Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 06, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    JgiJilMTTVn ' a
u'u u-imunin
jjvmwtosG capita.. lacotniNAii, FiAtbAY, ooto&ero, 1898
Tii in
Notico of Assessment for tlit? Im
provement of Coininorcial street
and a part of Ferry, Stito, Court
und Centre streets.
N'Hleftl hereby given th tl the Ywwment
made u? Ordinance .No 250 for the I np ovo
merit t full teat pa t fCommerclnl street be
tween tbo north end ofile bridge acr-iv South
Mill iTcek tied thenorth side ot Uutie rtnet,
nil ihm nurt oUtatP und Court stre-ts " t "en
tU(5fel ldo High street und the vmI alditiif
Kront Uriel, U I kuuv yniv ji run j nucri. tic-
tween tbowet sldetil Liberty streetaud 'lie
eanisldeof Front street, all Owl part oti'nuo
street bHweeu the weU side side of Ciinriier.
cial street! aud tbe west side il From street, 1
now due and payable al toe oincebf tboUIty
Treiisurer in United Slntis gold oudj silver
cein: and unless paid within teu d ys fr nn
the date ol this notice, the Onramnn Oouat-ll
will order warrants for the-collec'lon thereto.
bum AJto'n
Lot No. 8 In block No. 50, owned by
II Mtaplelou
Lot No. ii In block No. 61, owivd by
(322 61
321 8'i
2)2 00
108 77
119 71
TMO uregon u suu kaj ...., .
Lot No. 4 iu blonKNi) 61, ownetby
J.I I'hompson ..-,.,-
Lot No. 1 In block No. 50, qwpedlbv
W A.Uu-dck , -
Lot No. 2 In block No 50o.)jriied by
Thns. Johnson, --..,
Lot No.3, and astrlpoffnud 11 50 off
or the north side of lot No. 4, In
b.oik No. 50, Salem, Oregen: ex
cept a strip of Und 25 feet wide nir
of the north side ol lot No. 3, scld
to K. F. Parkhurst, owned by II.
W Uotfe
Beliinlnjatthe northeast coruer
or bloc 49, Salem, Ore; thence
southerly alingtlio bloi'k line i
luet; theuce westerly paiallfl with
the north line of the block 126 fei-tj
thi-uce no thorly parallel wit h the
eivst line or tbe block 45 feet to the
i ' .M hirvk: thnfo
easier y along the north Hneorsald
.o . vac piace or be
ginning, owned by the First
National Bank of Halem, Oregon.
HeglnulHgatlhe norshweat corner
otlotNo, I, In bleck: in bock No.
49,-aem. Oregon; thence south
erly along the alley In satd
block, 07 58 feet, thence easterly
parallol with Chemeketa street,
365 feel; thence northerly along
the eat Hue ot block No 49.2261
feet; thence westerly parallel to
the north line of said block. 1Z8
feot; thence northerly 45 feet to
thenorth lneortbebiocklthence
westerly39 rect to the place of begin
rrlnfr.uwned uy Mm. A A Wheeler
All that portion of land In Lots No.
landViln btoofc -No 49, Salem,
Oregon, described as follows,
Beginning at a point 22 68 feet
south of the southeast corner of the
building now known at the hirst
National Bmk, and running
southerly a'ong the east line of
the blocn 22.5S lest then e west
erly, parallel with the south wall
of the bank building, lh5 feet to
the ahey in said block; thence
northerly alongsald alley 22 68leet,
thence raiterly 105 feet to the
Eliceof beglnnlnir.ownedby K..H.
All tbitpirtion or tract of land in
Lot No. 2, in block No 49, saera,
Or., described as followB, to-wlt;
Beit nine at n point 6 10 feet
south of the southeast coruer of
the building known as I he First
National Bank, and running
Bou'ne ly along the west l'neof
Commercla street 22 5S feet;thence
westerly, parallel to the wiuth
wall or the bank building, 105 feet
ti the alley In said block; thence
northerly along the alley 22 58 feet
theuoe easterly 185 feet to the
place of beginning, owned by w.
N-LadueandT. Ford ----
That portion or tract of land in Lot
N . 2, In block 49, Salem. Or., djs
orlbedas beginning atapolnt7 68
feet south or the bou heast corner
or the building known as the b I'st
National Bank and running south
erly aluug Commercial street 7.75
feei; theuce westerly parallel with
t ie s mth wall of stld b lukbulldlng
10 feet to ibe alley In said blr-cK
theuce northerly 7 75 faft along the
alley; thentfe easterly to the placo
of beginning, owned by E. H.Lajn-
jrt.V N. Lartue, T. Ford. John
ll "dies. A A. Wheeler and B.
Fostner. -
Be 'nnlnuat h ontheast corner
of lotNo 2, inblockNo. 49 Salem,
Dr. thence wrste lv ahitig the
south line of said lot. llfireet to the
alley; thence northalongiheailey
45 3J feet; thence easteily parallel
with Ohemekela street, 165 feet to
the eatl line ol said block; then so
southerly along the eiU)'. lneor
s-ild block 45.30 feel to the place of
beilHiilng, owntd by John
o ft " nf tlie Mmtfiegrt n
lot No. 3 in block NO 49. Hatem,
Or. thence north along the east
lineofHal.t bloek 286UJeei; ; thenco
westerly nt rlghi anlej with com.
merowTstreetei05 leet to tbeal ley;
tUcnce southerly anBtn"ef.
2S50feet'lheune easterly 16o feet
totne plkceor beginning, owned
by J. O. Brown --------
Un 'inning at a point ll.U 'eel
south of the northeast corner of
kd ; I in block No. 49. Salem Ore-;
thenoe north along ih;j east line or
Mid 1 block 24.10 feet; thence west
on vat riehtaug'es with s-itd east
finf M feet to 'the .Hey: thence
south along the alley . .1 leet,
theuoe easterly 103 feet -to i the
t.inof bealnnlng. owned by A.
