Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    fcVHNfcfar bAVlVAi, &&VW-AL, 0AtttffliA, dOVOSfltt 21, mm.
Capital Journal Publishing Company,
P tsio'nce P ock. Commercial BlrceL
- Editors.
J) illy, iy orrlef, p r month,.
Dtlly, bv mil, p- year,
Weenlr. 8 iw. pryear,
- 1.60
ill K SATUKIjAT MdllT.
Time Ih flying nnd those who do not
feel younger feci older. Talking with
an old Oreonlan the otbr day he said
he could tramp, work or enjoy sport
M well afl ever. The only weakness be
felt at three score and tan was a slight
failure of bis eyesight. He dcmoustrat
ed bis youthfuluess by going up to the
O Id Fellow's library ou a. run, two
at ps at a time. But there Is no more
reason why the eyes should grow dim
than that the step should not be as
elastic at seventy us at seventeen. The
fountain of perennial youth bas not
been redito .vered but the limit of life
bas not been reach id. As we emergr
slowly out of the burburixm of the past
when men ate each other, and ascend
to the station whre titiakeapearand
the B.blo places ut, "a little lower thai
the angels'' we sh ilt all attain to the
vitality of the bale Orejjonlau and per
haps twice that. To uruwold is natur
al. To grow youug. or to remain young
in freshucssnnd spirit f divine.
The Apostle Puu I found the citizens
of Epbesus given up to the worship of
Diana. We would present a new Diana
for worship. Our Dlumt was demon
strated but recently in reality. To
know ber must have been to worship.
A little time ago there died at Put
nam, Conn., Mrs. Diana Djuty, ai;el
almost 103. Other people have lived
nearly or quite to her age in these clos
ing years of the nineteenth century
often enough t) indicate that the aver
age of human life is lengthening as
mankind grow cleanlier and kind
lier. But the one fact that is remarkable
In connection with this venerable worn,
an is tbat she kept al! ber faculties un.
impaired up to the time of her death.
It was not thou disease that took ber
off. Bhe teemed simply to go when
her time came 'as quietly and serenely
as a flower closes its petals at the close
of day.' So every human life should
close, painlessly and without the decay
of any mental power. So it will close
when mankiu.d are fully civilized.
Mrs. Douty had remarkable physical
health to begin. She had never been
ill until a year ago, when she had the
grip Thls physical couHtitutlnu might
have given her the great longevity.
But there was another cuujo which
kept her young as the years went by.
She was u woman of bright, cheerful
disposition. Her temper was very
gentle and calm. An atmosphere of
content and good will emuoated from
her and drew toward her tho kludl
feeling of everybody who know ber.
Bhe was helpful to all and beloved by
all. The pain, the insane passion, the
hrivellng anxiety that bum uway tue
nerve forces and age mon and women
seem to have had no hold upon Dlauu
Tako a walk Into tho woods these In
dian summer days. See tho glowing
mapel, tho brilliant coral clusters ou
tho wild rose bushes, tho snowy luster
of tho waxberrles, tho deep blue-black
of the haws by the brookclde; listen to
the rich musical niutmur of the water
aa It dushos in minor keys. In the
bright sunshine of spring it rippled
aud tinkled llko silver cymbals over
thostouef. Now it Is low and sweet,
llko a lullaby eong from tho throat of a
mature woman crooning over a beloved
child. Indeed thero are beautiful
things in au Oregon forest In autumn.
A lather carrying a heavy satchel,
with three small children following
him, the oldest a little girl of perhaps
ten, carrylug another satchel, all walk
ing slowly along a street hi the suburbs
Is n sight suggestive of much food for
reflection. A wide baud of cheap crape
ou tho fathet'd hat shows tbat he Is
alonoln the world to battle for hla little
ones aud is not blessed with much
wealth, Tho little procession as it
passes slowly along embodies all the
pathos of life. Ail tbnt has been writ
ten and prenchod Is here brought tu
mlud With all tho directness of a dreek
drama by Euripides or a tragedy by
u, ,. . -rra
'Two Sou b with but a Single Thought,
A P.anters Experience.
"Jly plantation In In n malarial
trlct, where rcvcranUnroie prevailed.
coarngctl tvlicn 1 began tho nso r
s Pills
The result wni mnrvcllon. JJrmea
became iitrons and eartyand J .bare
pllls, I wonld not fenr to live la any
swamp." B. IUVAI Bayou Sara, La.
