Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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r n
- 'MISSES' aia'd- .-...
Greatest Stock of
THE PALACE andThoegcompany,
307 Commercial Street.
Going oiit of Business
Everything Miist Go.
25 per cent off on-all Lamps aud Toilet Sets.
31 ' ' Dishes aud Glassware.
- 25 " ' " Teas aDd Spice.
20 " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, &c.
15 " " Cauned Goods and Baking Powders.
10 " ' Package Goods, Boaps, Ac.
5 " " " Coffees, Sugars, 5tc
jM9Cotne early, as we will Dot stock up in auy line after It Is sold out.
SROAT & GILE, Burke Block, Below Postoffice.
- IK -
You are going to build or mike any Mud of
imrovemeat, call oa tbe under-lgned tor
uulerlst. We bare a complete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, routing, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Willamette Pesbyterv. Those
who were In attendance as Presbyters
are: Ministers William Gry, Mebarua;
Robert Robe, Brownsville and Craw
fordsvllle; J. A. Ha una, E J.Thomp
son D. D Corvallls; H. H. Dobbins,
J. H. Cornwall, F. H. Gwynne, D. D ,
M. S. Riddle, J. R. N. Bell. E. X. Con
dit, A. G. Boyd, Newberg; J. A.
Townsend, Ph. D., Independence; I. G.
Knotts, Lafayette; E. R. Pitchard, Al
bany; Albert Robinson. Siuslaw; A. L.
Hutchison, Balem; George Gillep-.le,
Dallas; John E. Day, W. L. Beaumont
J. H. Beattie, and W. S. Gillert.
Eldere J. W. Wolf, C. Davis. G. M.
Frank, R. P. Bird, J. P, Galbraith,
John Moir, C. H. Chapman, J. H.
Mark, J. D. Hurst, J. M. Day, aud C.
The De Molays. The grand corn
tnindery of the Kulglita Templar of
Oregon will be held at Euene begin
ning the 12th. Among Knights from
Da Molay lodge, No. C, of Salem, who
will be present, might be named Judge
R. B. Bean, Lee Btelner, F. C. Perriue,
Dr, W. H. Byrd, A. 8. Brasfield, F. A.
Turner, H. 8. Jordan, K. M. Lafore, G.
W. Davis, Phil. Metschan, J. A. Rich
ardson, Wm. Miller, W. T. Gray and
Dr. Bradsbaw.
Resolutions. At a meeting of the
Marlon county bar last evening to take
action upon the death of Benjamin
Nesmith Hayden, Hon. R. P. Boise
W. M. Kaiser, W. H. Johnson, a T.
Richardson and M. W. Hunt, were se
lected a committee ou resolutions to re
port at the adjournment of court on
Baturday next.
Kindkucinhtkn. A meeting for the
organization of a mothers' class will be
held at Miss Ballou's kindergarten
rooms, Friday, October 13, at 2 o'clock.
L idles of all ages, married or single,
are cordially invited. The object of
this class is the government of children
according to Froebel's method.
Indian .Student Makkies. A
marriage license was issued today to
Miss Maggie Girard, a student at Che
inawa Indian training school and Thos.
H. tJrmth of Bkamania county, Wash
ington. D.sclplanarian D. E. Brewer
waa tbe witness.
Correction. Following appeared
In our court reperts: "Thus. Holman,
appellant vs. T. P. Welch, appeal from
Justice's court. Verdict for plalutlft;
defendant to return goods and pay $900
damaged.'' There was no damages at
all, aud nine dollars interest had to be
p ild. Tbe error was one of the types.
DONT Fohqkt, The eiiterlaluiuent
at the opera house will be really tine.
Setter than has been given In Salem
fur many a day. See program in an
otkw column. Mlas Brown Is not ex
miUd by any reader ou this coast.
Look out for press uolleea.
