Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 14, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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r' " J"iMM
86 eta. a aaoatk by Mstil
Prepaid In Advaace.
No Papers Sent Whew
Time 1a Oat,
Associated Press Daily News-
paper Published on the
Pacific boast.
$3.4)0 a Year.
1 VOL. 6.
NO. 243.
i i i
iinmu i
Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Senators Playing Par
liamentary Tricks.
For Rcfusiug to Cast His Little
i Anipc r.i oaks RFMnnFl FD. A SPECIALTY.
J J I V 1 1 . ... . Grtnlieniens. Clothincr Cleaned. Dyed, Repaired and
Ladies and Gentlemens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Cleaning and Pressing Gent's bull $2.00 to $2.60.
n Todies' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Tlvlncr. fin ran Is to 1.00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below Smith & Steiner's drug store. Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Affairs Reaching a Critical Pass
iu Washington.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt ami
Smoked Meats of allKIiids
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
Here is a chance of a lire-time. Why
appear shabby when you can have an
,.lnunt anlr for
T KFBENSTEIN, 308 Commercial Street, Salem.
J. RUBLNM Li, ftdo order aud ceaned or repa,red.
lUcic, &,HnpW
1lvijij rJult lul ipitvU
Lamoureux's Stables,
mla hap nnnr hnrt&S. '
WfcO UUI Jww.
-i s- r
BURROUGHS State Street
Cl. n. Iliwivi opnOLSTBRBK.
Recovers and repairs upholstered fuVnl.ure. Long Erlence in rmle
SSS.U"uWSS block, Ceke,a street.
77 7rIiZi r C Book &Job
lnewesirriiiiiiiis --printers.-
. -Pimt Mass work. Reasonable prices.
Special attention to mall order?. JHrst class wora. 0ttgon
S03 Commercial St.,
,., i nn(l have your clothes done up in
If you would he clean and naje yuu
the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to
.here all work is done )y &ig$
mflnnnr. " T.ihortV Street.
The Senate Struggle.
Washinoton, D. 0., Oct. 14. The
tangle which resulted In tbeadjoun;
mentof the Benate last night was the
result of a cleverly devised scheme
worked by Dubois and Teller. They
discovered that while there was a quo
rum present for all purposes where pairs
could be disregarded, there was not a
quorum on points demanding observa
tion of r,alrs. Teller also discovered
that the rules provided that a public
document whh h had once been re d
could not again bo read, except by un
inlmous consent. Peffer was speaking
it the time and soon fl-died up a public
Teller raised the point of order
as?alnst reading. The chairman decided
the polut and au appeal was taken.
This was what the sliver men were
ooking for, aud a roll call was ordered
.hnwlni no auoruin present, men
the repeal men stepped into another
trap. Vilas tried to force Dubois to
ote. After a long Oeoate an euori.
ivas made to take a vote, that the sen
tn ..nt ..muse Dub is from voting, re
.ulting in another lack of a quorum.and
the senate was forced to adjourn. The
pending question is tb effort to make
Dubois vote, and if. Is Vilas's Intention
to have Dubois ceusured.
At 11:30 p. m. last night, a long
wrangle was precipitated by. the refusal
of Dubois to vote to make a quorum, on
the plea that his duty to his constitu
ents could be best served by his remain-
!., oint White, of Louisiana, maue
a fiery speech, In which he declared the
senate made ItBflfasunjecioicouieuiHi.
,i ,.nnnm v. He denounced tho
action o' Duhols, and even went so far
as to declare such action might war
rant explusion.
The debate was continued In the
same manner as the other night ses
slon, with frequent roll-calls until 11:50
when an adjournment was taken .
By Stewart of Nevada: "That no
,..r interested in a national bank
l"CUHWt ,...-.
shall vote uron any question auecung
.i. nr. .,. or Usue of currency by the
govern ment. or through the Instrumen-
talltyo. nat onal nanns."
By Galllnger of New Hampshire,
Wn-m a maj rlty of tho senate submit
-..,.., in wrlilnir through the chair
man, that debate close, the request
shall be referred to the committee on
rules, whose duty It shall oe wmim
live days to report au order naming the
day anl hour when vo-e shall be taken
and action upon -ucn repurw ........
had without amendment.
