Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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BScts. a month by Mall
Prepaid In Advance
Xo Papers Seat WJi
Tiao la Out.
isociated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 240.
.awMiawwwiui'i in-w
-! laJBBWMBMrwB'IK n !
"tsBnWsTssBBBBflnnBBWinsnfEflEiB E saaaaaal
Call 1 llaBiJBHriaRmlRwH
m, m ! m ! !
Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
i AniFm oaks RFiwnnn m. a spfhiai TY.
JJ 1 Jl9 ,. , , G ,i eftsi ciothina- Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Suit 2.00 to $2.50.
r,esse ' Ladies' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Dying, 50 cents to $1 00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & CO.
Ed, C. Cross,
Choice Meats.
$200,000,000 Bonds to
Be Issued..
Senator Squires' Bill Received
with Mncli Favor.
ltionri'a Bpeecli la an appeal to young
men to be ready for active work in the
An Empire Predicted.
London, Oct. 11. Private ad view
from Rio show startling develop
ments and indicate that the imminent
restoration of the empire is only a ques
tion of time.
Wholesale ami Retail
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETOIY, Gcn'l Agent.
Hre is a chance of a life-time. Why
nnnpar shabby when you can have an
elegant suit for
T RIJBENSTEIN, - 308 Commercial Street, saii-m.
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
Dress Si for $100.
Lamoureux's Stables,
bloto being Mloltiilly. Only "" W" lamoubEUX, Proprietor,
rica nor poor borats. ' ,
SB 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
. iITrJrr Book&Job
1 lie WG5I H llJllliJg UJ.jrinters.-
Bpecal attention to mall orders. Jirst class work. Reasonable prices.
303 Commercial Bt.,
u Uon nnd have vour clothes done up in
If you would be clean and na e j
the neatest and dressiest numnor, take them to
.here all work is done Vfa(jaSS
Silver Compromise.
Ghicaqo, Oct. 11. A Washington,
D. C, special says: A coufreuco was
held last night by Gorman aud other
compromisers, at which Voorbees pres
ent, resulted in a practical settlement
of the terms of a compromise as follews:
The continued purcbaso or 4,500,000
ounces of silver each mouth until with
the amount now uncoined in the treas
ury the amount shall reach $800,000,000,
and a provision giving the secretary of
the treasury authority to Issue $200,000,
000 worth of three per cent gold bonds,
if necessary to maintain the gold re
serve. The president was a representative at
theconfrenceand is said to have agreed
to the terms of the compromise.
Hunter, of Illinois, presented ares
olution for a recess from October 14th
to November 1st. Referred to commit
tee on rules.
Outhwalte presented an order for the
consideration of the McCreary bill, to
amend the Geary exclusion act, from
day to day until disposed of, without
division. Adopted. McCreary opened
the debate.
Washington, Oct. 11. Some mem
bers of the senate who believe a com
promise better than the passage or
abandonment of the repeal bill, have
been engaged this morning in on ellbrt
to secure an.agrcernent to that effect,
howeyer, has only been tentative so
far, and failed of results. The leaders
of tho various propositions ..expect no
dual result until it becomes evident
that a quorum cannot be kept in the
senate. After that a compromue is ex
pected, for but few really believe a vote
on rejieal can be reached. Silver men
are prepared for a continuous session of
48 hours. Cockrell will speak ull day.
Tnnlnut Teller and others will fill in
the time, while Btewart aud Jones of
Nevada will rest tonight but be pre
pared to occupy tomorrow if necessary.
Tiie repeal bill was taken up. Cock
rell of Missouri resumed his speech be
cun Monday. He said the opponents
of the bill were ready to pass it If
Wrecked in Port.
MEwnnriNn. Cal.. Oct. 11. The
schooner Electra, loaded with lumber,
went on the rockB here this morning,
while attempting to- sail out of the
harbor. She now lies in port in a
waterlogged condition, with a large
hole in her bottom. The deck load will
will be taken off and the vessel towed
to San Francisco.
Short Telegrams.
PiinceBlsmark Is growing stronger
The Iowa Farmer's Alliance rejected
free silver.
W. B. Chapman, a Portland capital
list, has assigned. He has $178,100 as
eets, $116,000 liabilities.
