Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 a Year.
28 eta. a month by MH
Prepaid la Advance.
Xo Papers Seat Wbwt
Time is Out.
t .1
VOL. 6.
NO. 288.
M 1
iisfliwffi 9H& if if I H
i i
Best St. Louis make at
Every pair of better grades fully warranted. When
you want a pair of men's, ladies' or child
ren's shoes, see what
The New York Racket
A general assortment of Racket Goods at Eacket Prices
carried in stock.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com! St.
i AniFc r.i oaks RFMnnn Fn. a rpfp.IALTY.
OSTON TA!LraG m s D!E1NG mm
JJ B J i.aHles' and Gentlemens1 Ctothlnsr Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Piessed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Suit $2.00 to $2.50.
'i " Ladies' " 1.60 to 2.00.
Dying, 50 cents to $1.00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below 8mith & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Ed. C. Cross,
1 m iGAIN
The Vigilant Today De
feats the Valkyrie.
Six Thousand Employes Resist
Reduction in Wages
Cleveland Weakening on the Con
ditions of Repeal.
Choice feats.
(Vl.nlnianln ntlll Ifftttlll
7- -"-""
licnicr in rresii, ami.
Smoked Meats of allKimls
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheitn Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gen'l J gent.
Drs Suit for $11
Here Is a chance of a llfe-tiuie. Whj
appear shabby when you can have an
elegant suit for
308 Commercial Street, Sultm.
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
Lamoureux's Stables,
Vigilant Wins Again.
Nkw York, Oct. 9. The Valkyrie
and Vigilant were in tow passsing out
side of Sandy Hook at 9:30, prepara
tory for a day's race. The weather is
fair, with prospect of n good breeezo.
The second of a series of races be
tween the British yacht Valkyrie ami
the American yacht Vigilant for Amer
ica's cup, sailed today. The course to
day was triaugular outside of Sindy
Hook lightship. Each leg ten miles
long making the entire course thirty
Early this morning the sky was over
cast with fog on the water but later ou
it cleared away aud tho fog lifted, mak
ing the day brilliant. The wind dur
ing tho morning was very fitful and
uncertain, blowing part of the time
only six knots per hour,but at the hour
of Btartinir it was blowing an 18 knot
The preparatory gun was fired at
ll:15and tbestartiug gun five minutes
later. The yachts maneuvered for posl
tion to the northward of the mark, both
carrying mainsail, foresail, jib and club
top Ball. The Valkyrie ogaiu got
the beat of the start, crossing tne line
at 11:25, followed by the V gllmt fiw
seconds later. Theu the Vigllaut set
her jib top sail and began to close up on
ho V.ilkvrle'H weather nuar:er. both
making good headway. The wind
freshened and the Valkyrie moved for
ward, opening a gap four leugths which
was maintained without material
chmgetlll 11:50.
At 12:20 the Vigilant passed the
Britisher and at 12:30 was an eighth of
a mile ahead. The Brlttsh claim has
hun thntthav wanted heavy wind to
show what they could do; but the Vig
ilant hout Mm V.ilkvrlo on wind, as
badly as on Saturday she beat her be
fore on wind.
The Vigilant rounded the first stake
boat at 1:02, and -the Valkyrie three
minutes and fifteen Beconds later. The
Vigilant rounded the second stake boat
having covered ten miles of the second
leg, in 51 minutes. The Vigllaot wins,
crossing the line at 2:50 p. m.
The Valkyrie crossed the Hneat82J.
The race Is to be three best la five.
ohae of 2.500,000 a tnouth. If they do
tlmv will consent to a provision permit
ting the national bnks to issue circul
ation to par value of tbelr bonds.
Cleveland may repudiatethe proposed
compromise and may even seek to head
it off by announcing that he will pro
vide for bonds under the authority he
already baa.
Carlisle's emphatic denial of the re
port from Paris that the United States
is seeking to arrauge a $100,000,000
bond issue abroad, and his declaration
that no bonds will be Issued by the
Democratic administration, havo no
beariug on tho situation.
Bombarding Again.
Rio Janebio, Oct. 9. The Insurgent
fleet again bombarded the outside porta
today and there was also some firing
on the other side opposite the city. It
is bolieved the Insurgents will attempt
to capture the Estralla powder
magazine, but tho government will
blow the magazine up If it seems likely
In danger of capture. There Is no
truth In the report that foreign war
ships are landing sailors to proteot for
eign subjects.
