PB-JefcL "1 i.im,miniPMW JT )fnwtuMiwihi CHEAPEST ONE CENT DAILY I 25ct. moatk by MM Prepaid In Advaaeo. No Papers Sent WW Time is Oat. Associated Press Daily News paper; Published on the ., Pacific Coasts ' $3.00 a Year. URNAL 1 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. i8U3. DAILY EDITION. NO. 254. VOL.. 6. DAILY EDITION. CAPITAL JMbW JO m 11, HIS ! 1 m , Best St. Louis make at VERY - LOW - PRICES! Every pair of better grades fully warranted. "When you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child ren's shoes, see what The New York Racket HAS TO OFFER YOU. A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices carried in stock. . . ,. ,gY; BARNES. State Insurance Block, 333 Coml St. WTITDTIONAL 1TDTH EQUILIBRIUM LI Transformed by Presi dent Cleveland. WHATEVER THAT MAY MEAN. Bd! C. Cross, I French Newspaper Charges Him' With' It. HE MAY 'SUBMIT A MESSAGE On tho Question of tlio Sandwich Islands. Choice Meats Wholesale and detail Dealer in Fresh, Jalt and Smoked.Meats of alllilnds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. REMOVAL n nn niim T 1 F7 1 i H I TTflrflTf IK N MAU i iUllNlMiMliillUMUiyUM. Corner State and Liberty, Opposite Gray Bros. Hardware. Regular auction Sales every Saturday at 1 p. m. Second handggoods bought and sold $$g EX Meeker & Co., Hop -- . . i-i . . - OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up Btairs, OALbM. W. A. TEMPLu'JL'UJX, wcirc yc,,ct. Kxporters . .'J' . ? iinMyJi Jk RCBENSTEIN, Here Is a chance of a life-time, Whj appear shabby when you can have ah elegant suit for n-NTTC DOLLAR? 308 Commercial htrcct, Salem. Equilibrium Transformed. Paris, Oct. 27. The Paris "Temps" newspaper says: "Although Cleveland haa rendejed a great service to the bus iness world, yet ho has helped modify the constitutional equilibrium of the TJiilted States by transforming the member-- of his cabinet Into quasi-parliamentary leaders." Tue S to; Bill. Washington, Oct.'27. It Is believed that When the silver bill Is out of the wav In the senate the presldeut win send to congress a message aud corres pondence on the Hawaiian mauer. There are throe solutions to question restoration of the queen, annexation, or protectorate. It Is not known which the administration fayora. Represen tative Hltt has a scheme which he thinks will be satisfactory, tie says the Is ands could be acquired as a mili tary and naval station and governed as such by the United States. IN THE HOUSE. There eeenis to bo but little opposi tion In the house to tho admission of Ut h as a state. The bill to aid the states of Califor nia, Oregon, Washington, Montana, I.laho, Nevada, Wyomiut;, Colorado and South Dakota, to support schools of mining, allowing each 25 per cent of the proce ds of sales of mineral lands w.thln the state, but uot to exceed twelve thousand dollars per year, was on motion of Dubois, of Idaho, consid ered. . . . . The state of Minnesota was included a d the bill passeu. IN THE SENATE. Consideration of the repeal bill was resumed aud Stewart resumed hi ar- nf orrait. It. At 130 p. m. he yielded to hia Colleague Jones bouse has adjourned till Monday. The THE NEW TARIFF BILL. Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired. Lamoureux's Stables, ,.,.,i .. TTnlol At tho Commercial street bridge .pear """", rendered. hlnlBH heW added constantly. rigs nor poor huikb. Only New stock and ve- No snaooj H. L. LAMOUKBUA, rrop.ic".. CHURCHILLlPtJiHps,Pumps,PtimP MlffRMIGUSl State Street. TunPKIRHRG THE crnOLSTBRER. ee&t&TJ&r' eive estlibatea. State Insurance I W. Recovers and "Pass work. Sample of cover SJSr-SSiftSSS iffik. Cbemeketastreet. TbeWeslPrinliDgCo.S A Rough Draft in the Presidents Hands. Washington, Oct. 27.-It Is uudor Uood a rough draft of the proposed tariublllls now In the hands of Pres Ident Cleveland aud Secretary Carlisle forpjrusil. Some features oftbebll . ..,iii. The Snrlnger tree wool HID lliv- mii .i..h nasted the house lasv cou- ress Is Incorporated into the bill prac tlcally without change. Tbero Is to be H..