EVENiyg CAPITA!, JOTJItiNfLL, IHCXNDAY, OCTOBER 16, ,83. THE THE T0A3IP. - I I! .a yr fUBUHHIU) DAILY, KXCKFT SUND.VYj BT TBX Capital Journal Publishing Company." i'jstofflce Il'ock. Commercial Street. H0FE3 BROTHERS, - - -"Edltati." ially,r carrier, per miutbr Ually, by tuftll, pc jeur, Weetly.S pagw, per yenr,-. -tOfiO -300 ua UIB TAKIPF AND I'UICLS. We should l!ke4 to see the Salem JooKifjgivetffeattlfdCtory reasons to Bhoivtal th low price ef mutton sheep l6ue to the tariff. As well at tribute tbelow price of wheat to tbe BimV&use.. Wttat can theJot'RNAi say abwAftope? EogVn'e (Juardf. TrtSeriueatlonsvoblSIad to a long controversy ana obscure tne jsaue. What we sald'was that jjie democratic lann reiorm agnation naa aepressea prices and caused hard times. One effect of the present bard times among Sheepmen In Eastern Oregon is a necessary reduction in the wages paid to those in tbelr employ. The wool in dustry in that region is a great facto; of business prosperity, and, aside from fhcktnaster, there are very many de pendent upon the sale of (be clip in tin spring for the means of llvlihood. A DjIUs paper Is informed that theep herders will received less per montd than heretofore, and thut there will bt a general reduction of expenses In othei regards. This w ill bo a a loss to ever. community, and isom-ot tho many dis agreeable features iiicMent upon tbt tirlfl reform agitation. Every iudustrj baa suffered In consequence of Demo 1 oratic tariff reform; but noun more thai those connected with the growth aud manufacture of wool. As an illustration of the effect of the tariil reform crusudo aud the way it works we may meutlon the fact that a cargo of Australiau wool was lauded it Boston last month at seventeen cent per pound, aod duty to be added. No body wanted It and it was shipped back. Now why? Wool, according to1 all the statements of Democratic leaden ls to be put on the free list. An Amer ican manufacturer cau not pay that duty and make up the wool aqd isell it against goods made of free wool and he would not pay the duty. Wuilt th manufacturer baa nothing to lose bj free trade in wool, the uncertainty as to whether the country shall have free wool, or low revenue tariil wool, or high tariff wool, or free trade iu wool, ens, makes It unwise fir him to bu any kind of wool. Will some of the smart Democratic The army of tramps was never so large as this Columbian year. ' They havefbeerj a growing armWjtll over the world forome'tinie .andHhe financial and industrial disturbances under tbe Cleveland administration have bad a tendency-to precipItatemany.oveivthe I border of, tramphood who might other wise sun ue sen-sustaining cmzsns. Certainly never before did the tramps take possession of tbe trains as now. They have come out from under the cars and now crowd the platforms. The brakebeams will no longer hold them. Jji Texas they manned a train and ran tf seraljuilea the ofher day. Therere'niaBBliTi'dvIaborera among them. They may next take possession oShejIriifdeW Ubpsssengercars and may yet growisob5iu una' numerous as to eject theynanngeraiBf the Southern Pacific wbo employjftbouoanas bf Chi nese and,assume.control of the property jfhjmjjel vesJfer lly it is the age of the tramp, lie nourishes as he never did before. Here Lies! Epitaphy is a demoralizing kind of tauy. it appears on Uie tombstoue, ml euiogizt-s the dead, almost to , the" ven stare. The usual method of becln oiug, is: "Here lies." Very suggestive for the lies are fAtjuently quite aston ishing almost enough to to both amuse md amaze the dead uf whom they art written. A trutbful epitaph, in mauv ustauc-H, would Ih-: "Here lies one who omitted fb