102 77
79 45
37 41
37 41
37 41
13 11
70 96
43 04
B3ln5a fraclio"ai-pa"rt ,0 riot 4, In
olock49,rtalem.or, descrUjecl ot
iollowt:BeglnnlnB ata nointon
the east Hue of Bald block 00 leet
northerly lrora the southeast cor
S?r 01 safd blMk 49: thence along
the east line in 0 northerly dl ec-
i7n 01 feat- thence westerly ut
right angle 'with sa'd east line of
bloSk 40, 105 leet to the alley;
thence southerly along the alley
21 feet; thence easterly 0roetto
the plaiie of beginning, owned by
of block No. 49 Salem, Ore-.thenee
north along th5 east line olsald
block 2" reet; thence west. paraUel
wUh Court 'street. 105 leet to he
Mley-thenoe south along the a ley
20 fiet to "the south line or said
block- thence eastalongsald south
InTwtSeplwe of beginning,
owned bv W. It. Anderson. -----
Also lot No 4, block 49. Salem. Ore.
Xt No 8 in block No ii. f alem, Ore.,
niriied by B. O- Pilton
B?nnlbgatthenorthet corner of
bloSk So. 48, in halero. ).; tbenoe
westerly along the north line of ald
blow ,163 i feet to the alley: theuce
south ' along the alley atOtett.
fi,An,U east nara el with Court
iwrtfltsftel C?lheeast line ot said
blocK thenoe north along said east
Hna!tf.raft to the of begin-
nf block 48 In 'balem, Oregon 7J
fe'et Muth of lU northeast .earner 1 ol
.uMiitwk-theno south alo -g the
?tlllL"Eo? feel: theuce west
blcSi lnui?hCou?t street J85 feet
the iilMMhenSiiiSrtU aongthe
Brey,r--------v--,rrr iineuf block
SJeeof I gtnnlnf, oed b.
40 70
ti, balem.
fret to the alley;
right angle
iheneiVmlh alone. ?.". T.
I W -w- .-.. . -
leneeaouiu -- ,--,lt u.h.
otloU in block 4S, Silcm, Oregon,
the same being 7.50 feet north of the
southeast corner ol said lot 3; thenco
south along said mst line 25 feet;
thence wet parallel with Man
street 165 feet to the alley; thence
north al m the alley 25 'eel, thenro
ea 16-5 fio tojihe piace ol begin
ning, owned by Harry sta ileton
Lot No. 4 in b ocfc 48 Balein, Oregon,
excepting 17.'X) leet oil ol the north
side of siid lot 4 extending Its entire
lo. gib. owned by Ellen Mxwvs.t?,
B Moore, A N. Mo res. llertha
Moo c. C.irrle Moore. V. r.. Jtnnroo
48 63
aud uuy .Miller . 416 m
xmi no 3 in oiock xso. -is, Salem, Ore
gon, owned by It. P lloise . 3C0 02
Allot lot 8 in blo.',K47,-nlem Oregon,
excepting 61 leet offor the e 1st end,
owned by Thos. Jory and tho City
ol Halem; owned by s T Northcu't 182 39
Twenty-nine feet ott of the east endof
1 )t No. 8 in block 47, Mulem, Oregon,
owned by the City ofta-em 57 35
LotNo Unblock No 47, owned bv J. J.
Muruhv. E (J. ssuruhv nmt s. w.
Chuich ;
The north thl d oriot .No- 2 ta block 47,
Halein, Oregon, being 27 70 teet front
on Commercial street, aud extending
the same width ba k to the nl.ey,
owned oy J, G W Ight
The central one-third of lot No. 2 In
block No. 47, Salem, Oregon, being
V7.7ufeet fronton Comme clal street
and extending the same width back
to the alley, owned b Jno,ewsoiue
The south one third ot 1 it No. 2 In blot k
47, Balem, Oregon, beln 27 6u teet front
on Commercial street and extending
the same width back to the alley,
owned by J.S. Knight, Addle I'la
niondon, J. J I'lamondon, M. A. Pla
inoiidou.., Beginning at the northeast corner of
413 77
45 27
45 82
45 82
lot No- A In block 47, Sulein, Oregon;
theuce Bouth along th block lines. 50
feet; thence west par llel with Ferry
street, 16) feet to the alley; thence
north along thealley 2US0f t;thence
east to the place of beginning 165 feet
owned by J. 0. Thomson 42 45
Beginning at a point on the east line
of lot 3 in hlock 47, -talm Oregon,
which point Is JiHJ feet south or then
e coruercfBald lot Mo 3;tbencesouth
along the lot line 23 SO leet; theuce
west parallel with Ferry street 105
feet to the alley; thence north alms
the alley '.3 50 feot; thence east 16a
f etio -he ulitceot beginning. Owned
by E C. Small , 42 23
Beginning at a point t0 iHieetnorih or
the southeast corner or block No 47,
Salem, Oregon; thence north along
the b oik line 22.0'U.J feet thence east
parallel with Ferry street, 165 feet to
the nliey.theme south along 1 he alley
22 0813 f et; thence east t0ieelt ithe
place of beginnl 'g, owned by E.
