Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    WWMH J"'MH3
aft-. Simeon Staples
"I Had a Running Sore
On my ankle flT6 -jews. Ue doctors pro.
nounelng It salt rheum. It conUnned to in
crease la she. until I commenced taking
Hood's Saraapar01a,and using Hood's OUre
Hood's CuJ-es
Ointment. In two years I was completely
eared andhsre Had r trouble ;ttli It since."
Eqjeox Status, Salt Taunton, Mass.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ml, blllousneac,
lick headache, and constipation. 25a,
In raisins a family of nlns children, nr only
remedy for Couf hi. Colds and Croap was onion
yrop. It U Juit effectlT teUy m Jt w fort y
rur a. Now my grandchildren take Dr.
chum's Onion Syrup, which is already prepared
and more plaaaant to the taste. Bold everywhere.
Larf s bottles M cente. Take no substitute for It
Sold by Baekett & VanHlype.
Strange Human Antipathies.
Amatus Lesitanus relates the case of a
monk who would faint on seeing a rose,
and who never quitted his cell at the
monastery while that flower was bloom
ing. Orfila tells how Vincent, the great
painter, wonld swoon upon going into a
room in which roses were blooming,
even though he did not see them. Val
taid tells of an army officer who was
frequently thrown into violent convul
sions by coming in contact with the
little flower known as the pink.
Orfila, our authority on the case of
Vincent, the painter above related, also
tells of tho case of a lady 40 years of age,
halo and hearty, who, if present when
linseed was being bciled for unypurposo,
would bo seized with violent fits of cough
ing, swelling of the face and partial
loss of reason for tho ensuing 21 hours.
Writing of these peculiar antipathies and
aversions, Montaguo remarks that he
has known men of undoubted courage
who would much rather faca a shower
of cannon balls than to look at nn applet
In Zimmerman's writings thero is an ac
count of a lady who could not bear to
toui'h either silk or satin, and who would
almosc faint if by accident sho should
happen to touch tho velvety skin of a
Eoylo records the case of a man who
would faint upon hearing the "swish" of
a broom across tho floor, and of another
with a natural abhorrenco for honey.
Hippocrates of old tells of onoNicanor
who would always swoon on hearing the
sound of a flute.
Bacon, the great Englishman, could
not bear to seen lunar eclipse, aud al
ways completely collapsed upon such oc
casions, and Vaughelm, tho great Ger
man sportsman, who had killed hun
dreds of wild boars, would faint if ho but
got a glitnpse of a roasted pig.
Before Going to the Woild'a Fair
Enquire About
Tho Limited Express trains or the Chi
cago, Milwaukee A, 8t. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
umaua and Chicago.
These tralus are vestlbnled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the 11 n
est Dlnlug and Hleeplng Car Hervlce in
the world,
The Electric reading light In each
berth Is the successful novelty of thin
progressive ago, aud is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons ofthlHllne.
We wish others to know its merits, ox
the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Hall
way Is tho ouly line in tho west enjoy
Ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further Information apply lo
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
O. J. Eddy, General Agent.
J. W. Oasky, Trav. Pass. Act.
5 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf
215XCommrclISt., . Slom, Orewa,
(Neat door to Klein's.)
Specialty ot Spectacle, and rcnalrlni dock.,
WftieUM and Jewelry.
BALBM, - - - oragon
rnvaie woric a tpeclalty.
O. II. OLKAIKNT. Manager.
2 c isf
7hjL . tY l?l
w i a jm r m'z
w i L3 fJ rrf
A movement of the bowali each dajr,laueoesarr
.tor health. These pllla supply what the ajrswiu
(aosalo Maxell racular. Our Keedaabe, brihuu
Uia Syea aud olsar (he Comnleilou better than
toaneUos. They eel mildly, neither-rrlpe nor
llokan as other pills do. To oonvlnoa you ui ihrlr
usrlts wa mll aamnlaa fraa. nr full bar ttfta. Ucld
tvarrwBsra. jwmuko n,v, rouaasjpaia, ra,
r :. .r r ..r ."A i-T.' .-.- . . --
JrwnaiottoMa4go,maallM,l'a, ui
gold by Boskett 4 Van Slype, l
Capital ((Journal Publishing Company.