The insurgents' admiral has issued a
manifesto, disclaiming any Intention of
bombarding tho city.
A Lake Wreck.
Deer Park, Mich., Oct. 9. A
wrecked fishing bo it was picked up by
the Muskalonge life saving crew. It
was found to be the boat which left
WhltelUb Point Oolober Oth, with
eight persons on board, Including Capt
W. H. Carter, his wife and one child,
and five seamen. It Is thought all are
on the
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. ngw Btokanve-
holes helncr added consmuwy. vu.j . ---- iMnTmF.TTX. Proprietor.
B rigs nor poor horses. "'
State Street.
Presbyterians Prospering
Pacific Coast.
Tacoma, Oct. 8. The synod of the
Columbia, of the United Presbyterian
church, closed its annual meeoting here
today, electing Rev. A. M. Acheson, or
Oakville, Or., moderator for the ensu
ing year ami Rv, James Speer alter
nate. Spokaue was chosen aB tho place
for tho next meeting, in September,
1804. A committee avas appointed to
arrange to bring out 300 delegates, from
all oyer the United Sttes, to tho gener
al assembly at Albany, Or., next May,
by special train, making stops at Spo
kane and Bound cities. The reports
show that tho denomination In the
Northwest is very prosperous and grow
lug fast.
Preserved Smith Again.
Cincinnati, Oct. 0. Professor Hen
ry Preserved Smith, D. D., late of the
Lane theological seminary, will be
heard before the Presbyterian aynod of
Ohio on an appeal from the Cincinnati
presbytery, which found him guilty or
two charges or Heresy, nie Bynoa win
convene hero Tuesday.
The Baptists.
Pendleton, Oct 8.-Tbe Baptleta are
making thorough and extensive prep
arations for tho meeting of the Baptist
state convention, which meets there
this month, from tho 18th to tbe23d.
This is the first tlmo thla body oyer
mot In Eastern Oregon. A very
Interesting program has been aranged.
Recovers and repair upholstered JoUme gTnc tirade
pnablea me to turn out first-class work. Samples of covering.
SveSKL Btate Insurance block. Chemeketa street.
fheWesl Printing CbTWJ
Special attention to mall orden,First class work. Reasonable prfc
803 Commercial Bt., "
Tho Evangelical Alliance.
niiicAao. Oct. 0. Tho International
meeting of the Evangelical alliance
nunnt hfirH todav. Addresses of
welcome were delivered by President
Bonny, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Dr. Bur
rows and others. They were respond
ed to by Lord Klnnaird, Prof. Henry
Drummond, of Glasgow, Colonel Rosa
dale, of Netherlands; Rev. Proohet, of
Rome, and General Mowara or me un
ited States array. Among the speakers
am A. Dodge of New YorK,
Woolen MillB Strike.
Puovidknce.R. I.,Oct.9.-B!x thous
and employees of the woolen mills at
Olneyvllle, a suburb of this city Inaug
urated a strike this morning. The In
dications are that It will extend to all
.i, orrmton manufacturing establish-
mna in Uir state, and there la talk of
cotton workers Joining the strike. The
strlKe Is against the reduction in wages
posted thla morning.
Cleveland's Ultimatum.
Chicago, Oct. 0.- Washington f .. a,,lance. Dr. Simon J.
m -l .lnrf ta (TOIIIIlLr irnUT I
Bpeciai.J v;ieveiuu . b - -- -
for the Issue of gold bonds probably for
$100,000,000, either under a compromise
allver bill or under authority of the
treasury department.
It Is Btated that tne oniy uv -promise
that can be made with the sil-
i. . nnnilnue to purchase
2 000.000 ounces of silver per month for
.1 ... ...,. nrt authorize bonds for
the purpose of Increasing the gold re
serve to 1200,000,000.
Silver men may i"" "i
What Was Said and Dono In Con
gress Saturday.
Washington, Oct 9. In the house
Everett of Massachusetts opened the
debate on tho election laws bill. He
admitted the laws were within tho
Bcopeof the constitution, but should
only be exeaclsed uuder extreme pressure.
