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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1893)
itit ."""" "WW . - "--....-. CHEAPEST Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast. $3.00 a Year. ONE CENT DAILY! SGcls. . Bioaih by Ntett Propald in Ad-aaee No Papers Seat Wkea Tlae is Oat. CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION". SALEM, OREGON, TIIUKSDAY, OCTOBER 26, J.893. DAILY EDITIONS NO. 253. "HJgWvi ''-V m w MR I rJllUJUU I i . Best St. Louis make at VERY - LOW - PRICES! Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child ren's shoes, see what The New York Racket HAS TO - OFFER YOU. A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices carried iu stock. " ' E. T. BARNES. State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St. Ed. C. Cross, Choice .1 fats Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meals of nllliiuds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. OREGON I 111). The Biggest Battleship Afloat is Launched. NAMED AFTER THE WEBFOOT. Description of the Sea-Going Monster. HUNDREDS OF SALDTES ARE FIRED. Five Million Dollars Blown in for War Glory. REMOVAL. mmmAmmMMlKlt ULiJLI l'HVlU UilUiUiUiiiuviiiuiuvuN.. MBV IaOO.k."JL".m.!JP.BM Corner State and Liberty, Opposite Gray Bros. Hardware. Regular auction Sales every' Saturday at 1 p. m. Second hand goods bought and sold $$$$$; E. Meeker & Co,, Hop Exporters OFFICE, Oberheiui Block, up stairs, Salem. W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l J gent. t n i n (1l 1 A A Hre ' II VI L J.'--i Vl'I I 111 nnneai POW T X elegant suit for JLlvlJU rJUlu 1VU ijvvi Here Is a chance of a life-time. Why ppear shabby wiien you uuu "" ONF, DOLLAR? T RBBENSTEiy, 308 Commercial Mreei, 0.c... J. KVBW "jj. to order aDd cieaned or repalred. Lamoureux's Stables, At the Commercial street or,Wll, hlolea being added constantly. Only the bes " ' QUREUX. Proprietor. rigs nor poor borstB. CHURCHILLlPiimps.Piirrtps.PiimP Sc 103 RIIRRnilGHSl State Street. J. W. TAORNBORG THE rrilOLSTEKER. , -..- . ..t.... mmi.nre. Lone Experience In the .trade llecovera and repairs up"Mc.. ".-- f brings, jno irouu.o The West Printing Ca5Si? t T)nADnnnhlA TrlC6fi Special attention to mall order. First class wore. 0reon, nn . l-l CI The Oregon Launched. San Francisco, Oct. 25. Shortly before noon toduy the batt o i-hlp Ore gon, the first vessel of her class con structed on the Pacific cast, was launched from the ways at the Union Ironwork In the presence of one of the greatost crowds of people which ever assembled there, to witness a simi lar event. Representatives of the army uud navy, civil, officials of the general Kovernmontaud the states of California and Oregon, and a largo number of In vited guests were present. At the moment the several thouBaud tons of steel commenced to glide down the vuys, a hundred salutes were fired, bands of music played national airs, thousands of spectators gave cheer afcer cheer, and every steam whistle within a radius of a mile of the works Joined In the chorus. The launch was entire ly successful, and the new battleship now lies in a little lagoon In front of the Union Iron works awaiting her completion which will be pushed as rapidly as possible. DESCRIPTION OF THE SHIP. The Oreeou is what is technically known as a sen-going coast line battle ship, and is the most powerful ship in the United States navy, bbo will have a maximum speed of sixteen and two- leuths knots, and will tarry a crew or four hundred and sixty men. The cost, exclusive of armament will be four million dollars. The armament consists of four 13-inch, eight 8-lnch and four sixteen breech-loading lines; ..iso a second battery of a twenty-slx- pounder and six one-pounder rapid-fire guns, two gatlings aud also six torpedo tubes, aud 13 Inch and 8 luch guns mounted In turrets. Proceedings in Congress. Washington, D. 0., Oct. 20. When the senate convened the repeal bill was taken up. Teller resumed his speech ainuf. the bill without finishing. He yielded the floor to Squire who spoke In favor of his amendment io mo re- ,oi hill Tn the house discussion or -tS the bankruptcy bill was resumed, Boat- ner of Louisiana taking tne noor. Well Eecelved. Berlin, Oct. 27. -Hon. Theodore Runyon, the new ambassador to Ger- many, was presented ana prouutwu mi credentials this morning. He was cor dially received by tbe emperor. Street Oar Btrlko. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 2u-EropJoyes of the Twin City Rapid Transit Com. panytothe number of four hundred Btruok this morning. Men In Mlnnea--n. ., rrwrtrd to loin the strike. Bo far all is quiet, thoucb officers have been ordered to protect the company - property. -.