Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 12, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    I U "fP
"W WSj
- .T,g. - :w.,v
life . i
Eddie O. Znmb
" My little boy had bad fainting spells, al
most fits, followed by vomiting. Wo cavo
Mm threo bottles of Hood's Sarsapaillla and
bo Is now as ragged as one could wish to
Hood's Con
co. His appetite Is good, his checks aro
like twin roses and he gains dally." JIi:b.
Pavid Lamb, Bond'-Tlllage, Palmer. Mass.
Hood's PJIIs cure liver troubles, Indi
gestion and headache. Try a box. 215c.
Grape Vines for Sale.
I have prnpogated several thousand
K o I strong twoyear old grape viuef
r fw'tiiitR out. iiRsorted vurlties. suit
; niile lor culture in Oregon. 25 cts each.
S 00 per dozen. . Horer, Balem, Or..
I Journal ofllce. d w
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
109, not cut, for sale at tbis ofllco at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the postofilco.
A 1'oor Hun.
The peripntetio walked into the coun
try editor's ofllco with a woebegone look.
The editor was busy crediting a subscri
ber with n cord of wood on account.
"Can yon givu a poor man a quarter?"
appealed the tramp.
"What's yonr name?" inquired the ed
itor. "William Jones."
"Well, Mr. Jones, my name is Mug
gins, and I want to say to yon in reply to
yours just received that I can at times
five a poor man a quarter, and, Mr.
Jones, I do; but his name is Muggins.
Good morning, Mr. Jones," and the ed
itor went on with hia work. Detroit
Free Press.
Hard For the Snake.
NearsightedHuntertoSerrant Quick,
you hlack rascal! Quick with my gun'
In all my 15 years' experience I never be
fore saw an elephant with a trunk like
that! Life.
Ilors to Keep.
vA cold, gray dawn filled the eastern
sky with uncertain twilight.
Here and there a feathered songster
piped tentatively, aa if, doubtful of the
propriety of making such demonstration
ns would lead the world to believe it was
In the sleeping car a solitary head in
curl papers might have been perceived
to protrude from the curtains of the third
berth from the end.
A pair of dark, soulful eyes pierced the
The curtains swayed.
A form appeared, paused for an in
stant and otolo liko a shadow along the
aisle. .
The dark, soulful eyes glittered with
"It is mine, it is mine!"
The form flitted into the dressing room,
slammed tho door and piled furniture
against it.
And when the other women in the car
heard tho sound their hearts wero heavy
with despair.
"Where oh, where?" they moaned in
anguish of spirit.
With the thpughtof tho day to come
their hearts grow bitter and they railed
against fato. Detroit Tribune.
Medical Intelligence.
Colonel Witherspoon, to whom we
have frequently referred to as the
meanest man in Hariom, has been in
poor health forsomo months past. The
principal cause of his feebleness is his
unwillingnebs to feed himself with nuf
ficient copiousness.
A few days ago while ho was taking
tho air he met Dr. Perkins Soonover.
Witherspoon thought this was a good
chance to get some medical advice with
out paying for it.
"How do you do this morning, colo
nel?" asked Dr. Soonoyer.
Poorly, doctor. Forsomo time past
I have been suffering from weakness.
As you seo.I can hardlywalk. What
ehall I take, doctor?"
"Take a cab," replied the doctor
gruffly as ho etrodo off. Texas Sittings.
.Wlint Landeer Said.
Several year ago a London Hebrew,
Abraham Solomon, painted a rtunBg
picture, "Waiting For the Verdict," IU
i.viMiinn ot i Rnval academy excited
great enthusiasm among lovers of art
and was tue occasion w " '--
Tho artist, not being a Royal acade
mician entitled to annex B. A. to tots
name, had hi painting "skied." All the
pictures contributed by that august fre
mih, nrro im nsiial huncr on the line.
Thomas Landseer was in ecstasies as he
li,.M th thrilllnc scene depicted on tho
rnn. nr,n nir.laimed. "There is Solo
mon in all hi glory, but not R. A.'- lu
' ftin'il'liTTftWi'lM -. rii i
Bhlcst of nature 'b brood,
Retreating to the wood.