take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D scovery. If sick aud suffer ion, and dreading premature death, test the iiotcut remedy. It cures all hrouic, liver, blood, aud lung diseases, i biliousuess skin and scalp diseases, urofulous sores and sweliiugs, salt rheum, tetter, erysipelas, aud even scrofula of the lun;s (or Consumption,) if taken in time. Simmons Liver Regulator has nevei been known .to fall to cure sick headache. Tno Holding Oil of Train. To hold np one's tra'in well and grace fully is a desirable feminine accomplish ment. As a usual thing this gift is not acquired under a father's guidance not often through a fond mother's tuition. It is acquired by observation and prac tice on the part of the young woman herself. It litis remained, for the far W.est, to produce a father whose sis daughters he taught the art of holding up trams and stagecoaches. This they did with such ever increasing boldness that the charming half dozen aro now behind prison walls on a charge of high way robbery. In this raising of a fami ly of daughters to manage trains proper ly tho father took a leading part His girls adopted his raiment, aud in this manly garb went through the usual for mula known to robbers. Whilo this new avenue toward cm. wool experts, who have been insisting ployment for women can hardly become that manufacturers must have Austrn llau wool to mix with American wool to make some kinds ofoloth, please tell tho people why American manufac turer are not buying Australian wool for that purpose this yeat? The reason is that they can't do bus iness upon the uncertainties of Demo, emtio tariil reform. The whole coun try Is in that fix. Tho tariff reform gamblers toll the people they are going to give them freo trade and then leave them in a suspense that paralysis bus! ness until the fluances cau be agreed upon. In the meantime the Democrat o manufacturers aud Democratic con. gressmen having protected Industries appear before tho Democratic Ways and Means committee and arguo for protcctiou. Tho West Virginia congressmen have nearly cried themselves hoarse before the committee that Is framlmr a tarlfl bill for the same duties on iron, coal, wool and other products, claiming thut they have exactly the same resources as the state of Pennsylvania lylm alongside, Were t not for the Inter ference of the tariil reform gamblers in American politics, wool and wheat and hops would bring far dlQereut prices from hat the farmer is getting. THK PHEASANT CANDIDATE. Several newspapers aro advocating the candidacy of Senator Denny oi xumanu tor governor of Oregon bo came he imported tho Mongolian pheasaut to Oregon. II thought enough of his state while drawing 1, 000 a year as forelgu representative to nenu nomo a few China pheasauts that grea bone of coutoutloi between the farmora and sportsmen as to whether thoy aro ubane or a blessing. The State Press association recently uumumieu an aoi or toudyUm by adopt Ingr ft resolution to the tllect that the Mongolian pheasant bo hereafter called the Denny pheasaut. They thus would embalm the name of Deuuy forever In Itio natural Histories attached to u bird that by nil rights deserves Its Mongol. Ian name, As well strip It of its generic name uud hereafter let them be called Denny e. Judgo Denny Is a man of too much senso to long couulenauco such folly Mud if ho b.aa his atteutiou culled to It wll probably rauauueo all connection with It. Ho should no po at once aud spare his friends tho humiliation of being forced to bellov thut ho ts will lug to accept au ornithological honor tbjtt the great Audubon would never penult. popular even in Idaho, its manifestation certainly shows that woman's sphere in the west is a most