-JCtt KflCV -il""- L" UNS&p' IJIFEBOATS. REV. OR.' TALMAGE 6TILL FINDS NEW SUBJECTS AND NEW TH0UGHT8. Olia neen.t Yoht Race Importance of the Lifeboats One That Can Lire In Any Sea A Sure, Kefuge In the Storm or Lire. Bhooklyn, Oct. 22. After preaehiittr on nearly 4X000 different subjects anil being closoly follQwod by tho printing press ifcr about 423 years Rev. Dr. Tal. ma'e still seems to find new subjects that liavo.nevec been.preached on. This forenoon he chose ifor his subject "Un safe Lifeboats," tho text being Acts xjcvii, 82, "Then tho soldiers cut off the ropes or tho boat and let her fall off." While your faces are yet somowhat bronzed by attendance on tho Interna tion: I boat contest between the Vigilant and ho Valkyrie I address you. Good things when thero is no betting or dissi pation, thoso outdoor sports. We want more fresh air and breezines3 in our temperaments and our religion. A stale ,arul lpwond lugubrious, religion may .fr.tyej.lono for other timesf yet twill not dp for these. But my text calls our at tention to a boat of a different Bort, and Instead of the Atlantic It is tho Mediter ranean, and instead of not wind enough, -ahe-crcwe-ofthe Vigilant-andValky-rio tho otherday complained, there is too much wind and tho swoop of a Eu roalydon. I am not calling your attention so much to tho famous ship on which Paul was tho distinguished passenger, but to 'the lifeboat of 'that ship which no one seems to notice. For a fortnight the main vessel had been tossed and driven. For that two weeks, the account says, tho passengers had "continued fasting." I suppose the salt water, dashing over, had sp6iletl tho sea biscuit, and the pas sengers were seasick anyhow. Tho sailors said, "It is no use; this ship must go down," and they proposed among themselves to lower the lifeboat anil get into it and take tho chances for reaching Bhore, although they pretended they were going to get over the sides of the big ship and down into tho lifeboat; only to do sailors' duty. That was not nallorlike, for the sailors that I have known were all intreDid fellows and would rather go down with the ship I than do such n mean thing as thoso Jack I Tars or my text attempted. When on the Mediterranean last June the Victoria sank under the ram of the Camperdown, the most majestio thing about that awfnl scene was that all the sailors staid at their posts doing their duty. As a class all over the world sail ors are valorous, but these sailors of the text were exceptional and pretended to do duty while they were really preparing for flight in the lifeboat. But these ' 'ma rines" on board sea soldiers had in es pecial charge a little, missionary who was turning the world upside down, and when these marines saw tho trick the sailors were about to play they lifted the cutlasses from tho girdle and chopl chqpl went those cutlasses into the ropes that held the lifeboat, and splashl it dropped into the sea. My text describes it, "Tho soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat and let her fall off." As that empty lifeboat dropped and was capsized on a sea where for .two weeks winds and billows had been iin battle I think that many on board the main vessel felt their last hope of ever reaching home had vanished. In that tempestuous sea, a, small boat could not have lived fire minutes. My subject is "Unsafe Lifeboats." We cannot exaggerate the importance of tho lifeboat. All honor to the memory of Lionel Lukin, the coach builder of Lpng Acre, London, Tvho invented tho first lifeboat, and I do pot blame him for ordering put upon his tombstone in Kent the Inscription that you may still read there: "This Lionel Lukin was the first who built a lifeboat and was the original in ventor of that principle of safety by which many lives and much property have been preserved from shipwreck, and he obtained for it the king's patent In tiio-year 178(5." A WORD OF CAUTION. All honor to tho memory of Sir Wil liam Hillary, who, living in tho islo of Man. and after assisting with his own hand in tho rescue of C05 lives of the shipwrecked, stirred tthe English parlia ment to quick action in the construction of lifeboats. Thanks to God for the sublime and pathetic and divine mission of the lifeboat. No ono will doubt its important mission who has read of tho wreck of the Amazon in the bay of Bis cay, of