Thompson 39 9i
paid, til 17; bal. &I5.77,
Beginning al the southeast corner of
block 47, In Silem, Oregon thence
north along tho block linn 80.10 feet
tbeuoa west parallel with Ferry street
165 feet to the alley; thence south
along the alley 80-10 leet to the south
line or the block; thence east along
said south Hue IBS reel to the place of
b ginning, owned by Goo. 11. Turner 317 71
LotNo. 6 In block No 47, Silem, O'.,
owned bv st T. Northcuii 197 46
Lot No. 8 In block 40, Salem, Oregon,
wned by the SontUeru Pacific Kail
road Company 198 48
Beginning at the nurlheast corner ot
block Ko. 4tf, Salem, O egon; tbenee
west iiong the north llneol thd block,
105 leet to the a ley; tueuce so -th
along the alley 60 reet: thence
47 60 f et: theuce north 41 . t ud
10)4 Incnes: theuce east 117 5 1 feet to
tliKKiist. llne.ot the olocs-.thence north
2Z125 f et to the place or beginning,
owned by F. F. Miller
211 30
Belnnlug at a point on the east line ot
blh48, salem.oregon, 43.1'Jo lectsoutn
ol the northeast corner o. said block;
thence west parallel to Ferry street
117.50 leet; thencesou h parallel with
Commercial street 22 87fi reei; theuce
east 117 60 leet to the east line or said
block; thance north aiong the said
enst liue 22.K75 teet to the p uce or be
ginning, owned by J. O. Johnson and
S T. ltlcnardson
B ginning at the southeast corner or
lot 2 In tilo-k 46, Htlem, Or; thence
west piraliel with terr street to tho
alley; tlieucj nonh nlong thealley 8J
Teet; theuce eaBt 105 reet lo the east
liueoi 'HOCK -in: lUUUUB wum muiiu
the block line 8J reet to the place or
heelnalug. own d by h.d Hlrsch 161 3fl
Belnniugatthenortheistco nerori a
3. iu block 48 S-ilem, Oregen: thence
wet 10 reel ta the allfj : theticebouth
along the alley 25 leet: the ce east 161
leet to th easi. lino of th biecn:
theucinor h along sail east line 25
feet to the waco 01 uejiumu i, uwueu
bv Ed Hlisch
Beginning at a point on the eu-l line
ot blk 48,Salem,Or ,10 feet north oi the
southeast coruer oflot 3 in si d blocsi
theu e west pimllel with Trade str-ei
115 feet: theme no t-i p rillel with
Commercial street !95(J recti thencn
ea-t 115 leet to th taut I1uj or the
biocli thence south 39 61 feet to the
60 90
niaiM of b ir.nulni. owned by W. h.,
r.-".- -. -
73 01
Be 'Inning ai th southeast corner or
lot 3 In b.ock 48. Salem. Ori thence
n'.rth along the block Hn-i 10 feeti
thence west parallel witbTmde stteH
60 reel) theuce south 22 50 re tj theuce
east para le with the nnrth line, 60
feet o the east Una or the bleck:
thence nonh U 60 feet to the place I
U. Simpson -
Beginning at th ioulheat coruer ot
bio. k 487Ha.em, Oregou; thence liuth
aloug the block line 2 le t; thence
west at right angle with ''nmweal
treet.60teet: thenco north 22 60 feet:
theuce west 05 feet; thence north 39AI
feel ; theuce west 60 feet to t he nllej :
theuce south uiong the alley 121 feet
to the south line of the-block; theuce
easlalougtne south Hue i&jleeliothe
47 16
nlace or ocginniug, unucu j .v
Southern Poclflo It t Co-.
.. 121 75
Lou 1 und 2 in block .Salem:,urS',,u,:
owned oy tue raitiufiumms .......
213 49
All oflot 7 in b ock
c-pt a strip 7 ieei wiuouumo ..
sideol sali lot, owned by the aleln
E8 08
All oflot No"8 in b-ock ": in.
Water Co
oreg in, ana a strip 01 bhu 'S" ""-
... . ..' .,..i.iiflAt V 7 In Haiti
! mnMl lib Kd. lltrSCb
me iioriiiBiMu w. wv .w, , .
. 159 61
l.n No!5inblmKNo 33. '"?. 0r"'
148 51
Beginning at the southwest oorneror
lot No .6, nblo.kNo 35, Salem, Ore:
hence north along tho bio -k line 73
reef tbeuce eat at light ungie with
Commercial rtreet.1lH.frrt to Ibe
nni4U lldjttr .- --- v'
fa at
iJits No 7 anii'8 in blocK 3.5 eui.Ore.
owned b?A Bu.h and W.S Iidd.- 1 05
Ined,bVUAb,Uu t&SFffX K3S2
jjOtNoiin uiiks . .v..., . . ,mM
owned by J C Smith - " t
Beginning at the southe st comer of
bl 25 N.i. Sl.a em, Oregen: tbnce
eastat right angie with Coram rclal
tlie al ev 670 leen thence we.t Prl
lei w th Ferry street P. t he east iln- of
towtnerJ-lar svree.; theuce with
.SanS'onyTSTlTr -
SOI 83
lem. Oregon, and oa the west Ilneof
Mid block; tbence east at right ang e
with Commercial street to .the alley:
tbenctiwitb .lung the alley Uns.Jj
ft; thence west to the west line of the
bfo-k: tbenoa south J74 tee. to the
pUce of bealnnltg. owned by H.
77 4.1
Beginning at a point on th' east line ol
1 omnVeTrtil stre-t 30 75 fee', north of
the southwest tornerof lot No a.
block 31. lem, regon; theuc-eaiit
it right angles wf U Oommerclal
streel Jtti f't the alley; tbence
nortH a'ong the alley 80 fee ,
fbinct west to OommercUl streeti
then" south 83 to feet to t .place of
68 01
nilii nlBgtt the soulhwe.1 corner of
loti L"kR4 Ulem,ori tbence nor h
alonV" he blk line . ., .b. jee
l-clnnlnr nwoou u n m ------
fteVtto Ibe slieyt I lvnce outh -long
TeTt lotbepuiee of 6 inT.lnS. onl
Ford. O? L? Ford, CM. Baker. 1, J.
Ford J-ll.Fjtd.U.K.i'Ord aud W,
I U I.-JWI1 IT j
alley; thence souin aioug iuc """
reel- Ihence west 15 feeilo tlwuface
ofbeitnning. owned by M. K inger
83 75
the blk line 103 feet; thence east at
right angles with Commercial street,
iw reet to tbo allei ! tnenca noi iherly
alon the alley 28.5 feet to th N. E
corner of lot 7. blk 31, theuce west
along t he lot 11 ne 91 feet; thenca nonh
parallel with C-mimeicIa s.r.ettothe
north line or said biors; tbence wet
along th-t block Huo75 teet to the
plsce or beginning, ow led by A Buli 312 62
Beginnlugatthe northeast corner of
tut 8, block 31, Halem. Oregon, thenco
south along thi east Hue ol said lot
to the southeast corner the eofjthenre
we-t along the lot Hue 91 ret t; then e
north parallel with UniuuierclaWtreo b
to thenorth line or tho blk; thence
easterly aloug tlieuorili lino orb k
91 teet to place t f beginning, owne.1
by Thos MoF.Patton. 1.7 91
Beglunlngatth, northwest cornerof
lotl, bkSl, "alem, Oregon; th nco
east along the blk line 2 ISO reet;
thenco south at right angle with
State street 149 let to tin r 01 Hi linn
of lot 2 In said bk; tbemowcj alouj
tho lot Ilne2l Sleet to theally;thencd
n irth along tho alley 149 feet to tho
place ot beginning, owned by C.
