. Williams, same, $6.30; allowed. Benton Trav, same, $4.70; allowed. Charles Duncan, same, $5 50; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. F. T. Wrlghtman, same, $1.90; allowed. James Bachelor, same, $4 80; allowed. T. P. Welch, tame, $21.25; allowed. Dr. J. N. Smith, same, $16.00; allowed A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. J. L. McKenne, same, $5 90; allowed. W.m. McKenney, same, $5 90; allowed. J.' C. Crawford, tame, $5 SO; allowed. C. Holland, same, $5.90; allowed. James Bachelor, same, $16.40; allowed. J. D. Dlsbrow, same, $5 90; allowed. Mrs. John Hlnkle, same, $5.90; al lowed, Sarah Hlnkle, same, $5 90; allowed. A. O. Condit. same, $5 00; allowed. Wilson Kurtz, same, $5 90; allowed. L. L. Thomas, same, $5.90; allowed. Geo. Taylor, same, $5 90; allowed. J. C. Milton, same, $5 90; allowed. James Bachelor, same, $14.15; allowed. C. C. Holland, same, $5 90; allowed. Ella Curtis, same, $5.90; allowed. David Gallltlne, same, $5 90; allowed A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Chas. Beck, Jr., came, $7.10; allowed. John Hlnkle. j?ame, $5 90; allowed. James 'Bachelor, same, $11.10; allowed. Henry Beck, same, $7.10; allowed. Ethel -Taylor, same, $5 90; allowed. A. 0 Condit, bame, $5 00; allowed. B. J'Gum. same, $6.50; allowed. Carrie Fowler, same, $5 90; allowed. James Bachelor, same, $9 85; allowed. Mrs. John Taylor, same, $5 90; allowed. M. W. Hunt, same, $5 00; allowed. Ed. N. JSdes, same, $7.85; allowed. G. W. Carr, same, $1.70; allowed. Fred Rowley, .same, $1.70; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $5 80; allowed. J. C. Perrlns, same, $1.70; allowed. Henry Sterling, same. $1.70; allowed. Fannie Whltcomb, same, $1.70; al lowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same. $7.30; allowed. J. M. Hanes, same, $3.40; allowed. N. Hales, same, $3 40; allowed. F, O. Donald, same, $3;40; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $7.60; allowed. A. Townsend, tame, $3 40; allowed E. Gibson, same, $3 40; allowed. A. Dllley, same, $3.40; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Ed. N. Eles, rame, $6.10; allowed. R. G. Keeue, same, $1.70; allowed. Jas. Bachelor, same, $1:70; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same. $5 60; allowed. Mrs. George Plaster, same, '$1.70; al lowed. W. L. Low, same, $1.70; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5.00- allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $4 23; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, came, $2 30; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. ra. M. Kdes. same. $6 90; allowed. Henry Gibson, same, $3 10; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, tame, $5 00; allowed. Guyan Gibson, same, $3.10; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $6.S0; allowed. V. Sherman, same, $1.70; allowed. Etta Tat same, $1.70; allowed. rx p Mlnto. same. $5.10, allowed. Charlie Lee Ho, "same, $1.70; allowed. Mrs. 1 Sherman, same, ... "' A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allowed. Ed.