the Tweed running on the reefs of tho gulf of Mexico,, or of the Ocean Monarch on tho jcoaat of Wales, or of tho Birkenhead on 'the Cape of Good Hope, or of the Royal Charter on the coast of Anglesea, or of tho Exmouth on the Scotch breakers, or of the Cambria on the Irish coast, or of tho Atlantic on the rocks of Nova Scotia, or of tho Loxing ton on Long Island sound. To add still further to the Importance of the lifeboat, remember there ore at least 8,000,000 men following tho sea, to say nothing of the uncounted millions this moment ocean passengers. Wo "land lubbers," as sailors call us. may not know tho difference between a marlino pike and a ringbolt, or anythinabout heaving a loir, or rigging out a flying ibboom, or fnrllng a topsail, but wo all realize to greater or less extent the im portance of a lifeboat la every marine equipment. But do wo feel tho importance of a lifeboat In tho matter of tho soul's rescue? "There are times when we all feel that wo are out at sea, and as many disturbing and anxious questions strike ua as waves 'truck that vessel against the sides of which tho lifeboat of my text dangled. iuestion about tho church. Questions About the world. Questions about Gdd. Questions about our eternal destiny. Every thinking man and woman has these questions, and 1b proportion as they are thinking peoplo do theso que Moraariae, ' Tban fa bo wmtnr bt HMdsff If God M&Mt iatttdl w to tUak Mt4 f f ri"j,r"T'"" v r on thinking, ho would not havo built under this wheelhonso of tho skull this thinking machine, which halts not m its revolutions from cradle to grave. Even the midnight does not stop the thinking machine, for when wo are in dreams wo are tmnmng, although we do not think as well. All of us who are. accustomed to thinking want to reach some solid shore of safety and satisfaction, and if any one has a good lifeboat that wo may honorably take I wish he would un swing it from the davits and let us get into it and put for shore. But I give you fair notice I must first examine the lifeboat before I risk my buui .u or aavise you to risk your 6oul in it. All the splendid Ramsgate life boats, and Margate lifeboats, and. South Shields lifeboats, and American lifeboats wore tested before beinir nnt intn nw. ticalmsoastothelr buoyancy and speed and stowage and self righting capacity. And when you offer my soul a lifeboat I must first test it. THE THKOSOPHIC LIFEBOAT. Hero is a splendid new lifeboat called Theosophy. It has only a littlo while been launched, although some of the planks are really several thousand years old, and.Jrom a worm eaten ship, but they are- painted over and look new. They are really fatalism and pantheism of ,olden time. But we must fonret that "and call them theosophy. Tho Grace uarung of this lifeboat was an oars woman by the name of Mme. Blavat Bky, but. the oarswoman now is Annie Besant. So many .are getting aboard the boat it is worthy of examination, both because of the safety of those who havo entered it-anaVbeoause we ourselves are Invited to get in. Its theory is that everything is God. Horse and star and tree and man are parts of God. We havo three souls an animal soul, a human soul, a spiritual soul. The animal soul becomes, after awhile, a wandering thing, trying to ex press itself through mediums. It enters beasts or enters a human being, and when you find an effeminate man it is because a woman's soul has got into the man, and when you find a masculine woman it is because a man's soul has taken possession of a woman's body. If you find a woman has become a platform speaker and likes politics, sho is -possessed by a dead politician, who 40 years ago made the platform quake. The soul keeps wandering on and on, and may have 50 or innumer able different forms, auJ fLially is absorbed In God. It was God at (he start and will be God at the last. But who gives tho authority for the truth of such a religion? Some beings living in a cave in central Asia. They are invisible to tho naked eye, but they cross conti nents and seas in a flash. My Baptist brother Dr. Haldeman says that a theosophist in New York was vis ited by one of these mysterious beings from central Asia. The gentleman knew it from tho fact that the mysterious be ing left his pocket handkerchief, em broidered with his name and Asiatio res idence. Tho most wonderful