Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 14, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    ' - v-
iSVJfijNiJNu UAl'lTAli dOUtfljftAli, SATTJBCDAY, OOTOBKK 14, 18U8,
Mr. Ohas. M. Lauor
"Nerves Shattered
Generally broken down; at times I would
fall over with a touch of the vertigo j was
not able to go any distance from the bouse.
I was a nilacrnblo man. The day I com
menced on my second bottle of Hood's Sar
saparllla, I began to feel bettor and I now
Hood's Cures
feel llko a new man. I nm working again
and do not have any of my bad spells.
I have a perfect cure." Ciiaiilbs JL
Lauer, OGO West Market Street, York, Fa.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c
IliriiH'diPS IttcoramcniU-d For Contraction
of tlm I'lnjer Muscles.
Writers' crump consists of a spasmod
ic contraction of tlio muscles of tho
tlsnmb 4nl Papers, reuderiuj; them stiff
and nsuless nnd causing in soino cases a
considcntbla amount of pain. It comes
on gradually, rarely affecting those in
robust he j lth, but usually attacking
nervous anil exoitablo persons. As soon
as the person affected stops writing the
cramp censes, but returns as soon as he
Rara attempts it. People suffering from
this trouble try to effect a cure by mov
ing the wrist and forearm in writing
when It extends to these muscles. The
left hand is often brought into use, but
after a short time becomes similarly af
fected. Strenuous efforts are often made
when tho cramp sets in to overcome it
by muscular effort, and sometimes the
person is ablo to write for a few mo
ments, but tho result is a miserable
ppecimeu of penmanship and is often
illegible. In a short time, however, even
the power to hold tho pen becomes im
possible. The disease is unknown in childhood,
seldom coming on before the twentyi
fifth year, affecting men more frequent
ly than women. Writing with pencils
or tho stylographic pen is not liable tc
produce writers' cramp as in the sharp
pointed steel pen, the reason being that
there is less resistance. Tobacco and al
cohol in excet.3 are said to be causative
agents. There is n'so a certain heredi
tary tendency to cramp. Injuries to the
fingers and arm sometimes act as pre
disposing causes.
As regards prevention, a Boft stub pen,
smooth paper, a desk of convenient
height, with ample room to allow the
arm full swing, looso sleeves, using the
muscles of tho arm to form tho letters,
changing tho manner of holding tho pen,
using the typewriter, etc., all form im
portant factors in preventing the disease,
especially in thoso who experience such
premonitory symptoms as slight weak
ness of the muscles, slight pain and sud
den contractions and spasms of tho fin
ders. Tho best nnd quickest results may
bo obtained by tho uso of electricity,
massage und gymnastics. Absolute rest,
tonic treatment und change of climate
are advisable. When all methods fail,
the only alternative is to chango one's
occupation, that tho muscles may have
no cause for spasmodic contraction.
flow Satin Wat Discovered.
A century ago a silk weaver named
Octavio Mai during a dull period of
business was one day pacing before hit
loom, not knowing how to give a new
impulse to his trade. Every time he
passed the machine ho meditatively
pulled little threads from the warp nnd
put them in his mouth, spitting them
out soon after. Later ho observed a lit
tle ball of silk upon tho floor of the shop
and was astonished nt the brilliancy oi
the threads. Upon repeating tho experi
ment and oventually employing various
mucilaginous preparations he succeeded
in giving satin to the world.
iinu. tn Tukn Care of Fuchsias.
Fuchsias can bo grown from cuttings.
Plant them in sand and keep constantly
wet whether in sun or shade. Shoots
will Htart in ubout todays, nnd roots will
bo formed. Put tho littlo plants in small
pots in eoil composed of decayed leal
wold, sand and loam Thrso plants uped
n rich, light, porous soal. Keep the
plants lit n partially shaded pluco and
well inoibtened. LiquiJ fertilizer inny
be given, from UU0 10 J'110- Shower the
lenws often. This and a shady placocre
especially food for fuclibiaa. Tfioy run
be wintered in tuo cellar, whore (hey
will drop their lonvw. but will start now
growths m tlm Bpuug. Shift tho plants
beft.r'ti ) bcoo'iiu joi bonml Fertilize
twice u weeli.whea they are iu bud.
When pet nutloors, put thorn in a shady
pluco .
