Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    i a Jug ...iiiiM
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SBcts. laoatk hjr KH
Prepaid in Adrsme.
No Papers Seat WJmm
Time is Oat.
Associated Press Daily News
vjA.rH AJb
paper Published on the'
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 a Year.
! VOL. 6.
NO. 242.
Un ' i
'in 8
! SK ! !
Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
i Amps p.i nAKR RFMnnn Fn. a spfp.ialty.
OSTON m ml m wm
S J 1 Vr ladies' and Gentlemens' Clothine Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Ladies' and Gentlemens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Suit &2.00 to $2.50.
" ' Ladles' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Dying, 50 cents to $1.00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State 8t , 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drug store. Salem. I. GOLD & CO.
Full Record of Last
Night's Debate.
Fails to
Hold a Quo-
The Greatest Strugplo in the His
tory of the Senate.
Ed. C. Cross,
jrtrfr SSsffSBSSr).
Wiiolcsnlo and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allttiuds
95 Court. and
110 State Streets,
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Blockup stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
zm i i n fun A A Here is a chance of a life-time, Why
Dress Suit to $100. Iwl
J. RIJBENSTEIN, - 308 Commercial Street, Salrm.
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
Lamoureux's Stables,
rigs uor poor horses. ' .
Sa 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
StttB 8ulfi5SS Week, CbenFeketa street.
, i i ... i
The West Printing Co.SS
.1 .i. virstclass work. Reasonable prices.
Special attention to mall orders. J irst ciaw w Qf eBon
03 Commercial St.,
. , , , .,... a w vour clothes done up in
If you would do cieuu - - h
the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to
.here all work is done by whitejbo-n SST"
Last Night's Debate.
Washington, Oct. 13. Last night
Senator Martin kept on, with frequent
interruptions for roll call until 4 o'clock,
when he said he would close with tLo
hope that he might continue the dls
cusslon at some time In the future, as
there were several important phases I e
had not touched on.
Morgan gave notice ot an amend
ment to the repeal bill prepared by
Representative Turpln of his Btate,
providlug'for the coinage ot sliver dol
lars of 4121 grains which, together
with all silver dollars of like weight
and fineness, are made legal tenuer,
except where others are expressly stip
ulated. The secretary of the treasury
is directed to purchase silver bullion at
the market price to be paid for in silver
dollars and have It coined into silver
dollars to equal the amount with gold
dollars colutd.
nviw hpn rpRiimed his speech of
last week, continuing until 0:20 when
he excused himself on the plea or an
inportant engagement aud with the
underetutidinK that he should resume
today. Stewart of Nevada then re-
Hiimeil the floor and began anothei
The hours dragged wearily aioug un
til 8:20 when an Incident occurred
which demonstrated the belplessnt&snf
the senate under the present system of
ruks, Voorheia arose, cbbllng under
the continued roll calls of the bllytr
men in forcing to hold their tired ad
versaries on the rack, and petulantly
demanded of Frye. of Maine, who was
in the chair, to what extent the prlv
ilege of calling for a quorum could bo
abused. "In terms ot rules," said Frye,
"there Is no limitation and Ihe chair
knows of no power in a presiding officer
to place limitation." vooruees nun
back iu ills seat and the roll call
brought forty-four unwilling victims
Into the chamber. As soon as the an
nouncement was made, Quay, of Penn
sylvania, suggested the absence of a
quorum. He did It, be said, because
the decision of the chair put It abso
lutely in the power of auy one in the
senate to stop legislation." The senate
of the United States," said Frye -vlth
a gravity that caused the galleries to
titter, "Is the most dignified legislative
body in the world and," he proceeded,
"the framers of its rules did not sup
pose any senator would violate the
properties or decencies of the senate."
"The theory oi me cuubuiuhuu,
ald Quay, disgustedly, "may bo as
slated by the chair, but our recent ex
perience has shown that the senate Ib
very dlV rently constituted." He then
withdrew his suggestion, but Uarey, of
Wyoming, who evidently desired to
show the country exactly bow power
less the senate was, repeated it.