achieve ment of tho thonrophists Is that they keep out of the insane asylum. They prove the truth of the statement that no religion ever announced was so absurd but it gained disciples. Societies in tho United States and Eng land and other lands have been estab lished for the promulgation of theosophy. Instead of needing the revelation of a Bible you can havo these spirits from a cavo in central Asia to tell you all you ought to know, and after you leave this life you may become a prima donna, or arobin, or a gazelle, or a sot, or a prize fighter, oi a Hero4, or a Jezebel, and bo be enabled to have great variety of experience, rotating through the uni verse, now rising, now falling, now shot out in a straight line and now de scribing a parabola, and on and on, and up and up, and down and down, and round and round. Don't you see? Now, that theosophic lifeboat has been launched. It proposes to tako you off tho rough sea of doubt into everlasting quietude. How do you like tho lifeboat? My opinion Is you had better imitate the mariners of my text and cut off the ropes of that boat and let her fall off. A BOAT THAT LEAKS. Another lifeboat tempting us to enter Is made up of many planks of good works. It Is really a beautiful boat almsgiving, practical sympathies for human suffering, righteous words and righteous deeds. I must admit I like the looks of the prow, and of the rowlocks and of the paddles, and of tho steering gear, and of many who are thinking to trust themselves on her benches. But the trouble about that lifeboat is it leaks. I never knew a man yet good enough to earn heaven by his virtues or generosl- If thero bo ono person hero present ,on this blessed Sabbath all of whoso thoughts have been always right, all of whose actions have always been right.and oil of whoso words havo always been right.lethlm stand up, or If already stand ing let him lift his hand, and I will know that ho lies. P.vul liad it about right when he said. "By tho deeds of the law shall no flesh living bo justified." David had It about right when ho said, "Thero la nono that doeth good, no not one." The old book bad it about right when It said, "All havo finned and come short of tho glory of God." Let a man get off that little steamer called The Maid of the Mist, which sails up to the foot of Niagara falls, and then climb to the top of the falls oa the descending floods, for ho can do It easier than any man over will bo able to climb to heaven by lot eood works. If your thoughts havo always been ex actly right, and your words exacUy right, and your deeds always exactly right you can go up to the gate of beav fn and you need not even knock for ad mlttance, but open it yourself and posh Seansels oat of your way and go up and Skoono of tho front seat But you m iw, o unlike any one else that has gononpfromthU world that yonwouia a . 1 iiiniun 111 1 tiuu w r- . t . a f bitb i i 11 iiaiu Ktaisav a Mvmmim Qxmnjuu. womitiAh kox&AY trusting In is handsomer than nny yawl or pinnace or yacht or cutter that over sped out of a boathouso or hoisted Bail foraraco. But she leaks. Trust your soul In that, and you will jro to to the bottom. She leaks. So I" Imitate the manners of the text, and with a cutlass Btrike the ropes of the boat and let her fall off. Another lifeboat is Christian Incon sistencies. Tho planks of this boat aro composed of the split planks f ship wrecks. That prow is made out of liy-, pocrisy from tho life of a man who pro-' fe&sed one thing and really was another. One oar of this lifeboat was the false hood of a church member, and the other oar was the wickedness of some minister of the gospel, whose iniquities were not tor a long while found out Not one plank from tho oak of God's eternal truth In all that lifeboat. All tho planks, by universal admission, are decayed nnd crumbling and .fallen apart andaotten and ready to sink. "Well, well," you say, "no ono will want to got into that lifeboat." Oh, my friend, you are mistaken. That Is tho most popular lifeboat ever constructed. That is tho most popular lifeboat ;ever launched. Millions of peoplo want to get into It They jostle each other to get tho best Beat in the boat. You could not keep them back though you stood at the gunwales with a club, as on ourshlp Greece in a hurricane, ond tho steerage passengers were determined to come up on