A resolution was oflered by Dolph of
Oregon, referring io w.m..
privilege aud elections the question as
lo whether abnent senators may be
.compelled to attend," taken up and
...,.- rri.o unate bv a VOteofiS
to 37 declined to excuse Dubois of Ida-
bo, from,
His name wa thereupon called. He
refused to answer. This ended the af-
I? and the repeal bill was taken up,
Jono, of Nevada, spoaklng In opposi
To Amend the Rules.
WASUlNClTON,Oot. 14. Notice is giv
en of nronosed amendments to the rult a
of the senate as follews: By Lodge, of
Mass.: "It shall not be lo order for a
senator to read a speech either written
or printed." Also when the senate re
fuses to excuse a senator from voting,
he shall be counted as present for pur
pose of making a quorum.
Tho Tangle Worse.
Washington, Oct. 14. This, It Is
stated, will bring out a nice constitu
tional question and develop adebato
which the silver claim will last a
mouth at least Considering the late
hour of adjournment last night there
was a liberal attendance by opening of
Biaate this morning. Though he
m de no announcemeut on the subject
Vo irhees savs be will not ask senate to
sit toulght, but will ask adjournment
about six this evening. Morgan oc
cupied the morning hour with a faceti
ous Bpeechlu reply to criticisms of some
Alabama newspapers. Not mucn ac
tivity Is manifest iu matter of conioro-
tnlse, but It Is believed something def
inite will be ready to oiler the seuate at
beginning of next week.
Heavenly Wrath Descends on
Hurricane Extends a Thousand
Sites Inland.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
i uimci
Wont Will Proceed.
Milwaukee, Wis., OJt. 14. Judge
Jenkins has authorized the lecelverso'f
the Northern Paeille to ratify the
areetneut between tho Northern Pa
cific Terminal Cmipuny of Oregon, tho
Northern Pacific, t'e Oregon Short
Line, tho Utuh Northern uud Southern
P.ielflo. Tills enables the work of tho
company's extension of terminals at
Portland, to piocccd.
Crops Damaged.
Sin kane, OiU. 14. Tho Itsvlow has
specials from fifteen polntH lu Uistern
Wellington and Northern Idaho
which show thut the damugo to crops
will not be so great us ut first feartd,
The weather iB now clear and harvest
1 in full blast again. Tho heaviest loss
is reported from Palace. It Is sale to
say that a heavy yield and Increased
acreage will offset the losses from ralu
uud that the Inland empire w ill have
tne usual crops for export.
An Invalid Suicides.
PmiTi.ANii. 0it. 14. Jacob Crounze,
au lumale of the Good Samaritan hos
pital, committed suicide this morning
by shooting himself through the head
Crounze was aboat seventy years of ago
and wasutllicted with cancer.
Ripley Guilty.
San Fkancisco, Oct. 14. The sec
ond trial of Wesley C. Rlppy, for shoo'.,
lug John W. Mackay was concluded.
The jury after being out for three hours
returned a verdict iinuiug me ueieuu
nnf ..iiiitv of as-sault with a deadly
weapon and recommended blm to the
extreme mercy of the court. He will
be sentenced next Baturday. niaue
fenso was temporary Insmilty.
Land Sold.
Aliiany, Or., Oct. 14. It Is learned
that Col. T. E. Hogg "as sold to an En
glish syndicate 27,000 uores or lana situ
ated In Lincoln and Benton counties,
the consideration being 12700. Till i f
course does not repreent the real value
of the land which Is a part of the wag-
ou road grant to Col. Hogg and Uis a .
Are Yju Neivous,
Are you all tired feeling or sick head
ache? You can bd relieved of all these
"v mptoiuHby takbg Howl's rianmpa
Jnla which gives nerve, iwtutal f nd
bodlh s renglli ond thoroughly purities
ihe blood. H !' creates a good appe
tite, cures Indigestion, heaitburu and
... . II.. u.Hj urn lomv to take, easy In
action aud euro lu iHct. 25ceuUabox.
At Washington.
Washinoton, Oct. 14. A storm of
the hurricane variety passed over tho
city last night. Tho storm abated at
daylight this morning, and by 8 o'clock
tbo sky was clear.
a judoe hubt.
Justice Browu. of tho supremo court,
whllo trying to close a window last
night, was struok by a piece of plate
glass In tho right temple, cutting n
severe cash and severing an artery.