Jlow to Itrouxe riatr Cists.
Ditteolvo in a pint of hot water un
ouuco of enl ninmoutc. 8 ouaow cream
tartar and 0 of common tU thu add 2
ounce of copper nitrato iu another pint
of hot water Apply with a brush.
Jlow to Mate Hif rumou Dark Chocolate
Take.! squares of chocolate, theyolkoi
an egg and a half cup of sweot milk. Put
.. . . . . i... .... n.i.l utr until
tins mixture on iiwoiui" .. --
it is moderately thickened, then add a
cup of sugar, a piece of butter the else of
an egg, one-half cup of sweet milk. 1
cupa of Hour, a heaping teaspoonfnl of
soda nnd 8 of cream of tartar. Bake ip
How lo Detect Hard Water.
To a glaful add a few dreps of a
eolation made of soap and alcohol if
whlto flakes are formed, the water is
hard; if it remains clear, it U all right
now ttio Government Jlnna" to Secure
Information Privately.
After all that has been siid about the
vilenc-ss of the police system under the
empire, which rendered it almost impos
sible for any one to bo safe from espion
age, even in private life, it might well
bo supposed that the republic had done
nwny viMi thin mai-liiucrr for discover
ing u:..i weaving plots so much moro
suited to the ago of Louis XI than to tho
nineteenth century. It remains, how
ever, very much what it was 80 years
ngt. These things do not chango in
Governments go, and the forms of gov
ernment, and these are succeeded by oth
ers, but the good old abuses they must
be thought good by some people cling
to tho ship with barnaclolike tenacity.
French official organization is about the
most steadfast thing in the world, al
though all Frouch people to whom you
may hpealt on thf- subject ngrce thnt it
is very bad. It is almost as difficult now
as it was under tho empire to bo certain
that a man whom you may meet, either
in society or out of it. does not belong to
tho secret police.
All over tho country there aro mou
ohards a term expressing something
stionger than spies. I have been incon
venienced by them myself in the prov
inces. On ouo occasion 1 made a rather
long slay in a little place where there
were two hotels in fierce rivalry. One
day a brigadier of gendarmes came over
from a neighboring town on purpose to
mako inquiries respecting mo.
He did no trouble me, but he ques
tioned various people as to how I passed
my time, about how much I spent a day,
what sort of meals I had, and whether I
appeared to havo moro money than I
know what to do with. The fact was 1
was suspected of being a spy in tho pay
of a foreign government. As I consider
a bold front to bo tho best whenever
thero is anything of this kind in the air,
I got myself driven over thegendarmery,
which was about eight miles off. and
there had it out with the brave briga
dier. I soon discovered that nn informer had
been at work and that the informer was
no other thau the keeper of the rival
hotel, who for years had been receiving
pay as a member of the secret polico.
Situated where he was he must havo
been absolutely useless in that capacity,
but at one time he' must havo done a
service to somebody.
It is especially in Paris, however, that
that tho secret polico is supposed to bo in
dispensable. Every government wishes
to be kept well informed as to all that
goes on in an enemy's camp. Such in
formation can only bo obtained from
those who are willing to play tho part of
a traitor or whoso position enables them
to observe what is going forward with
out exciting suspicion. They are tech
nically termed "indicators" und may be
long to either sex. When the Boulan
gist movement was convulsing Franco,
the government had a great advantage
over its opponents by handling of the 60
cret fund and the secret police.
Boulanger's footsteps were dogged ev
erywhere, and somehow M. Constans
learned all thnt ho wished to know con
cerning tho plans and doings of tho con
spirators. An importunt point in this
system is to make the "indicator" feel
suro that whatever happens he will not
bo betrayed. Tho minister of tho inte
rior or of jnstice never asks the names of
thoso by means of whose espionuge cer
tain political information has been gath
ered. Tho money given for dark services is
paid from hand to hand in cafes or other
nonofficial places by commissioiinaires,
and tho name of no auxiliary outside of.
the ranks of tho regular police ever ap
pears in a book. Is it impossible for the
government to do without this abom
inable system, so opposed to the ideal of
a democratic state? Tho Cottu-Soinoury
scandal has led to much discussion on
this question. Boston Transcript
An Obtuse Iliigllkliinati.