-I ,.t maHn In the Klass scned- ..i Ti.rn will be a considerable en- . ., nf ihn free llBl uy lue nuui Hon of raw materials, and a heavy cut will be made In all duties wh lob n not properly revenue duties. The de of tarlfl for revenue only Is adhored to nulte closely, but this application may L be made to coal and Iron ore. which oonthefreellst, and there, s a very considerable Bnaving U - "Vh-iV 7 . a .i Kflhedtile. The tax on whiskey will be Increased i not above ommKTn nn not quite made uP ?hlownm.nd.on.be!ngarqe.: A,-- v...t thrnr Dive nrcnJ out of sugar. The sugar ' .- The Silver Struggle. Wabhinoton, Oot.27. The program of the managers of the repeal bill In the senate is to get to voting sometime today on the amendments to tho bill, finish Saturday and vote upon the bill itself Monday. The oplulon prevails In the senate that the house will pass tho bill, when It Is sent over, with very little delay. Whether there shall then be a recess or adjournment will depend nnon the committee on ways and means. If the Democratic membere of that committee are of the opinion that tho tarlfl bill will be In Bhapo for pre sentation before the time for tho begin ning of the regular session, a recess is more probable than adjournment; oth erwise, adjournment will tatte place. A well defined report was in circula tion about the capltol yesterday that thero had been an cflort mado to haye the Democratic managers In tho senate postpone voting upon tho bill until after the Virginia election. It appears tho Virginia Populists made the fight almost entirely upon the sliver Issue and made such headway as to rendtr i ho Democratic managers somowuai anxlouB, but when It is represented the Immediate passage of the bill would hve a good effect In Massachusetts and New York it" Is thought best to lot the bill take Its ccurse. Benator Power spent a considerable portion of the day In gathering facta concerning sllyer bulllou In Ihe treas ury with a view to getting support for an amendment to repeal the bill pro viding for the coinage of this bullion which will be ollered by Uimseir or oouiti other silver senator. He nuus there Is a sufficient amount of bullion stored to make $134,0000,000 If coined, and he thluks there should be little objeotlou to Hh being coined, espo daily In view of the fact that tho soig norage of this Bllver, about $54,000,000, would furnish money necessary to sup ply tho threateued deficit In the treas ury. He lias been cauviisslng the prop osition somewhat among the senators ,,,! fimln It motts with f.ivor generally uinmig the fellvir u.i o. There Is a Rul ing, however, mik ng the sliver Dune- ., n,ni iiu i.i 1 1 should not be amended in any Y;t their Instance, so administration" may have all the praUe and all the blame for It when It ttliiill become a law. SCNATOK SQIJIKK'S SPEECH. Squire said he sought to find a middle path which la the path of safety. Ori ginally he had been for repeal and there he- stood now. Thero bad been tlmfdl. .., ni.,,,11 nc.tluir on the subject of bond Isiuo (authority for which ho had no doubt existed) when If action had been tabeuhe believed the present pamu would have bee:i averted. "Who feared the electioneering cry when dan gor to his country confronted hlm-the credit of a great nation involved that of every Institution aud Individual In It. Why, asked Squire, "should not the United States obtain two or three hun dred million! dollars iuiohiut irum abroad) at a low rate or luurenr n.inninl. an much more money io ujc country would benefit Indirectly every one " He favored giving me sewowj oi tho treasury authority to pay what over rale of Interest mlalit be necessary up to 4 per cent, and be would trust to the secretary to place the bonds at as low a rate as powlble. The very m tborUitlon of the Issue of bond might be sufficient without ever using the bonds. He appealed Ui the senate lo do that which was practical for the im mediate relief to tho benate and of the Cockrell, from the committee on ap propriations, reported wllh amend, meadts, the bill maklug appropriations for certain urgent dellclenclea.for the present fiscal year. Stewart, republican of Nevada, then -..m,i