I'oatofflco Block. Commercial Street.
-H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors;
Dsliy, bycairler, pet month,.
Dally, by mall, per year
Weekly, S page, per year
-JO 50
-. 1.60
The most important offlcefrom a po
lltical standpoint and so far as the act
ual details of state governm-ut are concerned-
is that of Secretary" of State in
Orecon. 1L combines duties4 that in
some states aremstributed among three
district state departments the Secre
tary, of State, Auditor of State aud
Comptroller of Insurance, banking and
iissessments. -The duties are very on-
roufe, tlfeemoluments are lucrative, the
atrouBge controlled larger than that
f any other state office, and owing to
Us coming so closely in contact with all
the wants of the jieople Its political im-
oortauce is very great.
In all these respects the present Sec
retary of State has made a most admir
able oflloij butowiujr to a constitution
al limitation cannot again be a candl
date. A new man must be chosen.
Seme: time Bince the Jouknal referred
to Harrison 11. Ki'ucaid, the veteran
editor of the Eugene State Journal, as
well fitted to receive the nomination on
the Republican ticket. It was not
with any view to britiging him before
the people as a candidate, but rather to
bring on a discussion of the qualifica
tions needed to properly fill the duties
of the office of Secretary of State. It Is
oolv with that view we discuss the
matter now. We do not understand
that he is a candidate or seeks the
,jlace, or that anyone is seeking it for
nim, or that he has authorized anyone
to use his name as a candidate. As it
ieems to mauy, the office Is too import
ant to be given to a place seetter. if a
iultable man can be got nominated,
who possesses the character, the Integ
rity and ability to fill the office and
promote the reforms in our state gov
eminent that the people are most deep
ly I nterested in seeing brought about,
that man should be put up aud elec ed.
It Is almost too much to expect in pres
ent conditions of affairs that we should
be able to secure such i m in to serve
the people. But If we knew that any
one were conspiring and making com
binations to get tue place we crtuibly
mould not publish his name as a can
didate. What wo warted to do was to call at
tention in the training and qualifica
tions for this position which are pos
sessed in a degree by an old newspaper
muu that few other walks of life are
capable of bestowing. Perfect famil
iarity with the political history of our
state, with tne people and the public
men, with the legislation and depart
mental affairs, with the subjects of tax
ation, assessment, transportation, and
more thau all, with the details and
needs of our Btute Institutions them
are attributes of a journalistic career
covering nearly forty years that no one
can deny. That these attributes an
possessed In a high degree by Mr. Kin
caid no one will dispute.
It Is assumed that an entirely new
man will be chosen to fill tilts' olllee
next sprlug for a term of four ye,r.
Hcnco the necessity of considering sonir
tests of fitness for this important posi
tion. Without disparaging the other
walks of llfo and professions, we mere
ly poltit out what the people would
gain In this particular office by filliuv
it with a man whoso work for a life
time might be Bald to have peculiar!
adapted him for the performance of it.
duties. There may be other gentlemen
eminently fitted to entitle them to the
nomination, and we havo only written
this to explalu why we recently men
tloned Mr. Klucatd,
TheBUltto enjoin buildlncr thoanl.
diem' home at Hoseburg has been ar
gued before the supremo court and tin
optnlou of Oregon's highest bench I
anxiously awaited. Tho anxiety is nm
mote painful at Salem than In easteri
Oregon, Corvallle, Eugene and othei
localities of the state where rich aud
beautiful bequests of the state have
some to the help of communities al
ready endowed with great enterprise
ami uultiral resources.