l'aulus 41 37
Beginning at a point on the north lino
or blk 3 1, Salem, Oregon; 02 42 feet
west of the northeast corner toereof;
tbence wen along tho blk line 49 W
reel to a point 21 6 feet east of the
nllry; thence south at right angles
wltb State street 149 reel to tho south
line or lot 2, in said blk; tbence east
along the lot line 49.ui feeU tbenro
north 149 feet to the place of begin
ning, owned by 8. Ad 'ph . 82 43
Beginning at anoint 07 feet and 7 in
ches westof the northeast cornerof
blk 34, Salem, Oregon; the ce west
along the north line or the. blk 24 feet
and 10 Inches; theuce south at right
angles 149 leet to the s utu llueofiot
2 lu said blk; thence east aton the
lot line 21 reet and 10 inches; thence
north 149 Teet to the place of begin
nlng, owned byJ.C. Thompson. J.
1-afore. Cbas. smith aud Lena
Smith 41 03
Beginning at the northwest cornerof
blk 20. Salem, Oregon; thence east
nlonstheb oek lino 60 feet; thenco
south at right angles 101 feet; thonre
west 50 feet tbence nor'h along tho
block line 101 feet to tbo plat-e of
beginning, owned by the City oi
Haiem .'. 83 07
Beginning ut a point 60 leet cast or tbo
noithwest corner ot blk 20, Salem,
Oregon, tnence east nlo'ig the blk
line 30 reet: thence south at right
angles with state street, 143 reet,
th -nee w. st 80 feet to the east line or
Liberty street; tbeuce north along the
blk line 12 feet; tbence eist 60 feet;
thence no th to the place ol begin
ning, owned by Fred. Hurst. 46 62
Beglnulng at a point 100 feetand Olnrh
es east or tho northwest corner or blk
20, na. em, Oregen: tbence south nt
right angles with State street 14850
feet to t he south line oflot 7, In said
blk; tbence west along the lot lino
'20.(0 feet; thencj north 144 5 feot to
State street; thence east 20X0 feet to
the place 01 beginning, owned by I).
Htelnerami A tllosser 85 1 9
Beginning at a point 18 feet east of the
northeast corner ot the west halt ot
lots, blk 20, Salem, Oregnn; thenoe
easterly 21 feet and 3 inches; thence
south at right angles with State street
to tin north line of Ferry street;
thence west 2.1 foetand 3 Inches to a
nolnt 18 feet east oftbe southeast cor
ner of the west half ollot6 In sad
blk, thence north In the place ot bo
ulnntne owned by M.T lllneman 36 42
The enst hall of the east quarter ot lots
7 and if in block zu, baiom, uregon.
owned bv I. Strong, N. Strong, A.
Strong and M 1. Kinney S5 49
Beginning at a point 124 leet 1.125
Inches east of the northwest corner o!
blk 20. S ilein, Oregon- t banco south
nt rtgbt angles with State street to tlm
south line lot 7, in said block; thence east
erly along the lot line 21.27 feet; thenco
northerly to State street; thence ct along
State street 21.27 feet to the place of begin
ning, owned by Annlo M. I McConuicU.. Si t3
Begiiinlug at the northwest corner ol lot 1 in
blk 20, Salem, Oregon, thenco south along
tho alley to the southuist corner ot lot 2 in
said blk; thence east 40 feet parallel with
State street; thence north to the south line
ot State street, thence west to the place of
beginning, owned by P. II. D'Arcy 6 57
Beginning at a point 40 feet east of the north
west corner oi lot 1, in blk 20, Salem, Ore.;
thence south at right angles with Bute
street to the south line ol lot 2, In said blk;
thence cast along the lot Una 42.60 feet;
thence north parallel with the alley to fatato
street; thence west 42.60 feet to theplacc of
beginning. Also lot 3, blk 20, Salem, Ore.,
owned by 0. P. Hughes and J. Hughes.. 0101
E.iHt h ill ol lots I aud 2 In blk 2J balem,
Or.i owned by Tho Uu bard 11118
Etst halt ol lot A, lu blk 2, Salem, Or.,
nornpfl hv .T .T. Mlll-tiliv find E. fl.
Murpby 188 80
Went hfr or I016, In blkil.MUtin.Or,,
owutdbyJis Vierani 15180
riieeasinairor lot 4. In b kNo.3i, ba
loin. Or, except 50 leet oil or the east
end thtriof. owned by U. f. Gray,
owued by Ins. Kimtulno 60 61
rho west hall lilknl lot No. 4 iu hlk ii,
salem. r., owned by sqnlra Farrar,
J. F. Farrar, E. K. Farrar, E. Fur
rar 1 2
Heslnulug at the tontheast corner f
lot 6, blk SJ, Salem, Or ; t hence uorth
along the west line or the alley 69X0
feet, tbence west parallel with Stale
street 47 3 1 feel; thence south 60X0 feet
to tuo norm uneomuiie Bireeii lueuco
cast 47 31 feet to ibe place of begin
ning, owned by Jno. Pajne and Oeo.
88 66
Beglaolug at a point VI leet east of
Itifj southwest corner of oik S3, Salem,
Or 1 theuce north prall-l with Com
mer lal street 60 feot; ihence east rar
nllet wltbStAtostrrei2.1CUfeetithence
south 50 reet to the north line of State
street: thence west 21,68 feet to the
place of beginning, owned by J. J.
Murphy and K. C. Murphy. . 88 37
Beglnnlugon the south line nf blk 33,
Salem, Or: 80 feet east of tbe south
west cornerof said blk thoace north
parallel wltb Commercial street; 60
rent: tbenen east parallel with Stale
street: ihence sou h 60 fe'ti thenco
west 14 feet to the place of beginning,
owned by K.J Fryer, J. J. Alurphy,
K O Murphy, F. 8. Uearborn, K. F.
Hozatth Ella Dearborn, Kate Rear
born, It II. Dearborn, and Mrs. II. A:
ta "9 V J. Kreyer pild ffl 91, bal due
17 86
Heidnn ne at a point 2500 leet north
ol the southwest corner of Mk SJ, sa-
lem, Or.: tnence nirm a.iiug ine ui.
lineilfeel;thenceeauatrlghtanr et
wlthComnierclal street 80 feet; tbence
south 25 feet, thence west M) feet to
thBDlaceof beglnplng, owned by F.