comprehensive affair. Tho six Harvey girls must have been the pride of their poor old father's declining years. It was a Harvoy that discovered tho circulation of the blood in the hu man system. It has remained for a inoro modern Harvey to show how the knowledgo of train management can be practically applied to swell tho family lutumu. ruisuurg uuuetin. The Sen Ilulnn tho KentUh Coast. Great'njarm is felt at New Rorimey on account of tho encroachment of tho sea, wntcli has Hooded tho land for a distanco of two mllos. St. Mary's cpast guard station is in great xlangor, and the building is surrounded .by water, the wail iiavmg been washed away. Dyia church wall is also greatly damaged, and it is estimated that it will , cost 11,000 to ropair flio breaches. Tho lords of tho manor have been viewing tho damairo and tho ontlook is vprv gloomy. t i As regards New Romney, until tho op peal is sottled between tho Now Romney commissioners and tho corporation re specting tho "scotting" question, noth ing whatovor can be done. It is thought that tho damage cannot possibly be put right during tho next twelvo months. Thoro is np to the iresont one mile of tbe wall almost clean gono, and each imo is wnsninga more away. Galig nani's Messenger. STATE NEWS NOTES AND COM MENTS. Hop farming Is having quite a boon t Benton county's tax roll shows a de crease of $200,000. while Lincoln couu'y shows a train of f300,CO0. 4S00 Salmon were caught in Vaquina Bay one ulgh't last" week. Bad roads is tha 'difference between nowhere aud somewhere. The Forest Grove college has secured quite' 'a noted music teacher in Mis. Cooley, a graduate; of ISaw Eugland conservatory.of niusic. Tbe Drain Nnrrnal school has a class of forty-eiqht in(shortnand. L. McGregor, of Roseburg, ships a carload of dressed beef to Portlaud each week. E. P. Heuder?on, a pioneer preacher and teacher of Lane county, is dead. Major Loom's, of Eugene, will make the address at a rifle medal presenta tion and banquet to private Brumley; Oc 23d. The Yamhill County Reporter favors a limited referendum; Warfare against short weight butter has compelled McMiunvllle merchants to soil butter by"tbe pound, actual weight. A Yamhiil county man U going to manufacture hoops from poles. There Is said to be a good market for them. The railway employes of Pendleton have formed a union. Prunes shipped east fresh trom Hills boro netted 5J cts. The Barlow ThreeSisterssaysdurine the heavy rains oi last week a little stranger arrived at a home in that town, and demanded food and raiment. We have heard of frogs being rained down, but in Oregon it rains babies Must be a webfoot. The tramps are doing in Southern Oregon what the administration Is fall ing to do they are en forcing the Geary law against the Chinese. H. C. Moran. ofiMweet Home, sold forty head of cattle in Salem a few daj s ago, receiving l cents per poum', While In the Capital City he contracted to deliver 150 head of yearlings and iwo-year-oius at ish lake the 18th or this mouth. A man boldly walked Into a house at Albany at high noon and took a lady's watch ahd chain worth $75. He will go to the peniteutiary which is proba bly all he desires. The burglary was a very bjld one, and suggest into what straits men are getting, and that it is not safe to leave one's valu ables around eveu for a few moments. Judge Fullerton on Friday ordered the O. P. railroad and other properties of the company sold later than Decern bur 15th, The Sheriff will flx the ex act date. From what tho Judge says about the matter (he road will be sold this time, or it will be compelled to stop operations. ' xnero are igo puptis enrolled at the Jefferson Institute. A Ccrvallls paper learns the good news that the carriage factorvat that city will soon again be "on its feet" and in running order with a full com plement of worklngmen. This is due to the untiring efforts oflSuperinteud ent Sticker toward the end he has al most accomplished. :- v.