Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 10, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press DallyNews-
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
We cent dailyi
SSct. a month hy XH
fo Papers SoMt Wlw
Time is Oat.
VOL. 6.
nx. uao.
m M !
m Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
Federal Election Laws
Important Land Tax
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Racket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block; 333 Coml St.
The Bombardment of Rio Janeiro
I Ladies' and Gentlemens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Suit J2.00 to $2.50.
' " Ladies' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Dying, 50 cents to $1 00 extra.
Work neatly done on sbort notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below 8mith & Steiner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
BvD. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats or allKinds
98 Court and
110 State Streets.
E. Mbeker & Co,,
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMJPLETON, Gcn'l J gent.
Here is a chance of a life-time, Why
appear shabby when you can have an
elegant suit for
M. IH7BENSTEIN, - 308 Commercial Street, !ahin.
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
ress Suit for $100.
Lamoureux's Stables,
the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. wew siock aim ve-
tea being added constantly. Only the beat service rennerci. nosnauuy
i uor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
State Street.
avers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
flea me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. .No trouble to
estimates. State Iusurance block, Cbemektta street.
e West Printing Co.KS!
Special attention to mall orders.
Commercial St.,
First class work.
Reasonable prices.
Balem, Oregon,
In Congress.
Washington, Oct. 10. Squire, of
Washington, thlB morning Introduced
tn the senate bis amendment to the
silver bill, which has already been out
lined in these dispatches. The amend
ment embraces about everything de
manded on both sides.
The resolution offered yesterday by
Dolph calling for Information us to
whether China requested an extension
of the time In which Chinese laborers
are required by act, May '92 to register
was laid before the senate. Dolph
started to speak in favor of Its adoption
when the senate went Into executive
When tho doors re-opened, Hill of
New York, presented a petitiou by 15,
000 merchants of New York, asking
for the unconditional repeal of the
Sherman law. The repeal 'bill was
then takeu up, and McPherson, of
New Jersey, spoke in its favor.
The Tucker bill, reapealing the fed
eral election law, passed the house by a
vote of 200 to 101. Tho bill passed by
a strict party yote.
Washington, Oct. 10. Ex-Attorney
General Garland asked the supreme
court to advance the case of the North
ern Pacific against the Patterson coun
ty treasurer In Montana. It Is a case of
Importance to ail the western state
und territories, as it will ultimately set
tle the question of taxation of all un
patented surveyed lands within the
grantof theNorthern Pacific, Southern
Pacific, Union Pacifli', Central Pud tic,
California and Oregon and other rail
ways. There are millions of acres of
these lands hltbertofore regarded as
Washington, D. C, Oct. 10. Nom Nem Nom
inateons: R. L. Lincoln,of La Grande,
Oregont and Colonel Anson Mill, of
the United States army, commmfssion
era lb the international boundary com-
in nslon, provided for in convention at
Sltb, Mexico, March .1, '80.
Bombardment Step.
Washington, D. O., Oct. 10. A dis
patch received at the state department
from Rio Janeiro says Admiral Mello
has decided to discontinue the bom
bardment of Rio.
- Break; with Oladstone.
Dublin, Oct. 10. It Is eviedentfrom a
speech of John Redmond, Leader of
the Darnelllte party, at a meeting here
last night, and (he resolutions of the
meeting that the Parnellites have defi
nitely broken withGladston , claiming
that he abandoned the Irish interests,
and tbey will hereafter light all Eur-
ilsb measures in the house ot commons.
Religious. Revival services still
continue with good interest at the
Christian church and will continue
each evening of this week. Song ser
vices, 7:30,preachlng at 8 p. m. Subject
for this evening "The Many Sidednesa
of the Gospel," The ministerial asso
ciation of the Christian church con
vened at 3 p. tn. will continue In ses
sion during each day until Friday.
Three Quarters of a Million Peo
ple Attend
Crops Destroyed. Reports are re
ceived of very bad weather in Eastern
Oregon and great damage tocrop3.
Much wheat layet uncut In Umatilla
county and that In tho stack is worse
damaged thau that In the field. It ban
been raining steady, and there Is al
ready considerable snow in the mountains.