Sold Everywhere.
Ofilccj 110 to Hi Washington. St., a, Y,
It Is rumored at Oregon city, among
steamboat men that the Shaver is run
ning on the upper river under charter
to the Southern Tdciflc which ha put
her on lberun to buo)c the Oregon Pa
clire which It is saitfMs gettifig the best
of the light in the contest for freight.
A meeting dfthe creditors of the Ore
gon Pacific railroad will beheld in Mill
City Saturday Out. 2lst, ten o'clock, a.
m., to hear report of committee.
Born, eight pigs one year ago, twelve
pigs seyeti mouths ogo, and eleven
pigs two mouths ago, to the same vblte
China y.w, the property of Lee Henkle.
After feeding them on 43 cent wheat
inly two weeks, the eight pigs market
i-d Monday and brought fGt.85. With
504 85 cash on hand, twenty-three pigs
mil the original stock whocan say tbat
log raising don't pay?
A pumpkin weighing 113 pounds was
tuioug the exhibits at The Dalles fair.
Some new placer claims along the
ooundary between Josephine aud Jack
joii counties are panning out gold ga
lore. The Yamhill river has reached al
most as hili a stage us any time last
winter, during the recent hard rain
Au Actona minister said there was a
place in heaven for all murderers, and
the Herald man frets about it consider
ably. He says: If all the murderers
go straight to Abraham's bosom, as the
Astoria agents of the Lord say they
will, then the editor proposes to immi
grate to the other place. If a man
must live with Chinamen in this world
and with murderers in the next, para
dise is not what It is cracked up to be."
A letter John Applewhite state
that 850 students are In attendance at
the Stanford university. John is tak
ing a course in English literature and
Of theeatim.ited 30,000 pounds pro
duct of Hugh M. Fmley's prune or
chard, at Corvallis, this bvuioii, only
about 8000 wore saved, owing to the
failure of tne dryer to do what was ex
peuted of it. He hauled no fruit to Eu
gen) to be dried on account of rain and
roads. Every person in tho county
regrets Mr. Fmley's misfortune.
A boy was seut to market with a sack
of roastiugears, und after lingering
around town nil day, came home with
out selling them. When his mother
asked why lie had not sold the corn he
said no oue asked what he had In tho
sack. There are a good many mer
chants like this little boy.
Polk county has 23 men who pBy
taxes ou $10,000, E. O. Kent, of Perry
drile, Is tho largest, with $02,800.
A Multnomah county paper sny:
Thero has not been an insane person
sent from this county for three weeks,
aud times are pretty hard yet.
Nellie Grant, degouerato daughter of
uu Illustrious sire, born in this county
h doing 15 days service in the city jal
as a vagrant.
Mrs, Dr. Tom Van, under conviction
for manslaughter in producing 'the
death of Miss Wilson, Is coiillued lu the
hospital with serious Illness. She Is de
tained as a witness agulust Bowker, a
co defendant.
Tta Party," the proceeds of which will
go into their furnishing fund.
Those performing rhetoricats in
chapel this week were Anna Alderson;
decluma 1 n, C. J. Atwood; essay, ( ar
r,e Bradsbaw, decltimition, T. E.
Br w , essay, Sam Ru ch im; ec am i
tion. The grade is au Improvement
over last year, aud this degree of excel
lence should be enlarged up in. The
first regular semiterm rhetor icals, for
the preparatory studetits, occur on Fri
day afternoon, Ojt. 27, those of the first
Bemi-term being omitted.
The first of the series of six entertain
ments to be given duriug the winter
under the auspices of the uulverslty,
held on Wednesday evening last was a
decided success aud "ill help wonder
fully in furnishing our library with the
needed periodicals. The nevt will be a
lecture by Dr. Que, bis grand patriotic
lecture, about Nev. 15.
Hurrah for football. On Wednesday
at 3:00 p. m. tbe fellows met and organ
ized for effective work tl ug this Hue.
C. J. Atwood was elected captain and
Chester Murphy secretary and treasur
er. A committee was oppoiuted to con
fer with tbe agent, at the result of
which, the eastern part of the present
campus near tbe tennis court bas been
obtained, which with a nominal
amouut of labor will make a flue field.
