Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 07, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    I -l"-.. V
UTT" ?y -
U'ndb r w e K
Greatest S
cook oi
307 Commercial Street
Going oiit of Business
Everything Mtisf Go.
25 per cent off on all Lamps unci Toilet Sets.
20 " " ' Dishes and Glassware.
2.5 " f ' " Teas and Spices.
20 ' " " Bottled Goods, Preserves, &c.
15 " " " Canned Goods and Baking Powders.
10 " ' ' PuckaKe Goods, Soaps, &c.
5 " " " Coffees, Sugars, &c.
jpay-Cotne early, as we will not stock up hi auy Hue after it Is sold out.
SROAT & GILE, Burke Block, Below Postoffice,
- IF" -
You nro going to build or make any kind of
Improvement, call on the undersigned lor
material. We have a completo stock, and are
reidy to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc.
Salem Improvement Co.
A Sad Fate. Ah wilf be seen by the
doings of the county court today A. N.
Gilbert has been ordered to the county
poor bouse for an iudeilnito period of
time. This will bo a surprlae to the
many friends of Salem's popular post
master. In fact It wbs not believed
that such a petition would have recelv-
cd favorabla action at the bauds of our
county court. Some think Dan Fry's
recent return from Washington has
Bometblug to Co with the case. Surely
if Wagner was going to be his uco hs ir
he would at least furnish free board for
n while.
Makion Count"' Coukt. In coun'
court yesterday llttlo but purely rou
tine business was transacted. The
clerk was ordered not to ilia the bill of
E. O. Small, CO centB for socks at the
county house, If the same should ever
be presented for refiling. J. E. McCoy
was awarded the contract to repair the
Dimmlck bridge over Pudding river
for $75. the lmnrovemeut to cuusiat of
a full Bet of needle beams. It Is a joint
bridge between Clackamus and Marion
counties. JohnScollard was appointed
constable for Champoeg precinct.
The Equinox. Tho storm laglng
on tho coast for 33 hours past struck Sa
lem last night. Propelled by a straight
south wiud tho rain drove hard all
night and this forenoon. No particular
damage was done to crops as they are
all out of tho way. But many people
weroincouvenlonced about going about.
Farmers wero kept at home and mer
chants felt tho effect in diminished
Held Ui'. Chas. Brown, who has
been doing some iusurauce soliciting,
is evidently suspected of carrying largo
amounts of coin on his person, for two
attempts have been made to hold him
up within tho past week, Tho tlrst
time was near tho reform school Wed
nesday night, and the next was Thurs
day evening iu Polk county, but his
fleet mure broko away from the high
waymen each time.
First M. E. All Interested In the
advancement of morality, are invited
to attend bervlcea at tho First Metho
dist church, tomorrow. The pastor
will discuss the following subjects: 11
a. ru., "Faith." 7:30 p. m. "Belief v.
Unbelief." Honest doubters Invited.
The Southern Paclllo has placed the
price of round trip tickets, good for 10
days to tho Portland exposition at (3 35,
Including one admission totheexposl
tion. . Tickets ou sale Mondays, Wed
ueedaya ami Fridays ouly. tf
Bio Fkuit Wanted. The Oregon
Fruit & Produce company will ship
several boxes of largo winter pears and
apples to the world's falrOot. 10th, and
wttut all persona who -have auy good
ejwoImoUB to bring them lu, ,
U N K R w K A it 8a i.e. Garments
worth fl.oO sold at 60 to 75 cents, at the
tLwWe' Bazaar, Insurance block.
Capital City;Drug Store,
- ' si" i
i v l
Hosiery m w
Supt. Anson of the Electric Light
and Power Co., is at Albany over Sun
day. Mrs. H. B. Holland will slug a solo
at the W. R. C. Leaf social Mondaj
eveuing. All invited.
Miss Irene Layson will make herlasl
appearance before a Salem audience at
the W: R. C. Leaf social Monday oven
ing. All Invited.