Great Interest is felt at Salem, thr
home of ih?hco aud petiltentlaries. the
city or entireties and reformatories,
where the rest or the state sends itc
lunatics, convicts, legislators and other
uereciive classes, and where all these
iwople flrxt get their freedom. The su
preme Judges all reside here and what
ever their decision, their boclal, person
al and official relations with the capital
of the stuto will not tie marred In th
least, so far us Salem Is concerned
Thereat of the Mato will without a
duubt be equally generous.
There la not a particle of doubt that
the strict letter of the oongtlmttmi
would foroe nil state Institutions ui Ore
gon to he located at the seat of govern
ment. Against this strict const motion
uiu cuusiliuuou must U W1 WeOOlU- H,wvP Pllla r k i ti
I'mollee of the legislature In locating JactSnd Vurolu XVSuuTbox" '
thecoiialitutlau must b setthenciu-
state Institutions elsewhere, that has
been acquiesed in for years by the peo
ple of the state, as well as the nearly
uniform custom of nearly all the stales
oftheUuiotf, jnariy of them .is econom
ically and as wisely governed as Oregon.
The Constitution of Oigou is a doc
ument that in Its written form is found
to contain some fatal defects, That in
fact are outfawed by custom, aud sup
planted by an unwritten constitution
living iu the common sense of the peo
ple. This is a? true in its treitmeut of
the colored nice as in respect to locating
all public buildings at Salem if that I
what it means. If the court shall fiud
itself able to take the broader view of
the subject here indicated it will go fai
toward making a revision of the con
stitutlon possible.
The Journal was taken the liberty
to discuss this subject with the utmost
freedom and will cheerfully acquiesce
iu whatever view the court sees fit ti
take, and believes the whole state will
do so. The court was never stronger iu
popular esteem than at present ana
will not fail to do what is right in ju
liclal science aud iu promoting the
welfare of our great comm m wealth.
Blood Will Tell
Of course it will -that is iritis go d
healthy blood. It will glow in the
heek, and tell tha story of perfect
physical health. If it does not, if the
complexion is devoid of color, the niu
cles weak and llaccid, something Is
-vrong, aud something ought lo bo dune
tbout it at once, for iu such cues de
layo are dangerous. For torpid liver
"billiousuess" and the thousand aud
ue ills to which these conditiousoftbt
systera lead, the h no remedy in the
world iqual to Dr. Pierce's Golden
.Medical Discovery. Bolls, pimple-,
eruptions, scrofulous sores, salt-rheum,
and all kindred diseases are cured b
Letter From Hermann.
The following extract from a letter
received from Congressman Hermaun.
House of Representatives, Sept. 25th.
Referring to the condition of afiairs
at Yaqulna Bay permit me to say,
that I appreciate very much the impor
tance of the public works, in couuec
tion with the prosperity of the country
1 have made a close study of the Ya
quiua and jetty system and believe I
yoice the sentiment of the Engineer
Corps, wh n I eay that it is posslb'e to
obtain a depth of twenty feet at low
water, and I shall exert every efiort in
my power, to bring about such legisla
tion as will provide a project and an
appropriation for such purpose. Ya
qulna Bay as a place for export as well
is import, will always be at a disadvan
tage, uutll the largest European vessels
can enter uud depart with safety. We
should do all we can to encourage such
a condition in the navigation us will
permit the largest European grain ships
to cross the bar. To that end we shall
all devote a united efiort. Foreign
shipments iu that case will no longer
have to trausfer at San Francisco. They
will go direct from the one port to the
other, and local charges from Yaqulna
to San Francisco will be saved to the
producer. A liberal .appropriation will
accomplish all that is desired. The ex
tension of the north Jetty has pro
luced a wondrous chauge on the bar,
and is woralng out the problem most
satisfactorily. In conversation with
Captain Symons, I find him more than
ever encouraged by what he observes as
to the good effect resultiuE from the
uorth jetty. The government can well
nfiord to bepioud of the Yaqulna bay
work. With the extension of the Ore
gon Pacific Railroad Into Eastern Ore
gon, which event I look for at no dis
tant day and with Increased water on
Yaqulna bar, which Is also close at
hand you may look for an era of pros
perity for the entire Bay and its tribu
larles that will reward all those who
ire so patiently fud so hopefully wait
ing for the turn of the tide.