-N. Edes, same, $10.10; allowed. E J. McCaustland, same, $1.70; al lowed. ..... . Henry Henderson, same, (., - lowed. .. .. . Wm. Dickinson, same, . -. m H. P. Mlnto. same. $7.20; allowed. J. L. Patterson, same, $1.70; allowed, 8. Northcut. came. $3.20; allowed. Chas. Rands, rame, $3.20: allowed. r. A. Crossan, same, $1.70; allowed. M. W. Hunt, same, $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $5 80; allowed. Hubert Scott, same, $3 20; allowed. H. P. Mlnto. same, $4.70; allowed Wells Latourette. same. $3 20; allowed A. O. Condit, same, $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, .same, 1 85; a owed. J. C. Straub. same, $170; a owed. li, P. Minto, rame, $7.70; allowed. L Llvermore. same, $1.70; allowed. Miss Addle Payne, same, $l.T0, al- lowed. A. O. Condit, same, Ed. N. Edes, same, It P. Mlnto, same, $500; allowed $5 00; allowed. 12.30. allowed. Condit, tame, $5 00; allowed. A. O. TTA V Edes. same, ; w"" It P- Mlnto. same, -v i n fVmdlt. rame, $5 00 gliuwcu. allowed $!., allowed $JJ0, sllowsd. $$00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, H P. Minto, eam, A. O. Condit, same, 3CL JJ, Sdtt, Ja. tUf, alioww. Mteton allowed. iBVaSfONfi OAFJPl'AL H. P. Mlnto, fame, $2.60; allowed. A. O. Condit, same. $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $4 50; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $2.80; allowed. A O. Condit, same, $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes. samp. JS in- nilmvai It P. Mlnto, same, $2.30; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5.00, allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $4.75; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $2.30; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $5 50; allbwed. It P. Mlnto, same, $2.80; allowed. M. W. Hunt, same, $5.00; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $5.50; allowed. Ed. N. Edes, same, $4 85; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $2.80; allowed. H. P. Mlnto, same, $3 00; allowed. A. O. Condit, same, $5 00; allbwed. C. G. Gans, same, $1.70; allowed. J. J. Murphy, same, $20.60; allowed. Klnttoscopo and Klnetngraph. Tho terms kinetoscope and kinoto graph aro reactily confused by the uninitiated. Tho former tenn ap plies only to the animated but sound less imago. Tho kinetoffraph. on tho other hand, is an instrument intend ed to reproduce motion and sound simultaneously, being a combination of a specially constructed camera and phonograph. Tho camera used by Edison with this instrument will take 46 pictures a second, corre sponding to 2.7G0 pictures a minute, or 165,000 in an hour. The rapid photographing of theso pictures upon a long band of ex tremely light, sensitive film creates the illusory spectacle of real motion of the figures, and when, to this vis ual impression, tho phonograph is called to join its voice wo have a combination of effects upon both au ditory and optic nerves. This spe cially constructed camera is attached electrically to a phonograph, and their combined movements aro si multaneously registered, and thus wo have tho duplex sonsation of vi sion and sound. It will bo seen that tho above principles aro based upon tho familiar toy .known as tho zoo trope, or wheel of life. Cassier's Magazine. Was rreporod. "Do you dio contented?" was asked by a minister of a citizen whose earthly accounts wero being bal anced. "Oh, happUyl" "You benovo that you will receive a crown above?" "Don't know." "Do you belieye in tho reaurrec tion?" "Don't know, parson," and ho smiled. "But why aro you happy?" "Because I have taken advantage of the tlneo days of grace." "His mind is wandering," said tho minister aside. "No, I'll bo blamed if it is. You see, I have u note iu bank. It is duo. By tho timo the three days' grace ox nirn T will bo dead. Oh. let mo laugh!" I "Pnf onn't