"nmgjm, iwwtwit i j ' H n,T,lflT.ii,,"3fc?lXirfe?iS EVENING OAPITAI; JOTTRNAIi, FBIDAY, OCTOBER 13, iy3. xtttj r-i ,'1 ,fl ft el a 31 ,!' -JA1 T .M LADIES' v MISSES and CHILDREN'S IN GRAND ARMY CIE0LE8. What the Patriotic Orders Are Doing at Salem. . - v 'result or met JERSEY RIBBED ALL WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON MIXED. Greatest Stock of Hosiery in the Gtof DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street. Going otit of Business Everything Miist Go. 25 per cent of!" on all Lamps and Toilet Seta. 2D " " ' Dishes and Glassware. 25 . " ' u Teas and Spices. 20 " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, tc 15 " " " Canned Goods and Baking Powders. 10 " ' ' Package Goods, Soaps, &C. 5 " " " Coffees, Sugars, Ac. jCome early, as we will not Btosk up in any line after it is sold out. SROAT & GILE, Burke Block, Below Postoffice. - IK - You are going to build or make any Irlnd of Imrovemeat. call on the nailer Igned lor material. We have a complete stock, and are ready to (apply any prepared contract, eewer work, rradlng, etc Salem Improvement Co. Salem Ministers. They seem to be In demand ail over the world. Rev. C. It. Kellerman has been transferred by Blebop Goodsell from the Oregon to the Idaho conference, and appointed presiding elder of Idaho district. His address will be at Boise City Rev. Wm. Lund has received a call from a church in Indiana aud will probably accept It and remove to that state From the church calendar it appears Rev. Lund was formerly rector at Au rora, Indiana. Rev. C. L. Corwin will be at the Portland meeting of the Willamette Congressional associa t!on held next week. He is preaching in Southern Oregon. Fb4.tjdule.st. There is no physic ian In Salem or In any other place in Oregon exc-pt at our Institutes In For est Grove and Roseburg, who has the Keeley treatment to give, or who has any authority to administer such treat ment, and any doctor claiming to give it Is perpetrating a fraud. Neither have we any agents around to obtain patients either on commission or salary, We have many respectable friends who apeak good words for us, aud no work men at "so much a head." Frank Dayey, manager Oregon Keeley insti tutes, d&w Tjiat Baby. Recorder Edes bad to guarantee the board of that abandoned child of Mrs. Thomas's before be could get it Into the state orphan's home. Today be got up a petition for Mrs. Thomas to sign asking the court to ap point a guardian so that tbechlld can be legally made over to the state Institu tion. When tbh is done he will be re lieved of that expense aud the state will assume It. PERSONALS. Gen. Compson, of the railroad com mission, was in the city today. Dr. Mintborn left St. Paul Tuesday with a party of Iowa people, who was to be located, by the Oregon Land Co. and arrived here today. Mrs. W. R. Anderson leaves In the morning for a two 'weeks' visit in Spok ane Falls. Don't patronize a Chinaman, when you can give your business to a white man. Take your laundry to the Salem Steam Laundry. Only white help em ployed. For bargains go to the FAIR. Heavy boots for wet weather at Krausse Bros. Headquarters for afl daily papers, at J. L. Bennett's poit office, block news stand, if LITTLELOCALS. , Money is beginning to circulate as a result of the October quarterly pension which about $50,000 Is re- em. The Woman's Relief Corps gave a very successful social at Grand Army hall Monday evening. . It conclued with a social attended by the sons aud daughters. The W. R. C. assisted by the young people will be a dominant social force at the capital this winter. The Sons of Ve'erans, Sumptercamp No. 8, last night received the resigna tion of Capt. Roberts, aud elected Dr. S. P. Browne, a prominent and active fraternal order worker who will throw a great deal of new life into the camp. A committee of two was appointed to extend friendly greeting to a son of John Brown of Ossawnttamie now re siding at Salem and make him an hon orary member of the camp. Sedgwick post G. A. R. and W. R. C. meeta every Monday evening. The next meeting of Sumptercamp will be next