Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 12, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News-.
j AJr 1 J AJu
BRcts. ft MOIttfe fef
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
Prepaid In Adraacs,
3fo ' Fnporo Son! WIhm
To On!.
VOL. 6.
NO. S41
I ! !
Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com! St.
BOSTON mmm m s mm W0RKS-
Ladies' and Gentlemen' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's ttult 2.00 to $2.50.
. " " Ladles' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Dying, 60 cents to $1.00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below Bmlth & Btelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Great Ail-Night Silver
Breaks the Record for Long-windedness.
Senate Enters Upon Continuous
It is Going to bo a Test of Phys
ical Endurance.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retul
Denier in Fresh, Salt ami
Smoked Meats of allliinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Kxporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up Btairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gen'l J gent.
Here is a chance of a llfe-tlme, Why
appear shabby when you can have an
elegant suit for
308 Commercial Street, Saltni.
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
Lamoureux's Stables
. -.. u.i,i- nr Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve-
At the lmmerawn - ".-,",, t service r
UlUitl uciub k.v.v -
rlga uor poor horses.
rendered. No shabby
H. L. LAMOUKUiUA, rroin".
All Night Session.
Washington, Oct. 12. The United
States senate has entered upon a teat of
physicial endurance over the silver de
bate. All night long Senator Allen of
Nebraska held the floor, interrupted by
an occasional ill-tempered colloquy
over roll call, which dragged sleeping
senators from adjoining cloak rooms
For twelve hours and a half he had
held the floor continuously, breakluir
all previous records. Shortly after 7
this mojulng, Wolcott made the point
that fortv-three wus a quorum, as Mon
tana, Wyoming and Waslngtoti were
only partly represented. Vice Presi
dent Stevenson ruled that the senate as
constituted was composed of 85 mem
bers and 43 was a quorum. Wolcott
appealed from the decision, and the ap
peal was tabled, 38 to 6, Allen, Mander-
po , Martin, Pftflerjand Morgan voting
In the negative.
Ti.on Allen, annarentlv ns fresh as
when he began fourteen hours ago. re-
nnmed the address. Allen conciuueu
at a quarter past 8 o'clock this morning.
Martin, of Kansas was to follow him,
but Voorhees suddenly Interposed with
a motion to lay the Pefler free coinage
amendment to the repeal bill on the
table, and the roll was called. Only
forty-ono senators voted, Dubois be
ing the first senator on the roll and
present who refused to vote, the chair
called on him for an explanation. Du
bois said he considered the amend
ment too Important to be passed upon
without debate. Vote on motion to
GO 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Long Ex
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long P
:.rii2 as sssausr-
rlence in the trade
No trouuie w
The West PrinliDgCo.SS
Soecml attention to mall orders. First-class work.
S03 Commercial St.,
Reasonable prices.
BUm, Oregon.
If you would bo elenn and tor,to"f"
the Jeata and dressiest manner, take them to the
.hero aU worfcis done bwhite fc-dta &
excuse Dubois resulted In: 21 ayes, 20
Dubois's name was again called but
- .. - . mi r.
i. o. li ft i art to resnonu. men iur
lowed a dlscuslonlas to whether Dubois
oou Id be compelled to vote but the
p lnt was soon dropped. At 0:16 the
ballot was announced, showing CO sen
ators voting. Result, yeas 33; nays 10;
so the Peffer amendmend was laid on
the table. Voorbee said the Peffer
amendment to the Voorhees bill was
the only one pending, except that of
fered by the committee on Finance,
which Is the Wilson or House bill and
that Martin of Kansas, be recognized to
to dicuss the question.
The crowd In the galleries did not
diminish until 11 o'clock. Gradually
the senators commenced vanishing,
Cstvln. U., D. . "
My wM. u4 "Mother' PrUnd" Ulof
and ns midnight approached lees than
a duzwii were In their seats, but the
thunderous voice of the big Populist
from Nebraska ihowcd no signs of
weakening. Of the twenty-nine books
whloh be had stacked upon his desk,
only threo had been opened. Tho re
maining twenty-six represented so
much stored-up ability to talk against
timo. Exactly at 12 o'clock Dubois
nrose and remarked, ns ho looked about
the chamber, "Mr. Prrestdont,I bellove
a quorum is not present."
