Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    irmninpMtttifi m
EvEialNtr capital journal, Friday, October 13, i&ja.
BT mi
Capita! Journal Publishing Company.
Postomoe B'oc Commercial Street.
ltollr, by ca'rter, pir month,
Dallj, by loan, per j ear,.
Weekly, 8 pages, per year
J0 60
The Portland Telegram, Dem., wants
the Democrats of Oregon to "help tho
ciuk 6f "Jailft "reform In yOhio. It
says: m $
The ejection of McKlnley'-by a very
decided majority undoubtedly will, be,
considered a set-buck for tirltl reform
by tliegreat uiasa of the people. 'For
tQb reasdn, If fur no other, it is the
dutyof the Democratic party at larg
and the administration in particular to
give all thowip-portln their power to
me vuio .uemocraoy.f
The people of O-jio are more thai
likely to elect Muj r McKluley by i.
Very decided majority. They do no
seem to have caught the Inspiration ol
the Democratic tariff reform ngitatioi
which has not bleared the country with
Buch marvelous prosperity as wa
promised by the Democratic tariff re
form agitators last November. Undet
the head of "wanted," the Greensburg,
Indiana, Review prints.
During the last campaign the Demo
cratH of this city displayed a ban
ner in their procession bearing this inscription.
How No? 374l serjea 1893: 'Good)
roads, that Is.tho bestiorjthe coast,,
may, can, and ehoold be built without'
unnecesaaryFaelay. There la no ques
tion as to the profit resulting. They
are a necessity.
A Grand Hondo Indian known, ss
Sampson "clatawaed" to the happy
bunting ground the other day.
Aeon of Oisawattamie lirown, who
was with his father at the Harper's
Ferry raid, and was wounded there,
Uvea at Salem.
! Vote for Gruvef Cleveland.
! and g""- !
! $1.2-5 a bushel ,
1 for your whear. '
A liberal reward will Imj paid for that
banner at this olllce and no questions
Now, we might have got that for
wheal if Harrison had been elected, bt
oiuse last year It went nearly to a dol
lar at Salera. But no such lying prom
ises were made to get votes for Harri
son. They were made all over our
country to get votes for Cleveland and
undoubtedly the tariff reform agitators
captured the presidency and congress
by Just such methods. But just now
those banners are not being paraded as
they were last November. The Demo-,
cratio Eugene Guard of Oct. lltb,
printB this item, headed a "Poor Mar
ket:" Charlea Innls, of Paisley, bad a band
of fine mutton sheep driven here, but
found a very unsatisfactory market at
Portland, hence yesterday he started to
drive them back to his home. His best
offer was $1.60 per bead, while last year
for the same grade of sheep he could
have easily attained from f3 tof3.60 per
This does not look as though the
country needed to fear giving "Tarifl
Reform" a set back. It cannot be set
back any too hard in Ohio or anywhere
Eugene Register: S.Uetn is trying to
compel persons who do teaming on her
streets to pay license. The reason for
this action Is that It Is claimed the
teamsters have the moat use of the
streets, and It Is Intended that the li
cense money obtained from them would
be accepted as reimbursements to the
city for wear and tear ou the streets.
It Is the old story over again ot keeping
a suarpiooKout that the poor nnd'tieedy
bear their full share of burden In the
shape of taxes, while the wealthy and
amply able citizens are left to escape
their burdeu unnotlwd. The wealthy
hide their assessable property to escape
taxation, or falsely to represent the
Value of the same, but tho poor hian is
unable to hide his Httlo mite and is
taxed his full share, and If euough is
not obtained through the assessor a
blow Is dealt him from Borne other
Bourcs. True, teamsters In auy city
wear out streets perhaps more than any
omer person, but they do It while act
ing as servants of other cltlzcus, and it
Isnomoro than just that all should
bear thoexpense orstreet repairs, which
would be a light burden If properly dls
tributed among all. Those who can af.
fori It keep a horse and carriage and
make use of tho streets, while those who
cau not afford such conveyances have
no use for the streets personally, yet It
wouia oe cons:uered unjust to tax a
man for keeping a horse and Luggy.