H. Dearborn, K. F. IJetrborn, Klla
Dearborn, It n, wearuorn anu mm.
II. A llarluirn ..
.. 47 1S
Beginning at the northwest corner of
lota in oiR o-i,i"e" .'. v m"..m
along th blk line 2 ftei thence rust
ut right angle wlih Commercial
stree'to the ulleyt thenco south ajong
the alley 61 teoti theoce west to Ura
inercUf street: thence north 32 fet to
the place of begifin'ng. OwnedbyJ.
W. U ntoand Jennie 1 liipman M 13
The son! h hilf of the north three
lourthi.flol8ln blk S3,Halem,Ore-
gon. Owned by Adam issen una
Adam llano. ,...,.......
. 49 W
The north ha f 01 the noith lhre-o.U4r-tersof
lottf. in blkSJ. calern, Oregon.
Owned bv A. Hush. ----- .---.
Astilpofland 2-2 feet wide otrol the
south side of lot 7, In bk SI, Halem,
Oreron. Owned byE.Eeke hn
Ixit No. 8 and 11 83 leet off ot tbe north
side a' lot 7 In blk S3. Balfrp, Oregon.
41 61
48 10
Owned by W. Hreyroan ahd K. Ilrey
... 888 04
Lot No. I and tbe uorth half of the
north bslf of lot No. 2 In blk S3. Sa
lem. Or, owned by Leo lllt. Ku.
gene Wlflls. and K V MeOornwk .
The w hill of l-t 8 In,!; k , Balem,
or.owuedbyPeroy Wl'lUhnd 1 eo
J17 06
150 07
The east halt of lt 8 In blk l, rlaleni
Ore., owned oy rerr;
'erer Wlllll '151 41
l's No. 1 and J In blk si, Haiem, iir.,
owned by Ch-mekei Lodge No. 1,1.
inc. ." mw. - -- -;-.-..-.
-J- 259 W
m w B,ei i vm . iir. - .
Beginning al the oatheal corner m
l5t no J lu blk 22. Halem. Or., thence
north along High street 100 ferts
tbence wtil 81 fet . Jheore
south 100 feet, to Court tret,luenee
eut 81 feet to the place ofbelnnleg,
owned br D. K Wsgner ---..-
f We r -e j.m - . "" --- - m
. 129 07
Beginning I a point "D the norm line
Court s'leet. eald Mint being 81
fettw stot the southeast corner M
lot 4 In blk M, Ha era. Or, tbenee
north 100 feet, ihence west IT leet.
is,u s,iiih inn rnAt. thtne fi
ilonrourt street 17 feet to th pUee
ofbeglnnmr.nwne'lbJ' llw Ooltlnt
Beilnhlng at the south west comer ol
lot 4 In blk , Halsm. Ore lUenej
'rrthaUm 'be weet )ltt of tlwjloj
1(1) feet, Ihence ""t t?,,S?hel
ll Ihen e sou h VO UrA to the
lijMh 1
flMln tbe pltoe ol blonlo-,
The JIan W ho Stays'ln Town.
There vno nn nnnnal nnmbor of rneri
in town during tlto inminer, nntl then
teems to 1)0 rt growinK ilisjiosition on the
part of thoso young men who occasion
ally think to lenve the watering places
to tho young women and their mammas.
Of recent years there has been moro or
less complaint crudely but significantly
Blimloweil forth in comic and other news
papers of the absence of young men from
places, where the refining hop nnd enno
bling moonlight flirtation hold sway.
Tho absence has been charged up against
tho young men iu tho cursory account
books of tho summer, but tho young
men havo found tho debt an easy ono to
pay by n little extra exertion in tho win
ter. "Why is it that the young men linger
in tho shade of tho apartment houso in
stead of seeking the cool verandas or
summer hotels?' wo can fancy some
modern Glnucon asking of Socrates, tho
"Because tho young men of today,"
answers the philosopher, "understand
that tho summer is set apart for tho re
cuperation of the energies exhausted
during the winter."
"But," asks Glaucon, "is it not so that
tho country is the placo for recuperation
in tho summer nnd not in tho city?"
"True it is," responds Socrates, "that
tho country is tho placo for rest and re
"Why, then, do not tho young men go
to tho country?"
"They do whon they can afford long
railway travel, guns, dogs nnd rods or
yachts or other expensiyo rauuimonta of
rural liberty, including time."
"Then it is not to tho country, tho ru
ral, recuperative country," foolishly
speaks Glaucon, "that tho maidens hie?"
"Is silk gingham? Is a plank piazza an
umbrageous forest? Is n cut glass goblet
a tin cup? Is a Jersey cow a grizzly
bear?" -Harper's Weekly.
Novel Conversational Scheme
"It is quito fatal to nppear stupid nnd
uninterested when you aro out in soci
ety, you know," said tho pretty girl to
an amused listener to her prnttlo, "and I
havo discovered a capital recipo against
looking dull, which I will givo to you
"At Mrs. A.'s tho other day I found
myself at a big luncheon with a lot of
older people present, und on taking our
places at tho table I was dismayed to
find that one of my neighbors was an
elderly woman and a total stranger, who
turned her shoulder to me during a
greater part of tho repast, and tho other
was Milly B , who is a dear girl, but
haB not an idea in her head.
"After tho first few minutes had passed
in total silence a bright idea struck mo.
'Milly,' I said suddenly, 'lot's ceunt: wo
will look just as if we wore talking, and
it's evor so much easier. When I leavo
off, you begin.' And I began in my most
vivacious manner '1, 2, 8,4,0,0, 7' then
I paused, and Milly, showing her littlo
whito teoth with bona fide merriment,
went on '8, 0. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and
wo both ended with a bnrst of genuine
" 'What a good time thoso girls aro
having!' I heard our vis-a-vis saying to
her ui'igliborrathor enviously, I thought.