At 0:15 Harris of Tennesse presemcu
an amendment which tie saiu e
would oiler in due time. The amend
ment provides first for the coinage of
all silver bullion In the treasury repre
wntlng the government selgoorage
into full legal tender dollars at tho rate
...onminnnwr month. Second, when
the wlnorage Is coined the secretary of
the treasury shall purchase each month
bullion sufflclent to coin iuian; uu...
and; frfn JS "Sin. J? of
rdaeno,fflion than lkUb.ll l-J
Which wtoreU con.Ui.Uy '& tte ftj WP u ' ""Tthpoi.
f MW ---- -----
tons, ua euiuw j"
teemed and not re-issued and national
hunk notes of less denomination than
$10 shall be redeemed and the national
bauka required to substitute notes of
that denomination. Fourth, two and
a half and five dollar gold pieces shall
be no longer coined and when received
at the treasury department be re-coined
as eagles and double eagles.
Fifth, holders of standard silver dol.
lure can exebnuge Buch dollars on pre
sentation for noted of same legal tender
oualitv aa such silver dollars whicli
shall be held for their redemption. The
amendment created much Interest, It
beiug assumed that It furnished tho
first sped Ho compromise proposition
growing out of the continuous session,
ft was understood that Carlisle was not
yet satisfied that tho repeal men would
have to capitulate and urged them to
continue the light. He was willing,
however, that tho amendment be in
troduced in case the compromise would
become the only alternative except de
feat. In this indirect way it would
eeiu the administration, as far as Car
lisle speaks for it, showed the first sign
of weakening.
When it was found Impossible to get
together a quorum, Voorliees rose and
said he felt he had done his duty in the
matter, and moved an adjournment.
Fhe motion was unanimously agreed
to, and iu an lustaut the senate cham
ber was deserted after a continuous ses-
Inn of thirty-eight hours and forty
The senate adj turned at 1 45 a. m.
Voorliees Doubtful.
Washington. Oct. 13. Voorliees
said to the Associutedl'ress he would at
six o'clock this eveuiug ugalu ask the
tienato to continue iu session during
tho night and keep It up until a vote
was reached. Ho did not know whether
he could holdaquoruni.but it would not
be his fault, if one failed.
There Is a movement on foot, In oppo
sition to Voorliees' proposition to ask
for ? night session, to prouuro an ad
journment at 5:30 till until Monday.
The Democratic senators have been
holding a conference all day, aud have,
it is Muted, upon good authority, al
moBl agreed upon a compromise. The
agreement continues the Sherman act
In eliect eighteen mon'liB and provides
fur u limited bond issue.
Air Brakes on the Train
Would Not Work.
Most of tho Dead Frightfully
Following the Northern Pacific to
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ssr lUmivl
k Dynamite Outrage iu Italy.
Ministerial Crisis iu tho Spanish
In Congress.
WABHINC1TON, Oct. 13 House agreed
to lake vote nu the Chinese bill at three
o'clock Monday.
The banking bill will be called up
Immediately after house now discus
sing the Chinese bill.
A Dynamiter.
San Fhancisco, Oct. 13 John Han
son, n prominent member of the Bail
ors' Union, was arrested this morning
for connection with the fatal dynamite
explosion at the Bailors' boarding
Irish Leaugo President.
Chicago. Ills.. Oct. 13. M. V. Clan
non has resigned the preldency of the
Irish national leaguo or America, it
l said the resignation Is duo to Glad
stone's home rule policy.
Washington, Oct. 13. The presi
dent of Guatemala has proclaimed
himself dictator.
The State Encampment.