i.u imeech auHlust the repeal bill When ho talked about the act of tor which he ciaimeu aeiuuucm. ... !.!, o.iwl whether bo did sliver, ... --- - ..... ,, not vote for u Diewa.i .i- -did but said be did ao Ignorautly. Kv try' senator and reprceentatlvo bul one (referring to Sherman) bad been de, .... wiihnnf rnneludlDtrhlMIXCll MCV FOREIGN BUDGET. Interesting Bank of England Statement. BRAZIL PREPARING FOR WAR. Urugnayan GoTcrnment Not to Interfere. Asked Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking mmmj lUmivi ABSOLUTELY PURE New York, Oct. 27. A Montoyldio cablo says advice from Rio aro as fol fel fol eows: Tho Brazilian minister here had an Interview toaay wuu umBuji minister of foreign affairs, in which the relations of tho two countries were discussed. Brazil's representatives urged that the Uruguay government tako no action towards recognizing the provisional government estab'Jshed In Desterros, Santa Catharlna. He plead ed that tho Bhlps In Mollo'a fioot wore not ontltled to other consideration than in uncorded to pirates, and bo aBkod among other things that the Uruguayan trovfimmont tako atons to provoni me r..riaiiintv of rami or water to any of tho rebel fleet at any of its ports. No uniinn him boon taken by tho Uru guayan government on the application of the Brazilian mlnlstor so far as U known. The Tlradentes la still In port with steam up and the Republlca b ..uinit far har to coiuo out and uht From all appearances It Is about oortaln the Tlradeutes is simp'y waiting for e good chance to creop past her formlda k! ..luoNaru TvlihmiL belncr seen. Bhe la waiting for a dark night or foggy weather, and then ahe will slowly steam In tho opposite direction to that In which she supposes her onemy to be n.Mihmlll steam boldly out, in the face of heavier guns and more of thorn is not credited bore. Fifty soldiers are hero waiting for tho Bahla, wmon n d Iftlne with her rudder gone, bul which Is being searched for. It waf currently reported last night that the Brazilian river squadron has declarod in fvnr nt M '"n Indians in Kevolt. Lima, Peru, Oct. 27,-News of serious Importauco haijust b-en received from Huancaiw. It has been started that the Indiana tharo are raising in revolt against the government. They aro In favor of President Calres, whoso citizen ship was recently taken from him bj tho Pruvlan congreaa. uougrcw u disapproved the proposed treaty with Rnuador. defllnlng the boundry limit of the two countries. Sank Statement. London, Oct. 27.-The Bnk of Eng land rate la unchanged at 8. Tho Btatt f rn,. lmnk In as follows; Total reserve, Increased f 324,000; bulllou, In creased f 87,000;publlo deposlU'lnoroaso 1 180, 000; notes Increase f 230.000; circ ulation, decreased f 230:000; other eeo- ...m Anraaa t 207000! otbOT dCPOSlU) decrease f 654.000; government securit ies, decrease f 400,000. Officer Murdered. London. Oct. 27.-A special to the Tlmea from Zinlbaf says that the sec ond lieutenant of tho Italian uispawju vessel Stafletta was murdered by Bom alia at Merkah, on tho mainland, 46 miles Boutheast of Magadoxo. The m-fl-Ha milwenuently bombarded the town, landed aalloni and raarlneu, and killed several Somalia concerneu m mw murder. Preparing for War. Nkw Youk, Oct. 27,-Tb-re Is every Indication that tho Brazilian govern ment Intends something warlike. Bra zilian Admiral Maunty Is hoveilog about hero on mysterious business and tho great Wiucbetor gun works are running night and day, olblcor .i. uiii iii. khlniMMl Dext week. Klther the rebels or the government l"J'aviei tom.ooo order wiwhw huiwuw-w-- "" T . t.l..i.l Company w ihj uin" to, FREE SILVER DEFEATED, Peffbrs Coinage AmendmoMt is Knocked Oat. THE SENATE WILL VOTE TONIGHT. A California Froo Co'Hago Prip -sition. Washinoton, Oct. 27. Voting on tho amendmouU to the silver bill be gan at 4 p. m. today. Tho Peftr .ttviati.lmnnf In i-Aalnm thil nw nf 1R37. for freo coinage alike of gold and silver was lost by 28 ayes, 30 nays. At ,1.5ft r. in llm Vnnrlin hill Wilt) substituted for the Wilson bill, ayea 68, nays u. This was only a pro-forma vote and not a test