Just at its edge a ref ugo have ye found;
Like partrldgo chicks In fright.
Keeping yourselves from slht
Under the dry leaves covering the ground.
Ye would not shrink so much
From our fond sight and touch
If only our hearts' feelings cojM be known;
We wait with watching eyes
To mark your mild surprise
That, coming early, yo comn not alone.
The bluebird yesterday
Came flying homo this way.
He piped his very sweetest song of ) out
In fullest faith and lore
We are now here to prove
That bluebird's prophecy shall turn out true.
We push the leaves away.
And there In Bllken gray
Has nature tenderly wrapped up your forms;
Open for ns your eyes.
Look to the April skies.
Blue as In summer after heavy storms.
Within the opening lid
A thought of bluo Is hid,
A memory of heavens watched long ago;
A dream ye fondly kept
AM that long night ye slept
Beneath the downy coverlets of snow.
Isaac B. Clioato In Home Journal.
Gimptown was an old fashioned burg
full of old fashioned ppople, not one of
whom pretended to deny that Mellie
Rose was the prettiest, liveliest girl in
the place.
Now, although Gimptown folk had ro
tnctantly succumbed to the inroads of
progress insomuch that they admitted
(there were up witcues they still clung
persistently to wise old Baws. Why not
call them tho wornout old saws and rele
gate them to tho rubbish heap of other
bygone misconceptions?
Thus it happened that while other
girls were "spoke for" as soon as they
came of age sweet Mellio Rose wasted
her sweetness upon transient lovers.
Joshua Jones, tho most appreciative
of these, had remarked to his mether:
"Now, mammy, I don't believe there's a
thing wrong with Mellie. I like her
mighty well."
"Gracious, Josh!" said she, holding up
her hands in horror. "If you're a-gettin
stuck on that gal, you had just better
get over it as quick as possible. My
grief! A whistling gal in the Jones fam
ily! light
So honest Josh put aside his sentiment
by muttering, "Yes, I suppo -.. 'whistling
gals and crowing hens' is as true today
as it ever was."
Josh was right. This old saw is just
as true today as it was when the lunatic
of long ago manufactured it. Accord
ingly ho married a "good housekeeper"
who never whistled, and Mellie seemed
destined to bo an old maid.
In Gimptown a girl became an old
maid if she was not "keeping regular
company" by the time she was 21.
"I can't see why Mell can't be like
other girls," said her Aunt Dorothy, who
didn't believe in old maids. "Uan't you
stop this whistling. Mellie?" she askcti
her one day.
"I'll try. auntie," replied the innocent
So for a week or so sho went nbout
looking Us demure as possible, but it was
uphill work.
"Got a new minister. They say he's a
young man. I'll invito him in. No toll
in he might but no, of course not!
Well, I'll invite him anyhow." said Aunt
A week or two after t his she was busy
ing herself making the little parlor look
tidy, when a knock sounded on tho door
She ushered in a fine looking young man.
with a decided clerical air. but pleasant
and kindly withal:
The pastor and hia hostess wero soon
talking quietly on parish matters. In
the next room thero was a rattlo as of
some one washing dishes.
"Pll call Mellie as soon as she.finishes
hr work." Aunt Dorothy was saying.
when, horrors! there arose in that young
lady's clear, piccololike whistle the fa
miliar notes of "Old Hundred." Poor
Mellie had kept her moutn in us normui
position for two wholo .weeks, but now.
to the time of rattling crockery, the
notes roso and fell with startling dis
tinctness. Aunt Dorothy turned red and then
white, ndgeted about and finally, when
the assortment of noises stopped, went
into the kitchen Baying as she went,
"Excuse nie. Mr. Haviland. and I'll tell
Mellie to come iii,"
With blood cnrdling coolness she said
to her niece: "The new minister is hera
Come in and be introduced." That was
what her mouth uttered, but her eyes
i.i. m vnn've done it with thai
whistle of yours! Let's see how you'll
get out of it."
Mellie followed the irate lady
"Mr. Ilavilaud. my niece, Miss Rose.