flmv en m vniin Kfieur ityi" "He's dead. Oh, lot mo laugh again l"Tox.i3 Sif tings. All kji'puniiive Operation. It was tho morning after the tram robbery, and tho sagacious detective was holding a business conference with an official of the express com pany. "Seems to mo," observed the -of ficial, reluctantly making out a check for a largo amount, "you are strik ing us pretty heavily for 'soap.' " "Yes, sir," answered the detective. "Wo intend to scour tho country thoroughly." Chicago Tribune. Wlille You Walt. "Block your hat whilo you wait," was long a familiar sign. Then an enterprising shoemaker in tho Bow ery applied tho idea to the other ex tremity of tho human body. Honn nounced that ho would mend your shoes while you waited, and his ex ample has loon followed, as tho bat ter's had been, by many. Now all the rest of the body is provided for by a tailor whose sign reads: "Hrvo your clothes pressed whilo you wait. It is only $1 a Buit. First cldBSWork dono." No v York Sun. DYSPEPSIA Is that misery experienced whn suddenly made aware that you possess a diabolical arrangement called Btomach. No two dyspep tics have the same predominant symptoms, bnt whatever form dyspepsia takes The underlying cau i in the JjIVXM, and one thing is certain no one Trill remain a dyBpeptio who will it will comet jUldltftb lUmuh, XsyAlfoalrSM, AlUflrrlUtlon, jUU DlfUe tUM MAS ttme will dltap&ar. iunVu KZzrLzzL ryrmal la Iti !&. IVTiilMtai ww . r-Tj'.rn.f J01GttUfT:aXi THTJBSDAf, NOYEMBEKI 1883. One Way to Starry. A new form of marriago ceremony is practiced by a Georgia justice of tho peace. - Ho concludes as follews: "By tho authority vest ed in mo as an officer of tho stato of Georgia, which is sometimes called the Em pire Stato of the south; by tho fields of cotton that lio spread out iu snowy whiteness around us; by tho howl of the coon dog and the gourd vino, whoso clinging tendrils will Rhado.the entrance to your humble dwelling pi ato; by tho red and lus cioUH heart of tho watei melon, whoso bweetness fills tho heart with joy; by tho heavens nnd earth, in tho pres onco of thebo witnesses, I pronouuee you man and wife." Philadelphia! iiedgor. The reunites Mnn'i J ob. " A man strolled into tho office of the TJnitetUStates Express company on Sherman street nnd asked for work. Ho Baid he had not eaton for several days. Ho wore a clean shirt and looked bright, so the depot agent put him to work soiting froight The man hadn't a cent. Ho bor rowed a dime from a tender hearted coworker and got his breakfast there with. After tho frugal meal he went back to tho freight shed. Piotty soon a train rolled in from tho west, and the express cars wore shunted onto thG platform. "Hop in thoro and help transfer that freight," shouted the agent. In tho now man hopped. He hadn't a cent. The sliding door was pushod open, and seven men wero soated conven iently around the interior. Over tho axles'and trucks in each end of tho cars were heaps of canvas bags. "Catch hold and hustle," was th,o next order. Ho, tho penniless man, caught hold. He tossed the bags to anothor mania few paces off, who in turn passed them along. As each bag flow from hand to hand an ominous rattle nnd clink was heard. An hour passid, and tho last bag wont the way of its predecessors, its canvas sides muffling in a mcasuro tho ringing sound as coin clashed against coin. It was dono. The agent handed the new man EO cents. "Come around again," said