'I wonder what tlmy nro tnlkintrnbout.'"
hlk 22, Silcni, Or,, uwtiul by I". H,
Knight ,
Beinning nt ft point 41.2ft feel et ol tno
southeast comer of lot 6, In blk 22, halem,
Ore.; thence et along tho north lino of
Court street 14 feet thence north 82. Ml feet
thenco cast 14 feet, thenco south 82. Ml feet
to the placo ol liegliinliig, owned by J, W.
ThomM ..-.:
He finning t the southwest corner of lot No,
6, In hi k 22. Silem, Ore; thence et slong
the south lino of said lot I 0.70 feet; thence
north t right angles 82. Ml feet; thence west
along tho north lino of said lot 28,70
feet, thenco south 25 feet; theuce west 82
feet, thence south along tho east line of
Liberty street 67 W feet to tho place of be
ginning, on neil by L. L. Rowland . ...
Lots No 3 and 4, In blk 32, Balem, Oregen:
excepting a niece of land off of tho west end
bounded aa follows, to-wlt' Heclnnitigat tho
south est comer of lot 4, blk 32, Halem,
Oregon; thenco north along the alley 100
feet, thenco east Ml feet; thenco south 100
feet; thenco west Ml feet to tho place of bo.
giuning, owned by I). K Wagner ,. .
Beginning at tho south est corner of lot 4 in
blk 32, Salem, Oregon; thence north along
the alley 100 feet; theuce east Ml feet; thence
south 100 feet to tho north lino of Court
Street; thenco west M feet to tho place of
beginning, owned by C. M Crolaan and J,
II ilcNary ,
Beginning at the southiast comer of lot fi In
hlk 2, Balem, Ore.; thence west along the
north lino of Court street 24fect;thonco north
at right angles 70 feet; thenco eait 21 feet;
thence south 70 feet to the placo of liegin.
nlng, owned by U. II, Bteevesand 0. W.
Beginning at a iolnt 24 feet west of tho
southeast comer of lot 6. In blk 32. Balem,
Ore,; thenco north ralll with Oominer
clal street 70 feet; thenco west 22 feet;
thenco south 70 feet; thence east 22 feel to
the place of beginning, owned by Win.
Beginning at the southeast corner of lot Gin
blk 32, Htlem, Ore. ; thence east along tho
south lino of said lot, 110 feet, tlwnce
north parallel with Commercial street 70
feet, thence west 34.68 (cut; thenco south
4 42 feet, thenco west 0.25 feet; thence south
23 feet, thenco west 75 feet to the west
lino of said lot, Ihence south along the said
west lino 42 feet to the place of beginning,
owned by II II Wado
Beginning at tho northwest corner of lot 6. in
1,1k ST.Balem. Ore: thenoe east parallel to
Court street 7S foot- thence south 12 Mlfeet:
thenco east 9 40 feet, thenco south 23 33
feet, thence west parallel with Court street
75 feet, thenco north 40 tttt to the place of
beginning, owned by Wm. Kngland
Beginning at a point 32 70 feet south of ths
northwest corner (if lot 0 in hlk 32, Balem,
Ore .thenco tast r!lel with Court street
10) feet to tho alley; thence south along
tho alley 49 feet and 9 inches, thence West
txniltl with Court street 1U0 feet, theoe
81 E8
28 41
117 05
219 00
01 8
40 00
SO 68
Sl W
north 49 feet and 0 Inches to the place of
beginning, owned bir II. M. Wade.
Beginning at tho northwest comer of l"t 0, In
blk St. Balem, Oft ; tbenee east along tho
north lino of said lot to the northeast cor
ner thereof, thence south along tho east
lino it It 'eel. thence west iaraJltl to
Court street. VA leet to tho wt lino of
said lot thence north along said west line
32 75 leet to tho placo of beginning, owned
byW r lioothby
f oU 7 and 8 In Moelc St, Balem, Oregon, lbs
owner Is unknown .
IMNo 8, in blk 31, Hticm, Orouu, uwood
by It P B"hw
Lot Vo. 0 In Us II, Balm,Oro., ownod by
7 bO
IA 00
vn it
in u
I IkMiiIrs srulC UeffUtJO
IU 11
7 so
V N 7, in Uk 31, Halem, Ort.,ciwned by J.
W Crawford
jA V" t. In Uk 01, Balem, Ore , ownsd by
Carrlo M. Ogle
ytNi 1 1 Wk , Halem. Or., owiwa ly
s. .. ., .. U.. ff.l.M it I. .(..
Mrs JoMUiiee IternoUs, Mrs. Amelia
ktrsngoby.A K Hlrang. Anns U Hun
ttksr V C Awtkalar. WlMaim.
Lot a and lu Uk 80, Kalotn, Or., owned by
g Brum
UjU I and 4 In Uk 00, Haleui, Ore., owned by
Iji'stoWkW, balioi Oro.'iwuaj 'by B II'.
Ua 1 lo Uk II. hsletu, Or., onl bft.U.
Ufr aid feHb bears ,.-
UTS tlWJl.lUIn,Ort.,ijwgdby
it to
lion! ...
,Url.l. EDK.KD1,
What Is tho condition of yours? Is your hair dry J
harsh, brittle? Docs it spilt at tho ends? Has It ,
5 HI
I iMMm
lifeless appearance ? Does it Tail out wncn conibca or
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Docs your scalp Itch ?
Is It dry or In a heated condition ? If theso aro some of
SkookumRoot Hair Grower
It what tou need. IU production it cot an accident, bnt the result of (dentins
reaesrefi. Kuowletfso of, the diseases of the hair nd scalp led to tho dtscoy
iryof bow to treat t Jlem. "Skookum - contalnt neither minerals nor oils. 1 1,
lonotspyrbut.dllghtfnlly cooling and refreshing Tonic, lly stimulating
tbe follicles, U ttopt oiling hair, cures dandruff end prows cold
rlTeep the sealn clean, besltby, and tree from Irritating eropUoni. by
thouso ot itootum iil ooap. It destroys poroMMo imectt, wMch ud o I
anu asucroy ins nuir.
ir vour druffff
our druggist cannot
prepaid, on receipt ot price.
07 booth,
T. J. KRESS. .
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 90th and Cbemeketa Btrect,
Geo. Fondrich,
Best meat and free delivery.
136 Mate Street.
D'AllOY A BINGHAM. Attorneys at Law.