.Let the poor people and common labor
ers have a free aud open field, unham
pered by special tax burdens, lu which
to operate and earn an honest living.
Every dollar they earn returns to cir
culation and la used in paying of! their
obligations. Let those who are amnlv
ablo bear their proportion of the needed
expense iu providing them a field for op
erations, ami iiiey will bo fully repaid
In more ways than one. Let Salem,
aud not only Salem, but 'all other
places, encourage rather than (Jlscour.
ge the laboring onuses in their effort
to earn an honest living for themselves
and their families, aud the whole cotiu
try will profit thereby. It Is the strug
fling laborer who ueetU protection
more than the well-to-do citizen who
f supplied with worldly possesions
MOHgh to keep him the rest -of his
Spurious coins are circulating In Polk
county" andjo-psper there beljeves they
argimade va gang of counter"-
,ik-io V( i
f' TiuNsalemiY. M..,.?. rjave made
arrgugemenis-ip open jfu nignt school
The' tultlonwill beonly$5 a year.
Rev. Hutchinson has been engaged to
teach a class of vocal music. Prof.
Staley, of the" Capital Business college,
will teach' penmanship, bookkeeping,
and arithmetic, aud Mr. John W. Mc
Cullock, formerly of Stay ton, will be'
instructor in grammar, punctuation,
composition aud spelling.
Cards are out announcing the ap
proachiug marriage of Miss Emma C
Dorrhvpf Eugene, to Mr. Huh Thomp
son, of Salem. The wedding ceremon.
will take place at the residence of the
bride's parents, Wednesday, qt 9 o'clock
Oct. 18. Mr. Tompson is a well known
society man at Salem aud accountant
at the peniteutiary.
S. H. Friendly, of Eugene, shipped
200010s of chittem bark to New York
M nday.
Palmer Ayer has consigned his crop
of hops, consisting of 76 bales to E
Meeker & Co., Loudon England. D
T. Linton, consigns to tbe same firm
75 bales. They each receive an ad vaute
payment of $20 per bale.
The Eugene cannery put up 25,000
pounds of dried .prunes and shipped
118,000 lbs, green fruit.
There are a good many old inbabl
tants In Benton county. They have
finally run up against something upou
which they all exactly agree, and that
is, that the storm of the past week,
together with the high water incident
to It, is the first thing of the kind seen
since the white man first set foot in
Webfoot land.
A Coryallls ma'n whose wife died five
months ago went so far as to get a mar
riage license. But people talked so he
has decided not to marry for the pres
ent. Toledo has a rising young cornetist
named Resebrook.
The largest sturgeon caught in the
Columbia for some years was taken
out at Astoria. Tt weighed 755 pounds,
and the head alone scaled 151 pounds.
The length from tip to tip was 11 feot
aud 8 inches. When cut and dressed,
me nuge mass tipped the beam at 427
The man who says it never blows In
Oregou is considerable of a blow-hard.
A San Francisco paper Is fieeclng
Oregou of thousands of dollars a month
by running a regular lottery scheme
aud gift awiudle. Of course, the num
ber of people who want to be swindled
Is always large. The One Cesit Daily
keeps the money at home and Is worth
twice its price to auy oue who takes it.
Did any administration ever cuisa so
much distress and destruction of prp
erty values as this one?
Astoria has had two girl tramps.
Aud why uot? Women bavo as much
right to tramp as men, and often much
more cause. Do not deny them tbe
pleasure of riding the brake beams and
braving tho farm yard dog.
One of the saw mills at Lebanon is In
the hands of the sheriff.
Six new houses are going up in one
new Salem addition.
vuuiouiiuehop crop where would
we be at ? We would be as hard up as
tho Dakota's, Kansas, Nebraska and
other seml-po'verty stricken regions.