-" V MRS. ELffiIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Or. aiiltt STedteal Co., Elkhart, Ind. Diab BtES: Tor 20 years I xraa troubled with sd to sit tip or heart dlseoce. Would frequently have fallin? THOUSANDS fS spells and smotherlnc at niKbt. get nut of bed to breathe. Had paiu la my left eiaeanu dock moster ibeume; at loft I became uropMcai. i was very i.erroui ana nearly worn out. Iba least excitement would cause me to faint Iwa.1 much who umierme. jror too iut fifteen ycari I could not f-lccp on my left side or back until began taking your Am Heart Cure. I had not taken ltTery Ions until I felt much better, and I can now tlecp on either tide or back without the least discom fort I h3Te no pain, smothering, dropsy, no wind on stomach or other disagreeable symptom. I am able to do all my own housework without any trouble and consider myself cured. Etkh&rt, Ind . INS3. Mfa Elhtkjl Hatch. It H now four years since I have taken any medicine Am in better health than I hare been In 40 years. I honestly be- -. . . -, Here that Dr. 3IiUt Sne fTI 1 R T fl Heart Cur taxed mr life I-W and made me a well woman. I am now 2 years of age, and am able to do a good day's work. Hay 29th, 1S92. II m. Elxibj. Hatch. BOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. -'old by D. J, Kry, druggist. Balem DR. GUNN'S .ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE In rslslne a ttmilj of nlna children, my only remedy tar Coughi. Colds and Croup wu onion B7rup. It it Just as effective tc-dayaa It wu forty Sears aeo. Wow my grandchildren taite Dr. linn's Onion Syrup, which Is already prepared and more pleaaant to the taite. Sold everywhere. ui.wwnwun. iKsoaDnnurotsiorit Sold by Ba-kett & Van81ype. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, October 16, 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press were as follews: SALhil PRODUCE MARKET, FKUIT.I Apples 25c to 35c. a bushel. Peaches C5c to 75 a box. v Cjpsf ?&5t3 fts3?ur? &&g2mM STACE GLINTS. Henry Arthur Jones will deliver the inaugural address at the City of LondoD college Tho new three uct comic opera, "Pet erkin," is n failure nt the Rovalty thea ter, London. Belle Clancey, a young American so prano, nieco of Bello Cole, has made a 'successful Londou debut. Rider Haggard's novel "Cleopatra" has been used by the Danish composer, August Euna, for an opera. il. B. Curtis is Koon coming from San Francisco to organize a company and begin a tour in a revised vertion of ''Sam'lpfPosen." Mile. 'Elba, a Scandinavian songstress, has replaced May Yohe in the leading part in "Mile. Nitouche" at the Trafal gar Square theater, London. The season ot grand opera nt tho re constructed New York Metropolitan Opera House will begin about Nov. 27 with Gounod s "Philemon et Baucis." Noah Brandt, many years concert mas ter of Theodore Thomas' orchestra, has composed the musio for an opera en titled "Captain Cook." which is being considered by the Bostonians. The book of Mascagni's new opera, "Romano," is based on a story byAl phonse Karr and ig being written by MM. Menasci and Tozetti, authors of the book of "Cavalleria Rusricana." George C. Jenks has signed a contract with "Ward and Yokes, tho comedians of- "Playmates," to write them a farce com edy in which they will star nest season. The title of the new piece will be "Tho Jolliers-." NOVELTIES. ALL OVER THE WORLD Ihcy are callinrr for ,v j shiDmenlc nrP ?n: ."