Rooms 1, 3 and 8, D'Arcy Building, 111
suite street. Special attention given to ousl
now In the supreme and circuit courts Of tho
state. 3U
Rl BOISE. Attorney nt law, Balem, Ore
. son. Ofllce 274 Oommerclal Btreet,
TILMON FORD, Attorney nt law, Balom,
Oregon, Ofllce up stairs In Pulton block
HJ. HiaOKU, Attorney at law,Salem, Ore
, gon. onico over Bush's bank.
I . Attorneys at law. Ofllre over Capital
National bank, Balem, Oregon.
JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney nt law, rooms
a and i, Bush bank building, Salem, Or.
BON HAM & HOLMES, Attorneys at law.
Offloeln Bush block, botwoen State and
ixiurt, on Oommerclal Btreet.
J oolleoilons mads aud promptly remitted.
Mutpby block, cor. Htato and Coranierclal
"treets unlem, llregon. B-"-tf.
YV teudent. Olllce, rooms 3
Ureycian block.
and 3 Bush-D-lB-tl
E. TOQUE, Stenographer and Tjpe-
0laDt Had dnlllnnAll VrtAWrlt Itlff O
flee but one In Oregon. Over Bush's bank,
Haiem, uregon.
CJTELLA HHEUMAN. Typewriting and
O oommerciul stenography, mom 11, Qrny
block. rirsUclass work. Rates reasonable.
DR. A. DAVId, Late 1'nst Graduate of Now
York, gives special attention to tbe din
eases of women and children, nose, throat,
tunes, ktdnevs. skin diseases and surgery.
Ofllce at residence, loi Htato street, Consulta-
t lou from m a. m snaiina p. m. i-iim
Wi. AiOlT,
Ofllce Slo Commercial street.ln Eldrldge block,
ll'sldence 470 (ininereiat street.
a llROWNK, M. D.. 1'hysiclan and rur-
cron. uiuio, niurpiiy uiejk: rusiuvucn,
i omtusrclHl street.
R.T.O HMITH, Dentlt. 82 State street
Balem. Ot egon. rinisnea nentai opera,
ons of every description, rainless opera
tions n specialty.
TR CLARA M. DAVIDSON, graduate of
JL7 womans flieaicai uiiii-go, ui rcmisyi
van'n ( mice, Bush llreymtn BUiok, Halem,
sir I)
I'Utlll, Architect, plans, specltlca
YV . IIoiih and superintendence for all
dances ol buildings.
Ofllco 200 Commercial
street, upstairs.
PnoTKorioNLODaia no. a a.o.u. w
Meets In their ball in BUite insurance
julldlng, every Wodnesdoy evening.
A. W.DKNN1B, M. V.
J, A. BKLWOOD, Recorder.
ai DAYS to
Hours QuIcker tosas0lritty! mi Kan'
Through Pullmin and Tourist SIerpersf Free
Reclining Chair Cart, Dining Cart.
J or rates and general Information call nn
W. H. HUUliBUnT, AmL p. V, A
VA Washington Ht , UorM
vhti awn nsrno
To Trade for Goods.
Vninahla tlmlier aud funn'mr landa
lo Llucilti county In tracta of 10 to 100
acreu. Will trade for Keneral ruerchau
dise. Addrewi, l'BKic & Robakll,
0 6 lm Yaquioa, ureKuti.
Hotel MoHterey.
Newport, - Ongoa.
tmkiI nn tlilleacli.two tulles noitti
or Newport on Cave Covu.n Uautlfully
bcltertKl upot, wonderful acenery, wi
balblDir, Uue urivni louurHi pouiwcuui.
er Hulitliouu. House new, room largw
and airy. nuet man mr nuimni w
Invalid. 0en all winter. 'JVruw
UiWm'M A
moderate by day or ween, iniemnnK
visitor can drop a pontal card to New
port and be met by back.
' J01l l'fXssVATKICK,
d2m VroprlHor,
supply you send direct to ns, and we JUI forward i
rower, tun per botUs I tor IA00. Boap, Wo. ,
FIRS ATeaae, itetr aor, n. .
and le-
Talce It!
Only 3 cents a day delivered at
your door.
mid Camlit1?.
P. O. Blaolc
B215K Commertlil St., Salem, Ortgos.
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty ol Upectaclw, and repairing Clonks,
Watches and Jewelry.
The House Mover.
451 Marlon Street.
Has the best facilities lor moving nnd rais
ing houses. Leave orders at Uray Uros.J or,
address Salem, Oregon.
BA-LKIVf, Oragon
l'rlvttlo work a speoiaity.
O. II. OLKM ENT, Manager.
Manufuoturor of Wagons, Car
riagea, etc
Kpttlrlna a Speoiaity.
Bhop 45 State street
S3 SHOE Hcft'Wfp.
Do j-ou wear thm7 When nt In need try ajpatf.,
est In the world.
r m tAnf
If you wnt a Una DfiESS SWL mSt In the UW
slslsi. don't oiv iQ (a 8. trv civ S3. 43.50. $4.00 er
$S Shoe. They lit eqml ta tiiifom mtdetnillofkwid
wear m well. Ifyoti w!h to eeoaomUlnyurfwtwfi
da ta by puKhaifng W. L. DeagUi 8hoi. Hm and
prlea lumped on Ihs bottom, 100 K lor 11 wnen you mj
W. Zh DOUOLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by
iwOoyoycrOaUwO owoo joliUijO j buwvt
Hair Deatb. (
inaianllv rsmnvMsnd forever dLstmy soli
Jectlonable hair, whether upon tbo hands.
lace arms or neca, wuuuuv uuuiniisiwu
nr Injury to tbo most delicate skin. It ,
was for flfty years tbe secret 'ormtiiatil,
Krasmus Wilson, acknowledged by pliysl-
clans as the highest authority ana tno
most eminent arrrnatoiogisi. ami imirspe
nioll.t t hut Mvnr lived, lhirlnir Ills nrlvuto
,',r.ilnrii a. llfivtlma imoiir the nobility
iDQ aristocracy 01 nurupa 110 yivsurivnu
this recipe. 1'rloe, II by niHlf, sejurHy
packed. Correspondence confidential, Hols
Agents lor Anieru. suurai
llenL IL 67 Houlh Filth Avenue.NeW York I
lrrvnooonononnn oo oo ooponnoo
From Termloal or Interior 1'oioU tbe
I Is the line to Ube
To all Poiiits East aad South.
it i.ii,iilnlnv ravr mate. It runs throuib
A K fl aHslU. ..,, !
wVfWCS BnyiiUUUala flPin
BR SlFM .aaaftkJK.