IS. F. Fo--a In New York Ledcer
Tfhe great big cnursh wuz crowded full cv
i j7 broadelotland uv silk,
An'tloa rich aa cream thet grows on our ol
, u Brlndle'e inllkL,
Sained boot, b'lled shirts, rtlir dickeys ait
stovepipe hat were there,
Au' doods 'th trouaeroons bo tight they
couldn't kneel down in prayer.
The elder fiThupoSlpit rTlgh galdj hollowly
"Oar organist Is fee 1o hum, laid up 'II h
An' as we bev nosubstltoot.ns Brother Moor
atn'f here.
Will some'n In i ho 'congregation be to klnd
to volunteeiT" , '
An' then a rednosd, drunken tramp of low
toned, rowdy style
Give ah lnterductory hiccup an' then stac-
gered up tbe als'e
Then thro' thet holy atmosphere there crep' a
sense er sin.
An' thro' thet air of sanctity thsodoruvo.'
Then Deacon Purlngton he yelled, hlatecthall
sot on edge: -
"This man purfttnea tbe house crGodl W'y
jthlslJMcrllegoV Vj
The tramp didn't hear a word he said, bu
slouched 'Ilh stamb lu' r-et.
An' sprawled an' staggered up theater an
gained tho organ seat.
He then went pawln thro' the keys, an soon
there rose a strata
Tba seemed to Jt bulge out tbe heart an'
lectrUy the brain;
An' then he slapped down on thethng'ltL
hands an' held an kheen,
He slam.dahed his "hull body down kirflo,
upon the keys.
The organ roared, the music flxd went
sweepln' high an' dry.
It swelled Into the ratters and bulged out into
the sky;
The ol church shook and staggered, an'
seamed to reel an sway.
An' the eld,er shouted:. "Glo-y!" An' I yeUed
Ai. then he tried a tender strain, that melted
In our ears;
That hrought up blessed memories an'
drenched 'em down 'iti t are;
Au'we dreamed uv ol'.tlme kitchens, ith
Tabby on the mat.
Uv home an' lav an baby days an mother
an' all thai!
An'thenfaestiuck a streak nv hope a song
from souls forgiven
Th t burst from prison bars uvslnan'Btormed
the gates ot heaven:
The mornln stars they sang together no sou)
wuz leu a'one
Weleltthe universe wuz safe, andGdwu
on His throne!
An' then a wall uv deep despair an' darkness
An' long black crape hung on the doars uv all
tbe homes' uv men:
No love, no light, no Joy, no hope, no songs uv
glad delight,
An' then-the tramp, he staggered down an'
reeled lato the night!
But we knew he'd tol' his story, tho' he never
spoke a word,
An' it wuz the saddest story thet our ears had
ever heard.
He had tol' his own lire's history, an' no eye
w uz dry thet day,
Vhen the elder rose an' simply said: "My
brethren, let us pray."
'". frfriifrr.
irf'IJ YWvSX Rft .
& W h
Stricken Down with Heart Discac
Dr. Milt Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
GENTLrME : I feel It my duty, as well cs i
pleasure, to publish, unsolicited, to tho w orld th
benefit received tram no. Miirs restoratiw
BtMtoits. I w&s stricken down with Hear
Disrate and its complications, a rapid pulso vary
mg fron SO to HO beats per minute, a choking o
burning sensation in the wind pipe. opprcuHc
glon of the heart and below lower rib, pain In thi
arms, shortneis of breath , tlecplessno'S, weaknes.
and pencral debility. The arteries in my neck
would throb violently, the throbbing of my heart
could be heard across a large room and would
that; my whole body. I was so nervous that I
could nnl hold my hand etcady. I have been
under the treatment of eminent phyrtrtani,
and have taken gallons of Patent Medioinr
telthnut the least benefit. A friend recora
mended your remedies She was cured by Vt
Miles' remedies I have taken a. p
threo bottles of your hew fT I Jnr li
Heart Cure and two bottles
Nervine. My pulse is normal,
violent throbbtnz of tbe heart.