Thursday evening. Commander R. A. Crossan requests the publication of the following pream ble aud resolutions adopted at the na tional encampment at Indiauapolie, September 7: The Grand Army of the Republic, in National Encampment assembled, speaking for that great army of beloved comrades, many of tbem too poor, too braised, too broken, to withstand the stiong arm of the government when administered with an unfriendly hand, proud of the good name and fair fame of the American voluuteer soldier, in terested far beyond any other person or organization that the pension roll shall tell the truth and in fact be what it is in theory a "roll of honor," and ever mindfol of its cardinal principle, "To preserve honor and purity in public af fairs," scouts aDd denies these indis criminate charges of universal fraud and resent the imputation that because some unworthy survivors may be found, that discredit shall be cast upon tbe en tire roll, and this great body of brave and patriotic citizens shall staud dis graced before the country. We de mand, that there shall be no backward step in pension legislation or adminis tration; that no pensioner shall be de prived of his property without due process of law; that the presumption shall be in. favor of honesty aud fair dealing; that tbe poor and lowly shall not be put to unnecessary, expensive or oppressive process to preserve their meagre pittances; that tbe sacred trust in'favor of those who "have borne the battle" shall be sacredly administered; and we do now solemnly and deliber ately Resolve, That tbe Grand Army of THE CIRCUIT COURT. An Old Newspaper Man fJe'es Two Years. ly: "a one cent paper on COAST." THE pacific Business is going forward slowly in Judge Burnett's court. Tbe grand jury is wrestling with a Chinese murder case and undergoing all the horrible torture of getting information oat of Chinese witnesses. The state cases against Moe and Wells "The Salem (Ore.)CAPiTAL Journal are belug ttled. The latter stole bread made an aggressive stroke in June, .,i in hM . , when it reduced its price to one cent a and will probably go clear. J TOpy. Tbe Journal is the only paper Franklyn De.ve, who forged a check on tne coast that sells at this price. It for $15 on Judge Moore of tbe Supreme has the press dispatches, h preety well bench, when nearly s'arved and dlasi- provided with ad., and Is altogether pated.and pas, ed it on Mr Anaerso n & Thee? of tbe Fan saloon, plead guilty and got 1,000 names to ita mall list siuce the tbe lightest sentence of the law, two reduction, all paid in advance, The years at the pen. He made a nice lit- mailing list is dated the day the sub tle speech to the court, waiving time ""?" ?? "V9lJ,ll.yf"c.a .aj lu card notice is sent twice a month, noti- In Recognition of The One Cent Daily. The August, 1893, "Newspaperdom," tbe acknowledged leading journalistic periodical of New York, has tbe follow ing unsolicited notice of The Jour- VAT.'a nnlprnrlaA tn nultllahlnr. TltP Only One Cent Pacific Coast Dai- DOPl't PlCl OVCP N One Old Goods, Old Chestnuts and Old hn court, and asking immediate sentence. He is an old newspaper man on the coast, is well educated, understands several languages, is a flue talker, elocutionist, stump orator, penman and writer. He was taken to the state prison at 3 p. m. Behind the Scenes. On the stage the tinsel, the glitter, tbe power and the paint, show forth tbe mosi, but step behind the scenes. aim you win oeouia tne irutn. -ine an(j townsmen cborns girls are not all "fancy paints fimai towns " tbem" but rather what they paint them , selves; just so with many of the ilam- RlFrE Range.