One would have supposed that a rea
rose could not be much redder, but
.when Mr. Haviland sai'1 in nn amused
tone. "Your brother is a fine whistler,
then one knew that Mtllie's first blush
was a mere tinge of color.
"11 have no brother,' she replied
honestly, so the evidently painfnl snb
ject was dropped
A remarkably fine young lady,
thought the young minuter as be was
returning to his boarding place, "and
evidently as inuocent as her name. It s
to dull hero. I really must cultivate
her acquaintance."
So the fleeting summer days found the
Rev. Mr. Haviland often at Aunt Dor
othy's houw or in Mellls'a company
wandering njoii tho rocky banks of tho
To tht young lady these bits of sun
jhine lu her life were snatches from
ilreainlaud. To hear ieeuuwH "-
discourse upon ww p-o4-
man nwcourec miv" , ,,
things of the big. wb won ----
ferent from tiie nrun.inmi i. - -
np of Gimptowu
Wunnttuniyhl 'Fancy! I do be
lieve the pareon' abetting interested in
Mell. Now. if shell only keep that
whistle o' tier's ft win. knowH?-ome-..
. ,..., i,r nf
WfJ ta .. -w tal
tsridalouitbat so nneaywng max.
jfcouU be "took
in "7 y! -'
- ..,
when everyone knew that face was dis
figured by a whistling mouth.
Miss Smith, whoso ago was an un
known quantity between 20 and 40, and
who had set her cap so often that that
article was badly frayed around its fig
urative edges, said, "No. ho shan't he
bamboozled, not if I have to warn him
myself I"
And it is on record that she did warn
tho daring man.
In spite of nil this opposing element in
his flock, Mr Ilavilaud could not help
thinking how dull life would be Witli-.ut
a certain flower whoso perfume ho alone
teemed to have discovered.
One bright September day he wull;e.t
over to Annt Dorothy's little cottage
intending to invite Mellie to accompany
him upon an errand of mercy As he
reached the gate he stopped a moment
Tho front door was wido open. Mellie
dressed in pink calico, with a cap of the
same material only partly concealing
her fluffy brown hair, was busily en
gaged with broom and duster in the
hall. There was a happy look upon her
innocent face. When, as if birdlike
sho could not restrain her joy. tho rob
lips puckered bewitchingly. and the
notes of a hymn trilled forth with star
tliug clearness aud truth
Suddenly the unconscious warbler was
electrified into silence by the sharp
words, "Perfectly shocking, isn't it?"
Glancing up, she saw Aunt Dorothy
standing with watering can in hand as
if preparing to water her own feet, which
seemed rooted to the ground.
She was staring at Mr. Haviland, who
leaned upon tho gato with a puzzled ox
pression upon his face.
Not waiting to hear his answer Mellie
fled to her own room, whero she indulged
in that which seldom spoiled her happy
face a good "cry." For sho doubted
not that sho had forfeitod her place in
tho minister's esteem.
Sho was not surprised, then, wheu
Aunt Dorothy met her with: "Now you
have done itl My goodness. I don't
know what to do with you! You're
enough to try a saint's patience!"
But Mellie was surprised when her
aunt handed her a note from Mr. Havi
land containing bis request to acconi
pauy him to the house of somo poor peo
plo who lived several miles away.
"Shall I go?" she asked her aunt.
"Of course? No nso making matters
worse by refusing."
So Mellie said sho would accompany
the minister, though her sensitive nature
rebelled against tho trial.
After packing a basket of food for the
poor people, Mellie waited in nervous
anxiety for her escort. When he ar
rived, sho quietly allowed him to assist
her into the trap, where she sat almost
dumb, a pained expression upon her
"What is the matter with you today?
asked the minister as they trundled
through the green fields.
Mellie trembled at his kindly tones
but she would not be drawn into con
versation until
But there, no matterl What right
have we to intrude? Suffice it to say
that tho next day Mr. Haviland asked
Aunt Dorothy for Mellie --hand.