A Mr. Kirbell, who had never been
out of Englund until he went to Vienna,
seems to' havo been a typical Briton and
stubbornly insular to the extent of re
fusing to alter tho timo of his watch as
he traveled eastward from England. No
argument would induce him to budge,
and when at Vienna lie uroso ut un
earthly hours nnd perambulated around
tho city alone, having persisted in being
guided by his watch, stoutly assorting
that tho foreign clocks were all wrong.
Kirbell was very anxious also to keep
a record of all the places he visited nnd
always jotted down in his pockotbook
tho names of the various stations ho had
btopped at or passed. "How curious it
Is there aro so many stationsof tho same
name," he once remarked to a fellow
passenger, who replied that he had uot
observed it. Kirbull then showed his
record to prove ho was right, nnd. sure
enough, over and over again occurred
the word "Ausgang" (Exit), which ho
had confidently entered as tho name of
many stations passed on the route. San
Frauclsco Argonaut.
StHinlanU of Jleusureiurut.
The "foot" Is named from the length
of that member in a full grown man
Some say that it was so calltJ from the
length of the foot of a certain cngnsn
king, but it is believed to have been a
standard of measurement among the an
cient Egyptians.
The cubit in from the Latin cubitus,
an elbow, und is the distance from tho
ellww to the id of the middle finger
Fathom U from the Aryan, fat. to ex
tend, and denote the distance from tip
to tip of the fingers, when the arms ol
an average tzd wan are fully extended
St. Lout Republic.
ltrr of I lit rod art I on,
in ..ritimj a letterof introduction cars
should be taken that no rqnts are
made that will involve the recipient in
anv trouble R-roember tbat social at
tentions are u,t always ewy to render
and therefore the Utter uld entail
only minor court" not apt to pot wj
ono to any Inconwieuce.-PbiUdelpbi
tnfnrmRtlon (.'imc-tiili.-- nlr ; urma Mid
LucRtlon of I'mln Oi .ine.
There w no fixed nj'? fir the construc
tion of under dwitis, iys I. B. Pott-- hi
Goo-1 R ad' Tin primary obj.-ct of i .
foiuiof drain is to provide au mulct
ground riittuticl which h!ih11 inviN' au.l
carry off tln -mrplus water wiiwh sat
urs textile cm Tounding earth nbovu tho
level of the drain. Any form of under'
drain which permanently r.wociplhiies
t'.ite ronlt n tj.iod, nnd a drahi '. r i?
not permanently good might better have
been left numide. To construct a good
drain requires no elaborate outfit, and
tho common i-ei'-w selection and uso of
materials tumid iu most neiglilorhoods
will generally suffice.
Draiutile should bo used if possible.
It is cheap, plentiful and makes a per
manent, and substantial drain, insures
an ample, uniform nnd constant chan
nel for the flood of water and is far nnd
away the best channel for ordinary road
ilraiui'ge that hai yet como into common
Iu the matter of size n drnintilo hav
ing an inner diameter of 51 or 4 inches
will generally bo sufficient for tho under
drainage of a 80-foot roadway and in
many soils of even n greater width. A
greater diameter may always bo used to
advantage, and a 0-inch pipo is none too
large to improvo tho condition of the
roadway, siuco tho larger pipe invites
tho entrance of warm air in spring nnd
quickens tho thawing of tho frost and
tho drying of tho earth which surrounds
tho pipe.
Draiutiles should be carefully laid,
and since this work Is designed to be
lasting nnd is always troublesome to re
pair it is best at tho ontsot togivodue
attention to tho work of making it per
Thero is variety of methods followed
by different authorities in tho making
of tile drains, and most of them are
good and none positively bad. It is idle
to tako sides in a controversy which
serves no gbdend and settles no im
portant dirferenco. Tiles should bo laid
true to giade, evenly und substantial!
supported by tho soil beneath and nt the
sides and covered in such manner as to
prevent the introduction of silt, mud
and other foreign substances into tho in
tetior of tho pipo.
