Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 23, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    !&" '-irrym!!S
Finding It
learning that the best assortment
We Take
See them and try t1 em on.
All new.
:'fl v9 uow.
p. s.
Ladies should see
and girls. A waist for boys with suspenders on.
Going oM ot Business
Everything Mtisi Go.
25 per cent off on all Lamps and Toilet Beta.
20 ' " " Dishes and Glassware.
' .' 1 25 " "' " Teas and Spices.
20 " " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, &c.
15 " " Canned Goods and Baking Powders.
10 ' ' ' Package Goods, Soaps, &c.
6 " " Coffees, Sugars, &c.
jrUome early, as we will not stock up In any line afler it Is sold out.
SROAT & 6ILE, Burke Block, Below Postoffice,
- IK -
You are going to build or make any kind of
ltn.irovomeat, call on the under .Igned lor
mu'terial. We have a complete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, (Trading, etc.
Salm Improvement Co,
Congregational. The delegates to
t le state association meeting, Tuesday
aid Wednesday of this week go to Port
land per steamer Altona excursion rates
getting a froe ticket to the i xposltlou.
The association meets Tuesday evening
Rev. Corwin's friends are circulating a
petition to the efleot that ho did not
have a air trial at Salem. Quite a
number are signing It and It will be
presented at the Portland meeting.
Electrio Wiring. Supt. W. H.
P pe of the 8a em Electrio Light &
Power Co. has had a force of men em
ployed putting In a new automatic
switch at the Junction of Stato and
For a time the South Salem
car ran up to that point, but a 1 is now
running regular again and the service
much Improved.
Notice. There will be a business
mooting of the Salem Social club held
In tho parlors of the Willamette
hotel Tuesday evening, October 24, at
8 n. m. to make arrangements for the
Booial full dress balls for the winter. All
Interested are Invited. By order of the
Burgkryv G. Btlllwell, a guard at
the state prison, had a difficult surgical
operation performed on him tho past
week by Dr. Cartwright, assisted by
Dr. Robertson. Ho Is getting along
nicely and expects to be about his busi
ness In ton days.
Salem Day at the Fair. Tho
steamer Altona will make an excursion
to tho Portland exposition on Tuesday,
Oct.24tb. Tickets can be purchased on
the steamer for $2 tho round trip, in
cluding admission to tho fair. 10-21 2t
Assessment Roll. -Deputy Shorllt'
Lon Wain is making the footings of the
Muriou county assessment roll for 1803
Balauclug thoso long columns Is pretty
exacting business, and tries au no
countant's skill to tho utmost.
Iron Orb. A brick of almost pu-
iron from the O. Jury ranch uear this
city was brought to Socretary Waguer
of tho Salem Board of Trado. It Is
nearly as heavy as solid Iron and Is un
doubtedly a very rloh ore.
Military Roll. County Assessor
Coftee U making up a complete roll of
all able bodied niou between 18 and 60,
as buou aro required to do uillltury duty
If called upon. Thero .aro some 6000 In
the county.
Tm Schools. County Supt. Gra
ban has notice of quarterly examlut
tlona In this paper. He will spend tho
week visiting schools and bo at his of
floe Saturday.
Returned to Oregon. Wllford
Hammer aud family arrived Buuday
rem Minnesota aud will locate a homo
ar Salem. Mr. Hammer waa in Ore
gon two years and wont back East
XI iwlss Cheese.
A. ahlptent of the American Swiss
alticea waa received by John G. Wright
today. Wholesale aud retail. Call
Exquisitk. When one la buying
toilet article, the greatest object la to
Bt pure goods aud first quality. If
you nmd eoefa, wwugwa or perfumery
ftbh and can bn attained by Delecting
tfom tbe ltt nw mook or tuo vap
JU1 Dujrstar, Holm block.
The ladies
of Salem
are rapidly
and newest styles of Jackets
? ?
the Lead !
No old garments in stuck.
the DeBevoise Waists for boys
Manager McGuiro of the old East
Portland water works, is in the city.