That worthy damo could not help say
tng, "But, Mr. Haviland, sho is n whis
tling girl, and you know"
"There, thero, don't say a word against
the future mistress of the parsonagel'
he interrupted.
And so. amid shocked Gimptown's sur
prised talk, tho doomed old maid of 20
winters was converted into a happy bride
of SO summers.
Rumor has it that Miss Smith is prac
ticing tho much abused nrt of whistling
But heartless minor also says that she
whistles in vain. Exchange.
Wine and Water.
The expert glanced along tho list on
the wine card as ho sat at his table in
tho restaurant. 'Thero is a pure wino."
ho said, putting his finger on a name
'It is really mado in Franco and is made
from grapes. Now here," passing to
another name, "is precisely the same
wino, but weaker, because it has been
watered a little Here it is in another
disguise at a different price, and here it is
watered to tho third degree and cheapest
of all. It isn't bad; only thin. Some
times tho watering, has been done in
France, sometimes it is done by bottlers
In this country Toaoften tho adultera
tions are logwood and harsh spirits or
raw alcohol. The kirsebwasser of most
of tho New York restaurants wonld
burn a hole through most stomachs in
a week." New York Sun
Keotlng f llotli-f and flltr.
While H. M. S. Tourmaline was pay
Ing an official visit at Montreal a prlvi
legtd company of citizens accepted nn
invitation to dine on board the statoly
vossel Among these folks was a dmnn
ing young lady. who. while inspecting
the ship under the guidance of a smari
bluejacket, entered into conversation
nHtli him and nruaently inado the iuter
ebting discovery Hurt they were brothel
and sister During early childhood thm
lost their jmronU and were placed in an
orphan asylum in London, from whici.
Institution the boy was sent to a train
Ing ship and the girl to a home in Cans
da. Eleven years then elapsed, during
which they lost all trace of one another
until the strange coineiuence ucnvnuw
brought alwnt their happy reunion.
London Tit-Bits.
llootli'c Carefulaess.
A BoRton jeweler who had occasioo
from time to timo to manufacture jew
els for Edwin Booth, the tragedian. U
be worn In different characters, says hi
was extremely consoirntlous in havinj
them made not only of the best mate
rial bnt as near as poasible hUIoncalh
correct In having a costly crown o,
gold and precious stones made for tut
character of Richard HI he sent to Un
don to get the correct design So tu tin
jeweU for tlw clwr.wtw of Richelieu b.
took great patusto consult the lt an
.tu It did not tatufy him to U
told that the real could not be dUUu
imished from the Imitation on the stage
hence be bought tbeco.tet lace. i and
material for his cotume.-New Yor-Txibnas.
0Al?IUOs JOttttNAli, OKtnmBlX
.n; fTTt iW"WiKii lihn in;
iM - Mttsl
Dronxe Kqunstrlan Statue Halted In Iter i
Honor at Cliluon.
Sunday I went out from Paris ton
"little village of groat renown," whioh
Pantagruel dpclired to l? tho oldest in
tho world, because, as facetious Rabelias
makes him say, "tlw original name of
Chiuon was Caino, and that was got
from Cain himself, tho first builder of
towns nnd cities." Chinon is indeed old,
but not interesting on thnt account
Four hundred and sixty-four years ago
a certain damsel of Domremy, in the
Vosges. was inspired to go from her na
tivoplaco to tho town, where nn indolent
king was passing his timo in doing noth
ing, nnd to humbly solicit of him the
honor and privilege of leading his troops
against tho English, who wero thonmas
ter of three-fourths of French territory.
It was a difficult task that which Jean
of Arc undertook, for ho who personi
fied France at thnt timo was n pale, lan
guishing, sensual young man of 20 years,
who seemed to have given up hope of
over being tho real ruler of France. In
his castle, looking down on the river
Vienne, ho passed his time in fetes, gal
lantries and miserable court intrigues,
and at no timo in her history had Franco
sunk to suoh low degree. It was then
that the peasant girl of Domremy went
to seo tho king, and in commemoration
of hor visit to the placo in 1420 tho town
of Chinon determined to erect a bronze
monument in her honor which would
last forever.
