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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1893)
EVNItfG- CAPITAL JOTJENAIi, FBIDAY, OOTOBBB S'?. 1B8. 'W lijl. f A Peculiar Stage Tho situation is almost as peculiar with us just now. moo umu, b Bhall wo carry them over 1 MU I Low prices Bhall cause our stock to molt away lllto ice under a Summe.' sun. It's your opportunity. Going offi of Business Everything Mfosi Go. 26 per cent off on all Lamps aud Toilet Bets, go ' " " Dishes and Glasswure. 26 ' " Teas and Spices. . 20 " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, &c. 15 i " Canned Goods and Baking Powders. 0 ' ' Package Goods, Soaps, &c. 5 " " Coffees, Sugars, &c. j-Coih" early, as we will not stock up in any line after it Is sold out. SROAT & 6ILE, Burke Block, Below Postofflce. - IF - You ore going to build or make any Una of Improvement, call on the undenlgued (or material. have a complete stock, and are ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer work, trradlng, etc. Salem Improvement Co. Linn Broken. Wm. Taylor, wbo lives on the Hlrsch place, southeast of the city, had the misfortune to fall from a etepladder this forenoon, and broke his right log below tho knee. He suffered a fracture of both bones, aud they were set this forenoon, by Dre. Byrd & Smith. A Granger. Sheriff Kniuht has a crop of an aoro of fine potatoes near the fair grounds, aud is well fixed to take care of any of his editorial friends who may bo indicted for their numer ous shortcomings and bo sent to board with him this winter. Free Lecture. N. H. Jacks, Gen eral Secretary of the Poatm ster Asso ciation will deliver au mldro-m at Salem Y. M. C. A. hall this evening on thb subject of "How I Saw tho World's Fair." No admission. 10-27 It Execution. Geo. Bun, Chlncso, had an execution Issued to him today for $702 05, and costs 5122.80 agalust two Japanese, Mol Ognl aud Kunm. Tho Bhorlfl found $75 in coin but that was all. 'Hit oyer tho head with a rolling pin," E. F. Osboru's Itaoltet store has a large lino of wooden ware of all kinds, Including butter moulds, bowls and ladelB,at astonishingly low p Ices. 2dlw SECOND Crop. W. T. Weloh, of Englewood bus raised a second crop of pruues, of tho Hungarian variety, on tho Bame tree. Tho blossoms camo out In Auiiuat. Samples cau ba seen at this ofllco. Tramp Killed. A tramp was run over at Oregon City th morniug by tho Bouth bound freight. Btu logs had to bo amputated aud ho died soqn after from tho effects of the amputation. Exquisite. When one is buying toilet articles, the greatest object is to get puro goods and 11 rat quality. Il you need soaps, pponges or perfumer, this end can be attained by selecting from the elegant new stock of the Cap Ital Drugstore, Holmau blook. It's High Time you know of a pleasant combination W hax formed in theso days of combines and tho liko. This is a eobintiou, though, that you will bf f lad to hear of. It is the coinbi ltatJoa of high quality and low prices tbt is ovorv"'wro visible 1h rough or 4oek of Bibles. I am o fieri nor a fHwlM Oxford Teacher's Bible for $2.00 ItHMXWl $3,00. BOOKgHiltLER rvrtrn tlLXM nn con.tlptlon MM 0 MUST GO 1 Our stock is still unbroken, and our styles ihe best, but we do not -wish to carry over any stock, so will make sacrifices now. THE PALACE. PERSONALS. Bert. Capwell, a young business man of Boise City, arrived last night to at tend thofunealof his sister, the late Olive Capwell. Hon. A. Bush was in Portland yes terday. Roy. C. L. Corwlu, formerly pastor of the Congregationol church of Salem came up from Portland last evening. Mayor D' Arcy is at Portland on busl ness before the Unit d States court. E. Meeker, of Puyallup, was in the city today. Juo. Milllken, of the Portland Sun day Welc m , is in the city. Dr. Jag. M. Buun and wife of Altona, Pa., go to Yaquina Bay tomorrow for a short visit by the seaside. Hon. Geo. S. Downing, superintend ent of tin State Prlsou, returned from Portland today. The ladles of Unity church will give a sociable in Chauulug Hall on Fri day night. Oyster supper from 5 to 8. Tho usual amusements from 8 to 11. 