The leading feature of the W. R. O.
Leaf Social will be one of the grandest
lunches ever served In Salem. G. A.
It. hall Monday night. All for 25 cents,
School books reduced 20 per cent., at
At South Salem M. E. church next
Sibbath. Preaching by the pastor.
Morning text, "The righteous Shall
Flourish Like the P dm Tree." Even
ing text. "Which Tallies the Angels
De-ire to Look Into." Baptismal ser
vice in the morning. Yoa are iuvited
to be present. J. M. Hhulse, pastor.
It's a warm ralu for all but the poor
cattle that stand shlverlnir out in it.
Salem expressmen are talking of
keeping auother horse in caseof driving
over a live wlre.Some Populist papen
are referring to "our governor" as "vio
lator of tho constitution." Tho equi
nox Is what knocks Several mor.
editorial letters from Newport await
space lu our columns.... Born, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Goltra of Portland, Sep
tember 28, a,sou Mrs. R, A. Miller,
of Oregon City, is visiting friends at
Salem. --Today 400 bales of hops will
be shipped from -Salem over tho Sunset
route for tho East. Two car loads from
Jefforsou, one from Albauy and one
from Sllverton will also be shipped
East Greatest bargains ever offered
In crockery at Sroat & Glle'a dosing
out sale Died, at North Salem,
Thursday, October C, 1803, of Brlght's
disease and dropsy, Henry F. Brower,
aged 30 years. The funeral will take
place from tho German church lu North
Salem at 3 o'clock this afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Feltzer will officiate and tho burial
will bo iu Leo Mission cemetery..
Councilman Olmstead aud Fire Chief
Low returned today, from their visit to
the Sautlam country. Mrs, Geo. W.
Andersou aud Miss Lena Biers, went
to Portland this afternoon to attend
the exposition. ..Chas. D. Gabrlelsou
aud daughter Ruth went to Portland
this afternoon to meet Mrs. Gabrlelsou
and Carl on their return from a six
weeks' visit in Iowa and at tho world's
fatr W. H. Dowuing went to Port
land today for a short visit. Miss It.
b. Hall returned today, from Selo
Agent R. O. Thomas, of Turner, Is Iu
the city,-...Ono hobo appeared before
tho recorder's court this morning, and
will contribute five days of his valuable
time to tho city Evangelist J. W.
Smith will address the gentlemen at
tho . M. u. A, rooms at 4 p. m, to
At 10:80 we will hold our regular semi
annual communion service. Hunday
school at 11:45. Y. P.S. O, E. at 0:S0
p. in. Preaching 7:30. This evening
al 7:a(i will u tho regular preparatory
services preceding communion. Every
ouo welcome. Church 417 High St.
J. E. Blair, pastor.
Cali.kd MKKriNa. A meeting of
the directors of tho Auxiliary of tho Y.
M. O. A. Ih desired utxt Tuetulay after!
noon Out. 10, 3 o'clock, In tho Y. M. O,
A. parlorg. By order of chairman,
The State of Salem Exposure of (hi
Cmspiracy of the Pacific In-
Combination ol
Slock Job-
Seeking to Maintain Exorbitant
Bates of Insurance In Oregon.
Replying to a correspondent "Z," of
of tho Albany Herald, an Albany busi
ness man thus expresses tho methods
of the trust:
The P. I, U. h? a combination of San
Francisco stockjobbers aud manipula
tors of trusts who have secured the Pa
cific coast agency for a lot of foreign in
surance companies. They colleagued
together and called themselves the Pa
cific Insurance Union, aud began to
leyy exhorbltant rates of insurance on
property owners, aud govern the coun
try iu fire Insurance with an iron hand.