I sincerely recommend everyone withtyaptom
Of Heart Disease to take 2r. Miles' Jiestoru
tlti Remedies and bo cured.
Gypsum City, Eans L. L. Cameo.
I have no mon
tlold by D. J. Fry, drutrtrist, Balem
lJL'c' ) "'
a movementpr the bowels each asj, ! neceuarr
or health. The pills tuppljr what the system
Uok to makelt wenlar. Cure headache, brighten
! K? "iicUar the Complexion better than
Spsmetlcs. They act mildly, neither etIiw nor
SS pllU ?- fn Tln you of their
nerlta w mll st-nples free, or fall box 2So. Seld
iverywhere. Bosanko ileici, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by Baskett & Van Slype.
llie Cause of Nearsightedness nnd How to
Avoid It.
Probably no part of tho body is so Ht
tlo thought of as the eyes, and no part is
so deserving of attention. What may btj
remedied by n little attention is very npt
to bo neglected until permanent injury
is done. Children's eyei csjiecially should
be protected from strung sunlight. Con
tinued looldng at bright objects so fa
tigues tho muscles of theryolhatsquint
bg has leen known to result by reason
f tho weakening of the muscles. Tho
tame thing is encouraged by tho habit
ivith soino people of bringing the finger
or Rome other object jTadu.ilIy closer
snd closer to tho eyes until the eyes will
be seen to draw closer together. Theso
tilings should bo carefully avoided.
Nearsightedness is caused by prolong
ed reading in a sitting twsture, tho head
gradually falling on the chest and the
eyes thus getting too close to the book
or paper brings on a short focus defect
and makes necessary tho use of glasses
for seeing far objects.
Tho sleeping room of children should
not havo a light glaring Into the eyes of
a child. A screen is very easily made
of tin, or a piece of cardboard securely
fastened so that it will not get near the
light will leavo enough light to see with
and enable the child to sleep without
scowling or squinting or being restless
from too much light.
When children have what is called a
cold in tho eyes, it is because they have
caught cold in the body, and the remedy
is to cure the cold, when the eyes will re
cover likewise.
In case of accidents tho best things to
use are cold water and very soft linen,
bathing the eye very gently.
It is good to bathe tho eyes with luke
warm water, but it is very bad to do 60
immediately before going out into a cold
atmosphere, as tho warm water makes
the skin tender and produces a drawn
appearance around the eyes.
Witch hazel is a ery good thing to bathe
the eyes with. It should bo diluted with
water for cliildren's eyes.
Indications of trouble with tho eyes,
snch as squinting or nearsightedness,,
should be at once heeded and the child
taken to an oculist to be fitted with
suitable glasses.
An eminent New York oculist says one
of the greatest secrets of healthful eyes
and good eyesight in children is keeping
them clean.
n . is ir
To use a condensed milk that is mad, f
Purest and Richest Milk to be l H
reliable naL M
Condensed Milk Is made from the mm, ...I
tinest breed of cows. The New York cJ "I
Milk Co. trnrns factories i nl..u.Vm
winy ii ip IW- J n
nnlt, 41. v .71
redonsof the Unit,! :, , ' , c "Sitel
all farms and look most carefully aftffh
dlHnn nf tho ctnM, All ' Uly .?'
Is a shadow of a doubt Is at once rejected.
Your Grocer'and Druggist sell
Use it In the nursery and In the sick room.
w mmw ' mm
uompietea ana ready to wait on customers. Hnn hn.i.j.
at reaboooble prices. We keep a full line of Trucks Dtair .iVril
meeLa ';. AI8;.? th. finest Stallions "n tbismnv 1M
"'" "" icuiueuce - UIOCK SOUtn Of DOS fifTiro tjO.t ?"?
r irt aijQ
llnll llnr P-v-i Hn!!., M..
univ unc ocm udiiy iMewspape
on the Pacific Coast.