An Undisputed Test of Merit
A medicine that has beeu a household
'emedy U r over fifty years and used
in that time by morn thau f 150,000,000
persons must have great merit. Such
i medlclue is fnuud iu Brandreth's
Pills. This fact demouetrates the
value of these pills better than any
statement of the proprietors. It will
e observed that the dose required to
ure Is small. Oiie or two phis taken
every night for teu or twenty days will
-ase arlslug from an impure Male of the
uranuretii'sniu are purely vegetable
absolutely harmless, and Bafe to take at
toy time.
Hold in every drug and medlclue
store, either plain or sugar coated,
Phouate The order previously
made for the guardian of Joceph Lnde
mute to sell real nroik-riv holm,,.,,.,, t..
he estate was revoked because the
ward had since died and au admlufe.
tratorof the estate had beeu appointed
Saturday, Nov. 11th was set as the
time for htarlug the fiual account of J.
. I. ibare. administrator of ih. wti J
if Adam H. Sconce ...The sale of lot
5 block M Salem, belonging to the Cora
Boon estate, to J. Rez-Miier fnrfJOO was
confirmed. At a previous sale of the
same property u was bid lu f: i J30.
Are You Nervous,
Are.vouall tired feellnc nn.i!.- h..,i.
ache? You can be relieved of all these
symptoms by taklag Hood's darsana-
I II tk laifttlffclk. an.. ...- .... a
'"''-""'"' K" nerve, mental sua
bodily strength ami thoroughly purifies
the hkod. It h1io creates a good apix
lte, cures Indigestion, hoartburu aud
A Great Mistake.
A recent discovery Is that headache
dizziness, dullness, conruikm of tho mind,
etc., arts duo to derangement of the nerve
centers which supply tho brain with nerve
ferce: that Indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind in stomach, etc arise from the derange
ment of tho nerve canters supply Ing these or
saas with nerve fluid or force. This Is likewise
'ruoof many diseases of the heart and lungs.
Tho nervo system Is Ilka a telegraph system,
as will be seen by the accompanying
ut. rne uttio
white lines aro
the nerves which
convey tho nervo
fr-e from the
nerve centers to
every part of tho
body, Just as tho
conveyed alons
the telegraph
wires to every
station, large or
small. Ordinary
physicians fall to
regard this fact;
Instead of treat
ing the nervecen
tersfor Ihocauso
of the disorders
arising therefrom
hoy treat the
part affected.
Franklin Miles,
M. D.. LL. B., tho
highly celebrated
specialist and
student of nervous diseases, and author
of many noted treatises on the latlersubject,
long since realized the truth of the first
statement, and his Restorative IWrvlne
U prepared on that principle. Its success
in curing all diseases arising from derange
nont of tho nervous system Is wonder
ful, as tho thousands of unsolicited testimo
nials In possession of the company manufac
urlnir the remedy amply prove. ....
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a reliable
remedy for all nervous diseases, such as
leadache, nervous debility, prostration,
ileeplessncs, dizziness hysteria, sexual de
)IIIty, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It la
old by all druggLsta on a posltho guarantee,
r sent direct by the Dr. Jllles Medical Co.,
Slkharr, rnd.. on receipt of price, 1 per bot
!e. six bottles for 45, express prepaid.
Kestoratlvo Nervine positively contains no
jplatca or dangerous drugs. -
Jold by D. J. rry, drueglst, Salem
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this office at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping piper, large sheets, two centp
a pouud. Next door to the poatofflce.
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, October 9, 4 p. m. Ofllc
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Apples 25c to 35c. a bushel.
Ptaches 05c to 75 a box.