Association rules were decided upon,
.vhlch will do away with the former
roughness of our games according to
Rugby. Tuis organisation should be
jMu.s. im
Sick Headache and rellere all the troubles Incl
dent to a bilious state of tha system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Dron slness. Distress after
eating. Pain in the Side. &c While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet Citron's Little Liver Pills
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate tbe bowels.
Even If they only cured
che they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing cemplaint:
but fortunately their goodnesE does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without thera.
But after all siclc head
Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Tills are very small
and very easy to take. One or t o pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vlals at 25 cents;
five for $1 Sold overyn here, or sent by mail.
MR fail he. fall Fries,
Aa they nat side by side, they sighed.
"Oh, my Idol!" he said, and then idled.
' Dear Luke," said she, as kIio
looked, "I will wed Uieu if thou wilt,"
and be wilted. The honeymoon passed
lu au excess of Joy. lixcttw In cut
lug rich food brltigs indigestion, slek
headache, aud frequent attucus of dig
stiuewi. JJr. i'lerco'a Plent-ant relicts
will ouro all these. They aie tltiy,sugar
coated, and easy to swallow No
olherpreparatlou compares with them
m a. Liver Pill. They are guaranteed
aud one la a dose,
The "llltle wonder," llvo different
petition In one picture, Is now taking
the lead over every tlilpi,' lu tbe ciiy, at
Cbwlugtou Ilrpa, If
Five now students entered this week,
aud two others have arranged to euur
Mla Carrie Royal, A. II., '01 and her
lather, Itev. T. F. Royal visited chapel
on Thursday.
I, II, Van Winkle, deputy assessor of
Lluu county, arrived yesterday. Ho
will matriculate Monday, aud take up
the terms work ou review 2.
Tho Y. M. U A. at a call business
session on Weduesday afternoon, ar
ranged In part for the observation of
the week t.f prayer for colleges, from
tho 12th to the lO.h of August. Mr. O.
J. Atwood leads the Joint Y, M. Mid Y.
V. C. A, gospel moetlng at 3 p. m.,
Suuduy, ,
The Phllodorlau aoelety, at their reg
ular meeting lust night, discussed tbu
utilijeot RtMoIved tbnt every property
holder lu the United Slates should tu
taxed according to Ids Income, aud de
cided It in tho uoyfttlvo. They discus
next I-rlday night, the whdomofour
stato prison carrying ou somo lame
Thi Phllod(slnUH are working earn,
only on tho furnishing 'of their hull.
Yesterday n order wai made for f8 )
Wirlh of ehnlrs, oak dlnem, to match
tho r oilier furnishing, which will be
uu addition to both bounty and com
fort, An enUriutuuiuiit will be given
Going to the Wo; Id's
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
between 8t. Paul and Chicago and
Oniah i and Chicago.
These trains are vestibuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Diuing und Bleeping Cur Service In
the world,
Tho Electric reading light in each
berth Is the successful uovelty of thin
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
es by all regular patrons of thin line
Amos Cttnnning8 and John Russell
Young, like Horace Greeley, began news
paper work at the pr nter's case.
Professor Koch has married tbe young
tctress, Miss Friedberg, on whose behalf
jie rerently obtained a divorce from his
George William Childs left school at
10, was an errand boy m a store in
youth, served in tho navy a few months
and began business in a little 6hop.
The family of Congressman Sayers of
Texas settled in Virginia 150 years ago.
A farm in Pulaski county, Va has been
in possession of the Sayers family for
143 years.
Richard L. Wootton, who died at Trin
idad, Colo., recently, bore the reputation
of being one of the few surviving old
time frontiersmen. He was a comrade
to Kit Carson.
John Hanson Craig weighs 007 pounds
and is 81 years old. He took a $1,000
premium at Barnum's baby show in New
York in -18G8. He lives in Danville, Ind.
Mrs. Craig weighs 180 pounds. '
Mr. Balfour, who will, it is thought,
be premier of England some day, is also
thought to be the most interesting bache
lor in England. He is 45 years old, and
an unmarried sister presides over his
Whenever Queen Victoria's little
grandchildren lunch with her their rolls
are made in the shape of manikins, The
bread which her majesty eats is all
made by a Polish refugee, who was a
protego of the prince consort.