Col. Jefl Meyers refurned from Port
land today.
O. K. Brown, a Chicago furniture
man, is in the city on a visit.
Dr. Mintborn, of the Oregon Land
Co., went to Bcotts Mills today.
MIbs Annie Mcintosh, of Starbuck,
Wn., is visiting at tho home of Thos.
SI Old.
J. A. Van Eaton placed on sale the
first of this years petite prunes of the
famous Dr. John Reynold's brand. All
other fruits found there.
John Holman of the Albany Iron
Works Bundayed with his family ob
usual Travelling men aro complain
ing about dull tlm s aud no Bales A.
A. Miller, accompanied by his nephew
Ed. Miller of Illinois, has returned
from the world's fair Five petty
Portland criminals were brought to tbe
penitentiary Baturday night A lino
rain fell Saturday night and cooled off"
tbe air Chrysanthemums are begin
ning to bloom. Sweet peas are still
quite plenty Poultry Is being fatten
ed for Thanksgiving Prof. Wolf is
reported quite 111 at Aurora A mar
riage UceuBe has ben granted to Jos
ephine Woolery and Elzee Parker
Owing to illness of the latter, Miss
Parker, an experienced primary teach
er from Portland will teaob Miss Cap
well's school In South Salem this week
Another boutiful Indian summer
day. Have you tried tho Quintuple
Mirror pictures five views on one
plate, at the Cronise gallary? Heavi
est frost of the season last night, but
not enough to kl 1 vegetation. Im
promptu social at G. A. R. hall this
evening at 8 p, m.....Mre. W. W.
Martin is very much improved. Thj
B tlom Paruaisua club is to study Goethe
this whiter Geo. P. Burnett and
family aud his sou Elmer Burnett and
f.imlly have returned from Randolph,
Neb., "lid will locate at Mobama.
The Old Folks Whist cub meet with
Mr. und Mrs. W, H. Cottle this even
lug Tbe young people's club organ
ized by tho Misses Collins Friday even
ing was not for whist but for general
social purposes. Mrs. Dr. Smith is at
J ll'erbuu for a visit with her people
Mr, and Mrs. 8. C. Adams re
turned from tho world's fair today.
....Mrs. Col, Olmsted returned today
from tho world's fair aud a visit w'th
friends in old Michigan, One drunk
went to Jail five day today from the
police court. Fred Waters and Geo.
Aitkin returned today from a Buuday
visit nt Albany, W. A, TVmpleton,
Meeker & Co.'a hop representative,
spent Sjnduy with hla family at Htl
aey, returning toSalum this afternoon.
Barn Burners Get There.
ALHANY, Ore., Oct. 23. Special.
Tho barn ofF C. Uuflmuu, ono mile
east of Albany, was entirely oousumed
by lira Saturday evening, aud was pro
bably Bet by tramps. It contained four
horses, two cows, seveuty tous ot hay,
some grain, twouty-llve portable scales,
aud a variety of farming utensils. All
wero burned, and insured In tbe Im
perial, for 9201b. Au interesting thing
Is the fact that on account of the war
being by tho Uulon Paclfio Iu-i
surauco Union, the policy was recently
transferred from the Stato to tbe Im
perial. i in
Mugnltloeut celery, creamy cauli
flower, Fnuco Imperial pumpkins and
enormous npples, at Clark & Eppley's,
Court street. I
Important Probate Matters.
In the estate of Permella Howard,
deceased, R. G. Keene, the administra
tor, petitions for an order to sell lands
belonging to the estate. This property
consists of lots 6 and G of block 5 of the
southeast addition to Salem. The peti
tion was granted.