10-25-31 M. J. Ea'an of Gorvals Is In the city. Misses Mary and Anna Becker of Fairileld were guests of fiends In the city tuday. LITTLE LOCALS. Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett Is home from Portland At Cronlse Photo Studio tho quintuple mirror pictures are still all tho rage At the Btate Congrega tional association's meeting In Portland yesterda Rev. P. 8. Knight of Salem was unpointed a member of the com mittee on Paciflo university. A. Gil bert, the Salem bauker, was made a member of the PhcIIIu coast education al committee, Mrs. Dr, Henderson, while buggy riding yesterday on the fairground, with her baby, left it on the sent aud had barely touched the ground when the horse started on a full run, golug a hundred yards, when tho baby was thrown into the road. In vestigations showed tho llttlo follow to bo entirely uuharmed. A misty morn followed by a fair day. In the probate court tho following proceed ings wero had yesterday: G. M. Irwin was appoiuted administrator In tho matter of the estate of Sarah E. Irwin, deceased.. .8. It. Hammer was ap pointed guaru au or Mao biuiiu, a minor,. ...A few hops are sold at 10 to 17 Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. White, North alem, Oct. 20th, 1803, at 0 p. in. a daughter, weight 0 pounds AU are very well and hearty. O. O.. Browstor Is the happy grandpa for the fourth tlmo Farmer Bl G t-r is in the city. He euys farm rs have pretty well caught up with their work Judge an J Mrs. II. S. Bean weut toEu- goue today, Mr, and Mrs. P. S. Knight returned from Portland today,,. Rov, aud Mrs. J, H. Boo R are at Jeilersou for a few day , Perry Raymond Is home from Portland, ....Ope druuk got tho usual Hue this morning In the po Ice court and paid cash to Recordor Edes M , R. T. Fleming aud daughter are at Portland for a few days. Finoat in Season. Hart, tho gentlemen's tailor in tho LiQtlU & Jiuuli uuluiluir. has iu fortv styles now suitings aud overooaUugs. 10-27 tilt Life is a Misery To mauy people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. Tho ugoulea) caused by tho dreadful ruunine sores aud other manifestations of this disease i urebeyoud description. There is no other remedy equul lo Hood's Sarsanar-I lllrt fip ftnrvifnlik tmlf. rhmim unit nvpru ! form of blood disease. It is reasonably Hiiro to benefit all who give it a fair trial. IIoodVjPHli cure all liver Ills. HIS OWN TESTIMONY. Convicted Be?. C. L. Oorwin Salem Selected for the next Meoting. Portland, Oct. 27. "The commit tee of13. appointed by the Willamette Association of Congregational churches and ministers at its annual meeting at Corvallls, April 18, 1893, lo investigate grave charges touching the character and conduct of the Rev. C. L. Corwlu, formerly pastor of the First Congrega tional church of Salem, beg leave to re portthat they have thoroughly and conscientiously examined the evidence which has been laid before them in ref erence to said charges: that they have given, the Rev. C. L. Cotwln full and ample opportunity to meet and dis prove said charges, by citing him to appear before them at Portland, May 26, 1893, and upon his falluro to appear before them at that time, by further citation to appear before them at an adjourned meeting of the committee, October 24, 1893; that In the light of all the eyidence before the committee, In cluding Mr. Corwln's own sworn state ments, indicative as they are of great moral obliquity, they are compelled, though sorrowfully, to find the Rev. C. L. Corwlu guilty of conduct unwo.thy of a Chrlstaln