But for prompt medical attendance ho
would have bled to death.
1UI.TIMORK. Md.. Oct. 14. Tbo
Hood extends a mile back. from tho river
front. There are no malls since last
evening. Many washouts are reported.
Associated Press Headquarters.
Chicago, Oct. 14. As a result of tho
fearful wind and rainstorms, telegraph
lcor telephonlo communication with
New York, Washington, Boston, aud
a largo part of tho South is next to im
possible. Almost the entire Atlautlo
coast Is cut oil and me eiiectoi mo
storm Is felt over a thousand miles lu
land. NewYokk, Oct. 14. Tho complete
nrostratlou of tho telegraph berviee
seems tho most serious result of lust
night's storm. So far tio inariuo dls
usters are reported.
Ban Peduo, Cnl., Oct. 14. The Pau
aina steamer Newborn ran ashore this
r rnlng, on point Vincent, during a
heavy fog. She Is probably a total
loss. Passengers were landed iu safety.
I iheNewberu had seventy-live thous
and dollars In bullion, which Is being
brougul here oy ooui.
Banks Stronger.
NewYouk. Oct. M.-Tho weekly
statement shows city banks to hold
nearly thirty-four million dollars In ex
cess of legal requirements.
Lost at Sea.
London, Oct. 14. In crossing tho
channel the stonmer Mario Henrietta
ran Into and sank a Danleh bark. Six
of tho crow were drowned.
Economize in Papor.
Clean newspapers, tied la bundles of
100. not cut, tor sale at this otllco at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, JW"heert, two cents
a potiua. noxmuutw ' i-..
Young Mothers!
'Mother's Friend"
Roba Cottintment ot iU
Ptia, Horror Mod JUsk.
AlUT tutor one lUl of "Mrthel Fri
Boidt,yuiniKl- ATtim.aA.
HAN FitANCiWO, Oflt. 14 -Wheat,
To ember $1.1-1-Chicago,
Oat. H.-CaKb, Oil; De
cember eoj., Oct. 14.-Wheat valley,
f.055.07Ji Walla Walla .67f.b7J.
Another Race.
Paiiib. Out. H.-"Hu(Uli BUI" has
challotigd Trrwnt, tlio bloyoIU who
yesterday o..oi n'.l trip aon Eu-
rope to a two hour.' race, Cotly to ride
i.,., Terroiil ii wun. inm.
uattd to tet tU merits of the two
mounts, eacti rider ielug aiioweu
chauge If neireu. .
places the t"K ftl "iw v" "'"w M""v"
at the option ot blcyclUt.
,.......,.. Pnlrln h&i tilaced the
SSu. the PortU.l I'M ' ?:
ini'ludlnK i-ne admlMlon to ine el-
? "neWeuon bale lUuil!, Wed-
i.WU. '- ... tM -...
Bdys na Fridays only.
Largest dun in tho World.
la on exhibition at the great world's
fair. You ought to see It. This Is the
month of months to visit the falr.pleas-
ant days, cool nigms, ueiigimui lac
ing weather. . , onmfnrt. nnrnllto to Lilll-
cagoon the vestlbuled limited tralua iot
the Chicago, uiiioh iuw "'"".--western
line. See your nearest Union
Pacific agent for rates or othor informa
tion. -"
nainlln's Almout, Jr., has superseded
Electioneer at tho leading siro this year.
The 8-yrar-old filly Silicon, 2.151,
will pot trot this year, but will blossom
nnt as a world beater next season.
It is a remarkable fact that raco meet
ings are better attended during tho years
of monetary panics than in any othor.
In the city of Caracas, Venezuela, the
use of thocheckreln has been prohibited
under a penalty of 8 fine or tbroo days
Tho principal reaeon assigneu iur
Palo Alto sale is that tho horses havo ac
cumulated so fast that tho farms will
not sustain them.
It is tho intention of tho czar to ex
change his 18 horses exhibited at Chi
cago for American trotting horses aud
carry tho trotters to Ruwia,
Tho owner of tho pacing raaro way
..1...11 ..nt Mnnri mterinir her in
trotting events only to find on the ovo or
the cainjwign that tuo nau wmwruw.
to pace.
The averngo spcod ot Pittsburg was
4 14-100 wxsond letter than that at the
...... .!. ........ lv..frir. The t)!10U-
jnatic tiro is almost wholly reimalble
.. it. i.