Ilosiniiniu, Oct. 13 A mass meeting
wu he Id at the courthouse by citizens,
members of the Women's I'ehef Corps
and of the Uranu Army, or loseuurg
vicinity, tor the purpore or contld
erlng the most practicable date
for the holding of the state en
campment of these organisations
and of the Sons of Veterans. Commit
tees will be appointed to make arrange
ments for receving vM tors aud will sug
gest that the encampment te held In
Rofceburg the latter part of April or
May, IbOl
rr.rj n cIush nuliico hi Midway tla!
tat co where ull the alterations of cutting
and making jihis am exhibited without
Tbe entiw lloor spu of the Kentucky
buldlnKl"ld,n,"wl," i toottuti'
no:,Jutbeojiiniof wi.. . U Mur
accurately roUuolujj the mouth of tho
Mammoth tve.
.. i... firm In fiiirinnnv exhibit an
lion tree nwla ol various sized tube.
.. .....i.t th trea is u beautiful sight.
JiutaaTl of have the Unit are ablaze
with yellow lucandeiXMMit globe.
In the Kanwu tmtlflintf a; me mjk
Frightful Wreck.
jACicsofo, Mich., Oot. 13. Ono of
tho most frightful railroad accidents
occurred hero at 0:30 this morulng.
The second section of tho Oswego spe
cial run into the rear end or tho tiret
section, teleBCoplugtwo coaches, while
the first section was standing on the
traok. Some of the passengers were
out on the ground, some were eating
breakfast, many were asleep. The
dead numbor seventeen, injured fifty
two. Moat of the dead are frightfully
mangled. Euglneer Whalen.ln charge
of the section, says he saw the slgual
to keen back, but when ho tried to stop
bis train, he found that the air brakes
would not work.
Followlmr Is a list of tho dead: Mag
gie MoMaster, Pennyan, N. Y.; Jas. H.
Keller, Hammondaport, N. Y.; Uenrge
Huffmnnn, Lowmansyllle, N. Y.-, Mrs.
Norton Beardsley, Canton, Penn.jMisB
Harriet Burll, Pine City, N. Y.; Mrs.
Chas. Starr, Elmlra, N. Y., Mrs. Dar
win dlbbs, Wheeler, N. Y.; James
Woodbury. Mrs. Lloyd Woodbury,
Bath, N. Y. An unknown baby; It Is
believed tho parents are killed, as there
Is an unknowu man and unknown
woman amontr the dead.
There Is also an unidentified woman
with a babe In her arms. The wreck
was ono of tho sections of the world's
fair train of the Delaware.Lackawanna
and Western road running overtne
Michigan Central track. Two rear cars
wore completely telescoped Into each
othr and every person la them either
killed or Injured.
So far 10 bodies have been found.
The Injured number 60 to 00.
Eecoiver For Union Pacific.
OiiAiiA. Neb.. Oct. 13.-B. II. H.
Clark has been appointed receiver of
tbo Union Pacific ralUosd.
E. Ellerv Anderson of New York
has been appointed third receiver.
13. Wheat,
An Aeronaut's Death.
Home, Oct. 13, The aeronaut Char
bonet, who was married three days
ago, Bet out with his undo and two
friends to go lu a balloon over the Alps
to Franco. Yesterday the balloon
struck a glacier In tho Italian Alps.
The car was smashed and all the trav
elers were thrown out Charbonet was
killed Instantly and his .wife and
friends were lujurod severely,
lc?T WPLL.
-, uri bad for ffn''SSti
wMch md.5 " E ,TIV be Hylt.U . ."! r ,,.. ' , hv tmniU
UW aMjg,. AKittSUib M ii ;lf tbe Lombard whool for the Lincoln
PClS SSuSnS wMii.'fiv SriaV caiopalan. u .pinning wheel
3ar Ar to W. oUIr that came orer in
Itf'SttSlfw US'iiirW'k ,gMrnow a4 a flag wade la ITT
Ban FitANCJSCO, Oct.
cash fl.OOt.
Chioacio, Oct. 13,-Casli, 03; De
cember 601.
Poktihd, Oct. 13. Wheat valley,
$.95f.97l; Walla Walla f.87f .87 J.