Prices" Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Are You Nervous,
Are you all tired feeling or sick head
ache? ou can be relieved of all these
symptoms by takijg Hood's tiarsapa
rilla, which gives nerve, mental and
bodily streugib nnd thoroughly purifies
tue bloud. It also creates a cood aDDe-
tite, cures Indigestion, heartburn and
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy iu
action and sure iu eflect. 25ceutaa bex:
The New York Kacket has all kind
of rubbers, lor men, women aud chil
dren, also slickers and' rubber hats,
eod w
When you feel uncomfortable about
tue stomach, take ejimmons Liver Reg
An Undisputed Test of Merit.
A medicine that has been a household
remedy for over fifty years and used
In that time by more than 1160,000,000
persons must have great merit. Such
a medicine is found lu Braudreth'd
. i .a, auia iact aemonstrates the
value of these pills belter than any
Biuiemem or me proprietors. It will
be observed that the dose required to
euro is small. Oue or two pills taken
every nlitht for ten or twentv vb n-in
liver complaint, biliousness, or auy dis'
v... o.ia.uj; ,ruiu ttU impure siaio or the
Brandreth'sPHIs are purely vegetable,
absolutely harmless, and safe to take at
any time,
bold In overy dru and medicine
"turx-, eittier piain or sugar coated.
Going to the Wojld's
Lnauire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi-
.K". uiiwauKeo !b at. I'aul Rallwav
between 8t. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha aud Cblrago,
These trains nr voatihnto.i i..i.
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in
the world,
TheEiectrlo reading light In each
berth Is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
ed ova',1 regular patrons of this line.
e wish others to know Its merits, as
tueLhlcaco Milwaukee A Rt . p.mi u'ii
... ,.. .,.-... .. . - -.-,
p-yia me omy une in tue west eniov
Ing the exclusive use of this patent.
or further Information apply to
nearest cotipou ticket agent, or address
C. J. L.DDY, General Agent,
J. W. OASUY.Trav. Paj. Agt
235 Stark St., Portland. Or. tf
Puices Cut. Re sure aud call at 07
BtateBtreet for New York wholesale
prices on wall paper. In fine gilt pa
pers the price Is put from CO cents to 0
aud 40 cents. In common aper from
25 cents to 10 and 13 cents. Call earlv
10 12 tf
Saleji, October 13, i p. m. Offlct
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of golug U
press were as follews:
Apples 25c to 35c. a bushel.
Peaches 05c to 75 a box.
Veals dressed 4 cts.
Hogs dressed 6 to 7.
Live cattle If to 2.
Sheep alive fcl.50 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1.50 to $2.00. J
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Floui
iu wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40.
Bran $15 bulk, $1C sacked. 8horts $17
$18. Chop feednjand $18.
Old wheat on storage 44 cents. (New
wheat 46 cents.
Oats old, 33 to 40c., new 25 to 30c.
Hay Balod, new $8 to $12: old $10
$14. Wild in bulk, $8 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Balem, No. 1,
05 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 65 cts.
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c
Eags Cash, 20 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 25; fancj
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
.barm smoked meats Bacon
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes 25c. to 40o.
Onious lto 1 cents.
Beeswax -34c Carawav seed,
rtuiae eeu, zoo. uinseng, $ i.-iu.
Green, 2 cts; dry, 4 cts; sheep'pelts,
25 cts to 40c. No quotations on furs.
Chickens 8 cts; broilers 8; ducks,
8c; turkeys, slow sale, choice, 10c:
geese 7c.
drain, Feed, etc.
IIow to Cure Colic In none.
A sure and speedy cure for colic in
horses is made of 3 ounces spirits of tur
pentine and an ounce of laudanum. Put
this mixture into a bottle containing
half a pint of warm water and ponr it
down the animal's throat. This is said
to be an excellent remedy also for human
beings, the dose for an adult being one
to two teaspoonsfuls, according to the
exigencies of the case. For chSdren or
invalids the dose should be reduced.
Take in warm water.
ii 1.1 1 iinnm rrniTTnT, i rmn
mi mwhn
Ho it Tlilncs Aru Misnamed.