Tbe last will and testament of Sam
uel Adolph, deceased, was admitted to
probate by County Judge W. C. Hub
bard. Mfs. Mary Adolph, tho widow,
was named as tbe executrix as provided
for in the will. The Instrument in
substance is as follews:
He bequeaths to his wife Mary
Adolph tbe whole of bis estate, both
real and personal, to be held, used and
disposed of by her during her lifetime
while she remains his widow for tbe
purpose of supporting herself and tho
children, William, Eva, Lyon, Ida,
Samuel, and Joseph Adolph during
their minority. In case any of the chil
dren are of age at tbe time of bis death
the executrix is to pay to them out of
hiB estate tho sum of $200, and that
any of such children becoming of age
after bis death be paid a like sum each.
In case of the marriage of his wife ho
irfves and bequeaths the whole of his
property then in tbe bands of tbe ex
cutrix as follews: The undivided on -third
thereof In fee simple to bis said
wife and the remaining two-thirds
theieaf unto tbe children, and that
they share the same equally in all re
spects. He also directs tbat bis execu
trix keep all the children, tbat may be
minors at tbe time of his death, in
Bobool as much as possible until they
attain tbe age of 16 years and that their
schooling be paid for out of the estate.
The will also directs tbat his wife be
permitted to retain or divide among
tbe children as she may deem best any
Jewelry or keepsake of which he may
die possessed. He also appoints hi-'
wife as the executrix having full confl
dence in her ability and Judgment.
The will was made on October 27tb,
1882, in the presence of J. T. Gregg and
John Mcintosh ot Salem. The anes of
the children are at present: Wm. 28,
Eva 22, Lyon 20, Ida 15, Samuel 13,
Joseph 11.
Wm. Anderson, J. H. Haas, and E.
C. Cross were appointed appraisers.
Clark & Eppley still lead In the mat
ter of fresh seasonable goods for family
use. If you want the best, aud want It
on time give your order there.
The "Old Reliable," for fruits and
vegetables, the most delicious for table
U9P, Is the grocery store store of J. A.
Van Eaton.
Triplicate. Those new photo nov
elties are tho most satisfactory thing in
their Hue know. Bee tbem at the Sa
lem Art Co.'a studio on Liberty street.
Pimples, blotcbep, sores, and their
cause, removed by BiminouB Liver Reg
ulator. The Cheapest. Have the Daily
Journal left at vour office or resi
dence. Only 60 cts a moutb. By mail
26 cts a month.
Wanted. City, county and state
warranto at the BLUE FRONT. d2t.
Gossamers aud mackintoshes for la
dies, misses and children. Slickers and
rubber bats for men, at low prices at
the New York Racket. 10-21 2d-lw
Dont stop until you reach tbe New
York Racket, if you want a good pair
of shoes, nt a low price. Best quality
all warranted. 2d-lw
Headquarters for all daily papers, at
J. L. Buuuett's post office block news
stand, tf
Lace curtains and bed spreads at the
New York Raoket.very cheap. 2d-1 w
Think of it. Oxford reprint teach
ers' bibles, maps, concordance, all tbe
help?, und aids for only $2.00. Indexed
S3 60. At Dearborn's book store.
One Cent Daily by mall. 25 cents a
month. No papers tent after time is
The "little wonder," five different
positions lu one picture, is now taking
the lead over everything lu tbe city, at
Cberrlugtou Bros. tf
Affections of the bowels, bo prevalent
in children cured by Simmons Liver
Prize Question.
How does a person feel when ho feels
that he has made a fool of himself?
Answers to tho above query sent to
this office will bo made publlo lu The
Journal of November 1st. Answers
by ladles and gentleman will be pub
lished separately, The best aud witti
est answer will bo awarded a prize.
Only anonymous replies will bo re
celved but some word or letter should
bo signed so that parties can identify
their reply, aud claim prize when the
answers appear. It is not presumed
that answers are based upou actual ex
Yfct ealy Pure Cream pf Tartar rowder. No Ammonia; No Alma.
VmA in Millions of Homes 40 Yrj h Sttadaxi
The hats at
our Closing Out Sale
Tb? Ctif Prices Do If !
And hundreds are saving big Dollars by buying now. We
are bound to go out of business, and prices shal
not stand in the way.
291 Commercial Street.
SPECIAL. The entire stock and fixtures for sale.