Many Pcoplo Crushed and Killed
In tho Crowds. '
In Prison. Following are tho latest
commitments to the Oregon State
Prisen: Ah Lung, Clatsop county,
burglary, two years; C. A. Graft, Mult-
uoman county, larceny, one year;
Henry Jackson, Multuomuh county,
one year; Thnnma Gilbert, Sherman
ojunty. larceny, two years.
DisoHARGKD.r-The grand Jury re
fused to find a bill against tho fourteen
men charged with rlntlog in the hop
yards in the north end of tin county.
This was about what everyone expected
would be tho result.
The U. P. Receivership.
Denver, Col., Oct. 10. The Union
Pacific attorneys have tiled a reply In
the United States court to the applica
tion of John Evans for the appoint
ment of a receiver. The reply In a de
tailed way denies every charge of viola
tion of agreement whereby the Fort
Worth passed Into possession of the
Union Paclflo.
Bank Examiner Arrested.
Denver, Oof. 10. National Rank
Examiner J. B. Lazear, while settling
the aflalrs of the Insolvent bank Del
Nortn, ha been arrested for receiving
stolen goods.
A Boat Surrenders.
RioJaneioho, Oct. 10,-Oneofthe
forts In the bay surrendered to the In
surgent fleet today.
ilf you would be clean and have your clothes done up in
neatest and dressiest mann8r, tafce tnem to uie
-,.- - - jr T A. TTTVlTTPA
i cscw jn:rvi s i h;ajvi x-.. x--
'o all worklis done by white labor and in the most prompt
Liberty Street.
To Ealse Pensions.
Washington, Oct. 10.-Camlnettl
Introduced In the house a bill lucreaa
lug the pensions of veterans of the
Mexican war from eight to twelve dol
lars per month.
Is a scientifically preparea untmeni
and harmless: every ingredient U of
..,A value and in constant use
i th medical profession. It Short-
ens Labor, Lessens Pain, vmwmu
Danger to me oi mouict . .".
Book "To Mothers" mailed free, con
taining valuable information and vol
untary testimonials.
Bciit jexAtu,tium ptejM, on rtttlpt
Beats Them ALi..-Th i year break
the record of record breaking. Salem's
popular grocer, J. A. Van Eaton, bro o
the record long ago for pleasing bis
patrons on the best goods, lowest prices
and quickest delivery.
Pardon. The governor has issued s
purdon to Gotlieb Smith, committed t
the state's prlsoajfrom Union 'county
for burglary one year, upon petition ol
the district attorney,
Insane Mary F. McCoy, a sister ol
lion. E. O. McCoy, was brought to the
asylum today from her home lu Milton
Or. She has been Inaauo for fifteen
Blood Will Tell.
Of course it wilt that is if It is good
healthy blood. It will glow In the
cheek, und tell the story of perfect
I hyalcal health. If it does not, If the
complexion Is devoid of color, the mus
cles weak and flaccid, something Is
wrong, und something ought to be don
about it at once, for In such coses de
lays ar dangerous. For torpid liver,
"bllllnusuess" and the thousand and
one ills to which these conditions of the
system lead, tho is no remedy In the
world equal to lit, i'lerce'a Golden
Medical Discovery. Boils, pimples
eruptions, scrofulous sores, salt-rheum,
and all kindred diseases are cured by
Chicago, Oot. 10. Never in the his
tory of Chicago was there suoh a de
mand for transportation facllltloa as to
day. The crowd was bandied well,
but no human means, no system of
transportation, however fast, was cap
able of handling such a vast crowd
without difficulty. Accidents were few
and only r small proportion of them
fatal. A majority of those hurt were
from outside poluts, and their troubles
arose from their not being as cautious
as the uattvo Chlcagoau In navigating
streets and getting on cars. Those
killed and Injured were:
Kllled-Charles A. Clark, of Buffalo,
N. Y., struok by a cable car; Janios
Malcolm, of Ban Franoisoo, died from
a Btroko of apoplexy at the fair; Thomas
Robertson, of Fremont, Mlnu., struck
by a cable car and fatally hurt, dying
in a short time; JohuDryden, employe
of James Pain & Bona, fatally Injured
by tho prematura explosion of a bomb.