Chinese Missionary Tried
Chicago, Oct. 11. Thomas Blng.the
rMnPRB-Rnlneonal missionary IndlcU'd
atTacoma for the violation of the Geary
-of uaa hroucrht before tho United
Bta'tes commissioner fday, and held In
$5000 tall. As no bondsmen appeareu
the United States court win do a""
for an order to transfer Blng to the Pa-
clflo coast.
.Bombarding Again.
Rio Janeiiio, Oct 11. At noon, de
sultory firing between the insurgents
squadron and tho forts was in progress.
1 i
The Yacht Race.
New York, Oct. 11. At 1:17 the
Valkyrie crossed the line a length ahead
of the Vigilant with a good drawing
A 1:57 she was six lengths ahead.
At 2:34 the Vigilant was gaining
At 2:21 the yachts had made only
about foUr miles. In the course of almost
an hour. At this. rate it will be impos
sible t finish In (be time limit.
Oarelos's Yachting.
New York, Oct. 11. A collision oc
curred in mid-stream at North Pier
this morniutr. John Jacob Astor's
steam yacht Nouruiabal was golug full
speed down the river load u will) prom-
inentsociety people bound Tor tue yacht
nice, and ran unchecked into the side
of a heavily loaded Pennsylvania rail
road ferry boat, cuitlug into the side
somo six feet. A paulo endued, but
uouo were seriously hurt. The blame
rests with the Nourmahal.
Senator Mitchell Home.
Portland, Oot. 11. Senator Mitch.
ell arrived hero today. He was called
home by the llucss of his dadghter.
Littlo Work but a Great
Deal of Talk
Tremendous Exponso of Our
Nation's Navy.
Olan-Na- Gael Organizing.
TUnnM not ll. An officer of the
secret servlre declares that the speech
of John Redmond at tue iMrneiiiwai
meetiug at Dublin Monday evening,
confirms the reporU that the Clan-Na--,,..!
, nnaiilzlne. and that Red-
Unci " "
C. B. Moutleth lost a house by lire at
Albany, Oct. 0. Loss $1000.
The man Munk who Med at the gov
ernmeufTaud' otllee on the site of North
Hrownsvllle has so cood a claim It Is
going to take a special act of congress
to defeat Mm.
Saturday's Hood on the North Ban
tlarn washed away a number of bridges.
ti' Iiwrph on tho Santlam rivet
Sunday are as follews: At Niagara 45,
000 feet of saw logs; at Mill City 350,
000, but this Is rather large.
The Oregon building at the World's
Fair will uot bo moved to ihe mldwln
ter fair at 'Frisco. Its elzo forbids.
Boon there will begin the six months'
wail about bud roads.
Hops have been sold (or more than
18 ctp. in Oregon and Washington but
it has been kept very quiet.
The Linn county National bauk, of
Albany, expects to open early in Octo
ber, says the Yaqulna News, of Oct.
iv, Hnmn Oreuon editors is commend
ed the creed oftbePuyallup Cemmerce:
"It tries to mlud Its own business ana
makeB a legitimate living."
Portland seems to be a terribly lawyer-ridden
city. It simply cannot do
anything without eudlesa Injunctions
and litigations.
The forest (Ires have disappeared.
Portland has organized a press club.
A Mr. Young at Eugene lost 10,000
bop poles by Saturday's Hood, worth
The Oregon Pacific steamer Hnogls
billed to arrive at Eugene Tliuntuay
this week, aud is to take up 8000 bush
els of wheat at the Meek warehouse.
Tram. grow more plentiful. Bun
day 160 boarded the overland train In
Southern Oregon ana mo uain crow
was helpless to "eal with litem or eject
"Fat dresfed chickens delivered at
your houhe, 25 to 60 cU.," li an Albany
Tin. wnlnr class of the Blato Univer
sity at Eugene gave a reception to the
newstudenlH Saturday night. loan Ulianmau saiu:
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
&& &MWUK31
v.aiirn universities surpass us In flue
1 hi ...I . fui.rb,iftta anil Inner
M UUHOingBi lliii- " "-- "- -
JSWSHSp iut. of eminent alumni, but we surpass
rtieMtieoiTif1j , , iu our epirn ui iru'icio -
m . a Lu vn nn a . - . niiiiiMi itu m vw w-r
." rij;i.v.iHio uiu "" - '....... ......
r . hm aMri. inu umi'-" . . ,. ...iiiiu irifi. r.HNiriu
bffsrs.M&KKtalMW coltegw. Thewnew studeoU are.ub-filikw-i
VPIRX OLlJ lected to all kinds ol outragw. and
lfenUSjI!!?.Jffir "iSlmes their live- endangered by
oj )WL.(a.iu i.,. pjjjjcjt,. b4J,1)(C iaaf has nevr luuruueo
. westofOberllu."