It was to assist at tho inauguration of
this "bronzo equestrian Statue," an ug
ly, hideous thing, though tho causo it
represents is sacred, that I took n train
Sunday morning early and went down
into that part of France which is called
fair Touramo.
When Jean reached tho castle, the
courtiers opposed her entranco and de
clared that tho king would bo humiliat
ing himself if ho received this common
shepherd girl. But sho went into a great
hall lighted by CO torches, whero Charles
VII, surrounded by 300 noblemen dress
ed in magnificent costmhes, awaited her
coming. To test her he put ono of his
titled subjects in tho place of honor nnd
half hid himself among tho courtiers,
but Jean went directly up to him, bent
down und respectfully kissed his knees.
Ho denied himself to her, whereupon she
"Gentle princo, this is you and none
"Very well, what wilt thou have of
me?" asked tho dauphin, for, though king
in fact, ho was not so officially, not yet
having been crowned.
"Most noble lord," sho replied. "I nm
called Jeanne, tho maiden, and I have
como to you, aided by God, to help you
make war on tho English."
Tho king smiled, whereupon Jeanne
centinued: "You do not beliovo mo.
Well, I tell you that God, yielding to tho
prayers of St. Louis and St. Charlemagne,
has taken pity on you and your people."
"Who nrt thou that speaks thus?" de
manded Charles.
"I am only a poor peasant,"'sho an
swered, "who knows not how to road or
write, but under arms I shall bo your
servant, aud God will bo your salvation."
Struck by theso words, the king spoko
to her alone for awhile, and then he Bald
to all tho court, "This young girl has my
ontiro confidence."
Such is the true story of what passed
in tho old castle abovo Chinon 461 years
ago, and such is the reason why a bronzo
stntuo has been stood up in tho Touralno
town that overlooks tho Vienne river.
Cor. Boston Herald.
Too JIucli of a Problem.
"How often," ho said, with intense sar
casm, "do you expect to bo engage- thii
"Oh, dear!" sho answorod, "don't talk
that way. You know I despiso arith
metic." Washington Star.
Tho Trouble.
Wiggsby I hear you have been got
Hng up a flying machine. Have yon?
Biggsby Nol I havo been inventing
a flying machine, but I can't got It tip
worth a cent. Indianapolis Journal.
Bleb ItroUckeuul rellere all lb troubWf Inci
dent to a Mllout lUti of the jtltm, tuch as
Oluinee. Ktute. Drowtlneu, DltlirM after
eatlne, fain la U Bide, 4.0. While ttitir meet
reiturkiUe iucccm luu been shown la curies
HeadwSx, ret CiTa' Lmuc Ursa Pmm
ireeatulfr l"We In ConUipatton. curiae
and preventing thli annojln coinnUlpl. while
therateo comet aU disorder of lb ctomacb.
iumulate the lifer and rtfuiau the bowel.
Kven IX they only cured
-ehe ther would be almoat priceleM W ftO
wno tuffer ttom Ul dltru4nr complaint!
IT fortunately their Boodcweaoe. no end
nera, Md who once liy them will nnd
theM UtSe plll lul'U In to many wan i that
iher wUI not be wiltta to do without t&cra.
Hut after all tick bead
oa of to many lire that here
our creat boaU. Our (411
kralla not.
ii tha bane of to many Urea that here U where
wa make our treat boaU.
Our plu cure M
Ciiru Um Urw Pitts art Terr m!l
and Jerr "f to lake , One or two rili make
. .' m.L. .Irlflr vrrtrLlMa and GO
while other do not
notirlpe or tune, tt by lhafr ntU action
Uea5.aU wlEutTlhem 'in UuVateUs
Sitter II Sou ewTwbrra, or aent by inaft
dim XKKta JO, Vn Trt.
fclfi bit Wfm
- .. OOTOBfiltll, 1898.