vote. Only radical Bllvor men voted against It. LATKH. Voorheoa saya when tho amendmonta ire disposed of and tho bill reached, bo will probably ask tho senato to continue in uuilnn until fill! til 1 1 U dlsnOSOd Of. a vim tr tho work should go Into the ulght. LATKHT. At 4:35 p.m., Perkins, of California invrml an amendment whtoh provides for oolnage of the American produot, onarging au per cent, Beignorao, miuw Ing no gold coins of less than $10, and treasury certificates of less than $5. Ho is now apeaklng on tho amendment "Labor News. St Paul, Minn., Oct. 27. The atreet car strike or lock out Is unchanged. .. v l ... nm Hit... ...Hll.n MM JNEW YOUK, UOl. -. io rumu uu tho Postal Tulcgrnnh & Mutual Reserve buildings, la eettlod. MAIL STEAMER WR50K3D. Fast Being Pounded to Fiecee on the Rocks. Ban Fkancibco, Oct. 27, The Pa oiflo Mall company's steamer Qlty of New York went ashore last evening la a dense fog and will probably be a total loss. She Is bard aud fust on the rocks at Point Bonltawltb eight feet of water In her hold. She sailed for China and Japan at 8:30 In tho afternoon and went down tho bay under a full bead of s'oam. Tho fog was very thick and In a few minutes the big steamer wae loefc night of. About 0 oolock the booming of the cauuon could be heard and s!g- ual rockols were seen as they buret abovo tho fog. At first It was not known what vessel was in distress and It was thought It might be the Monowal due today from Australia, Later it was ascertained It was the City of New York. The steamer was In command of Captalu P. H. Johnson and In charge of Pilot Stevenson. She carried a large carco of flour and a larre naseenger llet, Including 200 Chinese, wnen me snip struck tho rooks tho Chinese In the steerage set up a howl and Intense con fusion reigned. The latest advloes from the wreek stated the atoarner went ou the rocks at full speed and tho numerous tugs whloo rushed to her assistance could uot pull hor oir. She hall eight feet of wator la her hold. All the passongers have been taken oir aud will be brought back to his city. Thu City or New York was built at Chester, Pa., In 1876 but was practically , rebuilt a few years ugo. She was88 feet lung, 40 feet 2 Inches beam audi feet 6 inches In depth, Thero was very little wlud and the tugs will stand by the sfauded ship all night. Should a wind como up sue win probably gooii go to pieces. The ship le a re u Prison Tiro In Nobraska. T..ii m ij.iVi rink 27 A flro which caused a jrreat scare in tho city through rumors of'hoavy loss of llfo. hut happily unattended oy laiaiiues, uruau uunu an enclosure of tho Btato penitentiary i,. Mm matitiriuitiirlnir bulldlniis of the Institution at about 0 o'clock 1 at e en v.,llwi . httif u nillllou dollar ing. It had origin u th.. founury oom nm luB wrM)k ?Er-ealr"P 'i,.0,?- 7h nVnn In w ch H.iorts the City of New York . . . ....i... hk1 liuviiAjaahniua t i...l . llm ..- ilia ramrn wnrkft BIIU hlirUGiB BhODri dome anxiety was felt among the con vlcte, but they were never In tho slightest danger and Warden Boeraer provided for their transfer to another nart. of the bulldlnir. The loss falls liBBvlest on tho Btate. which owned tho i. ..II. II..... .ml Marl, nt tllO fumlsll HITS it Is estimated tho loss Is $60,000 entlro- lv uninsured. Tue vveBicru wimiw turlnir company, Lincoln Range worits and Cuokstatl Bros. harniiM nhnna. lose something like $50,000 sureu. who onerato tho In the aggregate nf uoarly fully ln rinaacial News. DBNVEn, Oct. 27. Tho Commercial National Bauk has goue luto hauda of lISS'Hock, Ark., Oct. 27.-TUe Jury In the case of the defaulting ex State Treasurer Woodruff, after being out Blnce Tuesday, came Into court this morning and unnounced that they could not agree, and were discharged. It stood ton to iwo ior wuiiMwm Special attention to mall orders. JWL? 303 Cooitoerciut w.i noAMinable prices. ealrm, Orefod. of sugar. '"-- in)me tax or laSKTu. "will bep'rovlded to.c .. nKO WILLIAM". """ f?.r. . nu Uumerr. K K PAI.KBOBW. P.ideDU ?. D- V ,n figtiEGtd and OrchardCo. STOCK, GRAIN and mm u- Five and Ten Acre Fruit Farms HowjsYoi.1 i ITd a uuHpt ttwklnif out on ml OtterWood nicl WW-M" w do ma any jooa. " t,ktiu, . C next week ! FerlexB Perwaali. LondoW, Oct. 27.