3Tb boo trade has beeu heavy nt tl e
Maw York Racket because they Bella
gMt jtMty of boota and shorn nt low
yrlit mm! warrant ull beat makes.
ml w
TH flwt case of first-class cigars In
tfc ' draw the smokers to Liiiin k
Capital drug eloiv, Holinuu
Hosiery in tlie
W. L. Davis, of Newport, retnrned
home today, taking with him his little
sou Lee, who baa been at home with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dennis.
Supt. McEIroy went to Corvallls to
day to accept tbe new buildings on be
half of tbe slate, that have been erected
at tbe State Agricultural college.
Prof. N. M. Lamed went to Meba
ma today.
Engineer J. A. McCard of tbe state
insaneasylum went to San Francisco
today to take a short vacation.
A deed was recorded Unlay from P.
S. Knight to Wm. Barbee for lot 2,blk
6", Capital Park addition, $700.
.Frank Davey, of Forest Grove, Iain
the city.
Horticultural Commissioner McDow
ell of Auckland, New Zealand, is In
the city on his way from the world's
Dr. LeMieux has returned from Al
bany. Hubbard, the father of bops, is in tbe
Governor Peunoyer today restored E.
B Harbin of Crook county to citizen
ship. Miss Mary Pogue went to Portland
this afternoon.
Banker Eugene McCornack is at
A lady bad to be a "Vigilant" this
forenoon to go out In the breeze that
blew. Gas will not be confined to
tho newspapers this winter tbe Salem
gas works has laid in forty cars of coal.
Welch Bros., contractors are building
the Derby house in Mornlngside
Rov. D. E Busbnell, pastor of the Fjrat
Cumberland Presbyterian church" of
Cbatanooga, Teun., will preach this
Wednesday evening at the Cumberland
Presoyterlan church ou High street,
near Marion. Dr. Busbnell is one of
the first puljit orators In the' South.
There are forty-one pupils at the
deafmute school J. R. Harris, of
Lincoln, sold 100 bales of hops last Sat
urday to Geo, Hubbard at 17 cents a
pound The funeral services of the
late Hial D. Williams were conducted
today at 2 o'clock from the undertak
ing parlors or A. M. dough. The in
terment took place in the City View
cemetery Miss Ballou's Kindt rgar-
ten has thirty-two pupils aud employs
the time of four ladies. The Port-
laud Dispatch la to cease. Mrs. R.
O. Thomas, ot Turner, was iu Salem
Tuesday Mrs. J. W. Merwdith, Miss
Nettie Meredith and Mrs.Fred A. Legg
returned last eveuiog from The Dalles,
where they have been attending the'
funeral of Walter French, sou of B. M.I
Fruucb, The Dalles banker, who died
there recently Those Prebytenan j
and Christian ministers aud elders are
otliulally Informed that It does notal-t
ways ralu so In Salem. This U a little
unusual. We do have some decent
weather at times. Judge Walton!
says they do not have any such beastly
weather as this iu Englaud.
-Conoueqational. Followlug were
tbe delegates elected from Salem
chiiioH to the state ansoclatlou held tt
Por laud, Ootoler 24H : Jos. Cook,.
Airs. .Murphy, aire. Peutland, P. II. '
Raymond, N. DaVl, Mrs. Hnlvenon,
Johu Booth, P. 8. Knight, F. N. Gil
belt, Mrs. F. N, Qllbert, H. M. Brau.
Til E FA I R for burgalna, 103 Court St,
When you feel uncomfortable about
the stomach, take Simmons Liver Reg
ulator, j
Marion County Court.
The third jury trial was that 'of John
Neweome vs. Grant Lake et al:,-to re
cover money due on u note. H. G. Son
neman, T. Foster, J. Aliiiigbam, V.
Dencer, T. KIrech, F. Panish, G. D.
Sprague, O. P. Morris, .W. R. Town-
nd, C. H. Calwell, A. O'inger and J
S. Cook, composed the body to reuder a
verdict. The case waa given to the jury I
late in tbe afternoon, and it decided
against the defendant.
46. N. M. Coomer, vs. John Pennln
ger, action for money. Default and or
der to sell property.