deck, where they would have been washed off, and the officers stood at tho top of the stairs clubbing them back. Even by such violence as that you could not keep people from jumping into tho most popular lifeboat, mado of 'church member inconsistencies. In times of revival when sinners flock into tho inquiry room the most of them are kept from deciding aright becauso they know so many Christians who aro bad. Tho inquiry room becomes a world's fair for exhibition of all the frailties of church members, so that if you believe all Is thero told you you would be afraid to enter a church lest you get -your pockets picked or get knocked down. This is the way they talk; "I was cheated out of $500 by a leader of a Bible class." "A Sunday school teacher gossiped about me and did her best to destroy my good name." "I had a part ner in business who swamped our busi ness concern by his trickery and then rolled up his eyes in Friday night prayer meeting, as though ho were looking for Elijah's chariot to make a second trip and tako up another passenger." But what a cracked and water logged and gaping Beamed lifeboat the incon sistencies of others! Put me on a shingle mid-Atlantic and leave me thero rather than in such a yawl of spiritual confi dence. God forbid that I should get aboard it, and lept some of you make the mistake of getting into it I do as the mariners did on that Mediterranean ship when tho sailors were about to get into the unsafe lifeboat of tho text and lose their lives in that way. "Then the sol diers cut off the ropes of tho boat and let her fall off." NOT LEFT TO CHANCE. "Well," says some one, "this subject is very discouraging, for wo must have a lifeboat if wo are ever to get ashore, and you have already condemned three." Ah, it is becauso I want to persuade you to tako tho only safe lifeboat. I will not allow you tb be deceived and get on to tho wild waves and then capsizo or sink. Thank God, there is a lifeboat that will take you ashore in safety, as sure as God la God and heavon Is heaven. Tho keel and ribs of this boat are made out of a treo that was sot up on a bluff backiof Jerusalem a good many years ago. Both of the oars are made out of the same tree. The rowlocks ore mado out of the same tree. Tho steering gear Is mode out of the same tree. The planks of It were hammered together by the ham mers of executioners who thought they wero only killing a Christ, but wore really pounding together an escape for all imperiled souls of all ages. It Is an old boat, but good as now, though It has been carrying passengers from sinking ships to firm shore forages and has never lost a passenger, These old Christians begin to smile because it is dawning upon them what I mean. The fact is that in this way years ago they got off a wreck themselves, and I do not wonder they smile. It Is not a senseless giggle that means frivolity, but it Is a smile like that on the faco of Christians the moment thoy leave earth for heaven yea, liko tho smile of God himself when he had completed tho plan for Baving tho world. Right after that big tumble of the At lantic ocean six or seven weeks ago on tho beach at East Hampton I met the captain of the life saving station and said, "Captain, do you think a lifeboat could livo in a sea liko that?" Although the worst of it was over, tho captain re plied, "No, I do pot think it could." But this lifeboat of which I speak can live In any sea and defies all breakors, and all cyclones, and all equinoxes, and all earth, and all tall. In 20 years tho life saving apparatus along our Atlantic coast saved the lives of over 43,000 of the shipwrecked, but this lifeboat that I commend has saved in.20 ytarsbundreds of millions of the shipwrecked. Like thoso newly Invented English lifeboats, it is insubmergible, self righting and All along our rocky American coat things were left to chanoo for centuries, and the shipwrecked crawled upon the i . u nnlfc&s 6omo one happened to walk along or some fisherman hut nugiiiuonear. "u"" tl'. -a shire was wrecked at Squan beach, and a. Tt,ttn irft her tfOOilead strewn uui oner wtu buijj' olong our coat, and another vessel went -" a .1.... itA.c.1 uait on me roco, w - - . United Bute, government woke np end made an appropriation of fMfM for StoirtessUitaw. and Ufa Hi, from faking box aro ahotover the wild urf, and hawaera are stretched from wreck V.r.. and wnat wua uimm 6- ""'"' . n ...A. lit. -W niml auriuoai. Him 1 a w. -i ..i .nrfboat. with cork ana y- -.