By degrees they have - become so arro-4
irant they now order city councils to
curtail or broaden Are limits, and con
struct houses according to their dic
tates. If councils fail to obey the man
dates of this arbitrary, self-constituted
set of bosses the threat Is made that all
insurance companies will be ordered,
by this compact, to cancel policies on
all property in towns refusing to bow
to this infamous trust. That they
might more certainly secure the execu
tion of their demands they say to the
insurance companies of this state "If
you refuse to do as we of Sau Francisco
demand, who have no interest In the
state of Oregon, only so far as the
money we can abstract, either fairly or
unfairly, from your state, we will at
tempt your bankruptcy by buying up
the policies which yon have out, and
with our combined strength we will
underbid your risks. When we have
driven you out of the field we will then
bleed your property owners, whom we
have hood-winked, until all the losses
we have sustained Iu destroying you
are recovered."
"Z" says these foreign companies
are the bone aud sinew of this country
because each of them has deposited
$50,000 lu U. S. bonds with our state
treasury. Iuded they did, because the
law compels them to do so, but they
don't pay tho state a cent of taxes ou
their deposit, and wlien they cease to
louger do business In the state they
withdraw their bonds from the state.
Now, "Z," where is the bone and
and sinew .apparent to the state of Ore
gon by the P. I. U?
It Is plainly the duty of the citizeus
of this state to put their foot ou the
perpetrators of such outrages as are be
ing ordered by the P. 1. U., aud keep
their foot thereuntil the nextmeetiug
of the legislature, when atteutiou will
bo called to it and legal euactment pro
vided for tho protection of Oregon
property owners against being held up
ou every corner by foreign moqopojists
and their pockets looted and Justice
rilled of Its power.
In proof of this, as soon as tho State
of Salem refused to be acceasorys to tho
proposed wholesale system" of apparent
confidence sharpers of San Francisco In
essaying to rob our farmers and bus!
uess men with a high hand, and kill
tho growth of our towns and cities and
to compel us to pay tribute to fore
igners, this ihsurauce trust of Sun
Francisco sent secret orders to their
losalogents, to proceed with the system
of dishonesty, in offering exorbitant
sums to those Insured lu Oregon comp
anies ii tuey would withdraw their
support from their companies nnd give
it to tuese foreigners. Tha man whn
win siaud before the tax payers of this
Btato aud uphold such a glgautio
swindle or a set of confidence sharpers,
Is unfit to be at largo within tho border
of our state and there should bo a law
to haudle him as au accessory to.hlgh-
way roouery.
United Bukthrkn. Services at
the U. B. church tomorrow morning at
ii a. ru. ami 7:30 p. m. Sunday bcIiooI
at 10 a. ui. Rev. L. B. Baldw In, pastor.
Tub Weather. Well, what about
it?" Ills raining, but that does not
keep people from calllug for their Sun
day groceries at tho post oftlee grocery
ofHarrltt& Mclutyre. Thev will i?n
where they can get tbe best for the
fit ..i.. ,
T f?$ fitful !?w S KPS W3?
i I si iy$ wcM f l
a a 5j rap ig a4" m
w y iinftsHM'fe w
ffIllia riling
--"" J' '-TKuu oi i rtar Powder No A mmonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Collegian mailed today.
This has beeu n week of steady, earn
est work, with very little outaldo of
regular routine duties.
Mr. O. E. Bennett, who registered at
thellrstof sebool, but was unable to
enter then, is now lu class.
Miss Cora Winters, senior '94, who
has been teaching at Malport, will
outer school Monday.
Several visitors have beeu present at
chapel this week, including Dr. Tower,
president ofMontana university, former
llnauclal agent of Willamette, who ad
dressed the school on Wednesday morn
ing. His words were very earnest and
encouraging; ho said he had heard that
W. U. wus dead, but such a live corpse
he has not seen for a loug time. He
btlll has kind regards for Willamette.
The Pbilodorians held their regular
semi-term open meeting last night.
The halls were filled, aud every one
returned home feeling that thePhllo
doriaus were a success as entertainers.
The program was as follews: Instru
mental solo, Ernest Wilson; lecture,
Floyd Field; recitation, W. A. Morris;
flute solo, C. V. Fisher; story, L. Reyn
olds; pantomime, tomboys; violin solo,
Homer Kruse. All was well rendered.