-,. -i,h aid Some cable cars u .uuu.ut, - of men who refused to strike and new men have Leen tecured. Big Strike in New 'Sork. New YORK, Oct. 20.-S.X nunureu men employed on the new building o the Mutual Reserve ruuu uu -. Telegraph Compiny struck this morn log against a sub contractor who refused to discharge non-union meu. The Silvor Debate Washington, Oct. 23. The repeal bill was taken up and Pugh spoke agatnst It. Referring to the recent com bromlse. Push Bald tho Dimooratlo sen ators had held a caucus aud selected an equal number of senators from those friendly to unconditional repeal and those opposed to It, and with the full knowledgo of President Cleveland aud Secretary Carlisle that such an effort was being made to bring the Democrat ic senators together upon Borne common ground that could bo enacted Into a law. They accomullshed that laudable undertaking so far as to agree upon a compromise that secured tbe signatures of every Democratic senator but six. The fact was not considered doubtful that 43 Democratic senators would have sanctioned compromise had not the president Interposed any objection, and demanded unconditional repeal at all hazards. Pugh was now satisfied that all effort at compromise had failed sole on account of Cleveland and the secre tary of tho treasury. He was satisfied he could get a sufficient number of seu ators to Join him In filibustering, aud ha wns forced to record his vote acalnst this diabolical measure, and to appeal to the people to organize their rorcea lor the creat battle of the future. Pugh said he wus willing us he had sufficient support to resort to any and all means to defeat tho impending bill. Ho was proud to be called a filibuster In defeat lug a conspiracy pqual in ruinous con sequence of Its success to war, pcstll once, and famlno. He would rather be called a filibuster by the conspirators and lickspittles of the gold kings than be called a traitor and faithless repres entative by the state and pooplo who houored him with their trust aud con fidence. As for himself, he would do his duty as a senator as ho understood It and leave tbe consequences to God and his couutry. Stewart then resumed his speech. He sp'iko of tho gold combination as having agenta in the capital to dictate legislation and as having elected a president determined to oarry out the policy. The president was in tho sad dle und congress was helpless. The time might come when tho haughty K-r.intj. would meet arebuke from tho 7--" l t nnmile. i. V X. taken, so general Is tho desire on the part of the members to get away. It would be next to impossible to hold a quorum of either bouse in Washington, oyen should It bo attempted. Atone time it was believed there would be an effort to pass the bill for the extension of the.Chluese exclusion act but that probability lias been averted. THE GOLD BOND SCHEME. Sherman Will Wait-Populists Will Not Filibuster. Washington, Oct. 20 Senator Qher man says he has no intention to ofler an amoudment to the repeal bill for tho Issue of two hundred millions of gold bonds to stongtben tho gold reserve at this Bcsslon. At tho regular session, howevor, he will introduce a bill for that purpose. Senator Peflcr denies that popullstB intend to filibuster against repeal. Supposed Vindication. Wabhinuton, Oct. 24. A telegram has been received by Secretory Hoke Smith announcing administration has been vindicated by a largo demoorstlo majority in tho eleotiouB at Perry, Ok lahoma. The Intention of tho telegram is to Bhow that tbo method of opening the Gherokeo strip does not seem to meet with so much dissatisfaction as has bcou alleged. Woman Indicted. Eugene, Oct. 20. Special. Mrs. Patterson Wallace, of Albany, waB in dicted by the grand jury for practicing medicine without a license or diploma. She will outer a plea tomorrow. ANOTHER ELECTROCUTED. A Fino Electric Wiro Doea tho Busi ness With Neatnoss and Dispatch. This nftcrnoon a flue gray horeo of Lon. Gesnor'a wa? shod at Wlllard's blacksmith shop on Btftto street, and as ho waB taken out by a youog man on his back ho passed through tbo back door Into tho alley near tho fire alarm bell, he stopped upon a small wiro that was down, and was klllod without Tho boy at once siczed Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking mm ivmiCl ABSOLUTELY PURE RoY&l IN FOREIGN LANDS. fa i The Day's Disclosures by Cablo grams. TUB LABORER SHALL BE FRBF. Enforced Slavery Abolished Guatemala. in Guatemala. San Jose, Oct, 28. -President Reina Barrios decreed that labor should henceforth bo frco all over tho country. Ry this deoreo tho oldest Institution of enforced labor is abolished. This per- uleious system was nothing lesa than a form or slavery, thinly disguised. Tho police aro busy tearing down posters, calling upon Guatemalans to defend their rights. Circulars