This is accomplished in most cases by
a layer of straw or coarse marsh grass,
over which is carefully placed n consid
erable depth of rubble or field stone nnd
tho whole topped off with a material
composing the macadam surface. Soino-
times tho rubblo or field stone is placed
in direct contact with tho pipe, being
carefully laid ngainst it on either side to
support it in constant position, while nt
tho top of tho stone layer Is placed a
compact layer of sod. which sorves to
prevent tho passage of earth through the
loose stone mid into tho channel of the
But excellent drains are often made
without tho uco of drain tile, nnd where
tilo cannot bo readily obtained other
methods may bo sub" itutcd with ad
vantage. In still, fir.ti soils drainage
has been very well effected by Bimply
digging u uniform ditch of tho proper
depth, form nnd grade and filling it to a
depth of two or threo feet ut tho bottom
with irregular liowlders and rough field
stone of such Bizc and shape as to insure
a loose, open structure through which
tho water will readily pass. Over this
is placed a layer of sod, straw or cparee
marsh grass and tho top finally com
pleted with tho material which forms
tho roadway surface.
A somewhat more elaborato yet vast
ly moro efficient form of draiu can bo
made by tho uso of rough stones and
consists in tho selection of flattened
stones of a moderately uniform size nnd
so laid nt tho bottom of tho trench that
the edges of adjacent stones rest against
each other o ns to form an angular
opening through which tho water may
pass, as in tho case of n draintilo. Tho
bottom or channel stones uro then cov
ered with coarso rubblo or field stonos,
over which is pluccd tho usual layer of
6od, straw or coarso marsh grass, and
tho trench is then filled to tho top with
earth conveniently nt hand.
Ilrlji I'rom tlis Ilullroad.
A few of tho railroad companies have
definitely offered free transportation of
materials for tho construction of public
roads. This cou'.d not bo asked, of
course, from tho companies generally.
But if they would take the mutter into
consideration as one of vital impor
tance, iu viow of tho fact that railroad
transportation will be necewary for n
great share of tho materials used for
rond improvement, and establish such
rates for road materials ns they can well
afford (regarding the sumo ns u contri
bution on their irt und proportionate
to their interest) they would do more
to promoto tho early success of road re
form than can bo done by any other
ageucy in the country or uy on oiners
LegUlator Slow to Act.
rm,n nmtAtinn for the bettor roads has
rA i .n,vtfiintJiih(id its imrtiOM in edu
cating public upinlou up to the stage of
demanding tmprovwj wyjnwrt m -that
our lejfUlature will not presume to
.ii.,..r.i in tliu moantimo Mine edu
cational work can be done by individual
townships improving tutuigumiy wnn
in their boundaries, but road iuiproro
,nt nn n avtttein needs a larger field
and a freer seer. This winnot be ob
tained until we secare the neefcMory leg
islation. Philadelphia Press.
The lloatU of Georgia.
Georgia ought to take the HveJleet in
terest in the subject of road reform, for
ehe is cursed with bad roads and a
thoroughly inadequate and wreteheU
public road system, Colniabu En
Old Time Cure.
In mcdiravultimtai'n child did not lenrn
to wulk with readiness tho wise wizard
would direct it to creep through a black
liprrv hush which had tho canes bent
down to tho earth nnd rooted by their
tips. At the present it would be m
pleasant nntl emcaeious tor ino tnruj
toddler to creep among it fow barbed
wire fences, and it would be moro in
keeping with tho keen spirit of this ngo
of wire.
One f the lon.liutr sources of Income
to tho old herbalist was the compound
ing of love powders for despondent
nvnius una heartslclc maiuens. it n pow
der would not bring tho desired relief,
various juices of roots aud herbs were
mingled in a potion nnd sold as tho lov6
phial. Hero is an old recipe: "Jlistlotoa
Iwrries (not exceeding- nine in number)
are steeped in nn equal mixture of wino.
beer, vinegar and honey.
"This taken on nn empty stomach bo
fore going to bed will cause dreams oi
your future destiny (provided you retire
beforo 12 o'clock) either on Christmas
ovo or on tho first and third of a new
moon." Perhaps as a lingering remnant
of this absurdity thero Is n curront no
tion in some parts of tho world today
that n whole mince pie eaten nt mid
night will cnuso tho reappearance ol
long departed friends, not to mention
tho family physician and tho moro inter
ested members of tho household. Chau
tauquan. Getting ou u Street Car.