Grosvenor of Ohio followed In opposi
tion. He mado a vigorous assault on
the Democratic party for trying to striko
down national protection at tho ballot
box. Referring to tho Van Alen ap
pointment Grosvenor said evidence of
the most degraded condition to which
politics had ever descended was at hand
when a respectable gentleman (refer
ring to Horace White of Now York) ar
gues that a man who puts up for tho
corruption fund of tho party should not
bo recognized by appointment to office
but should be entitled to have his
money refunded.
Oates of Alabama advocated tho pas
sage of tiro elections bill. Hepburn of
Iowa, cx-sollcltor of the treasury, said
It was an Insolent assumption of Dem
crats that the Republican party was in
terfering with their domestlo attain.
"Wo havo tho right to require honest
elections in tho South. Tho decried
statutes do not Interfere with atate elec
tions, but only require that tboro shall
be proper scrutiny and peace at the
polls so every man shall havo the right
to vote as he pleaaea at federal elections.
Bccretary Carlisle mado a visit to tho
senate wing of the capttol. Tho vlalt
created a mild sensation aa the secretary
had lust come from a conference witu
the president and It was naturally sup
posed be had eomu Important message.
He spent two hours In conference with
various" Democratlo senators, among
others Voorhees aud Harris. A report
was soon in circulation that be was
sent as tho president's representative to
urranco terms of agreement with the
opposing forces or tho Domomoratio
ranks In tho Benato and there were sen
ators ready to name the terms whloh
he offered.
Inquiry, howover, developed tho fact
that thoy were merely dealing in sur
mises. The purpose or the seorotary'B
visit Beemsto bejust tho opposite of
that attributed to him. Benator Vanoo
told a representative of the Associated
Press that Carllslo had gone to tho cap
Uol for the purposo of preventing a
compromise and Senator Voorheoa vir
tually confirmed tho statement. After
a conference with Carllslo, Voorhees
said the administration forces had no
compromise to suggest or ask and they
were still determined to make the fight
on tho old Hues and on Wednesday
night when the session would be begun
he bad assurances that there would be
ftfiiinrnm of repeal aonatoraon hand
and that thoy would remain until the
bill could be disposed of and thore
wmiiii hn no adlournment until it
Bbould bo passed. It would seem,
therefore, If there be a compromise,
that it cannot come until after night
session teat la tried. It la but fair to
say thete are very few repeal senators
as sanguine of success ot tho bill in its
present shape as la Voorbeca.
Tbo largo majority of senators assert
i i. in nnnnt ln nassed except In a
modified form, and othora agree with
Hnnninr Manderson In tbo assertion
I that if no compromise be readied a
recesa of the senate until uecemoer win
bo necessary, which virtually mean
abandonment of tho bill. Senator
Carey, who haa not so far Identified
himself with either Bide, Bam lonigm
tho inevitable result of tho ulghtsea
elon experiment would be an agreoment
upon a compromise bill.
. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ij Baking
l Powder
Thousand Lives
the Storn.
Lost by
The Unburlod Bodies Causes Fear
of an Epidemic.
iLri.oriuti. nnd President Uates or
ll.U MV...., - - -
Amherst. Meetings of tho alliance will
continue throughout the week.
First Boat.
McM!NNViM.K, Or., Oot. O.-Owlng
to heavy rains the first steamboat since
the railroad was built fourteen years
ago, arrived uere issi nigui.
whero-aU 5
tufrp is Hope
. . .. ni pontile. no m&tttr
Chicago Day.
CincAno, Oot.
day at the fair,
half a million
grou ndd.
n TYkIhv In nhlcaeo
It la estimated that
iM.ople are ou the
Goneressmen Hot.
Washington. Oct. 0. In the house
a -
S"" "..fii.iu.iiolon i rem w. "?"'.--" ... , .
ttZSXfttt&r-i c ,. be applied. with
uowotim,v-. - - , .nt emeri irom
... .,--- ........ ti
men from si''
-! o vnu.
' Vsf m . ilMinttTI,
s.utmrr hu "- -i-i.w"
"'rtbffi &' mSSSSf striding Her
irlet & ' terled: "I
...;Awmr. itowM'iMnnot apply
fteajinimyi"1 - -- - it.-" .....
tb best lo&lo I rr.fouT, V Sdw 0a."
on geotle-
.... mftAt.
f mitn iiuiu !. . , .
ur.rinr urew white with rage ana
.... ........I.. t.narl I(ltltollM rA-
Iierurijr i"im ......- .-
want you io Know, ir, you
..... a uniiiiBi i - -
cannoi piiy -" T.i'""" W... t:,,.