-. .,v..1a ' S tho entire beach has been traversed, auu tho Coston light flashes hope from shore to sufferer, and surfmen, incased in Merrimnn lifo Baving dress, and life car rolling on the ropes, thero aro many probabilities of rescue for the unfortu nate of tho (tea. But tho government o tho united heavens has mado better pro vision for tho rescue of our bouIs. So close, by that this moment we can put our' hand on Us top and swing into It Is this gospel lifeboat. It will not take you moro than a second to get into it. A BTANCH CRAFT. But whllo in my text we stand watch ing tho marines with their cutlasses .pre paring to sever tho ropes of tho lifeboat and let her fall off, notice the poor equip ment Only ono lifeboat Two hundred and seventy-six passengers, as Paul counted them, and only one lifeboat. My text uses the singular and not tho plural, "Qut off the ropes of tho boat" I do not suppose it would havo held moro than 80 peoplo, though loaded to tho water's edgo. I think by marine law all our modern vessels have enough lifeboats to hold all tho crew and all tho passengers in case of emergency, but the marines of my text wero standing by tho only boat, and that n small boat, and yet 276 passengers. But what thrills me through and through is tho fact that though we aro wrecked by sin and troublo and thero is only ono. lifeboat, that boat Is largo enough to hold all who aro willing to get into it. Tho gospel hymn expresses it: All may como, whoever will; This Man receives poor sinners (till. But I must haul In that statement a little. Room for all In that lifeboat, with just ono excoption. Not yon I do not mean you, but thero Is one excop tion. Thero have been coses where ships wero in trouble, and tho captain got all the passengors and crow into tho life boats, but there was not room for tho captain. He, through tho sea trumpet, sheuted: "Shovo off now and pull 'for the beach. Good by 1" And then the captain, with pathetic and sublime solf sacrifice, went down with tho Bhip. So tho Captain of our salvation, Christ the Lord, launches tho gospel lifeboat and tells us all to get in, but ho perishes. "It behooved Christ to suffer." Was it not bo, ye who witnessed his agonizing expiration? Si mon of Cyreno, was it not so? Cavalry troops, whose horses pawsd tho dust at tho crucifixion, was It not so? Yo Marys who swooued away with the sun of tho midday heavons, was it not so? "By his stripes we aro healed." By his death wo livo. By his sinking In tho deep sea of suffering wo get off in a safe lifeboat. Yes, wo must put into this story a littlo of our own personality. Wo had a ride in thatyery lifoboat from foundered craft to solid shore. Once on the rating ee&a I rowed, Tho storm nas loud; the nljkt was dark. The ocean yawned nnd rudely blow'd Tho wind that tosstd my foundering bark. But I got iuto the gospel lifeboat, and 1 got ashoro. No religious speculation for mo. These higher criticism fellows do not bother mo a bit. You may aBk me 60 questions about the sea, and about the land, and about the lifeboat that I can not answer, but one thing I know, I am ashore, and I am going to stay ashoro, if tho Lord by his grace will holp mo. 1 feel under me something so firm that I try it with my right foot, and try It with my left foot, and thon I try it with both feot, and it Is so solid that I think It must bo what tho old folks used to call the Rode of Ages. And be my remaining days on earth many or fow I am going to spend my timo in recommending tho lifeboat which fetched mo here, a poor sinner saved by grace, and in swinging the cutlasses to sevor the ropes of any unsafe lifeboat and let her fall off. My hearer, without asking any questions, get into the gospel lifeboat. Room I and yet thero Is room! The biggest boat on earth is the gospel lifeboat. You must remember tho pro portion of things, and that the ship wrecked craft is the wholo earth, and the lifeboat must bo in proportion. You talk about your Campanias, and your Lucunias, and your Majesties, and your City of New Yorks, but all of them put together aro smallor than au Indian's canoe on Schroon lake com pared with this gospel lifeboat that is largo enough to tako in all nations. Room