66. First National bank of Salem vs
W. N. Ladne, et ux., foreclosure of
mortgage. Default as to all defendants
except J. C. Hall. Demurrer to com
plaint overruled and decree rendered as
prayed for.
74. Lwls & Dryden Prjotlng Co. ys
Sophia Reeves, appellant, action for
money; motion to dismiss appeal over
ruled. J. H. Settlemeir vs. Southern Pacific
Co., action to recover money; demurrer
to complaint arged.
A. T. Edmundson et al, vs, Mua and
D. J. Miller, partition; decree of parti
tion on pleadings L. C. Griffith, David
Qralg, and R. W. Carey appointed ref
erees to make partition.
A. Spong vs. J. M. Spong action for
money, demurrer for answer.
Allen Smith vs. Green Basin Lum
neriug Co., et a!., action for money,
jonsuit by plaintiff as to Sarah A.
Myrtie, and Elmer Hyatt and demurer
f all others everruled: decree according
to prayer of tbe complaint.
Two new cases were added to the
locket yesterday.
112. J. B. Standard vf. J. E. Bartel,
113. Chas. S. Rice vs. Lenore Rice,
70. Or. Land Co. vs. Stubblus et al,
argned and taken under advisement.
55. H. fc L, Block vs. H. S. Simon.
Judgment for pllft. for want of answer.
34. Lindsay vs. Lindsay, divorce,
decree for plaintiff.
9. F. G. Kennel vs. W. P. Bennett,
nonsuit on motion of plaintiff.
The grand jury returned true bills
against the follewing:
No. 2. Merrltt E. Wells, breaking
the window and wire screen with in
tent to commit crime of larcency
againut Clara Plaster.
No. 3. E J ward Me for stealing
mare of Sarah N. Duncan, value $40.
No. 4. Henry C irson, larceny from
person of Clarence Bell, worth $37 50.
A Library Free.
The Journal believes in people
forming the reading habit. There
should be more good readiug in fam
ilies. Contrast the life, morals, intel
ligence aud culture of a family with a
library and plenty of good newspapers,
and a family without these things.
Family life with newspapers but with
out a library is deficient. Nothing can
supply the place of good books for fam
ily readiug. Children furnished with
plenty of good books are elevated, re
fined and often saved from deteriora
tion. In the past year The Journal, has
distributed thousands of good books to
readers of tbe Daily. Now we have
a plan by which readers of the Weekly
can secure a winter's good readiug for
the family by simply paying for their
paper in advance. Here Is a list of the
books ettered:
1. The Reveries of a Bachelor, or a
Book of the Heart. by Ik. Marvel.
2. Lays of Ancient Rome, by Lord
Macaulay. Beautifully illustrated.
3. ATlllyloss Scandal, J. M.Barrie
4. The Houe of the Seven Gables,
by Natbaulel Hawthorne.
5. Cranford, by Mrs. Gaakell.
6 The Coming Race, Lord Lytton.
7. Dream Life, by Ik. Marvel.
8. Frankeusteiu; or, The Modern
Prometheus, by Mrs. Shelley.
0. A Rook of Golden Deeds, by C.
M. Young.
10. Mosses from an Old Mause. by
Natbaulel Hawthorn.
11 Tbe Scarlet Letler.-by Nathan
iel Hawthorn.
12. Essays on Elia, by Charles
13 The Vicar of Wakfield,-by
14. Twice-Told Tales,-bv Nathan
iel nawtuorn.
15. Paul and Virginia, by Bernar
dln De Saiut Pierre.
16. Story of an African Farm, by
(Ralph Irou) Olive Sohreiner.
17. Lava of the Scottish Cavaliers,
by Wm. Eluioubtnuue Aytoun.
18. Luclle, hy Owen Meredith,
(KbertLo.d Lytton.)
10. Dreams,-by Olive Sohreiner.
SO. Black Beauty, by Anna Se
well. By paying all arrears and remitting
S Pewder:
The only Pure Cream cf Tartar PowderNo Amtnoola; No Alua.