B. C. Pate has taken formal possession
of tho Penon property, near tho Oty of
Mexico, on which a raco courw will U
laid out. IUciug will bo new to tbo
"To be a successful horse breeder U
the work of a lifetime, requiring Intel.
llaent itudy, strong obwrrtng P1"
andcalrn, maturo judgment." sayoTb.
I IIoreioAQ.
Fall Fashions.
Tbo latest fashion news from Paris
all agreo In saying that tho "Godota"
styles of circular drapery, in new and
endless variations, will bo most exten
sively worn this season. SUlr's, capes,
jackets and collars all partake ortuis
The oversklrt is meeting, thus fur,
with very little favor, aud Parisian
ladles being adverse tq It, it isouly
aeen on rare occasions.
Tho old time ponler Is revived for
certain full dross toilettes.
The round waist of the Spring and
summer Is still a favorite, with tho ad
dition of circular, or "Godets" hip
cross skirts, iu varied design".
Theso Items of nows are extracted
from tho Fashion Journals of A Mc
Dowell & Co., 4 West 14th street, New
W. C. T. U.-Rev. Rugg will spoik at
tho W. C. T. U. ball Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Good singing.
O 'i
A Huno JuiiY. The Jury In trial of
Henry Carson upon chargo of stealing
a watch of ono Clarence Bell near Hub
bard, wout out at 11 a. in., and had not
returned a verdict late th's Afternoon.
D'Aroy & Bingham were for the de
At Strong' restaurant, fresh Freuoh
candles made dally. "Yum."
A Deep Cut. Tho deep cut In prices
on boots and shoes, staples as well as
tbo finest articles, is making a great
rush at Krausso Bros, constantly.
A Thino op Beauty, Utility and
durability, those excellent men's Mack
intoshes, never before sold so cheap in
Salem, as now at E. F.Osborn's Racket
m '
A Kentuokian Always has a cork
screw. Au Orogonlan always has a
pair of cork-sole shoes, and If ho lives
anywhere near Salem ho gets thorn at
Krausse Brother's popular store.
i '
Have you tried those choice fresh
caudles now mado ut Strong's?
Ckiminai. Cases. The grand Jury
bns done very careful work ut this
term. It has found very few true bills
and adjourned Saturday to Monday
when It will resumo its sittings.
Veiiv Old Liquoh. As oyeryono
knows, oge helps mouy thlugs, and
among them cider vinegar. Van Eaton
has now on tap somo of the pure arti
cle, tnado by himself soyeral years ago,
and It la superb.
Mokb Bills. The grand Jury has
returned two true bills today, one
cnlnt tho Chinaman who murdered
another at the Holmes ranch near Sa
lem. Not truo bills were found against
John Stanley charged wltn assault
with a dangerous weapon, aud Mattle
Richardson for keeping a house of ill
OxEono. Teachers' bibles, $3.50, In
dexed. Famllv bibles, from $2 unward
Small bibles and tcatameuts, 0 cents
and up, at a. a. Dearooru's.
U. B. Ciidroii. Bishop Dillon will
preach at tho Yew Park churoh tomor
row at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath
school nt 10 o'clock. All Invited.
Fiuui Vermont. John G. Wright
hw Just received direct from Vermont
what will please everybody, Borne gon-
ulno maple syrup, it is pure ami ucu
clous. Try It.
Fihst M. E. CiiUHOir. Services at
tbo regular hours; 10:30 a. in. by the
pastor. At 7:30 Prof. Cochran of Wil
lamette university will ocoupy the pul
pit. Af Hhnmn'a flnlrv nrA
keptns tine n herd of Jersey cows as
you wish to see. That Is why they sell
such excellent milk aud cream.
A Call. All Interested luthenei-
manont organization of u society for
holdlnc nn annual states ploulo are In
vited to meet at the Willamette read
ing rooms next Monday ovoulng at 7:30
o'clock, sharp. Committee.
The OHi:AiE8'r. Havo the Daily
Journal left at vour office or resi
dence. Only 50 ets n month. By mall
25 ctB a month.