He died soon after reaching tho hospi
tal. Injured on cablo trains, lu rush at
Illinois Central and elovatod stations,
etc.: Mrs. Louisa Rhode, or Gllman,
III.; Andrew Wolls, of Laupaca, Wis.;
Highest of all in Leavcnflis Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
LCrMt lliMk
j&ts&ts iWVVUCl
by bands and voices, Including tho
national aira of foreign nations, ringing
of tho Llborty bell at noon by Mayor
Harrison; reunion and review of the
states in tho court of honor, making a
beautiful pageant.
10. Wboat,
Few RtiFfciuti traiiin make us much at
22 miles an hour.
An office has been established in Kan
sas City by the Wagner Palace Car com
pany. Passcngor statistics show a decided re
vival in mileage book business. This in
dicates that commercial agents are again
being sent out freely.
The office of the traffic manager of the
Louisville, St. Louis und Texas railroad
has been abolished with the resignation
of L. S. Parsons, who held the posltiou.
About 8,000 employees were killod in
railway accidents in the United States
last year aud 20,000 injured. As for the
passengers, 203 were killed and 2,073 in
jured. For the sake of comparison it may be
stated that the Pullman Palace Car
company owns 2.8C0 cars, valued at $33,
000,000, and the Wagner company 700
cars, valued at lO.r.00.000.
Woolen hosiery for Indies and chil
dren at cut prices at Osborn's Racket
store. 2d lw
HA i.em, Oct. 10, 1803.
On motion of Hon L. B. Cor, John
& Parde and E. M Subln was admitted
upon certificates from the supreme
courts of Nebraska and Wisconsin, to
practice In all the courts of this state.
R. L.Habln, app. vs. The Columbia
River Lumber and Fuel Company,
The Commerelal National Bank of
Portland et al., rear.; appeal from
Multnomah county. Argued and sub
mitted. L. II. 0x t'v tor app.; E.
H. Walsou and Geo. II Durham atl'ys
fors rtsp.
ladle and children's hosiery at
nrices that beat the woild, at E. P.
Otborn's Racket store. 2d lw
Wm. J. Burr, Hopkins, Ky.: O. F.
Reynolds, of Mutoon, III.; Mtsa Nettle
Rogers, of ColumbUB, p.; Mrs. Matilda
Stewart, 01 Fond du L10, Wis.; Charlie
Long, of Cincinnati; Toby Lanson, Chi
Oigo, and Policeman Patrick Clifford.
None of those Injured are thought to
oe fatally hurt, but they, as well as
nany others, whoso names were not
learned, will have painful reminders of
tho day for somo time to oome. Mrs.
John Tucker, of Redbud, III., had
scarcely passed through tho gates when
4he called for aid. She was assisted by
women until an ambuluuce took her to
the hospital, where she gavo birth to a
The greatest orusb occurred at the
Congress-street depot of the elovatod
road. Tho crowd there was simply tor
rifle, and, demlto the utmost efforts of
tho police to keep them back, the Jam
was such that women began to faint
and then a panic followed, resulting In
serious injury to many people. Tbero
wore a number of distressing accidents
ou tho fulr grounds proper tonight ow
ing to tho awful crush. The bosp'tal
record at 0 o'clock showed less than 40
light casualties. Two hours later the
uumbor had Increased to 125, Of these
most were women, who had fainted
nd fallen In a heap In the rushing and
surging mass that seemed to haye lost
ill power of reason. The worst crush
of all was in the early evening at the
xust side of the transportation building,
where the people became wtdged In a
reat mass and a panlo commenced.