When Dr. W. Seward Webb's new
home in tho Adirondacks is completed, it
will have cost $1,500,000 and will prob
ably be the finest private residence in
America. The house, which is to be of
granite, will contain 170 rooms.
Cornelius Ryan of Waltham, Mass.,
found in a railroad station four years
ago a wallet, which he returned to the
owner, whose name and address were
among the papers it contained, and re
cently found himself named for $2,000 in
tue man's will,
Lord Willoughby de Broke is master
of the Warwickshire foxhounds. His
lordship's name does not represent his
financial standing. On the contrary, he
is very wealthy and owns town and coun
try houses innumerable, besides being a
member of all the fashionable clubs.
Cblldreu Clairl 1 heir Hands.
This is told by a Vermont paper as a
"rather amusing incident" which took
placo in a St. Johnsbury schoel:
"At about 1 1 o'cloc'.c the children all
began, apparently without a signal from
any one, to clap their hands and contin
ued this demonstration for several mo
ments. Uin t': teacher's asking for
an explanation of th ir strange conduct,
she was told that they did it because
Almy was handed. Tiie teacher then
gave them a little talk on the awful
crime for which Almy had made atone
ment and drew the lesson from tho story
that is so obvious to nil."
It is incredible, but true that t'his il
lustration of tho low averago of our civ
ilization should be set down in cold print
as "rather amusing." It is sufficiently
ternblo that children should bo permit
ted by their parents to know all tho hor
rors of an execution, but tho teacher
"gave a little talk on the crinio." Why
not something to divert those morbid lit
tle minds from tho contemplation of
crime?.' Better a wholesome fairy story
or a recess for a game of tag. Instead
the greed of personal notoriety was fed,
and the training in vice went on by the
appearanco of the incident in print next
The wretched littlo prigs who clapped
their hands because sin had met with
punishment will grow up into the sort
of men and women capablo of asking to
have the United States troops called out
to keep the fair gates closed oni Sun
day. Truly, tho spirit that burned Ser
vetusis hard to kill, and tho crude prim
itive instinct of slaughter dies hard in
the children of Adam, who are not
taught and taught and taught again
that nothing light puts out darkness,
and nothing bntpracticoof tho one "new
commandment" will ever make tho
world begin 1 3 keep those 10 old ones of
Moses. Bontoii Transcript.
la called the "Father of Diseases."
It is caused by a Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
way Is the oiily line In tho west eujoj
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, oruddres.
C. J. Lddy, Geuerul Agent,
J. W. OASUY.Trav. Pass Aet.
225 Sturk St., Portluud, Or. tf
B. 8. Cook, of the Oregon Land Oo.
s otr for the world's fair.
VI6I1 of K!
Eailljr, Quickly.
Permanently Reitorcd.
ana all ine train of arlla
I rum tally, iron or ltr
, ttie rvmlu of
cncnvoik. ilokutm.
vtorri.tiu Fullttrcogih,
(lovi'.ipinpiit ana tuna
bhtn lueveryorg&uiiDd
jvirtlnn, cf the bocljr.
awn. F'tluirimpoiiMtils.
S.UU rwreicn. Book,
explanation anil proof
maUra (auauM) tre.
German broadcloth and faced cloth in
dark jacqueminot red or the favorite
silver bluo shades are noted among the
elegant dre&s wraps.
Heavy corded cream white bengaline
forms a handsome wrap in cape style,
with lining of pink twilled surah and
trimmings of white feather bands.
Autumn cloakings are imported in
colors of petunia, silver blue, peacock
blue, Russian green, many beautiful
shades in brown, friars' gray and ma
genta. A marked feature of next season's
fashions will be tho wearing of dark
gowns with York coats of three-rraarter
capes of velvet in rich colors, these or
nate and brilliant in decoration.
Soft, rich tartans of all wool, finished
with a corded silk blouse waist, com
pleted by bretelles, sleeve puffs and col
lar of velvet, are among tho pretty
dresses designed for misses' best wear
this fall.
Finely twilled glace 8urah3 giving the
effect of satin come in a variety of pret
ty plaids in cashmero colorings in nacre
lints, in pin dots, stripes and the all
prevalent ombres, changing like tho beau
tiful autumn foliage,
A handsome expression of tho ulster
idea, made up on the other side, is of
rough finished black cloth, each cape
edged with persian lamb and lined with
magenta silk. Tho broad rolling collar
is also of tho glo3sy black fur.