he. Away wont the man and filled him self with food. Tho agent went into the little office where the messenger wbb checking up. "That's the biggest run wo'vo had in a long timo," baid ho "$10,000,000 in gold. Whew I" Chicago Xuter CURE Sick ItMdachd and roller all tba troubles Inei dent to a bilious itate of the sritem, luch as Ditilnoss, Nauiea. Dronilneu, Dletrets after eaUnr, 'l In tha Side, Ac Whilo their mod remarkable lucceu baa been shown in curiae SICK Headache, yet Cinnca'a Lirrue Liru Fius are equal! valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annojlnf complaint, while they alio correct all dUorder of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel. Even If tbty only cured HEAD che they would be almost priceless- to those who suffer from this distressing; complaint but fortunatelr their coodneM does Dot end here, and those who once try them will And these little pills valuable In eo manr ways Uiat ther will not be willing to do without them. But after all licit head ACHE U the bane of o man; live that here Is where we make our treat boast. Our pill cure It while others do not. CiKTtn's Littu r.tTin Piua aro rery small and rery easy U take One or two cllu make a dote. They are atrictly Trretable and do not gripe or puree, but by their gentle action please all who use them In vials at S3 cmtis aia rx Ore lor (I sold everywhere, or aent by man. ciini atzsiemz eo., xn icrt UH UBsn. Smllfik lluttorfllrs' llrieilliii; Ground. "It has i-l .vays Iwcn u great puzzlo to naturalist bays Mr. T hwaites, "where tho CVylon butterflies go to at a certain timo of year, You seo them flying over your house and gar den in Ihouuiuds and tens of thou sands in ono direction toward tho north. This goes on for sir weeks or two months, and then thoyall disap pear. Uiico, wnen traveling witn my sister in tho north of tho island, wo came to a loudly station, and whilo breakfast was being prepared wo went for a walk in tho junglo. When wo cot about 200 yards, in wo heard a curious bound like a,6oft, low con tinuous whwtlo. It is nover overeafo to go too far into a junglo, and strange bounds are apt to mako you heuituU for a mo ment I a''l my xiater to jstay be hind and crawled blowly In the di rection whence tho sound proceolcd, and there in an opening in tho Jun-o-lfl I found myself aurnmnded by ono solid jrnwi of brown ami yellow butterflW They wore aomuiea by the hundred and thousands over a large tquaro and about 10 feet high from the ground Bo denso was thU fluttering masaof insecta that you could have taken thorn by armfuht liad you been so minded. The sound proceeded from tho move ment of the innumerable wings. No doubt the juuglo waa thir breed ing place," Weatininatcr Budget. CARTER'Sl WfWVWVVWrWraVWVV BALD . What Is the condition rf yours? Is you half dry, 5 harsh, brittle? Does it spilt at tho ends? Has It a c lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or 5" brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? , Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these aro som,o? yoursymptomsbcwamcdlntlooryouwlHtccobbaki;a SkookumRoot Hair Grower 1 what you need. !taprodncMonltnotaoaccldent,lntthersnltofocIentlflo er research. Knowledge of the dlaeasesot the hair and scalp led to thedlscov. " err of how to trtat them. "Skookum "contains neither mlnorala nor oils. It J" Is not Dve, but a delightfully wo loiuoiea. vc micjm jaung ... nr beep Mie icatp