With Closed Doors. Tho dlvoro
suit of Mary A. vs. John Kirk of Jeff
erson Is proceeding wltu closed uoore,
Tudu-o Burnett havlug excluded report
ers, spectators and attorneys except
thoeo employed. Tiimon oruappeu
t.,r nlnlntlfl and Bhaw& Hunt for dc-
feudant. There Is a largo number of
Deafness Cannot Be Oared
by local applications as they canuot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
'I'.lArA Ift nniV OI1H WBV LU tUIBUWimwi
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous llulng of the Ru
tachlan tube. When this tube lain-
.........I liava riimlilllllf SAUIld OT
Imperfect hearing, and wheultlsen-
ii..u. Miioiofi iiaiii n iim lis iiin irsiiiL. mill
uulera the 'inilamatlon can be taken
out and this luoe restored vo us norma.
condition. Ueartng win oo uesiroyei
ferever: nine cases out of Uu are caused
by catarrh, which la nothing but an lu.
named condition of Ihe mucous sur
Wo will give ouo hundred dollar for
any case of deafness i (caused I b 'catarrh
that cannot ue cureu ujr .. -..
Cure. Bend for circulars free.
w i. (Hiknky &. Co.. ToIodo.O.
l-Bold by Druggists, 76c
Dr. Clara M. Dmvldsou has returned
from Lebanou.
Choice poultry, Davkwn'e warket,
Unity Chuimih, Services nt 10:30 a.
m. and TM p. m. Rev. W. E. Cope
land, pastor. Sunday morning will be
flnvotcd to a harvest service lu "Which
the Sunday school and congregation
will unite. Tho church will bo decor
ated with fruit, urnlu and vegetable?.
Subject of leoturo on Sunday night,
'Tho New Way or salvation."
i m .
Prices Too High. That fault is
nBver found with the charges made by
Clark & Epploy, tho popular Uourt
treet grocers. Their goods nro always
f esh, nnd thoy don't get stale while
oelug delivered.
New Pastor. Rev. Dr.B. M. Free
land, lato of Pueblo, who has been in
Salem for several weeks, has boon en
gaged by tho Congregational society to
preach for several months tho coming
winter. Tho doctor Is highly spoken
of as a cultured gentleman of broad ex
periences and liberal vlows, and it Is to
be hoped ho can be Induced to remain
permanently with tho Salem church.
Behind the Scenes.
Onthestago tho tinsel, tho glitter,
tho power and the palut, show forth
the most, but step behind the scenes,
.....i ...... .uin imlinlil tlin truth. The
.. -" -" -- .. -,"-. --- , -,-
ctiorns gins aro not an "iouy inimn
M.o.nll .. rnMinr wluit. thnv nalllt them
selves; Just so with many of the Ham-
logauveriisemonisoiso-taiiicu -wiiu
cures." Gotbauk of tho scenes' and
thoy are not cures. The real one' and
Ik. nntu nmmlu Hint ht flUBO. Is Dr.
fcl.U ..M.J .v.wm vhwv . w " i
Sage's Uatarrn itcmeuy. un ne bu-
tain, ana you win nuu mo nwm Hum
... i.i i.n tt.u I Urn one that
cures' tho worst cases of Catarrh tutu
Head, and no mistake, it is aiso rem
edy 1 all cotarrhal conditions, such us
Catarrhal Headache, Catarrh of the
Throat, etc.
Not 9, Bell-Ottt-Here To Stay Hew
I want the public to understand that
r ...v. ..... Mulll.iir mit nlil crooda at COSt
but have brand new stock at lower fig
ures than tho people who pretend to be
selling out. I am here to stay and hope
by careful selections ofthelatest pro
ductions of millinery art, faithful worfc
In my shop and moderate prices to
merit tbo trade I have always been
favored with. My fair prices are own
than any eternally selling out establish
ment In the city and the quality ranch
Iinor lor we money. iio i -ber
of people nerved the past two day
lsthe best proof or this.
One peinter: I fnrnUh frames for wl
vet hats and do the work and iriramitur.
for $1 00 Other worn mm kum
proportion. Mrs. D. h, FeUter, Court
street mllllnsr, Salem.
Tho "little wouder," live dlHewoi
positions lu ono picture, IsuowUkUMf
the lead over everything lu th dty,
Cherrlugton Bros. tf,
The Oregon Land Co.,
1 4- ik.tiiMniiv f?ia.Tmtn.Oreiu. WlMM
I IO-18-l-n
'..r.iMilHMJSrfa i " Ajim . ....