Did you ever notico a man who is go
ing to get on a street car wlnlo it Is in
motion? Ho comes down off the side
walk nnd stands along the sido of the
track quietly till the car almost reaches
him. Then he walks ahead n fow feet
and prnnces about liko n string haltered
horse, awkward as a Shanghai roostoi
that wants to fight. Just ns tho cai
reaches him ho takes two or three stops
sideways, and at last, confused as a
schoolboy, grasps the hand rail and clings
on llko n man who Is drowning. Colo
rado Sun.
A SliittcrorTlme.
Waglcigh How did you liko that din
ner servico I sent you today, dear?
Mrs. Wagleigh Oil, it is perfectly
lovely, but thero are only 01 pieces in it,
and you know the set uininmu has con
sists of 117 pieces.
Wagleigh Well, dear, don't let that
worry you. After Bridget Iia3 handled
it for a week or. bo it will be in n good
many more piece-s than that. Exchange
Only One Week.
"Did you know dis is mamma's birf
day?" asked littlo Bessie of tho culler,
"No. Is it?"
"Yes, and my birfday is next Monday,
Mamma is a w'cwk older dan mo." Har
per's Bazar.
Turkey's Formidable Guns.
In 1-178 Moliamuied II, iu forming
the siego of Scutari in Albania, em
ployed M heavy bombards, tho light
est of which threw n stono uhot of
370 pounds weight, two eont shots of
000 pounds, ono of 7C0 pounds, two
of 850 pound), ono of 1,200 pounds
(ivo of l,f00 nnd ono of tho enormous
weight of 1,040 pounds, enormous
oven in tlieto days, for tho only guns
whoso shots exceed tho heaviest of
theso uro our W ton guns, throwing
a 1,700 pound projectile, our 100 ton,
throwing ono of 2,000 pounds, and
tho 110 ton, throwing nn 1,800 pound
shot with a high velocity.
Tho stono shot of Mohammed's
guns varied between 20 nnd 82 inches
in diameter, about tho height of n din
ing table; 2,531 of them fired on this
occasion weighing, according to n
calculation of General Lefroy's, nbout
1,000 tons nnd were cut out of tho
solid rock on tho spot. Assuming 21
inches as tho averago diameter of
tho shot fi.fd ut tho siego, tho total
area of tho surface dressed was near
ly 32,000 square feet. At this siego
the weight of tho powder fired is es
timated by General Lofroy to havo
been 250 tons. At tho niego of Rhodes
in 1-160 Mehainmed caused 10 basilisk
or doublo cannon to bo cast on tho
spot, throwing balls 2 U 3 foot in di
ametor. Chambers' Journal.
Rick Headache ' rrliera all the troubles loci
dent u a Mlloui stats of lh system, such a
iJlulness, Naux-a, Drowsiness, Distress afUr
eating, fain in tlm Biile, &o. While their tnott
remarkable success has been shown la curios
fleadacbe, yet Ci Tin" f.rmx Liver Viua
are equally raluable la Constipation, curing
and proYer.ting this annoy Inj coioplalrt. wblla
they also corrrr-t all disorders of the stomach,
UmuUte the liter and rcfuiila lb bowels.
Eren U they only eure4
,eh thy would to -Imor4 friclM to tboM
.L -..MTm tmnm tfllst Siftf rstiir aOf nFi!! tif t
but fort una td J their goolne ioe iwl end
J ai..a.a Ufk y.r fr lliatni will flrLrfl
thfrM UuUf riU v&Ju-ble la o rotor wart lluu
trr will uoi I wilbnj lo do without Um,
Is the bane of so many Urea that here U where)
we make our great boast. Our (ilUs cure It
while others do not.
CxBTca a Lima Uro Ttum am eir II
snd fery easy to lake One or two pills make
a dose. Tbey are strictly trrrtable and fio
notirriporfure!. but by ll.afrproUe actlj
rJeaMallwboUM utn In UU at 83 cents)
fare tor f 1 SoU erery wbr, waeotby tuai I
asm jarucn ., Tat
killi bite. Mhk
fiWR h
g pius. LJ
VfleTCa"a - la - B - sfWnB - a -
5 3
What Is tho condition of yoM? Is your dutfr Mr.v, '
fiarsh, brittle? Docs it split at the ends? HasMt-a 1
lifeless appearance? Doe3 it fall out when combed or '
brushed? Is It full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch? j
Is it dry or In a heated condition ? If these arftsoHio f i
yoursymptomsbo-warBcdiHtlmeoryouwillbcconto bold. '
SkooKum Root Hair Grower I
IswhatTounted. Its production la not an accident, tint the result of dntino i
research. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the dlicor. i
ery of how to treat them.
iiww vjo, uuiBueuynuuiiT
the follicles, ttopt falling
nr Reep the scalp dean,
and dettrov thg hatr.
mu u;o oi &ook un ocin
If Your druarlit cannot
prepaid, on receipt ot price,
j.. r --..------ w
perjeUTI W4V 4W
"ASffrwT y "" lft, AYtmne. Tori., K. V.