Used in Millions of Homes do Years the Staadu-i
; for 1S91 In advance, the subscriber se
cures six of the?e standard works.
Surely all this culture is worth secur
ing for your family.
Willamette Presbytery.
Presbytery opened this morning with
devotional exercises led by Rev. F. J.
Edmunds and proved to be a very prof-
HaWe service. The regular business
session opeued prayer by Rev. M.S.
Minutes of orcvlntia Mstons were
read and approved. I
The committee on bills and overtures
reported favorably upon the circular '
letter received from Salem Ministerial
association; report was adopted.
A motion was made that when we
adjourn we adjourn subject to the call
of the moderator on the floor of the
synod, carried.
A resolution was offered by Rev. E.
J. Thompson, D. .D., expressing tbe
sincere appreciation of the presbytery
in regard to the earnest and thorough
work of the synodical missionary, Rev.
F. H. Gwynne D. D. The resolution
was unanimously adopted.
An invitation from superintendent
of the insane asylum was received with
thantts to visit that institution; also an
invitatlou from the secretary of the Y.
.i. v. A. to visit their rooms was re
ceived in like manner. The committee
on resolutions offered a resolution
thanking tbe church and friesda in Sa
lem for their kind hospitality in enter
taining the members of tbe presbytery.
Presbytery adjourned subject to the
call of the moderator on the door of tbe
Tbe Ladies Presbyterial society gave
a popular meeting on Tuesday evening.
The program was a very excellent
one and a credit of honor to the per
formers. A collection of twenty-eight dollars
was received for tbe mission work of
the society.
Go-to the New York Ricfeet for
Brown-Desnoyera blue ribbon school
shoes, made of kangaroo calf. They
are excellent shoes. Sold at low prices.
eod w
A Brisk Runaway. This morning
A. D. Pettyjohu's team started to run
from near the post office, and fairly
flew until stopped by an electric pole.
uearMinto's livery barn. They scat
tered the wagon all along Commercial
and Court streets, broke tbe tongue
and harness, besides badly demoraliz
ing the entire outfit.
An Undisputed Test of Merit.
A medicinethatbasbeena household
reiiiedy ftr over fifty years and used
in that time by more than $150,000,000
persona must have great merit. Such
t medieiue is found iu Braudretb's
Pills. This fact demonstrates the
value of these pills belter than any
statement of the proprietors. It will
be observed that the dose required to
cure is small. One or two pills taken
every night for ten or twenty days will
eure dyspepsia, costiyeueAS.rheumatiara,
liver complaint, billonsut&s, or any dis
ease arising from an impure state of the
Brandreth'sPillsare purely vegetable,
absolutely harmless, and safe to take at
any time.
Sold In every drutf and medicine
store, either plain or sugar coated.
Gents' underwear, suits for 90 cents,
that cannot be matched for the
E. F. Osborn's Racket store. 2d lw
The Cheapest. Have the Daily
Journal left at your office or resi
dence. Only 50 cts a month. By mall
25 cts a month.
New buckwLeat just In at Clark &
Jerseys. At Sbarpe's dairy are
kepi as fine a herd of Jersey cows as
you wish to see. That ia why they sell
such excellent milk aud cream.
Tbe best selections of uudurwear for
winter at E. F. Oaborn's Racket store.
Price always tbe lowest. 2d lw
White clover honey
fresh at Clark &
Vermont maple syrup, genuine,
Up daily at Clark k Eppley'a.
Woolen hosiery for
dren at cut prices at
laldea and chil
Ojboru's Racket
The Weather. A detestable sub
ject. It is weather to be patient with.
It waa not described by Sbakeapear or
ex'H-rleuced by Job. Business is de
pie-sed, except tbe business of eatiog,
driukiug aud swearing at the weather.
A great tuauy good people are learning
Li swear. The mothers are tried at
home by the children who cannot vent
ure out of doors. If a roof leaks this
weather finds the spot. Be cheerful.