Makes an Important Appeal to the
Public of Salem.
While meritorious demands all
seasons of the year, made upon tbe Sa
lem Board of Charities, the fall and
winter months naturally present the
most urgent claims. Tbe board has
now been organized for about two years,
during which time it has, in a quiet
unobtrusive manner, aided and abetted
by tbe liberal contributions made by
our citizens, accomplished much good,
and relieved tbe Immediate and press
ing wants of a large number of deserv
ing poor. In view of the exist! ug
"hard times" it is safe to predict tbat
the demands on tbe organization dur
ing tbe next few months, will be un
usually heavy, and while the individ
ual members of tbe board are perfectly
willing to contribute of their private
means aud to perform gratuitously the
more or less ardorous duties imposed
upou them in the way of giving a care
ful investigation as to the merits of each
and every application for aid, and to
exercise their best judgment in tbe pro
per distribution of the funds at their
disposal. It is, nevertheless, necessary,
in order to carry out their work, tbat
its treasury should at once be replen
ished. To the credit of our citizens, be
it said, that no appeal for charity has
ever been made to tbem in vain. In
this instauce, therefore, we feel confid
ent tbat a liberal and generous response
will be mad6 to our appeal for aid in
tbo promulgation of our good work,
and that those who, in our midst, are
blessed with happy homes, comfortable
surroundings and a fair share of worldly
goods, will from their abundance con
tribute to the assistance of the deserv
ing few who are less fortunate. There
will be au unusual demand for cast off
clothing as the weather becomes mclem-
ant, aud the board is very desirous of
receiving contributions In this line.
There is scarcely a home In the city
that has not stored away, in closet or
attio, pieces of cast off clothing, which,
while little or no value to the present
owners, would be thankfully received
aud gratefully appreciated by some of
our deserving poor. Men, women and
children's clothing is always acceptable
aud will be Judiciously distributed
among those whose needs are most ur-
geut. Bundles of clothing left at any
of the newspaper offices will be called
for, or If donors will leave with either
W. L. Wade, J. B. Stump or Charles
Clangett, (members of the executive
committee,) tbe articles will be called
for by some of our generous expressmen
that have kindly volunteered to collect
tho same. We earnestly hope to receive
a liberal supply of clothing as It will be
sorelv needed, no doubt, before tbe
winter is over. Contributions In money
may be handed to any member of tbe
board, or left with Mr. A. N. Bush,
treasurer. Kludly remember the poor,
who are always with us ana give us
your aid and encouragement in our
work of supplying their immediate
wants, bearlnc in nilud that you are
thus "casting your bread upon the wa
ters to be returned to you after many
days." By order of tbe Board,
W. L. "Wade, President,
Frank E. Hodgkins, Secretary.
Life is a Misery
To many people who have the taint of
scrofula lu their blood. The agonies
called by the dreadful running sores
aud other maulfestalluus of this disease
are beyond description. There is no
other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsapar-
llla for scrofula, salt rneum anu every
form of blood disease, it is reasonably
sure to benefit all who give it a fair
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills.
are going off like hot
Boats. The Hoag got off for Eu
gene with a big cargo this morning.
The El wood has been washing her
boilers and left at 4 p. m. for Portland.
The G. W. Shaver came up Sunday
night and went above for a load of
wheat for tbe Salem flouring mills.
The Latest Slang.
"You All me full of wrinkles."
Tbat is cot what Hart does for bis
customers. Hla tailoring is the most
perfect in the city. See his suitings
und overcoatings, just in.
Horses Sold. There was a sheriff's
sale of horses at cbattle mortgage this
forenoon at the-olub stables.
Twenty Years' Experience,
C. D. Fredrlcks, tbe well-know pho
tographer, 770 Broadwuy, New York,
"I have been using Alicoc&'s rorous
Plasters for 20 years, and found tbem
one nt tne best ot tamuy meaicines.