minister; and that they recommend to the Willamette Associa tion of Congregational churches and ministers to withdraw fellowship from the Rev, C. L. Corwin." The report was slgued by ton mem bers of the committee, the remaining three being absent from tbe city. It was adopted by a large majority. The testimony in the case is withheld from publication, but It is understood that it fully justified tbe action of the commit tee. The few persons who voted in his favor were prompted to do so, it is said, y a feeling of charity, created by tbe idvanced age of the accused, who has seen 60 years come aud go, and by a be lief that it was not exactly fair to dis grace him without at least censuring some of his partners in the alleged acts uf immorality. When the Corwlu case wa thus dis posed of, Rey. A. Rogers read a paper on "Our Churches and' Church Erec tion, and Rev. J. J. Staub made a short addre-s'on "The Foreign Classes." There was a full attendance at tbe state association at all sessions. The narrative of the churches was read by tho registrar, Rev. Daniel Staver. As a rule, progress has been made in the church growth th roach o' t the state, and the outlook was hopfui and very satisfactory. afternoon session. At 3 o'clock tbe meeting of the Ore gon Home Missionary was held and re ports of officers read. While much dif ficulty had been met in many cases, yet, on tbe whole, material progress has been made, and prospects for future work were most encouraging. Dr. Kincald, secretary of the national so elety, followed In commendatory re marks about tbe reports he had listened to. Officers for tho ensuing year were elected as follews: President, C. L. Fay; vice-president, D. B. Gray; treasurer, I. A. Macrum, recording secretary, Rov. C. H. Curtin, corresponding secretary, Rev. C. F. Clapp; other members of the commit tee, Rev. A. Rogers, Rev. Daniel Slav er, Rev.- H. V. Romlnger, Rev. T. E. Clapp, Professor H, A. Sborey, F. Mo Keroher, J. E. Boynton, C. H. Gay lord. These also were elected the trustees of tho Oregon Home Missionary So elety. evening session. A tn evening session ualem was elected as tbe place for the next meet lug of the association, ana Rev. Thom as Mcuieiiana, u. u , was selected as assooiat tonal preacher, with Rev. C. F. Whittlesey as alternate. Twenty Years' Experience, C. D. Fredricks, the well-know pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says: "I have been using Allcock's Porous Plasters lor voyeurs, and round tuem one of the best of family medicines. Briefly summing up my experience, I say that when placed ou the small of the banc Allcock's Porous Plasters fill the body with nervous energy, and thus euro fatigue, brain exhaustion, debility aud kidney dltllcultles. For women and children I have found them tnval able. They never Irritate the skiu or cause the slightest pain, but cure sort throat, coughs, colds, pains in side, back or chest, iudlgestlou and bowel complaints." Down Again. Flour and shorts are down again and to get advantage of all the reductions in the mnket ou any kind of hay, flour, grain and food It will be well to call ou Brewster fc White, Court stieeL Free and prompt delivery to all partH of the city. 10 27 d2t 5eaEBaking Tbe oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atuuioula; No Alum. Um4 is Millions of Home 40 Years th SUadsji GOING The hats at our Closing Out Sale cakes. Th? CM- Prices Do It ! And hundreds are saving big Dollars by buying now. We are bound to go out of business, and prices shall not stand in the way. MRS. MARK SKIFF, 291 Commercial Street. SPECIAL. The entire stock and fixtures for sale. BAXOON ASCENSION - And Parachute Descent at Salem Thursday. All Salem and for miles around wit nessed a baloon ascend and tbe occu paniB descend from an elevation of one mile in parachutes. Tbe air was