After some lunner "tijuun """
still protMtlng Ihst the fxprtsslon was
not . nnpaiJUmeoUry, withdrew It.
DeLcsaopo Dying.
Pauis, Oct. 0. Ferdinand DeLea
seps is eald to be dying, at his ccuutry
Deafness Cannot So Oared
by local applications a tuey cannoi
rmmli tlie UlSeuseu IKJiuuu iiiih""
There Is only one way to cure deafnew,
and that la by consuiuiiouai hjujcui.
Deafness Is caused by an InfUmed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Rus
tachlsn tube. When tbfi tuba U In
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
. , ii.ritio ml wliunltlaen
liuuc.lw ,"71.--,r ... "r , l n.l
tlreiy eleven, ueniuiaw . m v".. -
uuleM the Inttamsllon can be Uken
out and this tule restored to Its norms!
condition, hearing will be ditroyeq
ferever: nine cases oui oi wu i
; ' . t.i.i. i. .f.ililn hiif sin In
by catarrn, wnicu imuuiutu. . .--flamed
condition of the mucous sur-
Wo will give one hundred dollsrs for
any case ofdeafoesstcaused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars; free.
F. J. Ohknby & Co., Toledo,0.
tfirBold by Drugg'", 700.
New Oiileans, Oot. 8. Tho news
from overv section stricken by the
storm makes it safe to estimate the loss
of life at fully 2000, while millions of
dollars worth of property was destroy
ed. Besides that thousands of people
havo been deprived of the means 01
making a livelihood. Tho situation Is
appalllug, but New Orolana la doing ull
It can to relievo tho thousands In waut.
Dr. Story, coroner of Placquemlne
parish, has Issued this repert:
"A good many carload i of provisions
and olothlug havo been sent, but not
enough, Men, women und children
are without food and olotklnsr. Thoy
have become bo desporato that they
threaten to attack tho stores and steal
food. It la a frequent thing to see the
little Biiflorera crying and begging pit
eoualy for something to eat. Blngle
graves for the dead were impossible.
Great trenches were drug and bodies
wore piled in ono ou top of the other.
Dirt was then thrown on them, and
If their names wore ascertained thoy
cut In rude orossea above the graves.
I do not think I exaggerate the faote
when I state that at least 2000 bouIs
were ushored Into eternity by the
rooontstormln Louisiana. Of course UiIb
Includes Bayou Cook, Ghoulare Camln
da, Grand late, etc. I never saw bodies
decompose so rapidly as those of the
storm Bufrerera whlcn wore viowea uy
me. Thla was due to the facts that tho
fish and crabs In bayous oat the remain,
I believe firmly that tho inarches and
other places were filled with human
forma. It is Imposalablo to reach theso,
howoyer, as no ono la adventurous
onough to explore tbo swamps. Thore
can bo no doubt of the fact that thla In
conduolve to an epldemlo of fever or
even cholera. If one case or me lauer
disease Bbould develop, It will spread
like wildfire throughout tho country,
but nothing can be dono to prevent
Tho roliof party, whloh Bet out from
BIloxI, tells an awful story of tho desti
tution and loss of life lu the Louisiana
marshes. The marshes are filled with
dead and putrefying bodies. In very
few cases are the corpses recognizable.
The number of lives lost In these
marshes will never be known. The
territory covered was a dlntanoo of 200
miles. Newly made graves were seen
everywhere. The only sign of life seen
in the marsh was a raccoon, and It was
flostlncron a loir. Hundreda of oyster
boats and luggers were lost with most
of their crows, and tbo few survivors
tell terrlblo stories of aullering. Host
of them were nude when found.
Captain Julian Lefort, tho leading
spirit among the survivors of the Chen
(ere Camlnda, places the number saved
at 300. The population of the Island
and the bayous Immediately connected
with It, wasllghtly more than 1600.
Ho sava the Island will be abandoned
aaa habitation of man. Grand Isle
and Chomedelaur will also be aban
The mayor today received a telegram
from R. M. Arnold, of Chicago, general
freight agont of tho Monon route, ten
dering cars for the free transportation
of donations of clothing and provisions
for the relief of the sufferers by the
This dtv has raised a storm fund of
about $75,000 In all, and tteamers, lug
gers, skiffs aod trains nave ueeu seni.
lueyery direction to extend relief. Jo
telllgeoce from bayou uanaress says
there were hundreds of deaths along
that section, making bout 1C00 dwtbs
f!timra auu unyuu svu
So Positive Olne as to the Murderer
of Mrs. FeHUg.