Veals dressed 4J cts.
Hogs dressed 6 to 7.
Live cattle 1 to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1.50 to $2.00.
Salem MilliDg Co. quetes: Flout
in wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40
Bran $15 bulk, $16 sacked. Shorts $17
$18. Chop feed $18 and $19.
Old wheat on storage 44 cents. New
wheat 40 cents.
Oats-old, 38 to 40a, new 25 to 30c
Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 ti
$14. Wild In bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley Brewimr. at Salem. No. 1.
95 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts.
Peas and beaus-8 to 10 cents a gallon.
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17J to 18c.
Eu'gs Cash, 15 cents.
Butter Beat dairy, 25; fancj
creamery, 30.
Cheese12 to 15 cts.
Farm smotted meats Bacon 12J;
ham9, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes 2oo. to 40c.
Outons 1 to 1 cents.
Beeswax 84e. Caraway Beed, 18c.
Aulse seed, 26u. Ulnseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 cte; dry, 4 cts; sbeep'pelts,
25 cts to 40c. No quotations on furs.
Chickens 8 cts; broilers 8; ducks,
8c; turkeys, slow sale, choice, 10c;
geese 7c.
Grain, Ffnl, etc.
Flour-Standard. $3.25; Walla Walla,
$3.25; graham, $2.75; superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats Old white.SSo nor bu. .'erov. 35p:
rolled, In bags, $Q256.60; barrels,
$6 757.00;case9.$3 75.
Hay Best, $10012 per ton.
Wool valley, price nomiual.
Mlllstulls-Bran, $17.00; shorts, $20:
ground barley, $22(3)23; chop feed, $18
per ton; whole feed, barloy, 8085 pet
cental; middling, $2328 perton; brew
Ing barley, 9095o per cental: chlckei
wheat. $1 10T.25 per cental.
Hops-Old, 10 to 16a, new 15 to 17.
Butter Oreiron fancy creamerv.27lia
30.; fancy dairy, 2223o; fair to good.
n!9"v; commou, jo to ioc per id; Cali
fornia, 303J. per roll.
Oheepe Oregou, 121; Eastcn
twins, toe; vouug AuieriCHii, iso per
iicriMwuu; auiornia nais, no.
Eirgs Oregon, 22JC per dozen.
Poultry Chpkeiis.old,$4.00; broilers,
large, $1 50(5,3 Ou; ducks, old, $4.00
5 00; young, f2.oO4.00; geese, $8.00
turkey, nve i4a.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10
13o; do Inferior, 89o; do valley, 12
Hops 17Jo.
Potato-E,rly Rose, S040, Bur
banks, U085c,
Oata-MUllnjf, $1.30 1.35,
r Jill
Tlio Pejiper Pot.
Some years ago an Englishman who
had been u resilient of Guiana returned
to Southampton. Scarcely had ho got
well inside the portals of his hotel than
he incontinently asked for pepper pot
He bad learned to love tho dish during
his sunland exile. His requests were in
vain, not only in Sonthauiptou, but in
London, and hi importunity astonished
the waiters ns much as that of young
Twist surprised tho famous Bumble.
"Then," said ho at bust in despair, "1
will go back." nnd lie returned to Deme
rara by the next Royal Mail boat.
It is further related of n respected old
colonist, n native Of Britain north of the
Tweed, that he was able, through the
intelligent devotion of his cook, to main
tain a pepper pot for years. A new cook
arose, unhappily, who scarcely grasped
the extent of his master's partiality for
this peculiar and perennial dish. He
stole the floating ingredients nnd de
stroyed tho pepper pot. As a result, tho
hardy Scot nearly succumbed to an apo
plectic attack. When he was sufficient
ly reebvered, he had no mercy on his
faithless servant, who had committed a
sin locally unpardonable. These anec
dotes, which hail from the homo of the
pepper pot, serve to show that it is held
in no common esteem. Gentleman's
A Cyclone Story.