Felt hat3 with double faced brims are
tho rage. A soft, velvety black felt with
a white facing is one of the very popular
btyles, or ono of cream white with a
black fur felt facing, with trimmings of
black and white satin ribbon and black
Valkviio wings. New York Post.
It is a mild laxative and a tonic to
the digestive organs. By taking
Simmons Liver Regulator you
promote digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
"My wife was sorely distressed with Constipa
tion and coughing, followed with Bleeding Piles.
After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator
she is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength
and flesh." W. B. Leeper, Delaware, Ohio.
"I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for
Constipation of my Bowels, caused by temporary
derangement of the Liver, and always with de
cided benefit." Hirau Wabnbb, Late Chief
Justice of (ieorgia.
215X Comnurtlsl St, Siltra, Oregon,
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clock.
WHtehiw and fwirv
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
The very w of meats at all time?,
and tbe tn-st of service,
KtrupiMvute Wiitle'H Store.
lu n few wveka entitled, "A Japaueeo
15, aleui, Oregon.
Ticket collectors have been taken
tho Big Four passenger traina.
Wiley Anderson of Nevada, Mo., is a
luascat. lie has been postal clerk forl3
years and has uever been on a train
where any ouo was hurt, even slightly.
The West Virginia Central and Pitts
burg road is making an additiou to its
shops at Elknif , W. Va., that will in
crease the capacity one-half, Tho build
ing will bo of brick and will be fitted
with modern machinery.
The freight department of the New
York, Lake Erio and Western baa been
reorganized, and several changes have
occurred. The principal change made
was tho abolition of the Ofllco of assistant
general freight agent atrBuffalo.
A rule has been made by the No-th Car
olina railroad commissioners requiring
that, when part of a consignment of
freight is short, tho railroad carrying it
will not be permitted to demand charges
of the consigneo beyond tho portion de
livered. A locomotive engineer can tell by tho
ear alone when his machine is ont of or
der. He becomes so familiar with its
ordinary tones that the moment a bolt
gets loose or any tmrt of tho machine
goes wrong the note changes, aud he at
once looks for tho difficulty.
The New York Central is building a
number of very superior passenger
coauhes. They will rest ou six wheeled
1 1 neks, havo high backed seats, uphol
tired very haudhomely, aud broad win
dow. The&e cars will bo 70 feet in
length aud will beat 73 passengers.
If you anticipate visiting the world's
fair, or your frieuds in tbe East, take
advantage of the present opportunity,
aa the fares are now so low they cut no
figure In the expeuse. The Chicago &
Northwestern Eailway have p aced in
service a solid vestibnled train, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
Wayner tourist curs, free reclining
chair caro and dining car "par excel
lent." With the arcommodationa fur
ulsbed.rutes now offered, together with
the short time consumed in maklnu
the trip, it is within the reach of all.
For further information, apply to any
ticket agent, or write
A. G. Barker, Gen'l Agt.
272 Washington street.
Portland, Or.
Reduction in Price of Gas.
From and after October 1st, 1893. the
price of gas will be as follews:
Lees than 500 cublo feet per month
$3 '60 per 1000 cubic feet.
Over fiOO cubic feet per month $3.00
per 1000 cublo feet.
Special rates for large consumption
given ou application to
)n Improved Ileal KMato, In amounu and
time to iult. A'o delay In conclderlug loans.
Hom 12. tfoi Hunk block. 5 I2d
yrbx. CflF
Bend lbs
Is often ruined by manufacturers whn
relying upon that alone allow the char
acter of their goods to- deteriorate. The
. 'ttawu.T-iiruiutc0
ZI Hnuk.
Condensed Milk
is alwavs th en.
r4. a iu.i !i . '. ;-. w.
ivcsl aaauicu uiui. iu sianaard of excel
lence is constantly maintained. tj
purity, Cleanliness, richness and perfec
tion of Drocess in maniifnrtiiro h ,....
1 been equaled. It stands First. It has
iur auiny icurs.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell It,
Take no substitute for the Eagle brand.
Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horns,' boarded tiy day or vrwk
Ht reaeonable prices. We keepa full Hue of Tfucko, Drajs and Excreta to
meet all demands. Also keep tbe finest Stallions in'tbis county, fersmlce
Barn and residence 2 block Bouth of pcstofilce. RYAN & CO '
Oniy One Cent Daily Newspaper
on the Pacific Coast.