T. .1. KIIESS.
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 30th and Cheroeketa BtreeU
Geo. Fondrich .t
Host meat and free delivery,
136 btate Streot.
Gcnculoirlciil Iteiui
Franlcln Knickerbocker Your genoa
logical trco has many serious caps in it;
Thus I find thero is no mention mado
of it great-grandmother on tho father's
Frauloin Half Shoddy Ah! you seo,
my grciit-KTOiul father was it confirmed
bachelor. Btaats Zeitnug.
A riensaut Outlook.
Young Tntter I Bujiposo, Miss Clara,
you expect to bo Bottled in your now
homo iu Now Jersey very poon?
Miss Pinkerly Wo hopo to bo, Mr.
Tuttcr, nnd I trust you will ran out nnd
seo tin.
Young Tutter Thanks, What was
your futhor'3 idea in getting away from
Miw Pinkerly Ho sajd ho wanted to
livo in it pluco whero ho could keep n big
dog. Jersey Ilonies.
Ronieinber that proper cultivation and
uso of tho voice not only add to iU beau
ty, but prevent it from becoming pro
maturely old, worn nnd cracked.
Tho largest cut stones in tho world are
in tho Temple of tho Sun at Baal boa
Many aro moro than 00 foot long, SO feet
broad and of unknown dopth.
j Hair Death
InKtautly removesand forever destroys ob.
Jwllonulilo liulr. whether utMin tbe hands,
iluw arms or neck, without discoloration
Mirlolury to the most delicate skin, ll
. . . r .'...- .. . . . . . .: . 7 .
vTHsiur nuy yirs ino secret -ormu'aoi
Krasmus Wilson, ucknowledeed by Dhysl
ilans as the hluhest authority und the
nosi eminent dermalolotcist and hair e
:lallsttluit ever lived. Uurlnshls private
jraciic oi a uie-umo iimong mo iioDiniy
tod arlstocrucy of Kurope he prescribed
IiIh recipe, l'rlce, f 1 ly ni'ilf, sourrly
ack-rl ('orrespoudeoceoonfldentlal. Hole
iicntuor America. Aaaieut
epU It. 67Houth filth Aveuue.New Vork
ifvinnnnnnnnnnn nn1 tioo mnnnnm
v. ii. n'Aiiov,
UEO.O. lllNailAU.
D'AllOV A lllNOJIAM. Atiorneys at law.
Jtoomsl. 2 and 8. 'Aroy llulldinir, 141
8utlfl street. Special attention given to bcM
newt In the supreme aud circuit courts of the
state. 'i 11
rnll-MON KOitl), Attorney at law, Halem,
X Oregoa, Ullloa up stairs In ratten block
J. IJiauKH. Attorney at lawtalem, Ore
gon. Ulllce over Uusb'a bank.
J . AtUirneys Ht law. omre over Capital
National bank, Halem, Oregon,
JOHN A. OAIHON, Attorney at law, rooms
S and 4, ilusb bank building, Halem, Or,
BUNHAMA HOI.MKH, AtUirneys at law.
Utiles In liush block, between Btatoaud
xjurt, on Commercial street.
i oiiTTIiAV n is, ArniiiNKy-AT.i aw.-
t) iVilleo.loui mads and promptly rrinllled.
iluiphy block. Cor Htate and Commercial
trti Halem, Oregon. lf.
Wv. KNIUHTON Archllect aud superln
leudenU Office, rooms and llusb
Ureyman block. 0- IU!
MK. l"OCJUK, Ht-nographer and Tjf
, wrlUt liestequlppe'l tyjiewrltlngor
but one In Oregon. Over uusb'a bank,
CJ'lKXliA HIIKItilAN. Typewriting aud
O oiminerclal s'enoaraphy, rikim II, Oruy
block. Urst-claMi work. Mate reasonable.