Mn shouted themselves hoarse to still
the restless throng. Women screamed
frantically aud dozens fainted. Ambu
lances wero summoned, and these In
trying to wedge their way through to
the sufferers caused other statu pedes.To
make matUrs worse at this point, the
parade, with Inexcusable carelessness,
wound around the mining building
nd forced Its way once more through
the dense mass of the people. The
nvenue was finally cleared by throwing
open the doors of tho transportation
building. There was another terrlffc
jam at the Sixty-third street exit, where
the people in their Impatience broke
down the fence. At 11:30 p. m. thous
ands of people were walling for trains,
aud It looked as If It would be early
morning before all of them could get
down tovrn.
At 11:30 the bureau of admissions an
nounced that the total attendance for
the day was 761,020. or which 713,037
were paid admissions.
The day opened with ringing of the
Liberty bell by Simon Pokagon, a Pot
tawatomie chief, who sold I he-sit eon
whirh Chicago Is situated, aud John
Young, son of the Indian who named
Chicago. Following this lu rapid suc
cession came the parade of Chloigo
hussars, a fanfare of universal peaoa by
heralds stationed on the tops of build
logs around the court of honor, over
ture of all nation by united bands;
flb&rus. "Btsrspautkd UaoBtr" by 9000
J vow followed by other pstrlotlo aira
San Francibco, Oot.
cash $1.05.
CiuoAao, Oot. 10. Cash, 04; De
cember C0J.
Portland, Oct. 10. Wheat valley,
.05$.07J; Walla Walla ?.87f,87i.
A Woman Dynamltor.
San FitANOieco, Out. 10. Two mora
arrests havo tnado In connection with
thodyuamlto explosion that wreoked
John Curtain's Bailors' boarding house
aud killed four men. One of the pris
oners is a woman.
A Oity Election.
Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 10. The
city elootiou Is In progress hero today.
A heavy vote Is expected.
Another Hafla.
New York, Oot. 10. The body of
Leonardo Daorto was foiiud lying lu
Mulberry street early this morning. It
is believed to bo another Mafia murder.
Four Italianu aro arrestod on suspicion.
Moro Deportations.
Los Ancikles, Oot. 10' In the Uni
ted States court eoven Mongolians from
Cahunga valley and Riverside were up
for deportation and Judge Rosg disposed
of them at the rate of one every three
No Extra Session.
Tacoma, Oot 10. Governor McGratv
today authoritatively denied that he
had any intention of calling an extra
session of tho legislature to elect u suc
cessor to ex-Senator John 11. Allen, as
has been reported.
Oreat Explosion.
North Lawrence, O., Oct. 10. At
8 o'clock last night an east bound
freight train ou the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayno & Chicago railroad, wbllo run
ning at a high rate of speed, one mile
west of here, wero blown Into frag
ments by tho explosion in a car con
taining 432 kega of gun powder. A
hole 200 feet deep was made In the
ground, Thirty cars were wrecked,
five of tho train crew were badly In
Jured by bolng burned.
Deafness Oanaot Be Cured
by Jocol applications as they naunot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Rus
tachlan tube. When this lube is In
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
Imperfect hearing, and when It Is en
tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and
unless tho Inflainatlon can be taken
out and this tube restored to lis normal
condition, hearing will lm destroyed
forever; nine cam-s out of ten ure caused
by catarrh, which Is uothlug but ati In
flamed condition of the mucous sur
Wo will glvo one hundred dollars for
any rase or uearnesa (causea uy catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., ToIodotO.
ft-Bold by Druggists, 76c.
Wholesale Harder,
Ban Fhancisoo, Oct. 10, A shock
ing scandal has been caused by the
coroner's Investigation of the Ban Fran
Cisco foundling asylum where thirty
three babies died within the past six
weeks. Tito place wm closed Thursday
last aud twenty-four foundlings given
Into the custody of the Cathollo Infant
shelter. The coroner ascertains that
three waifs died from the lack of uutrl
tlon, Inanition and scourge pemphigus.
The Daughters of tho flood Shepherd
is a public asylum and slaughter houso
for babies. The sanitary condition of
the asylum (a very bad. The oRlclal
undertaker of the Institution testified
that when Infanta died the attendants
put the bodies In a box under the front
door steps and kept them there like so
much garbage until be came to take
them away
Gents' underwear, suite fur DO cents,
Sao Willamette- Booms -Provideace
Lowers Freight Ratea-A
Now Boat Line.