for ono and room for all. Get lnl "How? How?" you ask. Well, I know how you feel, for sum mer before last on tho sea of Finland I had tho same experience. Tho ship in which we sailed could not venture near er than a mile from shore, where stood tho Russian palace of Peterhof, and we bod to get iuto a small boat and be rowed ashore. The water was rough, and as we went down tho ladder at tho sldo of tho ship wo hold firmly on to tho railing, but In order to get into tho boat we hod at last to let go. How did I know that tho boat was good and that tho oarswou wero suffi cient? How did I know thut the Finland sea would not swallow us with ono open ing of JU crystal jaws? Wo had to trust, and we did trust, aud our trust was well rewarded. In the tamo way get Into this gospel lifeboat Lei go! As long as you hold on to any otUr hopo yon are im periled, and you get wo advantago from tho lifeboat, Let go! Does some one .here aay, "I guess I will hold on a little to my good works, or to n pious parent age, or to something I can do in the way of achieving my own balv-lion." No, no, let gol Trust tho Captain, who would not put you into n rickety or un certain craft. an uoqvzvr rertOKATJON. For tbo eako of your prevent and ev erlasting welfare, with all the urgency of an immortoj addressing immortals, I err from the depths or myuiul ai cry from w , ( "e wy " '.'.. ", . t, the depths or myumi auu in sum- mer the life saving crew at East Hamp ton Invited me to como np to the life station and tee the crew practice, for twice a week they are drilled in the Iin portant workaoslgBed them by tho Unit ed SUtea government, mid they go through all the routine of aavlng ihe ahipwrtcked. Dut that would give lit tie idea of what they would havo to do U some midnight " winter, mo wuu Ootobeb s& ita. ,W.WWAW.VW.WaVAV, ALO c B What is the condition of yours? Is your hair Iiarsh, brittlo? Docs It split at the ends? Has flfA,. -- m. a u . .. ' r uu ""gauntly the follicles it ttopt aUinf htadt. 'Eeen th ti the usA or and deitrAti 1A Aifr. Bsoomm " enpajd.oa receipt, or prw. the SKohiain TRMR MARK ..-- J jtniittfea. 7 huh T, J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, ' JPAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Oor, 90th ana Choineketa Blreet. J.E. -Brick Geo. Fondrich, CASH MARKET Best meat ana tree delivery. U36 Mate Street. the breakers, and then responding lights flaring from tho beach, and hear thoi rocltots buzz na thoy riso, and the life boat rumblca out, and tho gun booms, and tho lifo lino rises and falls ucross tho Bpllntered decks, and tho hawser tight- ens, and tho lifo car goes to and fro, car rying tho exhausted mariners, and tho ocean, as If angered by the snatching of. tho human prey from tho whito tenth of its surf nnd tho stroke of its billowing paw, rises with increased fury to assail tbo laud. So now I am engaged In no light drill, practicing for what may como over somo of your sonls. It Is with some of you wintry midnight, nnd your hopes for this world and tho next an) wreckod. Dut fiool Seel Tho lights kindled on tho beachl I throw out tho lifo line, tlaul In, hand over handl Ah, thero is a lifoboat in tho surf, which all tho'wratb of earth nnd hell cannot swamp, and its Captain with scarred hand puts tho trumpet to his lips as ho cries, "Oh, Israel, thou hast dostroyod thyself, but in mo is thy help." But what is tho uso of all this if you decline to get into it? You might as well havo been a sailor on board thut foundering ship of tho Modi terianeun when tho mariners cut tho ropes of tho boat and let her fall off. At Plymouth a vi8el woigiilug 200 tonB was lifted clean on to tho broad sou wall nt tho brenkwator by tho forco 0 (ho waves. Tho fourth veno of tho twentieth hapter of Revelation contains more words than uny other verso in tho Now Testament, I Hair Death. J initantly romoveiaml forever dtetroyeob rjortlonablo hair, whether upon tbebandi. murt nriim or uvc, wituout uncotorullfln dlifiolorutlm er any yuan the leuret lormulnolf mm Wllisnn. acknowledged bv nhvil f -liana a the hlebeat authority n,,d the nodi eminent derinatoloeiit and hair ids ;lalUt that ever lived. During hlu private jracUcMolnllffrllmo ainonK the nobility ind arlKtocracy of Kurope he prescribed 1 hie recipe. 