clean, healthy, and free from Irritating eruptions, the ate ot itootum Alia feqp, K destroy porsMtie Uuau,cMj-wl uw uetnrr n.n -u aMtrop ins Aair. If row dnuraist eaasot prepaid, on receipt 6t price. lperjarifora.e0. I THH SKOOKUfl TnASSr5K 8 tiaA T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing! Oor, 30th and (Jhemckota Street. Goo. CASH Fondrioh, MARKET Beit meat and free delivery, 136 Mate Street. Headquarters Tor all dally papers at J. L. Beuuett'a post ofllco block news tand, tf Americans uru taitl to hnvo tho poorest teeth of nuy peoplo in tho world. It is baid thoinoro brain work a person 1ms tho woreo his tooth lo como. Tho hamo rosnlt is attained by lack of proper nourishment, and it is said by n well known dentist that 50 years honce, among tho, very poor classes, every ono will bo toothless at the ago of.20. UUl)WJUUUUUU UUUO jUUO iOjUjUjU Pi air Deatli ilnslnntlv removeaand foro ver duitrnvi ob. Jectlonable hnlr, whether upon the hands. I iao arms or nocK, witnoui aiscoiorauoni r Injury to the moat delicate akin. Ill mis tor any yenrs the eocret 'ormuiaoii Krastnus Wllon, acknowledged by physt I clans na the hlgbeat antborlty and the! motu eminent dermntoloiriat and hair sno clallst tliat ever lived. During his private pruciicnoi a mo-lime among tue nooiiuy iuu iiriRioornoy oi nurope ue prescriDea iiisrvcipe. i-nce. si ny mill, aeoureiy aoked. CorreiDondenoeoonfldentuil. Hole . .. .. . ... - , igentR tor America. Aaaroas THE SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER fO. iepU It. 67Houlh Kllth Avenue, New Vortc injoriMMMHinrMvniijyMooynr Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, lied Id bundles of 100, not cut, tor sale at this ofllco at flfippn eentfl a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, largo sheets, two cents it pound. Next door to the postofllce, tf B " MEN Easily, gulcMfi Perminentlr Rulored, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils from eai ly errutsor later excestea. Ue results of ever n oik, slekness, vrorn,e FulUtreiigili, devtlupnieot ana tone given to every organ and pnrllon of the budr. Simple natnralmelhoifa. ImmedtatAlniuruvement seen, Kllure Impfwulhta. 2.111) refrreuces Dovk, ezptanellan and proofs mailed (scaled; free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. l'KOKErtSIONAli ANU JJUSINKHSGAitDS. p. ii, n'AHor. oro. o.iiinoham. D'AIIOV 4 IIINOH.VM. Atcorneya at Ijiir, Itooma 1,3 nnd I, U'Arey Hulldinz, Hi Hintfl street. Special attention given to bual tiewa In the supreme and circuit court of t In state, 't 11 T III. MON KOHI), Attorney at law, Salem, orrkTon. umce up ataira in ration uinca II, J II l OU Kit, Attorney at liiwalem.Ore Km omce over Kuah'a bank T J.HHAW.M.WHUMT. HUAWAIIUNT el . Attorneys at law. Offlre over Capital National bank,Halem,Orrsn. JOHN A. OAlliON, Attorney at law. room a H and 4, lluati battle bulldluK, rialem, Or ll. . IHIMIIAM. W. II. lH)lMtA RON HAM A 1IOI.MK4. omce In Uusb blooK. I, Attorney at law , between State and uurt, on Commercial atreeU TOHN HAVNK. ATTOIINKAT- AW. t) (Villee Irma ruadai d promptly remitted Murphy bl'icli, lor HUtte and Commercial .)rit Alni, l)reitn 0--lf WC.KN1UHTON Architect AQd suterln teudetit OITIce, room 't oud 8 iluab llreyuian block, ( IV-ll MK. J"OOUE. monographer and Tjpe , wrlleat Meet julPIed typewriting of. but one In Oregon, Over iluih'a bank, rtalem, Oregon, Dlt A. UAVH.lAl4sl"etaraduatof New York, give special attention to the dla mm of women and children, noae, throat, lung, kldnera, akin disease and surgery. Office at rsaldenee, ot kUte street, ConmUa UouffOiouJa.ui.aDdato5p in, 7-4m a IlllOWNK. M. O., fhyiielan and Hu'v , geon. omce. Murphy blo.k realdence, (.ommrrclal tret. rvlt.T U HMITII, lotlt. 