Receiving all the
Associated Press
These low hard times rates enable every fanner to have
his daily paper and know the state of ttfe market and all the
news of the world.
Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited
bv its publ'shers to secure good government for the people,
able to deal justly and fairly with all.
Complete Telegraphic, State, 'Capital, For-
eign, Market and Crop News.
-nltti RIi-li-nMnnnrllrflDei
ory will cure vrltEout jnedlcUt
kllofUioabOTStroubiei. ThW,!',
roller from Nhttou OclllHJf
Ieaaea, Urnlns, J.qit BlV.t
M aWMnMM ai- Ml I MIDf Iff
Poor Memory, "II Ke."??!9 cf.?"
li1f.. .nil ..n.rrn III bllll
iUteeifeeUaf abuaes, ezctuu. wotri
orexposuro. vUlflod rellerind promi"
cure In oar manrelou. tntUA
which requlrri but trial to eonTtort
the moit keptlcuL InlgnorxnMOUt.
Xecu yon mar hare uo.iulr dniiiej
JonrTtem onerre force and "'"
-which la elecirlcliy-and tbM
earned yourweakueasorlacltot lorr
It you replace Into your t x""
eJemanUthua drained, which arei
oulrert tor Lmraiuitren(th.OU wu
tamoTe the cote and heaUh. itrenjia
and Tlgor will follow at once. TWJ
Sour plan and treatment, and
Si whom7 hiaAroQtDU."
ox wnora we ture stronc letters bearing-testimony to their recoiery alter Ming our Belt
, Portland Oraaoa. 8pUnbr J. aJ
Amf i i.i. rffF
mLMrEW 'WriffmmEMtfml
pp NP
I waa troabl
annoet a oompj
t?l VHi H,nf beat: "Uns. .toTT ! uia
1 liara (or Ug
n. t c.-.. ' '"J.Ureev'n. April 13 IBLtS.
-l . uauueu. VHTOnlKOLOI
UImZT. . a-T-T-..-
n - . tt --. -w ui xcar CIO
jw nui ao iot rneamtUim. from UI(-h 1 u td
lO-DUM 4
(orMfarel rear. Ir the pats tli moo
re. XoarlMltbaapUcedaialaatiOMt
ndlt. loan
been able tow
unriHiiuw rc Xour belt ha place
k " u iu in whu i tun o d it, tee:
"Vr u l,KX!l,T.''ti",7, a new mao i enerailr.
M. f. UUQUE3. to .pHetor International Usui
w.k,L'nB,In,De,,'.mr'--1 ? uImiou
Zlaotrio belt lor jrweral nerron csUUtr. and to-da
(eel bettar than Ihaia for ntajeara. I hare sained
Yooresratalally, OUi,lXnatXA.
. Or. A.T. Basdea. Dear 81rt-i-eara o( aPr2
hard work, oombtatd with the .train coohic 'JSl.
9r ch an enaina. vara aae a eevere caae "' VhJ
mat J could not bead n
Witil it- T kanark. jtn
in Ida of tw dm, aud f oonttni
month, belai perfect!
I am at ael
rtlroareX That wee tXJ9
know i oar bck wU, i
Hill LQeletn
I ber woo id
,Bm&JBBtoMmml PJ
t t it La wenid atnd It the aaiae a I
reaudria h -id. 1 "mleeateeas;
.andi lttiitutalkwilia.anaa
. i m d.-j.
. v t. &
y ? .
BBB iO,m
hltlhaeetMnamatlrbene&tad. I ?.'"'?? Si
Lelt I find myeeliteica aa noroua aa UforJ
namorj ia aunr
iur ie neater.
aains rse Belt.
. "rJTTiTi..
Ml wot. anu v-T k.M
Ill a complete aalranlo battery. na4e In
i puuuiina, pr toncea
eJivee iibuui
wea rn.j
Cr1nMf4r1v V V
UVMVMVVVeeWJell I" " " ' '"- " - rf
iitn. and will enTi t TZ.T'Ir ,.77"" f i" weaaneae in IiSi-
-" " " mnm mi. jta ereei lar aim mtunaaituw.
. ra.y. . .. .el. f kT