The vice president directed the clerk
to call the roll. From tho cloakrooms
and entrances the senators crowded
into the chamber. When the roll call
was completed Stovenson announced
that fifty-five senators a (quorum)
wero present, and directed
Senator Allen to proceed. Tho
Nebraskan promptly took the floor
again and the quorum as promptly be
gan dlssapeanng through the oloaR
room doors. At 12:4 " fcointr Dubol
again called attention to the fact that
no quorum was present, and theoc
cupants of the cloakroom again filed
hastily into the chamber and tho vice
president announced that 53 senators (a
quorum) were present. After several
sarcastic passages between Palmer of
Illinois and White of Louisiana, and
Allen, the litter reru tied his "speech."
At 1 a. m. Hoar wearily Interrupted
Allen to know candidly whether the
Nebraskan did uot think his speech
was an overproduction. Allen holt'y
asked Hoar If ho wanted to Insult him.
whereupon the seuatir from Massachu
setts purged himself, apologizing bum
bly, and equilibrium was restored. At
1:45 the galleries were almost empty.
Washington, Oct. 12 At 1:3) Mar
tin was st II speaking. Tho program
of the silver men is to have Teller or
Jones fo'Iow, Martin and Rt-wart foi
low them. Bt 'wart, Jones, Pusjh, Mor
gan, and other sliver men who wen
not present last nlirht but taking their
regular rest, owns In this morn ng
while Toller, Wolcott, Dubois and oth
ers who were in the oliambar all night,
went home to sleep and rest. The
have tho best of the sltiiUloti, as thej
only need enough men to keep the talk
going, while the opponents of Bllver
must at all times be ready to muster a
quorum. Silver mon deo'ine to re
ap mil ou calls of tho roll, to establish
the pro euce of a quorum.
A canvass of the -onate at 2 p. m. In
illcatps thit tlieointlnuom session will
last at least through tonight. Voor
hees declares the administration is not
seeking a compromise.
It is definitely stated that at 11 to
night Voorhees will move recess un'll
10 tomorrow. It Is gemral'y suppoted
the recess will bo used foi
the purpose of effecting a compro
mise, though the repeal men say not,
but that they will go on Indefinitely
from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. dolly, until
the silver men get through speech
Very Latest Dispatches Received at
l'ho Journal Office.
Abtukia, Oct. 12. Two tugs are at
work getting the Peter Iredale afloat
uear Tongue Point. Bho was hauled
oil' but grounded again In a few mlu
utes afterwurds. No danger is expected
and It Is llwught she will be abreast of
the city by hlgli Hue.
Voorhees in a Great Speech Says
it Mast,
DolpkWillgo Home ifthorols
no Quorum.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Big Bank Failures.
Phoviuknce. R. I., Oct. 12. Wilbur,
Jackson & Co. and Bbelmot, Blnny &
Co, largest bunking and brokerugi
firms In the state, nud amongst the
Mirongent lu New Eugluud, suspended
Cautte said to be firms endorsed nonsld
...i.iu -mount of Denver Street bonds.
They are bald to have dealt heavily In
Wt-Htern municipal bona and bonds of
Iowa Pra.
Him! City. Oct, VI. A Are this
morning destroyed four blocks of busi
ness bUlIUIUKS, IDOUly wiu wuudu
structures. Loa U estimated one bun
dled tonne hundred and sixty thous
and dollars.
Oppose the Machine.
IJUKKAU), N. Y. Oct. 12,-Tho Cleve
land Dvtuuvtuin of this county have de
cided to nominate nierubera of the leg
is ature lu opposition to "Machine." or
riheehnn ciudldute. A lively iJjfht la
exacted, .