?. other lands? The T "g 6AILB0RDEN EAGLE B It is the leading brand, fflj the test for 30 years. ItC? 1 it-nHine k- , ' " U ..uliuijj uul lilt ff-rinoi rr 1 rflmpmhr rliof I ' Vi W All Grocers and Drunnfcfc out. It is simply pure milk of the best quality from wnfch a lar-e percent, t xgSgjWOENBEpMTg H, . 4' s&nco. Sssssi iMiMW' has been evaporated. BUTCHER STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. ' Hogs dressed 6"to ?. Live cattle 1 to 2. Sheep olive 1.50 to $2.00. Spring lambs $ 1.60 to J2.00.J MILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale lots $3.00. Retail J3.40. Bran $15 bulk, $16 sacked. Snorta $17 $18. Chop feedjm.and $18. WHEAT. Old wheat on storage 4i cents. 'New wheat 46J cents. Perforated china is among tho prevail ing styles. Faience clocks aro shown with refer ence to room decoration. The tall branching candlesticks in Ger man faience are sumptuous. . A new glass brought out in shell forms is intended to suggest Egyptian wares that were found in Pompeii. It is odd. and the shapes are marine in their sug gestion. Tho white and ornamental glass vases wjth gold tracery, as seen in the new im portations, are further enriched by jew eling. Italian interlaced lines are con spicuous set with raised enamels. Tur- qnoise and ruby are the prominent tints. The tall vases of green glass reach colossal heights. One seen was 7 feet high. It was tall, ribbed and fiaringly mouthed. These glasses are intended for a few stalks only, and the stems and foliage seen through the glass are its special feature. "Wall cabinets, Japanese in form and black in color, are supported on twisted faience pillars. These have Dresden de signs nud raised work. Underneath the pillars is a sprawling cupid, on whose back the shelf apparently rests, and the supports are crowned by tiny figures. Jewelers' Circular. THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES lompieteq ana ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded h h. .. .1 line of Trucks, Dras and vJ!? . Stallion, in this wumv!ftH at reasonable prices. We keen a full meet all demands. AIbo keen the finpn Barn and residence 2 block south of postofllce. C0U?,' fntrh niAK 4 CO. THE PE OPLE'S DAILY Only One Cent Daily Newspape on the Pacific Coast, CHEiPEST NEWSPAPER II Receiving all the Associated Press Dispatches, The palio, a horso race run at Sienna, Tp-' m,3 ben an annual event since ICoO. The riders aro clothed in armor and armed with a whip made of ox sin ew. During the race the riders are al lowed to strike each other with their MM BY MAIL, PER YEAH, " a j, SDir Uow to Melt Brau. Put it in a sand crucible, add a little borax and set tho crucible down firmly in the fire. thai is It? Grape Vines for Sale. I baye propogattd several thousand Kood strong two-year old grant, vii"" for setting out, assorted varltles, suit able for culture In Oregon. 25 cts eneh 200 per drwri. E. Hofer. SafcrnW d w : Journal oillce. Blmmons Liver R-gulator has never been known to full to cure dyspeps" Pair Before Going to the Wojld's Enauire About ThoTiimlled Express trains of the Chi eiiRO, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway oeiweeu Ht- Paul and Chicago and Omaha and Chicago. These trains are vestibuled, electric lighted and steam heated, with the flu wt Dining and Sleeping Car Service In the world, The Electrlo reading light In each ouriu is me successful novelty of this progressive age, and la highly appreclat ejlbyRll reKu!ur patrons or this lino. We wish, others to know Its merits, as the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail ltv IH IUB IIIIIV MHO in 111) WU1 anU,. lug tho exclusive use of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest eoupou ticket agent, or address '; Ennv, General Agent, J. V. OAswY.Trav.Pasa. AcL 22.