.c i wnwDERFUL ,.. n, ,. debt of 1 20.00. and
.. rx -- . .... ,. ruiccuo -- "
oU Pn"-
8q.uirea" Bill.
Washington, Oot. 11. Senator
Squires of Washington introduced an
amendment to tho silver bill embracing
about everything demanded on both
sides of the question. It pruvldna that
the owner of bullion, tho product or
mines or refineries of the United States,
may deposit it at any mint In an
amout uot less than $100 in value, to be
coined into standard dollars.the present
weight. There will only bo paid to the
person depositing the bullion such u
number of dollars as will equal the
commercial value ot the sliver bullion
on the day of deposit, the difference be
tween the commercial value and tue
mint value to be retained by tho gov
ernment aB seigniorage. Deposits of
bullion for coinage shall not exceed $2,
000,000 nor month, and whon the num
ber of silver dollara coined shall reaoh
tho sum of $100,000,000, further coluage
shall cease. The seigniorage will bo re
tained in the treasury as a reserve fund
for the purpose of maintaining the
parity of every dollar issued under this
act. These sllvor dollars are to bo a
legal tender In all payments at full
value, and no certificates will be issued
to represent them.
The secretary of tho treasury is au
tborWed to issue bonds with interest
not to exceed 8 per cent., redeemable
at tho pleasuro of the united mates
after five years, for tho purpose or
maintaining all monoy at par with tho
gold dollar, National banking associa
tions will be entitled to receive circu
lating notes to the par valuo of the
bonds on deposit, provided the aggre
gate of such notes for whtcn any asso
elation Is liable shall not exceed the
capital stock paid iu. Tho amendment
is. in fact, a new bill, striking out all of
the old bill after the enacting olauso.
It Is understood that Toller, Allison,
Sherman and others say It is tue Dcst
compromise, yet suggested.
After the Squire amendment to the
Oliver bill was nresonted. a resolution
heretofore offered by Allen, Populist, of
Nebraska, calling for Information aa fa
tho money borrowed by tho unuea
Hnf. If anv.since 1885. was agreed to.
The resolution offered by Dolph of
Oregon, calling for Information aa to
whether China has requested an exten
sion of time In which Chinese laborers
are required by the act of May, 1802, to
register, was laid before the senate
DolpU started to speak in favor of Ha
adoption, when Sherman suggested the
matter be discussed In executive ses
sion, and the senate went Into execu
tive session.
Cockrell of Missouri resumed his ar
gument In opposition. He said any in
ternatlonal agreement with the govern
ments of Europe was Impossible.
The bill repealing the federal election
laws which passed tho house waB laid
before the senate. Pugh, chairman of
the Judiciary committee, in tho chair at
the time, was about to refer It to that
committee when Hoar suggested tuo
bill should go to tho committee on priv
ileges and elections. Pending tho de
termination aa to Its reference we uiu
was laid on the table.
Benatora of all shades of opinions
now agree that a night session experi
ment la necessary to bring theseuate
to au agreement on the financial ques
tion. Opinions dlller much aa to the
probable length of a continuous session
.. . ,!. Mm rtMiult will be. The sll-
MIW rfu.. .M-.
ver men are counting upon iw conunu-
luz for forty-eight hours and are mak-
.. a mi .. ...lit MatA
log plans accordingly. iuy win i-
an effort at 0 o'oiook wis "
secure an odjournment, but do not ex
pect to succeed. After the adjourn
ment motion Is voted down some one of
i. .n.r ulvneatea will take the floor
and sneak until relieved by some other
senator of ilka views. iu iouo.v
.t.o.iiuap.Mii u tuat aafarastbey
can control their forcea they will Insist
that a ros.orlty shall maintain !
um. It U evident the repeal men will
have to be continuously present In
nulre large numbers to prevent adjourn
ment A majority "' the aenatoni ad
mil that a compromlw will b Ihe most
probable reult of iue nigiu wnuum
through as reported.
chances of repeal.