Two Schooners Wrecked.
mbvikk-iso. mi- uei. is. w"
wrecks wourred In Albion llttroor this
..,r,.i..i. The Mjboner Corinthian,
Contain FmiiK Bddurd, went on the
roi-ks, Wed wild lumber, and Is
,r a total wreck. Her mwlwn a-h'r. The Mlioouer Albion Is
the beaeil nuiy mi l ,'
HaiMou was drowned and his boJy
Lubed Kbhore. The balance of
u.M tart
rough, and other wreck, are likely to
. n... . Iu tfU.u
.rur were Bac?,, ... -- -
Wabiiinqton, Oot. 12-Iu tho senate
at 0 o'clock Dubois of Idaho, took the
floor and askod If Voorhees proposed to
make nts usual adjournment motion.
Voorhees replied that he felt It to bo
bis highest duty to r-sk tho senate to
stay lu continuous session until the
pending measure was disposed of. Du
bola In reply, said thecountry was drift
ing steadily toward the silver side of
the controversy and added: "You
know as well when you start as you
will know when you emerge from tho
xtrugglo, that you must fall. With tho
conditions as they exist In the souato
there is no hope of radical legislation,
If you conclude to abandon appeals to
roason aud sense and risk the settle
tuont of this great question to a test of
which side could stand tho most puu
tsbmeut, we desire to give notloe uow
that we Bhall protect our side by every
oaoanslu our power. Wo will Insist
that you furnish a quorum and keep It
constantly In the ouamber If It takes
innumerable roll calls. Tho respouBl
illlty for what Is .to follow must rest on
you as well as Its physicial eHoota on
individual senators."
Voorhees replied at great length:
"We will see who falls In this transac
tion before we are dono," said ho and
isked the senator from Idaho whother
io would fix a day to tako a vote. Du
oois said thero were distinguished sena
tors who bad not talkod on tho subject
ud he could not, nor could auyone
slee, say when tho debate would proba
ily close. "I understand the situation
oerfectly," said Voorhees and added
hat this episode In the history of the
senate would result In reforming the
rules. "I believe," said he, "that this
joily should have rules by which to
toucludo a discussion aud reach a vote,
me higher, more reasonable; more Ben
ible and more decent than the rule on
which wo are entering now, whloh Is
tho only oue. Opponents of this bill
will not name any day for a vote. They
will resort to dilatory measures to pre
sent action bolng taken at all. Who Is
to quit, sir. I would rather bo carried
from this desk feet foremost and put to
sloop at home lu Terro Haute forever,
than to yield to a principal that a ma
jority has no right to govern. I ntand
lore for the highest principle of free
government known to history, We
started in here some weeks ago to dis
cuss the repeal of a bad measure of fi
nancial legislation. We have reached
a question of freo government, we have
reached a question of constitutional
i(overnmout: wo readied a question
whether or uot wo have a government
ttiat can administer itself. Idle, vapid
talk, takes tho places In papers lu re
gard to abolishing the senato of the
United 8tate. Thin senate can no
more be abolished than can tho consti
tution, for It is a great part thoreof, but
it nan bt governed by rules or lis own
making, so aa to make Itself un acting
ind proper and reasonable body of leg-
"No, I would not lujuro the minor
ity; but shall the mlnorUy govern 7
Answer me, Shall the minority gov
ern 7 Somebody has to rule; someoouy
has to control this government; shall it
bo minority or majority; the senator
from Idaho signified that possibly they
bad a majority. Then let us ascertain
that by a vote and we will submit to It
gladly, willingly, If we are the minor
ity. Will you 7 No. Then the ques
tion comes whether we have a govern
ment at all. I stand here tonight not
talking cnmproralne; I stand for the
rule of the majority. There Is a mighty
principle Involved In this, aud If I go
down, I will go down with my flag
nailed to the m&stbesd. If a compro
m aa la to take the place on the princi
ple that a minority has a right to dic
tate, It will be by others, not by me."