clear aud the day perfect. Between 500 to GOO peop'e went out on the electric lines to the state fair grounds to witness the event, the prep arations for which were very complete, and carried out promptly at 3 p. m. as advertised. The mid-air sensation was a success in every respect. Miss Keyes was accompanied by her trained com panion, the monkey "Yau Yan" whose part of the programme was as well done as her own. The aeronauts reached terra firma about one-fourth of a mi'e from their point of departure, having beeu absent from earth perhaps ten or twelve miuutea. Everyone was well pleated with the exhibition, and its repetition, which will occur on Sunday at the same tlmo and place, will, no doubt, attract a far greater multitude. GRAND CONCERT NEXT THURS DAY. Tho 2nd Rpgiment Band In present tug to tbe public Big. A. Llberati, the world's greatest cornetist and band master, Miss Amalia Bertha Rippe, the handsome young prima donna, and Prof. M. D. Myers, the celebrated piano Ist, feel assured tht they are giving the public of Salem tbe strongest aud most celebrated mu3ica) entertainment ever presented here. One of the chief fea tures of this treat evont will bo tbe playing of a solo by the great Llberati, accompanied by the 2nd Regiment Band. Belching at any gestlon both are Liver Regulator. time is due to lndi cured by Simmons Financial Important. We will receive state, county and city warrants at par for nrstclaas fam ily groceries at our store. Free deliv ery Harritt & MoJntyre, Postofflce grocers. JO 27-d if More Insane. L. Carter and Henry Moore, of Douglas county, were today committed to tbe asylum, the oges ol both beine unknown. This makeb four from that oiunty this week. o Affections of tho bowels, so prevalent In children cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. m Saw Mill Assignment. Corvallis, Oct. 27. Max Friendly, proprietor of the Corvallls saw mills, has made an assignment. Assets $65,- 000. Liabilities, $29,000, EXPLOSION AND FIRE. City of Pittsburg Suffers Heavy Losses. PiTTSiiuna, Oct. 27. About uoon a boiler exploded on tho 6th, floor of a largo warehouse of tho Chatauqua Lake Ice Company on Pine street, where a large lot of whiskey was stored. Four men oro seriously hurt by jumping. The loss will be hoavy. The ware bouso was stored with large amounts of valuable goods aud carries' insurance of a $200,000. It is a total loss. The Pittsburg Storage company's buildluu adiolninir Is threatened. A row of frame dwellings In the rear aro on flie People In tho neighborhood aro moving goods. Man named Wlesmau struck by fall ing timbers aud skull fractured, John Rlealca also hurt by falling timbers. At 3 p. m. lire believed under control. Loss estimated over quarter million. DAILY are going off like hot SEVERE ON ENGLAND. How tho British Colonists Treated the Matabeles. London, Oct. 27. An Interview with a colonist named Davis, in reference to tbe Matabele raid at Fort Victoria, and alleged atrocities committed by tbe British, was recently published in the Pectoria Pi ess. Davis is well known in Nataland In the Congo Free Btate. He went to Masbonalaud in January last, hoping to make a fortune in farm ing and other pursuits, but becoming disgusted he abandoned his property and returned to Pectoria iu September. In reference to the Matabelo raid at Fort Victoria, Davis declared that the yarns about Masbonas being assaulted in the streets were unfounded. The impi, he said, never entered tho town, but Dr. Jameson summoned the Mata bele bead men, who were deferential, while Dr. Jameson himself brusquely gave them au hour in which to cross tl)o Matabele border, 30 miles distant. Davis thus describes the pursuit: "We overtook the impi seven miles from Victoria. They were going at a Jog trot. Many were unmounted. Dr. Jameson immediately ordered us to tire. Our