Phioks Cut. Be sure and call at 07
State street for New York wholesale
prices on wall paper. In fine gut pa
pers the price Is cut from W) cents w oo
aud 40 cents. In common paper from
25 cents to 10 and 16 oeuts. Call early.
IU 12 tr
The Southern Paclfio has placed tho
price of rouud trip tickets, good for 10
days to the Portland exposition at 13,86,
Including one admission to the exposi
tion. Tickets on sale Moudays, Wed
ueodays and Fridays only. tf
Are You Nervous,
Are you all tired feeling or sick bead
ache? You can be relieved of all these
symptoms by Ukijg Hood's riarsapa-
ii, .....i.t. ..I.,..- nun. niMiilal and
nun, wunu ui,i. uv.., W" ...
bodily strength and thoroughly purifies
the blood, n also cresww buum M'i7
uti,. cures indication, heartburn aud
tTvtt.. ixiia nr v to take, easy In
.H,n Htiit unra In effect. Soceutsabox,
Grape Vines for Sals.
I have prorogated several thousand
good strong two-year old grao vines
for setting out, assorted varlties, suit
able for culture in Oregon. 26 ots each.
I'i 00 per dozen, ii iiowr, djubuj, vr.,
JOUHNAk omoe.
IVnnnmlta In PaVOr.
Clean uewlaiew, lied In bandies of
10U, not cut, tor Mis at this otiloe at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper rge snw, iwo wn
noxi. UUUI w
Europsan Anarchists.
Madrid, Oot. 13. A panic prevailed
at Jeroz, Monday ovouing, when the
report was circulated that u body of an
archists Intended to attack the town.
Shops wero hastily closed, wludowa
barred, doors barricaded and valuables
hidden. Tho mayor mobilized the civil
guard. Thorelgn of terror coutluued
throughout tho night, and the civil
guards bocomlng bolder, they pushed
out into the country and met, accord
ing to tho claim made by tho munici
pal authorities, groups of atiarchlsts
marching towards Jerez. Tho anarch
ists. It la asserted, when ciuestloned by
the civil guards, declared themselves to
bo workmen on their way to Jerez In
order to engage iu their regular occupa
lions. The authorities claim this wu
not tho case, but the anarchists wore
evidently cowed by the prompt meas
ures taken to put down any outbreak.
Dynamite Iu Italy.
ItoitK, Oot. 13'. A serlnui dynamite
outrage is reported from Pisnl. A large
dynamite bomb was exploded yester
day lu the vicinity of the Florentine
gate. Tho force of the explosion shat
tered nil the windows lu the vicinity
and caused a terrible paule among the
Inhubltanls. There was no loss of life,
though several people were injured.
Ring Government.
Duhlin, Oot. 13. John Barry haB
decided to resign his seat in commons,
notwithstanding tho rcmonatranoea or
his constituents In Wexford. He has
addressed a lontr letter to the elector,
explaining that be resigns because of
tho system of ring government practiced
by certain powerful elements of the
Irish parliamentary party, and becauso
new nollclcs are Inaugurated without a
consultation with the majority of tho
Peace League.
BnusaKWi, Oct. 18. Tbo control com
mittee of tho international parliamen
tary peace league mot here. They de
cided to request Mr. Gladstone to In
troduce and brine; under discussion in
the British parliament a bill pledging
tbo British government to favor the as
tabllshment of a permanent court for
tlie arbitration of International disputes,
America Wins the Great Yacht
. Race.
Britishers Defeated for tho Eighth
Crisis la Spain.
Madiup, Oct. 13. A .ministerial
crisis has suddenly arison.owiug to the
resignation of tho minister of the In
terior. It Is rumored the foreign min
ister will also resign and that the cabi
net wilt be largely modified.
International Yacht Race.
Nkw Yohic, Oct. 13. The race be
tween tbo Vigilant and Valkyrie today
Is fifteen miles to windward and return.
At 12:02 p. m gun Just fired, Vigi
lant is heading for tho line.
At 12:00, second gun Just fired,
Valkyr'o Just crossing.