-Few reexprcMed that Nan-en, the Norwegian Artlo ex- P'V,r?',.L' lT 27 -The remalna of the great owipoeer. Gounod, we burled Kiiv vi" I ' , , ,i nilliarv lion. today, wiiu mM'i-- ore. 600 Year Old Tire. - i".. ot 1M1i.Ii! church. n."r Abingd..... built In Ihe thirteenth century, has burned today. On9 of Morgan' Mn. -m a. !. NOKTON, Va , Out V7. -Ma-anal "7 inr. better huwu " 1)" Taylor, one of '.,:.' .T.X1 ,.f J.,hn Morean'afimoua :...... in- i.it. durlnir the war, was iloHe thin morning. She leSI " ft"""! uahernoon for Hie ""'"r r'lndlt.. thought baa bttil hwot. VX M "! IIIW";; SSjSSW' IbUownoneralrmoD, " ,.j Without ConClUUlDK Ulf bpccuji Stewart yielded and the eenate took a recess until tomorrow. Afltrange Oae. .-. . .o,.f.t.. MonL. Oct. 27. Beni-a- tlonal developmeiita have followeil the killing "f J Wfaite.the Northern Pa .iflctralu roi.ber who wwmliot In the ...i... Mimduv bv J. V. Oeiwman " I,.. i...w ' wUh "" ,a , , ei.t H-1 Ul08r rfttttt Prominent Lady Suicides- --. rw 7 Mls D-Uy 0.,..u-d"gter.f ex United Ht.Ua 2ftey-U-irl Garland, coi.im i UUd Deafnei- OanHOt Be Oared by local applications as they nnot rMniitha diseased portion oftheear. Thero Is only one way to cure deafnesa, and that Is by conBinuw io'. Difne. Is caused by an Inflamed con. dltlon of the mucous linliiK or tho Kua- achlan tube. Whon this tube Is In flamed you have a rumbling uylor mporrect hearlnjt, and whon U Uen tlroly oloBed, deafneas la the result, and unlcM the Inllamatlon can be taken out and tbla tube restored tolta normal wndltlon, bearing will bo destroyed 5r ..' ': !-.. . ui .f ln nre caused by catarrh, which la nothing but an In. flamed conumou " .-. - u; will tve one hundred dollartfor y m . m ..j . M.tM1 WA"wTiV? Cure, Bend for drcuarjj free. F. J. Uiikmry . Co., ToIedo.O. i0rBold by Druggist, 76o. lylDg wllh her head to the westward, broad side upon the rooks. Bho Is lying over on her port Bide aud three or four big boles Btovo In hor bottom. The vessel will bo a total loss. Tho tide l receding mi lm in now blah unou the rocks aud tho eurf ia pounding In upon her. There Is not much wind, how ver, ana a very little swell. Thu tuge hovering about tho wreck could poaelbly pull b off the rooka butr It would oe uwieae s It 1. nnrlnlnahft Would 0 tO tBO DOttOSB. Though the steamer Is doomed, It to be lieved she will hold together hbiu wh. cargo can bo Jottltoned, unleae a heavy sea cornea on. Iler cargo to can- atufl aud general merchandise valued at $00,000. Bho also carried a oow erablo amount of treasure. At 11:80 at night It la reported tber Is no hope of saving the wrecked steam or. She la spiked fast upon tfao rock and cannot bo moved, In attempting to float the vessel much of her car una thrown overboard Jo to the soa, w effort being mado toaave It. Thoai of sacks of flour are wasted, 'tue m Hon and raalla were Baved. Mine Acci-eat. Union, Or. Oct. 27.-The Orcaon Gold Mining Co., of Cornucopia, Union oouuty, met with an accident Tuwday that will necessitate cioanouirw . lout ten dy. While the umai iram -.-.. ..i fnr Irniiunrrililir tue inr h"" " nH- .... .... ..- -, r ...... the mountain to the mm. !" one mile, was In rapid motion, the aleel ...I ..u,.rni ml the loaded Iron ...... i ..- I,u mnnntatll para were priiicmi " " r- rid The plant wae Ulnjc run . -od nluht 'o U ruurav ' l "f "" ?""'" piiii'lrynaent to a 'arge numtwr of mop. T J, to" hPUMof the day thlft wm buia &, .terday with IteeaUrecon. ttto. May be Saved. u.m ifiiAN(!!Hi. OoL27. The ., iMtv of New York, wblob weert ashore off Polut Bontta last evealag , to now lyiug easily In smooth water, ihnhntie la entertained that eke b nulled oil If the weather celll favorable. Trade Uait. nn,. ,w. nt. 2T. At W the national Boolal Deoe"t aifiioluilon was aitofwira ihe duty of overy ooi belong to a irui i Tutfs PilK ui um. ait T"T , lum. a4 ZVZiZk um. wr J IZLSLm tmjr. Hv aveeei " w Jirmhvp TUA sAarKssm-T iw?? mWQm f fl HI & J it - A SPEt'l1' OBEGON. SA'tEMV-