Briefly summing up my experience, I
Bay tbat when placed on the small of
tbe back AMcock's Porous blasters nil
tbe bodv with nervous energy, and thus
cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, debility
and kidney difficulties. For women
and children I have found them inval-
able. They never irritate the skin or
cause the elightest pain, but euro sore
throat, coughs, colds, pains in side,
back or chest, indigestion and bowel
Grant's Pass, Oct. 22.
A fine rain fell last night and this
morning; it will help the late garden
and fall plowing considerably.
Our electrio lights were started up,
after being dormant a year. They are
rather weak yet, but will doubtless get
stronger as they grow older.
Business is not so dull in Graut's
Pass as it seems to bo in other places.
Both our factories are running day and
night. They are receiving large orders
from California for fruit box93, besides
our borne demands are quite large at
this time ot the year.
Our school Is progressing finely, un
der the able management of Prof.
Adams and a corps of efficient teach
ers; and we can be justly proud of our
largo Sunday school.
. The Hotel Josephine will be opened
about Nov. 1st, witb a large ball and
supper. This hotel Is one of tbe finest
structures in Southern Oregon, and
will bo under the management of R.
O, McCroskey.
Tbe tramps don't bother our town
much. One of our papers denounces
them as a lazy, worthless set, and the
other prints some truly wonderful liter
ary efforts that some of tho well edu
cated tramps haye written against every
ono that doiiH bow down to their
worthless selves.
Thero are several cases of typhoid
fever in town, but scarcely any other
A Powerful
Flesh Maker.
A process that kills the
taste of cod-liver oil has
done good service but
the process that both kills
the taste and effects par
tial digestion has done
much more.
Scott's Emulsion
stands alone in the field
of fat-foods. It is easy of
assimilation because part
ly digested before taken.
Scott's Emulsion checks Con
sumption and all other
toasting diseases.
Pr.pindbr Baett A Bswo. Chtmlrt.
Xmrxotk. Sold b lUiftuU r7hm.
Largest Gun In the World.
Is on exhibition at the great world's
fair. You ought to see it. This is tbe
month of months to visit tbe falr.pleas
ant days, cool nights, delightful travel
ing weather.
Maximum comfort en route to Chi
cago on tbe vestibuled limited trains ot
tbe Chicago, Union Pacitln it North
western line. See yonr nearest Union
Pacific agent for rates or oilier lnr.rma-
They Have f be Largest Assortment in
Details of the Inquest Over William
Mr. Stevens was found dead in the
woods nears his home. Sheriff Knight
went to Chemawa Sunday afternoon,
and had the body removed to the resi
dence of tbe deceased. Tbe coroner
was notified, but could not come and
Justice Batchelor went to tbej scene of
tbe death this forenoon to hold the in
quest. Coroner Batchelor arrived at the
Stevens' place, near Lake Lablsh, at 0
a. m. to inquire into the death of Wm.
Stevens, whose body was found in a
fiMd of timber Bunday at 2 p. m.
He impanneled tbe following jury:
A. F. McAtee, W. P. Miller, J. W.
Beatty, Riley Rlngo, Eli "Warren, and
Richard Hughes. The Inquest was
held by tbe above gentlemen at tbe
home of deceased, a mile east of Che
mawa school. Following witnesses
were examined; Ell Warren, Radway
Stevens, a son, Mrs Delilah Ringold,
A. J, Prultt, J. R. Fairbanks.
the veeoict
was as follews: "To J. Batchelor, act
ing coroner of Marion county, state of
Oregon. We the undersigned jurors
summoned to bold inquest oyer the re
mains of Wm. Stevens, whose body
lies before us, find tbat tbe deceased
came to bis death from cause unknown
to ub." Signed. Mr. Stevens was a
well todo pioneer, and will be buried
on Tuesday.
Tbe coroner's verdict found that de
ceased bad been a very hard working
man, 72 years old, quite innrm, ana
came to his death from naturefcauses,
probably heart disease.