men were mad, and shot down the Matabeles like rats, shooting indiscriminately at tbe dead, tbe dying and the wounded. Twenty-five of the Matabeles were killed. Each body con tained enough bullets to kill a dozen. Tho Matabeles never turned when we opened fire on them; only one, an old man, tired a return shot, and he was immediately brained. Another Matabele was brained with a gunstock which was smashed by tho blow. It was sickening work, yet on returning to Fort Victoria we were cheered as though we had won a second Water loo." Davis added that the climato of Victoria is unhealthy and prospectors run great rlslrof death. Tbe chartered company's officials In "Cape Town refer to Davis' statements as tbe calumnious charges of a disap pointed colonist. Sir Henry Loch, th? goveraor and commander-in-chief, is nvestlgatlng the charges. He is also inquiring into the recent arrest, at Tait, of tbe three leaders of a small party of Matabeles, who had entered the town, one of the leaders, Sobenguelos, brother ofGoborgubo, who says he was Intrust ed with a mission to Dr. Jameson. A dose of Simmons Liver Regulator taken dully, will relieve and prevent in digestion. For Working; pants and overalls, prices ever made, Racket store. Men.- Cotton ade at tbe lowest cash at E. F. Oshurn's 2dlw Teacher Elected. Tbe Salem school bo.ird met this afternoon and elected Miss Ella Poh'o to succeed Mits Capwell in tbe Lincoln scho 1. A Pure Norwegian Oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Hypophos phitesof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Prrpmd hj Scott A Bown.. N. T. All drasrttta. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. I HOTIOK Is heieby given that In pursuance! or an order of sle made and eniei ed by County UMirtot the Htate if Mr-eon. for th ceunt: lumy or Marlon, on tbe 2Ut day or Oct . D 1KB, In the nutter ot tun estate i WA.u inh. in the nutter ot the estate or I'ermelU Howard deceased, the undersigned administrator ot sld tatatAw iiti ntm.hii tot&T&ffi'ZUgfiZSfa I-its numbers five aud lx of block number fourortimoi.tbwet Addition 10 tbe etiyor Kaleraluthe ounty of Mailon, andStatiof nregou. Haldsale will be made on ibeSHh ayao,tiiiuin.,S?S,S Ha em, In said county and Htte.Termsofia:e will be cash In band. IUOKkknk. AflAVMfWin nfa.lll flnH.I .1. - .-. a A .. . Administrator of-atd MttiL . Oct 9j-6w Attotsajr tor -4auMfter, II BUY " BUY "; buy " -y- BUY " A 100i They Have the Largest Assortment in SALEM, AT THE '0 Thursday Evening, November 2 -ONH5 NIOHT ONLY- Lkati's Grand Concert COMPANY. Under the nusplcea of tho Second Rpgiment b.nd, including the greatest living cornet virtuoso nsaihted by tbe celebrated prima donnu soprano from Benin, Miss Amalia Bertha Rippe. Among nthor celebrities of this Brand organi zation 1b tbo celebrated plau'sl PROF. M. L MEYERS, From tho Boston Conservatory of Music One of the inoi-t interesting features of this grand muslexi eveut will be the 2d Kezlment Band accompaniment of Big lilberatlm one or bU bOlOJ. Reserved seats . 75o General admission 60o. Warkants at Par State, county and city warrants are bought at par,by McCrnw & Steusloff, payable in trade. 10-26 3t The Cheapest. Have the Daily Journal left at your ofllce or resi dence. Only 50 cts a mouth. By mail 25 cts a month. ) GET ON THE INSIDE Get on the Inside we will tell you a se-' treU Thtnes have hean mi n. stjinrtatlll In tbe "buiy marts of trade." Manufacturers' teeded money badly we bought exten-! lvely In ordT to elveniir onstntnnm ih! HUBueut mereiore we areonermg a bargain iVU Box Stationery. Urn ana look ntnnr uneclnl hmnil KTnth.B iug jiku ii overseen oeiore. Patton Bros., THE RUSTLING BOOKSELLERS 08 STATE BTRKET. THEY "TURNED TOE HfeCALS OUT." And I have started a CUSTOM IIOU8K" ol my own, pa Btate street. ner Commercial, where I will be pleased to meet my old custo mms, and plenty ol new ones In want ol HooUorHhoes. uood fits, good material and good hnnesl work. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. 10-17 WM. ARMSTRONG. M(CR0W & Q0 FRESH REFRIGERATED MEATS, ri tu t i r,. . 2.16 Commercial 8lreet, Salem. , ,. Only the Best Stock Bought, -&taS&" Only tbe Best Meats Bold. uoouBervice, F T HART I I I lill I 5 51 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THIS CHILLY WEATHER compels us to wear warm clothing, coats and mackintoshes. We Ma.'s Black M ckintoshes fom $7.00 Up, Men's Fine 0v coats from $6 00 Up. These are fine value?. Ojir.e aad fee them. ALL WOOL PANTS. Como and sea our line at $3.00 and 18.50 a pair. They will give you satUf-ot ., -.. . WD UNDERWEAR, OVERSHIRT8, HATS, AND CAPS, BLANBTd AM rtTTITTH ivtrnava wr w.i,o QUILTS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. J WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. j w.k - -f:;1 OPKQA nriTTHV mBWn ot m TREG0' -. ,-. w-w...-r S-.Our Dmm Gtodc nai JaalMta ar j WI MHl ii OVERCOAT BLANKETS u ti. FLANNELS UNDERWEAR ai THE- Mi STORt LOWEST PEICES. KEELEY GRADUATES, ATIQ. TIOW. There Is to be a meeting of the Keelet Graduates of Salem and vicinity eg Monday evening Oct. 80th, in, Tiogi oiock, cor. state and Liberty. Wi want you to come whether yon hi received home or Institute treatment! We desire to arrange a plan of prtziul ent organization, and other buslneestl Importance to the Keeley graduate till be transacted. Bring tbe ladles. Bjj order of com. W. H. Roach. 10-26d-4t Pres. Ore. Keeley Ixagoil 9 Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given thatforlhtjl purpose of making nn exainioatMi all persons wbo may oiler tbemselva P us candidates for teachers of the scbook of this county, the county school sup J intendent thereof will hold aneximl-g nation at Salem, Oregon, at one o'clock! Wednesday. November 8tb. 1893. Applicants for state papers will be amtned at the same time and place. Dated this 23d day of October, m J. b. URARAU. w2t-dlv Co. Bopt . Headquarters for all daily I J. L. Bennett's post office block nenl stand, u ii mm 'W i ' The New York Raoket has Just rt-j celved a large lot of all kinds of eboes,! for men, women and children, all better! grades warranted. A fine ladles' don- gola, fully warranted, tipped, la open tl and square toe, at $2.00. And a fall line of blue ribbon, school shoes, the best in tbe world, oil grain boots (ot men and boys, also kip and calf shoo, all at very low prices. CH and sTi 15 to 25 per cent. Prices on all Hnearf goods always low. Fob Sale.-Two extra fine Plymonthj JKOCK COCKroiS. Z.UU eacn. XU. am; Journal office, Salem. F( I0UND.-Cb.arm containing a Jewlh"Hj;J mna." or nrnll wrlttf n in HebraW 0M- ercaa have same by prov ns p'operiyi navl ayitiK ex pei se or tnis navpnr eaicut.! Sherman, Boom 11. Gray's block rrrATJTPT Tn mnt In nllT two farnliWj VV rooms (or lleht noust-kaeplns:. Add' Mm. M, O. Brown, Hal em. 10 V TJUUsE AND LOr.-No 1Vi UAVAnLMDkfl ftreet, .apltel Park, for s-.le rheip g I LO-VT. A ide to; pocnetboo-, at armory, of lojjl o. 18 Court street. Leave at t; 1 otttoe. -ITT ANTED Pufhlne canvasser ofgwdjjj aress. Liberal salary ana expcurjj BKOS. Co., Nurseryman, Portland.Orejpa 31HIB PAPER la kepton file at JkJ&JKS J . Advertising A gency, 61 and 65 Mercbu xchange-SauFranclsro, CaliforoU, wWH contract for ad vertUlng can be made wa CHRISTIAN KCIENCE-Llterature oMjl kinds on sale at KMUberty street -JI Chatwin House. Just south of the MHbodlst Churcb.ln M I Oregon. FHblS BAlnn. .1 Kverylblnenewand clean. Tablet vr I with the best of ev.ry hlng m "a, apeciai attention to n'munnm umil week up. Free me of piano. STEUSLOFF, rrouipt delivery, LEADING MEROHAW; TAILOR. TAILOR. have Just the thing yon want lo - - W ""l " ?! still lutora. ! - t toy F