92 Slate street ) rUleiu. Oregon. KlnlshwJ rtenUi opera, Oons of vry deacrlptton. Palnlea Optra- turns a specialty. r l I'UUII, Arrhltoct. plan, ipeeldoa y T linn. tirf Attnrinln1fltit tltr all elae ol building. Offloe SO Commercial ireet.opsUIre, -10NH OV VTKIIANH -Hampler Ctoinp PNo, .liarv .rV)Dsol Veterans, U.tJ A mre '11 ar vHqgal7Moeioe at me J u. u .. rveNlQgaat7t0o'eloek at the i hall VUitlng brother are corouuy mvitea lu attend Vu at. U, IShowmh, Capt. PttfirKOriON lPOK NO. A.O.U. W MeeUlntnelr ball in Mate Inaurauo building, every Wa-day enU,& u J. A SELWOOD.Ktcorder. lH ANNIKTHOHNTON. CtonaeiviMiMr i MtuJe- Oreedao. Urroaur. Visa tol Inttruineuul mixta. Ioa'ruelorof Krencu and Uermau H WllUiafjU UlUTtnlty. S AfiKir sniN'i? rw VIGO kiln's 111 llJlllJ HEADS! eoollnj and refreshing Tonlo. TtVitlmulatlni Aair, ewe aunanur ana proice natrenocua by J, - - supply you send dtreot to ue, end wo will forward 3 Grower, W0 per bouiei fortMO. Bosp.Wo. lw 3s ROOT HAIR GDOWEC CO.. nh Aveaae, New Vrk, N, y, K J. E. MUllPliy.. -Brick and THc - Noivrn 8AUCM. Fresh- News-Paoers- Fruits- and Candles. J. L. BENNETT k p. PCBbaol. Take It EVENING JOURNAL, Only 3 cenu a day, delivered, at your door.-' HOWARD, The House Mover. ' 451 Marlon Street. lias the best facilities tor moving and rats- i uk uousoa, ueuve-otaer at uruy uros., or addrea Halem, Oregon, From Terminal or Interior Points Ihs f la the line to take To .all Points East and South. It lithe dining car route. It run timing b veUbule trains; every iday In-HiejyoBjvid ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ;No Change of-cara.) Compeaed of dining can unaurpaaaed, FnUman drawing room lrepert oriatem eiiifpmon,I TOURIST Sleeping Cars., Beit that can be constructed and In Wulcb aooommodatun are both tree and fur nished for holder of first and neoondilaH tlokei,and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnuoti lluo comtujtlng with all line. aQordlng direct and uninterrupted cervlce. fullraan iltrr ""Vnllongcnn beie cured Itiadviore roial. any. agent of the road. Through tlckou to and from nil point In America, England and Kncoiwi can ibe purchased at any ticket office of tbt aim pauy. Full Information oonceriitiig rate, time ortrmins.route and other de loll furnished on implication to any aent or A. D. CHAKLTON, AasUlont General laMai;er Agent, No, Ul klrst street, oqr, WMhUmvm: l'or land.Orecon Shaw & Downino, AgeutB. Hotel Monterey. Newport, - - Oregon. Located on tlioBeachjt wo inlli'H nottli of Newport on Cove C'ovn.n (ituullfully xlu'lterufj upot, wonderful ureuiTy, neit bathlnir, flno driven toCiiix) KoulwciUh er liulitliouno. Houeo new. rooms lurgw and airy, Kluest rcoort for families or Invnlldf. Orcn all winter. Tvrmp mor.Vriito by duy or week. Inlondlug vlnltora can drop a postal card tq Nuw port and be met by back, John Fitssi'atrick, d-2-m rroprjotor, TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS AMDALI. EASTERN CITIES 31 DAYS to J 2 CHICAGO UoiirS 8 u'ccst to Chicago and IIOUK 0u'c'cr Oniaha anrj Kan Through Pullman and Touflit Slepert, Tree Reclining Chalr.Cari, Olnfrig- Can. iottt and genatal InformaUoo cell nu Of addrea, W. H. HUKLBimT. Al. O V A VA Waaalugtua Hk. VftM llTt.4Hn, llHXi THE PACIFIC DEIflOHVB AND'OOUECnXG BDRBAD SALKM, ? Oregon I'rlvat work a pUlty. 