- aUM
What Is tho condition ef voars? Is vour hair drv.
harsh, brittle? Docs it split at the ends? Has it n,'
lifeless appcaranco? Does it fait out when combed or S
brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Docs your scalp itch ? $
Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these nro some of i
yoursymptomsbewarncdintlmeoryouwHIbccoftiebalJ, j
SkookumRoot Hair Grower
Is what you seed. IUprcduelIonlsnotanaocklent.trattherittUofec!aMlflq &I
niearch. Knowltdgo ot the dlMatet o the hair and nalp led to the d Iscot tc,
err of how to treat them. "8kookum'ceoulntnelthrimnereliriorollii. It a7
la not a Dre, but a delightfully cooling and retrhlnt Tonic, liyntlmul.-uliut
the follicle, it ttopt falling hair, euro dandr-Mjr and protci natron tail JV
rr Rami th teata ftla&n.
the tue ot ooum iii Soap. It deatroyt jxmutHo tiuKti, which ttden ic
and dtttroy Ih Aalr. . . . if
Ifraurdronlatcaanottapplyyouiend dlreet ton. and wewUI forward 3
prepaid, on receipt ot price. Grower, SIM per bottle it for t00. B4p,tiXuIf
perjariSforsxso. 5
117 Mouth Fifth ATeflBO, New York, N. Y.
Ot rrninTUIIIff
". t"SZ,V,JZ3
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 30th and Chemoketa Street.
J. E.
Geo. Fondrich,
Bent meat and free delivery.
136 Mate Street.
Wlllowennp Now that tho tiino of
my marriugo with your daughter Is np
proaohtng, sir, I hopo you nro beginning
to think about buying that houso for tia
in New Jersoy.
Fathor I said nothing, sir, nbout buy
ing you n houso, although I beliovo I did
say something nbout furniture. TVlint
do you mean, anyway?
i Willowsnap Didn't you say you wore
going to furnish our home? Jersoy
Ho tVns Him.
"Tommy," said tho visitor, "havo you
read tho boohs in your Sunday school li
brary?" "Somo of them,'' ho replied, rather
"Can you tell mo what happened to
tho boy who wont fishing on Sunday?'
"Yes. IIo caught thrco catfish and an
"How do you know that?"
" 'Cos I was hira." Washington Star.
Still AnotUer.
Spencor Thero is only ono way of got-
tinff ahead of a life insuranco company,
and that is to die.
Ferguson No, thero is ono otherway.
Silencer What's that?
Ferguson Don't insure Brooklyn
One Column.
Editor I want an nrtlclo nbout a col
umn. Do you think yon can do it?
Anxious Contributor I knownlittlo
about Nelson's column. Will that do?
Pick Mo Up.
A Hint.
Staylato (yawnB) Excuso mo.
Ethel Knox Certainly. Good
Hair Deatli
instantly removes and forever destroys ob-
Jectlonable iiatr, wboiber u
pon lue nnnas.
Moa arms or neck, without discoloration
.raafbr flfty years tbe secret 'ormulaoll
lO-niimui wlluin. ncknowlodiHja u
lans as tbe lilebtwt authority andthoa
nosi. eminent dHrmntulogul and balr spe
iiiiini that evar uvea, ljurinsnis Dnvuu i
ruction al a llfvtlnio amonir Ibo uoblltul
tod urtMocracy of Kurope he niescrlbrtil
ills recipe, l'rlce, II by mill, seoureljl
ackrd forrespoudeni'ecouaaeniiai, boh
.gents for America. Addroos
lent. H. 67 Bout b Fifth Avenne.New York
1 )QoroonrKM'KwuH"tHHMwnHMHMP
r. ii. u'AKor. oeo. a. iaiiAtr.
D'AllOY A UINOHAM. Attorneys at Law,
Ilonms J. 3 aud 8, li'Aroy llailding. Hi
niHte street. Special attention given to busl
neas to tbe supreme and circuit courts of the
state. 2 11
miLMON KOHD, Attorney at law, ttolent,
J. Oregoa. ufflce upstairs In Patton block
3. ItlOOKIt. Attorney at law,Haletn, Ore
gon. Ofllco over Hush's bank.
r J.BHAW.M.W.11UNT. 811 AW 4 HUNT
t) . Attorneys ut law. Ofilre over Capital
National bank,Malem,Orn.