Dolpb, Republican, Oregon, read
from the Congressional Rscord extracts
from the debate ou the federal election
bill some years ago to show that those
on the Democrallo side are not always
willing for the majority to rule. The
majority did not prevail on that occa
sion. "I will stay as long aa the sena
tor from Indiana desires" said Dolpb,
"but If there falls to be a quorum J am
going home"
French felt
Congressan Geary's Great A:-tl-Cklueso
Makes it
a Political
tho Coast
Issho for
WABHINQTON, Oct. 12. In the house
Geary was granted leave to proceed
without limit. He began with an In
dignant dental of the reflections madt
upon tho Pacific coast people lu tbeli
war on the Chinese. Ho spoke of reso
lutions adopted by different rollgiour
bodies. All, strange to say, are In tht
same phraneology demanding the Im
mediate repeal of the Geary law. What
right, bo asked, had any church to ash
congress to do anything. He bad sup
posed tho lino between the church and
state was sharply drawn In this coun
try. He did not deny the sacred right ol
petition but churchmeu must petition
as Individuals and not invoke the In
fluence of the church, (Applause.)
Tho surplus earnings of the Chinese
which they bad carried back to Chins
amounted to the enormous sum of $500,
000,000. Do you wonder why we don't
like Chinese In California? If In anj
ono of your Eastern states
would perfect the bill, namely, the
photographing clause and that defin
ing the terra "Chinese laborer."
"Over 05 per cent of the Chlmse Mve
west of the Rockies. Not a Democrat
at either end of the capltnl Is unpledged
to the dootrlno of local f elf-government;
?lvo us local self-government'. When
you from the South came to us battling
for white pupreoiany, we Joined with
vnu. Do uot let It be snld now that a
Democratic cougresa Iibh striken us
town, when we, who recognised the
justice of your contention, ask you to
free us from tho accursed bane of the
yollow slave."
Anothor Qulf Storm.
Atlanta, Ga.,
storm is ragiug ou
It will rcaoh Savannah
Oot. 12. A bkr.
the Forlda eoaet.
own this afternoon. The signal serv
ce predicts the worst storm the smith
Atlantic has seen. It will beat Its
height at midnight.
Ministerial AjseslaMea.
The ministerial association of the
Christian church convened at 9 a, m.
L'rayer and song service, led by A.
Armstrong. After which Elder Bailey
if Lebanon read a very Interesting pa
jeron "OurMlnlstry.Call, Preparation,
Ordination, and Life," which was dis
cussed by the association. Following
his I. A. Mulkey, of Pleasant Hill, de
Ivered a very able address on "The
uallflcatlou, Duties, and Tenure of
Office of the Elders of theOburob."
The discussion was taken up which,
100 000 lu-l ngoiso great importance, was eon-
I ... .nnm ..nnln. frnm vnlll- wont M ' ua """ " I
$50,000 a day In surplus earnings w -ul.
you not want to get rtd of them 7
They are nn army of leeches not an
army of laborore.
"Haven't thoy given value received?"
asked Baker, or Now Hampshire.
Gcury believed now In protecting the
American laborer agalnat the psur
laborer as well as tho product of tht
pauper laborer. (Applnuso.) Hender
son of Iowa running Interruption
"That's pretty good Republican doo
"If iny party did pot, believe In that
dootrluo," replied Geary, "thpu I will
quit It hut I think It does." Proceed
Ing Geary Insisted that tho photograp)
afforded the only.iuro means of Identi
fication. Hedonlod It would requln
$7,000,000 to enforce the Geary law. I
officers of tho administration bad don.
their duty on May 6th tho present con
dition would not baye been presents
and there would be no occasion for ex
tension. He denounced tho adminis
tration for this violation of party faltl
and the party platform. Gtary thei
proposed amendments which he sal
would perfect the bill, namoly tin
photographing clause and definition o'
tho term "Chinese labor." Gearj
closed with an eloquent plea to the
Democratic party to do the Pacific
coast justice.
In reply to a question by McCreary
as to whether the $25,000 appropriated
would have been sufficient, Geary de
clared tho Chinese would take uo risk
ofbelogsent back to Chlun. Ratlur
than do that thoy would voluntarily
have left our borders. The $-.25,000,
by demonstrating our Intent to enfune
the law would have bee a, he said, is
effective as $25,000,000. He denounced
tho administration for Its violation of
nartv faith and the party platform, and
although ho loved his party It was his
duty to condemn the Democratic offi
cers who have betrayed their trust. If
they had violated tho law they must
Kodowu. He had no fault to And with
vbloh they would have mofe time.