1'rlco, ft hy mMI, securely I acked. Correupoudence confidential. Mole 1 Ken m tor America. AaareM THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER I'O. ept. K. 67Houtti Filth Avenue.New York J mnfwinnnnnnnnn nfl"non (yvwwoni I rnOFEHSIONAL AND BUSINESS CAHDS. r. 11. n'Anor. aeo.a.mwouAv. vaiiui a. uinuiiAi,, Attorney at uiw, 1 Itonmi 1. 2 and s, iVArcy Hulldincr, HI ttaie ilreet, Bpeclal attention given to bui. netia in the supreme and circuit court or the date. a 11 TII.MON KOltD, Attorney at law. Salem, Oregoa. Oflloe up Ulr In I'atten block H J. UICJOKK. Attorney at lawalem, Ore gon. OfTloe over liuih'i bank. T J. BHAW. M.W.HUNT. HHAW&IIUNT t) . Attorneys at law. Offlre over Capital National bank, Halem, Oregon. . JOHN A. OAK-KIN, Attorney atlaw.rooms 8 uod 4, Hiuh bank building-, Kaleni,Or, II. r. 1IONHAM. W. II. IIOI.MEH. BON HAM fc IIOliMEM, Attorney at law, umoein lluth block, between iltataand ourt, on Commercial street. JOHN HAYNK, ATTOHNBY.AT-1AW. ) Collection made a Ml promptly remitted, Mwphy block. Uor. Hint ana Commercial treU, rialern, Oregon. --tf. WO.KNIUHTON-Arclillect and aurerla lendent. Offlce, rooms 'i and B liuah Uruywmn hlock. h lV-ll r k. i-oavK, HtenoKraDber and Tine- .!. wriuwt dm bnt one In 4alera, Oregon, trrlUwl Jteit equipped typewriting of- uregou. over uuiu'a bank, Dll A. DAVH, ImIu I'tattiraduaUor New York, give p-oUl al'eutluu to the rtl Me of wmimu and children, M, throat, ijngkldneyi. ikln dlM-atw and aargery, .jrtlon at rmldence, lol Htata (treet. Oonou'ta. lou from it to i a. rn and '1 Ut i p 10. 704m Jt a HIIOWNK, M. 1).. I'hyilclan and Hur. O, gon. Ofllre, Murphy bloJij rwldence, . , Oommi-rclkl itreet. rll.T O HMITii, HeotUt. W BUU trt J Bilem, Oregon, Klnlabed dental opera, ETriM of nvftrv dejLcrlntinn. 1'Atnlea oiMn. tlonnaipeclNlly. lir 1) i'LTJ'l, Architect, plan, pecU3e V . tton and (uperlnleudeuve tor all le '"I building. Office 200 OommereUI treet, nptUIn, ri 1NHOP VTKllANH.-HamptrCinpNo, O (.etooiol Veteran. U.rt A meeis 'inora. faverMiliiKOlTftOu'clrMiKalthe I O. (1 T ball Vltltlug brother are cordially Invited to attend Ins H. O. Ilaowne, CapU PiurrKonoN i-oihjk no. a a,o.u. w, Meel In tbelr ball la Uute lnunmce J, K. f ELWOOO. lUorder. iriH ANNIKTHOIINTON. Conservatory 4J, "I Iulo. Ireden. Uennsny. Va ud Injtrnmeiiul m title. Im'ruolorof rreneh and Oerinen at Wllui'neiU University. . . Koom f-7, Umu ftuIMu. Hi uciKM oupeaiawwr UOC3 lliail OUt. WI1CI1 COmDOC fcr1, brushed? Is It full of dandruff? Do'es your scalp Itdi ? ! Is It dry or in a heated condition ? If these arc some oi ' yoursymptomsbowarncdlntimooryouwIIlbccomeb&U. "t SkookumRootflair Grower! . . u r fcj , tvhit HEAD C t- i. w " ... .. . ------ -- coouDf Ma reireiainf route, sr ttmul&ttntr hair, curt datuirvjr and grow hair en bald : fUjja."tumrLmU tw trtni trrttMnr frruptlmu, by "nra Pi JMwjtwe, maicj f an!C If your druntitoaaBettuBelrroa Mad dlnet to ss, and we will forwunl .? w Orower, SIjW per bottle I Xor tMXX 8oa.p,svo. root hair. fiDnvvno r.n ? ...- ...-...-i v.v,... w.-w- - iiu niii niv wi, it, i, 5, MUBI'HY, and -ft Freslb !Naws-Pauers- ftuite- niidt'K(f. J, L, BENNETT F. O. (JBl&ele. NORTH BALLM. ake It! EVENING JOURNAL, Only ScsnUa 'day UeUvereAat your door. x HOWARD, The House Mover, 451 Marlon Street. ilaa the beet foollltles Jonaovliiir anil ira.1. Ing home. .Leave orders at Uruy llro., or address Halem, Oregon. ' From Terminal or Interior Points the I. Is the line to take To all Points W.aBOo. It Is the dining ear route, if ru tut thraug h vestibule train; every day In the year 10 ST. PADL AND CHICAGO I(No change of ears.) Oompeied of dining cars unmirpnued, Pullman drawing room ileeners, Oflateet equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. licet that can be eoastracted and in whlob accommodation are both tree and Jur. nUbea for holden of first and eoond-cUw tlakeis.andi ELEOAMT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnuots line oeane sting with ell lines. aOordlng direct and uninterrupted servtoe. w l'ullraau (Uepe wv'Moncnn beae. oured in iu.lvi.ncu I ro-. li any -agent ol the road. Through tloketa to and from all point In Anietioa, England and Kurope .oaa he pnrohwed at any ticket ofMr oftjUjx opm- Full Information eonoerntog rat, time of tralni.rouusaudother detail fiirnUhed on application' to any arentor a A. D. OHAIUTON, AwtUtant General Pasceni-er Agent, No. 131 