Everything In Oregon la this year a
record beater. Even the Willamette
river has caught the fever, and yester
day at four o'clock It stood higher than
at any other time In Its history at this
season of tho year. Tho water stood
over 14 feet above low water, but today
at noon It had fallon to 18.10, aud It Is
still slowly falling.
mis unusual rise- fs worth more to
the Willamette valley and 8alem than
the Oregon railroad commission, and
will be a great help to shippers of all
kinds of freight and produce. The
merchants "will bo benefitted and also
tho consumers. Boats will run full
blast from now on, and this unusual
water will give them fully two months
moro navigation than In ordinary sea
sons. This will be worth thousands of
dollars to the valley.
A letter from General Manatror A. .
Graham, of the Oregon City Transpor
tation company, save their rant. iim
passenger and frlegut steamer Attona
will mako her first trip up tomorrow,
Sho will run between hero and Port
land on schedulo time, and mako tri
weekly round trips. This la 0 new do-
porture, and will no doubt meet with
good success, as tho boat will onlv i,
at Portland, Oregon City and Salem.
The company also runaway steamer,
the Latona, which will handle all
heavy freight. The Altona will leave
Halem Tuesduys, Thursdays, and Sat
urdays at 7:30 a. 111.
Presbytery of Willamette convened
yesterday Ib tho First Presbyterian
church of this city at 2:30 p. m.
Rev. Joseph Hanua was elected mod.
era tor.
Thotounsof oftlco of tho stated and
permanent clerks having expired, Revs.
E. N. Coudlt and G. Y. Gillespie were
duly re-oleoted to fill aald ofllces for tho
ensuing term.
Rev. E. J. Thompson, D. D.. rotiriu
moderator, preached an excellont eer
mou to an nppreolativo audlenco.
This morulng after tho half hour do
votlonal exercises, presbytery went in
to business session with about 28 mem
bers, Tho report on foreign missions,
brought out a discussion on the "Par
liament ol Religions" in connection
With tho Columbian exposition.
The report of the committee on Sab
bath observance was received with so
much favor that It was ordered print
ed In the church paper of tho coast.
The Lidles Presbyterian society met
hi tho lecturo room of the church.
A full attendance encouraged the Id
eal society. Mrs, A. O. Coudlt of this
city Is president of tho society. Tho
program for this cveulug 'sprinted here
with a special Invitation extended to
tho public:
I'KOGHAM, 7:30 i m.
Bible Reading . ..Miss MoNory, Balem
Anthem Mighty Jehova Chor
Plea of the Natlnna
Addresa-The Religious Paporln
the Family.......
Mrs. McCullagb, Albany.
Solo M la Albert, Balem.
Paper Juvenile Work
hUw Preston, Portland.
Address Home MlasIous-.Dr.Qwynne
Anthem The Nations Who are Saved
Are You Nervous,
Are you all tired feeling or slok head
ache? You can be relieved of all theea
symptoms by Ukbg Hood's Banana
rllla, which gives nerve, mental ami
bodily strength and thoroughly purirlee
tho blood. It also creates a good appe
tite, cures Indigestion, heartburn and
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy n
action and sure In oflect. 25 cents a box,
Will ix-IUljr cure IcV licadarhaand pro
vein U rtlurn. CurUr' UttU Uvr I'llU,
This I. n tt vU. but truth. Due uiii at a fae,
se sdv(tUcmnt. Biusll p u binll sow.
IVtlnfrOm ltldliualou. dran.mln anil Lon
ueanr "u, u ruoq fti ana by
' Litktiur
out utCuitof UltU Uver MIU iuimt4lti
JitruiBuer, uou' fur; tuu.
ueuis- unoerwear, suns loruuwmis, ifjrouar tired ot.lBtU lrgolJ'b.
that cannot be tnatobtd for the W.Spilifc? K
E, F. O-born's Kaeert store. 3d lw u4wit.tnrt umui(i.TiIiW,