OHN A. OAllON, Attorney at law, rooms
8 and I, uun nans; uuuaiug, ruijtm.ur.
DUNHAM 4 UOlMKH, Attorneys at law.
I) Offioeln Uusb block, between Btata and
ourt, on Commercial street.
Uolieo.lonmaaai.o prunipur nuiiim
lmpliy block, cor
ntate anu vonunvroiai
lretu ralem, Oregon
if O. KNIUHTON-Arcbltecl and eutvrrltt
W lendent. Offlce, rooms ud a llush.
ireyKian block.
if K. I-OOUB,
Hlfuographrr and Tj pe-
Yi. wrlteet
n bat one In
wrltmt liest eiulpiel typewriiing oj-
uregou. uver niuua uuum,
.'IKtLA HHKKMAN-TyperHlii and
S eommrclal sieuogrophy, r'im II, amy
tek. UrstcUus work. Itates reasonable
Olt. A. UAVH. UU I taraduaur.f New
York, gives spcelvl atieutlon to the dls.
uhoI wuuten Mild cblldrrn, pom, Ibrnat,
.g, kidneys, skin dlsrttaee and surgry.
ttlueat rldene,ot hut etreet. UonsuUa
( from ! o I'i a. in and 'I Xnjp m. 7l-lin
a lillOWNK. M 0-. Hhytlclan and Hur.
V eon. OUlpe. Murphy blo.kj reslueuce,
o.nni' rclal stteet.
HMiril, Itentut. ftUU ret
I J Bjlein. Oregon. Klnlshed denUl opera,
. . f T l uf every
dtwcrlpUoa- lablutM .open
i If IM'UUII, ArcbUeet, plans, speclfleo
W. !" ul1 eiipetlnUurtrnc tnr all
m4s ol buildings. Ofllfte W Uominercial
trrt, up.Ulr..
HiljlrjroN I)1KJK NO. 'J A.O.U. W
t Heeum thlr lll In muu Insurance
Mi,,.Ty JCTw; U-SMMJM. M. W.
J. A. IBI.WOOD, Iteofirder.
rH ANNIKTHOHNTON. Oonsefvatory
ii Instranvmul inusle. lus-ruelorof Kientk
.nd Osrxian at wiiuiih uiuihhii
Itoows -7, Dank lluUdlug. W
heatthr. and free from Irrttatlnir trnntlnna. hv
and Tile-
nntl CantUe,
P. O.iBloolc
Take It!
Only 3 conta a i day doll rerei at
your door.
The House Mover,
451 Marlon Street.
lias the best facilities lor movlnit and ratl
ing bouses, keavo orders at Urny Bros., or
address Balem, Oregon.
From Terminal or interior Points ithe
I Is the lino to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dlnlus car rente. Itrunn tbrouah
vestibule trains; every- day in' tbe year to
;(No obanxe of oars.)
Composed of dining con unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleeper
OflatNt equipment
Sleeping Cars
Host that can be constructed and In whlah
accommodations are both tree and tar
nished for holder of first ana second-olaM
Aoontlnnon line oomisotlug with all
linns. aOordlng direct nod uninterrupted
Pullman slir' 't'Wllonaonn bo sc
oured In ndvtni'o 'oi:i, any agent of
the road.
Throui'h tlokets to and from all points
In America, England and Kurope can be
purchased at any ttoket oftloo of this oom
pany. Full Information onnoerntnir rntou, time
of lratns,rontfS andother details furnished
on application to any aiient or
Assistant General Pasaaawer Agent. Ko,
Ul First street, oor. Washington; Port-
Biiaw ADowmmo, Agontr.
Hotel Monterey.
Newport, - - Orogoa.
Located on tlio Bcacli.two miles noitti
of Newport on Cavo Covt,a beautifully
Rueltercd ppot, wnudorful oecnery, boa
lifttlilnir, flue drives to Capo Foul weath
er llnhiliouso. Houso now, rooms largo
und ulry. Finest resort for fumlllfs or
InvalltlH. Open all winter. Terms
moderate by rtny or week, InleudlliK
vleltora can drop a poetal card to Hew-
port nuu be met uy dock.