Read the Journal and keep off tbe
blues. Even the weather must come
t an end.
State Association oi this Powerful..
Organization of GhurcheB.
The Oregon Ministerial association of
the Cbristiau church convened at the
Christian church In Salem, Tuesday at
3 p. m. The members present from
abroad are:
A. C. McKeever, Portland.
J. A. Campbell, Portland.
B. F. Norris, Portland.
H. A. Denton, McMiuville.
Ell Fisher, Dallas.
J. N. Smith, Monmouth.
G. M. Weiner, Eugene.
L. Y. Bailey, Lebanon.
I. N. Mulkey, Pleasant Hill.
L. C. Houlman, Brownsville.
1. H. Hazel, McCoy.
R. M. Messlck, Milton.
A. Armstrong, Dayton.
There were also several visitors pres
ent. After a short prayer and song service,
an address of welcome was delivered
by W. Manning, of Salem. It was re
sponded to by A. C. McKeever of Port
land. The president, J. N. Smith,
made a brief address in respect to tbe
objects of tbe association.
Following is the program for teday:
Morning 9. Song and prayer serv
ice. 9-30 "Our ministry. Call, prepara
tion, ordination, life." L. Y. Bailey,
10. Di scussion.
10-20. Symposium. "The eldership
qualifications, duties, tenure of office."
Ld by A. D. Skaggs, Junction, and I.
N. Mulkey, Pleasant Hill.
11. "Christian." B. F. Norris,
1130. Discussion.
Afternoon. 1-30. Prayer and song
2. "The ministry of song." P. R.
Burnett, Eugene.
220. Discussion.
2:40. "Value of Old Testament
study." J. B. Lister, SUverton.
3. Discussion.
32). Symposium. "The work of
the Holy Spirit." Led by R. M. Mes
sick, Milton.
Eveuing. 730 Prayer and sonr
service. 8. Sermon, Subject, "The sin against
the Holy Spirit."
This assTCiation will remain in ses
sion until Friday.
TUTT'S PILLS invigorate body and
Ladies' and children's hosiery at
prices that beat tbe world, at E. F.
Osboru's Racket store. 2d lw
French candies and taffies madedaily
at Stroud's.
A Case in Which Gorvernor Pennoy
er Figures as a Witness.
The case of the State of Oregon vs H.
S. Simon, tobacconist of this city,
charged with offering Supt. Geo. S.
D wning a bribe, attorneys for the de
fense wese Henry McGinn of Portland,
and Bonbam & Holmes and John A.
Carson. For the state, Distribt Attor
ney McCain and deputy A. O. Condit.
Several hours were consumed In get
ting a jury, each juror being fought
over stubbornly and tbe trial was just
begun as we go to press. Governor
Pennoyer was present as a witness.
Several of tbe jurymen testified that
they were readers of a certain newspa
per but that it bad made no impression
upon them whatever.
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
Scott's Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to I
rrpMl j Scott & Bmu, S. Y. AlldrecruU.
J. H. ALLEN, Prop.
Tbe very best of meata at all times,
and th best of service.
S&-Oppoite Wade's Store.
Largest Gun In the World.
Is on exhibition at the great world's
fair. ou ought to see It. This la the
monio or mnntns to visit the fair.pleaa-
.utuaya, raw uiguis, aeiiguttul travel
ing weather.
Maximum comfort enmnf tn rhi.
ffloii the vetlbuled li'mfc.! .trains of
...jvu.uj.ku, union racing worth
western line. See your noarwt Union
Padflc agent or rates or oth tefbrs
Uoe. u.k
I Goods, OH Chestnuts am
Don't Pick Over None
of 'em.
You can get nice, clean new
goods, ALL WOOL, Home
Made and Home Prices -
Gkodluck to yon and good lack It will
fioe 10 every ine wno take advantage or otu
Neither a horse-ehoe or four leaf clover can
oring you ucn opportunities, see thai
your children go to the State street book
iore jor ineir scnooi supplies
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers,!
Legal Jilanlc JPublisJiers.