are se orotcly distributed, denouncing Presi dent Barrios and his wifo, tho latter being characterized as an "Interloping Amerlcau." It la stated that tho gov ernment is banishing all arrested per sons, but it la believed that ono or two have been shot. The prisoners nro con fined in the military barraoks, which no one else ia allowed to enter. nun. iuu mucu struggle, xno ooy at ouce bh-zuu ' ru . . ...1li.,. limn anlninl anfl PA. B(mc. rBaKStafcvu "IWKOioiuvo vuu nu..u., ?u .v- Wuen atewirt nan inizeu au uuui u. cuiVca considerable oi a shook uiuikcii, 903 Commercial St., K. V. PAHKHURflT. PwaldenU nvn wn.LIAMS. Tremurer Vf. Jrrv.iv Mannrer. K. V. PAHKHURflT, JWiaeai. y,(, uuiui. " PadMand and Orchard Co. STOOK, -GRAIN and FRUIT LANDb. Five and Ten Acre Fruit Farms I ii I I 7TTn I RADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Hu proren an tnWHU !lttio for all itiu,t. e womu no oiii " tiKt. If ttlen In time It ISllliT ctlonofll luna tions oi tut BD""L? orpuw. Vonoc Udlrt UiS ee ot iUnr, n so, he yielded the il or to his colleague Jones, saying he would finish his re marks at another time. Jones dis cussed at leugeh tho relations of work- Ingmeu to the money system. HILL TO JIKMIT Till! TAX. The committee on banking and cur rency will probably report u bill today remitting the 10 per cent. .tax which It is proposed to tevy on olearlng-houto certificates. These certificates In the Bouth were not handled In the same m-inner as those In New York. Iu the South they passed from baud to hand, and were mde to take the place of money. It was stated upon them that tliev should be redeemed at the bauk Issuing tbom on a certain date. It waa the opinion of most members or tue nnmmlttee that these certificates clearly ca ne within me meauiug oi mo mw and that a bill la neoesjary to remit tho tax. ADJOURNMENT. The prospeot at the close of the son- ate was favorable to voting on me amendments to the repeal bill by Fri day. Senator Jones will couciuue auu Senators Ttller, Martin, Allen und Stewart each desire to talk. So far as Is learned there will be no otner speeches and when the last of these Is concluded voting will ue luonexiimug In order. A ltr Inquiry confirms the oredictloa heretofore made that some of the amendments will receive a suffi cient vote to Insure their adoption but It Is possible that none of them will re noi na hlch a vote as will be recorded In opposition to the bill. The reason for this Is found in tne raci inesiiver men do not expect any of them to carry and therefore consider It unnecessary to attempt to have any of them adopted. A majority of the free coinage men are of the opinion that oothlng can be .rHtinon that would banavanw- ,m. tn llver and many of them an nounce their Intention of voting only for the free coinage amendment ana or giving no countenance to any of the other amendments. Tbe Republicans have abandoned all Idea of Introducing the amendment as h nartv measure. Sherman thinks au- thorlty shouiu oo kv" ". bet a dimeulty in gening suuh .r vision through at this time and will, In all probability, not attempt It. It u bhve.I If voting n tne uinei-u- inent(nb be,can early Kridy mo dual vote en Im rwcuen iy n...n.jr and tbe Wll ot to tliH hou forac ... ivi,.. the huutethall have act- mn tbe bill there U very but was not eorlously hurt. Tho wire which did tho fatal work was tho small alarm wiro running from tho engine house to tho fire boll. It had been down all tho forenoon, but up to this tlmo It cannot bo learned from what cause. Tho wire out a deep gasn inio tho breast of tho horse between tbo foro legs, whloh fact probably causod tho sudden death. Funeiial. Tho funeral of Miss Olive Conwell will take nlace at tho resldenoe Friday morulug at 11 o'clook, after which tho remains and friends will bo conveyed to tho pissenger depot by electrlo car, whence tho body will be taken to Iowa for burial. Died. This morning, at the home east of town. Mre. Mary Dexter, aged 28 years, of consumption. Deceased leaves a husband and two small chil dren. Funeral will taUo place Friday at 10 o'clock a. m, Fresb smelt at Davison's. In the City. rtome 'taw may not know It, but there Is now In Balem the best selected stock of groceries over In the city. This will please hundreds, who will crowd to Clark & Eppley's for them. m Deafness Oannot Be Oured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion oftheeur. There Is only ono way to euro deafneiw, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafnw Is caused by nn imiamea coo dltlon of the mucous lining of tbe Rus tachlan tube. When this lube Is In flamed you have a rumbling sound or imriArfwt hearlnir. and when it is en tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and utile the lnflsmatlon can be taken