A careful canvass of the sonato bIiowb
If tho voto should be reached upon the
bill an It stands it would carrv bv a ma
jority of eleven and tho voto would bo
aa follows, supposing all sonatora to bo
preseut: Ayes Aldrlcb, Allison, Brico,
Caffrey, Camden, Carey, thaudlor,
Cullom, Davis, Dixon, Faulkner, Frye,
Culllnger, Ulbson, Gordou, Gorman,
Grap, Hale, Hale, Hawley, Hlgglns,
Hill, Hoar, Hunton, Lindsay, Lodge,
McMillan, MoPhorson, M Anderson,
Mills, Mitchell (Wis.) Merrill, Murphy,
Palmer, Piatt, Proctor, Quay, Raunm,
Sherman, Smith, Squire, Stnckbrldgo,
Turple, Vilas, Vqorhoes, Washburn,
White, (La.,) Wllson-43. Nays-Allen,
Bate, Berry, Blaokliuru, Butler,
Call, Cameron, Cockrell, Colquitt, Dan
iel, Dubois, George, Hausbrougb, Har
ris, Irby, Jones (Ark.) Jones (Nov.,)
Kyle, Martin, Mitoholl (Ore.,) Morgan,
Pasco, Poller, Perkins, Pettlngrew,
Powor, Pugb, Roaab, Bhroup, Btewart,
Teller, Vance, Vest, Walthall, Whlto
(Oallr.,) Wolcott 37,
Bllyer men claim at lenat eight sena
tors In the affirmative list desirous of
securing, a compromise and if some
moaauru oan be devised upon whioh
they and these can agree tho vote will
bo reversed.
Tho annual report of C. B. Morton,
fourth auditor of the treasury, for tho
flanal vear of 1803. shows the total an-
propriatlons by congress for Increase of
the uavv durlnir the last tec years
amount to 176,170,628, total expendit
ures f 00,440,-845, leaving i7,730,184 tin
exponded July 1, 1803.
Hob Resist Sanitary Regulations
at Hamburg.
Speech of Itedmonrt, Farmelllte,
at Dublin.
Fatal Slot.
Hambuku, Oct. 11. Another fatal
rlotoccurred IniBt. Paul, a suburb of
this city, growing out of the nttempU
of the sanitary oHloem to enforce tho
regulations for the nreventatlon of the
spread of cholera. Aalnthe previous
riot, when a policeman was nruiauy
binirm! and stamned to death, the scene
nfimit nltrht'a trouble was inoneoi
the districts of the village Inhabited en
tirely by the poor and ignorant classes,
who aeem to have a horror of being
oimrwiteil in observe cleanliness and
the ordinary sanitary regulations.
When the sanitary ofllcera attempted
to put extraordinary regulations In
force, trouble at once resulted. The
sanitary officers were accompanied by
auumberof policemen, mil we pres
ence of the latter had no effect upon the
vloleuce of the mob, that quickly garn
ered when It became known that tno
sanitary officers were about. The mob
made a descent In force upon uio poiu,
storming them and using clubs, 'the
policemen were unable to qucn wad
rlotlug-ln fact, they could make no
attempt to doao, being compelled to
n..ui,ratftlv to orotect themselves
from the fury of the rioters. While
some of the mob thus engaged tbe po-
tbemeelvea to a
dead somo of the mob danced upon his
bodv. Thi' ffcht wan waxinsr dttmer-
ate, with tho odds In favor ot tho mob,
when a detachment or troops, who had
been hastily dispatched to the scene,
arrived. The officer in command of
the troops ordered tbe mob to disperse,
but thav nald no attention to the com
mand, and continued their attack upon
tno policemen and sanitary oiucers. An
order was glvun for the troops to fix
bayonets, and when the gleaming steel
points were fastened to tho rifles the
soldlerti were ordered to charge the
mob. With bayoneta lowered thoy
moved forward on the double-qulok,
ii lid this rloterR.rU'filmr tho brlHtllnfir wall
tf steel advancing upon them, attempt
nil to disperse In short order. They ran
In every direction, save In tho direction
f tho tronns. mid disappeared in alley
ways mid the dnonrwaya of tho tumble
down tenements with which the dis
trict is filled. Mauy of them, however,
were uot quick enough to escape the
police, who began to chaso them the
moment thoy saw the crowd beginning
to break up. At least a dozen of tbe
mob were arrested. The bodies of the
policeman and tho sanitary officer were
taken to the pollco station.