-Attention! Mem- ing advertisements of so-called "catarrh . , ,, . , T ,., cures." Get back of the scenes' and ben tympanies B, H, and I. ou they are not cures. The real one and pre hereby requested to report at Morn- the only remedy that Is a cuse, is Dr. ingside, Saturday, Oct. 14, at 8 a. m. to Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Lift the cur-1 at ln bulldiug a batalion rifle range. to be, that this Remedy is the one that . The ,umber wa3 Put on the Sround t0 fying all of expirations. "The Journal carried Its daily to subscribers at 50 cents a month. It was found that it cost 25 cents a month to deliver and collect for it. and there fore it was better to give tbe mail snb bcribers the dally at 25 cents in advance than to obarge'50 cents by carrier, pay ing oat 25 cents and running the risk of collection. "The Journal will make special ef forts to circulate amonc the farmers In the country and cures tbe worst cases of Catarrh ih tbe Head, and no mistake. It is also rem edy in all cotarrbal conditions, such as Catarrhal Headache, Catarrh of the Throat, etc Not a Sell-Oat Here To Stock. j I want the public to understand that I am not selling out old goods at cost but have brand new stock at lower fig ures than tbe people who pretend to be selling out. I am here to stay and hope by cartful selections of the latest pro ductions of millinery art, faithful work in my shop aud moderate prices tol merit the trade I have always been I favored with. My fair prices are lower j than any eternailyselliugoutestablisb-' meut in tbe city and the quality much finer for the money. The large nam- I ber of people served the past two days is the best proof of this. I one peinter: l rurmsn frames for vel- a ay ana an nauas who can do bo are urged to attjud and help put Up the nfle stand and dig the pit Please bring along shovel and pick. By order of batalion committee, 2d regt., O. N. Stay New G. The "little wonder," five different positions in one picture, is now taking the lead over everything in the city, at Cherrington Bros. tf Lace boots, headquarters at Krausse Bros. THE GREAT REVOLUTIONS. 1795 The monarchy abolished in Hol land. The Bataviau republic instituted, in alliance with France. 1707 The Venetian government abol ished by the French. Venice divided be tween Austria and Italy. of 'em. You can get nice, clean new goods, ALL WOOL, Home Made and Home Prices AT THE fr-S. SALBM, OREGON. GOOD LUCK TO YOU 1 B f ft in) Will Be Jcstick. County Judge Hubbard received a petition signed by forty-two names praying that A. W. Lawrence, of Hubbard, be appointed as Justice of the peace of the district comprising Aurora, Hubbard, and Butteyillo precincts, vice A. J. Giesy lately resigned. Much Talk. There la a great deal of talk about low prices on many arti cles these day, but prolably the great est cut in fctaples ever made iu Salem Is In the large reduction on school books just made by Dearborn. Prices Too Hum. That fault is sever found with the charges made by Clark & Eppley, the popular Court street grocers. Their goods are alwayr fresh, and they don't get stale while being delivered. Strayed ou Stolen. This can never be said of goods that am ordered of the old reliable grocer, J. A. Van Xatoa. Business ta attended to with aeettMOy aud dispatch at that estab-MatiMtmt. A light frost last night, the first of the season The Salem school board ordered (830 interest paid on bonds last night Miss Preston, of Portland the statu quoerlntendent of the Junior Endeavors, is iu the city. ' the Republic looks with solicitude, not She will conduct a meeting for juniors " eay alarm, upon tne proposition, at the Presbyterian church on Sunday i tuat after sufficient tribunals have been at 3 o'clock p. m E. E. Moore was established by law belore which ques- arrested at Independence and taken to ' tIonB nav6 Deen presented and adjudic Champoeg yesterday to be tried for an ' Rled, upon evidence submitted and ex assault aud battery Tha Salem j atnined, and upon which a nation has board of charities will hold their regu-1 accorded pensions in this their hour of lar meeting at 7:30 this (Friday) even-1 need to those who In its hour of need lug at the rooms of the Womaus Chris- tood between It aud death, the officers tian union on Court street Tlie Wil- i of tDat nation, administering a public lamette social club will hold a meeting j lrU8li bave arbitrarily deprived, with at tho parlors of the Hotel Willamette out notice or an opportunity to be this evening, the object beinc to effect i heard, our needy and distressed