This was followed by a wty able pa
jor by Rev. B. H. Norrls, of Portland,
in "Christian Bolonce," whlah wosdls
jusscd until tho noon hour adjourn
ment. akteknoon session.
The association convened at 2 p. m. '
Prayer being offered by J. H, Haaol, of
Jethul. Following this the association
resumed the discussion on the "Elder
stilp" whloh was very ably discussed
y Revs. Huzle, Mesalok, Stephens,
dalluy, Norrls, MoKeever, Manning
tod the Pres. Smith. This was fl
owed by a very Interesting paper by
lev. Messlckou tho "Work of the Holy
Spirit," which was followed by discos
Ion by tho association.
The program for today Is as follows;
0 a. m. Prayer and song ssrvlos.
0:30. Sympesium: old preaebefH aad
souug preachers; Uow can they assist
taoh other?
10 a, ra. "Preachers In Polities" kl
iy A. II. Denton, MoMlunvllle.
10:20. Discussion.
10;40.-"The Atonement," by A, O,
tfcKeever, Portland.
11:10 a. ra. Discussion,
11:80. Reports of committees, elec
tion of ofllcers, etc
Afternoon 1:30 Song aud pfsysr
8 Symposium "Our Greatest Needs,"
iy I, II. Hazle, Bethel.
2:40. The "Ideal Church." L. Q.
flaulmau, Brownsville,
8, Discussion,
3:20. ''Our Ministry, Its Commis
sion," by G. M. Welmer, Albasy.
8:40. Dlscussloa.
4. "Liberal Ghrlstlamty, eta," by
Fisher, Dallas.
4 SO. Dlscuastou.
Evening revival serytee,
7:30. Prayer at.d song service.
8 p. m. Bermou by the prakWnt, J,
N. Smith. Everybody cordially Invit
ed to all of these ssrvlote. The sobjsot
will be "Causes and, Curst of luftdV.-tty,"
DsMfiMM OawHM Owtf
the treasury department, but tho actios I ,y jl(Caj applications a they ftinnot
Navy blue and white
tailors at Mrs. dealer's,
of the attorney-general in defying tin
law could not be defended. Thl bad
made It the duty of Democrats to de
nounce aud condemu hi in. He called
attention to tho statement In the morn
ing papers that the Chinese tiiloUtcr
bad accepted the McCrtary bill ns tat
Uifuctory, and then raid:
"What a spectacle we would piisenl
could we not modify any cfourlawt
bearing on foreign people, our UrlI4 for
Instance, without securing the couseut
oftheforeigu ministers."
He Intimated that the Chinese min
ister bad a band In the preparation of
the Everett bill, of which the McCreary
bill was a roodlflcatlon. Geary then
proposed amendments, which he said
each the tlUeased uor lion 'of tUvsar.
I'here Is only oue way tociwsdsasTue,
tnd that Is by oontiuilHal rtMusdU.
Deafness Is chuwh! by an InlUmed. con
dition of the mucous lining of tost Hos
tachlan lube. When IhW tuba Is In
flamed yu have it ruuHtillutf sound or
imperfect lieurinir, run! wbltisc
tlrely closed, deafueas Is (h ru)tt at4
unloM the InlUmntloB can batatas
out and I Ills tube restored tolts nofauil
coudltiiin, lu'srlrtg H'HI be, tfoiliroytd.
forever; nine nasfs out of ten ara aaosad
by caturrh, which Is nothing but an la
Darned condition of the wuoousbup
foosa. We will give one ho4w4 dollars for
any case otdoafBessfcsussd by eatairb)
tbst cannot be cukI by Hall's Cmtarrtt
Cure. Bead for etatttaw: Am.
P. J. Uummkv Co., YalattaA
9gold by Dr upfWs, 7.
W,.. WUi1iJ" "" TM t CfAf.
lADVUJ "vv"