Bush's New Brlck.over tbe bank, Com'l street.
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland aad Baa
Francisco. First-class In all IU appointments.
Its tables are served with the
Choicest Fruits
CJrown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Manuiacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick in all Patterns for Front
and supply the brick tor the New Salem Cltr
Hall and nearly all the line buildings erected
Sards near renUentlary, Salem. Or. Mdw
Connecting and Primary Classes open
Siontlay, Sept. 25th,
Oor. Court and liberty streets, opposite opera
For teachers and mothers will begin October
Sd. at tbe tame place.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. P. S. Knight,
r. , .. n . 316 Commercial Street, Balem.
Ouly the Beet Stock Bought. -tjssy Only the Best Meats Sold.
Good service. Prompt delivery. .
I lil Inll I j TAILOR.
nave made another big cut on the prices. Quality and styles unsurpassed.
will be sold at any price. Come la and pick one out. and take it away at yoot
own price.
The best In tbe world for children. Try. them.
., Diorm ruuoers a new biock mat in.
t a. ,uMn'-I aBd J'oult' " ud overeosvU at ot,
R, k O. Comu-Uwt a U wist
Old Dies,
HATCH To the wife of Geo. E Hitch,
at high noon today, a girl.
BENSON BOYUE.-At the home. f
tbe bride in Bouth Salem, Toeedi),
evening, Oct, 10, Mrs. Emily Benson
to John Boyce, Rev. J. L. Bhedda,
Opera House, Friday, October 13, it Miss 8a ba N. Brown, under
the anspices of tbe M. E. Bdndir
1 Welcome Tonight Wh'le
Messrs. Miller, Strafford. Buzortb, Ittiai
"Cavatlna"; Bia
H.A Kins.
Scene from Romeo and Juliet Shaietpetrt
Mlsg Sara il. Brown.
a L Jet D'Kau Enhsad
b Vlie. Oa. 74 No 2 SfeomM
c L Avalanche HllUr
Miss UladTS Brrae.
wonaenui israjaoy tsiory.
it Us Sara N. Brown.
Uut hours of Jean D"Arct
Ml-s Jlaggto Alderson.
The Light lrom Over the KaDge
Miss uara $. Blown
On Blooming Meadows.
Miss Maude Klrsch od Mall v ban.
rhe Low Booed Car (with musical ac
b How QlrM Study
Miss Sara N. Brown.
Spanish Dances No. 1
u m a. o
Mrs. Florence B. Cartwrigbt and ilia Qladyi
The Chariot Rac Lew WtJlM
Hiss rara N. Brown.
now Uent:y Deva
Miss Nellie Carpenter and Prof. Z X ttrTto
AdmissioH, 50 cents; children under
12, half price.
Reserved seats at Dearborn's wilbcat
extra charge.
Chatwin House.
Just south of the Methodist church, in Silra,
Everything new and dean. Tables ttfti
with the best of everything in ibe roM
Special attention to comn.ercIal tiiTtlefc
Meals 25 cts, Beard and lodging lrom HNs
week up.
WANTED Purhing canwser of good
dreas. Liberal salary and expends sjli
weekly. Permanent position. BBOWH
BROS. ("oNnneryman.Portland.Orrra.
10-7 Ira
mUIS PArER U kept on file at E. C ns""
JL Advertising Agency, 6 and 65 Mercbintt
Exchange, SanFranclsro, California, wbtrt
contrac. for advertising can be made lor a.
CHRISTIAN PC1ENCE Literature of ill
kinds oa sale at SSSUberty street. -T
WatenrUIe. N.Y.
Offlce above Williams A England's MB.
l?al em. G rowers Invited to call.
9 IMf H. a WHITNAN, Aft.
The Rustler Wood Saw
And he doesnt bum op half your ?$;
fuel, when be saws it. Make yocrcoutraflj
cigar store Dearborn's book store,4 bn""-S
street, or address me by man.
6-11 U
Onr pfotrant nnvr lackets.