Dlt A. DA VH, LaU l't Graduate of New
York, give special attention to the (lis
ease of woiiko ond children, rose, throat,
lung, kidneys, skin dlivaaM and surgery.
Ollleii at rtMdinee, I"' tt street. Oonsu'lu
Hon from ui via in and 2 to j p.'", 7-J4m
fj c7lilKlWNI l U I'liyiidan and Hur
O, gMin. om-e, Murpby blo.k; reetuence,
if o-iiiii' rolai street.
l-vlUT O HMiril, Dentut. W BlaU street
J Hilem. Orejou. yiulshed dental opera,
Uous of evrry deacrlptlou. I'alnlcM ,ojcra
llonsaspeeialiy. WH. i'OUH, Archlleet. plans. seelllra
, tloas and superloleudrnre) for all
ilin erf buildings. Onlce 'JM Commercial
tret, upstairs.
1 I Meets In their ball In Hlate Insurance
I .... I l.l l ii vrv Wednnulaveeenlns'
' a. w;dknnw,m.w.
J. A Hrll'WOOU.Ittoorder.
ol Music, Dresden. Oermauy. Vcretl swiviklaa I rtsil rtlrir ttt VrriaK
I and U.rmso at wiilamwte UulToislty. . ..
lloonu -7, lUsk Uuuaiiig. 0-MA
B - TiVuu6ofs VVrVW''A . .. . j . I g.
Skooknm',contalnsneltheriilnsralsnorolls. It i
cooling sou roiresninE Tnmo. torsumujatinif
hair, cures dandruff an. prows Aair oeM3 ,
healthy, and tree from ln-IUtlne. ernpUnns, br '
fiwn. it ucsuojb STarusuie f luscis. irAtea Itttl c
incnlr Ten (end direct to ea. and we u
urawer, (UN per bottle i for M.
vm rorwara i
-- w er -"- ,-. .-4-, , ,
-Brick and Tile-
Take It
Only 3 oenta a-tiny jdellTered at
your door.'
P. O. Blook.
The House Mover.
451 Marlon Street
lias the best facilities for moving and rais
ing houses. Jboave -order at Ureyliros;, or
address Bolem, Oregon.
Front TwmiBal or Inferior Foiots ths
liTriflTin FQ011
I Is the line to take
To aQ Points East and Soutb.
Itllthedlnlncearronte.iltnins thrrmuh
1 1 the dining carronte.ilt n
itlbule trains; overy day It
voatlbule trains; overy day In the year to
;(No ohange of cars.)
Composed of dlntngean nnanrpassed,'
l'ullman dm wing room sloepen
Of latcflt equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Host that can be constructed and In whlob
accommodations are both Iree and fur
nished for holders of first and second-class
tickets, andl
Aoontlnuoca line oonnosllng with all
lines. aDordlng direct and uninterrupted
l'ullman sit r """ -rations can be sc
curod Inadvicco i.,U any agent of
tho road.
Through tlokeU to und from all points
In America, (Cngland and Kurono can be
purchnsed at any ticket omce of this com
pany. Kull Information conoen. iuj; rnle, time
of tralui, routes andotber details' furnished
on Application to any stent or
Assistant General i'aaseni.-er Agent, No.,
121 First street, our. Washingten: i'ort-l
land, Oregon
Blf AW & DoWNINf), AROtltP.
Hotel Houterc'.
Newport, - Oregos.
Located on tho Ueaoli,twomlleHnoMI
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully
sheltered pot, wonderful scenery, bos
batlilnir, flno driven to Cape Foulwcuth
or HguliiouBe. Houso new, rooms lurgt.
nnd airy. Finest resort for famlllea or
Invalid". Open all winter. Termf
moderate by day or week, Intending!
vlstlorH can drop a postal card to Mew
port nnd bo met by hack.
John Fitzi'atiuck,
d-2-rn Proprietor.
1 DAYS to
Hour's thB ""''e,"0 mi
Ifmipo Quicker to Omaha and Kan-
HUUIO $aS (Jly
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleper, frte
necllnlng Chair Cart, Dining Cart.
k or rates and etkal Inforrtmuoq ca.ll oi
W, II. MUIll.lIUnT, AMt.f r.
i Waahlngtiia i.. VotJU
I'.ibtlakii, liani
HALKM, ... Orgn
1'rlraU work a specially.