Wm Pacific Railroad
vestibule trains, every day In the year to
;(No change or car.)
Competed of dlnlni cars nusnrpassed,
nllman drawing woin serers
Uflalcat equff men!
Sleeping Cars.
Ilest that can be constructed and In which
avcoomtnodatldns are boUt xt and lur
nlsbed for holders of flrsl and secvud-etau
tickets, andi
A continues s Una eonnettlns; with all
lines. aHordlD? direct nud unlnUrrupt
service. ...
millnun st ro wvlon caa beee
cured In advtji'O .'j'. H any acenl 0
the road.
Through tleksts to and. from ail points
In Amerloa, Kngland and Kurope ran be
purchased al any ticket ofltoe of tHHeunv
PVttil Infornutloo eoneerulnjc .rates, tlm;
of tralns.roales and other dstalU furnl'lisl
AssUtant IHoeral lann.-r Annt, No,
pi Klrst sut, cor. WaUlnton fort
Biuw 4 Downihq, AgeaW,
Electric Lights
On Meter System.
Tlieralsm Light and Power Company ai
itreit expense bnve equipped their Electric
Light plant with the most modtrn apparatus
Hndii.eiicwoble to oiler the publlnabetlor
light that) nny svtrm nnd at a rate lower
than uny.clty on the ceit.
Arc und Incamlcsceat Light
log. Electric Meters for all
purposes wliero power is re
Hel lencea can be wired for an mnny llnhta
as desired and the consumers pay for only
such lights as are used. This being registetM
by an Klcctno Meter. Offlce
179. Commercial St.
Bays ho his not so'd oat bt
imply moved hlsshnp o th
old stand at Liberty street
Steal Wood Saw
Leavel orders at Balem Im
provement Co., K tltate street.
'1YJL ol Miioid, Dresden. U'rmnny. Vocal
Jjs oi uiviiuvu. urruiuiijr. Yi'wil
anil Instrnmentnlmusla Insiructorof French
Rooms 07, Bank Building. P-l-tf.
E. YV. HADLEY, Receiver.
Loaves fan Kranolsoo, Oct. 7th, 17th and J7IH.
Jieavos Yoqulna.Oct. Sd, 13tb,3M asd NovJTth
For freight and passenger rates appiy ( any
ant or nurser of this c-omnanv.
is. ei. muKUAiai.uHi'iaitev.
O. T. WARDLAW. T. F. & IV A.
O. M. 10 WEHU, A Kent, galom Peek.
. .... .. ... - .. .
East and South
-of the-
Southern Pacific CornpanVi
CALiroitMiA xxFnxsa thaiw nuw raily uu-
(i:5 p. in.
IMU p. in.
10:11 a.m.
ArrFttSSi a. m
Lv. I 6:Stfa.w
Lv.l 7,-OOp.m
Ban Fran.
Above trains stop nt all stations fiom
I'orlland to Albany Innliislvc: also ntTaniant
Hhedd, Ilalsey, ilarrlsburg, Junction lily,
Irving. Kus-ene und all slsUonsfrora. Ko.burg
to Ashland Inclusive.
lumttntnioM All. DAILY.
fcx) a. m. I
IH17 a. m
"M p, tn. I
Lv. I 1:40 p. m.
Lv. 7.-00.
OliiiMg msi on Ogdcn Kut
iAND -
Second Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through trains.
Vest Side DmsioBetwwi Ptftiu.
aDii Cwnllis:
T:kiu. uu
I'fclft p. m.
At Albany and IJorvallls connect
trains of Oregon PaMflo Hallroad.
4:40 p. m.
7r2S p. m.
-ToTlTanaAr. rXT.ii
McMlnnvllle Lv.l 60. ra
To all polnU In the Fnstern Btates, Canada
and Kurope can be obtained at lowest rates
from w. W. bKINNKK. Agent. Hatem.
KP.KOQKUA. AssLO. f.asatSil,jsgt
K. KOiCHLKK, Mantunr
(Merthern PaclSe R. R. Co,, Utw.)
Two Through Traini Dally.
Iflpm Utl&pm
10-ailnm ItWnm
l. Minn... a
1 mi'auiji
1 45pm 7.05pm
7.1in lOJam
I. Atbiana. a
Tickets sold and baggage chocked through
tn all rolnls In tho United btAtcs und Csiiuada.
Cloea connection made In Uliicso wKk all
trains going Kitst and Houlh.
Kor lull in Wriiiotiou apply lo yoar atsrisa
llckttageutor JAH.V.rvtm..
lien rsM.ondTkt,Aiet.,tJhkwo, IU
Sefor Ooing to Ut WwJeV" TsUf
XHlr AVt
Tbe Limited Kxpreee traltw of tba Oh
cuko, Milwaukee St. Paul BnUwavy
Utweett tit. Paul awl Cbloac) gtna
Uuiaba aud Cblrago.
Tbeae traltw are vasHtbuIed. aeaetrte
IlKbtiKl and ateaiu ateeAed, wlui tbe fln
eet IXnlng asd Bleepd Car Hcvtee lo
the world.
ThoEtfCtrlo readlnc Ikht lit
berth 14 tbe attcetiMrrul uoveliy trfth
progreeeive age, ami w Higniy 1
e.1 bv ull reKUlar uaUetMi at
We wW otbM to kwwlii maita,
the CklcaKo Milwaukee m. rui Hi
way u late only um um wee eajar
Ihk tbe tHioiswtM Mae e W faOe,.
For fun Her lnfofntWs !ppjr to
jieafeat eoimm UHst aasMst, or a4lrs
O, J. JCbdV, QsMMsnU Ajaaat, ,
J. WjQAWtY.Tistv. Vm. Ai,
I oMd by . . ... -, ; ; i;
jjJlBBiB't:itpoint on tnt uv "