Get on tbe loslde we will tell you a se
TeU Thtnus have been on a standstill In
tbe "buy marts (if trade." Manufacturers
leeded money badly we bougbt exten
sively In order to give our customer the
oenem-inereiore we areouenns'a Darcaln
Box Stationery.
Call and look at our medal brand. Nnth.
Ing like It ever teen before.
Patton Bros.,
816 Commercial Street, Salem. , ,A
Only the Best Stock Bought 9ttSr Only tbe Best Meats boia.
Uooa service.
If so, come and select one from our
oilcloths and linoleums.
Will come next. We have them
lu these we are .offering some great bargalna. Prices and pstterM
styles to suit everyone.
We are closing out the baloe of the Flew log stock of shoes at very
prices. Also we are showing nloa clean stock of new goods.
1Mfc.Our Dfwe GMb and Jacktc
Salem, Oct. 23, 1893.
B. J. Pengra, resp. vs. A. Wheeler
app., appeal from Lane county. Jade
ment reversed aud a new trial ordered,
Opinion by Moore, J.
Mary H. al., apjua,,
Hiram Brown and H. A. Smith, resp,.
appeal from Clatsop county. Judg
ment affirmed. Opinion by Bean, J,
In the matter of tbe estate of W. H,
Clayson, deceased, Emma Jane City
son, resp.. vs. Charles Claysoc, app-
Appeal from Clackamas county. Jud
ment reversed and the cause remandd
for further proceedings as ma; ti
deemed proper and not inconsistent
witb this opiulon. Opinion by Lord,
R. J. Rowland, resp., vs. W. L, Hu
mon et al. apps. Appeal from Multm
mab county. Jungment afflrmfd.
Opinion per curiam.
Charles Logus, administrator, rap,
vs. Ezra Hutson, app. Appeal .from
Clackamas county. Judgment affirmed.
Opinion per curiam.
BarfcJey vs. Oregon City, motion for I
rehearing denied.
E. D. Pierce app., vs. Penumbn
Kelly, resp. Appeal from MuUnomib
county. Argued and submitted. &
M." Smith and J. V. Strode, attornen
for app., D. K. Murphy, attorney to
Five acres with a house and i
provemonts near Turner station, h
lavorable terms. Address ior parun-
lars. MARY E. COx,
10-17-2wdw Whlteaker.Or.
LOiT. A pootettxxM, at armory, or lnpl
Ing to io. IS Court itreet. Lea re at tMI
nOUND. A parse of money, Ownercwi
XJ eame by describing and payln for
notice. Call at Krausse Bros, gnoe btorc
take a number of children ol anyJ
her home to board and lodee. Call atom
Oak and Winter.
WANTED City property to trade M a
liupiovedland. will pay dlfferenM,'
any, In cush. U. W. Hunt, 115 HUh &
Haiem. urecon. uv-
sen with mall capital, a eood built
established lu best possible location, em
by letter or In person to "B" care JodMU
nmv. 10 IMS'
WANTED.-On ralary. live sewspap
vassers to Introduce the 0k CJurrWWI
WABTED-Puthlng canvasser ofgooI
dress. Liberal salary and WtXii
UK03. Co.,Nuraeryman,I,ortland,Or
wsMiiiv t-FrrnminiiL insiiiiuui .---
mHinpivitRIi tontnnnleat K.O.D"''!
Advertising Agency, and 1 65 MercM"
Exchange, Ban Ifrancuu-o, CalifornU, W
miilnn'. trr orivnrt Itlncr can be EOSuS V '
CHIUBTIAN hClENCE-Llteratare cTg
kinds on sale at 828 Liberty street. W
Chatwin House.
Just south Of the Ustbodlst 8aW
0re80n- FREE BATH. J
Kverylhlngnewand clean. TableiWJJI
with t fie best of v,ry thing JnbJJKl
Hpecial attention to top"-' "I ii
Meals 25 cts, Beard and lodging lrom Hl
ncttv u7
Prompt delivery.-
ooaiplete assortment. Mattlngsl
ako. A large and varied stock of e
an ty3ta efadswttos,
VWJ-Au .Ah -