One of the most peculiar results of a
eyclono can be seen in east Jacksonville.
A large oak tree was twisted by the
force of the wind half way round, yet
remained upright, and there are no
splits or cracks visible upon its surface.
This in itself would not be so peculiar
were it not for the fact that the tree still
-.lays in its new position, and the limbs
which were previously on tho west side
are now on the east. The body of the
tree is probably split, bo that it will
eventually die, but the bark seems to
have remained unbroken and intact, and
therein lies the peculiarity. Florida
Piling Up the Agony.
A convict in a German prison had been
extremely refractory. One morning the
warden said to the keeper: "I say, Huber,
the scoundrel is acting worse than ever.
Put him ou bread and water." "But he
is already doing two fast days." "Then
give liim a cookbook to read." San
Francisco Argonaut.
gh Those -who have a r
1 Digestion
1 XP - pit)
have little svmnathv ri
for the dyspeptic. They IJy
can eat everything that s
comes along. While I1
they can eat rich food, gls
without fear of. the f a
dyspeptic's bad experi- m
ences, they neverthe- L
less greatly appreciate M$
a delicate flavor in MA
their pastry. ffi
when used as a short
ening, always pro-
uuces tne nnest navor- Mj
cu iiusuy, wmtu is en
tirely free from the
many objections which 3
the use of lard always OS
piuuuces. j. est its ss
value by one trial.
Refuse all substitutes.
Bend three cents In stamps to N. K.
Falrbante & Ca, Cnlcago. for hand.
some Cottolene Coolc Book, contain
ing elx hundred redpes. prepared by
nliiacmlnent authorities on cookie?.
Cottolene la sold by all grocera,
Made only by
f ST. LOUIS and f
jitnibKuu, ntw tohUi bobtoh.cJ
The Euglish laugh at our tlang name?
for money.forgetting that their ottii e! -ng
is as nonse nsicnl. A joey ts fourpence, a
tanner i3 tLciience, a hoh is a shilling, t
hull is C shillings, a quid is 1, a ixiny is
a-w anu a inonuey is iow.
The soven cities which aro said to have
gone to tvar to estahlish tho fact of Ho
mer's hirth haing taken place within
their walla (each claiming the honor)
were Chios, Athens, Rhodes, Colophon,
Argos, Smyrna and Salamis.
The narrowest part of the Strait of
Florida, through which the gulf Btream
flows at tho rate of fire knots nn hour, is
50 miles wide and has a meandopthof
oou latuoms. ir tms were stopped np,
the climate of this country in winter
wonld be totally changed.
Many years ago rv beekeeper named
Wildman surprised all Europe with the
ease with which ho handled bees, com
pelling a swarm to settled where he
pleased. His secret was to get posses
sion of the queen bee, when the others
would follow wherever sho was placed.
EHr. Quickly.
Permuuntlr Restored.
JJidstlUietrHoof stIU
from irljr errors or Ulcr
, tb mult of
ocroik. sickness,
yorrr.eio. yuUsurBsthl
dejilopmeot and luui,
tnen lo svtry crtsa saI
Mllnn of thu body.
Slmr.l tutnnlinvtbuils.
Jm-b. yuUaralmposIU.
JU rrrerescrs. Doot.
MjJtusUou and proofs
yjk 9Py In ill 3a. W m fi ra
for Infants
"CutorU is so well adapted to chUdrea that
I recommend 1 1 aa Riper! or to any prescription
tnowntomo." H. A. Ancnrs, M. D.,
IU Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. T.
"Tho nw of 'Castorta' ts sounlrergal and
IU merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
CXBZJM lliltTTW, D.D.,
New York City.
Lata Pastor Bloomlngilale Bef ormed Church.
Completed and ready to wait-on customers.- Horses boarded by day or wil
at reasonable prices. We keep a full line, of jTruck, DraB and ExmhiiI
meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions itfthid county, ft r nlfs. I
"Rum nnrl rcnlrionra Q cmilRnf niKfllnn t-& - . 'IS. I
. . . .,.