-) Stark St., FortlaudOr.tr Edwin Gordon Lawrence will star this season, upiortod by Little Lillian, the qhlld actress. . lie will opeti his tour ": "!"' mm win prouueo a new play in four acts entitled "A Pieco of Steel." Fanny Davennort is in i nm .,. Play written for her by Sard on, eo ru mor has it. Tho new work la tn 1 ,i fancy 121 18c. Ht'tlWwl nm-k. "If. 1 r. ""lu 'TO1 -uH.v, atm iMi3 Daventwrt hopes to produce it ut a Broadway houe lew Yorlicity. EdinnudE. Price's new uwlodwnm is wi.it waraposs and Dmj." ft -iii require five cmiipleta sots of ecem-ry, 10 speaking parts and 00 supernumeraries. Dartmouth prison aul a ImttledeU fur nbh two of the iiritu ital ecenrs. your J. H. HAAS, THE TOOnMAKBB, iwamKiai5t, , S'.m,0rt.. (Nexi door to KJMo'fcJi WatoiKH ana JviVf . TDTFfl PILLS cure Blck hedaoUp, THE OLD FRIABLE mm mi market, J. IT. ALLEN, Prop. The very best or iiiata t ajj ., nutl ihp lt of eervlee, uw' lijrOppoalte Wade'aetoro, Au Interrttin? Kient. 'Gniuoa Another inermse iu family, eh? Son or a dam.i,t PiS!v(s!owUy-Son-in''a,w-Kt'' t" told a Washing nit. VIGOfi F M ft Eif, Oulcilx. Permtnintl; Rettored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, "fculUTY, wm 1 x- -N& vri I Zptwmmml m I&'Sr'RSKgjsS; Mmw, "wk, leitiiii, llrrp lu try orja iod Patina cf th boSr. KTS" JDiUur tapowttita,. W) rferncr.Bguk! xjitioiriSi pJa IIAV AND QKAIN. Oats old, S3 to 40c. new 25 to 30c ' 514. Wild in bulk, ?6 to J8. Barley-Brewing, at Salem, No. 1, 0o to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts. FAKJI PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17J to 18lc Eirgs Cash, 20 cents. Butter Best dairy, 25: creamery. 30. Cheese 12 to 15 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 25c. tn 40c. Ouions 1J. to 1 cents. Beeswax -34c Curawav seed, nmsoweu, iUJ. Uinseug, fl.40. HIDES AND PELTS. Green. 2 els: rirv. 4 el a- nlnun'n. 25 eta to 40c. No quotations on furs. ' LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 8 cts; broilers S; ducks, 8; turkeys, alow sale, choice, 10c: geee 7c. ' PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Fred, etc Flour-Standard. $3.25; Walla Walla, 3.2a; graham, ?2.75; superflne, $2.50 pvi uaun, Oats-Old whIte,33o per bu ; grey, 35c; S'iSkJa. baK8' f-25-60; bSwels W 767.00: cases. S3 75. ' Hay-Best, $1012 per ton. v ;"?" valloy, price nominal. Mlllstutls Bran. $17.00; shorts. $20- smuu unnrv, tn)-; COOp leetl, ?I8 per ton; whole feed, barley, 6085 per .. ....... umuuuuc, -in-o iwriou; orew- Ing barley, 0005o per cental: chicken wheaU $1 10T.25 per cental. Hops- Old, 10 to 16c, new 15 to 17. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery,271(a v&&aey llMry' -J250; wr togooa; 1720c; common, 15 to IGo per lb; Call' fomla, 303Jc i)r roll. ' t'neese Oreuon. (2i V'lf f..!... twins, 16o; Young AmerlcHti, 15o Der ner notiiulf Pniir.riu ftaiu i r Eu'trs Ojvcoh, 2Jo ier dozen. x-ouiiry-i'tiiokeus.old.ROOjbrollere. rue. SI 5V.S Oil! (limbo iM i nnrJ furtWruSiE?04-00' " SAN yRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oreimn TjifttArn nhnlu lv-i l&c U ,,,rrtI,or' 89J do vaHey, 12 HopsI?. ittuttoea-iriy ose, 3040. Bur- ERIE MEDICAL CO. I bank., .stxaaio. urrALo, H. y. OaU-MDling, f 1.8001.85, A substitute for lard? Upsetting the customs, hab its, and prejudices of cen turies? Yes, all this and more. Cottolene is a new cooking product it is bet ter than lard or butter for cooking, so say such noted housekeepers as Marlon Harland, 2tt,a,nBJDwer Fri?i,B,X?rune Hrflotfc Mrs-S.T. Rorer, Wrs. F. A. Benson. Amy Barnes, Margaret Wlster, and many others; it is healthier so says every thoughtful physician; and