Mr. Reynolds touched on the Idea of
in athletic club which was enthusias
tically received, and the pantomme
brought down the house. After the
usual good social time, at exactly 10:30
the company dispersed.
Fut Up aud Put Down.
I want a word to rhyme with ills.
uuve n now, i-n pui aown puis,
Excuse mo. though-than put down pills
I'd rather sutler some big ills.
To pat down the old-fashioned, huge
oitter pills, that griped so and made
such a disturbance internally Is more
tuaua wise man will do. He will not
put up with such unnecessary suffering
he uses Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Asa liver pill, they are unequaled.
.Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. Put
up in vials, hermetically sealed, hence
ulways fresh and reliable, which is not
true of the large pills In wood or paste
board boxes. As a gentle laxative only
one pellet for a dose. Three to four of
these tiny, sugar-coaled granules act
pleasantly and painlessly as a cathar
Local Correspondence from
in the Valley.
J. L. Calvert is afllicted with some of
"Job's comforters."
School opened Monday, Oct. 2, with
a good attendance.
Geo. J. Wolfer made a business trip
to Oregou City one day last week.
Mrs. McCaustland's raarribd daugh
ter is making her a visit.
Messrs. Claussin and Wesllngs are
get lug out 000 cedar posts forJ.C.
Rev. Parker is building an addition
to his new dwelling.
'Mrs. Hatch has moved into her
hoube lately vacated by Rev. Parker's
J. N. Furguson of Salem, special
agent of the N. W. F. & M. Ins. Co.,
of Portland, was in town ono day last
Joseph Jennings is still sojourniug in
the wilds of Molalla.
Abraham Chuiuard is clerking for
Hlnkle & Clausslu.
Sam. Miller, our ex-city marshal Is
still iu the laud of the whence.
John R. Jordan has built a new and
haudy barn aud is now building a fine
Willis Devoren Is getting out pickets
preparatory to building a new fence.
Edwin Wolfer has moved blstlnsbop
to the rooms in tbe rear of his father's
Mr. Frederick and J. C. Witton are
trying to make a bargain whereby Mr.
Wittou is to be the purchaser of the
building he now occupied as a saloon
which Mr. Frederick receutly purchas
ed from M, V. Slllwell.
Jacob Dewster returned from his trip
East Friday, and found his family re-
moveu to stay tou.
Auna J. Wiiislnw and her two dauch-
ters started
ruursaay for .uaw.rence,
Some IrriVellug men were in town
Friday selling a patent liquid Btove
polish and the Silver Chamniou
H. D. Osterhaudt started Thursday
for a trip to Illinois, his old home, and
tho world's fair. It has been twenty
year sluce Mr. Osterhaudt left II. .
Mr. Campbell from Perrydale has ar
rived here to take charge, as foreraan
nf the fruit farm that Vaugn, Collins.
& Co., bought of Rink Edgar. i
Isaac McCullv of Malum was In town
Thursday, Mr. McOuIly was odo of the
i-any seiners at -Muriou.
Headquarters for all dally papers, at
J. Ij. Bennett's post oillce block uews
Hop Picking Dances.
Hop dauces are about as Important a
feature of the hop harvest time as the
picking of tho hops, aud both are at
their best Just now.
Did you ever pick hops or go to a hop
dance? Then you have missed exper
iences of which nothing can take the
place. Tho work is hard, the hours are
loug in tho field, but tho fun when tho
work Is over, and tho field has been
deserted for the day, and tho sun has
set, t fascinattug enough to make it all
up. At least that is whut thousands of
hop pickers think about it.