Split On Home Rule.
Duiimn, Oot. 11. It Is evident from
tho speech of John Redmond, leader of
the Parnolllte party, at a meeting here
and the resolutions of tho meeting, that
the Parnellltes have definitely broken
with Gladstone, claiming he has aban
doned the Irish interests, and will here
after light all Eugllsh measures in tbe
houaeQf comraouB. The BpeeoU nan
created a sensation hero and In political
circles throughout Great Brltlan. Red
mond said tho Irish cause at present is
menaced by a deadly perl1, "vbiob. was
the Inevitable result of the nationalists'
surrender to tho English. ParneU'B
predlotlou was fully Justified; there
was no use deceiving the Irish people
Into the belief thai the British people
who had taken up home rule acted
from any other motive than necessity,
and only when they realized that Brit
ish interests were imperiled. The lib
erals had now huntf un homo rule for
an entire year, until 1804 at least, and
Intended to proceed to the consideration
of English reforms without having set
tled with Ireland so soon aa the voters
of Great Brltlau reallzod that Ireland
would submit to this. Thus a large
part of Parnell'a life work waa mdone,
and home rule would disappear for a
generation or more. Furthermore,
what would Gladstone offer? Tbe last
session bill is dead and tbo next one
would bo a further compromise.
Ban Fkanoibco, Oot. 11. Wheat,
cash (1.05.
CiliOAQO, Oct. U.-Cosh, 04; De
cember GO.
PnuiTAND. Oct. 11. Wheat valley.
f.06?.07jj Walla Walla ?.87f.B7,
Deafness Oanmot Be Cure
i.u iivni minilcatloiis as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion
of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafnwn,
and that Is by constitutional reiueuua.
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Rub
tachlan tube, When this tube Is In
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
Imperfect hearing, and when It la en
tlrely closed, deafuewi Is tbe result, and
uulee the Inflamatlon can be taken
out and thw tune reeioreo iu u uuiu
condition, bearing win oe umruj
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition oi we wuwu"
faefs. ... . .. ,., ... '
We will give one nunuruu m
Una nltmn dflVOted
r...iM.. nntinncriit unon the sanitary of
ttoers. One of the latter was capture Dy case of deafness (caused by patarrb)
by tbe mob. Ills comrades could make that cannot w i eureu uy m - v-.
- ,..1. iiim. ttiev nan v;ure. nem iuiv...i--
nu mwiun iu ,vv ...., . --
""t&n.iot Eugene nana "
nOH-F Line county of 127,000. proMW aresu " VwVbMa and with AnH.b delight, kicked HW lac-' ... iona "ver jj
l Nearlyal. .be Unking brines, of per '" bL v tn Even after lie was purely vafstaAil. and HeHlv.
VumBPCmc COMPANY. Lebanon U done throqHU (he poswmoe. , W -
.ii ii.ou nnnlil do to defend themselves.
Tbe ofllcer In tbe hands of tbe mob
was struck on tbe bead with a large
stone and knocked to tbe ground.
nn..n il.- mnti lumned OU lllui aud
kicked bim about the bead and boay
until Ufa was extluct.
Meantime tbo crowd had succeeded
In knocking a polloeman down.and be,
too. soon met his death. Tbe rioters,
L.i.i. n,..!i... itftlluht. kicked hUftce
w. J. niiKNKV & Co.. Tc4do,0.
liTBold by Druaglsts, 76o.
Nothing like Blwwona Uvsr tasj
t.tnr for Dvsneosla and dlsUon-a.
safe and sure cure,
Tbe New York Racket has ail kinds
of lubbers, for men, wonwn adWl
dren, also slickers nd tvMm haU.
f od w
, Do uot ru4u tbe stomach wtth
-.. aimmnna I.lVer MMSMWOC
1.1..1. ri.
juioeny owv.
r-"r"mAimMM( itti Jfrn . .