Receivinp all the
Associated Press
" "
lhese low hard times rat s enable every faimf r to have
his daily paper and know the state of the market and all the
news of the world.
Editorial comment is feariess and independent. Edited
by its publishers to secure good government for the people,
aoie to aeai justly ana lairly
Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For
eign, Market
Willamette University, 8alem, Or.,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
singing, orchestral instruments, harmo
ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration
ana higher musical composition. .No
better grade of work done west of the
Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven
teachers. Next term begins Sept. 4th.
Bend for annual year boob or address.
Z. M. Parvin, Mus. Doctor, musical
director. 80 2md&w
If you anticipate visiting the world's
fair, or your friends in the East, take
advantage of the present opportunity,
as the fares are now so low they cut no
figure in the expense. The Chicago &
iiuiiu western iianwav nave nlnrwt in
service a solid vestibnled train, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
Wavner tourist cars, free reclining
chair cars, and dining car "par excel
lent." With the accommodations fur
nished, rates now offered, together with
the short time consumed in making
the trip, it is within the reach of all.
For further information, apply to any
ticket agent, or write
A. Q. Barker, Gen'l Agt.
272 Washington street.
Portland, Or.
Redaction in' Price of Gas.
From and afler October 1st, 1693, the
price of gas will be as follews:
Lees than 600 cublo feet per month
$3.60 per 1000 cubic feet.
Over SCO cublo feet
per 1000 cublo feet.
per month $3.00
Special rates for large consumption
given on application to
and Children.
Castoria am Ooll n.iu
KlllaWorna, jire. aleep, and"
Wout ny arioui medication.
Enwrif T. PAansa. M. n
"Bio Wlnthrop," J!Oi Street and Tthlr.
Ke York Clt,
Tra CcrrxcR Cokpjjrr, 77 Xmuur Bnatrt, Krr To,
Hv..,u... iiii eiU,
a Double NempfK 19
with all.
and Crop News.
Willamette Dniversity
Oldest. HIphpfltHnrl Most Extended
Institution of Learning in the P.clJo
fiixlivn mnrsMnf Inatriintlnn. from I
Grammar; through Academio and Col"
lege, to Theology, Law and Medicine.
Splendid Courses for Training u
Teaching, Business, Art, Elocution
and Music. Several Post Graduate
Courses. Stronger and better than ever.
It's Woman's College affords an ld
nome ioryouug laaiea witn udsutjhuw
facilities for their care and traimeg.
The school year opens Sept. 4, 1693.
For Year Book and all informstioj
relating to school management tst
course of study, address,
Acting Pet, W. a HAVV'IJEY, LL. &A .
For fluanoial Information, address,
Eev. J. H. B0 ORE, Agent,
8-22-d&w Salem, Oregon.
On Improved Real EaUte. In mounU wl
Uxna to unit. Ko delay In ooruldtirlng loa-
Tftoom 12. Bnh Bank block. 8
St Paul, Marlon County, Oregon-
Ooudneted hr ths HUttir oftha Holy NaniriO
Jesus and Mary. The location aOordf aUJJJ
cn be (lolred for lifaltbnil outdoor "".r:
Mt. I'aalran berasilr reached by boats oo t
Wlllametu, Tne buildinc U newand mppiif"
wnh all the mod m ImpruvemenU.
oomae of study ta ooiaplete.
Stenography and Typewriting Taugafc
Term ruoderata.
Por further paiUcu ant apply to UterBPPf;
or g-.-lnio
Deutscher Advocat.
postofficeblo:k, -
Admitted to practice In all the court
Special alUntloa Klven to German peA
nir people and buaTneu at the county
tat , X, HOlf Elt, Kotary roosts,
I'lB lllslHirV
I-1 safr3lri'-'to--... JlfiJst)L..riliaUL
aMgasfrtifr Vltffc " ' '