Most of the pickers are boarded and
lodged by their employers and ou large
farms the "hoppers' boarding houses"
are sometimes quite important struc
tures, with separate dormitories for the
men and women. On smaller farms
less carets taken with these places. All
men and women alike, are expected to
make their beds. Tbe food iu most
cases is abundant and good and iuclude
n liberal allowauce of pie. Modey nnd
fun are what they are after, and the fun
comes after supper, Then tbe dauces.
then tbe moonlight walks, then the
drives about the country In buggies
all these for the young folks who nre
inclined somewhat to sentiment, for
the men and boys who dou't want to
bo bothered with the girls there ure
wrestling matches and stories and pipes
and Bometimes a little cider for change
but not often any disreputable proceed
ings. A hop dance is a social function that
possesses its own forms of etiquette, al
though these vary with the locality.
Is it possible, by the way, that dances
of another grade were first called
"hops" because the terpslchorean fes
tivities of hop harvesters ara called
"hop dances?" Usually tbe hop dauco
is held in the barn. Tho floor is swept
clean, and the fanning mill is set out-
bide along with other agricultural im
plements that are usually stored there.
Tho light is furnished by kerosene
lamps sometimes by candles.
Sometimes dudes from town invade
the hop dance and try to monopolize
the attentions Of the prettiest girls.
When that happens look out for storm.
It won't do, however, to assume that
it is always the dudes who get the
worst of it, although, -that is usually
the result of a contest between them
and the pickers, owing in some meas
ure possibly to the superior numbers of
the pickers who generally stick to each
Hop picking Is a healthful employ
ment, and many persous eugage in it
for a season or two simply as a recu
perative measure. As manual labor
goes It pays well, aud there are prob
ab y lu every hop raising neighborhood
whole families who earn almost all the
money tuey expend during the entire
twelve mouths, at hop pieklug time.
The county court today ordered A.N.
Gilbert, of Macleay, nnd James Powell,
of Geryais, to the poor farm. The cor
ouor's Inquest case of Wm. Beal was
continued. Christian Smith, of Auro
ra, was allowed f4.00 per mouth. Mrs.
Josephine Austin, a lady with 5 chil
dren near sllverton, was allowed $8 00
per month. Adjourned at noon.
Grape Vines for Sale.
I have propogated several thousand
good strong two-year old grape vines
for setting out, assorted varltles, suit
able for culture in Oregon. 25 cts each.
$2.00 per dozen. E. Hofer, Salem, Or.,
Journal office. d w
A Weak Digestion
strange as it may seem, is caused
from a lack of that which is
never exactly digested fat. The
greatest fact in connection with
Scoffs Emulsion
appears at tins point it is partly
atgesiea jat and the most
weakened digestion is quickly
strengthened by it.
The only possible help
in Consumption is the
arrest of waste and re
newal of new, healthy
tissue. Scott's Emulsion
has done wonders in Con
sxxiptionjust this way.
rrtiptwdbySoott&l' o.IT.Y. AUdrnirirfiU.
J. H. ALLEN, Prop,
aZll'ZlZ?" 8t a" Ume8'
sarOppoaTtWade'a Store,
... '
Largest Gun in tho World.
Is on exhibition at tbe great world's
fair. You oUKht to see IU This is tbe
month of mouths to visit the falr.pleas
ant days, cool nights, dellKlnful travel
iutr weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chi
caRonn the ventlbule! limited tmlnsot
the Chicago, Union Pacltlo & Norih
western lint R vnnr i,sri ji.,i....
PaclOo agent for rates or other Inform,
tion. 1O.0.U I
Not old chestnuts, and best of
all the
The Newest and Lowest Prices
of all wool home-made cloth
ing at the
GOOd ltiok lf vntl flnrl frnrtA InnV It irl1lV
3V. -"'. 1"" "' w. vnilUH
uo iu every wne wno iase advantage or our
Neither a horse-shoe or four leaf clover can
bring you mch opportunities. iSee that
four children go to the State street book
'"iour lueirscuooi supplies.
Patton Bros.,
IfcSootcsellere and Stationers.
Legal Blanlc Publishers.
Bush's New Brlck.over the bank, Oom'l street.