O, B. 0UCMKMT, Manmjer .
Northern Pacific Railroad
sLa Bl tXP
On Meter System,
ThotHlra Light and Tower romprfny at
prc-it rxperiM have equipped tuelr Kltxtna
Uuhtril'int wltli the most mod. rn aprnratn
Mid nrcMiTiy i bio o otltt the public n better
llKht thatbiinrt kv.lein nnd at a rain In'trsr
than uuy oily on tho coaat.
Arc iiurt Incandescent light;
lug. Electric Motors ior all
purposes -where power is re
lUs I coifs cim ba wired for an ronnr llfthta
an dentrctl and the roumimrr nay for only
auch itrfbta as aro nted. This being rftjtstejed
by an Kleoina A oter. Office
179 Commercial St.
HUNT, the NoflhSa'cmBEtckr,
8ay-lio hits rot Bold out bnt
aluiply inovtd hts f hop to the
old stand at Ubetty- strott
David MClllop,
Steam Wood Saw
Leavot orders at Salem Im
provement Co., 03 State street.
E.W.HADLEY, Receiver.
Leaves San Francisco, Oct. 7th, 17th nod 27 h.
Leaves Yaqulno.Oci, 2d, 12th,22d nnd Nov.27t!
For freight nnd pnsenger rates apply to any
igent or purser of this company.
It. K. n ULUAU Y, aen'l SupU
C.T. WAltOI.AW T K.1H A.
O. M. roWEita, Agent, Pa'cm Deck.
(Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lmim.)
Two Through Trains Dally.
I Htl'aul a
8:10a ui
l l)ulutu..a
1 . Ashland, a
Tickets sold and baggage checked through
to all points In the United Htates and Canada.
Close connection made In Chicago with all
rains going East nnd Houtb.
Kor lull Information apply to your nearest
Icket agent or JAM, O. I'ONIr.
Uon. t'sss, and Tkt. Ant.. Chicago, III
East and South
Southern Pacific Company.
60 a. in
tO-IR a.m.
Lv. l'orttaiid Ar,
I.v. Halem l.v
. I ft
Ar. Ban Kran, Lv,
7.-op, aa
Above trains stop at all stations froM
Mortland to Albany Incliulvo; also atTancent
-( tied (J, Ilalsey, ilarrlnburg. Junction City,
Irving, Kusene and uli stations from KoAeininc
o Ashland Inclusive.
ww a. ta.TKvT FoTtlaud" Xr.T"iiiim,
11:17 a. m I Lv. Ilalem Lv. I 1:10 p. iu.
;0 p. in. Ar. luweburg Lv, 7;0Q a, m
'itOHKUUnOMATi. iia'ii.y.
Dining fnrK on Oglon Route
Second Class Slueping Cars
Attached to all through trains,
iVcst Side Division, lletwwa PvtHisi
asi! Cervallis:
7wia. iWilina Ar. I os.tip.'io,
Iifel6 p. m. I Ar. iyrvalll . lty' Lf?'" !f!:."f
At Albany and (lorvallls connect wltn
trains nf Oregon IVrino Ilallmad.
H:lip. mTTtv. lrortiand "
7Mi. m.lAr. McMlnuvllle
Ar. I ik'HSm.w,
It. I &fOa.m
To alt point In the Ka.ttni males, Canada.
suu r.urojm can oe ouuinea at iowev ratea
ruin nr. n, iniiinKs, Agent, mucin,
K.P. HOOKltn, amu u. if. end rtias. Ag't
myMWMthsm? WhM ssxt 14 s try psJr
rR iy
lfMW ! DMN IM0L Mt tfs West
A taUblaV TkMt sM sMmI W (iMsMM RsLal Mki iMsl Assi
MMHMti rfMvlfNteaalsysMresri
O w ty furttwsfptf W, L 0g tsss, Ma sat
ftkt i tmos m Is Mbm, leek fcf K va ym kty
10. tn SMMIiHUUI, VntMea, Ma. 9M t
4.HM 1
tin sMIV
SfAB lll alalslslslsHLIIaisK
" snsaflv,aBaBBSMSMrlm S.