John Fitzpatihck,
d-S-m Proprietor.
0ure the Qulckest Chlcsgo and
flours Quick,,r I.,0. mi Kw'
Through Pullman and Tourlrt Sfef per. FfM
Recllnipg Chair Can, WatagCarj,
or rate and general lul c-l( "
or addre ,
W. H. HUKUUltr.Ait. )'
Vtt wassuugwa m v't.'-
i. IIUI1
AI,ttM, ... Orios.
PrlraU work f 7
O, U. ei.KM KST,Kwr,
'"--rny a
Electric Lights
On Uletev System.
Thoynlm Light nnd Power Corapaoy at
e-i xreme bnve equipped tholr Blretrio
Iglit I'laut rtltli the n t modern apparatus
HudH ert wthlo o oiUe I lie rwbllc n better
lUhV lha.i nbj." X','itrnn.l it (V rato5ocr
tlmi' nuy ctlycti t lie t tu' .
Iron I lu niKTcHmit light
iut (cdrit: Motors lor nil
purposi's where power Is re
hil lenrc can be ntrod for ns many llgbU
a doMred and the coniumcra pay for only
such Ileitis oh nro used. This being rcgUteied
by an Klcotrto Meter. Office,
179 Commercial SU
HUNT, t)ie Noilh Saf cb BifcWr,
Says lie hts not sol mv bat
Biinmy rmivcfl nismop to ww
old stand at Liberty street
. a?W McKUlop,
Steam Wood-Saw
Leave! orders at Salem Im
provement Co., 03 Stato street.
E, V. HADLEY, Receiver.
lyjavrsSan Francisco, Oct. 7th, mbandtsrih.
Leaves Ynqulua.Oct. 2d, 13tb,22d nndNovJnth
For irelght and paisngerrtlvopply tetany
agent or purser ui iuiiuiiimij
It R, v ULlAiitaea'tSupt,
I AW T K. M A.
Q. M. POWKI1H, Agent,, ga'em Doek.
(KorUtern Pacific R. R, Ce Lhh.)
Two Through Train Dally.
I .MInn- a
I jurauua
1 . Ashlana. n
Tickets sold and bnzzaKO checked through
to all points in the United mates and Canada. In Chicago With all
trains going Kost and Houtli.
foriull luformaUon .apply to your nearest
tianni oireni or u . i
lieu. 1'uw.noaiim At.. uuiwtw.
East and South
of tbe i
i Southern Pacific Company.
u.l6p. ro.
thin p. m.
l&Af, a.m.
b:l a, M
Kan Frnn.
Above trains stop at all stations irom
Portland to Albany Inclusive: also at Tunfent
Hbedd, Ilalsey.'Uarrlsburg, junction uuy,
Irvlnr, Eunrne ana an uwin)iinu"
lo Ashland Inclusive.
DlHiHK ri-h m j?rle Kwtte
Socond Class Slueping Cars
Attached to all through train.
MVk Divisios, Mm Mti
and (,'erullis:
i a
7aon. in.
Lv. PoriTHuir" Ar.TSP.n
U-.1 p. in. Ar. iiorvaiits l.v.1 iy."
At Albany and OorvallU couaeM wiw
iraiu i , rrrrM VM ""w -r
mxruKMTHAlH tiitl.VBcafrwWtav
40p, in. Lv. PorflttiitlArTT
7fi5Km.lAr. McMlnnvllHi i.v.l
To all iKiInU In the Kn.Urn Wales. Caaod
ana europ cau m umir v "; ,-
Irtim w. W. bKiNMKK. AatVfimm.
' ICP. IlOOKltfl. Awt. o. . oA 1W M
K. KimilbKHi 3tauniir
i;wj a. m. Lv. Foftland Ar.l ,i& p. m.
I1U7 a. ra Lv. Halem Iff. W P. .
M p. ro. Ar, Itosebnrg Uy, I 7.-09 a, m
di i
jlF.,WMfiii' mMnis-M-iw
pae of tbeserYonth's uhdm"