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland and Ban
rancl8co. First-class In all Its appointments.
Ita tables are served with the
Choicest Fruits
Grown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Patterns for Front
and Bupply the brick lor tbe New Balem City
lhepnal'cTty" huMiDe erecUi5
Yards near f enltentlary, Salem, Or,
8-3 dw
Uonnectlngand Primary daises open
Monday, Sept. 25tli,
Oor. Court and .Liberty streets, opposite opera
For teachers and mothers will begin October
2d, at the same place.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. P. S. Knight,
Prlndi al.
C fs &
v LA7
i fji mm
00ly ,h. Bart St. " SSj-ifc, nesl Mc,to a,.
Good service. Prompt delivery.
0 . f . b . ffl
bUVe mad' aDOtber WK Ut D tbe prlCe8 Qua" nSles0 UMurpaLed.
will be sold at anv nrice. fVimnin nH mir nnn.. j . n -f i-nnr
own price. r
The best in tbe world for children. Try them,
crrno Btnrm rubbers a new etwk lost In.
timt.itt .a MACKINTOSHES,
i'uaiiiO AHU
.Men's Ild VlMllh'a anila
R. Q. Corti-bt Io tfii . iirkS:
JCfcTicE Court. One James Lwy
who was brought before JulgEdes
charged with etea'ing a satchel, plead
not guilty, aud is being tried this after
noon. Jerseys. At Sharpe's dairy m
kept as fine a herd of Jersey cowbm
you wish to Bee. That is why they sell
such excellent milk nnd cream.
The Cheapest. Have thi Dim
JouRNAii kit a ytur office or resi
dence. Only 0 cH a month. Bymall
25 cts a month.
Special Half Price Sale. -The
Ladles' Bazaar, in the State Insurance
block, Is eelling misses' and chlldrens"
underwear at less than half the usual
coat. This is a rare opportunity.
Religious. Revival services at the
Christian church each evening this
week, at 7:30. Come and hear good
preaching and good singing. Strang
ers cordially Invited.
After Breakfast
To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood
and give nerve, bodily and digestive
strength, take Hood's Harsaparilia.
Continue the medicine after every
meal for a mouth or two and you will
feel "like a new man." Tneineritcf
Hood's Sarsaparllla is proven bv IU
thousands of wonderful cures. Vby
don't you try it?
Hood's Pills cure constipation. They
are the best after-dinner pill and family
WOOD WANTED.-lOOnne 2-year-old apple
trees to trade lor wood. Good va-letfa.
inquired c. B. Clement. lOWt
PnFhlne canvasser of paaA id-
TV dreas.
Liberal snlnrv nnrl DTtwiitM ull
jyj- jrermanei.i position. kkuhii
BROS. Co., Nurseryman, Portland, Orejon.
10-7 lm
ACRES AT A BARGAIN for cash or
trade. Ten Apmi !mnmtrri with nud
uu ium(i, uu ruiiroaa. will laze leamsuu
wugonas part payment, or some good mitt
oos. H A. Clark, on 16th street, Balem, Oie
Bon. b.3M(
i. -ji. - l ..-r "tir.'.v':".' ".""!
31UIB PAPER U kept on file at E. C. Daie'l
. Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 MercoanU
xcbange.San Franclsro, California, where
contract for advertising can be made for lb
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Literature of all
kinds on sale at 82S Liberty street, 4-6-1
Waterrtlle, N.Y.
Hop Buyers.
Office above Williams A England's bar,
oalem. Growers Invited to call.
18-tf H. a WHITNAN, Art.
The Rustler Wood Snr
And he doesn't burn up half your wood, In
fuel, when he saws It. Make your contract
With him Denmnallv nrlmvn nrrinra at VeatCDI
cigar store Dearborn's book store,t36 Bummer
street, or address me by mall. 6-H"
' wjri ,-
& CO.
mnA .......i 1 1
Aj&t" i-fisw. .. jtta, tc. m. ..