nrat. street, eor. Washington) JhttrtJ land, Oregon Bhaw & Downing, Agents. Hetcl Monterey Newport, - Oregon. Located on the IJeach.two miles not 1 1 of Newport on Oavo Cove, a beautlfulJj sheltered spot, wonderful scenery, w batlilmr, fioo driven toCwpe KoulweHtli er llKlittiouso. House new, rooms largi. and airy. Plneat resort for families 01 Invalids. Open all win tor. Terrm moderate by day or week, Iiitendioy visitors can drop a postal card to New port and bo Act by hack. JOHN iOTZl'ATHICK, d-S-m Proprietor. TO SALT LAKE, .DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS AIIDAU. EASTERN CITIES 31 DAYS to CHICAGO IIOIIR ' 0iiItkegltOj Chicago 4n Hems iMk tom0,gJ wi - Through Pullman and Taurkrt ilnftit, Free Reclining Chair Cm, 14 Cart, torraU abA ' inXLunoatlAa call ni orad4ra, w. h. Mrjni,HunT, At. n i. Vi WaMiBctoa v . VorM t"iicrt,vn, iitit - fAnUJ THEJHCIFIC WJTECTIVB AND (ELEOnKG BUREAU (tAl,KM( Oregon Vritat work a apeetaMy. j W WP"sW PWB f Electric Lights On Meter System. TO CONSUMERS : Thognidm Llnhf. aptt Power Company at rcnt expeme have equipped their ElcetrM Light plant with the ni i modirn trnrtu ndaienowble to o0or the public abetter I light than nny ytem ana at a rate lower than nuy city on the coast. ArcHiil iHCKHdcscstt l$m iBfe. KIcctrie Meters f er all purposes where power Is re uirexl. K-ltenec tan bu wlrea,ftira(itBaj!4Nths as dealrod ana tho conntmer pay fur only Buoh light paarr vised. Ttile belair regletetea by an J&loQUio jfeter, Qraty 179 Commercial St. MEATS. 8y lie hta vot do'd oU bjit muijly mnvtd 1I ihnp to tho old island l Ubetty strett bridle k. David McKillop, Leave! order nt Palem Im provement Co., 85 State itrect. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO E, W. HADLEY, Itecelver. SHORT IJNi: toCAMfORNIA OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. a B. WILliAMEtTK VALLEV. Leaven Ban FranoUco, Oct. 7th, 17lUaBd27lh. Leaves yqulna,Oot, 3d, lath.aid and NovJth HATEM ALWAYS BAaiBPACTOny. For irelght ond pa'sesger rates apply to any gcnLorj?urer of this companr. iu E. ULOAaV'Gcn'lsapt; O.iT. WAIUU1 AW. T K. A I' A. , O. M. l,OWElU3,'Ageht,Eaftin Veik. t .WISCONSIN CENTRAL LP (Northtrn Pacific R. R, Co., Uh.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Dally. t5pm l:21pni U-.SOBIU I 5pn 7.l(lam :A2Spm 7:lfipm 1... Mlnn I nimnl.. K:ltotn 8 0Unm H.IGain 8 (Bam S.ODpin r-.OOpm 78&tm 4.80pm ll,4Sfm iiripni 7.05pm Idrnm I l)umm a I. Anhland. a a..Ohlo(Wil I Ticket sold and baggage checked through o all points In the United Htates and CaBtMla. Clone connection made in Chicago with alt rains going Hat and tkntth. Kor lull information apply to yonr naaneat lcket agent or r JAM. O. I'OMO, Uen. I'aaa. and Tkt. Ajjt.. Chicago. 411 East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE the- Southcrn Pacific Compinv, OALtrOltMf A XXritKHS TBAIM HON DAILY fejt. TWBKN l-OBTItNDAWDB.y, TtoutnT North. t) is p. m. Mp.m. ftlfi a.m. rcvT Lv. Ar. 1'ortland Baleta Ban Kran. Ar, l.v. Lv. K'Alv, fi:S8 H. I 7,-oar.i Above trains aton at all (lliina fuu ortland to Albany inolusive: alio otTaaaect thedd, Ilalaey, Jlarritburg,' JnuctioB pity, Irving. Kuireue and all sUUons from Kobr; o Ashland Inclnalve. r iifiwauumiMAli. hailv, )W a.m, lil7a,m M p.m. TvT Lv. Ar. 'ortland Halem Hcaeburg Ar.) to r,a, Lv.'l 7.80 a. m IHulHg ar ou OgdeH Kt TOLLMAN BDFFET M&m ANP Second Class Sloepiflg dws- Attached to all through trains. Vest Side Wm, Mum PdkiJ ud CwFallia: PAII.T. (UICK1T BOMBAY). KjrtlMiiU OorvMU SaT LV. 1KS At Albany and ixrvuliu eenaset .rilDrOrvon I'anlOo Kallmad. With KfUkXM ritAIW IIKll.T Kl'ITHtlWlAy .u p. uu IXv. 1'ortland t-THw. tn I Ar. McMlnnvllle D.-J6 a mo THK9UGH THJKKTti To all polnta In the Fatm tHU. CajuMta pu curoy can i outairira at joweet ratea iiumj w. n.eaixitm, Agm, .1. K0OKI05, A.t U. V, ula,A-n W. L. DOUCLM S3 SHOE wXUs NMawtartaeeiT WU mn h aaei fcya asasW itot in "" 44Ni 1.111 4111 42.2S ft as TMtVV ' 'Mr-Wj ai aw. - - -1 ij- -.i teaaiU Sal ItisJaL ST Stl Saaaaa fUAaSaSM! VSaatf takSSlBiiV 1'ssj FSajf (rt V aaai pt af"siBBsBii fi SBT IVBsSibwS Pw WW 99 y"B( 4 WF"W SPSSBf PBaaaaWl SjbP utf a -- -A aMl M Laiiaal. abalW 4W li ItSBSSI haBavftBSI W w aataaVaSSaT AM mBflatU-i --" T SaSlka XiUkUiiB BaWai. Step food sKli.M HlujBvsSL BB SMTCtMl JmLtt7.& nrfl.71 &iMKte IJ 1 i i it M Mittot lUfboftt roa an thinxuuE t ""' . -