At 12i25, Vlgiiaut leadlug by t mile.
HAD vigilant weathek,
Thero Is good Valkyrlu weather. A
gale of nearly thirty miles an hour Is
on. It transpires tho Vigilant Is not
leading as was supposed. It Is hard to
tell which leads.
The Vigilant crowd tho Hue at 3;55.
Tne Valkvrlo muudud the stako at
2:39. Tho Villi n turned three min
utes and twenty Hccouds lutor, the
wind increasing. Thu bouts are coming
Mome at u tremendous speed, the Vigi
lant steadily gaitiiug on tbo English
Tbo Valkyrie crossed the Hnoat3:53J.
Tho Vigilant wins the third time,
TheVlgllant's elapsed time isthrse
hours, 61 minutes, 6 seconds, Valky
rie's elapsed time three hours, 20 rain
utrst 67 Beoondf.
Alleged Counterfeiters.
Taooma, Wn,, Oct. 13. Much ister
est Is being taken iu tho bearing tomor
row of Burroll and Thomas, the alkgsd
counterfeiters who circulated spurious
coins at Koy last week, it has just iw
como known that a large number of
counterfeit 16 gold coins have been cir
culated throughout Southwestern
Washington. A mlsoroscopio examin
ation of tbo coins show the milling to
be finer than that of the originals, but
they havo no metallic ring and ar
riiort In weight nearly half. Burrtll
and Thomas olulni they came Into pos
session of the bad coins luuotwntly.
Deafness Oaanot Ss Cured
a pound,
Situation la Uracil.
New Yohk. Oct. 13. Tho Herald's
Montevideo dispatch says that advices
from Itlo Janeiro are that the army,
hitherto loyal to Pelxoto, Is likely to
Join tho naval insurgents. Two bat
talions of the National Uuard uayo re
volted and declared for the rebels. It
Is believed the disaffection will spread
rapidly. Tho rebel squadron is luao
tlve, owing to a lack of ammunition.
The revolution uprising In tho South
ern province of Itlo Grande do Sulla
dally gaining strength. A large force
of the rebel army Is toileztng Llvraudo,
aud the residents fear an attack ou the
city will soon be made.
BUEN03 ayki, Oot. 13. AUvtors
from Bio Grande do Bui, Brazil, an
that the iasursenti surprised aud de
featfcd tho government forces at Quar-
cny, klllluK 200 rederai troops.
Bukmoh Ayhbh, Oct. I8.-I0 addl
tion to tho "To Dniui." which W
sung today celebrating the end of tht
revolution, there was a grand tullltarj
fete, Peace aud security Is restored li
the country, except lu some reiuott
bv local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion pf the ear. ,
There Is only one way to cure deafness,
nd that Is by constitutional remedies.
nnarnt-Mi la chubmI liv an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian tube. Wlteti this tuosiaiu
tlamed you havo a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearlwr, and when Risen-
tlrely closed, deafness Is tho result, ami
out and this tube restored tolls normal .1
couuiuou, Hearing win u uwnijw g
ferever: nine cam's out or ten are oausea
ry cainrrn, wuiun in hhihiux uot i-
tlameu condition or me hiuwus suri
Wo will give nne hundred dollars for
iny rase of deafness (caused by eaUrrb)
that cannot be cured by Hall's CftUrrb
Cure. Bend for circulars; ftm.
F. J. CiiKNKY fc C., TqWo.0.
afirS-Wd by Druggists, 75.
The shoe traile has teen faAvy at tne
New York Raoket because they sell a
good quality of boots and sboes at low
prices and warrant ail beat makes.
cod w
.TuitRKYR-At ShartMi's dairy ari
kept aa Hue a herd of Jersey flows i
ou wish in ee. fc w yj f """j
UVH uxoeneuv tuns m mwn.
XTnll.Inn llbu Ul.uljanuil XiUMt
Istor for pyspep and IwsMisjssittoss--
pai9mH ii"v-,
jjiDony oucok.