Bkattive, Oct. 0 A thorough Inves
tigation has satisfied the police that the
mUle of chloroform found in tho room
vhere Mrs. Charlotte Fettlng was mur
lered on tho night of September 4 was
not purchased In thla city and that It
was probably procured at Tacoma. The
ame make of bottlea as the one con
alulng tho drug la sold by a number of
IrugglstB both In Seattle and tho City
if Destluy, The druggist who sold tha
ohloroform could give very valuable
isslstanco to the detectives by making
the matter known, but he continues to
fall to do bo. This' la about the only
losslblo cluo that would lead to the
identification o( tho murderer or mur
lerers, unless a confession of some kind
is mado, which it la not at all likely ,
will bo dono.
So many persons knov Hint Mrs. Fet
tlng kept money, and that waa tho
mly object of tho murder, In her lioum
hat H gives ground for throw lug huh
ulclnu upon many punnlu nnd still no
ono in particular.
Electric Light War.
Tacoma, Oot. 0. A war between tho
city and tho Commercial Light and
Power Company Is on and from the en
huslBstlo munnerln whloh the man
agers of the olty'a fight have entered
upon the campaign It would seem that
the light lu on to stay. '
There have been rumors of war in the
air for some time past between the olty
and the Commercial company, but It.
waa thought that an amicable agree
ment oould be reached while tho flag t
of truce waa In sight. VVhon every-,
llilncr seemed most favorable towariUi n
satisfactory settlement of tho differences
tbo flag or truco was suddenly yanked
out of sight aud the declaration of war 1
followed. 1
Tho board of publlo works, who arej
in charge of the city's forces, drew up
the following order, which Chief Or
derly Metcalf waa told to deliver to the
enemy ferthwith: '
Robert Bale Hill, goneral manager of
the Commorclel Light & Power Com
nanv. Dear Sir: You are herebv no
tified to remove all wires belonging to I
your company from tho poles owned by I
me ouy or i boo rus ueioro ucioQer zoiu."
v.m. nak louder than words. 81w . iuUvltls & Nashville railroad Is
mons Liver Rsgulator does cure bowel ,tm repairing bridges, and will not be
disorders. 1 ordw for two w"ta'
Railroad Wrselr.
Portland, Oct. 0. A Union Pacific
freight train ran into a land slide, near
Hood river this morning. Fireman
Wilson, Engineer Christian and Con
ductor Olendennlutr were slfehtlv in.
Military Board. Gob. Compsoa.
aud Cola, Baylor, Freeman and Mitch
ell are at tho state houso thla afternoon,
holding a regular quarterly meeting of
tho state military board.
All miserable sufferers with dyspep
sia can be cured by Blmmons i.iv
-- .. R
Til Twu BUiiute Trolter.
It is hardly a year sinco horoemon who
predicted that tho two uilrmto trotter
would appear in tho future were looked.
upon as dreamers oy lees tou
judges. But this great achievement does
not appear so visionary as it did. On the
contrary, there are many who now re
gard it as altogether probable.
Nancy JJauita- great recuru u ..
wrought a rudlcal chango in expert opin
ion on this iiolnt. and now tho confluence
lu tho two minute trotter has been ina
terially strengthened by Directum a wile
in 2:07 at Fleetwood. In many rels
it... 1 ........ ...... .. mnra TflinarkabW Pf-
fonnance than the former, since it was
done by a 4-year-old stallion on a oyU
track never considered fast and te
half mile being scored at almost a two
minute gait, iM.
Wlat Directum would liavo doaettss
..,, .lav on a fast kite track or wb.
Brcd ho will show when ho reaches tt
maturity I nw iwi.v. vW -matter
of iecultttIon. But las w-
Mi inllo ut Fleetwood, fpiiowiag wi
sensational record of Nancy Hanks, ma 1
well lead borsoaien to 100 "J. w""2 '
dence for a two minute record ia uw m
distant f uture,New York HeraW t
Trrrfl PILL9 Inylgora beiy aasl
.; 1
LdDony ow
pouoa iuw "' " AUMM ww