com- a re-organization for the coming win-' mde8 of the rights thus solemnly ad ter. Married-In Salem, at the couu- judged and confined to them. ty Judge's office, Thursday. Oct. 12, ! We Declare, That every presump 1S93, at 3 p. m., Mr. J. A, Parker and , tion 8"uld be made In favor of such Miss I, D. Baker, County Judge W. C. ' records made; that no presumption Hubhard officiating. Tbe bride and OI Iraua 8Uft" De indulged In against vet nau and do tne work and trimming 170S The Helvetic Confederation dis for 100. Other work and goods in Eoh.ed, Switzerland bein? overran by 1798 A republic proclaimed at Rome, in alliance with the French; in 1803 It was abolished by Napoleon. Rome an nexed to the empire. 1S0G Great rebellion of the Servians Servia made semi- The Globe. At opera house tonight. Admission, 50 cents. i No Chinese. The Salem Steam Laundry has always excluded the Chi-' nese. It does white with white labor. people's washing This Morning. Just received, a handsome assortment of ladies' Boston shopping bags and purses at the Ladies' Bazaar, State Insurance block. groom are residents of the northern portion of Marion county, their home being near Parkersville. Real estate business Is improving Walter Sloltz has an artistic window in pure white candy Thos. Updegraff and family of Hesper, lowtt, are locating in High land Park That's a fine mudhole on Liberty street south of State To shut down ou advertising is too much ' like shutting oil your own wind Section Foreman Prunty aud his crew are putting iu new planking on the Commercial street crossing a needed Improvement SheritI Knight and deputies aro'kept very busy during the tbem, and that no change be made in the pensions so accorded until after charges have been made and evidence iu support thereof has been produced, of which charge each pensioner has had full notice and a full and complete opportunity to be heard iu support of the pension so accorded to tbem; aud it is further Resolved, That as the Commissioner of Pensions, by his recent withdrawals of tbe obnoxious ruliugs which had been so generally condemued, has vir tually acknowledged the Ineorrectueis of such ruliugs, we deem it bis further duty to at once restore to the rolls the Tonight at Opera House. Miss ' Sara N. Brown as a dramatic reader is seldom equaled and rarely excelled in pathos and power. Her impersonation of Juliet in tbe passion scene, was in tensely dramatic Promenade Concert. Next Satur day evening tbe Second Regimrnt band will give a grand promenade concert at the Armory commencing at 8 o'clock. This will be the first of a series of con certs that tbe band will give during the winter months. Admission 10 cents. Children free. The program will appear in Saturday's paper. All miserable sufferers with dyspep sia can be cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. UIKU. against the Turks, independent 180S Universal insurrection in Spain against tho French. The peninsular war. The Spanish king, Ferdinand VH, re stored in 1814. 1809 After long agitation a constitn- firm wtta .n-OTi4-o1 4-r Cmnan V... iUn crown. 1810 The Holland republic abolished and the country united to France. 1810 Revolution in Chili against Spain. Independence secured in 1818. Several revolutions since. 1811 Revolution in Paraguay against the Spanish. Independence seenred. 1811 Revolt of the Argentine prov inces against Spain. Independence se cured in 1S1G. 1813 Holland restored to the house of Orange and Belgium annexed. 1814 All the Venetian territory an nexed to Austria. 1815 Switzerland separated from the French empire by the congress of Vien na, and the independence of Switzerland confirmed by treaty with the great pow ers. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Good luck to you and mod lark it will so to every wne who take advantage or our SCHOOL BOOK SALE. Neither a horse-shoe or four leaf clover can jrlng you fuch opportunities. tSee that four cniiaren go to the 8tte street book lore ror ineir scnool supplies. Patton Bros., Booksellers and Stationers.! 98 STATE STREET. aanannHnnknB E. X. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blanh JPultlisIiers. Bush's New Brlck,over the bank, ComT street. BeatsThem All.-This yarbreu the record of record breaking. Baton', popular grocer, 2. A. Van Eaton, broke the record long ago for pleasing hit patrons on tbe best goods, lowest prices and quickest delivery. LITERARY at MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Sandt; DICKINSON .At ber residence, No. 453 Front street, Salem, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1S93, at 100 p.m. of spinal disease, Charlotte H. Dickinson, wife of the late O. Dickinson, aged 70 years, 8 mouths, and 11 days. The deceased was born In Victor, On tario county, New York, ou February 1, 1S17. Her maiden name was Char lotte Dryer Humphrey- She was mar ried to Rev. O. Dickinson a,t Gilead, Branch county, Mich., on September 22, 18)2. She and her husband sailed the New York Racket for Browu'Desnuyera blue ribbon suhool Thk Ohkawjst, Have tho Daily JkWJWAli left at yourollloo or resi le. Only 60 eta a mouth. By mall S6 4 a iwouth. a TtMi Mwwt thing iu footwear ladies foot WMWMfa, Seetheui at Krausao rw v- x-u - x... 10 ioo r.- " - i ...J 1 i IHJU lO lUih VU ilUVi o, J- J court session, both at. the court house - p now 8inuu,DK l Portland, Or., coming via Cape Horn uu auuu luc uuuuiVi-... Alto U4b ' "" ativet improvement la progressing flue-' q0 iQ iy xi. a, -uuyim)U returned irom . ,. j ...v. .uu.t ........ 8noes maue ot kaugaroo cair. Tbey Many hops are being stored In tho uro excellent shoe,-.. Sold at low price! Salem canning company's warehouse,; eod w One drunk at the Rscorder'a court today Mtta Leila Waters ent to Do uot ruin the stomach with cheml- Portland this nfirnnon MUa tci. ca'8, Simmons Liver Regulator is tortiaud this nriernoon..... .Miss Nel- pureiy vegetable aud etlectlve. lie Parmetiter la at Portland for a few , days.. ...Ten witnesses came down TOTT'S PILLS Invigorate body and UIIUU. at II. M. Brausoti &. Co's. 3t Tie Htt(iof tirut-clasa cigars In tb eHy tlmwi the smoker JoXuun & Brooiu CupKal drug Btore, Iloltnau blook. from Jeilersou this afternoon, on a divorce case Iu tbe circuit court R. i The "start of life" whole wheat flour T. Ray aud family have relumed from Tulare, Cal., and will reside in Salem: ! II. Walker, the dairyman, laatj Portland fur a few daj ...Mlas Lottie' HeUeubrand la vlsltlug In Portland Court Note. In the case of tho Minnesota Thresher Co. vs. L, W. Beusou et at, the Judge instructed the Jury to return a yerdlca of (1041.50 for plaliitill which thoy did. i e LOST Between the agricultural works aud the Qoodale lumberyard, a pair of No. 0 new Kip boots. Finder please return to this office for reward. 1013. 3t They arrived on tba 4th day of March, 1853. Then they came at once to Salem where a continuous residence has been made. Mrs. Dlokiuiou has been nn Invalid for over twenty years. She waa a con stant member of the Congregational church and ber husbaud orgaulzed tbe church of that denomination In thla city and became Ita first pastor, She leaves oue daughter, Mrs. A. N. Moores, and also Mrs. P. H. Raymond, au adopted daughter. Friendly Regard is never en tertained by the children for a medi cine that tastes bad. This explains the popular ity among Scott's Emulsion, a preparation of cod-liver oil almost as pa atable as milk. Many mothers have grateful knowledge of its benefits to weak, sickly children. .Pi.wmltiiSwlUIIwtMT. AM drarri.lt. firX little ones of THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALEM, OBJEQOIT. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland asd Ban Francisco. FlrsUcliaa in all its appointments. Its tables aro served with the Choicest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Opera House, Friday, October 13. it 8 a.m. Miss SaBa N. Brown, under iue auspices oi tne si. J. school. PROGRAMME Welcome Tonight whlw Messrs. Miller, Hwaffurd, Bczortn, Ltfrui BozorthJ "CavaUna" ,. . Et LA KruiA. Scene from Borneo ana Juliet Shstapesn Miss Saia M. Brown. a Lc Jet D'Kau Erehinl b Vr1m,ip-T4 Nn? Ssleomu o L Avalanche Hlller Jllfcs Gladys Byrne. Wondei fal Tar Baby story Hsrni Mies Bars N. Brown. Last hours or Jean D'Arct Borden Mls Mseffla Alderum. The Light from Over ihe Kange anon jaiss aara a , mown taut IL On Blooinlne Meadows Rlve-Kter aiiss aiaaae mrxen ana Matt wnan. a The Low Backed Car (with musical sc- oompanlmems) Lorer b liow Girls atudy men Miss tiara N. Brown. a Spanish Dances Ho. 1 Uoszioinkl b " 2 MosixosiU Mrs. Florence B. Oartwnght and MUs Ulsdri Brne. The Chariot Race Lew Wallics Plow Gently Deva . Miss sara N. Brown. -Psirx Miss Nellie Carpenter and Prof. Z M. Psrrln Admission, 50 cents; children under 12, half price. Reserved seats at Dearborn's without extra charge. BDRTOX BROTHERS Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick. Molded Brick In aU Patterns for Fronts and supply the brick lor tbe New Salem City Hall and nearly all the fine buildings erected In the Capital City. yards near Penitentiary, Salem. Or. M dw MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN Connecting and Primary Classes open Monday, Sept. 25th, Cor. Court and Liberty streets, opposite opera Training classes For teachers and mothers will benn October 2d. at the same place. For particulars apply to Mrs. P. S. Knight, Prlndi aL Chatwin House. lust south of the Methodist Church, in Baton. Oregon. FREE BATHS. F.verythlngnewand clean. Tables tmed with the best of everything In the msrtrt. Hreclal attention to commercial travellers. Veals 25 cu. Beard and lodging irom H00 week up. WAJUtD. A girl for houseworl. muit be wU recommended. At U6 ilsrloa street. 10 WANTED Poshing canwser of good ad dress. Liberal salary and expenses Mil weekly. Permanent position. BKOWW BBXW. Co., Nurseryman, Portland, OrjTon. muia PAPER U kepton file at E. C. IMM J I Advertising a gency . 61 and 65 Merchants Exchange. Ban Francisco, California, wnert contracts for advertising can be made for u. CHRISTIAN fiClENCE Literature kinds on sale at S2S Liberty street orsU -ir CHAS. GREEN, SON, BRAINiRD 4 CO., WaterrUle, N.Y. HOP BUYERS. Office above Williams A England's ban, BaJtm. Growers invited to call. 9 16-tf H. a WHITNAK, Agt. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES CHARLES A. SMITH RUNS The Rustler Wood k And he doesn't burn up half your wooi, in fuel, when he saws it. Mako yourcontrseu with him personally or leave oroers at " cigar store Dearborn's book store.lrf buKl, street, or address me by mall. t-it-u MCCROW 5 STEUSLOFF, FRESH REFRIGERATED MEATS n .. t i . 5J6 Commercial Street, Salem. Only the Best Stock Bought. -Bf Only the Best Meats Sold. -Good service. Prompt delivery. SJlPewder: The Oregon Land Co., . At Halera, is engaged In seUlnz fruit lands in tha vicinity of faFftni. Oregsn. where mora fruit Is now growing than In any rrt of the state. COOK A M1NTUOKN. 10-15-ltn Managers. F T HART LEAMG 3MER0HAN1 1 I i nMll I , TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL 8TREET. Largest Qua in the World. la on exhibition at the great world's fair. You ought to see It. This la tbe month of months to visit the falr.pleas ant days, cool nights, delightful travel ing weather. Maximum comfort enrouta to Chi. caro on the vmfihnlMl limits inln. n the Chicago, Union Paclflo k North I western It ne. See your nearest Union IF YOU NEED CLOTHING fSS "5d - We aTe "el"nK H oor men's and youth's suits and overcoat at COaT. We have a big Hue of good values to select from. OUR ALL WOOL PANTS at J3.00 and $3.50 a pair take the cake. Come and try a pair. BULL BREECHES are tok best cottonade and jeana panta In the market. Try them aud you wilt use no other. Sewed with linen thread. HATS AND. CAPS for men and boya, an elegant new assortment for Fall and Winter, including all the latest atylea. UNDERWEAR. OVERSHIRTS, NECKWEAR, UMBRELLAS, AND MACKINTOSHES. WILLIS BROTHERS Thennlv PllrArnuim nfT...1)A.1.. Y -.- 11 -" unu.- j ABHoma ho ajuai. i weeicru jme. oee your nearest ua on oppra nnrmp mnwn TTbt1 I XC:i1U fU IT .1. r.J 9 Pacific airent for rate nrnthpr Inform.: "".KAHOU8E CORNER, -. ;, u nuutcd au xcars UX .XHUOUVr ltiofu - Ti-itf I "tueUiant SAool Show for cfaiklwi. & CO. SALEM, OREGON' m