out and this tube restored tolls normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine can out of ten are cauted by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous snr- We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused oy rniarrui that cannot oe curea oy u o wwiu Cure. Bend for.clrculars; free. F. J. ChbnkV A Co., Toledo,0. IfirSold by Druggist, 76o. Fresh shad at Davison's. Brazil. Washington. Oat. 20. The navy department has learned by authority late by telegram from Rear-Admiral Stanton, In command of the United States naval forces at Rio Janeiro, that this 'officer bad saluted the Jhg of Ad mlralWeilo, commanding the Insurgent fleet. This salute was unauthorized by any Instructions tho admiral una re ceived. It was an unfriendly act to ward a frlondlv rower, and tho secre tary of the navy, after consulting with the president and secretary or state, M . ued an order detaoblng Admiral Stan ton from the command of his squadron, turning It over to Captain Picking, the next officer In rank. This was In reply to a telegram of Inquiry. Rio Janeiro, Oct. 20. Polxoto'a gov ernment issued a decree October 16 which extended the period of martial law, under which tho city has been placed from that date up to October 28, LThe same decree restricts tho liberty or press entlrely.provldes for the expul sion of foreigners from tho country who may render themselvoo obnoxious to Pelxoto, and removes any guarantee for the safety or their lives aud properly which heretofore has been rendered. Silver in Pom. Lima. Peru. Oot. 20. Tho houso of deputies has approved several clauses of the monetary bill now unucr consiuera tlon, and the export duty ou silver bars has been abolished. Twenty-five per cent of tho Import duties will be pay able In cold coin atfor April 1 next, and onlv Peruvian silver coin will thereafter be legal tender throughout tbe entire republic The senate has au thorized tbe administration to Issue a loan of 1,000,000 silver tols, guaranteed by the excise duties, tho tax on opium and 40,000 tons of guano from tho Chinch! Islands. BUSINESS MhN, ATTENTION. You know a good thing when you BOO If You know ho merit of a cash trans action. A cash trado saves book keeping, losses, trouble and bad feeling. But best of all, whatever is made on a cash sale you have In hand. Success In business dopenda. nowa days In forcing as largo a volume of your trado onto a cash basts as possible and conducting your business na econa omlcally as possible. That la Just what- wo aro doiug. We aro buying white paper at lees than three cents a pound by the carload and Belling a good dally newspaper at 25 cts. a month cash In advance. You have a copy of It before you. Examine it. It gives you all tho latest telegraphic nevVs tit tho lowest price. It gives you all tho important news from ten to twonty hours ahead of any nowspaper on the coast. It Is an associated press newspaper. Aro you receiving It regularly. If not; you can get It by filling the blank be low. It has decided editorial opinions and they are not for sale, except to its read ers, cash In advance, 25ots a month. You got Just what you pay for no more. Try It a month or four months- think of It all tho news In a dally news- paper, suoh as you seo before you, 121 days for 100 cts. The Jooknai. Is tho only One Cent DAH.Y ou tho Pacific coast. It circu lation has doubled in three moot is. Fill out tho order hlatik below and give It a trial order. tftiJ ii JUT. Simeon Staples Had a Running Sore On mr an1 nTS '"' the dciflt0r Pr0, tiounclng It rheum. It continued to In creua In U, until I eouunencod taking Hood's Bwiapwiua. and using Hood's Ollro Hood's Cures Ointment In two J I wai completely cured and hare nd no trouble with tt itncc Bimbow BTArw. Eait Taunton, Mail. Hood's PMIaourallvor Ills, blltousae5. tick. Ueadaeto, ad eonillpaUon. 2S. -"& tgif No Pape-i tent al"ier time of THIS ORDER Is out.- BLANK ORDER SHEET FOlt THE ONE CENT DAILY MAIL JOURNAL. little gllver Bricjc Case. Umtucio, Ills., Oct. 20.-In the case ofA.T. Barker, accused of complcity In stealing a silver brick from Idaho ex hlbltat tbe Fair, waa continued to November 2. Important Decision. Ottawa, III., Oct 26.-In the Sup rerun Houri todav was decided that the weekly pay that was iaed by tho last 3ooTnnow that an adjournment will be legislature was unconstitutional. HOFBR BROTHERS, Balem, Okkoom. For one month find For two months For four months " For one year " NAME. Pleaso send to addrewi below one copy of Daily Capital Jouunal by mall. (Krase lines not wanted.; enclosed. 25 c1 ii ........ 60 cts, ii .-. 80tl posrovricj. . -m.- -.1W..".. f I OOT THIOUT,fllllnnMn4sBlMSptt-olSO'fl atawjMBot tJtM tt -i ;r A SPECIALY. saeem; ' - OBEGON. Bpe7kledTrouUt"D4vl)ni, I -