0, U. LKMKMT, Mauser. (B TUTS f, H) B U v Electric Lights Otifoctcr System, TO CONSUMERS- Thotalem Xitght and rowor rotnpooy at ffiet akpenia nave cqulpitt-rfiheir Electno i.iKbt pnt wit tithe m t .modern appnratna ftuL'.".'iu"w bla ' 0"" '" PuW'nabrirr light thill) linV VVttOtll Atlri n a Hla liir HiftL KUi ahj qn the coital. Arojunl IiKancU'Scciit it'A iiig. LIcrtriu Motors lor HU purposes AiIioroiioTcr Js le qttireiii. Kto-ijenccacanbu Wwl rbriwmnnyllfihla as dealred and the runaumera Vy for only uoh llKhta h are uned. Tnuelug tegUtoied. byaniiieotno Meter. OMee. r 179 Commercial St. JIUNT.IliflNorlkSriciiBaitkv 8iy be his not o'd oat hat dimply moved bin hop to the old ataud at Liberty street bildgo. David McKillop, Steal food Saw Leave' orders st Salem Im provement Op-,W SUM street. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO E. W. HADLEY, Receiver. SHORT him to CALIFORNIA 'OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. a S. WILLAMETTE VALUE. Leaves l?an FiancUco, Nov. 8th, Hili and ,'8r, I4yp.Xaiulna,Hov,fla,JBtbrBdth. ' TtATEl ALWAYB HA'J IBFACrTOBT. For freight nnd pa'scnger rate apply to any agent or purser of this company. ,,.... H-E. ULOAitY.Uen'lfmirt. O. M. roWEMfcV Ageat, .6a'Btn.P)r. UNES (Northern Pacl4e,l.,R. Co.tf.Mm.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Dally. I&soprn lapro 10-auam Ltfpni 7.16itrn aaispni 7:16pm 1 Mlniua feveats HOOuro U.lOrtMl B.Ofiani 8.00pm &Hpra 7apm 4.itipm ti.pm JIUIlUII l..l)uluthe upm 74pm 10 (am i. Asiuanu. a ActilcAgnl llckotiaold and haggneo oheoked through to all polui In the united Htate and Uunada. Cloae connection Jnade KCulcngp wltlt all train going Eut and Month. Korlull Information apply to your, nearest ticket agent or JAH. O. I'M, Hen. l'ne. and Tkt. AkU. Chicago, lit East and South via THE SHASTA ROUTE of thr Southern Pacific CpiripanVs OALIrOHMIA VXPItKai TIUIM-KUK BAIZ.T B THMJI I-qHTJ.AI?lAHDO. ir. "RoutBT" JTortuT iMft p, ua, IHIIn. in. I'ortlaud Halem San Fran. Ar, I h.a,M Lv. I o.saa,m Lr.l 7)p. b Lv. Ar. 10-15 n.m. .Above trains nttip at ifll stations from lorttand to Albanv InrliulvivalinntTannnt Hbedd, Italiey.'IlarrUburg, Junction City, Irylng, Kuien and al station front Roaeburif to Aihlaod Inclusive. T KliHKHIIKflM All. DAILY. fJ a. in. XvT Lv. Ar. J'orlliiud Halem llosebyrg Ar. I .Wp. . Lv.l 1M0 p. m. Uil7 a. m 60 p. rn, Dining C'Hi'H oh Ogtlen Rit PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS .ANJ) Second Class iSluepIng Gars Attnrbrd to all tbrouvli trnlnn. vVest Side Division, Between Porlliail and -CorTallfs; KAK.Y (KXCE1-T 0DXPAT). 1Utl.lU TEv iciop. in, i At Albany and Uorvalll connect TwInaiifOrfgon Iwlfln lUllmad. Hll-KlvxlTttAIW- lUnll.V USI'aKTHIINIlAV 4'0 p. in. Lv. 'llirtlauiT Ar. Lv. s.iAa.ta W0a.ro 7sp p. in, Ar. McMlnnvllle THROUCJU TICUKJS To all polnla In tha Katltrn Mate. CanaH nd inirope ran be nbtalnrd at lowest rata ruia W tv. DK1NMKK, Agent, Halem. It, KOttlll.Kjl. Maims ' W. L. DOUGLAS S SHOE N'Mrr. , 9wwMrta? WWaMtlMfqrHl Klnthwi1l IT jMM WMR WW sWW piPfC BMtW M WB BWisj this, Wt , M W , ty m It. 1940, IMOtf Mtr m; tof. mm v W tv tMB ewary ,y,tfciiai W lUastlMt WaVIMHNlCA,FMMi,MlMM SMI KKAlWaUl BitQC, forllumt Ar. I hjA'vTui, r. ivirvalll Lv. UOd. m. Witt) pHflfnHHtopHrMFj 1