The mica in the doors of stoves and
heaters is erroneously called isinglass;
from the gennine isinglass is made a
very superior jelly German silver was
not invented in Germany and does not
contain a particle of bilver. The battle
of Hastings, England, was not fomrht
within five miles of that place; the battle
of North Poinf was fought six niles
away and much nearer Baltimore, and
the battle of Bennington, Vermont, was
fought in New York state. Whalebone
does not possess a single property of bone.
Burgundy pitch is not pitch and does
not come from Burgundy; it is principal
ly rosin and palm oil. The tuberose is
not a rose, but a species of olvanth.
Black lead is not lend at all, but a com
pound of carbon and a small quantity of
iron. Cleopatra's needle was not erected
by nor in honor of the Eiryntian nueen.
Sealing wax does uot contain a particle
of wax, being composed of turpentine,
shellac and cinnabar. Steel pens are not
mado of steel. Turkish baths did not
originate in Turkey and pioperly are
not baths. Brazilian grass is not grass
anu never grewm lirazil;it is otilystrips
of palm leaf. Pompey's pillar hasn't the
slightest historical connection with Pom
pey. The Mont Cenis tunnel is cut
through Mont Susa.
1 M II
Receiving all the
Associated Press
WEEKLY " a JJouWe Newspaper II
These low hard times rateH pnnrtlA orm, fa,m.r. a.J
1.' J -1 i , .. lw ""J '"' vvium
ma uuiij paper ana Know the state of the market and alltbl
news ot the world.
Editorial comment is fearless nnH inrlont
oy its publishers to secure good government for the people,
able to deal justly and fairly with all.
Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For
eign, market and Crop News.
.Conservatory - of Music.
Willamette University, Balem, Or ,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
singlbg, orchestral Instruments, nanno
ny, counterpoint, fugne, orchestration
and higher musical composition. INo
tetter grade of work done west of tbe
Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven
teachers. Next term honino Snnf i,i
eu.-for. annua' year book or address',
Aoivij, iiiuti. noprnr mMoinoi
s ...., UUOKVMS
Willamette iyeri
8 9 2tnd&w
lour-Standard. $3.25: Walla Walla.
, S2.75; superfine, $2.50
Oats Old whlte.SSo porbu ,grey,S5c;
f3.25; graham
per Darrel
JEKSKV8.At 8harpe'a dairy are
kept as Hue a herd of Jemnv ,tr. ,.
you wish to sec. That Is why ihey sell
such excellent mllk'aud dream.
The Southern Pucillo has placed the
price or round trip tlokets, good for 10
aaya to tue 1'ortlanu exposition at J3.35,
Including one admission to the exposl'
tiou. Tickets ou sale Mouduy, Wed
ncbdays and Fridays only. tf
If J VC Xicmxo rtLld ksoim by nolstot
Ynil wnnnaa or wtom noma ynrj
pit CO rfiSiS
rLCO email. .xsIvui3fi'Sf&
Bold by Basket! & Van Slype.
ilSHCo-UISt, . 8,0.
ga -palrlag Ctoek.,
Fivcisi sjvwik louder than words. Sim
non Liver llulator docs cure bowel
Uoi dei.
Rubber boot aud shoaj haya ad
vanced, but Krauase Bros, make very
low prices ou theiu Just the same.
J. FT. AT.I.PV l..
The verv rwwf nfm.ti . -n .. I Hops 17Io.
and the bAt of service. " L g?1;1 Itose' 30i0
sMyruoncaita Vmi'. bim i -zri "cv?-
-.. .. - ww.v. - uatfl M
IflViK In baK8 f0-250.60; barrels,
f6 757.00; cases. f3 75. '
Hay Bet, ?1012 per ton.
ool vallev, price nominal.
Millstull's Bran. 17.00: fliinrtn. Svt.
ground barley, f2223; chop feed, $18
per tou; whole feed, barley, b085 per
cental; middling, S232S per ton; brew.
uk uaney, uiMuao per cental: chicken
wheat. $1 10T.2o per cental.
xiops-uia, xo to 10c, new 15 to 17.