it is cheaper as every house keeper knows when she finds that one-half the quan tity answers every purpose. COTTOLENE is the purest clarified cot tonseed oil mixed with pure beef fat. It is the.5cook ing material ever devised for frying anything and everything easily digested and highly nutritious. Beware of imitations. Ajkyour grocer for the genuine Cottolene. Mads bt N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. DR. GUNN'S ntpsovxn LIVER PILLS iUr A MILD PHYSIC 4?JE.P,LL FR A DOSE. tk ui rniSLrr SPf'r mux unu t Bvil SaZSZtiZnX.Vfi 0 klr rTTTwhSgytfyiLW a box aao. ct4 - - WTHIII, ", T.ese ow-hard times rates-enable every farmer to InJ u, uuy Iper ana Know tne state of the market and i news of the world. Jiditonal comment is fearless and independent. Itih oy its publ'shers to secure good government for the peopl able to deal justly and fairly with all. Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, Fori eign, Market and ro.pJNews. GoDservalory of Music, lltotfe.fefi Willamette TTntvomtto ut - Scbool of moslo for piano, orBan.v'iollii! singing, orchestral instruments, narmo- i 7 ,: ' uBuei oreueairation ny .i l.i-i rr l -re i "u.oi uu uigner musical composition. Mo oetter grade of work done west of the Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven teachers. Next trm hoin. a .u fr annual year boob or address! u.. i arviD. jiuh. .iinornr mm,!..! . - V...., UIUDIU 8 9 2md&w Z director, C A N. frn fJW JCX. 2&lSi Ok aVCVflPS A ML Si A 1 iJ! IMPOBTANT. If you anticipate visiting the world's fair, or your friends in the East, take Hdyantaee of the present opportunity. rweiftlJ? are D0W so ,ow thev Clit figure In the expense. The Chicago & Northwestern Rniln-nv i,nw ..i.Si i aorvtno .u --.;:? .""'" I"-" " o..i , pu,,u. veiioniea train, between wLvnl11 ,and ,Cb,CflK. tue famous Wayner tourist cars, free reclining chair care and dlnlnt ir.n.r lt aW Y1111 the accommodations fur nlshed.ratea now offered, together with iv V K '" "vu'" me reacn or all For further information, apply to any' ticket agent, or write A. G. Banker, Gen'l Agt. 272 Washington street. Portland, Or. SMITH BROS., COKTRACTOR8 & PLASTERERS: FIIT1IETI1 TEAR. Oldest. Hlihpstnnd Most Ell Institution of Learning In tbeP iNortnwe8t. .BIxteencourseaoflnstruclIoD, f Grammnn thrntish AradetnlciDd I lege, to Theology, Law and Med!dj opienuia t;ourses lor iiwun- Teaching. TtiiKlnMH. Art. Elo and Mualo. Baveral Post GrtdE Courses. Stronger and better tbne It'a Woman's College afford wl home forrvouDi? ladies with nDSon facilities for their care and trBinicg- The school year opens f ept. 4, 1 For Year Book and all informs relating to scbool managemeot i course of study, .address, Actlnp Pre , W. C. HAWLEy, IJ Mx j Por financial Information, addraii -ORer: J. H. EOOBK, Agent, 8-224&W Salem, Oregon- MONEY TO LOAN On trnnroved Real Estate, in mdoobu ' .".. . . .. .. " U.ntf I FEAR t FORD, HoqbUXI BubBtik block. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Reduction ta 'Price of Gas. W ii ST. PAUL'S ACAI St Paul, Marlon County, 0rt Oondnc'ed by tbe lrter ofthe iWrSSio jesiuaaa Msrr. Tbe tomtion "l"-rL-ii tun bMlKd far hMlthful outdo "l xi. Vui can b raaUy recbKl by ?JZuti niuuneui1, in uauaiDC i nr -,. lkmta nnAil4Ma Kor farther jnutlcn'm ppy to "'f I Sold by BasktU YnSlyp. j from and after October 1st. iRaa Vi coa-eeorundrtaooniniMer price of gas will be as follews: iM)frapky tA Typewrituut I1 Less than 600 cubia feet ner mnnih f3.60 per 1000 cublo feeL Over 600 cublo feet "per montu 13.00 per 1000 cublo feet. Special rates for large odnsumptlou Kveu oa application to L. B. JtfcCLANE, Deutscher Advocat POSTOfFICE BLOCK. . - SALtH.l Admltt4 to praeUee in U eoaIZ