Butter Oregou fancy creamery,27l(a
?cy da,r' l25e fair to gooS
1720ct common, 15 to 16o per IbjCall!
foriila, 303Jc ir roll. '
iwir?2""Veon. .Z-i; -Extern
twins, 16o; Young A merles n, 15o per
per nouud; California flats. He.
Eggs Oregon. 221o per dosen.
lanre. SI 50fa On- Hnntw r.1,1 cj rvu?
fi00; young, f2604.00: Kvek?. $soo
luriteyf, Ihe, 14e.
Woel: Oresrnn VMctarn nhnlw. tftA
J3oj do Inferior, 80c; do valley, 12.
ssBsHlHi &
asssBllr g
If you anticipate visiting the world's
fair, or your friends in the East, take
auvmnageoi ine present opportunity,
as the fares are now so low they cut no
Dgure In the expenee. The Chicago &
Muiwimuj ubvb piaoea in
service a solid vestibnled train, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
Vayner tourist cars, free reclining
cnalr cars, and dining car "par excel,
lent." with the aecommodatlons fur
nlslied. rates now nfn.rei 0n,-.i.i.
the short time consumed in maklnz
the trip, It is within the reach of all
r-or innuer Information, apply to any
ticket agent, or wrlle '
A. G. Barker, Gen'l Apt,
272 Washington street.
Portland, Or.
Oldest, Blghest and Most Extended!
Institution of Learning In thePadttl
Sixteen ranrcm nf Inntruetlon. frOB
Grammar, through Academic sod Co)1
tege, to uieoiogy, Law ana jteaicioc.
Splendid Courses for Training l
Teachlue. Buslnws. Art. Elocalion
and Music. Several Post GradoiK
Courses. Stronger and better thanever.
Tf'n Wnmnn'o CnMana ofTrirdaRn Ideal
home for young ladies with unsurpassed
laciuue? lortneir care ana training.
The school year opens Pept. 4, 1893.
For Year Book and all informatioa
relating to school management and
course of study, address,
Acting rrea , W. & HAWLEV, IX.RA .
For financial Information, address,
Sev. J. H. EOOBK, Agent,
8-22-d&w Salem, Oregon.
On Improved Ileal Estate, in amoapU asA
time to aulu Ho deUy In ooiuldertii 1-
tKoom li BDibllUok block. &
Oata-Mllllnfir, fl.SO01.35.
Itls the new shortening D
Uidas the place of lardZ
or cookine butter, ot O
lMisb. Tnct.'l...
farther, -aad Is easily
ttatgtsted by anyone.
S fefyse All Substitutes.
j Made enlj by
3 K. t. FAIHBJINK & CO.,
m- ST. LOUIS and
- s2
Reduction in Price of Gas.-
From and afier October 1st, 1893. tbe
price of gaa will be as follews:
Less than 600 cublo feet ner month
13.50 per 1000 cublo feet.
Over 500 cubfc, feet per moHth-J3.00
per looo cublo feet.
Special rates for large consumption
given on application to
St Paal, Marion County, Orejoa.
Cbudnetl rtl.a ItnlrMmfW od Marr. Tbe locatioa aOord au tt
ew be steilred lor healthful outdoor xero.
m. ,1-miw can be esaUr reached by txw B.:
WUlamette, ThebuallnUnewan(lnppI!fa
with all the modern ImproTemenU. V
eoaiaeoratudj la complete.
.teaoraphy ant Typewritlni? Iao
Tcrma moderate.
Kor further nutlnn an mnnJ to Plater Bop?1
or. ' rw ' g-i.ltnaJ
Deutscher Advocat.
Admitted to practlca la all the courta.
Special attimllnn rts In ftannin P:
Dt people and fcotTsaaa at tbe eoauty.aM
lomeea. jl JfOTJUt. ioUry ia.